HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-3-17, Page 88
Preo Samples.
Call and get R free sample of our
Native Bitters whin!l are excellent 09 a
Spring Medicine, Tonin and Blood Puri.
flet, Full paokages 250, Paoli, It will
coot you nothing to try them.
The Ladies
Will find our packages of Soap
Bark just the thing for washing Silks,
Satiny, Cashmeres, Ribbons, &c, It
dualities, brightens and makes all things
look like new. Full directions on each
package and only 5c, each,
We have also something nine and
cheap in the way of Perfume Wallets of
the flowers of
English Lavender
They are recommended to keep away
moths, have an agreeable odor and cost
you only 5o. each, Better get one or
more before allure gone.
G. A. Deadman,
Druggist, Optician & Bookseller.
Trains leave Bruasele Station, North
and South, as follows:
express 7:10 a.m. Mail •10 p.m
Hexed 9:45 a.m. Express 10:17 p.m
total fetus Items,
A. ahiel's amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
HORSE Fair on April 6th,
BUGGIES are again in use.
Tux town Band is at work.
A. 0. U. W. lodge this (Friday) even
CATTLE Bell at top-notch prices at the
anotion sales.
THE last Horse Fair of the season on
Thursday, April 61b.
BORT. MOORaoREN has taken a position
in D. 0. Rose' store.
SLmleanie is about done unless another
fall of the "beantifal" Domes,
Tne Pose subscriptions Itat oantinuee
to grow. Advertisers should make a note
of this.
thus. Mums and family will remove to
P. Ameotet farm, 12th con. of Grey, in
the near future.
A LBWS, squebble is on deck between
two Brussels M. D's that will likely
shortly come up for bearing.
MERTxee of East Enron Farmers' In-
stitute Directors this (Friday) afternoon
in the Council Chamber, Brussels.
SPRING must surely be at hand for
"Fan -dubs, boietings, &o.," has taken the
place of skating and eleigb•riding.
BRUSSELS Town Hall is engaged by a
Concert Oompany already for Fall Fair
night. Nothing like taking time by the
MISS EDITH EASTMAN hes been add.d to
the staff of A. R. Smith's (store and will
look after the dress and fenoy goods de-
R. LEATHeaDALE has completed a
Winter hearse so arranged that it nae be
transformed into an undertaker's delivery
wagon in 5 minutes.
He. CLAYTON, of Listowel, a Grand
Organizer for the Canadian Order of
Foresters, is in town this week in the
interests of the Order.
Len Friday G. A, Deadman disposed
of a Jersey cow to Rev. S. 0. Edmunds,
B. D., of Monkton. Mr. Deadman's
name is abroad in the land.
HENRY Tatum, of Brussels South, cum.
plains that be was run down by a horse
and ontter, the driver being a young lady,
who upset him in the snow, the cutter
nearly running over him.
TON shipped 2 double decked car of hogs
and a oar of cattle acid lambs from Brus-
sels on Monday and a oar of hogs from
Seaforth on the same day.
A number of responses have Dome from
the notifications we sent out as to arrear -
ages due TEE POST, We return our best
thanks and credit the amount on the
addrees label of the respective subscribers.
Messes. Oerteter & BEST have already
received and delivered two carloads of
Massey Harris machinery this season,
the eeoond oar coming last week contain-
ing drills, horse rakes, mowere and diso
harrows. /They do a big business.
ALnx. McLaocawln has purchased the
pottage and lot, on Elizabeth street, from
Jesse Wilbee and will take possession as
soon as Mr. Wilbee removes to Ethel,
This will make a very oonveuient spot
for Mr. MoLauohlin, who is the town
constable, eto.
OLo•INw TEE Saoo.—By advt. elsewhere
it will be observed tbat Samuel Walker,
h has nu a butoherin heftiness wbo g us) esg in
town for about thrse years, has olosed np
the business owing to the diffionity of
working the farm and looking after the
shop. Ha may reopen again.
IT is rumored that the G. T. R. may
take off the night train on the line or run
„tt earlier in the day. This would involve
2 days in going to and from Toronto or
other Eastern pointe. If aradical obange
is necessary why not run a train ones &
week and be done with it 7 If the 0. P.
R. comes through here Mr. Hays will
have hie whiskers beautifully trimmed,
and we don't know of any better way the
G, T. B. could help the movemeut for.
ward than the course they have been
J. W. BURGESS, of Matobwood, Mich.,
writee as follows :—Enoloeed please find
moony order for one dollar to pay my
subscription. It is slwaye berepromptly
Monday morning and reoeived with a
welcome, as we alvrays look for it to get
the latest news from home.• I suppose
yen would get some of the oold weather
we have had here this month. For nearly
2 weeks' it was between 80 and 40 below
zero,and several times took a drop to 62
and 53 below but we are getting nicer
weather now. We are looking for good
Mines in Popper mining this year in this
County.or 8- mind are- Opening a
r g n
and going to be worked ag soon as the
warm weather sate in• The Mage-hlichi•
gad consolidated, Victoria Merryweather,
Norwich and several others are within a
recline of from 10 to 20 'mile horn here 1
on the Dopper manegd; ' With beet wishes I 1
retllain, yotlr5'trtil1 .
Emma, and other matter crowded
out this week.
Biuseei,e holds the lead as a shipping
point for live stock.
Cool, l nibas Maroh 81st and Easter
Sunday on April 'find.
MEssas• CURIO & DAMES shipped a ear
of cattle from Brussels oil Thttredny.
New fines are being put iu one of the
boilers at the Etlterpriee Salt Works.
3, 11. 6PARLING fuitiated the bloyele
season for 1801) by riding a wheel on John
street on Tuesday.
A WEDDING next month i11 town.
Brands 'supplies the bride. The llth is
said to be the date.
BaxnxeTnR BLAIR and Druggist Fox
have placed upright Haintzman pianos) in
their respective residences.
Mo. McMmxnw, repreeeutiug the Tor-
onto Globe, and Mr. Wale, travelling
agent for the Toronto Mail, were both in
town last week,
OHAIBnIAN Cooeoer, of the Sohoot Board,
is looking up the lade who play truant
and handing over their names to Truant
Officer MoLauohlin,
IN setting up the program of the eater•
tainmeat, given in ibe Methodist church
last week, the name of Ruby Plum was
omitted. She recit+d "Death at the
plow" in good style.
I. 0. RICHAen.' new advt. come to hand
too late for obauge this weak, but will
appear in our next issue. 11e le meshing
the Bale of Spring goods in boots, shoes
and rubbers, and the harness depart.
011e of the pictures in last Saturday's
Torouto Globe—Rains of the Royal Ex.
change Hotel, Chatham -ie credited to
the artistic'skill of A. I. MoOall, drug.
gist, formerly of Brussels who has be.
some quite an expert et photography.
A SPECIAL train went through here on
Wedneeday evening with the hookeyiate
of Lnoknow and Wingham who played at
Listowel. A few Brusselitee went along
and witnessed the game. Wingbam won
quite handily. It was after midnight
before the train returned.
Te3lreeenee.—A public Temperance
meeting was held in the school room of
Methodist Church on Tuesday evening.
13. Gerry presided and made an appropri•
ate epeech. The program was a good
one and was as follows :-Solo, "Be care.
fill what you sow, boys," Mise Thurso
Gerry; reading, "Wise men on wine,"
bliss Jennie Howe ; excellent address
by Rev. S. J. Arlin ; solo, "'Tway rum
that spoiled my boy, "Mies Ella Ainley ;
reading, "What one boy did," Mrs. W. H.
OLD done.—Few penple have a better
collection of ancient coins and bill than
R. Leatherdale. He has added to his
stook of the latter by a bill bearing the
date April 10th, 1777, It was issued in
the State of Pennsylvania, the latter
word being water lined in the paper, and
is good for 16 shillings. The bill is iu a
good state of preservation. On one side
may be read This bill shall pass our•
rent for 16 shillings, according to an Aot
of the General Assembly of the Oom-
monweelth of Pennsylvania, passed the
20th day of March, 1777." Gu the re-
verse side is the coat. of Arms of the
State and the deterring words "To Colin.
terfeit is Death." The signatures of
McKinley and Young are very legible.
Mr. Leatherdale has also several old
books is hie possession upwards of 100
years old.
People We Know.
Geo. N. McLaren is away to Toronto,
Earnest Sperling was on the siok 1101
with la grippe.
Ernie Plum has been on thi sick list
with la grippe.
Mrs. (Dr.) Kalbfleiech has been on the
sick liab thie week.
Mrs. W F. Vaastone was under the
dootor'e oars this week.
Jno. Pelton, of Atwood, was in town
for a few days last week.
Miss Hattie Murray, of Seaforth, is
visiting Mrs. A. Ooneley.
Fred McCracken, wife and children
spent Sunday in Bluevale.
Mise Russell, of Sunshine, visited
Miss Mary Howe last week.
Kra. G. F. Blair and Wilfrid are
vieitiog ab Goderioh this week.
Mise McCracken, of Bluevale, is the
guest of Mise Clara MoOraokeu.
Kiss Rachel Porter, of Trowbridge, is
visiting her aunt, Mrs. John Ooaeley.
George Peebles will Learn the tinsmith
business with N. B. Gerry at Wroxeter.
Mise Annie Budd is visiting Miss B.
Mrs. Geo. Banker and Mre. Thos.
Hayoroft were on the sick list with grippe
last week,
Mrs. Blies and eon, of Montana, were
visiting her cousin, Miss Mary Beattie,
last week.
Fred. Rogers, of Fullerton, was viaibing
at Thos. Moore's, Brussels, for a few days
last week.
Dare. James Constable, of Seafortb, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm. Ainley, of
this plaoe.
Mrs. W. Donaldson Eoy, of Russel-
dale, is the guest of Mrs. M. EL Moore,
John street.
David Ross, sr., bas been on the Stolt
list during the past week but is getting
better again.
Misses Lizzie Leatherdale, Lizzie
Downing and Teenis Sample and Will,
Leatherdale spent several .days in Sea -
forth this week.
G. B. MoOlellan, of the Standard Bank.
had a oatoll-a0'.catch-Pan with la grippe
during the past week but is baok to hie
post as teller again.
Dr. McDonald, M, P., left on Wednee•
day for Ottawa where he will attend the
Commons which began its sessions on
Thursday of this week.
Mies Mabel Armstrong hag returned to
13rnesele to resume her position at Mies
Roddiok's millinery glare after attending
the Openings at Toronto,
A Mitchell .00rreepoudent says :—Mr.
Konig leaves tbie week for Manitoba
with some horses and stook to oommenoe
ranching for the Summar.
Mies Lizzie Sample was one of the
soloist at Belgrave Presbyterian tea
meeting on Tuesday evening. Miss Jean
MoLauohlin was. her a000mpaniet.
Mrs. O. W. Rowley, of Winnipeg, has
returned from a vigil to London and
Toronto and ie eojoarneying for a time i
with her eider, Mrs. It. L. Taylor,
Mies Ross, milliner, removed to Clinton
t11ie week where she intends going into I
business. She is a o0mp o ant hand int
thinks there is a wider field at Clinton.
THE Pose wishse her snooees.
After spending a time in City Millinery
Establishments MISS RUDDICK
wielles to intimate to the
Ladies of Brussels and
!anality that she it:
opening up a
Fine Stock of
Spring Millinery,
In Hats, Bon.
nets and Millinery
Goode. L9teet styles in
Trimming and beat Work.
matahip. f"Moderate prioee.
Call in and hoe our New Goode.
MISS nomicx.
Mrs. (Dr.) Davidson is visiting reia.
Gives at Toronto.
Mrs. J. J. Gilpin is confined to the
house wtlb a bad cold.
Mrs. R. T. Hingston is very poorly
from the effecte of la grippe.
Mrs. Sami, Beattie returned home on
Monday from her visit to Clinton,
Roland Beattie, of Wingham, was in
town on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Mise Annie Beattie returned to Clinton
last Monday after a two weeks' visit in
THE POST is pleased to see John Robb
able to be about again after his siege of
An unfortunate aoeideut happened re-
cently to Mrs, Leeoh, of Holmeaville,
sister to Dr. Bohner', of Goderioh. She
slipped on the verandah end, falling, broke
one of the bones of her left wrist.
Mre. John Shaw, of Teeewster, hag
been gaits ill with an attack of appendi-
citis but is recovering quite nicely. Her
many old friends in Brussels and locality
will be glad to hear of her oompiete oon-
al s ns)
9 e 08 . 0
Donald MuLaochlin and Ins daughter,
Mrs. Wm. Campbell, who have been
visiting bare for the past few months,
left Brussels on Saturday for Toronto
where they spent a few days before leav-
ing for Cypress River, Manitoba.
eituitWI (ARMES.
The monthly oervioe will be held in
the R. 0. church next Sabbath morning.
See the notes on the Sabbath school
lesson for next Sunday on page 3 of this
Next Sabbath evening the Epworth
League will bold its monthly Conned,
bion service.
Rev. S. J. Allis attended the funeral
of the late Bev. A. Cunningham, at Kin-
cardine, on Monday afternoon.
The Quarterly board of Hensel! Meth.
°diet obnroh asks that either of the fol-
lowing ministers be sent them this year :
—Rev. J. Holmes, Blenheim ; Rev. W.
Godwin, Goderioh ; or Rev. Mr. Graham,
Rev. 6. J. Allin will continue the series
of morning and evening sermons on
Sunday next. "Christ as Pattern and
Model," will be the morning theme ;
evening, "Jacob," the third in the series
of "Old Testament oharaotero."
A special meeting of the pastors and
lay representatives of the Methodist
cburoh, Wingham District, will be held
at Bluevale in the near fnbnre to elect
a Chairman to take the place of the late
Rev. A. Cunningham, of Kincardine.
Rev, Mr. Abey to.,k for his text last
Sunday morning Acts 1019, "Many of
them also which used ourioes arts brought
their books together, and burned them
before all men : and they counted the
price of them, and found it fifty thousand
pieoee of silver." In the evening the
topic was taken from Gal. 5 18, "For,
brethren, ye have been oalled auto liberty ;
only use not liberty for an 000asion to the
flesh, but by love serve one another."
The Guelph Advocate of last Saturday
Bays :—At the Primary S. S. Teachers'
Union last night a very able essay on
"The child as a worker," prepared by
Mies Mamie D. Ross, primary teacher of
Melville church 8 S., Brussels, was read
by Miss Ada MnOandlese, The many
points were productive of aseietanoe to
all engaged in primary work, and very
much appreotated by the Dumber of
teachers present. The Secretary was
incarnated to convey the thanks of bhe
Quton to Miss Roes. The lesson "Christ
healing the blind man," was suooessfully
taught by Mies A. Girdwood. Next
Friday evening Alfred Day, general
Secretary for the Province, will address
an open meeting in the basement of
mer a cit
ttoh at 8 o'clock
Rev. Andrew Ounningham, pastor of
the Methodist obnrnh, Kincardine, died
Friday morning, after a severe illnese,
lasting several months. He leaves a
widow, daughter of the late Rev. Dr.
Rios, general superintendent of the
Methodist church in Canada ; three eons
and two daughters. For thirty five years
deoeased had been actively engaged fn
the ministry, during which he had filled
some of the most important etatione in
the Province, inolnding London, Galt,
St, Marys, Hamilton, Stratford, `Guelph,
Orangeville, Mitchell and Kincardine.
In 1898 he was honored by being elected
President of the Guelph conference, and
at the time of hie death was Chairman of
this district of the London c0nferenoe,
Deceased wail in his 55th year, Inter.
went was made io the Kinoardtne ceme-
tery en Monday afternoon. A service at
the parsonage was oondneted by Rev.
John Learoyd and Rev. Joseph Edge. A
public service was held, afterwards, in
the church, presided over by Rev. Walter
Rigsby, President .of the oonforence.
Brief and appropriate addressed were de•
ivered by Rev. Dr, Hannon and Rev, 3,
W. Holmes. Revs, Messrs. Millyard,
Allis, Rogers and Garbutt also took part
n the services. Other ministers and
elands who attended dad the funeral were
neva, Masers, Clement, Failte, Whiting,
Baker, Pomeroy, Swann, Brown, Leech
nd Stewart and I, Hord, of telitobdl.
The family base the sincere sympathy Of
the many who knew the husband and
Whet as one of the truest and bast of
S. W. Laird, of Ingersoll, formerly of
Brussels, who was injured in en toeident
at the G.' T. R. crossing in the former
plane some time ago, wag down town on
Satdrdsy, Saye the Chronicle.
MAR, 17, 1899
A London rentor dtep,ted a laborer's
bill and then broke hie ribs,
"Self Mitetery" will be the topic at
Melville Endeavor next Sabbath evening.
lilies Maggie IlleNaugliton was elected
vios Preahlent of the Epwortl] Longue in
phtow,.aco of Mem 1.,311r,1 Peebles who is out of
The annual Oounty Sabbath School
and Christian Endeavor Oonvention will
be held in Exciter on June 20 21.
Rev. J. 13. Maar, D. D., has died at
Huntingdon, Quebec, from pneumonia,
aged 60. Ile was for 10 years in °barge
of Presbyterian churches at Lindsey and
at Sabbath morning Rev, S. J. Atlin
dieocurced Matt. 4 25. The 'subject watt
divided as follows 1—(1) The pereonality
of Jesus ; (2) The occasion of Hie
ministry ; (8) A great message. "Lot"
was the topic in the evening. I., Lot's
°bolo°, (1) It was selfish; (2) Ib was
shortsighted ; (8) It was made without
consulting God ; (4) It was a choice first
toward and afterward into Sodom. II.,
The results of the choice, (1) Finanoial
ruin ; (2) Moral ruin.
Rev. John Roes, B. A„ took for hie
subject last Sabbath morning, "The
Employments of Banyan," Rev. 22:8,
"And Hie servants shall serve Him." The
Heavenly life will not be one of dreamy
bappineee but than be marked by great
activity, (1) There will be the 8519100 of
worship of which praise will form the
largest part ; (2) There will also be the
service of working for Him. At the
evening service the subject was "A Royal
suppliant," Psalm 57'7, "Wash me."
The supplication was characterized by
(1) Great simplicity ; (2) Great suitabili-
ty ; (3) Great self abhorrenos ; (1) Great
sorrowfulness, Subject next Sunday
morning will be "The Grandeur of the
Heavenly life."
Brussels Hylton! hoard.
The regular monthly meeting of Brus-
sels Public 6ahoot Board was held in the
Board room on Friday evening. All the
members present, Mr. Conley in the
chair. The minutes of the last regular
meeting were read and passed. Tha fol.
lowing accounts were read, and on motion
of D. 0. Ross, seconded by J. G. Shane
were ordered to be paid :—
John Cousley, 31 oords wood, at
91,85 S 41 85
11.10. Rose, postage, te'egraphing
and advertising 2 87
Geo, Edwards, moulding and
querterronnd at base of waiu•
soolting 5 25
P. Alveoli, 30 oords wood at 91,85 40 50
Moved by W. Be Vaoeloue, seconded
by Jas. Turnbull that the Board borrow
the gum of 9150.00 for three months to
pay teachers' salaries.—Oarried. Moved
by J. G. Skene, seconded by Wm. Blas -
hill that the auditors' statement be writ-
ten and posted up in the postofece.—
The Board thea adjourned.
G. T. It. and C. P. R.
To the Editor of TEE Pater :
Mr Dian Sxo.—I want to call your at-
tention, and that of your readers to two
things which I consider to he of great
importance. The first is a great fact—
the wonderful railway accommodation
afforded this section of our ocuntry. Ae
a sample, a man wants to go by rail to
Bluevale, 7 miles, or to Wiugham, 4 miles
further, to accomplish whin! will only
take two days. Or take another case :—
He wants to go to Belgrave, to go by rail,
only 16 miles, but to get there and back by
the G. T, 11 will take 3 days. What an
advantage that is to men of business,
whose claims are so great and whose
time is so precious •
Then again, as to the mails, it is not
an uncommon occurrence for the mail
train to be 1 and 2 hours late, and some
times more. Now, the people thus used
are the people who have paid hundreds of
thousands of dollars to build the 'road.
Is bhere no redress for such a state of
things. We say yes 1 or there should
be, and this brings rue to the second
point, namely :—
Let the whole community rise up in
their might and do all in their power to
get the 0. P. 11. to run their line from
Guelph to Goderioh. As I eee ib, it is in
every way very desirable and of very
great advantage to the whole country,
and especially the part through which it
would pass. It is hardly possible to have
a line more direct from Goderioh to
Guelph, Toronto and points East ; start.
ing from Goderioh, to Auburn, Blybh,
Brussels, Ethel, Trowbridge, Listowel,
em, Hoping soon to see a work so neves•
eery and desirable brought about, I am
Brussels, Mardi 16th, 1899.
Business Locals,
Glover and Timothy seed at McCrea.
Clinton and Timothy seed.
Banker & Vaastone.
Two good working horses for sale at lot
27, con. 7, Morrie, Wu, Aernoi, 53.
A few kegs of lake herring to exobange
for wood. Apply at Ballantyne'e grocery,
Wanted—Butter 16-17e, A ton of
feathers, dried apples abd raw furs.
G. E. Kum, Wingham.
Ronald Fire Engine Works wish to
purchase 100 to 200 oorde of wood, four
feet long—hard or soft—green or dry,
early delivery.
JusT received large stook, Boys' knee
pante all sizes from four years to fifteen
years old. A. R. Smith, Snooeasor to
Smith & McLaren, Cash and one price
MILLen,—In Grey, on March 16th, the
the wife of Mr. Robb, Miller of a son.
DENsTEDT.—In Blyth, On Marsh 2nd, the
wife of Mr, F. V, Denetedt, of a eon.
MoGowon.-In !chat Wawanosb, on
March 2nd, the wife of Mr. Wm,
McGowan, of a eon (stillborn.)
M°Ane ii—Mteran. — At the mange,
Blyth, on Mardi 011, by Rev. A.
McLean, Mr, John F. MOArter to
Mies Jane L., daughter of Mr, Thos.
Miller, both of Morris,
00N , n0'
NI�a f. At the hletihodiebarson.
area, Kincardine, on Friday, pMetal
10th, Rev, Andrew Cunningham,
aged 50 years.
Heuxntac,--On Sutlday, March 126h, at
hie late reeideooe, Wharnoliffe Read,
London, Thos. loritage, formerly
of Grey, aged 74 years,
STt4XD,IIRD B./1XK 01! C./1ArelD,z,
aSTAE7:.,xsnoo 10'79.
CAPITAL PAID UP (One Million Dollars) • 91,000,000
RESERVE FUND . 91)00,000
.agencies in all principal pofatte in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States rI Enpiand,
A REASib`'dl"dlrEii' MUAvtrne %
A General Banking Business Transacted. Fermore' Notes Disoonnted.
Drafts Issued and Collections made on all pointe.
Interest allowed on deposits of 91,00 and upwards,
Every facility afforded Customers liviug at a dietaooe.
J. N. GORDON, Acxxoo Ziemer.
TUESDAY, MAR= 21.—Farm Stook, int •
plementa and household furniture. Si
Lot 6, Con. 12, Grey. Sale unreserved,
at 1 p. m. Juo. Mitchell, prop. F. S.
Simla, sue,
TUESDAY, MARCH 28TH.—Lot 11, Oon.
14, MoKillop. Farm stoop, implements,
household furniture, &c. Sale, unreeerv-
ed, ab 1 o'elook. John McLaughlin,
proprietor, F. S. Scott, auctioneer.
Two Cows for sale, 1 in calf and the
other Faarow. Apply at Let 20, Oou. 7, Grey,
or to MRS. ALEX. 0ONNON,Etho11,0,
Lose.—A tan colored fox hound. Any
information leading to bis recovery will be
thankfully resolved, ALLAN LAMONT, 7th
eon., Grey; A. P. EMBURY, 8rd lino, Morris.
DEn0IGNE0 has bad 810,000 placed 1n
his hands to loan on mortgage, farm secur-
ity. Payment to suit borrowers
Apply to W. H. HEOR11, Brussels.
xxG Maobine, Organ or Piano eau be
supplied by applying to me for I nm not out
of the business as some have tried to report.
I will deal with you se reasonable as any.
28- T. MOOR14, Brussels.
on Mill street, Brussels, The house
is a comfortable one, well Mod up, with
cellar, hard and soft water, &c, There is
also a good stable. Fruit trees io garden •
over one•quarter acre of land. For price,
terms, &o., apply to E. FINN, Proprietor,
or W. H. EERR, of Tun POST, 18.11
Splendid Blank Stallion, "Dexter Re.
veuge," stands 109 hands high and weighs
1,000. Sired by Royal Revenge," out of
''Old Clear Grit." Sure foal getter. For full
partloulars apply to JOBN HOLLINGER,
Lot 10, Oon. 0, Grey. Bsusools P. 0,
Dissolution of Partnership,
Notice is hereby given that the partner-
ship heretofore existing between the under.
segued under the firm name of Smith & Me -
Laren is dissolved, dating from March 1st,
1890, All claims against the said firm will
be paid by A.R. Smith, who will also o 1loct
all assets of the said firm.
Dated at Brussels this 10111 day of March,
Derlroxav will boon for service on
Lot 5, Cons,10 end ll, Groy, a thorn' bred
Durham bull, with registered pedigree, Also
a registered Yorkshire boar, from J, 01,
Bretbour'e World's Fair stook. Terms, 81 00
to be paid at time of service, with privilege
of r81 -3m gi 0155.9 8110ZELL, Proprietor.
do rho TOwnahlp of (.rev, In Mr
('0111113' of 1hu'"n,
Pursuant to the directions contained In
the last will and testament of Thnmaa Wood-
burn, deceased, there will be offered for sale
by puulle auction, by Finlay Stewart Scott,.
Auctioneer, at the AME1t10AN HOTEL in
the VILLAGE 010 BRV9SELS, in the Conn-
tyof Huron, on
Saturday, March Twenty -Fifth, A.D. 18119
at two o'clock in the afternoon, the following
valuable farm property, viz, :—The North
half of lob 11 in the Sixth concession of the
Township of Grey, containing 00 nm'ea of
land more or less. Phis Yarm Is situated 9
miles from the Village of Brussels and
miles from the Village of Etba! and is con-
venient to church and school, lfhe soil is a
good elayloam and le all cleared and iu a
good state of cultivation, The property is
well feuded with rail feooee. There is a
small house and stable on the premises and
a small orchard.
Tena[a of SALE,—Ton per coot. 0'r the per -
abase n Duey on the clay of sale and the bal-
ance within thirty dlYs thereofter. Further
p own on t and 09 sale
wall be had
on the o day of dale or may be had on
application to the undersigned,
Dated at Brussels, 6th day of March, 1809.
EG. F. BLAIIR, Brussels, Solicitor.
1 INC, Let 20.10 9 Col. 0, Morris township,
containing 98 acres of first-class land. There
is a house, barn, orchard and good ware-
house, and farm is well feuded, 'There are
80 acres in Fa11 wheat ; 36 acres in hay and
40 acres pasture, Possession could be given
at once. Perm adjoins the village of Brus-
sels. For further particulars as to price,
terms, &o., write 10 JAMES LIVINGSTON,
M, P., Baden. 22-tf
Consisting of the South t nod South 9
of the North t of Lot 80, Oon 2, (Oast Wawa -
nosh. Title is an excellent stook farm ,being
well supplied with good spring water. Itis
situated about 8 miles from the thriving 911.
Inge of Blyth. A large part of Itis under
grass. Buildings and fences aro in afalr
state of repair. Easy terms of payment will
be given. For all information apply to
11 -ti G. P. BLAIR, Barrister, /truants.
Wall Paper „Again.
How quickly the seasons Dome and
go but we are always ready for them.
Our new stook of Wall Paper is all in and
when we say that it is not only the finest
range but also the very beet values we
have ever shown we mean exactly what
we gay. Drop in and see if tbie is not
Fox's Drug Store.
43 acres, the South Bast corner Lot 29,
Oen. 7, Morris. France booed, stable and or•
chard, For further particulars apply to B.
GE14RY, Brussels. 66.4
SALE, Lot 10, Con, 0, Grey. 12 feet of
0 touches the river. Immediate possession.
For prise, terms, iia. apply be
19- THbB, M'OORE, Brussels.
deralgned offers his farm, West Half
Lot No. 10, pen. 4, Grey, containing 00 acres,
more or loss. For partlaulars ao to price
and terms apply to
A1t0H, 0013ERTSON,
Brussels P. 0. on the premises,
The undersigned offer two 100 acre
farms for sale a t reasonable prioee• The Ints
are Nos. 10 and 11, Ooa, 6 (Sunahieo), the
sideroad between them. Good brick house
and barn on lot Il, and house and 2 barns ou
lob 10, Orchards and all necessary conven-
iences. Well watered and suitable for grain
or grazing. 100 cures now in grass. W11l be
sold either separate or together to suit pur-
chaser. Terme of payment reasonable. Iur-
mediate possession. For further particulars
apply 1050805010 OLOIGG, Bruasele P, O., or
17. L. i1IUIIINSON, Barrleter, Wingham, 111
Have recently taken good situations and
four positions remain unfilled. The very
beet buoinese firma throughout the ooun•
try employ our graduates. In fair com-
petition our graduates/are nearly always
chosen. Our buoinese course is filled with
praotioal points. We teach real business
—no imitation or nonsense. Our Short•
band Course is in charge of experts.
'Enter now. Oiroulars free.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
Successor to
Terms Cash, and One Price Only.
hat will Yr w Vii. eed
en Sprin . .(miles 3
There is nothing so good as forethought—It's a sign of thrift and good
management. It is almost a necessity to prosperity. Some nations practice it—they
win in war. Some governments practice it—they win in diplomacy. Some people
practice it—they are the prosperous people, we all know them. We can daily point out,
dozens of them buying what they know they will want and can get better at the present
moment than later on when crowds are thicker and all bent on the same errand.
Dress Goods,
Shirtings and Denims
You will thank us heartily for urging you to make your purchases as early as pos-
sible this season in particular, for every species of Dry Goods is rising rapidly in price.
There is a complete stock to pick from at different prices from 12ic, to $1.10 per
yard• There are some exquisite designs in wool in what is known as the 3 -ply. Caret.
The wool is long and strong. They will wear splendidly. p
We are proud of our Dress Goods Stock, The colors are Browns, Fawns, Greens,
Greys, Blues and a good stock of Priestly's Black Dress Gbods.
Terms Cash and One Price Only.,