HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-3-17, Page 5MAIL 17, 1899 BUSINESS CARS. MONoon)EY Ti?LOANTT, AIirFCnaaoG la, 1'EIb , ,, BCO 1�`j • II, MoCRAOK N, I000rerofal:arrlageLleennos, O81eo atthis Grocery, luruborry ntl'aot, Brusaele, ' N.l3ARRETT, L 1•L lonnolialArtist. Shop -Next door North of the Standard Bang. Ladies' and o bi Wrous Lair eu tting a epuolalty, MISS JEAN M'LAUCHLIN, -TEACHER OF - PIANO - AND - ORGAN, :Szxv^.^, ,1o✓L1.', 02Tx', R0i3ERT CUNNINGHAM n`7881 UN01, FIRE" AND MARINE. GUELPH. T. FLETCHER Issue; of Marriage Licenses, OFFmn AT JEwnTaY STORE. 1'No Witneso Required. T. FLETCHER, Brussels MI88 SARAH LEWISE MOORE, L. O. M., Aondanlio graduate of London Conserva- tory of Music, 10 prepared to metre a limit- ed number of pupils for instruction on the Memo. Walton -Monday, Tuesday' Smola-Wednesday, Thursday; Seatortli-Priday, Saturday. Qualified to prepare pupila for the Principal's Farm iu the Conservatory of Music, ALES. IIUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth D vision 0onr Co, Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public Land, Loan and Insure louoo Ag gut, Funds ad and to an. 0ollectioue made bMne OIBae /n Graham's Block, Brussels AUCTIONEERS. AHUNTER, LICENSED AUC' q Tmruma. Money to loan. Furors to sell. S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - nun, will sell for better prions, t0 better men in ass time and loss oha0ge0 than any other Attottoneer in Rost Sumo or he won't charge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged at this otlioe or by personal application. VETERINARY. D. WARWICK, eJ • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Uollogo, is prepared to treat all diseases of do fhostianted animals In a oom- toveterinary dentistry.etent manner.n lar calls promptlattntion y' at- tended to. Offioo and infirmary -Four doors north of bridge 'rurnborry at., B011000 s. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. M. SINCLAIR, BARRISTER Y' Y • Solicitor, Uonveyanoer,No taryPub- Iio, &a. chine-Vaustoco's Block, 1 door north of Central Roto Solicitor for the Standard Bank. F. BLAIR, • BARRISTER, Solicitor, &o. (late of Gerrow & Proudf0ofe O11loo, Goderioh.) Oilloe over Gillies & Smith's Bonk, Brussels. Money to Loan. 47 t G. U AM9°N0 1�)a�t •1 of QameaOn 11018 & 1 Cameron . (Formal y Ot.Oil) Barrister and Boddie;1,,OpGoderioh, Out. Offioo-llnmilton 8t„ Opposite Col borne Hotel. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, M, D., 0. M„ Trluity Univoreity, Fellow Trin- ity Medical College, Member College of Phy- eioiaua and Surgeons, Out. Licentiate of the Itoy'al College of Physicians and Licentiate of Midwifery, Edinburgh. ra'1'eleplroue 00,14. ReefdYone°, Mill 81,, Bruesets. E. T. SNIDER, M. D., 0. M., euooessor to Dr. A. Molelvey, Licentiate of Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Eiugston ; Member of the 001 - lege of Physioinne and Surgeons of Ontario. Diseases of woman and children a specialty. Eight years' experience.l -01Boe and res- idence that formerly occupied by Dr:IDfo• Iielvoy,Tulvberry street, Brussels, 20- M, ARMSTRONG, M.B., M.D., M.C.P.S.O, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUCHEUR, ETO. Special attention given to diseases of the Throat and Lungs and diseases of Women and Children, 10121DENCE-WALT ON, ONT. D8. F. I4. KALDFLEISCH, PHYSIOxAN, 0700100N AND AC0070n0Un, SUCCESSOR TO DR. W. GRAHAM. BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO. 1st plass Honor Graduate of tho Univorei- tree of fiduity (Toronto), Queen's Megaton), audofTrinity Medical 0allege ; bellow of Trinity Medical Oollogo and member of the (3311000 of Phyoia(ane and Surgeons of.Ontar- io. Post Graduate Course in Detroit and Ohioago,1800, Special attention paid to dis- eases of Eye, Isar, Nose and Throat, and ills- 000o6of women. r0`Onneultattou fu Eng- lish and German. Telephone at residence. IMPROVED YORKSHIRE BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will keep for eelwioe on Lot 20 Con. 0, Monis, the 111or0'-bred Im- proved Yorkshire Boar, "Oak Lodge Long- fellow," No, 2400, bred by 3, 01. lirotho0a, Bur- ford, to which limited ember of flown will be talion. Torme, 81.00, to be paid at time of service with privilege of returning if nec- essary. A. number of choice yyoung.0owe for Salo for breeding purposes which will bo sold at prices to exit the thins. 21- 1001ST. NICHOL, Proprietor. Bofors. A.ftor, r �.. �vAoa s n001ilxodl11e, Vic 310eat JAtplfala Non". Sold and recommended by al druggists in Canada, Only rell able 7104101370 4iseuve1'ed. Si* Packages ()comical to euro all :orinel of Sexual Wenknoas, all effects of 01)&1 ' 31 excess, Mortal worry, 1100800170 Use of TO, Cacao, Opium or Stimulants, Mailed 00 re0elpi >1 price, one pPaao�kago 91, six, 50. Otuul Of/I I/teaao, iattitloWho WoodlCompany,Wiindsor,Out Sold 1h DDragglet if ool seillle 10 Opt otian, 10i5ittct Faro. IA' o;rawl ch. [Intended for last week.; Two sleigh Ioads of young people went to Ha(11831u on Monday night to have a skate. The attendance at the different ohurehoo was very elim on Sunday owing to the severe etnrm, Organizer Alliu, of the A. 0, U. W., left hero on Saturday morning, The Weal lodge added seven to their num• her as a result of his labors, They have bright proopeets of adding mere. Miss Meggie John.ton is very 111 with appendicitis. She fe improving slowly, bot le not otrt of danger. She le under the care of a local doctor. A Brussels medico was oallod in for oonealtabion. Bev, Wilmot Mahood. of Webster City, Iowa, eldest eon of the poetmaeler of F ordwioh, has undergone an operation in a Chioago hospital for nppendioibio. He is recovering and is expected to arrive home in a few days. Cibtavvie- [Intended for last week.] Wm. Mose shipped a Targe consign- ment of harness to Manitoba, G. W. Walker was in Brantford last week attending the High Court of the Canadian Order of Foresters. It -v. A. 13. Demill, manager of Demill'e Ladies' College, St. Catharines, spent a few days in this vioinity in the inter. este of the college. Another of Howiok'e most respected citizens was caller across the dark river on Friday night, 24111 ult., in the person of Dire. Jos, Galbraith, of the 14th oon. Her remains ware interred in the Gorrie cemetery on Sabbath afternoon. Ths funeral cortege was a large one. The many friends of Harry Young, of 711 Maitland street, London, will be sorry to hear of hie death which took place oa Thursday morning 23rd ult. The deceased oontrscted a cold about 3 months ago, which settled on his lunge and canoed bio unlooked for death. Harry, who was only 20 years of age, was a great favorite, and ilia death is a shook to all. Deceased was the youngest son of Jae. Young, formerly of Gorrie. E3L.'th. During February 98 tickets were sold at Blyth station for Clinton and 54 for Wingbam. Ex -Reeve N. H. Young has been off duty with an attack of la grippe but is getting all right again. John Wilford went to Barrie, last week where be attended the Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario West. Alfred P. Stewart, eon of Mre. George Stewart, of Blyth, was married in Von• comer, B. C., on February 14'11, to Miss Effie A. McLeod, of Ripley. Dr. Perdue, Fred. Toll and John Den- holm left Blyth elation on Tuesday after. noon, of last week, with two care of horses for the Manitoba markets. Rev. Walter Rigsby was at Kinoardioe on Monday conducting the funeral cer- vi e over the remains o e • r os v # Rev. Dir. Oun gingham, Methodist minister, who died last Friday. The sale of milk routes of the Blyth Cheese dt Butter Co., took place at the Commeroil hotel, Blyth. The purchasers Were J. E. Taman, James Jackson, John Agan and Wm. Kuhns. Onrr.-Much sympathy is extended to Hugh McQuarrie and wife, owing to the sudden death of their eldest daughter, Mary,which sad event occurred at Tor. onto on Sunday forenoon, Feb, 26. De• ceased had been employed in Toronto for the past three months. On Sunday morning she stepped into the house of a neighbor of her boarding houee and while engaged in conversation fell tor. ward from the uhair striking the Boor with ber face. Two dootore were at once sent for but life was extinct before their arrival, neuralgia of the heart being the cause of death. Her remains were brought to Blyth by the Tuesday after- noon train and the funeral toots place from her father's residence on Wednes- day afternoon to the Union cemetery, many friends and citizens turning out top ay their last respects to the deceased toY• Bismarck's Iron Nerve Was the reenit of hie splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels are out of order. If you want theee (polities and the success they bring, use Dr. King'e New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25o. al G. A. Deadman'a drug store. Wroxeter. Linteuded for last week.] Geo. Crisp paid Mre, C. W. Andrews a visit on Tuesday last. Misses Jean Davidson and Cassie Her- rin have returned from the Millinery Openings in Toronto. On account of the snow storm Rev. J. B. Kennedy was unable to attend to his Belmore and Salem appointmente on Sunday last. Dr. Ball woe in town on Monday and Tuesday. He has worked up a large bueinees by his line work on teeth, He (tomes firet Monday and Tuesday of each month to the Gofton House, Wroxeter horse Fair will be held on March 15th. Last Fair wee a good one and this one is expected to be better than ever, as a number of buyers for Manitoba and Liverpool are expected to be present. Mies Jennie Miller hag returned to Goderioh, where she will put in another term at the millinery bueineso, Mies Jean should make a good milliner ae ber taste ain't all in her mouth by any moons, Who would have Imagined any one thought as much of a oent as this 7 A party wont into a certain hotel and Eek ed for the stationery traveller who was in this village with his samples, but the traveller wee out and be had to wait a few minutes. The drummer name in presently, and being aeltsd by the party to have a look at his samples, the travel- ler, thinking he was going to have a stroke of business, asked him to have a cigar. This being done, they went into the sample room. Presently the hotel keep- er was called into tbo room and Was rather surprised when the traveller told flim that the farmer wanted to buy R soribbling book as he thought be could get it cheaper from )Tim than at the drug store. Lie meat think the druggists ore robbere, but, however, he found out that that is the plane he had to buy hie Woke. Yob Who read 'titre will think it rather exaggerated, but it is a fact. Ben. Pries is alai ting 0 laundry bnei• 33018 In Listowel, We wish hien 13101001. An intense noise wag heard in this part of the country ou Monday 0130720031 about 4.80 o'olook, reeertlbling 7120(1 the noise made by the explosion of a boiler in a mill, but the oauee has not yet been found out, 'Whether it was an eleetrio shook in the air or an explosion is as yet unknown, Gibson Bros. ehipped , car loads of maple blooke to Liverpool last week and are shipping 4 more this work. The hands at the Saw mill 0lrock for higher Within, hot owing to the small number it was rather a foothill piece of buoioeso, and their planes are now filled by now hands. There Me been no 00083(on to pall the police force out yet, and not mnoh -sign. Carodeivieit. The deaths in Goderioli from New Year's until March 9 numbered thirteen, more than has beau reoordod in a like period for many years, A petitiou, signed by over seventy millers of Western Ontario, has been forwarded to the Ottawa Government, praying that the harbor of Goderioh be deepened ae speedily as possible to adroit the largest grain vessels now trading in the upper tattoo. The petition recites that under such an improvement Goder- ioh would beoome headquarters for the manufacture of Boar, both for home oon• gumption and for export to Europe. Leatlbtar v. John MoLaughl(n will have ht+ sale of farm stook and household effects on March 10th. Isaac Bolton has Started np business on hie farm on the 14311 line. We are glad to hove I!'ir, Boltou for neighbor. Bob Munn, the celebrated blacksmith, has bought a shop in Beachwood. The people in that locality will find Bob a No. 1 mechanic. Chao. Case, the popular young con- tractor, has secured several contracts for next Summer. He purpoeee giving all hie attention this year to the framing business. Wm. Glass and family have moved to Wingham. At hie auction eats there woe a large attendance and things Bold well. Cows brought as high as $48 ; yearlings, $23, and other things in proportion. Mies Annie McNabb left for Cypress River, Man., on Saturday, ab which place she has friends living. She pur- poses remaining there thio Bummer. We hope,ehe may have a pleasant time in the West. The Sewing Oirole held at Mr. Stites was well patronized, and $7.00 were made. The proceeds were used in buy- ing a chair for the pulpit at Bethel. Another is expected at Mr. Haokwoll'e in the near future. Volcanic Eruptions Are grand, but Skin Eruptions rob life of joy. Bnaklen'e Arnica Salve aures them, also Old, Running and Fever Sores, Ulaere, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burne, Soalde, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile Mire on earth. Drives out Peine and Aohee. Only 25cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by G. A. Deadman, Druggist. c re:P. [Additional Grey on page 1.] School, Rmro0T.-The following le the report of B. 8. No. 9, Grey. The names are arranged in order of merit. -Sr. 4th. -Lawrence MaN t oaltt Bessie Oliver Verne MoNaught, John McKay. Jr. 4111. -Lorenzo Bray, Elia MoNaught, Hattie Fraser, Russel Robertton. Sr. 8rd.- Willie Harrison, Norma Sperling, Ethel MoN0nght. Jr. Srd.-Willie Mann, Frank Harrison, Olive Oliver. Sr. 2nd. -Wilbur Bray, Larry MoNaught, George Minn, Henry McKay, Norman MoNaught, Willie Mann, Wesley MoNaught. Jr. 2nd. -Maggie Mann, Robbie McKay. Part II.- Wiunie MoNaught, Alfred Maohan. Mees N. J. ISBIeTla, Teacher. The following item taken frgm "The Province," Vanoouver, 13. O., refers to a neige of Alex. MoDunald, 4111 oon., of Grey :-Jean Isabelle, youngest and dear. ly beloved daughter of D. J. and Mre. MoDonald, passed p0330011313)' away on Sat- urday afternoon, Feb. 181b, aged 8 years and 9 months, the deceased having suf- fered from ieert weakness, induced by inflammatory rbenmatietu. The funeral took place Monday afternoon from the family residence, 1,065 Burrnrd street, Rev. E. D. McLaren officiating. Mr. and Mre. McDonald desire to express their appreciation and hearty thanks to their many friends for their sympathy and kindness iu their bereavement. The many floral offerings were gatefully re- ceived, the lovely wreath from St. Andrew's church junior Y. P. B. C. E., of which deoeaeed was a; member, being especially appreciated. Samoa Rxoony,-The following is the report of S. S. No. 1, Grey, for the month of February :-P. 8. Leaving. - A. 0. adder, 495 ; W. J. Armstrong, 482 ; J. Farquharson, 832 ; C. Arm- strong, 824 ; L. Bloke, 173 ; A. Switzer, 182. Sr. 4th,, -A. V. Armstrong, 581. ; G. Bielby, 681 ; R. Davidson, 473 ; A, McKay 128, Jr. 4110.-D. Davidson, 208 ; J. Bielby, 285 ; N. Fraliak, 228 , A. Bedford, 214. Sr. 3rd. -TI. Hollin- ger, 280 ; W. Switzer, 282 ; A. Dickson; 228 ; E. Blake, 208 ; 13. Ronde, 195 ; G. Blake, 171. Jr. 8rd.-Frank Davidson, 260 ; L. Diolteon, 245 ; B. Davidson, 285 ; T. Bielby, 228 ; J. Hoggard, 198 ; A, Oakley, 119 ; M. Cardiff, 112 ; W. Stevenson, 80 ; W. Glaeeier, 89, Sr. 20d. -G. Dark, 227 ; W. Farquharson, 180. Jr. 2nd. --M. Hoggard, 171 ; Alf, Glassier, 158 ; 13. Dark, 108 ; Annie. Glassier, 98 ; A. Gordon, 50. and Pt. - L. Blake, 143; J. Stevenson, 80 ; E. Oakley, 84. Sr, let, -Jae. Dlokson, 182 Jno. Diolteon, 158. Jr, lat.-Florence Oakley, Borne Craig. The teacher would like if the parents would see that the obildren attend more regularly in future. A day at )home throws a child book for almost a week. S. R. Canna, Teaober. Ilnott ALASKA. -The following ie the subetanoe of a letter lately reoeived from Peter McNeil, Son of John MONeii, 14th con„ which will be of interest to hie many friends in this township 1-8inoe I lost wrote to you I have left Vancouver and have arrived safe in Alaska. The boat I cable en woe a poor affair, and it Ivan very mn011 crowded with paseengere, and to add to our di000mfnr8 we had about 60 doge for company oleo. Tho board also Wes of a very poor quality. Skagooy is a very fine town and thinge are nearly as cheap as they are ill Van. waver. I am at present working en the TIDE BRUSSELS POST c Now for Bigger Business 1 We have never had snob a gond February trade 0e the month just closed, and we are all the more pleased bemuse every day we are winning now (Heeds who have not been aoouetomed to snob excellent goods for the money, nor have they had suoh eatiefaction in buying as they experienoe here. But while hardness has been univereally brisk we feel that greater possibilities are before us, that this store's usefulness oan bo extended to a larger degree, that people may profit by our unequal- led buying and soiling facilitieo. This is the pans we set for next week ;- - •Lace Curtains, 271 yard+ long, 27 in. wide, regular 2131 per pair, for 20e. -Lice Mashie, 2i yards long, 32 in. wide, new patterue, taped edgoe, special 35o. - Lace Curtains, 811 yardo long, 64 inches wide, toped edges, now patterns, worth 51.25 for $1. -Fine Nottingham Ourtaine at 51.50, $2 and 2.50. -Art Muslin, bordered, worth 8e, for 50. --Art Muslim, very special at 100, 12o and Lis. - Golden Draperies, new patterns, worth 12io, for 10e. -Art Denims In five p0tter00, at 180. --Chenille Curtains, in green, ordinal and fawn, worth $4, for 53.50. - Grey Cottons, yard wide, worth 4o, for 20. -White Cotton, 37 inches wide, eoft finish, 5o. -Londeodale Cambric, very fine, worth 14e, for 12710. -Flannelette, in fanoy stripes and cheeks, worth 4 c, for 81o. - Heavy Flannelette, yard wide, fanoy colors, worth 12p, for 10d. -New Prints, wide and heavy, worth 120 for 100, CASH AND ONE PRICE. railway, about 15 miles into the moun- tains. 11 hi about 8,000 feet above the sea. The snow is very deep, about 30 feet in some places, and it causes a lot of work. We work 9 hours a day and get 36 Dents per hour and we pay 51. a day for board. I think I will stay here nntil the snow goes away nod then I will go to Attila, which is 50 miles from here. All the talk in this country is gold. I don't mind the oold very much, though it is intense at times. I oontraoted a cold while on the boat and it seems hard to get rid of. I saw Alex. Steyart before I left, and be is coming here before long. Itcalarlcahle hexene. Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plainfield, III„ makes the etntement, that she caught oold, which settled on her lungs ; she was treated for a month by her physician, butgrew worse. He told her she was a hopeless victim of 0oneumption and that uo medicine could cure her. Her drug• gist suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption ; she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself bene. fitted from first dose. She continued its use and after taking six bottles, found herself sound and well ; now does her own housework, and is as well as she ever was. -Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery at G. A. Doadmao's Drug Store. Only 50 oeuts and 51,00, every bottle guaranteed. ltiorrls;• (Additional Morris on page 1.] The 100-aore farm purchased by Jae. Duncan from Chas. Bartliff, has come into possession of Mr. Dunoan. He has now 250 acres to look after, but will see to it all right. Solon RBroRT.-The following is the report of the standing of the pupils of 8 8, No. 9, for the month of February •- Publio S. Leaving, -Gavin Bewley Sr. Fourth. -Willie Ma all Rosa Searle, Mary MoArthnr, Maggie McCall, Edith Jaokeon, Ebtie Bird, Laura Fear. Jr. Fourth. -Mand Jackson, Ray Fear, Em• ma dfoOall, Willie Kelly, Lily Bewley. Br. Third. -Jon. Bewley, Alex. Farpubar- eon, Lyle Jaoksan, Florence Button. Jr. Third. -Doral MoArthar, George Skel• tau, Manson Taylor, Willie Farquharson, Wesley Searle. Sr, Second. -Rose jack. sou, Leslie Fear, Merano Jaekson, John Watson, Carrie Jaokeon. Jr. Second. - Nellie McArthur, John McArthur, Mary Fear, David Jackson. Part II. -Eddie Farquharson, David McLean, Stella Stubbs, John Taylor. Part I. -Frank Mooaughy. Mies J. B. Maxim Teacher. Annnmse AND PloeonvraTloN,-Monday evening of last week a few members of the East Wawanosh Agricultural Sooioty met at the residence of Chas. Proctor, a well known resident of the 4th line, and presented him with an easy chair =tom - ponied with the following address :- Chas. Proctor. Dmma Son, -We, the officers and mem- bers of Beat Wawanosh Agricultural So- oiety, regret to learn that oironmetanoee have rendered it necessary that you re- tire from the salve duties of President of cur Society ; we therefore cannot al- low the present opportunity to pass with• out bearing testimony to the very faith• fol and efficient manner in which you dieobarged the duties of President of our Society or indeed any other duties which you would undertake. Your heart was in the work and by your untiring energy aided very materially in sustain. ing the funds of the Society and that to- gether with your desire that the Society should be Dont-looted on business prin- ciples and every exhibitor should get fair treatment rendered your services of great value to the Society. And now, as evi• dance of the esteem in which you are held by the Society, we ask you to accept this chair, as a small token of the kindly feeling existing between us. And our prayer is that in the Providence of God you natty be long spared to enjoy ib and that you and your good wife may be spared to each other for many years. Signed on behalf of the Society, WALTER SCOTT, President, JAS. OWENS, Vioe Preeidetlt, 0. MoOLntLAND, Treasurer, FINLAY ANnnnso6, Secretary. Mr. ?rooter made a suitable and feeling raply, thanking the membere of the Be- auty for their good wishes to him and his wife, after which a very pleasant time was spent for a few home, Tho old gentleman is over 80 years of age and hae had wonderfully good health. We hope he may be spared for a good many years' yob. Samoa REPORT. -`Phe following report gives the etanding of the pupils of S. S, No, 8 for the month of February, and determines their position in class for March 1 -Se. 4th -Total 400. -Lorne Knox, 31G ; Robert Farrend, 228 Gordon Bmbury, 200. Jr. 481,-Ettie Agar, 889; Chas. Garbles, 305 ; Alice Paul, 850 ; Ruby Forhoe, 330 ; Vena Knox, 808 ; Pearl Embory, 247 ; Martha Ingram, 225.. Sr, gid, --Eva Smolt, 285 ; Kariftt Fraser, 276; Johnny Genital, 262. Sr, 2nd. -Emma Jermyn, 8511 Lola Agar, 335 ; Annie Garnise, 834. Jr. 2nd. -Hazel Embury, 283 ; Chas. Agar, 225. Sr, Pt. 2nd. -Wm. H. Jack - lin, 293 ; Willie Forbes, 240 ; Harvey linox, 235 ; Tommy Jermyn, 17o ; Jr. Vt 2nd -Vonmie Rutledge, 186 ; Hnldab Rutledge, 164 ; Lizzie Knox, 22. Sr. let: Fred. Agar, 174; Norman Soueb, 172. Jr. let. -Roy Turvey, 184. D. L. STnaonAN Teacher. Story of a slave. To be bound hand and foot fur years by the chains of disease is the worst form of slavery. George D. Williams, of Man• cheater, Miob., tells bow each a slave was made free. He says ; "My wife has been so helpless for five years that ebe could not torn over in bed alone. After using two bottles of Electric Bitters, she is wonderfully improved and able to do her own work." This supreme remedy for female diseaeee quickly cures nervous- ness, sleeplessness, melancholy, headache, backache, fainting and dizzy opells. This miraole working medicine i0 a god- send to weak, sickly, run down people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50 Dente. Sold by G. A. Deadman, Druggist. NEW , 0 I1aos!1li O'ANBHOOK Having opened up in the shop formerly occupied by W. C. Steiss, I am prepar- ed to do all kinds of Black- smith Work at reasonable prices. Horse-Shcaing a Specialty. All Work Guaranteed the Best. Wm. Rfalddaltz. The Standard Bank of Canada. :Money Orders For amounts of Fifty Dollars and under issued by this Bank, payable at par at any chartered Bank in Canada, with the exception of Brandin in the Yukon Dis- trict. RATES Under $10 $0.08 $10 to 20 . . . 0.10 20 to 80 . 0.12 80 to 50 . 0.14. 3.N. GORDON, Agent, MUSSELS. Si'HNCLES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles ANm — North Shore Pine and Cedar MR SALE AT xan Mills Planing Brussels Planing Also Doors and Sash of all Pat tents 013 band or made to order at Short Notioe, Eatimatoe Furnished for all kinds of Buildings. Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed. P • A.a.luar E .M 4 T 3 A fibre bath, followed by honest frictional brilliance, The life and glory of Leather. fi ' „1=i n, Black or colored le,ther, For Ladies,Gentlemens or Childrens Shoes. Jno. Doweling, - Sole Local Agent McLEOD' S System Renovator —AND OTnxn— TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita• tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur- algia, Lose of Memory, Bronohitie, Coo - gumption, Gall Stones, Jaundioe, Kidney and Urinary Dieeamea, 81. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De• bility. LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by Jae. Fox, Druggist, RrusOels. plOos Vial maid a well man of YOU 1 PIa091 PNOnnere 700 enova 00.00000IN 7000 WRENS. PI006I cures all Narcotic Diseases, ste0 1osn. seas, Falling Memory, Nb l31lr 0108100300,, Sperm. torrbo0a, Impotency, eta., caused by pasta uses' q Ickty beat 00rnly costo er o100?018, ao fu ora or Dung. bUyePI0e00cd yWal i0077f0110D00 and eamrelsealed from bba°ur carriedin 7000 1,00083 Prise, q1. o package, six for at. 800d money In either ordlca'ry or re rictar• Drua Siert wean 700100Arldreav all ,a000..tters 1Agep4 100 PERYO DP 1130000 Canada. tirc_:..raaaaxcorxT. , Sprin�.:. Coming.. We are ready for it with a nicely assorted stock of Prints, Cottons, S71eeti1J s, S'lzirtings, Linens, Flannelettes, Spring ASuiti126s, cs"e• Oar Grocery Department is known near and far for the freshness and excellency of our stock. A trial will convince you that this is correct. J. G. SKENE. Agent for Parker's Dye Works. Cook's Cotton Root Compound, Is successfully need monthly byover 10,000 Ladies, Safe,effeotual. Ladis ask. your druggist for Cooks Callon Root Com- round. Take no other,ae all Mixtures, pills and lmitations are dangerous. Prise, No, 1, $1 per box; No. 8,1D degrees stronger, $0 per box. No. t or 2, mailed en receipt of price aryl two 0•cent ;tamps, The Cook Company Windsor, (nt f o-rsoe, 1 and 2 Bold and recommended by all tesponeible Druggists in Oanade. Nos. 1 and:2 soidlin Brussels by' 4. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller do Optician. $: k . 4 s LEY l., Real Estate & Loan. AGENT, BRUSSELS. Money to Loan on Farm Secur- ity at the Lowest Rate of Interest. Money Loaned on Notes and good Notes Discounted. Sale Notes a Specialty. Fife d Life Insurance Written. Special Attention given to Conveyancing. A. OOUSLEY, Office over Deadman's Drug Store, BRUSSELS. NW oi�her Shop 1 The undersigned has open- ed up a Butcher Shop in the SALE 81+008, ERIMELS) where he will keep constant- ly on hand a supply of the Best Meats Procurable, sold at reasonable prices. A share of public patronage solicited. $■ WO LI.ERI. Meat delivered to all parts of the town. I:DASH PAID 101(3 HIDES. 00007 NV/ 0W0.0 301000Alt 07304 0190 IW ON 14..2060110.10, 9P8N0 TOOte, CO,L v0100 J. LONG n 777Buffalo All -Steel Disc Harrow This ie the only Dim Harrow made or sold in Canada, having independent, adjustable spring pre0atire upon the inner ends of the gang dace, allowing any amount of pressure to be gang, upon the inner ends of the gangs, by the foot of the operator. By this means a.perfeotly flex- ible aebieu is secured and the ground can bo worked to n uniform depth, Examine this Machine 8830 11137 and compare with others, The No. 12 Cultivator I8 A MABVEL OP SUCOESS. The only Cultivator made that both lines of teeth will cut an even depth ip the ground. Dxewin° it and you will see why, The only Cultivator with a moveable tooth 801 so tat the angle of< the teeth eau be regulated 00 suit any condi- tion of soil. Pree0ure mu be regulated to not differently ou every section requiring it. The tenth are carried between the wheels instead of trailing behind as in other machines, thus seeming lighter draft. This m0011In0 is Thr- nielled with grain and grata sued box when re - 131118d, It has reversible diamond Steel pointe for the teeth I oleo extra wirl0 tbiotle-oatting points eel bo furnished. ,Examine it and you Will buy no other. The Best Drill Made. The tlo0ater Newt. No Introduction. over 40,000 Drills and Seeders of our >11antl-- fadore i0 nae In Canada, The only Drill made with lover for instant and perfect regulation of depth of hoe in all kande of soh, while team i0in motion, Sowo abeolttlely °erred) to settle; saves mod, ao every kernel is deposited at a proper depth to grow. Purchase only the boat and 3703 will 110 0atiea0cl.. Mowers, It rtes, Celure 11104030,..100031810 1Ffo v 0, a s, OoIb(vatooe and X'nlper0,ae good e0r for illustrated catalogue, Ot'O .CNV i1ROS• 111:13 , Co., (Liniftod) Iugei�8011, Ont.i Otntedfl. r � Agent, Bnese e.