HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-3-17, Page 3a 0 el A It g N m ill he t;t vix st ed ed 3b- iry 3 a all LVe Ira, wn old vont I mei use.. old g i ,n the S- 117AB01i 17, 1999, THE BRUSSELS POST. It [ HEWS IN THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. lntereeting Items About Our=Own Country, Great Britain, the tinned Stotts, and All Parts of the Globe, Condensed and Assorted for Easy Reading. • CANADA, Brantford citizens are asking for a technical school, Tho civic revenue of. Montreal for 1808 le $3,078,830, an increase of $107,000 ever 1607. Tho only gin distillery in the. Do- minion is soon to be erooted in the province of Quebec. Revelstoke has been proclaimed a city and wile elect a Mayor and Al- derman in a few days. Lord Minto lost. two cases of paint- ings on ivory by the wreck of the eteumer Labrador. Office hours in the Post Office De- partment atOltawe have been( extend- ed to 0.30 o'olook. Au euginoer company is to be estab- lished In conneotion with the Toronto Garrison. The head office of the Crow's Nest Past: Coal Company will bo moved Cram Montreal to Toronto. ;To stop sourvy at Dawson City Com- missioner Ogilvie has interdicted the selling of salt meals. Tho London City Conrail has passed a by-law to increase the number of Liquor licenses from 391 to 30. Chief of Police Horsey of KingsLoc will resign about the 1st of May ow- ing to failing health. 7 here is a possibility of serious trou- ble in the Allin district, B.C., between Canadian and Amerioan miners. Two starch factories are to bo opened at Ste. Lune, Quebec, this spring, the centre oe the potato growibg dis- trict. Peterboro' is offering very liberal inducements to the Thomas Organ 00., of Woodstock, to locale in the former Lown. The Minister of inland Revenue at Ottawa has decided that all the de- pertmentalemployes must give guar- antee bonds. A. (r. Allison, of Belleville, resign- ed from the Grand Trunk after 81) years' service, 85 of whioh he soz'vod as train despatcher. the fisheries of the province. It is proposed to establish cold storage sta- tions et convenient points along the emote where bait would be preserved, so that fishermen might always be able to obtain a supply, The Canadian Pacific Railway has in- etulled nu ingenious system of air - motors at Toronto Junction yards by w1Leh the l000moLlvea are coaled up, their sand domes replenished, their fire Motes cleaned out, and the asbea car- ried away. The whole operation, Mitch formerly took at tenet half an hour, is performed in less than three minutes, GIt:EAT BRITAIN, J. M. Cook, head of the celebrated tourist agency, is 'dead, Lora Rosebory has been olooted pre- sident of the Eighty Club, in succes- sion to Gladstone. It is estimated that, the British Gov- ernment will have to face a deficit of :81,600,000 in the year's accounts. The bill raising the ago at which a ohild may leave school, from 11 to 19 years, was given its second reading in the British House of Commons, The British Government is awaiting an official report upon the shooting of Cite three Englishmen at Manila be - Lore asking tbo United Stales Govern- ment for compensation. The Very Rev. Andrew Kennedy Hutcheson Boyd, D.D., LL.D., an author of some prominence, died in London, through laking a carbolic lo- tion in mistake for m0(1101ne. The bill giving the London Board of Trade five years within which to com- pel BrLLish railways to adopt automa- tic couplings was introduced in the British House of Commons on Tues- day. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. INTERNATIONAL LESSON, MAR. 1P. "Christ the Goad Shepherd.. John 1e, 0-341. Golden Text. ,tuba le. 11, PRACTICAL NOTES, Verse 1. Verily, verily. " Amen, amen," lbo usual upeniug to a signifi- cant saying of Jesus reported only by John. Ile L1tu.L enteretil. 'this is a parable, yet differing in form Dem moot parables, and ospooially in the double application of bull( "tl>e door" and the "shepherd" to Jesus, verses 7. 11. Nut by the door. During the day the sheep are muttered at a,distanee, but al evening (boy are brought home to the village or oily for safety, and are gathered in a fold, width is often a cave. The shepherd stands beside the entrance, and as each sheep en- ters be keeps the tally by Lourinng 0110 more notch on his staff. When all are within he Lakes his position outside as night watchman. The sheepfold. In the parable the fold seems to represent the Church of Christ, which oontainas within its invis- ible linos all true believers. Some oth- er way. Any person trying to enter the fold elsewhe•e than through the door shows by the act that he has some evil intent. 2. Enteretli in by the door. By the same door both the sheep and the shop - herd enter, and the door, as explained below, is Christ, through whom alone is given entrance into the Church of the redeemed in earth and heaven. The shepherd of the sheep. Or " a shep- herd," a0 in the margin of the Revised Version; the true pastor or leader of the (took of ChrisL whether a minis- ter in the pulpit or it leacher in the Sunday School, 8. '1'o him the porter oponeth. It is not. necessary to find a meaning in every part of the parable, though SLrioLly speaking this is not a para- ble ; but the porter may represent eith- er the ooutrolling body in the.Churoh or the kpely Spirit, by whom the Church is guided. The sheep hear his voice. The sheep in Ibis parable are not the members of .te organized earthly In London forty-five corporations were brought out in February, with an aggregate capital of more than 2117,000,000. An expert asserts that this month bids fair to establish a record in LIiia same direction. The British Souse of Commons adopted a resolution declaring that the Government should endeavor to remember the growing employment of foreigners in the British mercantile service. The London, Eng., Times thinks, the British Columbia legislaLion excluding United Statesers from the Arlin min- ing district is a policy which will meet with but little sympathy in England. UNITED STATE'S. The Supreme Grand Lodge of the Sons of England. will renew its app1L- cation for incorporation al the owning session of Parliament. The British Columbia Legislature hue memoralizod the Federal Parlia- ment to increase the nor capita tax upon Chinese to $100. The City of Montreal will enter eighteen actions against the street railway fur insufficient service and overcrowding the cars, Nova Scotia's timber late will be revised. Instead of granting timber lands in toe simple hereafter they will bo granted in leases o$ 20 years at 50c per acre, A big combine of seamen (miming companies is announced having u capital of $5,000,000, which will prac- tically control the industry on the Pa- cific Coast. The Elgin and St. Thomas natal- keepers are forming a joint stock (lis- tillery in the interests o£ the hotel trade alone, and stuck sheets for sub- scription will be sent into every coun- try in the province. The Grand Jury at Montreal have Sound a true bill against Mr. J. 8, Brierley, Managing Director, and Mr. John McHay, Secretary, of The Herald, on the charge of libelling Chief of Pol- ice Hughes. 'the Montreal Bar Association has decided to take steps in an endeavor to stop companies and, individuals col- lecting money. It is clamed ,that such collections usurp the function of the legal profession. -It is believed in Kingston that Regnald Hooper, now serving a life - sentence for the murder of his wife will be pardoned on the ground of good conduct and the doubtful circum- stances of the crime. Six regularly ordained Balers of the Mormon Church are quietly living in Winnipeg, malting preparations for a vigorous missionary effort, with a view to converting people to the doctrines of their church. Basil Noel, who claims to have (Ils- covered coal on the Klondike, seven miles from Dawson, is on his way to Ottawa, where he will interview Mr. Sifton on the subject of coal -mining de- velopment in the Yukon, There is such a scarcity of dwelling houses suitable for welt -to-do me- chanics in Brantford. that the ensuing spring is likely to see the biggest boom in house building that Brantford has seen for malty years. Mr. Martin P. Connolly of Quebec has purchased by tender from the Gov- ernment the output of binder twine from the Kingston Penitentiary for the current year. The Ontario Binder Twine Company will handle the output. Admiral Beaumont is the newly ap- pointed Commander -in -Chief of the Pa- cific) squadron, with headquarters at Esquimalt. Ile succeeds Admiral Pal- liser. Two modern cruisers will be added to the squadron tit all early date: Railways in Wyoming are blockaded with snow. it Ls again reported that Archbishop Ireland will be made a cardinal, The American Senate has passed the bill apprupriatiug $20,000,000 for pay- ment to Spain, without a dissenting voice. Buffalo people state confidently that the trolley lines in the vicinity will soon be all run by Niagara Falls' power, Mary E. Prouty, a widow, jumped to her death from the :fifth storey win- dow during a fire at New York on Tuesday. Mayor Quincy of Boston has directed the Superintendent of Public Grounds to begin the work of exterminating the English sparrow. Lire at Wichita, Kansas, destroyed the large smoke -house - ease of the Jacob Dole PrinkingCo. and oontsnts, tnolud- ing 00,000 punds of meat. Buffalo is to have a Pan-Americhn Exposition in 1001, at whioh New York State will erect a $300,000 building, to be open seven days in the week. A favourable report on the propos- ed oonstitutional amendment prohibit- ing polygamists from being elected to Congress has been made to the House. Cotton cloth manufacturers of Fall :River, Masa„ representing interests worth $40,000,000, have decided to ad- van00 the wages of nearly 30,000 oper- atives 12 1-11 per cent. There is no condition attached. The new rate will go into effect on April 3rd. The people of Maryland have pre- sented Rear -Admiral Schley with a medal of gold and diamonds at Balti- more, as a token of their esteem and heartfelt appreciation of his services in the late near. Schley La a native of the State. Josiah Bailey, 95 years of age, was Wednesday nominated by the Republi- cans at,• Diokinson, N,Y„ for the offioo of town clerk. Mr. Bailey is at pres- ent holding that position, and is prob- ably the oldest office holder in the country. Ohio State authorities have taken ac- tion to oust Lha Pennsylvania Railway Co, and the Cincinnati, Eami.lton & Dayton Railway Co. from the State for violating their franchises by funning themselves wiLb other roads into a pool to fix passenger rates. Col. Ring, of Brooklyn, was award- ed $2,000 damages against the Pull- man Car Co, for ejection from a sleep- er. It seems his ticket to New York from Baltimore read via the B, & 0., while his sleeper ticket wee good only over the Pennsylvania, :I'he inoident happened nearly a year' ago. 1\rilliaiu. Zeigler, of New York, has purchased the Royal Baking Powder Company, the Cleveland Baking Pow - (ICI' Company, the New York Baking Powder Company, the Price Baking Powder Company and others, at prices aggregating something over 510000.- 000. A new combination will be capitalized at 520,000,000, GLN]IrA.L.. The fleet operation under the X- rays in Quoboe took plane on Wednes- day at the Hotel Dieu, where it was used to !orate a needle in the foot of a Miss Pouliot, of St. Laurent, Island of Orleans. The operation woe a suc- cess. Two new lines of, steamers will run botweell Quebec and Great Britain itext. season, The R'loss Line will provide a ten-day service between Queboo and Liverpool, and the Morley & Molntyro Company of Glasgow will provide ti similar service from Quebec to Green- ock. ' lion. J, S, Ross, of the Northwest '!'errit0rtal Government, Iion. David Laird Indian Commissioner, and Mr.J} . A. J. anaemia, of thetudian Department, will leave Edmonton Dhoti; May 24th to negotiate a treaty rvith the Indians north of. the Atha- basca River, and extending from the lc 141'ountaiu tote • ason Rocky s b Reason Bay. The Nova Scolia Legislature has np- poitded a committee to enquire into. inter we enter into his fold, the i»vis- ib10 Church, ,Ito shall be guyed. i 1ao- ed in u sate position, out of dungen from wolves, and sure of abundant pasture. Pine gesture.' The food of the spiritual nature which they find wbo are in Christ, li Hs never wants who belongs to the flook of Christ, 10. Thus far Christ has represented himself as "the door ;" now he show's another u0pe01 of the 411ego1y, With himself us the shepherd. The thief. is the enemy 'who comes to plunder and to destroy. Stith ware Lhe priests of that time who rubbed the people; and the Pbarisee0, who were planning to murder Christ; and soon would per - smite to the death his followers. I am mane. Net now us the - door through which others came, but as the great Shepherd, coming to lead and to feed the flock, and to direct all his under shepherds. That they might have life. That divine life, satisfying and eternnl, which Christ imparts. 11. I um the good shepherd, Just as he is the Hon of plan, embodying complete 1118(11 humanity, so he is the good Shepherd, uniting- in perfection the traits of all true shepherds. Civet:h his life for the sheep. The ortenLal shepherd must face the storms with his shoap, and to find them when loot must fight with wild beasts and more dangerous robbers iu their behalf. do our Shepherd gives up bis life leo save out's. 7. How clearly the cross ever sl:ood in the landscape before Christ 1 12,13. He that is a hireling. That is a hired men, working for his wages only. The application is to ministers who preach the Gospel for u living, in- stead of living to preach the Gospel. Whose own the sheep are not. All he cares for the sheep is to secure his own living whether the sheep are fed or whether they go hungry. The wolf. Perhaps here representing Satan, the enemy of souls, or his agents, who ever they may be. Be- cause he is a hireling. To bin the welfare, of the sheep is as nothing, and gain everything; while to the true shepherd gain is nothing, and the sheep are everything. 14, Know my sheep, Ile knew Sim- on before he become Peter, and Nath- anael under the fig tree, and the wo- man by the well, and Saul white be wns ` 11 is impossible to ascertain racier - yet a persecutor. He knows such one ately the number killed, bat it is be - of us, with all our traits and imperfect- 'laved that no fewer than 100 were in - tions, but with all our glorious possi- bilities also. Am known of mine. Be- tween each disciple end his Lord KILLED IN AN EXPLOSION A FRENCH NAVAL .POWDER MAGA- ZINE BLOWN UP, Wag 11ne to 1►crentposltlott—CYnnll'y for Two ,Hiles Arouutt llevasteted—Wort( et' Recovering the head. A despalnh from Toulon, sayer -The naval powder magazine of La Ceoubra- nell between Lu deyne and Toulon, in department of Var, Soulhoru France, exploded al hail joist two oe.inok on Sunday morning. Forty corpses have already Leon re- covered. The cause of the explosion is not known. hour of the injured have succumbed to their injuries. 11 is be- lieved that fifteen are still tinr;ed in the debris. Fifty thousand kilogrammes (about 110,000 pounds) of bleak powder explod- ed. It looks as though a volcaaie eruption bad occurred, the country he- ing swept almost bare within a radius of two miles, houses destroyed, trees overturned and distorted, beide (levee - toted and covered with stones and !,lack dust. Some of the stones are enormous, one weighing 00 kilogram- mes fell in the suburb of Pont de Lays. Signe of the explosion are evident in. all the suburbs of 'Toulon, and in the coy itself. Even at St. Jean de Var, five miles distant, windows were shat- tered and doors battered in. Of the seven soidiere on duty at the magazine, four were killed outright and the others severly injured, the corporal being literally scalped and the scalp overhanging his face like a veil. A large number oe soldiers are now employed in clearing away the debris, but the work is very difficult, DUE TO CUITMILOON.L DECO]LPOSI- TIA Church, of which some are good and some are bad, but the true followers of Christ, whose names are written in heaven. These have an instinctive per- ception of truth, and recognise the one who utters it. I. Aro you one of Christ's true flock? His own sheep by nnme. In the East every member of the fleck has an individuality to the shepherd. He knows emelt one, and eau Cali it by name, One reason for this is that he is responsible for eaoh sheep intrusted to him, and must make it good to the owner if it is lost. 2. So our Shepherd has each one of oto names written on his head. 8. So, Coo, should e(toli under shepherd, whether a pastor ora tflaehteacher,have A personal acquaintance with each soul under his care. 4. He putteth forth. We see no rea- son for making the, "putting forth" from the sheepfold an emphatic part of the parable, or to draw, spiritual lessons from R. "A parable) meet not be mule to go on all -fours," says an old commentator. In a true scene the Hoak of Christ is never outside the fold of the true Church, Ile, goeth before them, Among us the shepherd and his dogs drive the poor, frightened, ignorant sheep. But the - oriental shepherd always walks in front, and they follow him, no matter how tempt- ing the grass may be along the way. The sheep follow him. "Christ leads us through 00 darker roans than he went through before."—Richard Bax- ter. Wherever we Igo our Master goes too. Ile has .fell all that we feel. They know his voice. How may we know the voice of the Lord as distinct from our own imaginings or tbs strange utterances of false teach- ers? 13y its harmony with So.ripture, with the mature judgmeht of the Church, and with the inner light within us. 4. We must keep Pier hearts in tuno if we would recognize our Master's call. 5. A stranger. .Anyone who has not the message of the true shepherd, but Speaks nut of his own will. Will Dee from him. When a strange valet uses the shepherd's tall it fills the flock with alarm, and they run hither and thither in n blind way. Says St. Paul, "lire that is spiritus I ,judgelh all things." 6, This parable, .Better as !u the margin of the Revise(U Version, "This proverb;" for !hie is .not tn. parable, but rather an allegory or a similitude. It: is not to be interpreted in all its detetle, nor is unity o:f plan to be sought for. We shoula fasten upon its prominent illustrative leachings, and not try t:o epirll.ualize its minorstatements. They 11nderslnod not. Not even the 11ieuip1(s of .!esus oould understand the deeper spiritual truths of this "parable," and to the Jews in general it was almost inen.niogloss. 5. How fortunate. are eve who receive a clearer revelation! 7. 'Then said Jesus. Ile went through the allegory n second Lima in- terpreting its principal elements. I am the floor, The door through which the sheep enter the fold, and through which the shopherds conte to the sheep These words, in Greek, may still be seen inscribed over the inner door to the Mosque of St. Sophia, whioh was built in the sixth oeutttry ns a Christian eh -tenth. 8, all that ever came before me. Not those coming before Christ; in time, as the Old Testament prophets, but those wbo placed themselves be - frac him as religious teachers. Soch were the selibes and Pharisees, who (delisted to be the ,authoritative ex- pounders of the law', Are thieves and robbers. Not "ware," as would bo t110 word if the reference were to 0ar1iet teeehersl; but "are;" showing that he Is speaking of the self-appointed rale - bins of his own time. The :Moen died not; hear t11ep11. Many did hear those false teachers, and followed them, but not those who possessed the spiritual insight of the true believer. fl. Hy me if any man enter in, Through fail) in Owlet as our Sav-, A man nam0d Rohn has just dived at Vienna,at the reputed age of 112 years, The Cubans at .Santiago are follow- ing the Filipinos in their hostility to- wards the 11nitxd States. :8impe0'oe William has promoted his brother, Prince Henry of Pruseia, to command the cruiser squadron. The French Government will estab- lish an experltnental wireless tele- graphy post on this coast. By the death of his aunt:, the Sul- tana Adilell, Abdul Ramil has come into it windfall of $21,000,000. Signor Cordose,, of !lou m,t he invent- or, has hit: upon a screw whioh will double the speed of steamers. The Senate at Madrid overwhelm- ingly decided on an investigation in- to the conduct of the recent wen A naval scandal has been unearthed at Sshastol>ol. ill connection with the supply of fuel Lc Russian warships. The Chinese Dowager has teased the arrest of 000 members of a sooiet.y Wiloee members have sworn her des- truction, fared. Although it was u clear night, the explosion WitS so terrific as to pro- duce a slight rainfall. Fortunately the stretches the invisible telephone wire neighboring magazines escaped. it of personal fellowship. He talks with is not believed Lhe explosion originat- us, and we talk with him. ed in the chemical decomposition in 10, As the Father. Notice how smokeless powder. There is no 0ug- these two verses axe connected in the gestion of foul play. Revised Version. "I know mine own, Sunday the wbole city was in and mine own know me, even as the mourning. Flags were at ball -mast and the theatres were draped and the casinos closed. Both the Government and municipal authorities aro forward- ing relief funds. Mr. L' ockroy, Minis- ter of Marine, has telegraphed 10,000 of francs, 52,000, toward the mainten- ance of the families of the victims, and a public subscription has been opened here. All the bodies found or recovered are terribly mutilated.. Sixteen were found on the rooks near the shore, and it is feared that others were precipit- ated into the sea. A vehicle moving along a rood near the sea was lifted bodily into the water by the force of the explosion, two or three of its oc- cupants being drowned. The scene at the village of La Goubran was appall- ingThe cries of the wounded were agonizing, and the people were almost 2 g, frantic. Telegrams from Nine ay the explosion was distinctly felt there. Father knoweth me, and 1 know the Father.' The fellowship of the Father and the Son is the fellowship of Christ and his church. I lay down my life. Not, only for those disciples who were following Jesus toren, but for all who have been disciples since. did Jesus glee his life. 10. Other sheep I have. Here is a phtin reference to the Gentile world, in which were many true seekers after God. They shall hear any voice. As yet these Gentile seekers were ignor- ant of their Shepherd, though uncon- sciously led by him. Soon they were 10 know Ilim, even as his Jewish dis- OJplrg. ORIS [Glib: The Revised Vor- sion is far latter, "tine flock.' There may be many folds in whioh Christ's ±0P 1 (1 at but there is cal y e re gathered, P g nno stook, and only one great Shep- herd. n herd. AWFUL TRAGEDY IN FRANCE. 11111 her lands 11.8 acre o1' Herself and Tire Children. A despatch from Paris, (Prance, guys: —It is happily not often that Paris is shocked by such a tragedy as occur- red Wednesday in the Impasse Saint Se- ba0Li0, when a mother committed suicide with her three children, of which the eldest was not tea years old, while the youngest was only about fifteen months. The woman, who was driven to the crime by poverty, was the wife of a pavior named Pierre, and it was dur- ing her husband's absence that she executed the plan, which she seems to have thought out vary carefully. Of course, her means of suicide and the triple murder were the old and yet ever new charcoal stove. Wednesday evening on returning from work Pierre found the door of hie apartments looked. After knock- ing several Limos he went to the concierge and asked where his wire and children were. The woman replied that she had not seen them since the morning. Just then a neighbour who passed said that some time before he had heard a groan apparently coming from Pierre's apartments. The poor fellow seemed todivine what had happened, tor he rushed away. Borrowing a ladder, he smash- ed the glees in the transom and thus got into the room, whioh was full of charcoal fumes. On the 'floor he found the body of leis wife badly burned by the stove, which she had fallen upon when over- oome by the fumes, while in bed, dress- ed in their newest clothes, were the three children. All were dead. FORTUNE TELLER STRANGLED. She Pt...di ted Others' Rate, lint Mei a Tragic. One herself; A despatch from London, Eng., says; -Six weeks ago a German masseuse and fortune-teller took in her rest - demo in a house in Tottenham Court road in London. She was 40 years of ale, and with her lived a, young rota of about 20 wJfo she gala was her hus- band, but it is believed that she clop - lid with him from Berlin, 'rho woman advertised in a German weekly pub- lication, and many people called upon her for treatment or eonsultal.ion, Last, Thursday night the, rooms of the pair were found to be looked, and n letter received by ib'n landlord sigu- td "Brieseneok and ]frau" salol that Iliey had gene out of town 011 bwsi- neee, Thhre was 110 508910011 of any- thing wrong until Mendel night when the doors were forced open (01141 the Woman Wee found dead, having been sl.>'ang1e(l. The woman wn,s kno'tvn to have had ooneiderable money and a quantity of jewellery, all of whir+ had been taken. There 111 no irnoo of the ',young man. EDITORSIGLERGYIVIEN,PHYSNIANS s in P..03r'L17^ '. ., 'Icu and Women in all Walks of Life Tell of the Remarkable Cures Wrought by South American liervine Tonic. ATTEMPTED MURDER. e1. Catharines 11an, .arrested Near. Whint- prg—Vietlm Fired 111. 1410'1 I01e0. A despatch from Winnipeg says:— Richard Holton aged seventy years, lies at the General hospital in a dan- gerous condition from a bullet wound at the hands of Albert Price, a young farmer. Bad blood has existed be- tween Bolton and Price on amount of a dispute over a calfskin. The case was to have come up in the Police Court in this city on Tuesday morning. Mouthy afternoon Bolton was event- ing into the city to attend court, from his farm at Prairie grove, ten miles out, when he was overtaken by Price, w110 made Bolton get into the sleigh with him, and then drove off towards a bush, with the evident intention of Murdering the olci man. On passing n load of hey the old man made a break for liberty, and succeeded in climbing on the load. Price fired six shots at him, one striking him on the ,jaw, bad- ly splintering it. Price has since been arrested. The old man will probably die from the shook. Albert Price, the would-be murderer, is 27 years old, rnrried, and originally came from the vioiaity of 8t. Cathar- ines, CAMBON SPEAKS FOR PEACE. Prowl. A ebessadoe to 1iea1 Britain Eu• *ermined at 1r iimanneh A despatch from London says :—M. Paul Cltmbon, ]French Ambassador, to Greet Britain, was the principal guest on Tuesday evening al the banquet of the London eltnnlber of Commerce. In reply to a toast, the Frennh Ambos - elide], said that peace and. war no long- er reelect with Governnutnls, but with the peoples. Ile noted with grant plea- sure the determination of the protuol ors of oonlal1ree in Great Britain and France to augment the cordiality of the relations between the 11A-0 an, tions, and to foster " that reel spirit of cnnellia.tion by which all differences can be readiiy settled." Those utterances of lie C'ambon ere particularly notable ns ('eflnatit)g the improvement in the rotations betwece London and Paris. THREATS AGAINST THE QUEEN. rove 'Uneasiness in ilugealed. itestbet'ling 11er 13sJesly's Ttsil to France, A despatch from London, says!—Th+ papers i uneasiness at the f 1ers are showing threats of certain lfrenah papers drat if Lhe Queen visits Praline at this nine she sun expect to be the violin, of 0011)1800. The Times says that if any unfortunate incident orcin lung. laird will know where to place the Maine. SIX DOSES WILL CONVINCE THE Mon IaPO3: JULNet EDITOR COLWELL, OF Newspaper editors are almost as ioeptical as the average physician on the subject of new remedies for sick people. Nothing short of a series of most remarkable and well authenti- cated cures will incline either an editor or a doctor to seriously consider the merits honestly claimed for a medicine. Hundreds of testimonials of won- derful recoveries wrought with the Great South American Nervine Tonic were received from men and women all over the oountry betore physicians began to prescribe this great remedy in chronic oases of dyspepsia, in- digestion, nervous prostration, sick headache, and as a tonic for build- ing up systems sapped of vitality through protracted spells of sick - During his experience of nearly a quarter ter of a century all a newspaper publisher in Paris, Ont., Editor Col- well, of The Pada Review, has pub- lished hundreds of columns of paid medicine advertisements, and, no doubt, printed many a gracefully - worded puff for his patrons as a matter of business, hut in only a single instance, and that one warrant- ed by his own personal experience, has he given a testimonial over his own signature. No other remedy ever offered the public has proved such a marvellous revelation to the most sceptical as the South Amerioan Nervine Tonic. It has never failed in its purpose, and it has cured when PARIS, ONT., REVIEW. dootors and other medioines Ate tried in vain. tt I was prostrated wit le a particle- larly severe attack of 1 La Grippe,'" says Mr. Colwell, "and could find no relief from the intense pains and ditto tress of the malady, I suffered day and night. The doctors did not help me, and I tried a number of medi. cines, but without relief. About this time I was advised to try the South American Nervine Tonic. Its effects were instantaneous, The first dose I took relieved me. I improved rapidly and grew stronger every day. Tour Nervine Tonic cured me in a single. week." The South Amerioan Nervine Tonin rebuilds the life forces by its direct action on the nerves and the nerve centres, and it is this notable feature whioh distinguishes it front every ver other remedy i in existence. The th ritien now o most eminent medical au conoedethatfully two-thirds of all the physical ailments of humanity arise from exhaustion of the nerve forces. The South Amerioan Nerving Tonic acting direct upon the nerve °entree and nerve tissues, instantaneously supplies them with the true nourish, meet required, and that ie why its invigorating effects upon the whole system are alway'a felt immediately. For all nervous (diseases, for generti debility arising from enfeebled vi'ta'e Hy, and for stomaoh troubles of every variety no other remedy van possibly take fta edam Sold by G. A. Deadman. THINK HE IS THE MURDERER. Mut Arrested at elan,real Believed to Rave 1C111et1 Three People. A despatch from Montreal, say's:-, Montreal detectives on Wednesday made en arrest that may prove to be very important. During the winter Mr. 8. T', McDonald, a County of Mar - villa farmer, gave shelter to a man who gave his name as Prang Loran- berger. A short limo ago Loranher- ger disappeared in a night, taking with pint 'Plarmer McDonald's horse and sleigh, a large quantity of cloth- ing, and some jewellery, in0hrding a watch Complaint WAS tuade at the city detective office, and on this the detectives arrested Loranbergar. Lor- anberger answers the description of a man, evho, under the name of Paul Mueller, (pent the winter of 1807-08 with a farmer mimed. Francis D, New- ton, near Brookfield, Mass. On the night of January 17th, 1898, he mur- dered Mr. Newton, Mrs. Newton and their daughter, Elsie, ransacked the house, and disappeared. He was trac- ed to Boston and New 'York, but al. the latter place, he was lost. The Am- erican police will he eeminitnicated with. FELL DOWN WITH A LAMP. 0.i0ritentend In it JCingeten house That WON en Etre. A despatch from Hingslon, says; --11 Was it narrow ()settee which Mr. and Mrs. J. Landoryou, Main street, had early on Monday morning, when their residence was found to be en fire, The front. door naught from 1111 overheated stove. Mr. and Mrs. Landeryou came downstairs, the first mentioned tarrying• a ligbtod lamp. 1 manlier lie n eenunlab n to ;sottonn tripped and tell, Mrs, Landeryeu fall- ing over hint, The lam exploded, and s iet fie ou a to the stops. Mr. Landeryou y hod to retreat upstairs, taking his wife along with 1him, and playing her outside the horning betiding by tray of a back window. SINCE ADAM BRED CATTLE. 1,or(1 St,1lhrldgo Tldnlrs Thal TnbernuIeel* tree Existed. A despatch from London says;—Lord Stalbridge, speaking at the Shaftesbury Farmers' Club, said tuberculosis had. existed since Adam and Eve began to breed cattle, and they might be per- fectly certain that Jacob had it amongst his herd. As regards the tuberculin test, in- fallibility ryas not claimed for it, for there was nothing infallible in this world, not even vaccination, Agrieul turista would have to put themselves right with milk consumers as to their cows not being affected, HOW SPAIN GETS EVEN. 1alprlsull0 All Its RIa1LLltlg Generale Pond. nig Court Martial. A despatob from Madrid, say's i—Ade Meal Montijo, who was in command of the Spanisb squadron, destroyed by Admiral Dewey in the battle of Man- ila bay and the commander of the Cav- ite arsenal 'were on Friday evening in- eareoreted in the military prison,pend- ing trial for their cunduot ataVlanlle. The Government has also ordered tine prosecution of Gen. Linares, who was in supreme command of the Spanish forces at Santiago at the time of the capitulation to Gen. Shatter. A GHASTLY SIGHT. • „ i+lit..•, ., llm•,aued when, elle to 1 Itadmrialkcl• runs t,i ei111111001 a line end. A ties ateh from St'1 'i'bomaS, says! p J011n Dunn, an c0aentrio old 0010111411', who formerly lived in IngBoreolt, died a few days ago in Middlamble. Ho lived ,x11 'alone, and the naigppbonro prepared (10 body for burial, Daring the night several boys ,entered the man's shop. They drlsscd the dead man and propped the body in the window, kits clay pipe was planed its hie mouth, and when the undertaker arrived to 0onduot the femoral he was horrified to see the oo•os0 in the window. •