HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-3-17, Page 1Vol. 27. No. M BRUSSELS, QNTARIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1899 CHANGE OF US NESS. The undersigned having purohaeed the Restaurant bti fines of W. A. CBIOH Me added a fine choice stook of GROCERIES and is pow prepared to give good value to the public. Our stook embraces :- New Teas, Canned Goode, Fruits, Spices, Soaps, Pleb, Syrups, vinegars and all other lines kept in a Firet•claae Groaery. ChoieI Stock of Confectionery. Will continue the Restaurant a usual where Oysters, Ice Cream and Summer Drinks will be served in the beat possible style. FRESH BREAD ALWAYS ON HAND. ObAs. - Bartliff, BRUSSELS. Oentrel Grocery and Restaurant. Spri��Nlilii�erY Mies Dunbar has returned to town alter filling n position in D. MOOaIl'e Wholesale House, Toronto, for the past month, and is .more able tbao ever to eater to the testes of the ladies of Brus- sels and surrounding oouotry. A large stook of Millinery to choose from in the latest Parte, New York and Toronto designs. Announoemeut of Opening later. • A fine Range of ---fttki_adies' Capes Thanking the Ladiee for past pat. ronage I eolioit e, continuance of their esteemed favors. la -Two Apprentiote Wanted. Mrs. E. nogen. .t T t Shop. Owing to inconvenience in having a farm I find myself unable to continue both the Butchering business and Farm so have decided to give up the Butcher Shop until I can move into town and give my whole time to it. Thanking all for their kind patronage in the past, I remain,j9yours truly, S. WA la8L ER. Shop will still be kept open to receive accounts for a few days. There is Such a Thing As wearing Glaeees when you BAODLDN'T, and not wearing them when you Snow), 11 ie a mistake to do either. We only give Glasses when they will be benefluial to the wearer. K•+€'0all and have your Eyes Tested FREE by MRS. T. FLETCHER, GRADUATE OPTIOIAN. (ulna anti Uel Our ['rices. ,u lam Atlm; Colonist Excursions T4) 17491 Canadian Northwest Will leave TORONTO via North Bay at 8.15 p.m. and 9 p.m. eaoh TUESDAY during Maroh and epril (if sufficient business offers) temeiet gleaning tears for paeaengere with ordinary baaga a will be attached to trate leaving TORONTO at 8.15 FI, 1n. and will rnu through to Winnipeg• colonist morning ('tugs for passengers travelling on same brain as their live stock will 1 r attached to train leaving TORONTO O at P.m., and wlllot through t0 'Winnipeg.. Stethe wilt be !roe in these nYe and can be 8eour00 by pease, care 0u application to Grand Trunk Agents. Tickets, rats and all information from Agents of Greed Trunk Railway System J. N. KENDALL, Agent, Brunets. New Advertisements, Local -A. R. Smith. Wall Paper -Jae. Fox. Dog loot -Allan Lamont, Land for sale -B. Gerry. Millinery -Mies Roddick. Cloeing ehop-S. Walker. Spring goods -A. R. Smith. Spectacles-Mre. T. Fletcher. Free Samples -G. A. Deadman. Bigger Bueineee-MoKinnon as Co. Change of business -Chas. H. Bartliff. Cranbrook Blaokemitb-Wm. Raddatz. Dissolution of Partnership -Smith se McLaren. Illistritt Sets, a:thrtsl. Folks say Andrew has a bear trap set but bruin dou't always take the same ruu•way so he has not been caught yet. John Lamont and Henry Keys are serving as jurors at Goderioh this week. They are old bands at the jury business. Robs. McDonald Bold a cove to Messrs. Clegg es Demes this week that is not easily beaten. She tipped the scales at 1670. She is a milk oow. Last Friday evening a jolly time was spent at the home of Robert McDonald by a number of young people from Oran. brook who drove over for a surprise. Next week Norman Ocher, Justice Lake and John Blemmon intend going West. The girle are looking mournful end Badly singing, "Will ye no' oame bank again." Walton. Some of our people will soon tap for sugar making whether it thaws or freezes. They think it is time to start. John Morrison hae retnrued home from Clinton and bas taken a position again with Mr. MoDonald in the mill. Thos. Williamson ie keeping very much improved in health after his indie. position during the latter part of the Winter. The revival meetings in the Methodist church are well attended. They are gaining in interest and have been profit. able indeed. Several have decided for Christ. Mre. Gray and Lillian have started on their return trip to Page, North Dakota, They were a000mpanied as far es London by Mrs. Richard Pollard where they will all visit Mre. Miller, another daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Pollard, for a few days, Brussels Carriage Works. -•0.r OpsB a E WA N & iNNE Has now on hand and for sale the following line of goods Buggies, Top and Open Buggies with a and 5 inch wheels, In Dolor-Blaolt, Green, Carmine and Natural Wood. Size of bodies, 20, 22 and 24 in, Also Jump Seat Buggies with 1 in. wheels. Democrats With two and three seats, Carts. Road and Speeding Carts, Wagons. Farm Wagons oomplele,'' and 25 in. tires with malable acme 85 and 4 in. Wagon Gear only if so desired. Farm Tamils 25 and 8 in. tires. One.horae Wagon, with or without box, Also Groaer'e Delivery Wagon. r o.....,. W1�eclba r ws. Wheelbarrows with steel of wood wheels. Aa we handle the above line of goode by the oar lot purchasers will get the benefit by buying from us. t3Z Z LOI 1T�J��tb Carriage Works, Brussels, .. a airing and Painting in the above lines a specialty. �>? g � l y At the next meeting of the Walton Debating Souiety theeubjeot wilt be "Re• solved that the Hardy Governmentia worthy of the continued oonfidenoeof the people of Ontario," Th. eaptaine will be Robt,'Dunoanson and Will, Smith, On the evening of the debate there will bean election between a Liberal and Conserve. Live candidate every one attending being supplied with a ballot. W ro, X 4 90 What is the attraction for our new boy et Gorrie ? Iyliee Clara Moffat, of Blytb, is visit. ing at Robt. Miller's, Hugh Thompson and family left on Tuesday for Manitoba. A. J. Sanders, of Tiverton, is at home at present, on the eiok list. Reg. Stevens of Teeowater,spent Bun• day with W. M. Robinson and family. Mre. Tipling, of Goderioh, is visiting her sister, Mre. T, F. Miller, at present. Dune. MoLaorhlin and 011ie Stewart, of Brussels, were in town one night last week, A. Campbell, A. Wells and 17. Brawn purpose going out Weet in a couple of weeks. A few of our sports tools in the wooed at John Hartley's school house on leridty night last and had a hot time. Horse raoing is b ginning to boom again among one fast horses in town. "Lightning" paces a terrible beat. A few of our young folks attended a gathering at Ino. McFarlane's, op the 4th of Hawick, on Monday night Inst.' Riobard Miller, of Toronto, who hae been visiting his mother for the last few weeks, returned to his work on Tuesday. A large number of young folks attend- ed the gathering at Wm. Uemmtia at Belem, on Monday night and spent a very enjoyable tinea. A. Robertson and family, of Grey, have moved into the Grand Central bleak. Mr. Roberteon intends going Weet for his health in a week or two. The sale of farm stock and implements at Thos. Gibson's jr., last Saturday ,was largely attended, The prioee bid were very higb, and Tom ie highly pleased. C3 -rev. Mre. George Dark, of Newry, made a brief visit this week with relatives. Denoan Molnnee, 1409 con., has been nursing a disabled hand for the past week. Thos. Bielby was a witness in the Bedford-Ooombes suit at the Assizes this week at Goderioh. This week Trueman Smith was at Lon• don attending the funeral of hie old time neighbor and friend, Thos. Heritage. Roy, the little son of Alex. R. McDon- ald, 8rd oon., hae been on the sick list but we hope he will soon be better. Plans have been prepared for the new school house to be erected to replace the one recently destroyed by fire on the lith oon. Tuesday of this week Ernest Eisler and wife left for Manitoba where they purpose making their home. We wish them encases in the West. Robt. MoLaohlan,1019 eon., hae not been enjoying very robust health this Winter but we bole the doming Spring will aid in a complete restoration. Saturday afternoon of next week the Woodburn 50 sore farm, N. k lot 11, con. 6, will be offered for sale by publio motion at the American hotel, Brussels, at 2 o'clock. We pleased to hear that John, goo of Angus Lamont, 7th oon., who has been quite ill with pneumonia, ie improving quite nicely and We hope he will soon be convalescent. Mies Annie, daughter of Heotor Mo. Quarrie, ed line, was taken seriously ill with inflammation, at George Weleh'e but is about reoovered now we are pleased to report. Aaron edoI4tdden, 12th eon„ is toneid• erably better than he was. We hope for onntinued progress. He is being oared for at the home of hie brother•in-law, David Walker, 6th line, Morrie. Mre. John Killingeworth hoe been quite poorly all Winter but we hope she will continue to improve. Mr. Killings worth talks of taking a trip to Manitoba in the Spring with a view of becoming a settler. F. S. Scott, of Brussels, sold the Ohep. neap 100 aore farm, lot 12, con. 6, Grey, this week to Ransom Dennis, of Moil• lop, for the spun of $8,000. Mr. Chap, man is a resident of Michigan, The new, purchaser will tape po8Bee0ion at once. Foes= Gam= DEAD, -Last Sunday Thos. Heritage passed away to hie re. ward aged 74 years. After a residence in Grey townebip, 6th oon., for a number of years he rented his farm and moved to London, where on the Wbarnoliffe road, he followed market gardening. He is survived by hie wife and three children, Mr. Heritage Wag a man of unblemished charaoter, 0905801mi by all who knew him, and wee a faithful and 00129681801 member of the Methodist ohuroh. The Lineal tools place on Wednesday after. noon, intermoat being made at Mount Pleasant cemetery, The many old friende of tbe family in this locality will sympathize deeply with Mre. Heritage and family in their bereavement. Tues. daye'e London Free Press says :-The many friends of 'rboe. Heritage will regret to hear of his death, which occur. red Sunday at 2:80 p. m.,abhieresidence, London township. Mr. Heritage was a kindhearted, upright, honorable man -a true gentleman, whom to know was to admire and reepeot. Ste wee a mai of deep piety, a valued member Of Empress Avenue Methodist =drab, and op to the time of his illness of two yam his place those wag seldom vacant. The sympathy of the whole community will go out to Mrs. Heritage in her sorrow, and to his sone and daughter -John B. of London townebili, and Mies Sash', of Weet Lon- don Public school, who ie at preens ie Ottawa attending the Normal School, and who hae been aumntoned home. Another eon, William, resided in Manitoba. A daughter, Bertha, died a few year0 ago. The family resided in Brussels before Doming to London, and their many friends tn that violet will be pained to hear of his death, Mise Martha Lang is home on a viae with relatives and Mende from I'01tebtir9, Penney yank. Wm. Campbell, Dungan MaLaunhlin and Dan, Ferguson Luft Brueaele for the West this ween. The crayon portrait work done by Joseph Oster, of thio township, is worthy of piaiee and he ebould develop into au artist of note. Alex. Robertson and family removed to Wes/eater where they will reside for a time, Mr. Robertson will go to Muni• toba on te pr0speoting trip shortly. Tuesday of this week Rebt. MOBlain, mother and sister left for Rapid Oity, Manitoba. Mre. Weatherepoon, who hae been visiting here, returned to the West on the earns day. During the past week Alex. Rose and family removed from Grey to Gorrie. They carry with them the heartiest good wishes of the oommanity. The Gorrie people will find them firetolaee citizens. POSTPONED SALE. -The auction Bale of John Mitchell, S. lot 6, con. 12, was not held no Wednesday owing to rain but will come off next Tuesday afternoon, 21st inst., at 1 p. In. In addition to former list 10 tone of bay will Mao be sold. Last Saturday James Butz arrived home from a vigil to his brother at East Tawas, Nifub. Mr. Butz says the embargo put on Canadian loge elate Michigan detrimentally although they have quite a quautity of timber yet. A new interest Is being developed in the' cultivation of the sugar beet. They have bad very little 80090 in that section of Michigan. Mr, Botz's brother is a dentist and to well known to it good many people in Grey. BDILDINa.-The amine Beason will be a bus one in the building line. Ina. IIarr Y X Y Atwood has booked the fo'lowine jobs of stonework for stabling : Jno. Davis, 4th line Morrie ; Jas. Elliott, 8th oon., Grey ; Joeeph Bennett, 1819 can„ Grey ; W. 11, Sholdice, Walton, He also has a new cellar for Abram Bishop, 8rd oon., and sellar under kitchen for Arch. Robert eon, 411 con. Work will be pushed as soon as the weather its favorable. A TIE. -The deoislon of the debate, last Tuesday evening, at Smith's eahool, wee given as a tie. W. Bryton and On. 0ouacillor Bowman claimed that the Laurier Government was not worthy of reelection and M. Black and S. B. Graeae defended Sir Wilfrid and his colleagues. Splendid speeches were given, after which a musical end litertary program was rendered. This was the closing debate of a very siooeseful season, and the Society is to be cougratalabed on its =mesa. Ddforr,t3. James Evans intends putting an addi- tion to hie house. Chao. MoQuarrie Sundayed at Hugh Forsyth's, 6th line. David Farquharson intends taking a trip out West thie Spring. The big wood pile that was out by the Fear Bros. hae shrunk to 9 cords. Peter McArthur and Wm. Taylor attended e sale user Clinton this week. Quite a number of Morrisitee attended the Belgrave tea meeting last Tuesday evening. Misses Ella and Minnie Ma0atl spent Sunday with their friend Mise Hannah Forsyth. Among those who left Morrie this cels for the West w a e t e w re Jno. McArter and bride, Robt. (Jlarlt, Inc, MoCraoken and Wm, Gibson. Thursday evening of last week a sleigh load of young people drove to James Yuill'e, near Teeewater, to a party. They got back about 7 o'clock neat morning. Timber is being got out for a new bank barn for John Mason, 3rd line, John Heaney, of Bluevale, hae the contract. Geo. Diver, Brussels, has the mason work. Robt. White and wife, 7th line, intend removing from Morrie to Tuokersmitb township where they expect to spend the next Summer. We wish them prosper. it The flood of last week overflowed some of the ooneessione badly. At Garda' drain the top of the culvert floated away and the load was submerged for 80 rods to a depth of over 2 feet, and publio travel interfered with. Laet week Albert Crooke purohaeed the 100 -acre farm belonging to John Currie, eh line, paying $4,376 for it, Mr. Cur. ria has been living in Brueaele for sever. al years, etnrehouseman for R. Graham at the G. T. R, Mr, Crooke will not move to the farm this season, but wilt cultivate it. It is a good farm and con- veniently looated. The Fair at Blytb on Tuesday, Mar, 7th, was a success. A line day brought a lot of fine horses and a number of buyers. Quite a number of farmers were on the lookout for horses. John Hunter, 7th line, Morris, bought a fine heavy draught mare from Thos, Rose, of East Wawanoeh, and he bas now a team of mares that will defy these parte for their equal. Snout. -The following is the report of S. S. No. 4, Morrie, for the month of February :-Primary -Total 600. - Norah Maunders, 496; Willie Oloamy, 148. P. S. Leaving -Total 000. -Willie 010akey, 088 ; Ida Mooney, 488 ; Riehd. Oardi€f, 461 ; Alex. MoNab, 860. Sr. 4th-Tdtal 800 -Clara Mooney, 668 ; Mabel Nichol, 682 ; Bertha Nichol, 554 ; Milton Sharpe, 682; Robt. Mooney, 474; Bertha Sharpe, 882. Jr. 4th -Total 000. -Minnie Mooney, 806 ; Carrie Speie, 364 ; Willie Johnston, 844; David Mo0utoheon, 306 ; Lizzie Davie, 208 ; Nelson 14fennders, 172 ; Everett Walker, 168. ' 3rd class -Total 600. -Laura Oloakey, 620 ; John Moss, 446 ; Geo, Davie, 488 ; Lizzie Spate, 426 ; Annie Nichol, 802 ; Tenn Foreytb, 854 ; Elston Cardiff, 848 ; Minnie Walker, 120 ; Deed Walker, 118 ; Pearl Sharpe, 00. Sr. 2nd -Total 400.-Feank Niohol are 840 ; Frank Nichol, jr,, 204 ; Alltt 1110. Oataheen, 201 ; Arthur Taylor, 92. Jr. 2nd -Total 300. --Lorne Niohol, 210 ; Harold Seth., 908 ; 011ie Wallter, 178. Honor Blanding for the montb,-Noratl Maunders, W11118 Cloalsey, Clara Mooney, Mabel Niehot, Laura Oloakey, Jew. Moe, Geo, Dees, Lizzie Speir, Frank Nichol, er,, Lorne Nichol, Average attondanoe 86, J, D, 17, Beane, Teethe.. W. H. KERR, Prop.; James Kelly is moving any this melt to Wawanoeh. A Int of good cattle were shipped on Thursday of this week from Br068els. A good many of our young mets left here on Toeeday morning for Manitoba, Samuel Irvine, 6101 line, hoe rented hie farm to Geo, Plokett, from near Au• burn. The Mieees Diament, of Bluevale, were visiting their unolo, Henry Mooney, tor several days, Mrs. Chas. Wheeler, sr., 4th line, is re markably smart for it lady of her years, She has passed her 80th birthday. Will. Bedford, who has been smith's; for Samuel Walker, left this ween for Loodesboro'. Ole expecte to go to Man- itoba. Mrs. Henry Mooney and daughter's, Clara and Minnie, will a000mpaoy Mr, Mooney when he goes West thio Spring to his farm. Wm. Elston, lot 0, con, 2, has a fine fiouk of sheep, uumbering 50, He has 18 Spring lamb', some nearly 8 weeks old, to oars for, John Wightman, 819 line, sold his 60 sore farm this week to Edward Arm• strong whose farm adjoins it. Mr. Wightman moved away to Wawanoeh this week, ;fames Craig hoe settled down on the 6tl1 line, 0u the Littiefair farm. Mr, 0. has taken a partner in with him. We wish tbe young couple long life and prosperity in our township. IIYdii1NEA0.-Wednesday of haat week Rev. A. McLean tied the matrimmial bow between John F. McArter, of Morris, and Mise Jennie, the estimable daughter of Thos. Miller, an old and well known residen the 6that t t of hoe he moose in Blyth, Mr. and Mrs. ]IgA tsar have the Y hearty good wishes of a large oirole of friends for their future happiness and prosperity in their borne in Manitoba. They left Brussels for Boiseevain on Tuesday of this week taking a car of settlers; effects with them. CLooE 0a14.. -Last Saturday morning Harry Beeman left his farm, oon, 2, with a load of wood for B'nevale. When he gob to the railway arousing the sleighing wag very poor and here the team stuck. While be was In this predicament the early morniug train came rolling along and Mr. Beeman, after a vain attempt to get the load across the traok, made all haste to get hie horses unhitched. He succeeded in getting three tugs unfeeten- ed when the engine caught the sleigh, eoattering the wood, smashing the front bob to kindling and giving the bind one a great shaking np. One horse suffered by the overthrow but fortunately the fasten• ed tag was broken freeing the animal from the sleigh. Harry does not objeot to help in loading or unloading but thinks this Grand Trunk style is a trifle swift if the wood bag to be measured. It was a close oall and one nobody will tare to repeat Mise Jnmieeon, of Fordwich, is visiting at R. J. Oaeemore'e. John Robertson is confined to the house with a Pore foot. B. Duff, of East Wawanoeh, was visit. ing at home on Saturday and Sunday. Fred, and Mre. MoOraoken, of Bruer 9018, spent Sunday at Jobn Gardiner's. Rev. D. Rogers, of Bluevaie, attended the funeral of Rev. A. Cunningham in Kincardine this week. The Willing Workers of the Methodist church aurprieed Mr, and Mre. J. Boer mac on Friday evening and presented the latter with en easy chair. They brought refreshments and an enjoyable time was spent. Prior to their departure for Manitoba, over 100 of their friends gathered at the home of Wm, and Mre. Gemmill, of Tarnberry, and presented them with a gold watch and chain and a dinner set, respectively. A pleasant time was spent by all. The event of the eaten in Bluevale will be "O'Hooligan'sl Weddin." It 18 a 4 -sob comedy, a oontinaons laugh through out. A good orchestra, will play during intervals. Some of the latest sonde will be presented by the vooalieta of the oompany. Friday, Maroh 24th. Atino txn,n- Anebach, the magician, gave au enter. tainment under the auspices of the hockey team on Thursday evening. The atten. dance was not large. Ansbaoh fully sue• tained hie reputation as a clever magi• can. A nubile meeting will be held in the Oounoil Chamber, Town Hall, Wingham, on Saturday, Meech 1819, commencing at 2 o'cloak in the afternoon, It is pro. posed to discuss the forming of a hint stook company to erect and manage a flour mill and elevator in Wingbam. Dan. -After a painful illness extend- ing over several menthe, Ma. Jewett Johnston passed away on Monday last, aged 51. 141r, Johnston has bad a hard time of late, but we hope the ends will lift and the sen shine once more. The funeral took plane on Thoedey to Wing- ham ingham oern01ery. Dom. -Word hes been re0eived of the death of Wm. Tera, Massey Harris agent at Prinoe Albert, N. W. T. Mr. Tees etas well known in Winabam and vicin- ity. His death ecumenic] on February 27th from erysipelas. He bad only Oben ill a few days, He had been agent for the oompany for several years at Oak Lake, He leaves a widow and family. Pnneetees.-Jas. and Mrs. MoKelvie ate recovering from a severe rttaok of la grfpp8.-Dr, Jamieson, of Whiteoburoh, wa8 oalled to Barrie thie week by the fit• nese et hie mother, -Mr. Dalton, mail clerk on the G. T, R., removed to Niagara Falls this week.-Mre. Geo. Mason its spending a few days in London,-Sohool Inepeotor Robb was in town on Monday. -F. H. Heath, of the Oonfederetion Life, was in town thie week. --Gilbert Fergie and Be Tindall returned to Mani. Wm on Tueeday last. -A. Sobaettan Was in Toronto tbi8 week to see his brother who was recently injured by a trolley ear, having, one of hie lege broken in three places, --A. E. Deepest, of ?Atoka, ie in town fin the interests of the Atoient Order of Foresters, Town CouNcrn.-A brief session of the Town Counoii was held on Monday even- ing at which all the members were prey. 801 except Cionnotllor Galley, The mle• utas of last meeting were read and eon. Armed. The hookey team aekad for a rebate on the rent of the Hall as their en'ortoinneent was nota 000080x, -riled, An ailment of $2,35 for wood for Town Hull was paoeed, Bylaw No. 886, to grant exemption for ten years to Button ck Resent on certain conditions was read the requisite number of times and p0.8eed, A general 000vereation on several topioe followed and Council adj ,urned, liolexra•ve. The Manitoba fever has attacked Borne people in thie locality and is likely to carry some of them off. A wood bee was held at Chae. Ma. Orae'e on Friday of lad week at which about 20 cords of wood was out and split. There was a party ab night when about 100 spent an enjoyable time. Postmaster Sproat had a close run to a serious accident the other day. In well: - log on the platform in front of hie store he stepped on a piece of ice oaaeing him to fall. His aide struck the steps and damaged a rib. He was oarrying a pair of scales at the time and was therefore less able to save himself. We hope he will suffer no bad effects. PEA MnEMNo.-The tea meeting bald by the Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian ohuroh in this place last Tuesday evening was a decided 9000880. After an elegant and bountiful supper at the Foresters' hall had been served an adjournment was made to the Church which was well filled. The energetic pastor took the obair and after the opening exerci see abort addresses wgiven byv. Oaten, d areRa 0 en Ph. B. of Belgrave ; Rev. Mr. West, M. A., of Bluevale ; W. H. Kerr, of Teta Pose, Breese'e, Rev. Mr. West gave au inter - eating account of a trip to and throogb Scotland. An excellent program of music was rendered by the choir of the West - Bald appointment, iu solo, quartette and chorus ; and two solos by Mies Lizzie Semple, of Bru'seals, Miss Jean MaLaucb• lin, of Ernestle, paying her a000mpani- meets. A vote of thanks was passed to those taking part in the program. Pro- oeeds about $47.00. The Ladies' Aid, of which Mre. (Rev.) Hall is the President, is to be congratulated on their senses as the proceeds go to the Badding 1'uud of the proposed new church. Listowel. A. Yule and wife, of Lietowel, recently attended the celebration of the 66th anni. %weary of tbe marriage of Mrs. Yule's parents, Mr- and Mre, Joeeph Lynn, of East Flambee. The old couple are 98 and 78 years of age, respectively, and are still hale and hearty. At a recent meeting of the citizens of Listowel it was unanimously decided to go on with the work of organizing a leo- operative pork factory for that town. If euooeseful it will be known as the Farmers' Cooperative Pork Pecking As 000iation of Listowel, The farrnere are invited to attend another meeting, to be held nn Friday afternoon, March 2419, in the town hall. It is intended to give the patrons the fall control and all the profits, The Soboul Board at its last meeting eanotioned the holding of a concert in MoDonald's sm musics hall tn thane fears near fa u e in order that Miss Olimie, the ma810 teacher, may have an opportunity of giv log the oitizene au idea how mueia in the school is progressing, It is supposed that the pupils in Mies Draper's and Mre. Austin's departments shall be selected for the purpose. We hope to see at no far distant day music taught in all the schools of our land. The gas works here Clad another very narrow escape from being demolished by an explosion of gas. On Friday night shortly after ten o'olock those who hap- pened to be anywhere in the vicinity of the gas works wore startled by a muffled report and a bright light, which turned out tabs an explosion of gee at the works, but which fortunately was not very de. atruotive, owing largely to the large open ventilators in the roof. It appears that the main pipe which oonveye the gas to the gas holder had become partially filled with condensation or some other sub• stance, whioh caused the bank pressure to become 00 strong as to foroe the gas through the water Beale co the purifier, and thus large quantities of gas were forced into the purifying room, where a try light is kept burning. The man in charge was working in the other part of the works and had not nntioed the escap- ing gas, benne the explosion. Fortunate- ly nobody was injured and very little damage done to the building. The toot gob nicely darted to burn, but so prompt was the response of one fire department that the fire wag put out in en incredibly short time, This was very fortunate, owing to the inflammable eaters of the surroundings. It is saidby^thcse on the ground that water was being thrown on to the fire in,85 minutes !torn the time the alarm 900$ given., Presbytery of Maitland. This Presbytery met at Teeewater on March 7th. Rey. S. M. Whaley, Moder- ator, pro tem ; Rev. W. J. West, Clerk, pro tem. Rev. H. W. Ross was invited to sit 0.0 oorrespouding member. The name of DOE,, David Wardrope was placed on the Presbytery roll. Elder's (etlr0ni80ion was received fu favor of Won, McDonald, of Riversdale. Rev. W. T. Hall was appointed interim Moderator of the Seamus of White- ohurob, and Langeide and instraoted to declare the pulpits vacant on the first Sabbath in May. Rev, 0, Law, late of Belgrave, has been transferred at his own roqueot, to the Presbytery of lkfelita. CO)ommunioatiou was received from the Board of Management of Manitoba Col- lege, intimating their nomination of Rev. T. B. Kilpatrick, B D., of Ferryhill Free church, Aberdeen, Scotland, se Pro- fessor of Systomabio Theology and Apolt• gotins in that College. Statiettoal rebut= of oohgvegation are called for without delay, Grouts is aagmontsd eliargete were passed. Robs. Harrison was recommend. 0d to the Committee of Assembly on the Aged and Infirm Ministate' fund as a, suitable person for canvassing the Pros. bytery for completing the endowmout of the fund. Dr. Murray and W. Little are appointed members of Synod's cone• mibtee on bills and overtures. Rev. 3. Malcolm presented report on Church life and work which was received and adopted as was also report on Bab• bath schools by Mr. Miller, Rev, A. Mackay presented an overture to the General Assembly on Pablio Worship, It was laid on the table till . next meeting. Commissioners to the Assembly were appointed as follows : Revde, J. Mal. oolm, D. B. McRae, D. Forrest, J. Max- well, A. Stewart, Dr, Murray, The fol- - lowing sessions are asked to nominate ono of their number as commissioner and report the name to the Clerk, viz. ;-Dun. game's, Belgrave, Wroxeter, Huron, Bluevale. Dr. Murray was appointed member of Assembly's Committee on bills and overtures. Rev Mr. Malcolm and Mr. Stewart are appointed to sup- port Rev. H. W. Reed's applioabion for admission to the ministry of the church before the Assembly. Remit on etatietice was amended by adding a column for the number of oon• tributing families. The Presbytery pas- • sed a resolution of thanks to the man- agers of the Methodist church for their kindness in plaoing their church at the disposal of the court for the day. The Presbytery met in the evening in Knox ohuroh. The annual report of the Presbyterial W. F. M. S. was read, show. ing total collations to amount to 5104.. 00. Resolutions of sympathy with the familee and frien s of t 1' d he late Rev. John Ferguson D. D., and Principal King were passed. The meeting was addressed by Reeds. Messrs. Reed and West in behalf of the Presbytery expres- sing its appreciation of the work done in the W. F. M. S. The Rev. Be P. Mo. Kay delivered an address on the theme "Enthusiasm." The thanks of the meet- ing were tendered to Rev, R. P. McKay and Mre. Ballantyne for the address and solo rendered, respectively, and to the ladies of the church, for their kindness in entertaining the delegates and presbyters. The next meeting of the Presbytery will be held in the Presbyterian church, Wingham, on Tuesday, May l6tb, at 10 a, m. Bao. Mensen, Clerk. Lacknow, Maroh 10th, 1899. No Prohibition. The following letter has been received by F. S. Spence, Secretary of the Demi- nionAllianoe, Toronto: - Ottawa, Maroh 4th, 1899. Dear Mr. Spence When the dele- gation of the Dominion Allien00 waited upon the government last ]Fall to ask as a 0oneegne008 of the plebiaoite, the intro• deletion of prohibitory legislation, they based their demand upon the fact that on the total of the vote oast there was a majority in favor of the principle of pro- hibition. The exact figures of the votes recorded were not at that time accurately known, but the official figures, which we have now, show that on the sensation put to the elootora, . 278,487 voted yea, and 264,571 votedAlter the official o ed figures had been made while, it was con- tended by some of the opponents of pro- hibition that the margin of difference be- tween the majority and minority was so alight, that it practically constituted a tie, and there was therefote no occasion for the government to 500000008 either one way or the other. The government does not share that view. We are of the opinion that the fairest way of approach ing the question is by the consideration of the botal vote oast in favor of prohibi. tion, leaving aside altogether the vote re- corded against it. In that view of the question, the record shows that the electorate of Canada, to which the question •900.8 submitted, cm - prised 1,233,840 voters, and of that nom- bet lees than twentythree per Dent., or a . trifle over one•fif19, affirmed their con. victims in the principle of prohibition. If we remember that the objeot of the plebiscite was to give an opportunity to those who have at heart the cause of pro- hibition, who believed that the people were with them and that if the question were voted upon byitself, without any other issue which might detract from its consideration, a majority of the elector- ate would respond and thus show the Canadian people prepared and ready for its adoption, it meet be admitted that the expeotation was not justified by the event. Oa the other hand, it was argued before us by yourself and others, that as the plebiscite campaign was carried out by the friends of prohibition, without any expenditure of money, and without the usual excitement of polftfo 1 agita- tion, the vote recorded in favor of it was nomparatively e large one. This state. went I did not then controvert, nor do I . controvert it here and now. I would simply remark that the honesty of the vote did nob Buffer from the absence of than causes of excitement, and that even if the tot0.lity of the vote might have been somewhat increased by eaoh (Muse, its moral fora Would not have been made any stronger. I venture to submit for your ooneidera1ion, and the consideration of tbe membere of the Dominion A.11ianoe, who believe in prohibition as the Moab efficient means of suppressing the evils of intemperance, that no good purpose would be served by fording upon the pro• plea measure which is shown by the vote to have the support of lea than twenty. three per cent. of the electorate. Neither - would it serve any good purpose to enter here into farther 0onteovetBy on the malty iooidental pofuta discussed before us, My objeot is simply to convey to yen the conclusion that in one judgment ` the expression of publio opinion recorded at the polls in favor of probibitioo dfd not represent snob 8, proportion of the 9100. ' torate 0.0 would justify the inteedtiotiou by the Government of 1t prohibitory mefOnro. I leave tllo honor to 'be, dear M. Sponge, lours voty. si.noetely, Wotcnin S,aunrtGn,