The Brussels Post, 1899-3-10, Page 8H irreoiotls fa the Eye—money could nob buy them or induce you to part with thele. How fortunate it is that in many oases of poor or failing vision that you eau assist your eyes t0 do the work for whioh they were made. Do not, however, do this by haphazard when you can have it done properly and cost you no more. We test Eyes free of charge and if our goods and prices are not satie- faobory you need nob bay. We can sell you Speotaolee from Ho. per pair up, but we never recommend a cheap Spectacle. When you try them alongside of our beet you will note the difference and say with tie the best are none too good, es. peoially when not expensive. Call and see us, G. A. Deadman, Druggist, Optician & Bookseller, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Bem8REan m=TENeIon ve, e. & n. Trains leave Brinson Station, North and South, as follows : Goma Soum}. Goma Nonni. Hxprees 7:10 a,m,Ilton ,.,........ 1:10 p.m ifrxed ...,.•,,9:45 a.m. j Express 10:17 p.m A chiel'e amang ye Lakin' notes, An' faith he'll prent ft. Scnom, Board this (Friday) evening. Benzes open next Monday atGoderioh. TRE glass blowers went to Atwood on Monday. Punta Moots will close an Thursday 80th for the Easter holidays, A CO of potatoes will arrive at Mc- Craoken'e grocery the first of next week. SNOWSHOEING is the order of the day, The "Snow -shoe Tribe" report many pleasant tramps of late. IT i8 said the greenhouse of the late Tbna, Kelly will be ooatinued by the Miens Kelly, sisters to the deceased. TRE next and last Monthly Horse Fair for this season will be held in Brussels on Thursday, April 6511. Mark the date down, TEE PostofHoe Departmant f e aekiug for tenders for parrying the mall between Brussels P.O. and the G. T. Railway station. 1110880808 Bonn visited the various departments of Brussels Public school this week and found everything running in good shape, JNo. DONALDSON is putting on another journeymen owing to a rash of work in the harness beeinees in the person of J. Al. MoKeuzie, of Teeswater. LAST Sunday night a targe seation of the oiling in the parlor of D. 0. Roes' residence peeled off and did considerable damage to the brio -et brie in the room. Masses. EWAN & INNEs are getting a hustle on them in the Carriage business and have already disposed of 6 new bug- gies. They ate counting on a busy sea - 800 and ask the pnblie to call in and teapot their large stock. THE Winghem Advance says :—" Wes- ley Walker, of Walker Bros. & Button, has purchased the property on tbe corner of Patrick and Edward street from F. II. Roderoe for the sum of $695. Com- ing events cast their shadows before, 1BONSTR0898Y.—Doo. Warwick „had a Spring foal on exhibition at his barn this week that was quite a freak of no. tare. It had two beads and two necks, one body and four bind lege, with a tall out of its shoulder. The mother of this monstrosity belonged to Simon Grant, Grey. The colt was fully developed but dead. Brussels taxadermiet R. Johnston, talks of "setting it up," LAST Friday evening the following pro- gram was given at fhe A. 0. U. W. Lodge :—Addreee by T. Farrow nn the A. 0. U. W. Grand Lodge whittle he attend• ed; music by Harry MOOrea ; stump epeeoh, Wm. Ainley ; epeeoh on "Pluck" by Watson Ainley ; song by Rob, Mo. Grethen ; speech by H. McCrae on "Hoge" • song by Wm, Ainley reading by W. I. McCracken on "Initiating a drummer." The Lodge meets en Friday of next week. Tun Dtamoon,—A meeting was held in the Connell chamber last Friday even- ing for the reorganization of Brnsele Base Ball team for 1899. The following offioere were ehoeen :—on. Pres., Dr. Kelbfleisoh ; Hon. Vioe•Pres., W. H. Kerr ; President, J. T. Roes ;1iee•Pres., 0. F. Stair ; Sea., Jae. Irwin ; Treas., Jas. Ballantyne. Arrangements are be. ing"made to put a strong nine in the field and the indications are that ea laurel winners Brussels will continue to occupy a front east for the °oming season. Vie- toria Park should be the scene of gems lively games, THANE You,—Our hsarty thanks are due - to those who Have materially aided a8 in olearing off old subscription 800000ts to Tim Pon. A dollar or two seeing a small sum to any sebeariber bub wben there are a hundred or go of these oases it means a great deal to the Publisher. We have mailed notices to a large num- ber who are behind and will appreciate a prompt remittance to help u8 meet oar flnanoial obligations. The credit system was bad enough before but since postage has been added to newepaper and we have to "whack tip" every week it benomee considerably worse, hence the ne0essity of 0019 request being complied with, THE Atwood Bee in referring to the 8069 of Soosland concert in that place says;—The Brussels contingent was re. presented by Donald Stewart and hie daughter, W. M. Sinoiair and J, 13, Cam- eron. The format delighted the audience with a imento11e ,Seetoh recitation, "Shiftier the Horse"e heid," a oomis song and eeveral selections on the pipers. Another capital repitetion in the Scottish dialect wee that entitled "The Courtship of Hugh Airlie," by Principe' Cameron, of Brunetti, in Whish the native brogue and mannerieme of the canny Soot were cleverly set forth. Mies Stewart and Mr. Sinclair eang the "Orookit. Bawbee," very well, whroll would have been render. ed 030r8 aoaeptsble had not Mr, Sinclair Maltreated a severecold on the way down t0 the 0One580 in the fade of etrong East Wind, T1;1J BRUSSELS' POST MONDAY, June 26th, is the day deolded en for the Agrioniturrtl Soolety's annual exo r a siOn t0 the Ontario Agrloulbural Farm at Guelph. TnE1eE ie a rumor going in some see - tions that the burnt/ plots in lire:tele cemetery are all taken up. This le en, tirely weong as there etre hundreds of good tote available. A en11108 has been issued to John Wright, of Bruesels, for a valuable im. provement on lawn mowers and be has good prospeete of turning it into money. We hope he will strike it rich, BRUSSELS beat Blyth at hockey in the latter plane by 9 Io 2, on Tuesday after. noon. Our boye were hoepitably enter. twined at the Commercial Hotel, of which Harry Jamee is the proprietor. ON Wednesday afternoon attention was called to a bridal party that visited Brae. sale. The prineipale were Robt. J. Mfine, of Elma, and Miss Ida Hewitt, of Grey. Rev, John Ross, B. A., tied- the matte. menial bow at the manse after whieh the happy twain and their attendants went Eastward. May prosperity attend them. Tun Boss Fair Thursday of last week brought a big crowd to town. The were a number of horses changed ban at good prices, altboogh the absence Manitoba buyers shut oft the buying animals lettable for the West, and de Wined by dealers from the U. S. or Old 0080193- Brussels market is a good one. IT is reported around Wingbam that A. Brieboie who has resided there for many years, and hue been lineman for the Ce. N. W. Telegraph Co., hes left town for parte unknown to the general public. If such be the cage, many credit. ore will mouru his departure. A new mac has been sent to tette his plans with the Telegraph 00. GOING To ZuamR,—J, H. Wismar, biaokemith, has bought the residence and biaokemith shop of F. Ssigner, of Zurich, and will take possession 8.0 the end of this month. Mr. Wilmer ie a square going, ioduetrions man, and a good mechanic, Tan Pose wishes himself, wife and fanny prosperity in their new home. His re- moved from Bruesele will make a vacancy in the A. 0. U. W. Lodge where he filled the office of Foreman. GET VAccrxATED.—Rev, R. Paul, Chair- man of the Board of Health, visited the Public Sobool on Tuesday and imformed tbe pupils of the treat in store for them, viz„ that along about the Easter holiday. they are to all upon one of the resident doctore and get vaccinated so as to comply with the instructions of the Provincial Board of Health as a safeguard against a emerge from small pox which have made their appearance in the Eastern portion of the Dominion. Parente ehoald pay attention to this request as it is the intention of tbe Boned to make in gem• 901809y. PmraumsquR SCOTLAND, — Rev. Mr. Robertson, of Merriton, gave a very in. teresting and inetruative nectars in 'Mel- ville church last Friday evening on ',Pic- turesque Scotland." A large number of excellent views were presented on the aims, Barrister Blair pr wing quite an expert operetor with an 000ssi08al "up• side downer," The reverend Ieoturer gave a running comment on the various 09ene8,interepersed with wit, and eon. eluded by showing the oyalooe ruins of eterriton, his church included, last Fall. A collection, amounting to over $1000 was taken and presented to Mr. Robert- son to aid le the rehaildiva of the edifice, re CIS ISIV'TwoApprentices Wanted. of of JjllijLt 1. 1111E11 Mme..-•.., Miss Dumber bas rsteroed to town after filling a position in D. ele0all's Wholesale House, Toronto, for the past month, and le more able than ever to cater to the tastes of the ladies of Brea. eels and surrounding country. A large stook of Millinery to choose from !u the latest Paris, New York and Toronto designs. Announcement of Opening later, A One Range of -'`Ladies' Capes Thanking the Ladies for past pat. routine I soiloit a continuance of their esteemed favors. There was a very good attendance ann. sidering the disagreeable weather. The choir gave several fine anthema with Mrs, George Thomson at the organ. Rev, Mr. Roes presided as chairman, NEARLYA WATERLOO,—Bir members of Gerrie Hockey Team visited Brussels on Thursday afternoon of last week and played a match with our whirlwinds, on a rink oleared on the mill dam. The in was good and a lively but one•sided game was played, Bruseele winning by 9 to 2. Until a few minutes of time being oalled the score stood 9 to 0 but the boys from the North "got in the game" and secured 2 with some lively rushes. The respeo live teams were made up of the following players, Brussels only playing 6 men owing to the shortage on the Gerrie side : rectum. noetsrnn. Bananas. Nash 63611 FEta mon G. Irwin Ardetl cover Point... D. MaLauehlin Arden.. A.D, Duncan Arde11 Forwards {r J. MaarShemin( F.Bohe IC. Scott wag the Referee, Our boys did not go to Blyth on Saturday owing to the thaw but went on Tuesday afternoon in. stead. ENTERED INTO REaT.—After long enure of bodily suffering, borne with Christian patience and fortitude, Mrs. John 0. Halliday passed peacefully away from earthly concerns last Monday evening, aged 69 years. Her maiden name was Agnea Allan and her birthplace was the Snatch line of Bathurst townebip, Lan- ark Oo,, near Perth. On Feb, 22nd, 1848 she was married to Jno. 0. Ralli. day who survives ber. 85 years ago they moved to Brussels, then Ainley- vilie, where they have oontinnonsly re. sided. For the past 23 years Mrs. Haiti. day had been an invalid and for over 3 years was confined to the house. The majority of people grow restive and fret- ful under affliction but not so with the deceased and more than one testimony could be produced of the good received by a visit to the home where the Cbristly life was lived and the spirit of true resignation to the Father's will was ex. amplified. The promise of the (Good Book, "At eventide it shall be light," was Willed in Dare. Halliday's °losing years, Six children survive out of a family of ten. They are 1—John, of London ' Will„ of Calgary, N. W. T. ; Geo„ of Brussels ; Mrs, Frank nun, of Inger. null ; and Miseee Jessie and Maggie., of Braseets. Martin and Frank attained manbood before pausing away ; Robert died at 14 y8are of age and Allan at 2. The subject of this notice was a eon• eistent member of the Presbyterian thatch from her girlhood. She was very mash attained to ber family and took a deep interest in them whether present or absent and they in return left nothing undone to add to her oemfort and happi• nese. On Wednesday afternoon the funeral was hold, llev, i'0110 Roes, B. A., 000duoting the serene at the home on the corner of King and Jobn streets, a portion of the 40th Psalm being sung by request of the deoeaeed who took great comfort from the Work of God. Inter- ment was made in bhe family plot in Brussols cemetery, Mr. Halliday and family are deeply sympathised with in their bereavement. The pall bearers were Thos. and John Struohan, 0, A, Deadman, A, 14t.,MuMay, 13. Gerry and W. H, herr. A beautiful floral wreath eneirelieg the word "Mother" and across were platted on the oaskot rfle Bogen. A number of school reports and o items are orowded one of this issue will appear next week. G. F, Beam will attend the Ass next week, where he bas the plaiut Daae in baud in Bedford vs. Combos, Reenraeles Fees,—The net eatery waived by the late Registrar, A. L, G son, for the year 1897, was 32,010 The salary of the same ofrce in 1896 88,893.74, end in 1895, $3,917.9e. The Uniform Promotion examinati in the Public schools of Huron will held on the 23rd and 24th of Mar Teacher% requiring papers must send the Inspector the number of papers quired for saah plass. THE familiar name of A. R. Smith once more seen in the advertisingoolum of TRE POST, Mr. Smith is a Ortn liever in the use of the press and also lieves that the knowing public read t advertisements of live buafnest' men. .38880E WILBER, who has been a re dent of Brnaeele for the past 8 or years, has leased a 100 acre farm at E5 and will move to it shortly. While gretting their departure from Brass we oan heartily recommend Mr, and M Wilbee to the Btbelites as inn -Wass pe pie. Mr, Wilbee has been in the empl of P, Amelia FAMOUS' INSTIT1TE.—A meeting of t Directors of East Huron Farmers' Ins tate will be bald in Brnaeele on the 17 of Marco at 1,90 p. m. Business (1) Seleotioh of plane for holding t annual meeting ; (2) Shall a reg0est sent to the Superintendent for a deluge to attend the annual meeting ? ; (8) If is decided not to send a regees1 to th Superintendent for the services of a dei gate, the Direotors shall select a date o whioh to hold the annual meeting whin ehalibe between the let and 20th June. Ono. Moon, Secretary, MRITAREN IDENTITY.—A oorresponde from Alma, Huron Road, writes case of mistaken identity happened i this neighborhood last week, and to e plain, we must go batik a bit, A lad living in Toronto had a large sum money stolen from her house by th hired man during her absence, an though the police were notified, the could get no track of the misarean Last week a citizen of $rascals visite in this vicinity and told the tale of t11 theft and described the supposed this The description given applied closely t a young man working in the neighbor hood, and without waiting to personal! investigate, the Brueselite bad big Chia Wheatley, of Oliuton, sent for. Th Chief didn't produce handcuffs or say "Here, I want you," but made enquiry and the young man was not arrested He bas worked in Seaforth or this town ebip for the past couple of years or so The affair, quite naturally enougb, Iva a big surprise, but mistakes will happen TRIPPED ea Hun DRmes.—A Guelph paper gives the following particulars o the decease of a sister-in•law of A, Baw tiuheimer'e, Brunelle :—The sympathy of the entire community goes out to W G. Mitchell, and family, in the Budden death of bis wife, wide]) occurred at the General Respite', Guelpb, last Saturday night. Saturday atternoon Mrs. Mitchell was enjoying the best of health, now a devoted family are mourning the lose of a devoted and indulgenb mother. About three o'clock Saturday afternoon 8Srs. Mitchell, white moving about fn the house, naught her foot on the skirt of her dress, tripped end tell, striking her bead on a chair. At firer, though naturally suffering a little from the bruiee, nothing enjoin was anticipated. About 8 o'olook the pain got mach worse, and it was feared the brain was injured. She was conveyed to the General Hospital. It was found the skull was fractured. An operation was performed, but she never regained consciousness, and passed away about 11 o'clock, Doomed leaves besides her Borrowing huehand, three sons, W. for the Hamiltoner for she Diebrriot; Rooid y, BigotsCo., employed with big father In the bioysle business, and Riehard, who is attending the G. 0. T., and two daughters, Nellie and Jennie, at home. ENTentlea illem.—A most. 5100855101 and enjoyable entertainment wee given in the school room of the Metbodieb 'thumb on Tuesday evening, Rev. 0, J. Allan in the chair. The following was the well rendered musical and literary bill of fare ;—Chorus "The land of the Maple," by Belt. Hingston, Earl Backer, Harry Ainley, 1lferto11 Bowe and Charlie Hingeton ; recitation, "Tbe late node of England," 1311° Fanston ; solo, "Please give me a penny,' in oharaoter, Fernie Aliin ; reoitatioo, "The sink dolly," Stella Gerry ; ohorue, "I am a little soldier," Herold Wilbee, Frank Gerry and Way ABM ; reeitauon, "Meddlesome Mattis," Mildred Beall, Myrtle Hankie, Eva Modraoken and Jessie Roblin ; recitation, Norah Maunders ; tableaux, "Grandma's mending day," in which little Grace Walker personated the old lady tiptop' "The Workore," Herbie Lowry and "Fede" Mooney giving ac ex. hibition of their buck -saw abilibiee; real. Wien, "Willie's prayer;" Sadie Maxwell - OOlo, "Won't you Dome to my tea party," Pearl Lowry ; reeitatfon, "When papa's molt," Eva Inider ; motion song, by Laura and Pearl Leatherdaie, Eva Denbote, Ella Fuesbon, Pearl Lowry, Oarrie Met/Molten, Orme Gntry, Pentre Arlin, Eve. Snide and Nellie P88b150 u blur but 1005 ill's re. ib• 76. was one be ob, to re. ie DB be. be. be 8I• 10 het re- els re. 0. oy he ti• tit be be to it 5e n It of nt A x• Q ti 6 d 2. 0 • • 9 • • reoibolion, "A _little girlie troubles," Laur a Oardisl•gong, „ Canada, by G boys ; reeitauon, "/robe's treasure ' leis Mooney ; duet, "Door little Joe,' Bertha and Pearl Sliarp 1 reoitatiou, "George Washington Reseed Lowry ; doll drill, by 10 girls tebleaov, "Sleigh ride party" and "Good eight." Prooeeds $10.00, The ladiee who undertook the preparation of the program were Dire, Gilpin, Mrs, Allin, Miss Lizzie Sample and Afiss Jennie Howe, and the presentation of it did norther then/ nor those tatting part any discredit, Business ,Locals. Clover and Timothy sped at MOOrao• ken's, (Mom and Timothy seed. Becher &Vanetone, Two good working hones for sale at lot 27, oou, 7, Morrie. RoDT, WRITE. 83. A few kegs of lake herring to exchange for wood. Apply etllallaotyns'e grocery, Dramas. Wanted—Batter 16-170, A ton of feathers, dried apples and raw furs. G. E. Euro, Wingbam. Ronald Fire Engine Works wish to purchase 100 to 200 cords of wood, four feet long—hard or soft—green or dry, early delivery. HEADING BOLTS WANTED. -1,000 cords of heading bolts wanted, meet be 40 tnabea long, good size and sound. High. est dash pride. P. AnroNT. Robbed the (have A startling iucldeu1, of whir,;, John Oliver, of Philadelphia, was the subject, ie narrated by him as followe :—"I was in a most dreadful condition. 17y akin was almoet yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain oontiaually in back and aides, no appetite -gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physioiane bad given me up. Fortudately, a friend advised trying'Eleotrio Bitters ;' and to my great joy and surprise, the first bottle made a decided improvement. I cootie. tied their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of another vie. tam" No one should fail to try them. Only 50o , guaranteed, at Deadman's Drug Store. Brussels Council. The monthly meeting of the municipal Council was held fu the Council Ohsm• ber on Monday evening ; all the members present, the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and pats. ed. The following 0000u008 were present. ed: J. H. Wiemer, fire dept $ 50 W. Bird, plow broken plowing suow 1 60 Whaley, Royce & Co., repairing Band instruments 9 80 Watson Ainley, fire dept t 50 J. Kendal), auditor 6 00 J. Y, S. Kirk, auditor 6 00 Constable MoLauoblin, salary20 00 Thos, iielly, Treaeurer's salary, &a45 00 Moved by S. Wilton, seconded by J. D. Werwiok, that above accounts be pale.— Carried. Rev. R. Paul, Chairman of the Board of Health, addressed the Ooutoil relative t0 the vacoinatlon of the children in Breese Is. Moved by J. D. Warwick, seconded by S, Wilton, that all children in Brussels, not already emanated, be instruoted to visit one of the three doctors and get vaoainated, at a fee of 26 cents each, and that Rev. R. Paul be authorized to see that the resolution is carried out. -- Carried. The bonds of A, Straoban, village Treasurer, were presented with Thos. Strube', and Thos. Ballengee as bonds- men. Auditors' report was presented and ex. mined by the Board. Moved by 13. Cochrane,seoonded by J. T. Roos, that the report as read be adopt• ed and the accounts of Treasurer and 001150tor stand finally audited as set out therein, showing balms on hand 84,079, 91 ; in hands of Treaeurer, 3927.43; in Bank, 33,763.48.—Carried. Auditors' special report of funds in Treasurer's hand from Jan. 1st, 1899 to Feb, let, 1809 read, showing oath in hands of Treasurer, $380,48, and in Bank, 32,778 68, The question of 5 settlement of the late Treasurer's account with the corpor- ation was disowned when it was moved by J. D. Warwick and seoonded by J. T. Rosa, that the exeoutore of the late Mr. Kelly be asked for $880,43 to balance the account.—Carried, This fnolnded $220 parried along eines the failure of the McIntosh & MoTaggart private bank, with whom Mr. Kelly did his bueineos. Another small dividend will bo deolared by the Bank whioh will be returned to the estate. A full disouseion of the sewer and gran- olithio walk questions mane up and the intention of the Council is to pursue a vigorous campaign as soon as Spring opens. An Engineer will lay out the work for the sewers at an early date, °ounoitthen adjourned, WrOaceter. W. Belden shipped a load of horses to Manitoba on Tuesday. Rev. Mr. Reid exchanged pulpits with Rev, R. 8. G. Anderson on Sabbath last, Jas. 708 80d wife, of Brussels, spent a couple of days with the former's parents here. Mr, and Mrs. Alltel, who have been visiting in Wingbam, returned home on Tuesday. A mintiest of friends assembled at the home of R. Ireland on Friday night last and spent a very enjoyable time at dano. ing, card playing &o. Thos. Rae, who 11x8 been very ill at the at. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, re. turned home on Tuesday of last week, With bis the, Allan. We are all glad to see Mr. Rae batik and improving wonder. fully, Leon Jackson, of Brussels, is, assisting Nelson Gerry at taking stook in the Gib- son hardware store whioh he has. put. obliged. Mr, Gerry will put in a stook of tinware and stoves and also as the stook of hardware ie pretty well run down, will fill it up to rte old standing again. We have bee.pe of opposition in tinware Dow, as there are three shops in town. Who le the young lady we wonder, Who was kept from the Aescntbl gay ? Who JO 1he boy made the blunder ? We thinlihe oomee Brunelle way. No matter how great the patohleg, Ib will never be forgotten 1 No matter bow the trick 1a oatebing, The beoheleee 01ah0 it 0988 rotten. STAN, DiD BANE OF 04X11 •D,4, ES'x'AX3avTSnrTT~:C) 0.15,70. NEAR OFFICE, - TORONTO CAPITAL PATO UP (One Million Dollare) • 31,000,000 RBS1u17VE FUND3000,000 Agencies in all principal pointe iv Ontario, Queboo, Iftanitoba, United States d0 Bngland, d'u `d�7"r,4"16!295 iMeNeal. A General Banking Bgsinese Transacted, Farmers' Notes Diaconated, Drafts Issued and Collections made on all pointe. SAVINGS SANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of 31,00 and upwards, 80000A0 ATTENTION OIV8N TO TITS COLLECTION Or FARtiEng' BALE NOTES, Every facility afforded Cnetomere living at distance. J. N, GORDON, ACTING AGENT. A game of hockey with Gerrie on our rink is expeoted to be played on Tuesday night, The Wroxeter curlers were in /far. riston on Monday and got severely trim- med, somewhere about 24 abets behind. They went more with the idea of seeing MoOuliough skate than any other pur- pose. Woonn o 73Enne•—Mies Mary Simmons and''', Saunders, of Manitoba, formerly of Wroxeter, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony at the former's home, on Tuesday at 10 o'clock a. m. They left on the 0oon train for Manitoba, which is to be their future home, The Bachelors' Assembly, held in the Hemphill block on Wednesday night of last week was a grand 91100eee. The bachelors deserve oredit for the way they carried everything out. The Iadie8, about 50 in number, all looped °harming in their fine dresses, and the bachelors were in the beet of humor, all enjoying tbemselvee immensely. Supper was served at 12,80 o'clock by bachelor waiters, ell wearing colors, red and white. Card playing was a little slow, as eo many could danoe at once in the large hall that no one need be left out over two dams at a time. The program clued with a Cir- cassian circle, and than the ladies thank- ed the baoheiors for their extreme kind- ness and were escorted to their homes. MORN_ FARNEY.—In Gorrie, on Sunday, 26th, Mt the wife of Rev. A. B. Forney, of son. Pnoomolt,—In Morris, on Feb. 26111, th wife of Mr. Geo. W. Prootor, of daughter. REAS. ESTATE. TilARDI FOR SALE,—TEE UN— Lob no. 10, (Con, offers,, ry oou farm, 60 amen, more or less. For paritoulare as to price and terms apply to ALt0F1. ROBERTSON, Brussols P,0, on the premises, INE PARAI FOR SALE+',.—BE- L 50000lniing 08 ot acres of grst'olass land. There is a louse barn, orchard unit goon ware- house, nue form is wok fenced. There are BS acres in Fall wheat ; 10 notes iu hay and 45 acres at nnee. pasture. 585oins the evillage ono Bgien rus- sels, For further parbioulars as to price, terms, &o„ write to JAMES LIVINGSTON, 11I, P., Baden. 02-tf 1AB14I FOR SALE, -150 ACRES a. of the North A oI rot 52, Don 2, and t South aa- Wawa - nosh. This is en excellent stock farm, being well impelled with good spring water. It is situated about 8 tulles from the tbriviog Vil- lage of Blyth. A large part of It is under glues. Buildings and feuoes are in a fair state of repair. Easy terms of paymyent will b1igiven. en' For . BLAIlt, information Brussels. EXECUTORS' SALE iArai 1510PE1117 XII VALUABLE the TowushiU of Grey, 1n the County of Huron, Pursuant to the directions contained ti e the last will and testament of Thomas Wood - a burn, deceased, there will be offered for sale by nubile auction, by Finlay Stewart Scott, Auctioneer, at the A51LB10AN HOTEL in the VII,LAGlt OF 0BESSELs, in the Comi- ty of Huron, on Satru'day, \larch 1'wenly.Flft1,, A.D. 1399 M..^,.RZ22EL' MILNE—HENITT.--At the Manse, Bros sell, by Rev. John Ross, 13. A„ o Wednesday, Marin 8011, Mr. Robes at two o'clock in the afternoon• the following 't vnluabl as. Milne, of Elm, to Mies Ida Hewitt, of Grey. DiOKENz8E—WILLrattson.-05 March 8111, at the Methodist Parsonage, Walton, by Rev. A. O. Tiffin Mr. Duncan e arm property, via, :—The North half of lot B in tee Sixth valet gssinn of +bo lowm81,1 of Grey, This containing 40 norms of land more or lees. 10h19 farm is vilnated 8 miles frem the Village Of Brussels and4 miles from the Village of 13tho1 and is con- venient to Murrell and school, 71'he soil le a good clay loam and is ell cleared and in a good state of cultivation. The property le well foamed with rail fences. There is a small house arra stable on the promises autl a email orpitard, TERDIB mA IeALE.—Ten per cent. of thepar- obese n envy on the clay of sale aid the bal- ance within thirty dada tions wilt. Further knotwn ov the day nd of sale or may De hada au application to the undersigned. Dated at Brussels, 8th day of hfarch, 1800. JOHN BISHOP and 00710300E WE1,310, G. F, BL4nI, Brussels,! onion, 1(0IIeezie to Mies Maggie, eldest daughter of Mr. James VJilliainson, all of Grey. IRELAND.—In Morrie, on March and, James Ireland, aged 88 years and 12 days, DDRnt,—In MoKillop, an February 27th, Elebeth Aitobeson, relict of the late James Durk, aged 84 years and 8 months. GALBRAtTn.—In Howlett, on Friday, Feb. 24th, Isabel Galbraith, aged 76 years, Mo0ASEY.—In Cincinnati, Ohio, on Feb. ruary 22nd, Dire. P. Mo0asey, form. erly of Belgrave, aged 76 years. HALLIDAY• — In Brussels, on Monday, March 6011, Agues Allan, beloved wife of Joo, 0. Halliday, aged 69 years and 2 days. NETREROaTT,—In Blaushard, Mitchell road, on Sunday, Feb, 26th, Mize. beth M., wife of William Nether. co0t, and daughter of Jobe Hill, Grey township, aged 44 years and 2 mohtbs, AVmmmcem0i• sayb- FRIDAY, MARCH 10.—Lot 11, eine. 2, Grey. Farm stock, implements, &c. Sale, pnreserved, 511 p. m., sharp. Alex. Ross, prop. T. E. Hay, auo. FRIDAY, MARCH 1O.—Farm stook, int. plements and furniture. Lob 26, 000. 16, Grey. Sale, unreeerved, at 1 p. m. E. Eisler, prop. F. S. Scott, Gua WEDNESDAY, MAarH, 15.—Farm stook, implements and household furniture. Sa Lot 6, Oen. 12, Grey, Sale, unreserv- ed, at 1 p. en. Jno. Mitohell, prop, F. S. Scott, ane, THURSDAY, MAnoR 1Grl.—Farm' stook, implements, &o. Lot 18, Oen. 11, Grey. Sale, unreserved, at 1 •p. m. Edward Denysr, prop., F. S. Scott, Guo, Tomenty, MARII 28TH,—,Lot 11, Con. 14, McKillop, Farm etook, implements, boueehold furniture, &o, Sale, unmoor/. ed, at 1 o'alook. John MoLaugblin, proprietor, Is, S. Scott, a0o0ioheer. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. Two Cows for sale, 1 in calf and the other Faarow, Apply at Let 20, Com 7, Groy, or to 10SB8, ALEX, OONNON, Meet P,O. T1ARM SBOURITY.—THE UN - Ole hands to loan on mortgage, 0 arms eoain ur- ity, Payment to cult borrowers, apply to W. H, 11:100010, Brussels. ANYONE WANTING A SEW - Me Machine, Organ or Plano oan be su ,prind by applying to mo fox I am not out ofp0bo a linos ae some have baled to report, I wilt deal With you. as l'eOOOnable as any, 28- T, MO 01110, Brussels, H OUSB AND LOT FOR SALE ttBeldtrypyhiis aoomfo ableOne,wlfited,wth cellar, hard and soft water, &o, There is alto a good stable, .F1.0ut trees in garden : over ono.quarber acre of land. For rim), terms, &o., apply to 13, FINN, Peopnotor, or W. 1'I, BARU, of TUE Poste, 18.51 POI? SALE. Splendid Illnok Stallion, "Dexter Ito• Valve," stands 100 Inutile high and weighs 1,00e. Sired by "Royal Revenge;' out Of "0150 Clear Grit," Sure foal getter. For full particulars aunty to 1001.4 BOLLINOiovt, 14110,00n, 6, Grey. lleutsels Y . 0. Ili SERVICE,--T)3B tN– hvnsfovnn will heap for servie°.on Let 8, Oons.10 and 11, Grey, a thoio' bred Durham hull, with rogietored podlgeeo, Alpo a registered Yorkshire boar, from J, 10, be9ni1aLofsit'rpiiltto 9,t unoervt, with privilege of returning if uooeesaty. 84.8m. CHAS, 110x18h7,, Pr'oprietor, ,0, D. KI'NG'S SHOES ALWAYS: IN STOCK. MAR. 10, 1899 Steadying Medicine Is needed by almost everyone, and more especially those recovering from as attack of la grippe. We find our BEEF, WiNE' AND /RON an excellent stimulant and nerve tonin, just the thing to bring baok your old time vigor. Try it at 1oz's Drug Store. �l OOD 100 ACRE' PARAS FOR u 8Alis rut 10, Com 0, Grey. 10 feet of Ib touches the river. Immediate possession, For price, tame, ecu„ app/ to 10- THOS, MOORLr, Brussels. {1ARYI FOR SALE OR TO Beta,—The undersigned ellen her 50 more farm, South half lot 00, eon. 1, Turn. berry, for Salo or 00 rant. On the premisee is a comfortable frame house aid a good bank barn, also two good bearing orchards. The place 18 well watered. Possoae,on can be given in March. MR8,100e1, MOFFATT, Proprietress, Brussels P, 0. 51.00 �t 001) FARMS FOR SALE,— The undersign,/ otter two 100 acre farm a for sale at reasonable )rrloos. The lots aro Nos, 10 and 11 Con. 0 (Sunshine), the si,leroad between them. Good brick house and barn on lot 11, aid house and 2 barns on lot 10. Orchards and all necessary oonven- teuoes. Well watered and suitable for grain or erasing. 100 acme now in gratia. Will be sold either separate or together to suitpur- chaser. Terme of payment reasonable. Im- mediate possession. For further particulars apply to 10gT00 0151(511, Brussels P, O„ 0x E, L. LIOI9INSON, Bar1•ie15; Wlhgham, 1tf OF OUR STUDENTS IIave recently taken good sitastions and four positions remain unfilled. The very beet business firma throughout the coun- try employ onr graduates. In fair com- petition our graduates are nearly always ahoeou, Our business co0rse ie filled with practical pointe. We tench real business —no imitation or 110nBenee. Our Short• hand Ooureeis in obarge of experts. ts'73nter now. 0ircuters free. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, STRATFORO, ONT. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Latest Styles in OTS SHOES We aro opening out our new Spring Shoes and ask you to call and examine them for Style and Durability. We think them ahead of anything we have been able to tell you about in 'Toru POST, to interest yon. Do not forget to bring in your Repairs with you. We repair Rubbers and Shoes neat and durably and will give them prompt attention. and the price cannot fail Harass Department 1 ccAhfefrill dent o stochk of Trunkalsosa few andRobes Sat- s and, and Blankets left which we are selling at cost. See our own make of Nickle Silver Single Harness at $11.00—great value. Team Harness also cheap. Collars warranted. See us before buying elsewhere. 1® C. '' `!CHARDS. O— New Spring Boots 0, S hoes New Prints, Dress Goods, Lawns, Muslins, -Embroideries, Insertions, Laces, Art Mullins, Cottons, Cotton Shirtings, Cottonades, etc., etc, •flood the Finest and most Stylish to the Heavy Manufactures. A. Lovely Range of Oxfords...4ft. M -March Stanclard Patterns and Tashi to those.who call for them, on Sheets. The latter Free 'Everything sold at ver close be pleased to ' and reasonable itIlal1,13 We will 1 have you favor' us with a cail,ls lex. tra,chan.