HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-3-10, Page 7MARCH. 1O 1S99.
The Jlorearkahie Wads of a Ku11at11'll
S W limier l eel P1 Ter.
There Is a native tieing in Nawtll-
wilI, distrlot of Libue, on tiro island
of Kauai, whom every one knows as
Johnny, but whose family name le
lfauloltai. This latter name he has
bad Lat000d on his arm, together with
the picture of a doeeaeed sweetheart,
In appearance he is a typical native,
muscular, with the appearance of an
Johnny is a remarkably goodswim-
mer, and it is said, was at one time
very much addicted to the habit of
stealing ducks, His method was very
simple. He would bine In the bul-
rushes along the edges of the dunk
ponds, and would from time to time
dive out where the duoks happened to
be, snatch one or two from the sur-
face, push them into a bag, swim bask
again to the rushes, there to take
breath, for another telly. In this way
he succeeded in making quite a oom-
tortable living. However, he has
given up his crooked ways, and now
resides, like a peaceably inclined citi-
zen, relying on work that is given him
from time to time.
When out on a hunting or fishing
expedition there is no better man on
the island of Kauai than this salve
Johnny. Barefooted, he will climb all
over the dangerous palls that fall away
abruptly and end thousands (Afoot. be-
low in the sea. The festive goat itself
is not more active, and when hunting
for this kind of game he isasinvalu-
able as a man to chase the animals
to a point of vantage.
As a diver, there are• few natives,
even, who can beat him. In diving
after lobsters he has the very uncom-
fortable habit of swimming a great
distance into caves that have no open-
ing above the water. Beneath the
rooks of these places he will feel
around, never failing to eoma to the
top, bringing with him something to
mako glad the hearts of the bouse-
as wit
It was the general custom of young
people in past generations, much more
than it is to -day, to treat aged per-
sons with a deference which, if not an
expression of veneration -since that is
not always welcome to the recipient -
yet was the cause of a great deal of
flue observance. In fact, this was so
urged and insisted on that it at length
became a tyranny, us when a child
would not sit down in an elder's pre-
senoe. And the tyranny of oourss
brought its reaction.
Dat: in its better form we see8 great
deal more of this fine observance now
in some of the older countries than
we do in our own, where there is too
general a feeling that the world be-
longs only to the young. It is said,
for example, that in France the grand-
mother rules her family with a royal
prerogative; a marriage is not legal, we
are told, without her; consent, and she
remains 0 person of importance as
long as she has breath to bretithe. In
England, in Germany, in Spain, in
Italy, in Turkey -where the queen-
mother really rules the harem, and of-
ten has great influence with her son -
and even in China, that last fortress
holding out against civilization, there
is a delightful cordiality and respect
given by the young to the old.
In England, and in some other coun-
tries as well, and among the very best
families in our own land, as an old per.
son enters the room the young girl
rises sweetly and naturally, and re-
mains standing till the other is seat-
ed just as a well-bred man or boy
does when any lady, young or old, en-
ters the room where he is. If the seat
needs arrangement, the young girl
springs to attend to 11; if the work
vexes, she tries to straighten it out;
if the place is lost in the book, she hast-
ens to find it; she pauses in her con-
versation if the elder speaks; she nev-
er undertakes to lead the aonversation
in the other's presence any way, am -
less in recital of some experience or
affair amusing or interesting to the
older person ; she makes it her business
to see where she eau be of use or can
give pleasure; and she does all this so
entirely as a matter 01 course that
the elder person accepts it as a social
due, and not as the annoying gift of
pity. If the young girl has oompan-
fons of her own present, she does not
allow the old person to feel shut out
from part and sympathy in their chat;
but she explains, and brings the eld-
er one hila it, and gives that elder
person the unspeakable satisfaction of
feeling not only still interested in the
things of youth, but of seeing the old
sympathy solved and the old opinion
regarded. Ono thing the young girl.
can always be sure of, be it hero, there,
or anywhere, that, provided the aged
person is at all a sympathetic one, the
conversation that oannol be pursued
when the latter joins them is one that
would better not have been begun.
When young persons take into ac-
count the simple fact that if they live
they also will have to become old, will
lose bloom and benuty, the ornament
of the hair, the white teeth, the shape-
ly figure, the supple strength, they
Mae think it worth while, for the sake
of their own comfort in the future,
to foster the habit of oourtasy, not
to say of reverence, that they them-
selves may find it pleasant to receive
when their turn 0011108, II; Will be e
sordid taking into account, but it will
bo better than no thought on the mat-
ter, at all, and may lead to the doing
oil right eventually for the sake of
And meanwhile age has a beauty of
Its own that is sometimes of a higher
type than the here beauty of velvet
cheek end dimpling Bps The clear tint
and the power of the 0minterfance, the
light that often shines upon it 85 40T0
the opening gates of haavou, the No'
pression note 8100 of the lents habil;
of unselfish love, but of real hnlinose,
give it aYl' aspect to soma raves all, as
dalighi,ftll os (he ehorte of the pretty)I
Woman or .she fo liises of lee youth, I
1 --
Ilfocls Produced by n Cmnhlnallet u(
Thpt Cspper Pipes and elleuelled Car.
A. Paris sculptor, with an apprecia-
tion for and the power to satisfy the
demand of the minute, hat hit upon
Lhe novel eoheme of turning out "snow
Haloes" for such of hie patrons as
loon to the unique in art. Statues of
any required shape are made and add
greatly to the appeau'anee of drawing
rooms in the French capital. To all
intents and purposes those statues are
carved out. of the oompaotiy welded
fleece. As a matter of fact, they are
only coated with snow, the under part
being made up of copper pipet, thin
and light.
The discovery, which has resulted in
a mast, of orders reaching the -sculptor
and a consequent subleantial increase
in bis revenues -for he charges "top
story' prices for his products -came
in the nature of an accident. It was
while the artist wits being sbown the
method of lee making by machinery
that the plan presented itself to him.
The liquefied gases, he noticed, in their
trip through the copier pipes produo-
ad on the outside an appearance un-
mistakably that of snow. This bad
been caused by the disposition of the
water vapor of the atmosphere on the
metal and the freezing of it by the
actior of the acid.
This system, renamed the sculptor,
might be applied to statuary. And
he applied it. A statue of thin copper
was quickly constructed and a box of
liquefied carbonic acid placed in the
base. When this gas evaporated the
effect 4( freezing was produced, the
moisterc in the air was attracted to
the copper sides and quickly frozen in-
to the semblance of snow. Many beau-
tiful designs have been turned out in
Pursuance of this principle, and Lhe
sculptor is said to be reaping a gold-
en reward for his snow discovery.
Ore demaliy IL,e Wont/ of lnlperfeei Work
Ing or lite Kidneys -These Con Only he
Restored 10 Their Normal Condition hi
u Fntr Use of Dr. Il'/tlhtma' PlnIr trills.
Mr. Albert Mintie, of Woodstock,
Ont•, now engaged in the insurance
business, is well known in that city
and surrounding country. Some three
years ago Mr. Mintie was living at
South River, Parry Sound District,
and white there was attacked with
severe pains in the lank. At first he
paid but little attention to them,
thinking that the trouble would pass
away, but as it did not he consulted u
loom physician and was told that his
kidneys wore affected. Medicine was
prescribed, but beyond a trifling aI-
ieviat O» of the pain it had no elfeet.
in addition to the pain in the bank
Mr Mintie was troubled with head-
aches and a feeling of lassitude. He
vas forced to quit work, and while in
this condition, weak and despondent,
he decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink
,'ills. Ho purchased a half dozen
boxes and was not disappoint-
ed with the result. Before they
were all used Mr. Mintie was feeling
almost as well es ever he had done.
The pain in his back lead almost disap-
peared, the headache were gone, and
he felt greatly improved in strength.
Two more boxes completed the cure,
and he returned to work hale and
hearty as ever Mr. Mintie asserts
that his retain to health is clue entirely
to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and he
still occasionally uses a box if he feels
in any way "out of sorts."
The kidneys, like other organs of
the body are dependent upon rich, red
blood and strong nerves for healthy
action, and it is because Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills supply these conditions that
they cure kidney troubles, as well as
other ills which have their origin in
watery blood, or a shattered nervous
system. Sold by all dealers or sent
postpaid at 50e. a box or six boxes for
02.50 by addressing the Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. 1f you
value your health do not take a sub-
stitute. .
The Roy's Father Now Sliat'od the Trenhle
or Remembering Whitt SIM 511 Wears.
"The boy," said the youngster's fa-
ther," goes through a pair of shoes
in two weeks; they will stand resoling
once; 90 I have oocasion to communi-
cate with the store where 1 buy his
shoos twice a month; twelve times a
year to buy new shoes, and twelve
times to carry a pair to be repaired.
"Ply memory is not the best ever
was, and I couldn't always remember
what size shoes the boy wore; so Pd
have to ask hie mother wben I went
to order a pair, but, now I don't have
any more trouble of that sort; I've
had my nameput down on the list that
is kept by the salesman In charge of
the department of hogs' oboes where
r go.
He has the names of hundreds of
boys on his list, with the name and
address of the parents, and nobody
Over has to bother to remember the
size worn by any of these boys -
they are all down on the list. The
boy's foot is fitted right to start with,
and the size is put down with hie
name, and there's nothing more,to do
about that until bis toot has grown. so
that it needs to bo refitted. All that
it's necessary to do in ordinary shoes
for any of them is to say send a pair
of 8h0e8 for William, or John, or
James, or Charles as the 0008 may be,
not even specifying the kind unless
shoes different from thoae ordinarily
worn aro wanted ; and the same guide
serves, also in the purchase of over-
shoes and other footwear."
When the new member of the Ayles-
bury division of Buckinghamshire
tskes his seat in the House of'Cosnmons
a Jewish family will be represented In
Parliament by both father and son.
'Halter 11othsohiid las a strong re-
semblenee to bis father, and by moans
of his beard and disappearing hair on
his cranium, might bo taken for his
brother, ITe is lin onihnsiastio natur-
elist and owes n wondertiil museum
a i f 3 sled
nt :sling. He hit, also d 0t ngu
himself by driving eebras 9n. har-
The 'l'rltumpll or Surgery O'hle11 Mille a
Chica1go Sian sleepy.
Herman Wade was once a noseless
mum, says the Chloago Times-klsrald.
Now he is the proudest Cyrano of them
all, H8 has had a nose put on slim,
and Dr, J. T, Theron, of the county
hospital, is the man who put 1L on.
Herman bas never been called a
chicken-hearted young man by his
friends, but now he cannot deny that
llo in chicken -nosed. It was a chick-
en that furnished the meat out of
which his new proboscis was made,
Cackling and suffering, a healthy
young hen gave up its innocent life
that a nose might be mads of it.
Though the Chicken has departed, and
the part of it that is not nose long
went the way of the frying pun, the
patient is doing well, and soon will
be seen en the streets of Chicago al-
lowing his new facial feature to lead
him into mischief of all sorts.
Herman Wade is delighted, and ex-
presses his new pleasure in life in
extravagant terms. A real chunk of
flesh with real skin on it, sticking be-
tween his eyes for him to tools at
when he has nothing better to do, is
ho says, enough to snake any may
happy. IL is as much superior to two
little holes in the front of his face,
such as he bad before, as a bunch of
ripe bananas is superior to a piece of
potato peeling. His similes touch the
highest points of his exper'leuce. He
feels that now he can present bimself
as the
He has received the sublime privilege
of being able to poke his nose falx oth-
er people's bustuess. Ile can blow his
nose with resonant roar -ye gods what
joy 1 He oan lay his finger on the
side of his nose as he makes a wise
observation, and -if the nose is not
pushed out of place in the aot-ao one
will know but his remark carries as
much weight as that of any normally
nosed man. And then haw he can
smell I
Herman has felt himself an 'unfor-
tunate all his life long, and if he had
not luckily met Dr• 'Jhoren he might
still be going up and down the streets
cursing the fates that made him as he
was. He was born noseless, not un-
posed by ucoident. When he was a
child bis aondilion bothered him little.
As a youth he got used to having fun
poked at his flat -faced appearance. But
when he grew up he felt that, noseless,
he could never be a success either in
love or in business. He despaired of
even getting sympathy. Cyrano and
the long nose had their De Roseland,
butnosed who'( would be the poet of the no -
So the doctor and the chicken and
the knife were hailed with joy. The
operation was long and complicated.
This is the story of It as nearly correct
as a layman can tell it. First Her-
man stretched himself out on his slack
and t:ho doctor cut a little slit in the
middle of his face where the nose
ought to be and turned the skin back.
Then ha took a fine young ben,
peeled it under the wing, and Laid bare
the flesh. Herman's face and the
chicken's breast were put together.
Bandaged tightly, the two had to live
together for eleven days. The chick-
en got the best things to eat which the
county hospital bad, and every caro
was taken, to prevent its dying. Be-
fore long overt the doctor couldn't tell
where Herman left off and -the chick-
en began. Then
was necessary. Enough flesh for a
good-sized nose was out off the chick-
en's breast. Quickly it was shaped
and moulded till it suited the doctor's
artistic eye. Then aver it was put a
covering of skin from t1e man's breast.
The work was done. When Herman
got over the effects of the chloroform
there was his nose waiting for him.
It is a pretty nose wean the owner
lies still, but it is rather "wobbly," as
Herman puts it, when he starts to
walk around. It hasn't acquired as
much self-respect yet as noses have
that• oame'into the world at the same
time with the wearer, and it is apt to
slip out of place. But the doctor says
if Herman doesn't feel of it too much
while it is fresh it will soon be as
solid a nose as could be wished. If
it does accidentally become disarrang-
ed it oan easily be pressed beak into
shape with•the fingers.
All this comes tram a man who says
he knows all about this nose that was
put on Mr. Wader Dr. Thoren's
friends are highly gratified at the suc-
uecess of the operation, and predict that
he will soon be doing a rushing busi-
ness in the manufacture of noses, ears,
lips, and other articles which nature
has forgotian to furnish some 'people
in proper proportion.
A Chicago paper recently contained
thisadvertisomen t:
Any person who can prove that my
tapioca contains anything injurious to
health; will have three boxes of it
sent to him free of charge.
Iowa Fs,'me
for sale, $2 per acre 00°11 Bala
anon L Drop nhtll paid. d. Mulhnll, 8101,8 0siy, la.
They say, ventured the young man,
that it is becoming quite the thing for
newly married couples to go and see
Niagara Falls in Winter.
It must be a beautiful sight in Win-
ter, she said, I should so like to see
is next trembling settled
it, and they are to start next week,
In Britain during the last ten years
88 bankers and merchants have left at
their death estates aggregating 0110,-
478,085, an average of 4512,578 each,
s it nmaslar and
Coal ownera, o s engineers n
to the number of 110 died possessed
of the respectable sum of 4240,487 a
piece. Money lenders run coal owners
very tileso,'for 03 of therm died worth
i l 419,444,878,while the 108
eollrct ve y
mnnufaoturers only possessed -l'e09,003
No Eye Like the
Master's Eye."
You are master of your
health, and if you do not
attend to duty, the blame is
easily located. ,If your blood
is out of order, Hood's Sar-
saparilla 'will purify it.
It is the specific remedy for troubles
of the blood, kidneys, bowels or liver.
Kidneys - "My kidneys troubled me,
and un udvlce took Hood's Sarsaparilla
which gave prompt relief, better appetite.
My Bleep Is refreshing, It oared my wife
0100," MicuAsL BOTLE, 8473 Denny Street,
Pittsburg, Pa.
Sorolulous Humor-" Iwas In terrible
condition from the itching nod burning of
scrofulous humor. Grew worse muter
treatment of several doctors. Took Flood's
Sarsaparilla and 21000 8 Pills, These cured
me thoroughly." 3, J, Lirruo, Fulton, N. Y
Hood's 11116 Dore livor 111e i the non•l.rrltutIeg and
eely tiatbarico to -,aha iviiti fiood'e B eleCar010d
If all who bale would love us,
And all our lover were true,
The stars that swing above us
Would brighten in the blue;
If cruel words were kisses,
And every scowl a smile,
A bettor world than this is
Would hardly be worth while.
If purses would. untighten
To meet a brother's need.
Theloadwe bear would lighten
Above the grave of greed.
if those who whine would whistle,
And those who languish laugh,
The rose would rout the thistle,
The grain outrun the chaff;
If hearts were only jolly,
If grieving ware forgot,
And tears and melancholy
Were things that now are not -
Then love would kneel to duty,
And all the world would seem
A bridal bower of beauty,
A dream within a dream.
If men would cease to worry,
And women cease to sigh
And all be glad to bury
1 Whatever has to die -
If neigbbor spake to neighbor,
As love demands of all,
The rust: would eat Lhe saber,
The spear stay on the wall;
Then every day would glisten,
And every eye would shine,
And God would pause to listen,
And life would be divine.
Mr. F. Colo, Well. Known in Wind-
sor, Jlejoiees
Because He steed Dodd'n Kidney Pills nod
Was 'thoroughly and Permanently
Cured or lthommnllsne-Dn,itt•s •Kidney
Pllla Always Cure Rheumatism.
Windsor, Feb. 27. -Who hasn't felt
the torturing twinges of Rheumatism'?
It is safe to say that there are not one
hundred families in Canada in which
Rheumatism has not been an unwel-
come visitor.
This being the case, the following
statement given for publication must
have a deep and abiding interest for
the great majority of Canadians.
Every person who suffers from Rheu-
matism will rejoice to find a medicine,
that will positively cure it; thoroughly
and permanently root it out of the
system entirely, as it has been shown
thousands of times Dodd's Kidney
Pills do.
Mr. F. II. Cole, whose permanent
residence is in Detroit, Mich., but who
is equally well-known in Windsor, Ont.,
had been a great sufferer from Rheu-
matism and Kidney Disease.
He gave fair and patient trial to a
number of eo-called "Rheumatism
Cures," eta, but not one of them gave
him more than even temporary re-
Then a friend urged him to give
Dodd's Kidney trills a trial. Half re-
luotantly he did so; and be has been
thankful ever since that he did
He used only four boxes, but that
quantity was sufficient to clean the
taint out of his blood thoroughly. To-
day he is sound and well in every bond,
=sole, sinew, nerve and organ in
the body -thanks to Dodd's ,leiclney
Dodd's Kidney Pills, the only known
unfailing aura fur Kidney Complaints,
are sold by all druggists, at fifty cents
a box, six boxes $2.50; or sent, on re-
ceipt of price, by The Dodd's It'Iedioine
Co., Limited, Toronto,
Hostess -Please play something alaes-
ie, professor; play something pretty.
Professor-Vich vill you half virst,
T.bis copyright law is all bosh, said
the exuberant young writer. Just a
scheme to slake money.
I thought it an excellent law.
Bah, it's a fraud. I never (copyright
my stories, and no one steals them.
Oil to calm the waves Was used on
an unusually large scale du1•ieg .the
recent gales in the English Channel,
Thu water breaking over Folkestone
pier made It difficult for eteamere to
enter the port till some one thought
of pouring a few gallons of oil into
the Barbour, when the seas immediate-
ly became smooth.
To Paint the Rosa
Were absurd; to praise Catarrbozonc
would the superfluous, But if
you have calarruh and feel hopeles8
about curing it, we assure you that
Calarrhozone never fails to effect a
cure, It is neither ointment, wash nor
snuff, but a pleasant remedy, which is
curried by air directly to ibe diseased
parts, If you send your Address we
will send you a trial bottle and inhal-
er free, knowing that a trial will give
you confidence in it.
Q. Polson & Co., Kingston„ Ont.
Lady of the House -You have been
out 01 work a long time'?
Tramp -Yes, mum -for, 85 years.
Why how old are you?
Thirty-five, mum.
La Toscana, 1OC. REL
DOILY MoCnirreaRR.
It's foolish to supply your wants with
unlace lthfu- supplies.
'rnko Laxative Promo 41,11000 'ruble* All Drug'
gilts refmul bhp motley d it fade to unre, 55a.
She, bitterly -When you married me,
you didn't marry a cook I
He -',Yell, you needn't rub it in 1
You can't convince a girl with a big
waist that the one with a small one
doesn't lace outrageously.
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
with L00AL APrLR/ATIONB, as they can.
at roach tuna 18 of th disease. Catarrh is u
blood or eons ftutionnl disease, and in order to
num it you must Mk. internal remedies. Ha I'
t'aterre (lure is to en infernally, ani seta di•
redly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall'
Catarrh Cure Ir not a quack medicine. It Wa
prescribed by 0m• of I he nest physicians to I hi-
00untry for year-' and is a regular prescrlp•
'inn. 1t i.0 ompoaed of the beat. (onion kanwn,
combined w.th the best broom pnrltlere, actin
dirootly .n, tau m eons surfaces. The perfect.
combination of the two ingredientq is who;
produces snob wonderful rosubin outing
Cntnrrb. Saud for t -•i in • lids, Dee.
F. J. CH+ N15Y &CU„ Toledo, O.
Sal d by Druggists, price ;50.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
The world would soon cense to gy-
rate if it were not for our bobbies.
W. P. 4). 061
Carbolic Disinfectan. is. Soap., *int.
inept Tooth Powder°, etc„ have bean
eventide 100 medals and diplomas for nuperior
exeellonen, Their regular one prevent 1818081.
ons dlseanes. Ask your dealer to obtain n
snpPly. Lists rnalletl free on speller:Non.
We want good Rutter Eggs, Poultry, etc
Ship to us, and yr.., will Rutter,
vo your cash 0 a
week or lexe 'Ties; AL.ENHIOAD PRODUCE
00., 88 Front St., 111„ 'Toronto.
Sinal Poultry Orlt in ll, hent dlaeatal In iho markrt
LLAURENTIAN SAND k 010kVEI, 0n„ Meut.e,,l
The' Balmoral," Free Buse tap::
mime OICHOOL-c rollersand arcus
ellogue. C. ,aS D. SCtfOOL CO e,"In treu
il n4
llieurae,tisin_cure assured in 24 hours,
t new , Boldo, sent by moll
o" reecho of 91. DR. ROUB V, P.O. Dog305, Tluntmul.
ceha5 0, lots LVAPORA0(,dt FOR MAPL0
g•, $ IO, 0,M0.1egnTree.
G. H.
GRIM 1110,IP00., ontreal.e
Agents sat asg s.tnseuher:
IUEru)1181Uoo1ROWELIdIOy1hic g1 Montreal
.-. ..-._. OJ ltt,
DAMON CASINGS -New Importetlons anertnosl lea
Sheep sad America. Hogg Casio e-rellnble good. sl
r1gprime.8 pPARE, BLADE LL a GG., Toreeto.
Sta mere a Atter 40 Spare os
,eantmgg!n pal toil
brave fouu,l Ireedm11
forma write. r Bitrm Spectated, 152o aestdo2'0 Ali
welcome. W.30. Bate, tpccinlinE, 3011 College-sE.,2'orenEo.
IF yon here any APPLES, SETTER, 0005 or POULTOO
to ship, able them to
The Dawson Commission Co., Limited,
Baldness UR 051150 endow°. send stomp Cured
for o n r 0 ite etonk. Dr.0Vhit1
New Hair Orowar Oa, hiuna•en, and deluge
StaraStagyr, tS;trar` Eapealultytla5oe
�0.lpA t04y who huIIy thee.
to whore, c
whore, s,ro to
Cr. Ararat, llerlin, who will convince yotrhu eau ono yo
0oollbindlog,) Brand your maBori°og� here them ...bole
Printing, bound. 'Bill Heade, Statement., 11.10,1
}�ileade Oarde,in,toekeed tosorder, Bond
Aoet. Rooke.. d.in�lommter dabook
J 200 nntlrrOOcoir.po y
611:4I,},gOpngo.mile� G.H,IWp18au;g2itiug,LHaenllEon
1x,6 .
. rr
%h/ .. 0.071, ... ..
r4" -
Careful attention to the smallest detai:s enable uniform production
of quality and flavor, Try
t i;YLON '1'liA
Lead peelcaees. 25, -30, 40, 50 and hoc,
ronboy's Improved
arriage Tops
epnboy'e Patent. Roller Tope 11,58 mot with
au h unlvoraal favor that other manefaotul'e
err. are now making inferior imitations and
selling them on the reputation the Conhoy
Tops have made. D° not be hovdwiRlo5d by
8)y pitman who reoo8q,mends an interior
make to be just as good.
'rhe Conboy Koller; Tops are as near per.
feat an Skilled workmen San make Idiom.
Whea yea order your Boggy, stipulate
with your carriage b'#1d rr that io 10 have
a germine Canino}, R011er top, a91initeld15Y
are never a6 good.
IQ 0oo•S;$ 0 000'Sz$ 0 000'Sz$
$25,000 0 $25,000 0 $25,000 0 $25,000
0 000'Sv$ 0 000'sz$ 0 000•Sc$ • 01
? ®
e 0
: i
THE bent advertisement for any
medlo18e le ono corm°ag from • parson who
bn0 takau the romady and i,ea been 0112011 -
AS an introduction throughoutCanada wish 08 dig.
Eof Dr Gen'sH lthSp 20x000 peak-
ages ll Dr. s we a deal sneolap. To au-
2500p0 do this wa be dlScolded to moogot std
pates dollars to bo distributed amongst our
we could write pages laudatory of IIs
kuowoo more of ft than youdo now, no wo
Lirm or Kidney trouble, or any ail-
take one guango of Dr. Graeae! Health Bpeeillo,
the foots to thin Company and we will cheep.
no peer, and when once used will never be dia.
dheol to tale Company, enclosing 50 omen (no
To the writer of the Met totter rcoofeed
we will remit ten dollars 1n snob, and to the
atty oeote until 200,000 order letters are re-
thioto ' adverrtisemethe nttµlAddren prawn* in this
Drum Co.,
Life Building, Toronto.
AS to the efficiency of the Specific
onrn6ive qualities. When tea were dono yon would
dmpl, any If 20,1 are troubled with Constipation Indigestion,
ment aril n0 from adioordered stomach, and will
and and you are not delighted with the results, state
fully refund your money. Used en it laxative ft bast
carded for any other remedy. Send your order
01 mpg), and we will mall you one package of the Speolgo.
enmiusing fifty cents for one package of the remedy
sender of every 238th letter, thereafter, enolosin
way negregating 925,000.00. amount an Write quick and enclose
The Sanford Ear
Poona E, Confederation
') $25,000 0 $25,000 0 $25,000 0 $25,000
Write for sppooial terms during Janua..y and
Webtv057. 8. CORRIGAN, 113 Yovge SE.
?OULTRY KEEPERS—so ioaPoultry Grit
The bon Digester ;n the market, on it *aroma 011foa,
...gide o1 iron, Ltme an Magnesia, which aro all ueeee•
a.ry to tech.' h end prnductheneno of PO ,181.
LAUHEN'rIAN SAND Sc. Jobe 51, Di -areal.
Only Institution lm Oe,,da for the cure of
every pba.e 1• epeeoh defect. Entabliuh.d
to Toronto, 1001. Cure
5 Tt reneed•
uHIIB0bkStoronTT0rPmr e , to,
15o and 050- with index,
rho 081°e Speolnity Mfg. 00„
1'22 and 124 Be�qq st., TOr0nt0
Fuctmy : N.wmnrket
R ®O F I N C and Sheet Now Works
200001310 SLATS in black,
Bed or ur•e} SLATE BLACKBOARDS ('We supply
alto Publie an High Sulam Toronto). Reohng p lt, Rtoh,
Oual Tu, to ROOFING T1 LE tee. N 0113 Build-
ings,Toronto doge b wordrml. Metal catlings, par.
1C8815111100oleo., olu .Limatee 10 roinhed 001 work 00mptete 55107
meeime ehlpl,ed oan, parr „r the 0 0010y Thom 1036
0UTNIedSONS, Adelaide &Widmer 3to,, Toronto
Wholesale only William St., Toronto
Long Dlstaace Telephone 1729.
FREE We gine
tilts ane
with da and charm for ills
tag two dorcents mitWhi;gde Wink,
tette tents arch. NO Homy
gu11,, Write, will
our the Premium
postpaid nen
our big Premium e W When
' you have sold the Wicks re-
ince [ money, t we will at
oe watch
1,I once send your watch free of
all charge.tne Hundreds have
had watches working
for us, whyory u4 In
verging, mention this paper.
A GuireCtuar ed
Send $2,50 for 6 Boxes BOLO'S autumns, the
now only recognized Syetom Regulator and
Blood Tonic, and we will aril you a guarantee
to rotund the money for a ty case of General
liability net out ed after akin, the medioino.
Teetered e of sufferers ere daily r000vering
Inst health by th 10 Great Slngliah Prevo•ipl ion,
therefore Wemakeyou this unbiased gnnran•
Bold's Blood, Bone and Brain Builders.
Darn all forme of weakness in either Rox aria -
Ing from impure blood, diseased bone, Or int.
poverished brain.
We oleo take this opportunity of thanking
the many dootoro who haws spoken so favor.
801y of tb0 modloino,
458 King St., West, Toronto.
Loan and Savings Company.
I81005ro14aTE1) 1855.
Paid-up Capital $S,000p000
Reserve Fund 1,156,000
Head Office Toronto 8t„ Toronto.
Branch 0fflees Winnipeg, Man., Vancouver, RA.
11EPO!11TA erre rewired at Interest, paid or mom.
pounded holt yonrly.
( El0E01T11at5 !mod in Ottmonoy or Sterling with
1 Intotuol coupons at0aobed, 0,010 In Onsodn or
In England, Exesutore noel Trusts en tem author
Bed by Ino to Invoet In the Debentures of bide
014141101 AD
1:0018 on Real
Rotate temtritoco ossa and on favorable 001111111055 ne ty t181
Mmdai al I2IIRTren ntrnhnsod•
J. riBRnf1RT At.
anngldg Director.
Dominion Lino ROYAL MAIL
et.. John N.B., and tlpD@x, l Liverpool, onlllns e1
Lendobderry, ha,gr eel! Net 'win mum etdamsldpi
Su5ebier aa0on nl0dntt0O 100 Fire, Cebin, See-
ond Cabin and Steerage pa000, err. Rates of
5laaan 0••Nii'eh Cabin, 555.001 second cabin,
801 Steerage 822.00 anlipp. warns :wording to
itj#wo'0 ant berth, For 611 {ntortnnllon apply
to Laeel ARe81, of DAVID TORRANCCE & co„'
(sem---777 181105100,00 d6, Sserement Eh., M6nbe010,
M111., x611111 & Hales
Barriatare,eto.. removed
to Wealoy $Id e„ Rich
mond Sts W., Toronto.
Cernoania Oil Co.,13a Bay St., Toronto.
and HAY PBVER Permanently Cured by
Medicated Vapor Inhalation-• mtroole of moms.
10 Day0Triel Fres. fiend 100 for express un outfit,
Dr. Ray's Suooeeeful Remedy O0.,Toronto, Ont.
Dr. Ray's Anti -Constipation P111. always oure.
Loudon. Eng. Melbourne, Am. Toroalo, Can
Tiros quality -
TUBE. Only a few left, Money
must 0000mpaoy order.
1 COFFEEgtO., Eatable:bed 1848'
Rooms 400-12 Ooartl of Trade building, .
frxoMAs FLYNN JOr1N L. Corsa
E 1 P S 9 S
HEALTH RESTORED wltha40E mediola.
or e:peme to lbo
Lest dieardo"v4 Somooh, Luna., 00,,.,, Liver, Blood,
OnOdor, Hldu rye, Brafa sad Brc.tb by
Du ' Revalenta
g°�a Arabloa Food,
which Saves in vol ids nod Children, end oleo Ream 0400•
manfully l u loots whom Aliments nal Debility have re -
doted all other treatrnnot& It detente whoa all. other
Food Is roiested, 011000 50 times Ito omit In medicine.
58% Years! Inroriohlo Success, 100000
moml ro, C
indigestion,Consumption, nlnbetoo fr Oyon, Intnti,
env:, Coog Se, Phlegm, .narrhmMNermos DM'By, Sleepleu.ues,
Du Barry St Limitadl,
f7 Hegm,E
Co.,°! akeat,
London, .11 Grocers,, , aha In 1onr;a, ld Hou se erywhere, I and
uta8 s 800. Ile, find Stores minium free. to ,lar
ga, 90., 8d„ 80., to bis, Scut I,Efree. Alec Da
8nrsy', Hovnleota i3lsuultn, In nue, 9n. fid. crud 80,
Young Men an01 'demon properly propered for bath
urea life; g0adu0tol ewe), eu00eeeftl; boot
eeheroI;urge attenddo,r do enneatpra
y sob ene1eflt 01ial Oh0oInOntario.
Write f0rbandistl nvs1 gt,
W. 1. BLLIQTI', Prinalpa4,