HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-3-10, Page 5KAR, 1.0, 1S90 BUSINESS CARDS, MONEY TO LOAN AT 5 °out, Ir. H. 800T"r, Bruning, u. M1a011A0KEN, • Limner ofMarrlageLleonse8, °Moe at his Orocery,Turuborry Street, Brussels. I N. BARRETT, • TOns0ilal Artist. Shop—Nest door North of the Standard 13nnx, Ladies' and (Millirem; hair nutting a specialty, MISS JEAN M'LAUCHLiN, —TBAOIIA1t Oh'— PIANO — AND — ORGAN, =IRV3G 1T�0, ONT. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INB0RAN0n, FIRPxAND MARINE, GUELPH. T. FLETCHER Issuer of Marriage Licenses, O0IfI011 AT J1twELll1 510118. No Witness Required. T. 1'LETCHER, Brussels MISS SARAH LEWISE MOORE, L. C. M., Academic graduate of London Conaorva- tory of Mnsie, is prepared to r000ivo n limit- ed number of pupils for instruotion on the piano. Walton—Monday, Tuesday ; Brussels —Wednesday, Thursday; Seaforth—F0148y, Saturday. Qualified to prepare pupila for rho Principal's Forel lu the Conservatory of Music. A HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division Cour Co, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public Land Loan end Insurance Agent. Funds invested and to loan. Colleatimis made Oillee in Graham's Block, Brussels AUCTIONEERS. AHUNTER, LICENSED ACO. • TroNume. Money to loan. Farms to sell 10• S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION• • 101alt, win Bell for better prices, t0 butter men in ass time and loss chargee than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or he won't charge anything. Dates and orders can always be arra0084 at this office or by personal application. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICX, el • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Uollego. is prepared to treat all dieeaeoa of domesticated animals in a oom- potent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calls proml"tly at- tended to. Office and Infirmary—Four doors north of bridge 'Numb eery et.. Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. NIT M. SINCLAIR, BARRISTER 1' • 8olioitor,Uonveyanc Br,NotaryPnb• lie, &o. 011loe—Vaueto0e'e Blook, 1 door north of Central Roto Solicitor for the 8 tendsxd Bank, VaF. BLAIR, BARRISTER, 1 • Solicitor, &o. (late of Garrow & Prondfoot'8 Oiaoe, Goderioh,) Ofaoe over u Gillies & Smith's Rauk Br ssels. Money ono to Loan, 47 �1 if G. CAMERON, lV..• (Formerly of Cameron, Holt •& Ont1 e',0 oeaUatiniltou 88,1oOppositeo rDol' borne Hotel. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, 1,1. 1)„ 0, Al., Trinity Uniyoreity, Fellow Trin- ity Medical College, Member College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons, Out. Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians and Licentiate of Midwifes Edinburgh. t• trolephone No.14. Residence, Mill St., Brussels, E. T. SNIDER, M. Dy 0. M., 0110000000 10 Dr. A. lloKolvey, Lioeutiate of Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Kingston; Member of the Col- lege of Pnysioione and Surgeons of Ontario. Diseases of women and children a specialty. Flight years' experience. t'Otaoe and res. !demo m stet loeyDr5elvy'mvbe Yreirueal2- J. M, ARMSTRONG, M.B., M.D.. M.C.P.S.O. PHYSICIAN, BURGEON, A:000UGHEUR, ETC. 8peotal attention given to diseases of the Throat and Lunge and diso0ses of Women end Children, BESIDENCE—WALTON, ON T, DP. F. H. KALB'LEISCH, PHYSICIAN, enn0NON AND A00030I10Dn, SUCCESSOR TO DR. W. GRAHAM, BRUSSELS', - ONTARIO. let Claes Honor Gradnata of the Uuiveret. Can of Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (Kingston) mud of Trinity Medical College; Fellow oI Trinity hfedioml College and member of the ()allege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontar- io. Yost Graduate Course in Detroit and Chios go, 1800. Special attention paid to dis- eases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, and dis- easesof Woman, i0'Oonsuitmtion in Eng - (1811 and German. Telephone at roeldo11ce. IMPROVED YORKSHIRE BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will keep for service en Lot 20 Oon. 0 Morris, the tboro'-bred Im- provod 'Yorkshire Boar,"Oak Lodge tong - fellow," No. 2480, brod b .7,10. Brathous, Bur- ford, to which a ]tmitod number of sows will bo taken. Terme, $1,00,1.0 be paid at time of 8orvioe with privilege of robnrning if nec- essary. A n01110300 of choice young sows for sale for breeding purposes which wall be sold at prices to suit the times, 21- ROBT, NICHOL,Proprietor. lOi/bre,,.. Afton yoo�'s 1 hospllodine, The Great P1003i016 Remark. Sold mid recommended by aI druggists in Canada. Only reli able 11,8418188 discOverod, $14 2faelcage8 guaranteed to euro all :arms of Sexual WVoititneso all effete of abaI0 Irox0000, Mental Worry,'ibxoos8ive 00000170' Saeao, Opium or Stimulants, Mailed en receipt 11 p1405, onoaoltago 41, 01x, $6. One Mitt geas8 Ix wftl own1'mnphlet0 free to any addr608. 'Rho Wood Company, Windsor, Gob Sold in rriggi81',y11o611eetior Ox Dian, flxstarz,ct CCto , ]3'or(twit cb, Alex. Orr 00(10 hie big trotting barge to Liotowol 'mere. William Hooey hae diopooed of 1110 , binokomilbing tools to Burt. Cooper, John Corbett, jr„ who has been renew. ing old aoquaintemoes in and around town for the past oouple of months has return. ed to Troberne, Man, G. A. Allen, of Georgetown, Grand Organizer for the A. 0. U. W., has been spending n couple of weeks in tbis vioin• (by in tho intermits of the 100311 lodge, and a large nulnberof now members have been added. Alex. and Mre. Orr attended the silver wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Dioment, of Bluevale, on Monday eveuing of last week, at which over 200 gamete partook of an excellent supper and spent a very enjoy. able time. The presents were many and costly. God©riett. E N. Lewis is at his ofiioe again after an 'linage of severe) weeks duration. Mre. George Swanson, we regret to learn, is in a very low state of health. Chief Justioe Armour will hold the Huron a8eize0 on Mendny, March 13th. The congregation of North•ab. Mettle. distebareh have oontributed $80 for the relief of St. James' church, Montreal. The forty hours' devotion will begin at St, Peter's Sunday, March 11h. There will be three or four services eaolh day. We regret to learn that Mre. Wm. Campbell in coffering severely from the effects of a fall at her home a few days ago. Thomas Morrison and Charles Gra- hem, two young men from Sarnia, who were on the tramp, were sent to gaol for thirty days by Polios Magistrate Seager. If schemes at present under consider. ation go through, Goderioh will before long have two important improvements, The Oddfellows are diecusoit g the mat. ter of building a new hall, and among the people of North et. Methodist ohuroh, there is some talk of Wilding a new church. Jame G. Jardine, of Toronto, one of the Canadian e0mmieaionere for the Paris exhibition of 1„900, was in town inter- viewing some of our mauufaoturere. We understand that it is the intention of the North Amerioan Ohem(oul Co. to make an exhibit of their salt at Paris, and that the Goderiob Organ Co. will show organs and bathroom woodwork. Auto of vandalism are again weaning at the Meobanios' Institute reading room. Two leaves were out out of the Ladies' Hama Journal and a picture out of The Scottish American. The board has de- termined to Bend up before the police magistrate the very first deteoted in these disgraceful actions. Is it a young lady that does these things 7 Intimation was received in town a few days ago of the death of Wm. E. Grace, a former well-known resident of the town for many years. The deceased kept a general store on West street for twelve or fourteen yeare, but during the latter part of hie residence in Goderioh was not In active business. He went to the West nearly nine years ago, and bad been oonduoting a wholesale liquor business. Egg girth. Blyth monthly fair next Tuesday. Mise Bradnoakattended the wedding of her cousin, John Dey, and Mies Cody at w Y gin hamon Tuesday. Malcolm McKellar, of Pilot. Mound, Manitoba, is visiting at the ,residence of his brother, D. N. McKellar, Revival servioee will commence in the Methodist church on Sunday next, Rev, W. Rigsby will be aseieted by Rev. Mr, Matheson, of Toronto. The High Court of the Canadian Order of Foresters was in maim] at Brantford last week. Robert Slater was the dele- gate from the looal court. Deneledt Bros. shipped one of their aoetyleoe gas maobines to Goderioh on Wednesday of last week. It will be planed in the residence of Barrister Dan- cey. Mtae Todd, who bad oharge of the millinery deportment of Messrs. Malin non de Go. for the past two seasons, has aooepted a position in Regina, N. W. T. Her position at the Mammoth House will. be taken by Mies Baker, of Walkerton. OaxT.—Robert Higgins died at his mi., deuce, Mill street, Blyth, early on lion day morning of last week, of pneumonia, being eiok only from the previotte Friday evening. Deceased has been a resident of Blyth for the past two years and previous to corning here was a resident of Morrie, where he owned lot 26, con. 9. He was a native of Girvin, Ayrshire, Scotland, and leaves a widow and two daughters to mourn his loss. The funer- al took plaoe on Wednesday afternoon to the Union oemetery, a short service being conducted at his late residence by Rev. A, McLean. Mrs, Higgins is quite ill. The night that Hon, Mr. Mulock and Hon. Mr. Tarte spoke in the town hall, Clinton, one of their most enthusiaebio listeners was Robert Higgins, of Blyth, whose 80a1 weesnob that it prompted him to walk from Blyth and bask again the same night. For a man over 70 years of age this was a plucky thing to do, but its prudenoeis a matter of goes• tion: He seemed to be in the beat of health, and his friends where eurprieed, on Tuesday, to learn of his sudden death at Blyth, Bram—When the Luoae, Dos $100 Dn , Tanner de Go, bank suspended payment over four years ago the village of Blyth lost a sinking fund of 9900 which with interest now amounts to 91,100. While engaged a few days 'ago in looking over the minute, bylaw and debenture books of the village of Blyth, re the oonooli• dation of the Several village debts, E. L. Diokeneon, barrister, Wingham, die. covered that the monies lost to the nor- poration by the late treasurer, O. til, Tanner, could be recovered if legal pro. 00edinge were instituted against the treasurer' and his eurebioe, P. 1V. Tanner and Dougal Moliellar, Mr, DiokOnson disclosed the facto in two oommuni• cations to Reeve Carter, who called a special meeting of the council, wbioh lvae attended by all the members. Tho oom- munioatione were laid before the out -Moil and after some discussion the fallowing motion was made ; — Coun, Emigir moved, aeoonded by Conn. Metoalf, that we consider it our duty, with the fasts before Its, to aut110riee E. L. Diokeneon, bareistor, Wingbam, to at once begin legal probeedinge aphid Charles E. Tanner, late trea0uree of the village of Myth, and his sureties, ii'rederiok W. Tanner and Dotlgal McKellar, to reobver e tot t village monies that ever a o the vl a(, e of Blyth by the said treasurer, and that the Reeve be instructed to inform E. l Dielienson of the evened ---Girded, P13eaiol-tlt. Mr. Kling will build a befell hotel to roplaoo the frame 000 burned' if sure of receiving Baena, W. Pearse, of the Dominion Sank ebaff here, has been moved to Oshawa, and hie plane here hae been taken by Mr, Young, of Uxbridge, Sunday afternoon some bole were sit- ting in front of P, Dill's grocery store, when one of them went tbrongh it large pone of glees. Mra, M. Y. McLean, who had bar arm broken a few smite ago, and wee other- wise injured by a fall, is 1'800ve01ng as fuvorably as oould be expeoted. A. Watt, who occupied the position of baker at Garduo's for Berne time, loft last week for Prince Edward Island, where be goes to take a responsible position. That Tbi'obtng Headache Would quickly leave you if you used Dr. Kiug'e New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless me, it for Siok and Nervous lleadaohes. They make pure blood and strong verses and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 26s. Money back if not oared. Sold by G. A. Deadman, Druggist. Clinton. Davie it Rowland put in au Ashley acetylene gas meter in their 0tore hero. Dr. Gunn has bought the brink build- ing on Victoria street, known a Stew• art's basket fuotory, for an hospital. Nelson Glew, while chopping at Staple- ton the other day, had the misfortune to lose the ends of a couple of his fingers. Barn. Cooper has just closed a contract with the Dayrnoot Lumber Go., of Bar• tie, for ten oars of Georgian Bay pine. Workmen have been engaged during the past week putting in a new pan in Stapleton Salt Works. Mr. Crystal, of Goderihh, is superintending the work. During the month of Jaltuary over 800 organa were turned out at the Doherty fuotory, and even at this rate it was im- possible to keep up with the orders. S. S. Cooper has the contract for the erection of a two storey briols parsonage for the Methodists at Varna, and also for the ereotion of a frame hoose for Mr. Mo- Kie, of Varna. Jas. G. Jardine, a member of the Cana- dian Board of Gommiseionere for the Paris Exposition, was in town for the purpose of arranging with the Doherty Organ Go. for their exhibit at the Ex- position in 1900. The friends of John Wiseman will be sorry to know that he is likely to leave town, as the result of having disposed of his business. He has been herefor a num- ber of years, and -always been a good and useful citizen, and wherever he goes will oarry with him the good wishes of a large oirole of friende. Thos. Mason, of Clinton, had arranged to leave town for the Old Country on Tuesday of last week, in company with Allan McDonnell, of Exeter, with a con- signment of two car loads of horses, but et the last moment he was compelled to change his arrangements and remain here, owing to the serious illness of hie wife. The number of votes polled by the vie• torious candidate in the West Huron bye - election was 2,274, and by the defeated one was 2,134. Harry Holden, clerk at R. Coats t& Son, was the lucky winner of that beautiful dinner sat, valued et 910, offered by N. Robson, having guessed the exact number of votes. The nearest number to this was 2,276, but marked for McLean. A Frightful. Blunder. Will often cause a horrible Burn,Soald, Out or Bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the beat in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, all Skin Eruptions. Beet Pile cure on earth. Only 260. a box, Cure guaran- teed. Sold by G. A. Deadman, Druggist, 11eT illop. Alex. Godkin, 10th tine, intends to start for Drayton, Dakota. John Petbiok, of Winthrop, who was so unfortunate as to out hia foot badly, is able to be around again. Robt. Hannah, who has been sojourn- ing the past live months with relatives in the vicinity of London, has returned to Winthrop. Geo. Little purposes erecting a new barn with dimeneione 44 x 70 feet.. It will replace the barns that were burned five years ago. ting. WM. 005I1RVILLE. Mre. William Somerville, sr., of Roe. boro', MoKillop, died on Wednesday, Feb. 22nd. Her maiden name wag Eliza• both Diokson. She was the third daugb• ter of the late Archibald •Diokeon, and was born in Roxboro'skire, Scotland. She game bo Canada with other members of her family in 1884. She was married to her late husband in 1846, and went to Hnyeville, Waterloo county, to reside. After a residouoe of two years there they returued to MoKillop and took up the farm adjoining that of her late father, and where she ootttinued to reside until her death. Her husband died 86 years ago, leaving her with a family of seven young children, the yonngeet being only two weeke old. It wile then a gloomy outlook, lc, but she woe. n w Oman Of indom• itable courage, and of splendid exeoative ability, and eueeeeded in not only retain. fug her home, but kept her family around her, and provided well for them ell. Dur- ing ell these years the home wee never disturbed, as her eldest eon, who now has the homestead, remains unmarried, and Mre. Somerville oontinned to weepy her old phos so long as her health and strength permitted. She was one of the kindest of women, and was always more eolioitoue for the comfort of others than for her own oomfnrt. Site wag, therefore, much and deservedly beloved, not by the members of her own family alone, but by all who knew her. T1110 trait of her 'character was retained to the last, and was peculiarly manifested by an inoident only a few hours before her departure. Although not able to speak above a whiepur, she beckoned to one of her at. tendanbs, and asked her to "Gab Elsa a cup of ten,' meaning hes sister, Mre. Jae, Scott, who lead come to see her, She was a 8(000(10 and Oonaiatbnt Gbriebiau Woman, ae her daily life bore testimony, and was a emboli of Seafortll Presbyterian 01101011, The remains were laid to rest in the kiaitlaudbank oemetery on Settee, day. THE BRUSSELS POST PI TI-[. AN NGLISH DUKE tvfade a wager that he mild etsnd on London bridge for two hours with a plate full of sovereigns, which he would offer to the passers by at two penoe eaoh and not sell one. He tried it and won the wager. It is not eo with our advertise. manta. When we advertise anything, no matter bow ridiculous the price, people who are acquainted with this store know they 080 get the goods here exactly as represented and at the prices quoted. When we oiler Ladies' Cloth Mantles, Jaakete and Gapes at half price, they know they are naw, up -Update goods when we say r0. . Ladies' Fine Beaver Jaakete in Black and Brown, new, up.to date goods, worth $6, for 92.60. Ladies' Rough Cloth Jackets, in Black only, French eloeves, 4 large buttons, Velvet Dollar, this ssaeou's importatione, worth $6, for 98. Ladies' Fine Beaver Jackets, in Black, Brown and Myrtle, Silk Faced, velvet collars, new, up to.dnte goods, worth $10, for 96, Ladies' Goat Capes, Metallic Satin linings, Oppoesum collars, worth $0, for 95 90. Ladies' Black Asbraohan Jackets, close, glossy purl, Farmers Satin linings, worth 920, for 918.60. Ginghamm, in bright oolors, new patterne, fast colors, worth 83. per yard, for Go. New Prints, light and dark colors, wide width, worth 10o., for he. New Prince, light, medium and dark, guaranteed fast colors, worth 1271a., for 100. New Oottouadee, stripes and cheeks, worth 121,0 for 10o. New Oottonadoe, regular price 20o., for 15c. New Shirting., fast colors, worth 80., for 6o. Beat Amsrioen Shitting, worth 14o., for 120, Don't forget we sell Blue Ribbon tea, MKUON CON LYTFi. v.:. A PAGE OF HISTORY The Wire Fence business has been so completely revo• lutiontzod by the introduction of The Coiled Sps ing • age that woven Ciro fence hlclory begin, and ends with It. There Is 00,,''11 It in nen than of all other m ked combined. Does not thinLMot its monde= Aleooi,tbvrlue .u LXg nor olkar angio getuurlllmetr.ed.lraa.— 'ILoy urn Wny down. �-"---•gym, ..-- WAAJI1ERVILL , THE PAGE WIRE FEINC€ CO. LTD. Old r. Frei' ;ht Cars vs Bicycles. The man who builds freight cars could hardly build a fine bicycle, '~ And the meal who make coarse 'shoes ~ could not succc;d in making the five geii- tleinen's shoe you want to wear, The "Slater Aloe" is made in the Tly factory in Canada where only (7 Ti. r SI A1:1 5Eix, gentlemen's fine shoes are made. Goodyear welted, sole stamped with makers' trade mark and price: $3,00, $4.00 and $5.00. 'AUK ERG'MOP;7tl ll '; Shoes by mall. Catalogue free. 1. Jno. Downing, - Sole Local Agent AIcLEOD' S System. Renovator —AND OTHER— TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleepleseneee, Palpita Mon of the Heart, Liver Gomplaiat,Neor- algia, Loss of Memory, Bronobitie, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Dieeaeee, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De- bility. LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. 001d by Jas. Fox, Druggist, 'Brussels, Nits. JAB. DOM, We also record the death of Mrs. Jae. Durie, of the 6th Don. of McKillop, whish took place on Monday evening, Feb. 27th. Her maiden name was Elebeth Aitobe- son. She was the eldest daughter of the late Wm. Aitoheson, and Bleier of John Aitobeeon, of McKillop. She was born in Headiugtouebire, Scotland, and bad reached the good age of 84 years and 8 moothe. She was twioe married. Her first disband was William Hope, and from this marriage there was ono son, William Hope, now a resident of Dufferin county. She was married to the late Mr. Durie in 1834, and with him came to Canada 49 years ago and settled in Mo- Kiliop, on the farm now occupied by her son, George Durie, and where gibe had resided ever 0inee. There are two child• ren surviving from the second marriage, Mrs. Swan, of Brimfield, and George, on the homestead. Mr. Dario died seven weeks ago, and the day of his funeral, Mrs. Durie became ill, and never reoover- ed. She wee a kind hearted, good woman, and was a oonsistent member of Duff's church, of whish Rev. Mr. Musgrave is pastor. 3.41415 1 01)11D. There died at 1110 residence in MoKil- lop township, on Monday, Feb. 27th, Jas. McQuaid, one of the pioneer residents of Huron county. Born in Fermanagh county, Ireland, in 1835, deceased name to Canada in 1841, and settled, with his father and mother, in MoKillop. In those days the settlers were few, and where Seafortb now stands was a wilder - nese; there being a pnblio house and a blaoksmibh shop in Harpurhey, the near- est store being in Goderioh, Although the hardships and privations of thoee early days were many, in time the forest was converted into fine farms, and the deceased among many others, prospered and left bio family well provided for. Mr. McQuaid had been ailing for some time, but bis death, while expected by his family, o8me as a shook to many old friends to whom he had endeared himself by his many qualities as a Christian and a gentleman. An upright, honest man, the soul of good will towards all men, another of the grand old veterans of Western Ontario has gone to hie reward. He leasee a widow and family of six eons and two daughters, all of whom were at hie bedside at the time of death. He bore hie last illness with Christian pat• ienoe and resignation to the will of God, and died fortified by the last rites of the Cabbolio ohuroh. The funernl, which was largely attended, took place on Wed- nesday morning to St. Oolumban ohuroh, Irfehtown, where edema high mase was celebrated for the repose of his soul, and from thence to St. Oolnmhan cemetery, the remains being borne by the six mule of the doomed, A ''51teuannd Tongues Could nob express the rapture of Annie 16. Springer, of 1,126 Howard street, Philadelphia, Pa„ when she found that Dr. King's New'ieoovery for Ooneump• tion hapd Dom le her of a ha013- 9 tel. cured e ing nough that for ninny years had made life a burden, All other remedies and doctors oould give her no help, but she gays of this Royal cure 1—"It goon re• moved the pain in my chest and I ono now Bleep soundly, something I can soaroely remember doing before. I feel like sounding its praiees throughout the universe." So will every one who tries Dr. King's New Discovery for any trouble of the Throat, Chest or Lungs. Price 50o. and $1.00, Trial bottles free at G. A; Doadmau's drug store. Every battle guaranteed. A C, 0, F. delegate at Brantford was fined 1110 for pulling the fire alarm as a Joke.. The 8013001 at Harrow, Ont„ has been ordered closed mt ao6ount of the preval- on05 of gimlet fever, Over fifty oases have been merited, The Countess of Minto, accompanied by Maj. L. D. Drummond, A. D. C. to Lord Minto ; Mrs. Drummond and Capt. Graham, with their maids and valets, visited at Niagara 1 ails, Ont., last week in the Governor Genorol'1 private ear "Victoria" The party wore there to Seo th"6 Winter scenery around NiagaraPalia, The Manitoba Legislature has been summoned to meet on Maroh 16. The Ontario Department of Agriculture has received orders to send 200 thorough• bred cattle to the Government of the Northwest Territory. to Spring Coming. We are ready for it with a nicely assorted stock of prints, Cottons, Sheetings, heet7,7 a msd s, Shirtin's, Linens, , Flannelettes, Spring Suitinls, o. Our Grocery Department is known near and far for the freshness and excellency of our stock. A trial will convince you that this is correct. J. G. SKENE. Agent for Parker's Dye Works. The Standard Bank of Canada. akiloney Orders For amounts of Fifty Dollars and under issued by this Bank, payable at par at any chartered Bank in Canada, with the exception of Branches in the Yukon Dis- trict. RATES ES : Under ,'x,10 . $0.08 $10 to 20 . . 0.10 20 to 80 . . 0.12 80 to 50 . . . 0.14 J. N. 00111)0N, Agent, BRUSSELS. 8 CLES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles ANn-- North Shore Pule and Cedar FOR SALE AT MEI Brussels Planing Mills Also Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on hand 00 made to order at Short Notioe. Estimates Farniehed for nil kinds of Buildings. Workman• mhfp and ll3atorlal Guaranteed. oosI i=Jill matte' a wen mall of YOU! 01st 511en1000 TBE A130711 R080108 In Form 110855. PI00BI mires all Nervous Diseases, Sleepless- ness, Falling,lim OtwsOy. eta. ctly e a ) given° vi or and deo 10 cussed shrunken past MMus;and given Igor d atm t0000001organs,08 034 euiokiy but 8o pbyretiree eer Atexnoon In old or ymmg, Use PI0ent and yon win arrow etrone and nogg➢ again. neat b➢ mats er akin wre ally sad d In ve➢ sealed pocke.from Price, gl ap00 EseW carried to vent neyi the881. a or regi air for et, Bend money la entero 0 .T. fetor, Drugged Address all to torn Dia' miniono Canada. HOWE CO.idt Call and see our stook of Blankets, Sheetings, Flannels, Tweeds, Yarns, Etc., Wool, Hides, Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. Carding, Spinning, Weaving, Knitting, etc , Promptly attended to at the BRUSSELS WOOLLEN MILL. m Cook's Cotton Root Compound Ie successfully used monthly by over 10,o00Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Cote - mad. Take DO other, as all Mixtures, pills and Imitations ale dangerous, Prise, No. 1, $1 per box; No, 71,10 degrees stronger, Se per box, No. t or 2, mailed en receipt of price and two 8-eent ;tamps. The Cook Oompuny Windsor, Ont. eleuiaaemanded by all e nbland in recommended Nos. I and:2 soldlio Brussels by' G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller & Optician. OUSLEY Real Estate 86 Loan. AGENT, BRUSSELS. Money to Loan on Farm Secur- ity at the Lowest Rate of Interest. Money Loaned on Notes and good Notes Discounted. Sale Notes a Specialty. Fire cl Life Insuranoe Written. Special Attention given to Conveyancing. A. OOUSLEY, Office over Deadman', Drug Store, BRUSSELS. NEW Butcher Silop The undersigned has open- ed up a Butcher Shop in the IMO BBOOB, BRVSSBtS, where he will keep constant- ly on hand a supply of the Best Meats Procurable, sold at reasonable prices. A share of public patronage solicited. B. YY maid Elf. Meat delivered to all parts of the town. CASH PAID FOR HIDES. 11000, HOW 001001.0 enrtNT ALL MC, OISC 0000010. a. LONG, n The Buffalo Ail -Steel Disc Harrow This is the only Dlso Barrow made or sold in Canada, haying independent, adjustable Spring pressure upon the inner ends of the gang discs, allowing any amount of pressure to be thrown upon the innereude of the gangs,by the foot of the operator, By this menus aperfectly flex. ible action is secured and the ground can be worked to a uniform depth. Axamiue this Machine carefully and compare with others. The No. 12 Cultivator IS A IfARVAL OF moon83. The only Cultivator made that both lines of tooth will out so even depth in the round, Examine it and you will eco why. The only Cultivator na with a moveable tooth est to tsui the angio of the teeth eau be regulated to seo any condi- tion of soy Pressure can be regulatedale g68 to not differently on every emotion requiring la The tooth aro carried between the wheels instead of trailing behind as in other machines, thus securing lighter draft, This machine is fur- nished with grain and grass seed box when ro- Iso111, Ithagreverefblawl01ediamond steel points fur the teeth ; also, extra wide. thfatle-outtiug pointe can be furnished, Examine it and you will buy no other. The Best Drill Made, The Mosier Needs No Introduction. Over 40,000 Drills and Seeders of our Manu- 1003018 in use In Canada. The only Brill matte with lever for !natant and perfect regulation of depth of boo in all Muria of soil, while foam is iu motion. SOWS ithsolutely eorrOot to 1101181 00700 seed, a0 every kernel IN deposited at a proper depth tc grow, Purchase cooly the beet and you will be eabtafibd., We also mauufeeture Binders, Roapbl0 Mowers, Balsas, OultiVaters and Pulpere,as good as the best. Send for ill118trated oatalogno, I OX0( BROS. M13'0. Co.,(Limited) In5848011, Ont.e Canada. rd.tkgl. fit Zrusscise