The Brussels Post, 1899-3-10, Page 4ritsseio lost. FRIDAY, MAR. 8, 1899. IT is said that Robt, BIrmingham, for years the organizer of the Oonservative forces, will be eide•tlacked and A. W. Wright appointed in bis stead. A general survey of the field is being made looking forward to the next Dominion eleotion, MAxrrooA.end the Northwest terrain. ies has a cosmopolitan population surely. There'18 no monotony in their inhabitants either as to nationality or religion, and to add to the combination a large number of Mormons from Utah, U. S., talk of moving in this year. Tuts extension of the O. P. R. from Guelph to Godericlhh would mean oonsid- arable to this seetiou in the way of ire. proved faoilibies and better freight and passenger rates. Brussels should not be deaf or dumb in this matter if there is a probability of the road being built. Tete Government of the United States offered to convey the remains of Lord Hereollell to Great Britain on one of their war ships but the British cruiser "Talbot" will be used in- stead. His body will be buried at Clyffe, Dorchester, about March 21st, after a funeral service et Westminster Abbey. Lady Herschell has been Win- tering in the South of France and issore- ly grieved over the sudden demise of her husband. Donanrox Parliament will assemble on Thursday of next week, Despite little croake from the Opposition everything is moving along prosperously as the Doming session will show. Canada's finances continue to grow. The year commenced with a surplus of $1,722,000. For the eight months of the current fiscal year ending February 2811e, the revenue was $28,263,045, as compared with $24,705,613 for the same period in 1898, making an increase of 04,518.032. The expenditure was $93,597,134, as against $21,595,148 for 1898, an increase of $2,001,991, leaving a net increase in the revenue of 02,561,- 041. The revenue for February was 03,620,163, as compared with 03,319,490 for February, 1898, making an increase of 0301,573. The expenditure was $2,244,- 500, as against 01,900,495, making an increase of 0344,014. Keep down expense, Mr. Laurier, and proceed with the capable management ea in the past and there won't be much reaeon for kicking. As may be seen by the official returns given in another column the majority given for Nelson Monteith as M. P. P. for South Perth in the bye election on Tues- day of last week was 7 instead of 30 as resported last week. It seems that the reversing of the returns from one division made the difference. A.recount is spoken of but it is doubtful if much change would be made by this process. Barrister Mos - Grip was elected at the general election but resigned after attending the short session held last Fall owing to an inform- ality in ballot printing, He declined to be a candidate and V. Stock, a clever German, of Tavistock, took his place and made a good run. Mr. Monteith is a Conservative in politics so that his return reamed Hon. Mr. Hardy's majority in the Local Legislature. Sir John A. Mao. donald used to say "It is a bad thing to swap horses in crossing a stream," and we think the old gentleman's head was level on that point. Canadian News. Canadian furniture men propose to make a big show at the Paris World's Fair. The nee of air guns has become so general in Brantford that the police have organized a crusade against them. Rev, B. B. Keefer is ening the Domin- ion Council of Royal Tempters for $110, alleged to be due him as salary while editor of The Templar. Great activity pevaile in mining tholes in British Columbia. Litigation regard. ing the Le leoi mine has been settled satisfactorily. The coal ferry Shenago,plying between Conneaut, Ohio, and Port Stanley, whiob has been fast in the ice off Port Burwell for four weeks, was released by the use of dynamite and reached Port Stanley last evening. Martin P. Connolly, of Quebec has purchased by tender from the Govern- ment the output of binder twine from the Kingston Penitentiary for the current year. The Ontario Binder Twine Com- pany will handle the output, John'W. Dailey and Miss Bertha M. Judson were tarried at St, Thomas. At midnight they started to drive to Lon. don, but the team of borses beoame fright. mad ab a street oar and ran away throw• ing both ant 5nd badly injured them. A Berlin ben fancier, bas used a gaso. line stove in his bennery all Winter to keep bis birds Warm. Thinning to ire. prove the eibuation he introduced a coal. oil stove. Something wont wrong and be felted thirteen of the bens dead the other morning. Advioes from Dawson say that men are dying off from ecurvey in the suburbs of that city, Recently John McPhail was found almost dead in a tent on Victoria geloh. Rig pamper had been taking saws of him, but wee strioken with ecurvey, and hastened tb Dawton for medical aid. Norwich had a bread famine for twee days last week, the town stores being oomplelely sold out, All the halters of the town had the la grippe, and their enstomere, expectingthat they would goon reoower, allowedthesupply to he. Dorno exbansteit, The other day 8 cam load Of the staff of life was thinned from before the bakers had time to have it delivered, 0. 0. F. HIGH OQURT. The foll0wi35 is 4 short outline of toe High Oourt meeting of the Canadian Order. of Foresters which was held la Brantford last week : The H. O.R. Elliott called attention to the fact Ghat in Brantford the Order was orgnn- isea lit 1879, just twenty years 4'°. The 000 members. The History it during nthle pe $t two nacelles has been moat satlsfaobwry and encouraging, mud the past year has been oro of the most successful of all, no was then. 9,089 new members being added. At tbo aloes of 1808 the surplus amounted to $701,170.70, The aifah•s of the Order have bean Forty-sevenstered with mire courts have and c institut- ed, and of those 12 are In Ontario and the remainder aro planted over the other Provinces of the Dominion. The Order ie making most eatisfaotory progres% in the Maritime Provixosa, The death rata last year wee low, being only 4.00 per 1,000, a. most sate eatery allowing at the endof ulneteen ears. One page of the of lslal organ, The Forester, is now printed in French, and this feature is tile most popular with the brothers in Quebec,. The paper will continue to be issued by Bro. H, Glum mer, of Guelph, who has aontrulled it for the past nine years. During the past year deathclams promptly mouted all o6'148 0. paid. is less by 55,000 than was paidout in 1110 Preceding year. T. White, High Secretary, presented a mesh encouraging report. The total mem• bershin le 30, 03. 0f these 15,130 are eon- neoted with the sick and funeral benefit de- Pertinent.2,219 members have been relieved, and the sum distributed among these in their skinless wits 543,088, John Neelanda, High Treasurer, presented a report which was moat gratifying to the court, sbowine as it did haw rapidly their insurance surplus is growing, The interest alone last year bre utbt into the oo8;ela of the Order 59.1;288. According to the report of Dr. Stanley, Chairman of the Medical Board, the death rate, with the exception of one year, was lower lastear than ever be- fore. The sick and funeral l benefit fund, ac- cording to the report of Dr. Young, eased - ate of the Medical Board, is not in as satis- laotery shape as the insurance fund. The matter of placing it on 0hotter basis will be considered at a later stage, T. W. Gibson, in presenting the report of the Auditors, called attention to the fact that the Order has now on hand 52200 for each 91,000 of ihsuranoe. E. Canting, Superintendent of Organization, painted out in his report that the average age .full the charter mem- bars in courts instituted last year was only 25.14 years. Never before in the history of the Order was 0110 work of or ganizatiou prosecuted more vigorously than now. The High Court has elected the following officers for the ensuing year: It, Elliott, High Chief Ranger. Ingersoll. Jahn R. Allan, High }•ice-Ohief Itanger, Toronto, Phomas White,High Secretary, Brantford, Exeoative Committee -- H. Glimmer, Guelph; P. J. Jameson, Peterboro'; li, D. Henderson, Whitechurch ; Geo. Faulkner, Ottawa; O. H. Britton, Gananogae. Dr. 11,11.11. Stanley, Chairman Medical Board, Brantford, Dr. R. O. Young, Associate Medi Dol Board, Rillgetown. Thomas W. Gibson, Sigh Auditor, T„ronto. Dr, liennedy, High Registrar. Rev. W. 6. aleTayisll, High Chaplain, Deeeronto- the subject of removing the offices from Brantford co Toronto was discussed. It was almost unanimously, agreed not to take any action In t1,1a matter or approach the sub- ject for five years, MR. MONTEITH'S MAJORITY 7. The official count of the returns for the South Perth election was held at St. Marys Friday afternoon, when Returning Officer Wbeliban declared Mr. Monteith elected by a majority of 7. Following are the returns in full, together with the figures in the previous election ; 1898 1800 0 ai St. Marys— ]. arysw1 1 26 2 41 S 2 57 4 87 5 1 88 6 1 50 5 - 320 Bltinehard- 1 1 48 64 2 7'2 89 3 1 85 27 4 1 86 09 5 6 65 62 6 64 80 9 - 409 280 • 1.3 A 99 66 78 99 63 69 589 Downie - 1 7 2 2 3 13 4 7 5 1 so Fullerton - 1 0 2 1. 8 2 4 i 74 85 29 127 30 80 58 74 116 97 302 - 408 122 04 118 41 51 77 40 32 12 - 826 - 214 Hibbert - 1 2 2 '2 3 1 4 1 G Mitchell 1 2 2 2 3 '2 34 47 50 106 103 08 407 81 41 03 108 08 61 862 54 65 66 48 80 32 90 63 57 67 68 41 415 - 806 72 40 39 47 120 818 127 130 68 89 90 129 95 79 88 431 79 44 80 48 251 THE Xi.I.t.UaSELS POST YVextt0e'o The Exeter Baud intends holding n canoert shortly. !Vire. John Ilarness, who lies been i11 with congestion of the Neap, le stili quite low and compelled 00 keep bar bed. While,onbtiug downs large elm tree in Michael Aifeed's bush AIL Taylor and 4Vro, Parsons °entered 5 large Doone. A. valuable horse belongiug to Perkins Ifs Martin, while being driven, slipped oft some ice and had its leg blokes, conse- quently the animal had to be shot. The epeoial collections taken up in the Main street Methodist ohuroh on Sunday to be applied to the Relief Fond of Sb. Jamas ohuroh, Montreal, amounted to $65.00. It is currently reported that 11, S. Lang will shortly remove to Toronto, buying secured a lucrative position with Liodeay e: Son, apple exporters, of Glee- gow, Scotland, with headquarters at To. ronto, Word has been received here of the death of Thomas Bowerman, of Braes• bridge, brother of the late I. Bowerman, of this place, The deceased will be re. membered by our older residents, he having taught school in S. S. No. 8, Stephen, about 30 years ago. Tao •wb o,clgre. Hookey seems the favorite apart now. W. Leech is uonliaed to bed with lung trouble. Thomas Code and family have all been laid up with grippe. The recent fall of snow will Help the present condition of the roads. We are glad to see D. Collins around again after his recent illness. A few of our peens( people attended the Sons of Scotland concert at Atwood. Jae MoBea has a good supply of logs in. The mill started operations on Monday of last week. One of our young lady skaters thinks the water in the river rather wet, after a recent cold dip. Widdis Jackson held a very successful auction sale. Good prices realised. T. Hay, of Lietowel, was the auctioneer. The Directors of the Trowbridge Cheese et Butter+ompan,y, have stone on the ground to put in a cement floor AO soon as Spring opene rip which when completed will make N.110. 1 factory, Bela rave. R, McCrea was in Brantford last week Weeding High court meeting Cl. C. F. E. Nioohlaon left for Drumbo on Mon- day of lest week, where he has secured a situation, Oilmen VecTone.—The following is the abatement of the Bslgrave Chem Factory for the season 1898 :—Milk sent to fac- tory, 288,702 lbs. ; cheese made there- from, 26,306 lbs. ; value of cheese, $2011,. 29 ; amount paid to patrons for milk, $1851.02 ; amount paid for hauling milk to factory, 0362.09 ; paid for making (Meese, $256.72. The value of the cheese made last year was not one-third of the amount it formerly was. OBIT.—MTB. P. MoOasey, of Cincinnati, Ohio, a former resident of Belgrave, died on the 22nd ult., at the former plane. She was 76 years of age. Her husband still eurvives her, also five sons, viz, ; D. J., M. 0. and Dr. E.G., of Cincinnati, Ohio ; Dr. T. C., of Concordia, $ansae, and Dr. J. H., of Dayton, Ohio. One son, J. P,, died May, 1807. The deoeased Strictly One Price. woe a oonei stent Christian and was great. ly devoted to her proaper•ous family, A Daae of smallpox bag boon dieeoeered et Windsor, iet Brantford the 700 employees of the Alaseey.11arrio works draw 01,000 a day. The body of Frame Oaaban, formerly of Guelph and Toronto, was found on the banks of the St. Glair near Sarnia, 'me friends of Peter Dore, the Carlpke (armor who lost an arm in a outtiug•box last week, have oolleoted $000 for him. Chief of Polio. Horsey, of Kingston, will resign about the 1st of May, owing to failing health. License District East Riding of Huron. To the Tavern -Keepers and others fi'hont it may Collydrlt N01TOE is hereby given that APPLICATIONS for LICENSES for the Sale of Liquor in is. EAST RIDING QF HURON MAR. 10, 1899 STOCK 111[ST EE EDUCED 900.00. for the License ynar ofders 1855.1000, ,tbi epre0a Clothing for len and Boys at Less than 1�holesale Prices, ouen0es on the 1st der of May noel, Tj received by the undersigned from the pros• Y out date 0p to Saturday, April 1, 1899, If you are needing an thin' in the Clothing iuolutive. flood a Applicants mist furnish the y b Line I t names of two good and smaking sureties as bondsmen at the time of making appituatiau, Any certificate for a now Berman must fur- nish it oortii tled signal by a majority of the electors entitled bo veto a5 eleobioae for 5110 Legislative Assembly in the Polling Sub - Division in which the premises might to be licensed aro situated, and the said majority numb include at least one-third of the said electors, who are at the burs of snob appli- cation residents within the said Polling Sub- divisions, fNO. R. MILLER, Immune Jamestown. Feb. 27, 18M. Spectacles —OP ALL r+INDS— Fitted to Correct all Failures of Eyesight, and your Eyes tested FREE by latest Optical methods at Division Court Office, BRUSSELS. will not pay you to miss this Money- Saving Opportunity....,.,,,., TAILOR MADE SUITS, READYMAD11 CLOTHING-, HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, TIES, COLLARS, CUFFS, G -LOVES, SOX AND SUSPENDERS nerve ober this Sale Only cantii ,.n es 3 Days Longer. Very 0 ,illwaz/s the Lowest. ecial ttractioiis all over the store these clays. We want business in February just as much as we do any month in the year, and we will have it if prices will bring it. The values we are showing are worth the attention of every buyer of Dry Goods. Good, clean, honest Cotton Goods are selling here for less money than ever before. It is to your advantage to buy now, while stocks are at their best, as the special lines cannot be duplicated when once sold out. White Cottons. 854 WE are selling a great quantity of White Cotton theirs days, more by far than is usual this time of the year. 01 75 73 72 It would be a wonder if we didn't, with values like these. 08 74 36.inoh White Cotton, even thread, very little dressing, 08 80 7634 82 Cotton that will give excellent wear. Special value, 6e. 62 105 47 108 36•inab English White Cotton, fine, even thread, an _ — _ _ good quality as regular 80 goods. Special, 80. 234 331 257 886 36 inoh White Cotton, heavy weight, even thread, finished soft for the needle. Regular 10o, quality for 80 75 08 Og White Goods sale, She. 80 77 08 87 36•ioob Extra Fine English While Cotton, very flue, 64 77 70 61 even thread, Cambria finish ; a Cotton with extra good wearing qualities, Regular 10e. qualities, epeaial at 80. (1 283 Logan - 1 5 70 2 6 102 8 .....,,1 82 4 60 5 .,.,...... 8 98 14 416 South ISaethope- 1 ..,...... 83 2 4 28 202 250 181 29 78 32 40 113 66 64 60 as 48 90 06 248 406 286 104 17 8 ,....,.... 2 46 75 42 6 104 287 80 Totala.,..88 2363 2357 2498 Majority for Mosorip, 1898, 4. Majority for Monteith, 1890, 7. alt0A91TUAAT101,1 rix 310300155015, 118 133 88 384 2488 Mon. Mos- Mon- teith. strip. teith, Stook. St. Marys ,. 60 45 Blanshard „ 1211 100 DOWnie ,., ,. 101 .. 113 Hibbert , 100 70 Ftlllarton .. 112 ,. 103 Miiteholl ..., 81 ., 00 .. Legate 168 121 S.73agthope .. 180 248 Woodetoek, but a great deal of it wag 440 444 447 440 1(atheted in by :140 natives tit its btettion Majority for Monteith, 7, This 3 1»2o. Flannelette we adverlioe is in and opened up. It i8 the best value in Flannelette we have ever sold. No more of it when this lot is gone, for the mills have advanced prioee in the past week. New, neat patterns in Stripes, 36 inollee Wide. Regular 12o, quality for 80n per yard. liiemnantw'. WE place on sal° this week ono cage Mill Rude `of Haatory Cotters. These are Olean, Perfect goods, jest from the walla, sad the only reason for low prince on them is that the lengths are shorter than the mills will pub en in webs, which we will sell at lege than regular wholesale prices. 111 Highest Price Paid for Sutter and Eggs."---.00940- Factory ggs.` 'actory Cottons. awl passed into stook this week 8 bales, which we bought before the advance, and we are going to sell them while they last at these prices; 20 Pieces 35•inoh Factory Cotton, fine and heavy. Ibeal value, 6o ; Special at deo. 20 Pietas 116•inch Faotory Cotton, nine, fine, even thread. Good value at 8a ; Special at 6o, 20 Pines 36.inob Faotory Cotton, very heavy and very suitable for Shootings. Will give excellent wear. Special value at Geo. New Shirting's and 4sfottonades. . MANY people like to get their supply of these goods early so that they may get their sewing out of the way before Spring opens. Our now lines are just opened up, and you'll find qualities good and colors fast. 81 -inch Heavy Cotton Shirting, fast colors, Stripe and Checks, Special 10e. Extra heavy Cotton Shirting, Indigo dye ; the best goods the mills make, New patterns, 120. Strong and Heavy Cottoned°, brit and close weave, stripes end small oheoke. Special, 20o, The very beet Oottonade we Dan buy, hard or soft iiinish, heavy weight, 28 and 85o. 5 Pieces 40.inch Apron Gingham, in email Checks, with Fancy Colored Bordere, Worth, regular, 121o. Speoial at 100. 5,. „fin In u i AY, Beaver Hardware Os8e Store, mom BRUSSELS. Having purchased the interest of N. B. Gerry in the above well known business I desire to intimate to the public that I will con- tinue it at the old stand where a large and well selecte,d stock of Hardware, tic., will always be found at as low prices as anywhere. I wish to return thanks for past patronage and solicit a con- tinuance of the saine. t "All persons indebted to N. & N. Gerry are requested to settle before March 4th as the partnership affairs have to be straightened up by that date. SAP PAILS AND SPOUTS 13Y THE HUNDRED . F. Gerry. KBEP IN STOCK A FULL LINE OF 001104 VES ...Have you seen the... FOR COAL AND WOOD.. Chancellor steel Rangeall h Gig ppCceseon this beatsathem Pare 41J2 erican Coal Tinware, Water White Oil, Cutlery, Lamps, Hardware, QrultiUeware• —CLOSE PRICES IN GROSS OUT SAWS, �[�y= p,,The Lance Tooth and tho Symonds ,are our Specialties. OLP0. The hest quality at close prisms is`our Motto. Wo also handle Blaolcsmiths' C1oaI, Wilton & Turnbull, = Brussels. 1•