HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-3-10, Page 14 Vol, 27. No, 85 SUCCESSOR To SMITH &, M'LAREP�a Terms Cash.'' Take off the Old and put on the New, That neatly fitting easy Shoe, When prices run as they do now, Who would deny himself the new ? .00K to your health—to your life itself—and protect your feet from the cold and wet which will be the principal ingredients of the weather from now on. A heavy Shoe is just the thing for this weather. A. R. SMITH. Sole Agent in Brussels for Granby Rubbers. They wear like iron. DON' T DELAY, So many people put off the wearing of Glasses in the hope that the eyes will get all right again. When Adults reach the age of forty Glaesee become a necessity and delay sometimes permanently in. jures the Eyee, tan guarantee all my Glasses so take pains to make them accurate. MRS. T. FLETCHER, OPTICIAN. ItI Colonist Excursions ra T.,„ Canadian Northwest Will leave TORONTO via North Bay at 3.15 p.m. and 9 p.m, each TUESDAY during Marob and April Of 'so itient business offers.) Colonist Sleeping Oars for paseengere with ordinary baggage will be attached to train leaving TORONTO at 3,16 p. in, and will run through to Wluuineg Colonist SlerSbng fare for passengers travelling on same train as their live etook will be attached to train leaving TORONTO at 4 p. m., and will run through to Winnipeg, Berths s wilt Iici rroe in these cars cad can be secured by passer gore on application to Grand Trunk Agents. Tickets, rags and all information from Agents of Grand Trunk Railway System. J. N. KENDALL, Agent, Brussels. New Advertisements Speetaoles—G. A. Deadman. Executors' sale—G. P. Blair. Boots and Shoes—A. R. Smith. Claws for sale—Mrs. A. ()oilmen. Carriage Works—Ewan & Innes. Sitnatione--Oentral Bo+fnesa College. Page of History—Page Wire Fence 00. lOxstlrict Ittbas. Balgrfave. Tat MEETING. --The Ladies' Aid of Knox ohuroh announce a tea meeting far next Tuesday evening. Tea will be served from 6 to 8 o'clock in the For. esters' Hall after which there will be an adjournment t.0 the Presbyterian ohuroh, where an interesting program will be presented. Addressee are expected from Rev. W. J. West, M. A., ot Binevale Rev, Mr. Mills, of Blyth ; W. H. Kerr, of THE POST, Brussele ; and Rev. F. J. Oaten, Pb. B., and Rev. W. T. Hall, of Beigrave. Mise Stella Griffin, of Wing ham ; Miss Lizzie Sample, of Brussels ; and the Westfield choir will supply the musical program, Prooeede will be applied ou the Building Fund of the new ohuroh. A. eooial will be given in the Forestere' Hall on the following evening, tea to be served at 6 o'olook. An -inter- eeting time promised to all who attend. W is l tun- Robb. on-Robb. Humphries was on the sick list la't week. Mies Bello Magill, of Blyth, is visiting at M, Morrison's. Mrs, MoKibbin bas been very poorly but is recovering nicely. Mrs. Waghorn is away this week on a brief visit to her relatives at Kirkton. The Ladies' Missionary Booiety of Duft'e ohuroh met at the Manes Friday, Next Monday afternoon the milk routee will be let in connection with our cheese factory. We looked for the advt. in THE POST iaet week. Rev. F. 5. Oaten aseisted in the revival eeryi0es in the Methodist oburob on Tues.. day evening of this week, The services 000tinue every evening except Saturday. While P. J. and J. Ryan were drawing a sleigh into the barn, halving the team hitched to the hied end, the eleigb awn- ing in contact with a frozen piece of plank in the gangway, the tongue, which J. Ryan had hold of, was jerked sharply to one side, and be was thrown with some forge to the ground, getting some bad outs and bruises. Pay Wog.—At the Debating Club the subject was :—"Resolved that the sword has done more fur humanity than the pen." The speakers for the affirmative ware Geo. Buohanan, Miss Minnie Mc- Donald and Mise Lizzie Smith, while the negative was upheld by T. MoFad• zean, Mies Annie Ferguson and Mies Josie Buohanan. Decision was given in favor of negative. WioDDIN0I.—011 Wednesday afternoon, Marob 8th, at the Methodist Parsonage, by Rev. A. 0, Tiffin, a quiet but very interesting wedding ceremony was per- formed, The contracting parties were Duncan MoKeuzie, 18th non., Grey, and Mise Maggie Williamson, eldest daughter of James Williamson, 17th con., Grey. The happy couple are attended with the best wiebee of the whole community, Biussels Carriage Works. EWAN & ! NE'S Iias now on hand and for sale the following line of goods : Buggies, Top and Open Buggise with and a inob wheels. In color—Blaok, Green, Carmine and Nat Moon. Size of bodies, 20, 22 and 24 in. Also Jump Seat Buggiee with 1 in, wheels. Democrats With two and three seats. Carts. v.,.l a Road and Speeding Carts, Wagons. Furor W agone complete, 2 and 21,in. tires with reelable arms S} and 4 in, Wagon Gear only if so desired. Farm Trucks 2e- and 8 in. tires. One-horse Wagon, with or without box. Alio Grocer's Delivery Wagon. Wheelbarrows. Wheelbarrows with steel or wood wheels. As we handle the above line of goods by the oar lob purchasers will get the benefit by buying from ue. ..l"C77AZT t 'Zi T 1' E-+ S, Carriage Works, Brussels, Repairing and Painting in the above lines a specialty. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1899 W. H. KERR, Prada, lt, H. Ferguson returned on Tuesday from a boohoostrip to Tilsonburg. Mr, Ferguson, wbo is exeoutor of the late Uhae, Molbonald's will, has planed a now tenant on Mies MoDonald's farm whioh rents for over $400, Teetaclbter v. Wm. Giese and family have removed to Wingbam. Miss Auuie, daughter of Juba J,takeon, is not enjoying very robust health hub we hope the coming Spring will aid 1n heroo0vaheoeuoe. John McLaughlin has leased hie farm on the 14th sou., McKillop, to Wm. Smith of the 12th non, for 8 years. Mr. MoLaugbliu will bold an emotion sale of farm stook, implements, furniture, &o., on Tuesday, '28th inst. F. S. Scott, of Bruesale, will be the auctioneer. 1..1111101. Hugh Olose has the agency for the well known Page wire fence. Alex. Oonnon tants of going to Man - hobs, on a prospeotiug tour. Be has a brother out there. Miss Mary Lamont, who hag been home for the past two months, returned to her position in Toronto. The millyard ie well stocked this Win• ter and the mill is now cutting with the proprietor in charge. The family of Wm. Thompson has been on the slobs list with la grippe and are ruder the dootor'e care. Mra. Hogarth and her father talk of taking a trip to England where they have relatives for a holiday visit. There was no service in the Presby- terian ohuroh last Sunday as the Oom• munion was being held et Oranbrook. There is a large stook of maple and elm saw logs in the G. T. R. station yard here. They were purchased by Welling- ton Fogel for the Wingbam chair faotory. The barber shop run by Wesley Heath, over McAllister's etore, does quite a busi• nese and should aid in the developement of the moustaches of some of the young men. Arthur Cook, of Freelton, has leased the vacant store 0f Juo. Hansuld and will open a butcher shop. He has pat away a supply of ioe for the coming Sam• mer. The holland term, just West of Ethel, hoe been leased for e 5 year tenon to Jesse Wilbee, of Brussels, wbo will take possession shortly. Mr. Wilbee is very highly spoken of and we will welcome him and his family to this locality. Our G. T. R. agent has been asked to supply certain information relative to the passenger business from Ethel iu connection with the recent unsatisfactory eervioe here. What Ethel wants is the 0. P. R. from Guelph to Goderioh. That would fetob the G. T. R. to its milk quicker than anything else. SUDDEN DEATH,— It is with sinoere re- gret that we chronicle the decease of Jeanie, daughter of Robert Hamilton, who died after 4 clays illness of appendi. °itis, at 1 o'clock Wednesday morning, of this week. She was 21 years of age and was highly esteemed. The funeral will take place on Friday at 1 o'clock, interment being made at Elma cemetery. Deceased was a member of the Preeby. terian ohuroh. 4x1.40 a'. Heavy roads after the eborm. John Mitchell's emotion sale, 121h con., next Wednesday. Arab. Hislop, M. P. P., was home from Toronto over Sunday. Mrs, Andrew Duke, Ala non„ bas been seriously ill but we hope she will soon be better. Miss Annie Campbell, 12th con., is visiting her cousin, Mies Marion MoKay, Oth con. Mrs. Joe. Armstrong, who has been very ill with the grippe, ie recovering, we are pleased to state. Mies Annie Belden has gone to Gode• riot, where she intends taking lessons is musio and dressmaking. Next week Dan. Ferguson leaves for Winnipeg where be may make his home for a time. We wish him success. Miss R. Patrick, who has secured a situation ae milliner in Gerrie, has gone to Toronto to attend the Millinery open- ings. A Brueeelita and his best girt got storm -stayed on a resent Sabbath and shared the hospitality of a hind family until Monday. Jas. Belden has sold out hie tailor shop in Molesworth and hal gone to Winnipeg, whe,e be intends opening out a large establishment. Mrs, H. Ball, 10th eon„ was danger- ously ill last week with an attack of let grippe but is improving nicely we are pleased to bear. Mrs. J, Stewart, 16;b con., who has been quite iii with la grippe, is consider- ably improved in health. We hope the eomiag of Spring will aid in her invigor- ation, Edward Deuyer, lot 18, 121:13 con„ will bold an anotion Bale of farm stools, im- plemente, &o., un Thursday of next weals as be intends 'giving up the farm. He will be succeeded by Mr. Muir. The smoke stack et the Star mill wee knocked down by one of the big ditch honses coming in contact with the guy wire as It was being moved past. It was soon replaced and smoked away aft good as ever. THE Sc000na,An Won.—The subjoot ter debate in Smith's eobool house on 'Tues- day evening of this week was "Resolved that Soutland has produced greater men than England." Bobs. Straohan was the ohairm7,n. Andrew Lemont, 'Walter Yue vita Oliver Smith championed' the Saeteh amuse while E. D. Molntosi, D, L. Straohan and Peter MoArtllur uphold the Epgileh. The judges, who were D. McDonald, Robt. Hoy and John Lemont, awarded the decision to the affirmative. The program consisted of well rendered readtegs, reoitmbient', eko. The oubj,eot for next week's debate is "Resolved that the Leerier Government has the amoO• donee of the people of Canada." Malcolm Black and Wm, Brydon will be the nap. tains and S. It, Creme and Jas. Bowman their assistants, A big orowd ie expected to attend. Fred. Raddatz is taking out timber foe Jae. barn,1 0 ae Kay e 0th wee. There was no service ee Bethel last Sabbath on theoaunt of the storm. Don't forget Alex. Roes' natation sale, lot 11, eon. 2, ou Friday afternoon of this week, Miss Elsie Strahan and Miss Maggie Oalder, etudents at the Seuforth Ooileg. into, were home for u few days last week, Alex. McNay, 15th ooh., had a PUO. (leaf ul wood bee Inst week. The young people also put in an enjoyable time in the evening. Ourr.—A very sudden call w ,e that which came to Elizabeth, beloved wife of Williµm Nobheroott, Alitohsll road, t.lanshard township, on Sunday, Feb. 20th. She had gone to bed as usual Saturday night end on Sabbath morning took a vomiting spell and died almost in• et0ntiy. Deceased was a daughter of John Hill, 10th can., of Gray, and was born in Fullerton township, coating with her parents to Grey. Her husband and two obildren are left to mourn her sodden demise. The funeral took place on Tues. day, interment being made at St. Marys nemetery. Mre. Nethercott was in her 45th year and was a most estimub s per. son who enjoyed the friendship of many. M o,-rs: w. Fraser Ttmbury has gone to live with Frank Bell on toe Sed. James Kelly, 7th line, has rented a 200 acre farm in Eitel Wuwanoeh. Mrs. Weise, of Lindsay, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jas. Duncan, 4tn line, George Robb has rented hie premises North of Brussels to Mr. Williamson, Mies Jennie MoOullougb, of Teeswater, has been visiting friends an the 5th line near Smishiue. Thera was no service in Jackson's church last Sabbath afternoon owing to the snowstorm. Andrew Miller was able to get home last week after hie protracted stay in Wroxeter through illness. Neil McKay, who has been visiting here for several weeks, re'urned to hie home in Manitoba this week. Jae. Tbynne,8rd line, has rented his farm for a year to Jas. Kerney, 4th line. Nin. Tliynue will continue to occupy the hoose. Tho funeral of the late Mr. Sbortse,6 on Thursday afternoon of last week, was largely attended by old neighbors and friende. 5145 was off..red to Nail Blaok for a horse he bad in at the Horse Fair last week at Brussels. He wanted $160 eo did not sell• Harry Pear has leased the Higgins 100 aore farm on the Oth line for the coming two years. The girls are wondering who is going to keep house for him. W. H. Oloattey and son, Frank, left on Wednesday of this week for Brandon, Manitoba, where they will spend the Summer. The family may move to the West, Wilt. Fear has gone to Councillor jack. eon's where he will spend the next eight months. John Bewley will put in the Summer with Wm, Jaokson. Both are good workers. A good many of our young men ars going West this Spring. Among others we could mention is John MoArter, 5th line, wbo intends taking a housekeeper along, that is if nothing happens before Tueeday next. We are pleased to report that Robert Maunders, who underwent an operation for appendioitis at the General Hospital, Toronto, is making favorable progress toward recovery and is expected home in few days. At the Eperorth League in Jackson's Oliveto on Wednesday evening of last week Miss Maggie Dick took the topic "Palm tree Christians," giving en excel- lent paper. Miss Dick is now a resident ot Blyth. Robb. Sbeddan, of the 4th line, is laid up from a flying chip, striking him in the eye while chopping. J. (Monkey, of the same line, met with a similar accident, his right optic suffering. We hope no bad results will follow in either ease. Tuesday of this week Jas. Speir, 61h line, shipped a fine young Derham boll bo Edward Stutter,, of Holyrood, Bruce County, who was here last Friday to per. chase the animal. Mr. Speir is not only a good farmer but is getting quite a name for breeding good stook. There was a jolly party at the home of Harry Jackson, 8th line, on Wednesday evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jaolieon made oapital host and hoeteste On Monday evening of this week. Robert Skelton and wife entertained a large com- pany at their residence when a very eooial time was spent by all. The contract for the erection of addi• tions to tike horse sheds at Blyth Metho- dist °hurah was awarded to George Jack- son, 8th line. Sheds will be 80 and 66 feet long, respectively, and 22 feet wide. Re gots ,,bout 5250 for the job and sup plies all the material including a piece of tight board fence. Seeing a good deal ebent wood dubbing records we think the following will mom. pare favorably with the beat, On the 26th ult. Harry and Will. Fear, of the 8th line, tent over 15 cords of stove wood from maple end beeoh timber in Harry Jaakeon's bush in about 10 hours. The work was done with a arose nub saw, the breee being felled previously. Hynteenkr..—Thureday of last week John Ellis, 3rd line, surprised hie neigh - bore in bringing home es wife in the per• son of Mrs, Henderson, of Grey township. Mr. Ellis has a tidy little farm and with a new heusekeepor should got along Oreb.slaee, The other old bachelors should "get a shove nn" now profiting by the good example set them. May pros. parity Sbteed Me. and Mrs. Ellie. Last Thursday evening a surprise party was baleen to Jas. Wilkinson from Belgrave, bwo big eleigh loads and sever. al casters, They had an (later eepper, and after the supper was all oleered away, they enjoyed themselves in dancing end other amusements, tilt the early hours in the morning, Messrs. David and Sbowart supplied the =tale and Meesrs. Miller were floor managers. All went home well pleased with tlhefe evening sport. A beef ring bus been started on the 2nd line. The beef will be killed at lemma Forrand'a farm. Why not get cue on the Oth line as well ? John Clegg, 0th line, is going to build a brielt kitoheu to hie house and is gaiting the briok at Blyth. A good many are going to build in 1899. This week Harry Ames moved his family to the Pipe farm an the 5th Hue of Morris. Mr, Ames will leave 10 a short time far Manitoba, Rev. W. T. Hall, of Beigrave, is am nounsed to preach at Sunshine on Sunday next, at 2.80 p, m. There will no don h0. be a good tarn out if the roads are good and the day fine. We are sorry to hear of the serious Muses of John Mustard, 2ud line, who is down with appendioitie. He took sick last Saturday night, His many friends hope that improvement will soon set in. We were visited by the worst storm of the seaoou on Senility and ae a nonce queuce no one got to ohuroh in this local' ity. The sideroade might it this time and in many planes the roads are hardly fib for travel. OMT,—About 4 o'clock on Thursday afternoon of last week, the spiritof James Irelaud, one of the pioneers of Huron, took its flight. Dem'ased was born in Gallowayehire, Scotland, 88 years ago and was united in marriage to Miss Job• aura Kelly, of the same locality in the year 1837. With his wife and family he turned hie face to the Western hemis- phere and along with thousande of others sailed for Moeda, in 1815. They looated on lot 14, oou. 4, Tuakersmith township, on what is known ae the Mill road, 2i miles from Seafortb, where he took up a bush lot °obtaining 135 acres. klr. Ire- land wee abtraoted to that Ioaality on account of a goodly number of its rest• dente °owing from the same section of Scotland. By hard work and careful management the bash lot wits Boon con- verted into waving fields of grain. In January, 1851, Mrs. Ireland passed away to her reward, aged 52 years and from that date her husband made his home with hie children having resided with his eon in Morris for over 22 years. He was a bearty,sanabiay, mac wbo delighted to he busy and wag a general favorite with both old and young. His children were William, of Tuokersmith, who died 8 years ago ; Elizabeth, (Mrs. Wm. Mc. Kay) who departed this life in Brussels in 1877; and James who is a well known 'resident of the 3rd line, of Morrie, where he has spent the past 81 years. The sub. jam of this notice was a Presbyterian in religion ; a Liberal in politica and retain- ed bis faculties to a marked degree for a man of hie years. He was only iil for 8 days although be had been failing nobioe• ably for the past year, la grippe and been- obitis being the trouble. The funeral took plane on Saturday morning, the service being condensed by Rev. Jno. Rose, of Brussels, at 9 o'olook. Even at this early boor there was at large attend. arm to pay the last tribute of respect to the deceased. Interment was made alongside of hie wife at the Egmondville cemetery. The pallbearers were bis six grand Sons, James Ireland, Wm. Ireland, John Oliver, Oliver Turnbull, Oliver Smith and 'Aria. Archibald.' Rev. Mr. Shaw, of Egmoodville, took °barge of the service at the cemetery. Thus another link has been severed between the pia. neer days and the present and another of the grand old men called away. 13111evaelo. Mies Nellie Bioltle was visiting iu East Wawanoab last week. Geo. Baney.hne returned from attend- ing the funeral of bis brother in Toronto, Jas. and Mrs. Robertson gave a party to a number of young people on Friday night. Mrs. T. Coultie has been ill for some time, but we are glad to hear of her re- eovery. A number of young Bluevaleites are preparing a play for presentation at an early date. Further particulars later. John Burgess and A. McEwen were the Binevale delegates to the meeting of the High Court 0, O. F. in Brantford last week. Mrs. J. Gardiner ie reoovering from a severe attack of le, grippe. Her daugh- ter, Mrs. J. McDonald, of Goderiob, is with her, Rev. W. J. West is attending the Women's Presbyterial Missionary Con- vention and the Presbytery at Teeswater this week. There is a by-law providing that all persons riding or driving on the side. walks will be enbjeot to a fine. Ws hope if wit] soon be enforced in Bluevale, Crumb 4•o We. Misses Switzer and Ed. Sandayed at Listowel, Miss Ada Wilma, of Atwood, is visiting ab J. 5, Mitchell's, Rev. Mr. Hunter was able to attend hie duties list Sabbath. Most of our young men are clearing up the bush around here. Miss Leta° Cook, of Sunshine, was visiting at A. MaNair's last week. Mies Annie McKay, of Seafortb, is under the parental roof for a while. Mrs. D. B. MoRae is visiting her moth- er, Mrs. Wateon, of Blyth, who is ill. Mee, Samuel Wherry, of Elma, was visiting at J. J. Mitobell's this week. Wm. Aldereon's child, who has been very low, la on a fair way to recovery. We are glad to see George Sperling comfortably .Beetled in his new home here. W. J. Smaildon is rushing the hoot and shoe business. It is the place to ge to get a tient job. Miss Ada Wileon, who was the guest of Mies Ohara Mitchel, has returned to her home in Elm. Ed. Denyer will have an enation Bale of all lois farm steak, implements, etc„ on Thursday, March 16th, Mrs. J. R. Hamilton and daughter will leave here for their homage Neepawa on Friday, altar an enjoyable visit for over two tnonthe. Mise .Lib, 1VIoLannhlin, who went to England last Fall, will oome back to Oen. ado, She expects to axil on the 22nd. Her many IrienSB will weloomo her back, Mrs. A. McDonald was visiting friends in Gaderlah fee a few days. ltev. D. 13. MoRae wee attending Pres. bytery at Teeswater this week. Last Sabbath lbs communion was held ip the Presbyterian ohuroh here. Rev, John Rose, of Brussels, osoupied the pal• pit at the Bervioe on Saturday. BRUSSELS PUBLIC SCHOOL. The following is the report of Brussels Publio School for the month of February : Hoots 0, Pnrtrtax—Examined in Arith„ and Physics. Total, 400. J. Crerar 8.134 M, McKenzie .. 210 115. Biolby 302 K. •Smith 208 S. Lamont....207 W. Grieve 138 Ed. Bryan.. ,,289 M, McGuire... 123 A. McKelvey..218 P. S. L.—Examined is Arith., Book- keeping, Draw., Lit. Total, 400 ; N. Smibh.,....277 C. Zilliex 216 J. Ooueley.... 251 I. Zilliax 209 G. Roes 234 A, Allin 191 Clark Ann.. „281 L. Sinolair169 R. Taylor 231 N. Vanstone....155 D. Watt 231 J. Innes 120 P. Watt 230 G. McMillan.. 48 ENTRANCE. — Examined in etrith., Draw., Lib., and Hist. Total, 400 : H. Johnston 280 B. McKelvey ..175 M. Skene 270 F. Thomeon....165 F. Armstrong -259 E. Avery 104 I. Williams....230 W. Haycroft •161 L. Rose 231 J. Good 161 C. Richards....229 W. Roaoh 152 0. Baker 225 M. Forbes ....142 B. Scott 219 W. Peebles.,, .117 P. McMillan 216 D. Moore 100 J. Peebles °13 R. Beattie 72 N. MaGuire....108 J. H. CALLER°N, Principal. Roost 2. 4TH MASS.—Examined in pram , Lit., Aritb., Writ., Draw., D"y Total, 600 : B. Howe 393 xr'Glalld'i4aoken..281 W. Zilliax . 377. ' S:. 'h 278 F. Oliver.. o..86n tie:Ame 1277 H. Gooding. • ..841 S. Scott.: ,'.'.. ,264 H. Watt 387 N. Kendall :...264 G. Thomson ,827 H. Ainley 250 A. Rose 318 0. Maiaprice..257 E. Funoton287 R. MoLanohlin 86 Se. San —Examined in same subjects. Total, 500 115. Thomson 461 G. McKay 275 R. McKenzie..397 R. Wilbee 273 E. Lowry 391 M. Grewar ....272. M. Hunter 373 0. Hingston....272 E. Backer 344 R. Plum 247 M. Howe 841 D. Danes. ....203 G• Marr 338 S. Forsyth ....186 A. Ourry 324 R. Ainley 180 E. Wilton 323 V. Cooper ....155 P. Lowry 320 E. Denbow .... 99 V. Danford 294 M. Soott 96 P. Rtchards....284 S. Maxwell 86 O. Mo0raoken..282 N. Irwin 77 N. Blaehill..,.278 L. Oolvin 71 JR, Blue—Examined in same subjects. Total, 600. G. Roes 419 W. McGuies....804 M. Roes 801 B Beattie 804 A. McMillan ..371 A. Forsyth 802 B. Uingston....849 E. Pugh 250 A. Lott 845 I. Johnston ....243 0. Mooney 835 R. Pugh 221 J. Thomson.. ..830 a.l(urgees 111 B. Henderson ..817 R. Sinalair108 M. MoArter,. ..316 B. Blasbill87 K. McDougall..805 M. Kerr 67 PHILIP WEIaean, Teacher. ROM 3. So. %sm.—Examined in Arith , Spell., Geog„ Writ., Man., Draw. Total, 600 : B. Ross 395 H. Riohards....258, J. Armstrong . 878 A. MoQnarrie..258 B. Straoban368 G. Zilliax 250 F. Thomeon....838 0. Wilbee 244 M. Amens ....857 R. Lowry 281 R. Deadman ..358 L. Edwards.. 225 L. Turnbull, ,..844 G. MoLennan211 J. Mooney ....832 T. Meadows191 A. Rose 817 3. Williamson..186 17. Curry 305 C. Blashill ....181 N. Farbea 286 E. Cameron....178 E. Good 281 J. Kerr 159 A. Scott 276 F. Allan 158 L. Daunlord....274 W. Boob° 127 M. McKay ....264 J. Miller 111 W. Williamson 260 B.Oolvin 104 Mres DOWNEY, Teacher. noon 4. ()Lass IV.—Examined in Read., Draw., Writ., Leith., and Diet. Total, 800 M. Miller 272 F. Campbell ..236 G. Armstrong261 H. Wilbee 282 P. Basher 268 F. MoKay 191 0. Scott 254 A. McMillan ..187 W. Turnbull '252 F. Stratton ....157 F. Moienzie240 L. MoArter.. ,.155 V. Wilbee 238 L. MoOraokeu..135 Highest marksin each subjeot.—Arith•, M. Miller, 100 ; Diot,, P, Banker, 94 ; Read., L. MoCraoken and M. Miller, 24; Writ., L. McCracken and L. MoArter, 47 ; Draw., L. MoOraoken, 26. CLASS III.—Examined in same nub• joote. Total, 800 : K. Deadman.,266 E. McKay 209 V. MoKeuzie..258 K. Innes 207 W. Sbraohan ..250 J. Wilbee 208 L. Straaban....247 M. Allin 1018 3, Ament 240 W. Mol:ooken 179 E. Ewan 282 0. Gerry 179 S. Oampbell ....230 0. Bell 145 W. Richardson 280 A. Woolson ...,144 5, Amens 227 Art. Jaokeon ..124 S. Walker 217 W. Shine 100 Higbosb marks in each subject.—Aribh., W. Straohan, K. Deadman, W. Modrao• lien, 100 ; Diet., S. Amens, 78 ; Draw., E. Ewan, 24 ; Writ., K. Deadman 60 ; 11 Sad., E. McKay, W. 15 bardsoD, 2'4. Crass II,—Excellent — Tommie Arm• strong, May Birt, ]label Currin, Harry Moore. Good ---Tommie Barks) Cleve, Deubow, Willie Bell, Edith Colvin. Ab• sent—Eva Snider, Clara Simmone. CLASS L—$ilxcoilent Willis Rogerson, Florence Maiupprice, Emma Forsyth, Nellie Watt, Eardly Wilbee; Homer Barrett, Good—Vivian. Kendall, Jelin Burke, John Wilton, Willie McKay, Verne Walker Honey Rogerson, Frank Gerry, Fair ---Jobe OoopeteltarlPeeblee, Ohaelio MoMfllan. Vilna ate; Hrxolts0 Teaohcr, ('illiltOlI elf 171111. "Our work in the West Indies," is the topic for Melville Endeavor on Sabbath evening next, "How to study the Bible," will he the enbjeot under dierussiou at the Epworth League next Sabbath evening. Rev. G. J. Ahey preaobed last Sunday morning from Ephesiase 1 and 111, At the evening service he otiose St. Mark '6 and 34. A public Temperance meeting will be bell in the Methodic Sabbath Boohoo! room on Tuesday evening of -next week, under auspices of the Epworth League. The blustery weather last Sabbath had a tendeuoy to deplete the attendanoe at the various aerobes and Sabbatb'soboole. A storm appears to effeot people worse on Bunday .omehow, Mrs. N. MaLaooblls, Mee. Alex. Stmt. oban and Mies Lizzie Rose were at Tees. water this weep attending the Maitland Presbytery IV, le, M. S. as representativ(s from Melville °hureh Branch. On Sabbath morning oast Rev, S. J. Allin will preach the drat of four disoour. see on the "Life and work of Christ." In the evening the topic will be "Lessons from the life of Lot," the second in the series of "Old Testament Cbaraoters," "The Need of Vision," or Elisba's prayer for his servant, 2 Kings, 0:17, wan the topic in the Methodist Motorola last Sunday morning. In the evening the pa•tor preached on the obaraoter of "Abraham," the first in the series an "Old Testament Oharectero." The main divisions of the dieoouree were (1) Abraham's call ; (2) Abraham'e faith ; (3) Abraham as a man of affairs. Rev. Dr. Sing, Principal of Manitoba College, the head and front of Presbyter. laniem in Western Canada, formerly of Toronto, died Sunday afternoon at Win- nipeg, after an illness of several weeks. He was attacked with pneumonia but the inflammation subsided three weeks ago, and the hope was expressed that reoovery was in sight. He did not gain in atrengtb however, and slowly sank away. Rey. John Mark King was born at Yetholme, Rosboro'shire, May 26, 1829, and was consequently in his 70th year. On account of the small attendance last Sunday morning, Rev. Mr. Ross did not preach on the enbjeot announced but will deal with that theme neat Sunday morning, viz, "The employments of Heaven." Rev. Mr. Roes took for his text in the morning, Mat. 26 and 52. His subject was divided as follows •— (1) The Danger of alliance with wordly things ; (2) The boundless resources available to God's children ; (8) The great duty of prompt aooeptancs of the Divine will ; (4) The great necessity of the ful- filment of the Soriptores in our lives. Rev. R. R. McKay, Baptist, Wood- stock, declines the eat to Winnipeg. People We Know. D. Hayden is still very poorly. Mies Green, of Blenheim, is visiting Mrs. S. T. Plum. Mrs. Wm. Koeohtel is visiting with her daughter at Fergus. Angus Kerr shows little if way im- provement, we are sorry to state. Mrs. Chas. Holland, of Port Hntoo, is visiting Mrs. Pearson, her mother. Barrister Sinolair will attend the Spring Assizes at the Co. town next week. Jno. Duncan is home from Toronto on. a visit. He talks of going to Winnipeg. Barrister Blair was in Goderioh for a couple of days this week on legal basioses. Lloyd, the little eon of H. L. Jackson, has been on the sick list but is improving now. Mrs. Robs. Henderson has been visit- ing relatives in McKillop during the past Week. The little daughter of N. B. Gerry was quite ill during the past week but is con- siderably better. Mise Freda, youngest daughter of W. F. Vaestone, bias been laid np with bron. obitis, but is improving now. John Halliday, and wife, of London, were bare this week attending the inner. al of Mr. Halliday's mother. Mrs. Laidlaw and obildren, who were visiting at her father's, J. Barnhill, re- turned to their home at Henfryn last week. 151. A. Halliday, of Chesley, was in Brussels on Tuesday attending the fun- eral of hie aunt, the late Mrs. J. 0, Hal- liday. Miss Aggie Smith, of Alma, was visit- ing Mrs. McKelvey and Mrs. B. Strachan last week. She is a neioe to the ladies mentioned. R. Leabherdale hat been bothered eon- siderably of late with neuralgia, We hope he will soon be freed from this very unwelcome companion. Leon F. Jaokson was at Wroxeter this week assisting N. B. Gerry in stook tair- ing, &e., in connection with his repent purchase of a hardware stook. Tom Bloomfield arrived borne Probe the old sod on Monday night. He had a very rough passage homeward, coming to New York on the Assyrian. They were 14 days on the voyage. Robb. Roes, wife and obildren, of Kin- cardine, were here during the past week attending the funeral of the late James Ireland, grandfather to Mee. Rose, whioh took place an Saturday at Egmoudville cemetery. We are pleased to hear that S. W. Laird, of Ingersoll, who was so seriously injured, is making favorable progress toward recovery, and will soon he able, we hope to give his old friends in Brue- Sell* a call. Tne Pose regrets the remOvai of N. B. Gerry, wife and daughter, from Brussele. Mr. Getty has purobased a hardware business in Wroxeter, as referred to last week, and will ebortiy move to that vi1. lege. Il. B. wee a teacher in the . Meth- odist Sabbath sohooi ; the Immo of the ohtmob choir and a past President of the Epworth League and will be greatly missed. Mrn,. Gerry was also a teacher in the Sabbath school for genie time, Their many friends here wieb them picspeeity in their new home and recom• maid them to the good people of Wrox. eta end locality.