The Brussels Post, 1899-3-3, Page 8S '18 OE Prue I Therein a eatisfeotiou when buy- ing au article to have it not only muoh better but oleo muoh eheaiier as wall. When we first began selling our preparation for Catarrh, the Syringo or Nasal Douche was a very prude affair, meting three time as muoh and not nearly as good as the atomizers we sell you to•day for 75e., end yet it was the best to be heel then. Now, if you have any form of naso brouble you should have an atomizer. If you have any difficulty in breathing through either or both nostrils, you should have an atom- izer, which, along with a 25 -cent bottle of one remedy or some other good preparation, you need never fear catarrh and can always have free breathing through both neatens. We have atomizers from 60e, to 31.26 each, and no one can afford to neglect a sold in the head or difficult breath. ing through the nose when so easily remedied. G. A. Deadman, Draggiet, Optioian tb' Bookseller. SRAM) TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. a. & R. Trains leave Brueeele Station, North and South, as follows; GoniG Conon, GOINONORM. express...... 7:1e a.m, I Mail •10 p.m Meade. .. ... 0:4C a.m. Express .....,10:17 p.m ota.t ;ictus f.C1ri , A ohiel's ameng ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Melton. BnDESELs market leads, TDB POST gives the news. Gar the snow off the sidewalk, Hausa Fair Thursday of this week. Ooouaxn meeting next Monday evening. PUT your dog down cellar, Assessor Coueley is around. Bevsszes School Board will meet Fri• day evening of next week. W. F. BeenARe reoeived a oar of Mani- toba, wheat and ,a car of Western porn this week. THE looal curlers had a maple of games on a rink on the mill dam last Saturday. Ice was very good. Taos. MaLAucHLrn intende improving the interior and exterior of his residence, Turnberry ebreet North, next Seamier. A eLAsa blowing exhibition has been holding sway in town this week and has attracted ooneiderable attention. They do some very neat work in this wonder- ful art. THE Ronald steam fire engines are at. treating attention both East and West. New Weatminister is aoneidering the propriety of purchasing. Tbe steamer that went to Golden, B. 0., gave the beet of satisfaction at the test on its arrival. CHAS. BARTLtoo' has purchased the buei• nese of W. A. Oriole in the Holmes blook and will add a new stook of groceries to that already in. We wish him enemas. Mr. Oriole will not remove from Brussels ae he ie engaged as baker at George Thomeon'e. LAST Saturday one of Brussels young mea was exchanging books at the Public Library. "Is 'Lady Eyre' in e" asked the young man, referring of coarse to the book of that name by Broote. "No 1 I don't think so," answered the Librarian. "Well "She's all the world to me," came the rejoinder, meaning of course the book by Hall Caine. We exouse the Librarian far asking if he meant -"Lady Eyre." Baer $aooN Colteaseroxaes. - The East Enron License Board met for or. ganizatiou at the American Hotel, Erns. eels, on Friday! Feb. 241b, Pres., Thos. Gibson, Fordwiah ; Geo. Fortune, Turn - berry ; Geo. Murdie, McKillop ; and Inepeator Miller. The former was re• elected Chairman and the latter Secretary. Board will meet on May 18th for the purpose of taking applications for hotel ltoenee into coneideration. Meeting will be held at the Queen's Hotel. TnoatAs JONES Dade -Thomas Jones, for years a very extensive dealer and shipper of cattle, died at his home at Mitchell, Saturday evening at the age of forty-three years, after a lingering illness ofsix months, of heart disease. He was the third eon of the late Robert Jones, for years Reeve of Logan and Warden for the County of Perth. Totn, as the de- ceased usually was called, wee very pop. alar and widely known througb Perth County. He waren staunoh Conservative, but had many friends on both sides of polities, He was well known also in Toronto, to which place business bad called him for many years two or three timee a week, and was a prominent and popular figure • at the Western Cattle Market, He leaves a wife and six chil- dren to mourn his lose. Deceased was a member of the A. 0, 17. W, The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Jones was a partner in the cattle baeineee with Jno. Scott, of Listowel, and was well known in Brussels and locality, Careens PazaNDs.-The annual meeting of the Canadian Order of Chosen Friends will be held at Toronto oe March 28. It is expeoted that 400 delegates will be present, Grand Oounoillor T. G. Davie, of London, having served two terms, the Grand Council will be palled on to Bleat a Councillor. Rev. H. T. Allen, of Teen. too, glee -Councillor, will be it candidate for the higher ofIloe, The Toronto News says ;-"Ib is whispered on pretty good authority that Friend James Dixon, of Hamilton, may be induced to again run Ler the chair for the year 1892 If so, there pan be only one result, and the Or- der would boom ander his guidance, It grew strong in the early.daye of its hia. tory when his energy and enthusiasm gays life to the young and struggling olalinent for fraternal dietinetion." Friend W. F, Campbell, Grand Organiz- er, hoe returned from a visit to Manitoba and the Torritoeiee, and wag very muoh too pleased with the condition and future save prospeote of the Order bp theta. He i5 sine, enthusiastia of the great possibilities of of a the vest Western country, Nearly 500 profs new members were added to the Order in past the month of Deoelnbor, 10;i SDRtNO Assizes open on the 13th inst. GENT'S slippers found, ,Prove property 0.1 THE POST. THOS. MOLAUOItLIN sold his fine driving mars advertised in THE POST last week, to Wm Campbell. He will ship her to Manitoba, Seventh members of the Methodist S. S. are preparing a program to be given in the eohoel room on 'remodel evening next al 7.30 a'oloak, Masses, Humor shipped ten fine borsos to Almede, N. W. T., on Tueaday of this week. The aforesaid gentlemen d000m• ponied the shipment. 'rue village Auditors' ere through with their &Mfor this year, eseeptiug the agreeable (met of dewing their pity, Re- port will be 908eenbe1 next Monday eyelet.. ing at the Council meeting. le is a matter of serrate to a good many who travel the gravel road, North and South, how the stage to Wroseter and Seaforth make as good tune as they do. Tics road to Seaforth ie anything but it desirable one to travel every day iu the Winter, but 3. 0. Took keeps up bis record all right, R, W. JEwITT writing from Obatham Business College says there are thirteen etudente from Huron Co. attending. They are Misses Rogers and McCallum and Maas. McTaggart, Cousins, Camp. bell, Cunningham, Sturdy, Morrison, Brett, Daintry, Reddy and Jewitt. Mr. Jewitt Saye he frequently meet Mr. Dennis and Mr. McCall, formerly of Brussels, and both are doing well. WEDNESDAY and Thursday evenings of last week the T. A. Simonds' Novelty and Gift Carnival held forth at the Town Hall. Their zsnomettaeoope piotutee were good ; the Regina Orchestral Organ a novelty ; the slack wire and trapeze performance of W. M. Scott oeldone ex• oelled, and the exposure of slight of band triplet amusing. The award of prizes was made as follows :-Collar buttons to A, Blashili ; ear -rings to T. Newaome ; br000h to J. T. Russ ; and diamond rine to Willie Armet. The receipts would not iooreass the wealth of the gentleman- ly proprietors very materially. To MARE PEAT Free. -In the Current issue of the Ontario Gazette there is a notice of the incorporation of the first tonal oompanv to be licensed by the Oan. adieu Peat Fuel Company, of Toronto, The name of the "first born" is the Trent Palley Peat Fuel Company of Peterboro', with an anthotized capital of 9600,000, of which the Ton, Senator Cox is a large subscriber. Charters for other can ;miss have also been applied for and still others are being organized. Nothing definite, however, has been beard recently about the company attempted to be organized in Stratford to make peat fuel in the Ellice swamp. Hooritr,-During the haat week Brns• eels hookoyiets have suffered a defeat at the hands of the Wroxeter team on their rink, and ohronioled a win as against Blyth. The former game was played on Thursday eveiog of last week and the home team had the best of the play. Our skaters were bothered with the line of posts in the rink but say the Wroxstere won fairly enoagll. The more was 8 to 1 r hie gives these clubs a match each and another game should be played to decide be supremacy. Monday afternoon Blyth team drove over here and the game was played on a rink arranged on the mill dam. The visitors were not in luck and be town boys soured 7 times. "Diok" R paha was credited with landing the pack times end A. D. Duncan twine. A re. urn bout is expected to eventuate at B lytb on Saturday afternoon, if foe and Bather pormib, SOCL{L.-A very pleasant time was njoyed at the parlor social held at the 881de000 of R. Leatherdale on Tuesday vetoing. B. Gerry filled the position f chairman most aoaeptsbly. The pro• ram was as follows :-Instrumental, Mies Lizzie Leatherdale ; duet, "Are you oing ell the good you can e" Misses Maggie Beattie and Emilie Kerr ; read• ng, "A Highlandmao'e sermon," Hairy Mo0rae ; guitar solo, 'Battle of Sebasba• ool," Miss Annie Beattie ; solo, "My randfather'a sword," Jae. Thompson ; eoitation, Mrs, 8, J. Allio ; solo, "If we alk aright," Mise Ella Ainley ; lnetru. ental, "On the levee," encore, "The alor bearer," Mise Lizzie Sample ; eating, "The bewitched olook," Mise elle Bawtinheimer ;• solo "When tailoring rosea look out for the thorns," las nurse,nurse,Gerry ; recitation, "Little m," R. Stevens ; solo, "Good bye west day," Miss Lizzie Sample ; read - g, "Hugh Airlie and the bloomie' erk," H. MoCrae ; instrumental, Miss aggie Beattie. • Refreshments were reed and all thoroughly enjoyed them. Ives THE LATE MRs, DARn0.-A correspond• b from Naeeagawaya writes as followe the meetly deceased sister of Ohae. owlett, Brussels :-"The deoeased, hose maiden name was Howlett, and liot of the late Robert Darby, entered to rest Feb. 1061, at her home In Nas. gaweya,it her 80th year, She was rn in Suffolk, England, Dec. 18tb, 19, and cams to Guelph with her rents while young, and resided here till r marriage with her late husband in 40, who was also a native of Suffolk, agland, and born in the same year, 19. Soon after marriaue they removed what bee aver since been known as arbyville, where Mr. Darby carried on kemithing for several years. Here re born to them 14 children, 7 of om proceeded them to the spirit land, nye in youth, and 1 boy and 4 girls sr being married and having families their own. While here blaokemithiog ey bought a farm near by and moved to it after selling the blacksmith nd, and carried on farming for sever. , • w r 9 d p 9 w m r B 9 M Ji e in of M Se ee en of re in Can bo 18 ha e 18 E 18 to D blas we wh 2b aft of th on eta al years. Finally, becoming too muoh enfeebled through age to bear the burden of farm life, they builb s comfortable brink house close beside the old home where all their children were born, and settled down to enjoy their old age in a well earned reet. After about 1 year fn the new home, Mr, Darby was taken away, and sines then the widow and mother resided be the mime borne with We daughters. She wee converted t0 God and joined the Methodist church in 1848, during a sweeping revival in old Ebenezer, under the labors of Rae. T. Rump and T, Ogden. Soreh Darby was the 100th name enrolled et that revival, and she continued eteadfadt to the end and died in the triumphs of faith, Truly her end was peaoe. A11 the surviving children were with her in her last meats and followed her to the tomb one daughter, who resides in As. bola N, W. T. All mourn porn th e logs loving and faithful mother, A table dieoourse was preached by the t or, Roe. R. W. Soanlau, from Pray. l 0 "The memory of the jnetde blotted," b 3'l1E 1Rii<USSELS PO T MAR. 3, 1899 pri�� illiiier Mise Dunbar bee returned to town after filling a position in D. McCall's Wholesale house, Toronto, for the past month, and is more able than ever to eater to the Metes of the Witte of Bons - eels and eurroaudiug country, A large stook of Millinery to choose from in the latest Paris, New York and Toronto dosigue. Announcement of ON nine, lister. A line Range of Capes. Thanking the Ladieo for peat pat- ronage I solicit 0 041tieuanae oe their eoteemed favore. r Two Apprentices Wanted. Km. E. 'Rogers. Tun supply oar'wae up this line of the G. T. R. ou Tuesday. A Home match on the Malt1,,nd be- tween Gerrie and Brussels at 4 o'olook Thursday afternoon. Os.usznR TowveEND and the Degree Team of Brussels K. 0. T. M. initiated eleven candidates into the mysteries of the Maooabee Order on Tuesday evening of this week. IT is reported that N. B. Gerry has bought out a hardware business in Pena. eter. We wish him en00ee9 if it is true, bet are sorry to lose our young business men who are suoh steady wo,kere as "Nell" his proved himself to be. BASE BALL. -A. meeting for Ibe par• pose of organizing Brussels Base Ball team for 1899 will be held in the CGauoil Chamber ou Friday evening at 8 o'clock, All interested are asked to attend. Rev. R. PAUL'S ohms in 000055tion with the Methodist church went out to John Jones' residence, Brussels South, Thurs• day evening of last week and held a ser. vice. Mr. Jones has been a prisoner to the bouae through illness and Mrs. Jones has not been any too smart either but both are improvlu9. BEA/EMBER the date of the entertain• mens in the Methodist school room Tues. dee, March 7th. Tableaux, under dire°. tion of Miss Jennie Howe ; patriotic songs, boys trained by alma. J. Giipiu ; and drill by 18 girls, under the super. vision of Mimes Moore and Sample, will be part of the program acid a good time promised. BOUGHT Oar. -The Seatorth- stage, owned by Thos. R. Thomson, has beeu purchased by Richard Williams, the well. known liveryman, of Brussels. He will make it go all right. The stage carries both mail and express in addition to pas - mongers and parcels. Mr. Thomson will devote bis time to the egg and butter business at Listowel. Mr. Williams made his first trip on Thursday. CoNoEar.-At the Sons of Scotland 0000501 in Atwood last Friday evening Brussels talent contributed the following numbers Duet, "When ye gang away Jamie," by Miss Minnie Stewart and Barrister Sinclair ; reading, "Hugh Girlie," by J. H. Cameron ; music on the bagpipes by D. Stewart; solo, "Jaok'e the Boy," J. H. Cameron ; reading, "Horse of the shifting held," and solo, "Allister HoAllieter," by D. Stewart. Mrs. Angus Smith, of Wiarton, nee Miss Annie Stew- art, rendered two solos, "Bonnie Banks of Loeb Lomond" and the "Battle of Stirling," in her usual excellent style. There was also talent from Mount For. rest, Listowel, Mitchell and ocher plaoee, Mies Jame MaLauohlin wan accompanist for Brueeele contingent, Our folks speak in glowing terms of the way they were treated. THE GRIM REAPER. REV. JOHN 0ER0U909, D. D. As the 7 o'clock bell woe chiming on Monday morning the brittle thread of life was severed and the spirit of Rev, John Ferguson, D. D., took its flight from the earthly tenement. Altbougb be bad been in failing health for some time and slight hopes eotertaioed of lois reoovery, the end came very suddenly and without a struggle he bade goodbye to earthly scenes. The pause of death was heart failure and other complications. He had only been confined to bed for three weeks. Dr. Ferguson was born on May 16th, 1829, in Charlottenburgb, Glengarry Co., Ontario. When about 4 years of age his father died leaving his mother with five little children, the youngest 9 months old. He had to bear the burden with the rest of the family, having few advantages, except the training of a wise and Godly mother, who only spoke and read Gaelic. When 6 years old Dr, Ferguson could read the New Testament and HIS great desire was to get an education. The common schools were taken advantage of, such ae they were, end after acme years he entered the Grammar school at Waberdowo and after Williamstown, Glengarry, thus preparing for the literary department of Knox College where he graduated in the Spring of 1864. He was lteemed by the Presbytery of Owen Sound the same Summer, ordained and inducted by Huron Presbytery in January 1866 into the congregation of Melville church, Brussels. Two other stations be. longed es well viz, Oranbrook and Wei. ton, preaching twioe and often three times in Engitsh and once in Gaelic every Sabbath. After about 14 years be was called to the congregation of Vaokleek Hill where he was settled in May 1878 and on account of the ill health of an only son resignod this charge and left for Denver, Colorado, on May 1886. There it wad soon dieoovared that big greatest 0000e08 lay in healing breaches and eettling disputes in shattered emigre- gatieno, many. young ministers coming' him for advice in trouble. He wag known as "Father Ferguson;' A friend once coked another how it wag possible he ooald say each eever° things bo people and not give offence, %he answer was, he always spoke the truth in love and never lost bis temper. After bis son's death in Colorado he spent one year fn be old oily of Santa Fe, New Mexico ; ne year on the reptile coast in the eautiful ci by of Los A090100, Cali be. turniug to Denver where the remaining years were spent as Presbyterian Mis. a ionery or pastor at large, end aleo stated Clerk for the Denver Proebytery, only re• sigaiog afar a number of montbe event in Brueeels when he found be oould not return through failing health. The sub. jeot of this native saute to Brunetti with Mrs. Ferguson in May 1897 and visited many of hie old,1lariehionere, making hie home with A!"xauder Stewart, hie brothor•in.laty, Queen street, whore he also died. After enjoying a visit with hie stepson, John btIo0anneli, ab Milton, for several mouths be Dame book to Brussels last Hay and oontiuuonely resided here tip to hie dames. fle was an athletic man, 0 feet tall, and weighed over 200 pounds, Hie men- bal powers corresponded with the phyla. oal development and his preaching wee oonsoquontly vigoroue, praotio,l and fear- less, bold to speak the Truth. He was married throe times. Hie first wife was a Mise McIntosh, who with two sone, are buried in Brussels cemetery, Mre, Mo.. Oaunol', whom the Dr. married here, died at Yankleok Hill, and the present Mrs. Ferguson was the widow of Rev. Mr. Taylor. Her home was at Alex. andria, Ont. No children survive. Mrs. Montgomery, of Holly, Col., ie a step. daughter, Dr. Ferguson was a well read man and was al way a welcome guenb and it is rather remarkable that after his 100005yinga in Canada and the United States that be oomplated life's pilgrimage on his first pastoral field. Hie memory will lope, be cherished. The fun. al took place on Wednesday afternoon, service be- ing conducted in Melville chattel. After singing part of the 64th Psalm Prof. Maurieou, of the Uuiverisity College, Toronto, and nephew of Dr. Ferguson's, read appropriate selections of Scripture. RevMr. Rose, the pastor, made reference to deceased and gave the following inter- acting particulars: -Rev. John Fergu• son was inducted as pastor of Melville oougregation on Jan, 31st 1805, Rud after 14 yearn of valuable aerelee resigned on Feb. 18th 1870. At his induction Rev. J.+his Ross, of Brumfield. was Moderator ; Rev. Dr. McDonald, of Seaforth, Oierlr ; the sermon was preached by Rev. W. 0. Young, then pastor of Snot church, Brussels ; the new minister was address- ed by Moderator Rees and the people by Rev. J. Stewart, then of Blyth. All of the above have passed away to their re, ward excepting Rev. Dr. McDonald. The latter and Be.vA. McLean, of Blyth, are the only two active ministers in this motion who were in the Heron Presbytery at that time. Gilbert Mc- Callum and Donald MoLauchtin were the Elders at the time Dr. Ferguson lams and to them were added Alex. Stewart, Dano, MaLauahllu and Jas. Mitchell. The speaker said the traits of obaraoter moat noticeable in deceased were :-(1) Hie merited individuality ; (2) His uniform cheerfulness ; (8) His patrenoe even under the most severe euf- Tering ; (4) Hie entire devotion to the work which the Lord °ailed him to. Words of sympathy were offered to the widow and other relatives. Rev. D. For• rest, of Walton, offered prayer and after hymn 825 and the Benediction pro, bounced, the procession was re-formed and the remains conveyed to the family burial plot. The pall bearers were, Rev, D. B. McRae, of Oranbroolc ; Reeds, R. Pani and S. J, Allan, of Brussels ; Donald MoLauchlio, of North Dakota ; Dampen Stewart, of Stratford, and W. H. Kerr. Peter Ferguson, of Brussels, is a brother to the deceased, and Mrs, Mo. Bain a sister. Business Locals. Clover and Timothy seed at Mo0rao. keo' PAIne, of ohildren's woolen gloves found. Ask at THE POST. CLOVER and Timothy send. Baeker & jranstono, Two good working horses for sale at lot 27, con, 7, Morrie. ROBT. WnITE. 33. A few kegs of lake herring to exchange for wood. Apply ab Ballantyne'e grocery, Brussels. Wanted -Butter 16-17o. A ton of feathers, dried apples and row furs. G. E. Krxa, Wingham. BLACK fur driving mit loot on the 12th con., of Grey. The finder will be reward- ed by leaving it at THE POST. Rouald Fire Engine Works with to purohase 100 to 200 cords of wood, four feet long -hard or soft -green or dry, early delivery. HEADING BOLTS WANTED, -1,000 oorde of heading bolts wanted, must be 40 inches long, good size and sound. High. bet cash price, P. ADIENT, EWAN & INNES 201d, last Saturday, two baggier to Hislop Bros., formerly of the 18th ono, of Grey, to tante to the West. One can get whatever they want in the above line by applying to Ewan & Innes. Parties who intend repainting or trim• ming old buggies for the Sommer should apply at once as it would give them more time in getting a good job. We keep a flret•elaes painter and also the beet of paints, &o. 010 Pooled Hie Surgeons, All dootore told Banjo]; Hamilton, of Wast Jefferson, 0., atter suffering 18 months from Rectal Planta, he would die unle'e a costly operation was performed ; but he cared himself with five boxes of Baolllen's Arnica Salve, the surest Pile cure on earth, and the beat Salve in the world. 26o. a box. Sold by G. A. Dead. man, Druggist. John Smith, first mayor of Guelph, be dead. In the British Columbia House on Saturday the aoti•Ohineeo resolution that the Dominion Government be asked to 100050ee the per capita tax bo 9500 was parried by a large majority. Tinos. Currie, of Blaolt'e Corners, in the Township of Amarenth, Oat., died on Sunday, atter a short illness with la grippe, and his wife also died on Monday. Woodotook ie to have a new factory for the manufacture of castors and other metal parte used in making desks of itti kinds. Some 10 to 12 girls and 15 to 20 men will be employed. William Turnbull, barrister, of Galt, has been notified by the Deputy Post- master -General of hie appointment to the Galt Poetoffioe, made vacant by Tom Cowan'edeath, Turnbull entered upon hie duties on March 1, Tbe office has a salary of 31,800 per annum. saox�zv. KaLLv.-In Grey, on Feb. 10th, the wife of Mr. Wm. Kelly of a eon, Hones. -In Toronto, on Feb. 8th, the Wife of Dr, E. I•I. Horsey, formerly Winghttm, of a daughter. ST4XD.1ED 84X1(' OF adN.l D.1, SIFmT.A. T,2p7.-MS:.D 2,e70. HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO CAPITAL PAID UP (One Million Dollars) •. 111,000,000 RESERVE FUND • 9600,000 'lgenofes fat all principal pointe in Ontario, Qttebee, Manitoba, United buttes &England, X& i's°u4"lk''456' '/ kiNeW . A General Banking Buefnoss Transaoted, Farmers' Notes Dleoouated. Drafts Iteatd and Collections 015d0 on all point. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Internet allowed on doposite of 91.00 and upwards, 58EOIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE COLLECTION 0r FARMERS' SALE NOTES. Every facility afforded Oaetomere living at a distance. J. N. GORDON, Amen AGENT. a sQAr 1xn;la, WRAP-WNALZY.-On Wednesday, Feb, 1561, at the reeidenoe of the bride'e father, by Rev, Geo. Ballantyne, Mr. David Wray, of the township of Wellesley, to Miss Jennie Whaley, of the townehip of Elmo. MOEw,N-MoINTosn. - On Wednesday, Feb. 22nd, at the reeidenoe of the bride's father, by Rev. Geo. Ballon. Lyne, Mr. John MoEwau, of the township of Turnberry, to Mise Ellen Ma1Dtoeh, of the toweship of Grey. COATS-FURTNEY.-On Wednesday, Feb. 22nd, at the reeidenoe of the bride's tether, Mr. George Coale to Mies Harriet M. Furtney, both of the township of Grey. Rom-T0RNBULL,-At the home of the bride's parents, Elma, on Feb. 22nd, by Rev. E. A. Fear,Miss Alioe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Turnbull, to Mr. Andrew Robb, of El me. DAVIDSON-GA/R.-Ah Burnside, Men., on Feb. 15tH, by Rev. Dr. Mo0rae, Mr. Thomas Davidson, formerly of MoSillop, to Miss Lizzie, daughter of Mr. Wm. Geir of Burnside, Man. tix".0a- F1tRGUSON.-InBrussels, on Monday, Feb, 271b, Rev, John Fergneon, D. D., aged 09 years, 9 months and 11 days, JoNEe.-Thomas Jones, Mitchell, on Sat. nrday evening, February 25, aged 43. Bowes. -In Grey, on Feb, 23rd, Hannah Bowes, beloved wife of James Bowes, aged 88 years. SHOETREE/. -In Morrie, on Feb. 28tb, Robert Sh006008d, aged 68 years. Soonnvume. In McKillop, on Wednes• day, Feb. 22nd, Elizabeth Diekeon, relict of the late Wm. Somerville, aged 79 years. AVCTIOZT SA2.053 TUESDAY, MABOIS 7. -Farm stook, im- plements, &o., Lot, 4, non. 13, Grey. Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'clock. John 1loddiok, Prop. F. S. Scott, atm. THURSDAY, HARM Orn, -Form stork, implements, &o. N lot 6, Oen, 6, Morrie. Sete at 12 o'elook sharp. S. IRVINE, Prop., 0. Hamilton, Am. FR/D,0, MAR011 10. -Lot 11, con. 2, Grey. Farm stook, implements, &a. Sale, unreserved, at 1 p. m., sharp. Alex. Rose, prop. T. E. Hay, nue. WEDNESDAY, MAaaH, 15' -Farm stook, implements and household furniture. Se Lot 5, Con. 12, Grey. Sale, unreserv- ed, at 1 p, m. Jno. Mitchell, prop. F. S. Soott, ane. FR/DAY, Menu 10. -Farm stook, im. plements and furniture. Lot 20, non, 15, Grey. Sale, unreserved, at 1 p. m, E, Eisler, prop. P. S. Scott, atm. ?3T•'.'•r.^omim uta A¢A1,:e= rTS. Fall Wheat Barley Peas Oats Butter, tube and rolls ., Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel Potatoes (per bee.) Hay per ton Hides trimmed Hides rough Salt per bbl., retail Sheep Elkins, each , Lamb skins each.... ., Hoge, Live Dressed Hoge Wool Apples (per beg) 68 08 85 40 64 05 28 29 13 14 13 16 4 00 4 00 50 60 5 00 5 00 7 le 6 5 1 00 60 80 76 25 26 3 76 3 80 450 475 10 17 50 66 THE PE®PLE'S COLUMN. FARM SEOURITY.-THE UN - mammon has bad $10,000 planed in his hands to loan on mortgage, farm seem. ity, .Payment to suit borrowers. Apply to W. et, Ii10R11, Brussels. A NYONE WANTING A SEW, C1 IgG Macbine, Drees or Pians can be supplied by applying to me for I am nob out of the business as some have tried to report, I will deal with you es reasonable as. any, 28. '11. MOORk, Brussels. 'OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE on Mill etreet,Bruesols, The base is a consentable one well fitted up, with collar, hard and eon water, 40, Thera is also a good stable. Fruit trees in garden ; over cbe•quarter acre of laud. For pride, terms, See apply to F. FINN, Proprietor, or W H. REBIA, of THE Pose, 18.11 A UOTION SALE OF FARM hoe been instruct d by tho1'lu Hoy, igned to sell by Publie elution at Lot 11, Con, 2, any, on FRIDAY NABOB 10th, 180A. Om.manning at 1 o'oiooil sharp the following valuable property, viz. : 1 horse 8 years old, 1 horse 5 years old, 1 mare 4 years old, 8 °otos supposoo in oat? 2 farrow cows, 4 steel 2 years old, 8 hoften d years old, 8 heifers 1 year old, 2 Spring pelves, 7 Shropshire ewes, 1 thero'nrod 8hropabire ram,1 brood sow,1 Mass ay -Harvie binder, 1 Brantford tnower,1 pea harvester, 1 hay rake, 3 seed dei11,1 land roller, 1 lumber wagon, 1 double buggyy, pole and ef,afts,1 t••.0 bug0y,1 nutter, 2 plows,1 gang plow, l soefiter, 1 stumping machine,1 set iron barrows, 2 set wooden honoree, 1 turnip sower, I tanning mill,1 set platform. maim, 0,006 lbs., 3 turnip pulper, 1 turnip slicer, 1 bay rack, 1 pig et cable reek, l pair of bob-sweat1 gravel box, 1 manure box, 1 wb5 elbarroty, 1 gidndetono, le etokl0 grinder, 2 oats donhlo harness, 0 sot ingfo hexoses, 1 new, 1 goat robe, a number of gqrain bet s,41 train O'adie, a quantity of bay, wbInes trees, nookyekes, Rorke, mime, upe, 0r0w- bar, spades, eh ovats, cross cub salve, chains, tucks, fables, bedstoade, box stove, meat Ubl„ churn, and numerous other artiolos. Salo without reserve OS Proprietor is giving up ?arming. Fe rue of sale- ill sums of 65 and under Dash; ova t,at amount 12 months' orodit will be given an lurnlsbing approved 10101 nates. 4 11ror pent, oil .for aaebonoreditamounto, AS,El1 ,.R068,;rro• 0018608/ 0.11,11AY, Auotioaeer, FOR SALE, Splsuala Blackstallion, "Dexter 110- vange," stands 104 ]lands high and wsbghe 1,900, Sired by Royal Renege," out of "Ola Oloar Grit," Sure foal getter, lror full n articulare apply to .TO GN 140LLINGER, Lot 10, Con. 0, Grey. Bsuesols P, 0, MISS SARAH LEWISE MOORE, L. 0, Al., Academia gra duets of London Conserva- toryor atnelo, Is prepared to receive a Mutt, °,l number of pupils for li,etruotion on the Piano. Wa1tvl-tlonday, Tuesday ; Brussels -Wednesday,'rhureday; Srarmth Cridty, Saturday. Qualified to prepare pupils for the Principal's Form iu the Oonser7atoty of Music. VOR SLt'RVIOE.-THE UN- nnnareNRD will keen for service on Lot 5, Cons. 10 and 11, Grey, a tboro' bred Durham bull, with registered pad agree. Also a registered Yorkshire boar, from J. E. Brothnu,o World's Pair stock. 'Terms, $1 00 to be paid at time of Bervie0, with 01011000 of returning if necessary. 01.3m ORAE. =Masts, Proprietor. REAL ESTATE, T ..i1AR1I FOR SALE. '.C1.:I.E UN - Lot No. 10, Con. avers4, Gy lcontaini 6, 00 eont s, more or less. For portloulere as 10 priori and terms apply to ARCH. ROBERTSON, Brussels P. 0, on the premises, Tj'1AR91 TO RENT. -THE 100 -11.2 acro farm being lot 20, ono. 7, 'Grey, t mile from Ethel, is open for renting to a gnod tenant. Possession given on April lat. 10 acres of Fall wheat in and Fell plowing done. Comfortable bound and basin. For furtber partioulars apply to 08.45 WM. S0ENOE, Lobel. T.1ARM FOR SALE OR TO BENT. -Tho uoleretgoed peers her 50 acre farm, South half lot 00, con. 1, Torn - berry, for sale or to rent. On the prem1803 is a comfortable frame house and a good bank barn, also two good bearing orobmde. Tito place is well watered. 0000005 ion can be given in March. 11110. ROBT. MOFFATT, Proprietress, Brussels P. 0. 54-tf PINE FARM FOR SALE. -BE: nee -Lot 2a le j Oon. 0, Morrie t0wn,bip, containing 08 acres of first-class land. There is a hones, barn, orchard and good ware- house, and farm is well formed. There are 85 acres in Fall wheat ; 15 acres in hay and 45 awes pasture. POsseseto0 could be given at ones. Farm adloies the village 01 Brus- sels. For further particulars as to price, terms, 40., write to JAMBS LIVINGSTON, M, P., Baden, 22-tf Steardying Medicine Ie needed by almost everyone and more especially those recovering from an attack of la grippe. Wo find our BEEF, WINE AND IRON an excellent stimulant and nerve tonin, isletthe-thingto bring back your old time vigor. Try it at - Fox's Drug $tore. r OOD 100 ACRE FARM FOR �7f� SALE, Lot 15, Con. 0, Grey. 12 foot of it touches the river.. Immediate possession, Par price, tame, .?tea, apply to 10_ '11I0S, m0 011D, Brussels. ABM 1'OR SALE. -160 ACRES Consisting of the South d and South of the North 1 of Lot 110, Oen a, East Wawa- ,uvell supplied witexcellent ginggo w?ate,'.,b It situated about 9 miles from the thriving Vil- lage of Blyth, A Largo part of itis under grass. Buildings and fences are in afair state of repair. Roe Mime of payment will be given. For all information apply to 11-tf G. F. BLAIR, Barrister, Brussels. (-_-1.00D FARMS FOR SALE.- Tho undersigned oiler two 500 acre farms for sale at reasonable prides. Thotote aro Nos, 10 mut 11 Con. 6 (Bunsbioe), the eideroad between diem. Good Moll house and barn on lot 11, and house and 2 barns alt lot 10, Orchards and all necessary oonveo- fences. Well watered and suitable for grain or grazing, 100 aoroe now in grass. Will he sold either separate or together to suit pm - chaser. Tarme of payment reasonable. Im- mediate possession. .For further p artioalars api,ly to JOSEPH 00100000, Brueeele P. O., or E.L. DIOKIN SON, Barrister, Wingham• lit CENTRI(L' u _r ,.'� in. �� J • a }5trat'f r L, Ort Thousands of young leen and women have found a business education a stepping -stone to SUC0008. t0-Cireulare Free. Rater NOW. W. S. ELLIOTT, Principal. . D. KING'S SHOES ALWAYS IN STOCK. Latest Styles in BO TS P, S OES We are opening out our new Spring Shoes and ask you to call and examine them for Style and Durability. We think them ahead of anything we have been able to tell you about in Trim POST, and the to interest you. Do not forget to bring in your Repairs with you. We repair Rubbers and Shoes neat and durably and will give them prompt attention. price cannot fail .farness Department 1 A full stock of Trunks and Sat- chels on hand, also a few Robes and Blankets left which we are selling at cost. See our own make of Nickle Silver Single Harness at $11.00 -great value. Team Harness also cheap. Collars warranted. See us before buying elsewhere. L C. R/CHARS. e New Prints, Dress Goods, Lawns, Mullins, Embroideries, Insertions, Laces, Art Mullins, Cottons, Cotton Shirtings, Cottonades, etc., etc. New Spring Boots ShoesA from the .Finest and most Stylish to the Heavy Manufactures. A LovelyRange g of Ox#'ords,4%,_ itMareh Standard Patterns and fashion Sheets. The latter Free to those who call kr them. i'Evel'ything sold at very close and reasonable prices. We will be pleased to have you favor us with 0, call. 'exp trachan.