The Brussels Post, 1899-3-3, Page 7i6 rt. the en - the re. nth itch and :in. and ;rue lave abr- ing ane sof )0n- 3, Of ,nth n,a ldy, Met MVO h lido, and 1 up ried The >ved vatic en- tedi- :om- tt,`e th' 1e fore- abig nter- iee.e8. shat - d the venty 1', no bhol's avid- apors do m- erpo- Parry *aye: htful An +d. 12, , near owed, , IIs grotto a =s- pine. lived small other sluff eggs s sea nLral rinto rfor Hess A de - ler of V hi to, n dis- $idel This metol. , Olt OW :crows MARGE 8, 1909. THJ3 13RUSSEL'S ��nJl��rmwlrt'ltJ'ttgYr��twY �Nar�'nr�,ttlANrdd+tNYrYe: A e"ricu1tur.1k • ,UAA'MAFMA"AMAM PANAI fletO WNJWAMPIlI1 POINTS ON MARKETING 1111TTNI.t. Sumo lame if men could only Hee ahead Lar n very short time they could make many or certain plana that would be the means of giving them success, the failure to matte which causes total failure, writes •11. S, Matteson NOW 1 propose 10 explain some things that 1 find common In the butter market that cause loss, which if they were only known to most duirymon, and they would heed thorn, would be a benefit 10 them. Just how to explain matters is to me a question, Iknow of but one practical way, and that is to tell just what 1 see day after day as I go through the mak t. A few days ago, while in a butter store, a eustomer came in look- ing for a purchase of several tubs, and the dealer r beBn i to 'show his stock. I noticed that each time the purehuser called for a package to he opened for the trial he invariably choose one that looked clean and Lidy on the outside. While looking through quite a large stock he came to a Minot) of tubs that were not only uloan but q Mealy varnished or oiled on the oat - side; every cover was perfect, white clean timber, no knots or dark stain- ed spots in the wood. When the covers were removed the butter was clean and smooth, covered with a parchment paper and everything about the pack - QUEER ANIMAL AGREEMENTS. swum. essosiuee flint Bet Along Very Well 18 Common. quarters. An Intimate connection subsisting between different animals is known as commensalism, commensals being crest - lures at t lues which mit be said to silt I y r up- on table, but which do net prey - p on one another. Of late years natur- alists have beoomo acquainted with numerous examples of this form of animal partnership. In ono of the Chicken Islands, off tbo Now Zealand coast, a curious lizard known as the tuatara and certain apee188 of the pelrals worn found inhabiting the same burrows, apparently on the best of terms. In race oases the burrow, which consists of a passage two or three feet long, ending in a chamber a foot and a half long, one foot broad andwork of the six inches sthew so e high, i lizard , the lL a ruts bird. As is the excavator. Each builds its neat on opposite sides of the chamber, the lizard almost invariably choosing the ht side. The lett and the Petrel Cale ri g lizard feeds partly on worms and beet- les and partly on the remnants of fish- es brought to their common table by Lha puteoil, both animals being thus benefited by the partnership. This is probably more than can be said of the Prairie dog, whose underground home is frequently ehured by the rattlesbake and the burrowing owl. These were at ono time supposed to form a "happy family," but considerable doubt has been oast on the point by the discovery of young prairie dogs in the stomach of the rattlesnake, which seems to in- dicate that commensalism in this par- ticular ease has been u one-sided af- fair so far as the benefits were con- cerned. It is among marine animals, how- ever, that the most striking examples of commensalism have been observed. A feeble fish called the remora owes its success in life to the powerful al- liances It forms. One of its fins has been ,transformed into a sucker plac- ed right on top of its head, by means of which it attaches itself firmly to any Passing shark, whale or even ship, no doubt mistaking the latter for some huge sea monster. By these it is transported without any exertion on its otvn part over great distanoes, meanwhile picking up such food as may come in its way. Several small fishes have bean found also. to habitually lodge in the mouth cavity of a Brazilian catfish, sharing such food as the latter succeedain cap- turning. The enemies of the smaller fishes are so numerous that it is only by retreating to places inaccessible to their foes that they have a chnnco of survival. A favorite shelter for many small fishes is the round disk of the larger sea jellies, the stinging proper- ties of which probably cause them to be avoided by the other denizens of the deep. As many as twenty fishes have been counted swimming within the fringed margin of one of those pulsating umbrellas. The sea cucum- bers are another lowly group of marine forms which afford shelter to fishes. Other instances might be given, such as that of the little pea orals; --found iu mussels and other bivalve shells, which in return for the protection given them by the molluskan shell gives its host a share of the food it captures, ago was tidy and attractive. The re - gull was that his purchase was made front this lot, at 100 per pound, while at the same time there were other lots selling for from 13 to 130,; and aside from the general appearance there was scarcely any difference in the quality of the butter inside the pack- age; and without doubt had soma of the other lots been tried, he would have purchased from Chem. After this deal was finished, with the permission of the dealer, I went through his stook on hand. And hero is what I found—tubs with hoops black and slippery with mold, with nails driven in to hold them to the package, covers on which were spots where the blacking used for marking the package had boon spilled, covers split and colored from being wet, tubs covered with cheap, unbleached cloth with a heavy coating of common bar- rel salt; tin pails rusty and bruised, some jf them with the tin coating off in spots, not one in fifty that looked wholesome and tidy; butter that was as white as tare, butter of a deep orange color, butter that was mottled and streaked like marble; some salted with cheap sale that was still not dis- solved, and when the cover and cloth were removed this was covered with specks of dirt. AU of these things can be remedied, or entirety overcome, and any one or all are the means by which butter will remain unsold or will have to he sold at reduced prices, Here aro some suggestions for dairy- men: Never use anything but 0 clean sound tub with perfect hoops and covers. Use parchment paper in- stead of cloth on the butter. If you use salt, which is entirely needless, on the paper, use none but fine, clean salt, and a very small amount at that. Never use tin. If you want small packages, say 5, 10, 15 or 20- pounds, use something made of wood, of which there are many kinds, among them white cedar, a very tidy, tasteful package. As to color nothing comes nearer perfection than a good lemon. Unless you have a private trade, put your butter on the market as fast as made; for very few dairymen snake an article that will not shote an old flav- or after being held for weeks. I know that this proposition calla for the salt- ing many times of some of the finest of June butter for a very low price; but with very few exceptions holding the butter puts it all at those very low prices, while if sold as soon as made, an early and later make will bring prices that will raise your aver- age price much above the winter price for held summer make. Finally in every respect put your butter in the best of shape, the same as you do any other thing sold or put on sale from your farm. Do with it as you always do with a horse or cow when you put it on sale; you. clean those up, and as with the horse put on the best harness and trappings—something that attracts and favorably impresses a would-be purchaser; fur almost without excep- tion first impressions are strongest and quite generally prevail. Last of all, put your own name and address on every package in good, plain, attractive type; this will give a purchaser con- fidence in your goods, because he will know you are not ashemod of them, and this name is at the same time vir- tually a guarantee that everything is honest and straight. A HANDY FARM CART. On nearly every farm there is one or two pairs of unused oultiveter wheels. With these a cart can be made which will save much labor, land many steps. .Especially is this so whore there are half grown children about. They will enjoy working with the cart and will do much oil the feed- ing, haul wood and cobs, and do many chores that would otherwise take up the farmer's time and attention. A. box about 2 1-2x3 1-2 feet and six or eight inches in depth is set on an axle longh to give the wheels .1enough nou g pleat y of play, in such a 101enner as to nearly balance, the heavier end be- ing y ba a , ing toward the handle, so the one pushing or pulling it will have little weight to carry, To the sides of the box fasten with nails or bolts, three Well boards, extending three feet from the box and about five from the axle, Bore an inch holo through the ends and put a round pions of wood, such RE an old pibehfork handle or other strong wood, into these, holes, fasten- ing the e.ncis by wedging firmly, This will tel nils ofpropelling Ve Its a me this cart Underneath the rer end of the cart, eland mit; can be spiked orb) bolted on, so that the cartbox will always;remain In nearly a horizontal position when the propeller releases the handles. A FISHERMAN'S TRIALS. Exposure While at Sea brought m, nr Atttrk of Scl„Llea'Which Caused th elost Excruciating Agony. ibIr. Geo. W. Shaw, of Sandford, N.S., follows the occupation of a fisherman, and like all who pursue this arduous calling is exposed frequently to incle- ment weather. Some years ago, as a result of xposure r. Shaw was at- tacked tacked by sciatica, and for months suffered intensely. He says the pain he endured was something agonizing, and he was not able to do any work for some months. His hip was drawn out of shape by the trouble, and the doctor who attended him said that It bad also affected the spine, After be- ing under the cure of a doctor for several months without getting re- lief, Mr. Shaw discontinued medical treatment, and resorted to the use of plasters and liniments, but with no better results. He was advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and finally decided to do so, After using them for a couple of weeks, het found a de- cided relief, and in about two month's time every trans of the trouble had disappeared, and he has not since been troubled with any illness. Mr. Shane says he occasionally takes a box of pills to ward off any possible recur- rence of the trouble. Those attacked with sciatica, rheu- matism, and kindred troubles, will avoid much suffering and 8ave money by taking Dr, Williiims' Pink Pills at the outset of the trouble. Sold by till dealers or sent postpaid at 500. a box or six boxes for $2.50, by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock - 401110, Ont, BIIIAU I3RUMMEL. The splendidspendthrift known in the latter part of his life as "Beau" I3rummcl, was at ono time a man of wealth, who dressed in exquisite taste and Mroa me a recognized leader of English fashion. His real name was George Bryan Brummel, and he was born in 1778. He became the intimate companion of the Prince of Wales, who Was himself a noted spendthrift and dandy; Brummei Rept up a magni- ficent establishment in London until his fortune was gene, when all hie friends deserted him. He gradually fell into distress, nod finally died in great wretchedness in Fiance in a hospital for mendicants, in 1810. The Prince of Wales has promised to attend ilia show in Edinburgh this year of the Ilighland and Agrioultur- al Society, and it 111 proposed to ask Join)I.hen to accept the Royal Order of Scottish Freelnasonr,i'. ACCOUNT -BOOK POETRY. An OI(1 Lady shopkeeper In Newland Who Ibo opo JItl' M4'4111l4 in Vrree, Cbambel e Journal tells of an old lady shop -keeper in a smell .country Lown in England who for the last twenty years has kept her accounts in verso. There is, of course, something to be said in favor of !cooping accounts 1 in the orthodox fashion, but on leo other hued, there is a reason to be- lieve that a lady so persistently poeti- cal would have forced her way tete print and ink the ranks of the minor poets if she had not had what we may call a business outlet for her muse. Be- low are some extracts from her books: If Airs. Jones has half a pound of tea on "Lick," It Is entered thus: Sirs. Junes doth owe to me h'or half a hound of Souchong Lea . 1s, 4d, i a pound o f su ar If Mr. Smith rays L sugar, two IU �c ) a Butch cheese, pounds of Ito and i the entry will be, under Smith's name A pound of moist sugar, And two of best rice, ' With four pounds of Dutch cheese Which I hope will be aloe, la 111 2d, And so on through the hook. In some cases the verses express doubt as to the customer's intention or ability to pay for the goods ordered, Thus: Lizzie Barber for her father Hod some flour to -day Some apples, too, and toilet soap, But I don't believe he'll pay, 2s. 3d, (This booking work will drive me mad When I think of folks like they.) The lines in brackets aro suggestive, if not grammatical, and their senti- ment is likely to be appreciated by shopkeepers the world over, nr`r�a for nate, 42 nor acro cask,balfl aro 101011 paid,, ,4 8011k.n: 8144 t THE KING OF THE BELGIANS. The Icing of the Belgians takes a great deal of outdoor exercise, and particularly so when at Ostend, his favorite resort, and where he has a charming summer palace. Although he suff'rs from lameness arising from a stiff knee, he usually walks fully twenty miles' a day. The cause of his lameness occurred many years ago, when he was quite a young man and Queen Victoria was visiting Brus- sels. Prince Leopold, as he was then was in command of Her Majesty's escort, necessitating his being in the saddlefor many hours during a heavy downpour, from which he caught a chill, it settling in his knee, causing permanent lameness. ifriliih American Issuance Co. ANNUAL IyLEETING, The sixty-fifth annual meeting of the shareholders of this company was held at its offices in this city at noon yes- terday, The President, Hon. Geo. A. Cox, oc- cupied the chair, and Mr. P. II. Sims, who was appointed to act as Secretary, read the following, ANNUAL REPORT. The directors beg to submit the sixty-fifth annual report of the com- pany, embracing the transactions for the year- ending 31st December last, and a statement of the assets and lia- bilities at the close of the year. In the fire branch. while there has bean a slight reduction iu the prem- ium income, the results us a whole have been fairly satisfactory, showing a moderato margin of profit, notwith- standing the fact that there were some serious oonflagrations during, the year in which the company was involved for considerable amounts—notably, the al- most total destruction of the City of New Westminster in September last. The closing months of the year were marked by a succession of exception- ally disastrous storms, both on the ocean and on the great lakes, which resulted in an unprecedented loss of life and property. Asa consequence all companies engaged in the business of marine insurance show a heavy loss on the transactions of the year, and in its comparatively limited operations in this branch this company has shared in the general unfavorable experience. It is encouraging, however, in consider- ing the future prospects of this busi- ness, to observe that the heavy losses incurred during the past year, coupled with the unprofitable results of some prececdiug years, have let: to a general movement among marine underwriters for materially advancing rates and bringing about other reforms which the directors feel assured will place the business on a much more satisfac- tory footing than fort several years past. The directors .feel that there is cause for cougratnlation in the fact that the company has passed through a year which, in many respects, has been a trying one to those engaged in firo and nutrino insurance business, and paid its usual/ dividenod td share- holders without making any material raduotIon in its reserve fund. Summary of finanoial statements— Total cash income .. , i6 1,472,307.30 Total expenditure, in- cluding appropriation for losses under adjust - stent . . . 1,112,112.84 Balanpe. . 2 28,894 52 Dividenlds declared. 52,500 00 Total assets . . , $1519104.18 Total. liabilities 108,152.80 Surplus to policyholders .$1821,011,88 The following gentlemen were elected to serve as directors for the ensuing year:—lion. Geo, A Coe J. J Kenny, Iron. S. 0. Wood, S F McKinnon, Thos, Long, John Hoskin QC., .LLD ; H. M. Pellatt, R. Jaffray, If. A, Myers. At n meeting of the hoard, bell sub- sequent'.ly, Han. Goo. A, Cox was elect- ed President and Mr. J. J, Kenny Vice -President. .i i noted for T` E`iederk c s n The Empress the plainness of her costumes, while a elistinotion of the present Empress of Germany is just the opposite, 1 Labor OST. Buys the • Sweetest Sleep 0 1P $ But for insomnia or sleepless- t nes,, and that unnatural weak- P nes, and weariness of mind td 1 body, nerve and muscle, a reliable tonic is needed, like Q Hood's Sarsaparilla,which 0 gives sweet, refreshing sleep P and overcomes that tired feel - 1 ino,c• has I h It e endorsement millions the be tt i ' it medicine s money can buy. Take only P Hood's. $ d The new Duke of Northumberland is a very quiet man of 52, a familiar fig- ure in society, tall, thin, with red- dish hair and side whiskers. Tho Duchess is a daughter of the Duke of Argyle. What is it ? Catarrhozona is a liquid, fragrant and cleansing, which rapidly volatilizes when inhaled. What is it for? it is an absolute, never -failing cure for catarrh of the throat or nasal passages. Is this true? Wo are so sure thatit will cure you that o Ove will send you, prepaid, n tree sample of Catarrhozona and an inhaler if you send your ad- dress within one weep. Write us. N, C. Polson &, Co., Kingston, Ont. King ikfenelik of Abyssinia, employs a Swiss woman doctor, who lives in his palace and acts as medical adviser to his large household.. BRITISH AMERICA ASSURANCE COMPANY. Attention is directed to the report which appears elsewhere of the sixty- fifth annual meeting of the British America Assurance Company, which took place on the lath inst. The fire branch shows a moderate margin of profit, despite serious fires entailing considerable amounts which oacurred during the year. The financial sur- plus shotes a balance of $20,894.5.2 and a surplus to policy -holders of 21,321,- 011,88. Tho workable area of anal beds in Colorado is 18,100 square miles. La Toscana, 9OG. FACT CE RY Montreatrl.l. There are about 200,000 Mormons in Utah and the contiguous States and Territories. TO CURE A COLD IM ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo quinine Tablets. All DOM elate refund the bloomy 11 is finis to aura, 25a, Cardinal Vaughan has addressed a letter to the Roman Catholic clergy in London, in which he emphasizes the necessity for agitating for a Catholic university in Ireland. STATE OF OHIO, CITY 000 TOLEDO, Is,. LUCAS Cooney,Jh Flunk J. ClrmesioY maes oath t ab he 1e the senior partner of the firm of F. J. CHENEY & Go., clang business in the City of Toledo, County and State, aforesald, and that said firm L. II.AR3 for each and ONO/ every 09 HUNCHED ATen-so that cannot be cured by the use of Herb's OA'rAnlut OUR*. FRANK J. 0Hi0NDY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, Bile 0th day of Uoeombbr, A. D.1880. l A. W. GLEASONN, { ani J } Notary Public. Hall's Catof y on Cure l Io takes 010000 and nota a directly on en blood and mvoue ,oe. surfaces of the system. J. 0for 11IDNEY & 00„ Toledo, 0, Sold by Druggists, 75o. Hall's Family Pills aro the beet. In 1888 Wiscnnain had a population of 2,333. To -day it is about 2,000,000. W. P. m. 960 C.ALVTERT's Carbolic Disinfectants. Soaps, Oint- ment, Tooth Powders, oto., have been awarded 1011 modals end diplomas for enpeetor excellence. Their Iregular use prevent tenon- one neot- nus diesLankyyfrtoobtain a gape y• te Askyour free on applieMon. F. C. CALVERT & CO., IRA N01IE1TE11, • - ENGLAND. MONTREAL Tho t' Balmoral," Fres Bus kib123 CUTTING SC14001,,-mler.aas. aogub. 0, & D. SCHOOL C0iMsorsei. • ¢01.��, ,a,l.i� _Cure assured in 24 Mum, flit®®�l 1. wapooi0305,M , mail on reeelpt of $l, DR. ',017)3 P.O, Bos 366, Mo X11, 11( —i �0 CAP0000U1D 11131:4; 1jj p,b 8. DRIM, Nfg. 00„ kian(raai. L J, `,N 4 AUOLnOAmeCNw imp—euneEnh "Morisse PA00 BL4OfW8 o 00„ Toronto. TORONTO CUTTING SCHOOL. Write for ooelal terms daring 34,00517 90d V'obruary. 8. CORRIQAN, 118 Yonge 8G. MA1tlt1J,1) IN 7733; IIIJINS. A determined bridal party at Strood, near Recto -titer, lftlgland, on reach- ing the eburch found that the build- ing was on fire, it waited around till the fire was put out and made the pastor perform the ceremony in the rains. Dopkhl gond your U141114130@,114,11 thous worm , i Printing, hound. Beads, fiu0ta, LOW Aogt Dooke01el0lrdaoiIl9045e0p,o009ubu gir4b13Upn¢as ruled. U.H.Lunlg In¢•s1.lm nEou RETURNS IN ON WEEK. We want good .suttee, Eggs, Poultry, etc. ship to us, and yo', will hove your Will m a week or less 1111e Al Y. EN Ii 1OA I) PROD LICE 00„ 88 Front 131,10„ 'reroute. Acer every evnmmmar ere wenn and will talk the99 will aomn cud (isms heed .74'1'013,40)410;110V. 70,0., dW. 0013¢¢TIl,it. HVnoIaiiat 302 Colle*e BE, Toronto. Sts qg y Eepeololly 1bes, S5'rgem II'6'rl erers who here@ire.' A.6Jd6®i Ts® Abd lobnrurnd es, wham n•rlan u Ur. A,PaiL Utile,ohs w,ll oo0rtaua you heath many. Baldnessnca. '.V.A Srd• 7,,e. Cul'0d Nowi..r Grower Montilla; and Chicago. IF '0,11100.wship shlp Dem t APPLES, BUTTER, SCOW or vssLTR1 The Dawson Commission Co., Limited, Torvosabo- POULTRY KEEPERS - 81110a Poultry Grit The heat n, Lia In the markeagneol,, whl 1, aro ae sees. 0017 1 or Iran, 1 1 a an 1 1o¢neei.., whish aro all aeooe• Bary m.th, heal'O and 58851)ronenv of Potutly LaVRF:N7'IAN 8A 38E John d6 91oatrna1, TAMMERERS. Only Institution to Canada for the euro of v ry obese of cpeeah defeat. EstebU.had every ilea Our. 00,1,05, OnURO8 Pembroke CLEToronto, Oenies Vise Hands. First-class, steady employment, warm shop, all modern conveniences. WATER0US, Brantford, Canada. LATA ,!„ H and NAY PEWEE Permanently Cured by Medicated Vapor Inhalation -1 mtracle of moms, 10 DaysTnal Free. Send 16e. for express on outfit, Dr. Ray's Sueoosaful Remedy 00„Toronto, Ont Dr. Ray's Au4r-Oonetlpurlon Pills always cure. London, Eng. Melbourne, Au. Toronto, Oso. Metallic Telephone Tablet. Always Road, "Jot it down now.' Pricy 11.60. The OFFICE SPECIALTY MFC.00. LIMITED, Toronto and Newmarket, Ont. BMW Makers. First-class, steady employrnent, warm shop, all modern con- veniences. WATEROGS, Brantford, Canada. CYIIIider EODIne MIOCI]IOO Dynamo Germania Oil C0.,114 Bay St., Toronto. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. EPPS'S GRATEFUL—COMFORTING. C }' BREAKFAST—SUPPER. 1 t Send $2.50 for 513axce BOLD'8 BUILDERS, the now only reeognired System Regulator and Blood Tm110, and we will melt yott a guarantee to refund the money for any ease of General Uebiiity ant cured after Lakin r the medicine. Thousands of sufferers are daily recovering lost health by this Groat English Prescription, llmro'oro we make you this unbiased enema tee. Boid's Blood, Bone and Brain Builders. Cure all forme of weaknoas is ,tither sox aria. lug from impure blood, diseased bond, or int- poveritheti brain, We also take this opportunity of thanking the many doctors who have spoken so favor- ably of Cho medicine. Oddress-- The BOLD PHARMACAL 001, 456 King St., West, Toronto. *nrouratootomaboxmaro HEALTH RESTORED wah0at medialne or eenabso Eo the most disordered Stomach, Lance, Nerves, Liver, Blood, madder, 1515403,0 )train end Breath 17 Du Barr gsRevalenta Arablca Food, ;whish aeras A,valids n,,5 Ch1Wrep nd sloe Roere sea' aesdtdi otfent.o ehume 1lhaeat digests hien trove 00 erotrd ell ,the, , wive 50 1t digests whoa nil other )'cud Is pleated, wives 50 limos Its 000E In medicine. 50 yerea L memr�i.beaaoao,countine, Flatulently, Oplinin Indigoat,on Consumption Diabetes, BroushlLio, Intimearn, O�,ugh, Asthma, dunerb, Phlegm, nlntrho>n, Nervous Debility, Steoploseaess, DaoPoodeo0y, rry [Jail Limetent 100500, 00 , elan in Pnrie, 1i 100, do O,01gllone, nod nE nn Oroeur a, OhOmints, and Stulea e,Orywhero, in th,, 0,, 3a ld., Os, 0 ,, Ida, tient 00,0 00 fro:. Alen D0 Berry s Il0vnlent, lileonits, in oris, 3s. 00, ,rid ga. r,.n„nm ,....,.vr -0r, itt/VLIV%-/ 94 A ad.^��u'/ /A�11/lA`p� f/ 'f7�.�// b. ), AdaIts41.4 4L441/1—#11," `11," - elL4141,,, 244,1,1 Alt C b +t(O TEA, so fragrant and comforting as Cf7e7 "R"TaOLWT— l0 Load packetges— Sold everywhere -- Used everywhere -- 26, 30, 10, Ft/nada/O. s PE APS f Edition Graphophone PLd YOU want a Graphophone, a Talking Macbiae.e Beanie Coal 011 Stove ora Crescent Bicycle, We want to Introduce 105,000 trial bozo* of Dr, Hammond Hall's iierva-HeartPliis into ns many homes( throughout Canada. Theo choose which you want and web help you get it, The 'improved', Edison grapho- Phone etsent free delta beoxefto each nd returns to us the amount $8,40. or if you wish the Graphophone let once send us 58.00 only, withIyourorder aud we will ship you the Graph*. phon ra ho- phonand $8.40 itiswe'll' af ntedgivecine the sender ofely st Don't Miss this : he give ing beaded of 1st j8.00 order we receive each morning B additional Graphophone records (songs, bend music, clot wee receive achTo the smorning 6 rf the ecords frr' d0, and to { the sender of the third 6.00 order we receive each morning 3 record* free. So If you are smart you will get as high as 54.50 worth of records additional to the Graphophone free of an y cost. The U. S .Talking Machine Second only to the Graphophone in rept-oche:- Ing clever stones, songs, band and solo MUSIC The records for this maclune are made of vulcanized rubber. oue.eighth of an inch thick and seven Inches in diameter, and are practically indestruct- ible. Ills enclosed in et beautiful polished hard- wood case and will last a lifetime, This machine will be sent free to each and every person who sells 12 boxes of Nervo•Heart Pills and returns to es the amount $4,20, or i you want the Tallyking Machine at once send us it and 94.0o worty h of NeIvo•OHeart Pour order. ills immediatwe will ely. The Neotric Gas Stove The Neotrio Gas Stove The "N$OTR10" stove generates ha own gas from ordinary coal oil. It burn* with a blue flame of two -burner stove at f e most intense heal Aull power costs but one-half cent per hoer to operate with coal oil at rs cents per gallon. You can do any work on it brat can be done by coal or woo Q� etovc. For ironing it has no equal. Wil heat large wash boiler of water and with oven attached will baketo perfection, It will boil a kettle of water or broil a steak in rg minutes, It is worth twice the price for the sick room alone, ,sit is perfectly odorles0 and clean, It cannot be exploded by any means, The''Neotriet' stove will be seat to each and every person who sells 15 boxes or Nerve -Heart Pills and returns to us the amount,$5.26. or if you want the stove delivereHS to you at once send us 5.00 only with your order and we stili shipthe stove and $5.25 worth. of Nerve -Heart Crescent Rloyclee We are giving free, without any coot whatever [outside of freight and crate in delivery] These Crescent bicycles to our smartest salespeople. We will publish a list of awards of all our premiums every a weeks A Request. Would you please Bend us the name and address of every person who gets our medicine from you. All our premiums are ma nufactured by firms whose names are known in every home as Use best iu their line. We have exerolsed greatest care to make our offers plain to under+• stand so that no correspondence Is necessary to explain a single detalb' We refer you tothe Imperial Bank of Canada, or the mercantile agencies of R. G. Dun 8. Co. and Bradstreet,, as to our reliability. Leat of awards for the one day, Thursday, Feb. 16. Pull list on application Geo. H, Baldwin, Aurora, Ont„ Graphophone T Vickcra •N, Seguin. ' - II. S. Talking Msehihes 1. W. H. Blyth. Selwood. " le, 0. Pepin, Algoma Mills, " 0. A. null, Warkworth, Ont., W, H. DuMonlin, Hamilton," I, If, Willrams, Wiarton Miss A.*eas, Cannington "Michael Brady, Brockville, F. Millman, -Winthrop, e. i1 Ethel Covert, Bath. " $. Stoker, Prescott. 11 R. Davison, Belleville, W. G. Noe, Ingersoll, w" May Patton, South Gower, R. White, Altana, " 0• W. Smith, Chatham, G, Philip, Jr„ )3rougham, t. T. B. Barber, Rosamore, W..Rolph,-Sirkfield, Al Chester Brlerly, Port Dover ".. W. Lacey, Dunbartoa, `• Geo, H• Fawcett, Lindsey, T. Allem. Bogart E. Nicholson, Wh" itechurch," We send you our regular 50c. boxes to be sold at 35c. as trial boxes. All our premiums are free. To ensure safe delivery send all money by Postal Note, P. 0. Tloney Or.. der or Registered Letter, addressed BRITISH CHEMISTS CO. TORONTO, CAN, 4.1 0 p O O to �N 0 O O Oa. 10 N O5oivad, . rn ri ' 0 $25,000 0 $25,000 0 $25,000 0 $25,000 0 46 o 0 y, 11 art O O O O y o 0 0_ ��2 k; t 1 ' v �i 9 CASH CP/EN AWAY FREE a/ 0 m Lr • THE best advertisement tor any medialne is ono Doming from n person who has taken the remedy and has been BENE -la FITED. AS an introduction we wish to did- tribute throughout Canada 200,000 peak- egos of Dr. Green's Health gpeai9o, To ae- rieh 1 MID 10 this we here decided to appropriate 26,000 dollars to be distributed amenget our patron& we could Write pages laudatory of its knowon more 001t then ymrdo now, 00 w5 Livor or 15150013 Uropblo, or any ate- tete ono pnoknge of Dr. Greyed Hoa13h Speoier, the feels to this 0059,07 and w5 will ohaer• no pact, and wh,n 0800 taett will never bo dio' dtrooe Eo Ehis On ritero enclosing 60 sent, oe To Eh, writer O the first lector received w0 wIoe 1omit ton In cash, and to the 9[E amts, until 210°1110order letters are re- to 55,000.00, the total of our presents In EMI this ndver1iseoont. Address- Drum Co., L,TMSTBI7D, Life Blleilding, Toronto. AS to the efficiency of the Specific curative qualities. when we warn done you would nlmply eel if you aro 1,000101 with Oonatip0t1on indigestion, m5tt nits eg from ndleorderod etomna end will and gad you ore eat delighted with the results,state fntiy rotund lour money. Uaod 0s a laxaevo Ihoe o,rded for 007 othrr remody, Bendyour order et:,mpel, and wo will moil you one package of this Specific. Ebo remo,ly ono p00kngo Ai onoluatne 9017 "ILI° senna' of every 238th lottar, thoronnor, enaloain¢ we will remit n0 mnovnt ranging from $0.00 way aggregating $11,000.00, Wrtto quick cad eaIlooe "�'1�e Sanford Ear OF TOROrTTO, Room E, Confederation $25,000 0 $25,000 0 $25,000 0 $25,000 hi,,{���� Ta12g�+, Pei 1 d9 mt ili+d"',C THe ttoard!2ty,i•.� pr, iLE c� ER SINGLE or DOUI IG 1THL r?: , TUBE. Only ,taw loft. Money I must aocon>Iany order.. WM. B. NORTH -TAM, - ToRoNTo. EE we give this fine WATCH with chain and charm for sell. Ing two dos. Whiteligirt Wicks t ten cents each. No Mone Required. Write, and we will send the Wicks, postpaid and our tris Premium List. When you have sold the Wicks re. turn the enemy, ,nd we will at free of once. send your watch e, all have Hundreds charge. gg earned not ed bee y working for us, why not you? In writing, mention this paper. WHITELICNT WIOK GO., TORONTO, CAN, Isisaatllni ®® ROYAL MAiL Dominion Line STEAMSHIPS Ht John, 51,8, 100 nslllns, to Liverpool, 0nilmp 15 Londoadwry. Lnrg' arid fest twin .51041 shemleldpi r 1L a1." Loeior noes modati ,for V900 s nodege- and Cabin, $ Passengers.00;B. ] tea n, 260 Steerage 1101, 01191; Sevin] Oabin, HSI Stearn a $27.10 and upwards anoortilue ec apply Information p1p y (c t For al and berth, the mtir s to eel aOa17 . Seer t0 0101 , M Oen' Agenss,ll Agents, BAnramenG 86., Montreal.stosik Inner 11 Maltose Cross " Taboo. , ATTEND THE BEST 'IT PAYS C orgrrpl Y TPORD Ontt liA r Voting Mott nett Women ionsess1 11 prepared forteachers heel11 lOM arge 11101 graduates boar el m; etudien beat teot00 t large 1044,00 Soot b0nrel areas; Ss110htn one enter Id any claw; gest Oemmerolai WW1 In Ontario.' wtita for br,malfal0nt. goo. W. J. ELLtO'fT, Prindlgal.