HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-3-3, Page 58, ISOt BUSINESS CARDS. 11/rONFI'Y TO LOAN A.T 5 PEit J.FF cont.•_ T'`. S. SCOTT. Brussels, WII. MoORAOKEN, . Isetworofkiarrlegelttoonses, OOioe at his Grocery,'Puruhor'ry, :Erect, Brussels. N. BAI RETTI '1'0000rfalArtiot' Slop—Next door North of the Standard liana, I.adloo' ants o I,l b'ene hair cutting a lPooleity, MISS JEAN M'LMJCWLIN, —Tele0I11411 OF— PIANO - AND - ORGAN, =. -J ,v -memos, O17', ROBERT CUNNINGHAM IN:U 3 1OE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. T. 'FLETCHER Issue: of Marriage Licenses, GFFION AT JEWELRY 8Tenn. eNo Witness Required. T. FLETOHI,R, Brussels TilARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN• 11 partstermin hail several good Farms f or i1ois103ueairr001rent, easy .AOOTT,B oe LEX. HUNTER �'. Clerk of the *Fourth Division Cour Cu. Heron. Conveyancer, Notary Public Land Loan and Ineuran08 Agent. Pundit invested and to loan. Colleotione made Chloe In Graham's Bleak, Bruee:de AUCTIONEERS. A HUNTER, LICENSEI.I. AUC. ti . Tronnan. Money to loan. Perms to son. 141 S. SCOTT AB AN AUCTION 1 • nun, will sell for better prices, to tetter men 10 en time and less charges than any other Auctioneer in Bast Mumu or he won't charge anything. nates and orders eau always be arranged et this Defoe or by pereoaal applioatiol. VETERINARY. 'i D. WARWICK, el • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. 1s prepared to treat all diseases of dnmeettoated animals In a com- petent 030,0003. Pnrt(cular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Oalls promptly at- tended to. OfHeo and Infirmary—Four (more north of bridge 'Purnborry et., 1ruesens• LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. VAT M. SINOLAIR, BARRISTER Vd • Soltattor Oouveyeamer,NotaryPnb- Ile, 1810. Ciba—'Valn0tone'8 Block, 1 door north of Central Hole Solicitor for the S taudaxd Bank. F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Co, (late of Garrote & Prou,lfoo4e 011100, Goderich.) 01loe over Glides & Smith's Bank, Brussels. Money to Loan, 47 G. CAMERON, • (Formerly of Oamor'on Holt ,L Cameron Barrister End Foiiciior Goderiah (4111.. Moe—Hamilton St., Opposite 001 borne Hotel. MEDICAL CARDS, J. A. M'NAUGHTON, M. D„0. NL, Trinity Uulyerstty, Fellow Trin- ity Medical College, Member Ooll0a0 of Pity - Melees 6,111 Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal College 01 Phyy8tetau0 and Licentiate of Midwifesy, ;Edinburgh. I '1'o1ephoue No..111, Residenoe, MillS0,, 13rns0018, E. T. SNIDER, M.D., 0, M„ 010000000 to Dr. A, McKelvey LIcentiate of ltoyltl 0011ege of Ph301010n8 and Surgeons, Kingston ; Member of the Col- lege of Pbysicin us mud Surgeons of Ontario. Dl000,080 0f w0n180 end children a specialty. alight years' experience. 1a-0blee and res- idence time formerly °coupled byDr. Mo- &elvoy, Tusmberry street, Brussels, 23- ✓. M. ARMSTRONG, MB., M. P.., M.C. P.S.O. PHYSIOIAN, SURGEON, Ao otroatIIR, ETC. Specialetteetion given to diseases of the Throat and Lunge and diseases of Womou and Okildrou, BESIDENCU—WALTON, ONT. DR. F. H. KALBFLEISGH, rnY0I0IA11, 8181800010 AND ACCOUOn19Un, SUCCESSOR 7'0 DR. W. GRAHAM, BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO. est Class Boner Graduate of the Univoret- tiusof Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (lilageton) and of T'riuity Alolloal 0011ege; Fellow of Trinity lfedi0n) college and member of the 00110 0 of Physielauo and Surgeons of Ontar- io, Poet Graduate Course in Detroit and Chico go, 3800, Special attention paid to 1818- easeaoif Vomen, t'0on tt1E tion iu Dug- 11o1r and Dorman. Telephone at a t:Wan00, IMPROVED YORKSHIRE BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will peep for service on Lot 28,Con. 8 Morrie, the thore'-bred Im- proved Yorksiniro Boar, '01t4c Lodge Long- fellow," No. 2188, bred b d.31. P.rethoto, Bur- ford, to wbioh a 1Meil011 number of 10180 will bo tact. Tes'mo, $1.00, to bo paid at time of service with privilege of retur010g if nee- 080ary, A number of choice young sows for sale for breeding 31rpete0 wbioh w111 be sold .at prices to cult the bobs. 21- ROUT. 13101300, Proprietor. Pere, A,tbe Wood's Phoop`11°dim®, 2710 Great 111,4iis11 Remedy, Sold aid recommended by al druggists in armada. Only reli able medicine discovered Sia . "alarms guaranteed to oure. all :erns of-8exnal "Steeliness, all offals of ab1,o 11'0Yoese, Mental Worry, Tncessiv0 use of To. bncoo, Opium or Stimulants, Milled oti rocelpt )f "1°8'0"packaagg0�,$1; silt, 4141,, Ono oaf mod, looms:0o. pomp atete free to cin addr410. . , The Wood Company', W111deor, Ott: .. .'...yo1c311111,0uragl,8 by G. 4,a/1')A1 149,N s�• 'Druggist, llnol)solier & Qpylal7V>le wooweetintereewor UO11A)IfUU11 AND GU15'L1'It Sl1Uur,11 AUT, The following letter writlen by N. Iliginbotham, of Guelph, bearing on the exteesien of the U, P. It., ie clipped from the Goderiah Signal It would be interesting to the citizens of Guelph and the various munioipelitioo concerned in the tions notion of the ox. tension of the 0, P, R. from Guelph to Oodorloh to aooertain from you what steps, if any, aro being taken in your town for the purpose of having that long promi,ed road oompleted. lie the Goderich people now fully reaize the situation and the immeltee possibilities that lie before them if this road were conetrueted, or are they eatie- lied to lot matters drift on m their pres- ent unsatisfitotory state ? An 0xoelleut letter has appeared in the Toronto prase wbioh shows that tilers are conviuoing arguments to he worked ep. The distance from Goderiob to Toronto via Guelph ie so favorable, and the menioipalithe throngh wbioh the road would pass are of such importance, that the matter should not require much argument to oonvinae the public of the advantages of :moll a line. Recognizing the feet that Goderich is the bast harbor of refuge on the Eastern coast of Lake Huron and accessible to the largest grain• oarryiug vessels, it is amazing that more energy is not displayed by the citizens of your good town to work up a .trade of such magnitude ail lies before them. Guelph, depending upon the solemn promise of the Oanadian Pacific 'Railway, has for the last ten years been paying large sums of interest and sinking fund for the con8trnotion of the line aa far as Guelph, and the tatepuyers are thinking it is about time something should be done to mist them in the fulfillment of the obligations entered into by the 0. P. R. We earnestly claim your co oper- ation in promoting this scheme, in eon- neett011 with which the interests of Godetioh and Guelph are identical. CHEEISEMEN MEET. ';'bore was a good response to the ca1l. eel. to the faotorymen to send delegates to a meeting held at Listowel Wednesday of tact week to dieuuao the whole meet t on of marketing obeeee. Among those pees Brit were the following, representing the factories named : Bluevale—Win, Me ser, J. R. Miller, J. Elliott, R, Maxwell. Elmbank—R• Cleland, Elmo (4 M0rnington—,iia. Grey, Wm. Burnett, John Sproule. Carthage—Jae. Holmes, S. Burnett, D. B. Grieve. T.intail—John Cowart, Milverton—G. E. Goodhand, Willow Grove—jobn Stacy, W. Squires. Silver Corners—Neil MoLauohlin. Wyandotte—F, Wetzel!, Hugh Cun• ningbam. Paramont—Jas. Taylor. Trowbridge—W. e1o0ormick, J. Adams G. Hutchison.' Marion Beaver—D. J. Marion. Ripley—Ir. H. Farnell. Brunets—W. W,13arris. Fordwiob—M. Daum, M. Aldriob. Bob). Cleland, of Elmo., was voted into the chair. J. R. Miller, of Bluevale, stated the objeot of the meeting. It bad resulted from an notion taken at the Bluevale gunnel steeling and wa0 for the purpose of adopting some eoheme by wbioh cheese 000ld be put upon the market on a more satisfactory basis than nud1r present conditions. Some factory - men had done very well by ooneigning and a letter was read from Mr. Kirkoon- nee, of 'Tiverton, 000414ng that on the whole he Was very well satisfied with hie year's experience in c0n0igniug them to n commission man on the other aide. There were serious objections of amuse to oo eiguing abuse but when a sale ie made here it ought to be absolute if pee• Bible so that salesmen would know just where they are. A discussion followed in which Mr. Goodhand, of Milverton, Mr. Messer, of Binevalo, Mr. Taylor, of Parnmont, Mr. Elliott, of Bluevale, end Mr. Squires, of Willow Grove, and a number of dtbes'o took pert, Mr. Elliott stated that the Bluevale factorymen were not unanimous on the question of o n. signing and he was nob quite in favor of ib himself. To test the meeting be moved, eenonded by 41. Burnett, of the Dims. and Mornington faotory "That this meeting le in favor of making arrangements to ship cheese direct to the British markets on consignment." This motion was lost, fico voting in its favor and the balance of the meeting generally in the negative. A dioouoeion then arose on the question of weights, some delegates maintaining that the present system docked the factory considerably more than the half pound per box and stating that it would be more 'satisfactory that the cheese should be paid for according to the weight shown even if they did not got quite so high a prioe per Ib. As it was it made the aver- age of the quantity of milk required to a lb. of cheese higher and wag not just to the maker, who was not marl for all the cheese be made. It wee moved by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Squires, and carried unanimously, "That (hie meeting le of opinion that all salesmen should sign an egreoment binding themselves not to sieve a half lb, up beam, but only the full lb, up beam, as actually shown,' and on motion the Seoretary was inetruoted to oorrespond with the other fairs asking their oo-operation in (tarrying out moth a rule. Ow motion of Mr.ldeeoer,seconded by Mr, Parnell it was resolved to appoint a Committee to draw up rules with pen. altiee to govern the sales, weighing, in• epeotlon, shipment and payment of cheese and to submit the same for oonsidoration at the annual meeting of the Lietowar Dairymen's Board of Trade, the Com. mittee composed of Messrs. Cleland, Climie, Messer, Harris, Ballantyne, Mao. Laron, Cools, Goodhand, Burnett, Me. Allister, and Taylor and a draft of report to be printed and oiroulated among the faotory owners before the annual meet- ing. This motion was unanimouely adopted and the feeling of the meeting was that rules absolutely binding on the ualOemen and buyers should be adopted aqd strictly enforced under a penalty for an infraction thereof. By this mean0 the deoisioos of the arbitration Cotnmit- tee of (118 board would carry 'weight, 00 any member net complying therewith would be debarred from the privileges of the Board, 30r. Miller expressed the opinion that it would be a good idea to have an annual meeting Of factory owners to dioouea questions of motorial interest, to which all the factories in the district Would be represented by authorized dela. plates, either Owners, dlreotors or sales- )Elginhit itwn,s,imovedstyty'lssers,Taylor F71k i3 Uli4.hiy.%j7li rOF{.�' tomp..,'t'o.neon,...o marsse.,,ywr:�'•• •'rAT,-;1'v. r r. ;' ,-dr-� . ,.o, r`'e*e'cr k 03diWr e,*.- eerz . and 'Loris and unanimously resolved Hutt the Datryme:We Board of 'Trade be asked to call annually a meeting of dole. gates repreeentlul Newry owners and that the previously named Committee be requested to draft rmleo governing the representation and organization of ouch meeting. This ended the Wiliness and there was a deoided fettling In favor of the valn8 of snob gatherings, not neon. sadly ofsaleemonbut of factory diroetoro and [watery owners, the teen believing that if these factories wore properly or- ganized they could often net in harmony for their mutual benefit. After the ad. jonrnment of the meeting all tbo mem- bers of the Committee who were present held a meeting and Robt. Cleland was appointed chairman of the Committee and the next meeting of tate Committee was fixed for Friday afternoon the 3rd of March at 1;S0 p. m. (11ertoi18 41(110 Comes from Dr. D. 8, Uargile, of Waeb• 40;1. T. leo writes : "Four bottles of L+'leotrie Bitters has cured Mre. Brewer of scrofula, which bad oaneed her great suffering for years, Terrible three would break out on her head and facie, and the best dootore oonld give no help ; bat her au re is 00mp1et0 and her health excellent,' Thio shovel what 0100880de have proved —tion Electric Bitters is the beat blood purifier known. It's theenpreme remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheumulcers, boils and running sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, expels poi0003, helps digestion, builds 0p the strength, Only 50 cents, Sold by G. A. Deadman, Druggist. Guaranteed. Dominion Cattle, .peep end `'rime Breeders' Aesocial lett. Very successful meetings of the Do. minion Cattle, Sheep and Swine Breed- ers' Aosoolationa were held in Toronto from Feb. 7th to 10th inclusive. The memberships of tho Associations are at least 25 per cent, greater than at any previous period. The efforts of the Associations during the past year have been along the line of cheaper trauoporb• Won. At present, between local points in Ontario, thoro'bred stock in less than car load Tote is shipped at one•half the regular tariff rate. Between Ontario and A'Ianitoba and British Columbia, the rates are now to Winnipeg, $72, and to Nev Westminster, $196, whore and they were to Winnipeg, $180, and to New Westminster, $251. The privilege has been granted of allowing thoro'bred calves, sheep or swine in loss than car load lots of over 3, to be penned off in one end of the oar without being crated. For a long time this has been a standing grievance of the live stock men through. out Ontario. Interprovincial trade in pure bred stook from Ontario Westward to Mani. toba and the Northwest and British Columbia, and Eastward to the maritime provinces and Newfoundland has been very large. This trade hoe been greatly assisted by the Associations, both by re- duced rates, and also by making up oar loads of shipments already sold, thug obtaining for the small shipper a car load rate. It is estimated by those who are in a position to speak advisedly that the interprovincial trade in pure bred stools has increased five fold during the past year. For the past two years the Associations have been advertising in the Ontario Agricultural Gazette the names of the members of the Live Stock Asaooiatione, giving a list of the stock eaoh has for sale. These lists have been planed in the hands of breeders through- out all Canada,andit has been to a great extant owing t these lists of stock for sale that the interprovincial trade has been so large. If possible during the coming year these lists will be so extend- ed that they will be published in the maritime provinces and throughout Manitoba and the Northwest. Tho Ae- sooiabiona have done good work along the line of transportation and by advertis- ing the Ontario stook throughout Canada, it is felt that considerably more work along this line can yet be done which will result in the ultimate benefit of this province. The Provincial Winter Show bold in Brantford in 1808 was the most success- ful yet held. In 1891 there were 81 entries, in 1898, 760 entries. The pro- vincial Winter Show is not held for the purpose of paying money to prize stook, It is the intention that this Show shall be eduoational in its nature, from begin. ning to end. In all departments this object is being catered to. Exhibits in all departments are judged from the con• earner's standpoint. Two years ago in the swine department, prizes were offer- ed for export bacon hogs, judges being representatives from the pork packing establishments. Last year, in addition to this, a bleak teat was inaugurated, the above gentlemen doing the judging, This was the first block test in Canada - At the Show to bo held in 1890 prizes will also be offered in the sheep depart. men: for dressed carcasses, the judges of which will be practical men 01 experience in this line of work. A special lecture hall will be provided at the Show, where dressed carcasses of both sheep and swine will be on exhibition and lectures will bo delivered by the judges, pointing out the merits and demerits of the various oar- oaotoe, In all departments of the Show an additional prize will bo given to ex• hibitoes supplying data, giving full infor- mation as to how the stook exhibited by them was bred, what they were fed, and the method of oaring for them. This data will bo published. During the Summer of 1800 oo•oper- etive experiments in swine feeding will be carried on with fanners throughout the province. The pork paolcers and rail• way computes will assist the plan. The Associations in their work, should receive the hearty co-operation of all who have at heart the welfare of agriculture and the live stook industry in Ontario. Discovered by a Women, Another great discovery has been made, and that too, by a lady in this country. "Disease fastened its olntobes upon her and for 8001018 years ebo witlietood its severest taste, but her vital or.gan0 were undermined and death seemed imminent. For three menthe she oeuglied incemeent• ly, and could not sleep. She finally die• covered a way to recovery, by purobeeing of no a bottle of De. Iliug'o New Diner. try for Cnnem nption, and wag so =oh relieved oil taking first dose, that she Hopi all night ; and with two bottleo,hee been absolutely cured, ;ler name ie Mrs. Luther Lutz." • Thne writes W. C. Ham. Molt & Co,, of Shelby, N.C. )Trial bottles free at Maroon's Dong Store, Regular 0iz0 500 and $1,00. Every bottle gtia)1. 4nteed. . T BLACK DRESS GOODS. 00 9 This is the season of the year when Black Drees Cootie are in demand. The inducement: we offer you here speak for themselves. Our gti0tabi0110 for Durable and 8tylieb Drees Goode aro always under usual retail prince, but tlhis lot is eepeeially Ito, owing to an extra large purehaeo, Never in the hietory of this :tiro have the 0110140 011011 a large range of Black Dress Goods, Read ou Bleak Lustre 3(i inches wide, bright and glossy fast black, worth 250, for 20e. J3lnolc Lustre 40 in. wide, line Knish, but blaek, very glossy, worth 30e, for 25e. Blank Brilliantine Drees Goode 49 In. wide, beautiful lluish, regular 60o, for 500. Blank Brocaded Lustre 42 inohes wide, floral designs, bright and glossy, special at 50o. All wool Prinoesa Twill Serge, fast blank, 250. All wool Black llenrietla 42 inohes wide, fast blame, worth 500 per yd , for 40e. Black all wool Henrietta 500, 600, 75o and $1 00. Black all wool !irate. Cloth, reversible, it makes a lovely mourning dress, regul. ar price $1, for 85o. Black Satin Suliel 45 inches wide, regular pried $1, for OOo, Black Crape Cloth 48 inohes wide, epooia145a. Blaok Satin Royal all wool Drees Goode, special 500, ra—Wo matte a specialty of mourning goods, This month has be. n a record breaker V? 1011 ug, February le o'waye looked on an a dull month, but evit11 the large and varied :tools we parry and the low mines we quote keeps trade inoreaeing every month in the year, CASH AND ONE PRICE. �p 4f �%tld1190 p FENCE ALSTY. When you seek the best fence thatcan be made from wird, we know that you will buy the Famous Coiled Spring Page. t isn't like any other on earth—it's better. It was he first and Itis still the foremost woven wire fence Por the truth shout its uses and quality, address THE PAGE WIRE FENCE CD. LTD WALI(ERVILLE, Oi1T. '1910 Appel ilc or a Cont Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose Stomach and Liver are ons of order. All eaoh shoeld know that Dr, Ring's New Life Pills, the wonderful Stomaob and Liver Remedy, gives a splendid appetite, sound digestion and a regular bodily habit that insures perfect health and great energy. Only 25o. at Dead man's Drug Store. (-nnatciltan .N eve's.. A horse at the Woodburn mills, Wood - stook, banked a load of wheat over a steep embankment in front of the mill into the creek. The wheat had been ehovel'ed loosely in barrels, and about 30 bushels were emptied in the water. Jahn Sutherland, the driver, was somewhat injured. Jamee Turner, a member of the new religious sect called Zionites, has been sent for trial by a Walkerton magietr,,to 011 a charge of killing hogs belonging to one, Fi'dis, The hogs are believed by this sent to beP ossesoed of the evil one, hence the sacrifice. In this ease Fiddie' son, who had an,intereet in the hogs, ie a member of the sect. At a publio meeting held at Heepeler a resolution was passed by a large major- ity of ratepayers present to dispose of a portion of the public park to W. A. Xribbe, M. P. P•, at a nominal figure, for the purpose of establishing a, box and wood working factory on a large eoalr. The site is admirably situated, with the G. T. R. or C. P. R. on either side of it. S. McComb, of Palmerston, met with an aooident al Elora Wednesday night in which he bad his left arm taken off near theehoulder. The unfortunate man had been a freight conductor for a num- ber of years, and Left Guelph in charge of the mixed train going North. Tho acci- dent happened at Elora. He was then removed in the ambulance to the Gener- al Hospital in Guelph, and ie getting along nicely. At a meeting of the Board of Trade, held in Binoardine Friday night, a cow. mittee consisting of Messrs. A. G. Mc- Intyre, H. T. Harden and William Mur. ray, was instructed to aot in conjunction with Goderiah and other lake porta in an effort to have a first•olaso line of steam• erg ply on this coast of Lake Huron. Since the wreak of the Cambria and the withdrawal of the Oarmona the Windsor. Soo route is vacant. The board is of opinion that the route can be tnade a profitable one for two or three good steamboats. The board also appointed a oommittee to negotiate for the erection of a large Summer hotel and lakeside aottagee, more a0oommodation being urgently needed for the ioere00ing num• her of tourists who come to Kincardine to spend the Bummer. The reaidonte of Blenheim were much nxcited Friday morning to learn that the Bank of J. R. Powell bad been abfarad end robbed, It is supposed that the robbers were aware that there were several' thousand dollars in the safe. After gaining entrance to the Banic they drilled a hole in the safe, but put an overcharge of some explosive in the hole with the result that the side of the build• iug was blown out. The exploeion was heard all over the town, bat before any person could reach the some the rob- bere bad secured the money and boarded a hand'oar on which they rode cub about 4 miles toward Chatham, Then they abandoned the oar and escaped in a oar. tinge wbioh had evidently been left at that point for them. Over $2,000 was taken, On Wednesday evening of teat week, when nearlog the bridge over the . Irvine River, three miles Weal .00 Fergus, the Grand Trunk :nixed train going North was derailed, The engine, tendee and eight cars passed safely over the bridge, but the ten ears immediately following went down the bank, 0 distance of eel". envy. two feet, into the river. The sea- ond.olaso °eaoh anil car in front of fl, although nff the mile, remained on the flee. The trainmen and passengers were unhurt. A b1111 end to pig went down with the tvreolc unhurt. and when these were oeoured, the wreck, to hieh Was a oomplet0 nuc, .was tired, . .Friday morning the charred trunk of a man was found burned beyond reeognitiou, The remains were taken to Fergus. An in• quest waoheld. The aooident wee oaused by a brokeu rail. Sri Coming. We are ready for it with a nicely assorted stock of .Prints, Cottons, r 1<i ATaeetalz s . Skirtings, Linens, Flannelettes, ,Spring Suitinas, �e- Our Groocry Department is known near and far for the freshness and excellency of our stock. A trial will convince you that this is correct. J. G. SKENE. Agent for Parker's Dye Works. The Standard Bank of Canada. Money Orders For amounts of Fifty Dollars and under leaned by thie Bank, payable at par at any chartered Bank in Canada, with the exception of Branohee in the Yukon Die- triot. RATES Under $10 . . $0.08 $10 to 20 . . 0.10 20 to 30 . . 0.12 80 to 50 . . . 0.14 J. N. (RIBBON, Agent, IOIIUSSELS. SHNCLES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles AND.— .LLortll Shore • Pine and Cedar FOB SALE AT TUE Brussels Planing an Mills 1 s l Also Doors and Snell of all Pat ternson hand or made to order at Shoot Notioe, Botiulatee Furnished for all kinds of Buildings. Workman, ship and Material Guaranteed. Pi..AMENT, rz, 11 xr tr•,., r ii Er g,: 5lo--.?�- "Slater Boot Trees." The wear a7.d elude retention of a shoe may be doubled if, wit 'n td.e0 Off the foot, it he put 011 11 tree 4111", ,1.•hare ofthe shoe. The leather thus req: n its elasticity and fiber tension 111;01 th' it., forth. Valuable to weareri with a 111(11.113 "run over on heels. A good idea is to h::vo two pairs of shoes Iternately "treed" end worn. Tach pair viii illus ,rive double service if allowed It reel -day between wear -clays. Trees to fit the various shapes of Slater Shoes, at ,21.00 per pair. 0ATAtoont 66The Slater Shoe fakers." FACE, a Jno. Downing, - Sole Local Agent IV[cLEOD'S Cook's Cotton Boot Compound, System Rei,ov= for —AND 001103— TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND AiNTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyepepeia, Sleopleoeneee, Palpita. tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Near.. eight, Lees of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kiddy and Urinary Direasoe, St. Vitas' Danae, Female Irregularities and General De- bility, LABORATORY, GODERICII, ONT, i'. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufaotnrer. Seld by Jan. Pox. Druggist, Ih'uooera. COSI Wit a ftkO• e 1*roll man of YOU I 000.051 TROI /CUB Tan 1100.6 niteol:8518 root wa108. P1000I cures all Norvons nlsoesee, 0leepl0s.. 1,1080. Fa100O 110m0t7,Nlghnr Eurlesions.Sperrme torrhae4 Impotency, eta, caused by past n nhea)- gives vigor and y alae to shrunken cram.. Boa quickly but Uoo 700002 nod you wn1l grow strong and happy nnpgala. 0001 by 90011 Iu 50040 wr.pper and 00anrely sealedfrom obegorvadoa.E(aaiy for 0. Saucarried le d moneyst kin either ordl ) q �ork� tor. ed letter, Address ail letters to JAR. PEP DR, 000a,1100, wo00830011, ea0, Agent tor the Oe. minion o Canada, HOWE Call and see =- stock of Blankets, Sheetings, Flannels, Tweeds, Yarns, Etc., Wool, Hides, Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. Carding, Spinning, Weaving, Knitting, etc, Promptly attended to at the BRUSSELS WOOLLEN MILL. Is successfully used monthly by over w,Y10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual, Ladles ask your druggist for Cooke Cotton Root Com- pound. Take no other n8 all Mixtures, pille and bnitatione are dangerous, Prise, No, 1, $1 Per box' No. 10,10 degrees stronger, $8 per box. No. 1 or id mailed en receipt of price and two e•een) ;temp s. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont, `Nos. 1 and 2 soldana recommended by all lesponeible Druggists is Canada, Nos, 1 and;2 eoldiin Brn86010 by G, A, DEAD1rrAN, Druggist, Bookseller de Optician. IJSLEY Raal3state 86 Loan AGENT, BRUSSELS. Money to Loan on Farm Secur- ity at the Lowest Rate of Interest. Money Loaned on Notes and good Notes Discounted. Sale Notes a Specialty. fired Life Insurance Written. Special Attention given to Conveyancing. A. OOUSLEY, Office over Deadman': Drug Store, BRUSSELS. NEW uicVer Silop 1 The undersigned has open- ed up a Butcher Shop in the MU BUZ, BRUSSELS, where he will keep constant- ly on hand a supply of the Best Meats Procurable, sold at reasonable prices. A share of public patronage solicited. . WAL1Et. Meat delivered to all parts of the town. IL.C.ItSH PAID FOR H113408. No800 New 000F,00 PATE"T 01.1. 1 801 int 1808ow. ail LONG, TheBufl'alo All -Steel Disc Harrow This is the Duly Disc Harrow made or sold in Canada, having independent, adiuotable spring premiere upon the inner ends of the gang Niece, allowing any amount of pressure to be thrown upon the inner ends of the gange,by the toot of the operator. By this means a perfeetlyitex- iblo aetfou is secured and the ground eau be worked to a uniform depth, Bemire this Machine carefully and compare with others. The No. i2 Cultivator IS A MARVEL OF 873001428, The Only made cultivator v d that both linos of teeth will out as exon depth to the ground, 10 a it and You will see why, The only Cultivator with it moveable tooth set so tout the angle of the teeth can be regulated to snit any oondl. Eton of soil. Prothro can be regulated to sot differently on every Beaton requiring it. The teeth aro carried between the wheels instead of trailingbehind es in other machines, thus 0,3080411g lighter (craft. This maobloe is fur- nished with grain and gra08 seed box when quired, It lla0 reversible diamond steel points for the teeth ; ales, extra wide thistle-eutt[ng pehate nen be far0febed. Rumble it end you will hay Ito other. The Best Drill Made. The floosie', Needs Ao intr'otinction. ' Ovor40,000Drills andSeedoroof our maim - feature in use in Canada. The outs, Drill made with lever for instant and perfect regulation of depth of hoe in all kinds of soil, while foam is in motion, soars absolutely eOrreet to settle; saves sped, as every kernel 10 deposited at a proper depth to grow. Purchase only the beet and you will be eatielled,. Wo 0100 manufacture Binders, Reapers mowers, Rakes, Cultivators amt Pnlpere, ee goo a8 bhc be041, nog catalogue, 110XON BROS. MPG, Co., (Limited) y� Ingersoll, Ont., Commie'. By��.p{e�Hlssoltzi