The Brussels Post, 1899-3-3, Page 4werstwo.wv (The Mrttszt Dist. -FRIDAY, AMR. 8, 1899, LOCAL LEGISLATURE. A bill to oonsolidate the debenture debtecinese of the liege of 131 amounting to 110,000, was aloe through. AG the annual meeting of the Lem Men'Awe°Wien in Toronto, ores tion was pathed in favor of Petting import dutyon American lumber. Mr, i r, Rose ntrodned a bill to am the Publie Library Ad, 11 proposes improve the present law by establish a uniform financial year for all grade libraries. Anotherbill, authorizing the Town Goderich to borrow 625,000 on ite deb tures, to complete the waterworks I electric light plants, and to pay floatiug debt already inourred ou the also passed the oommittee. Hon. J. M. Gibson read a return of out of logs in 1897.98 on the limits in Georgian Bay, Lake Huron and L Superior districts and whin were driv to either of these lakes :—Pieoee, 8,88 120 ; feet, 308,766,312 ; left in the woo 8,982,086 feet ; exported, 211,153,412 Le unexported, 106,544,977 feet. 0. F. Farwell, M. P. P., has present a petition for Eaet Algoma, asking th the name of the Township of Coffin changed to Aberdeen, in honor of o former Governor.Geueral, and that t name of Lake Desert be changed to G don, for the same reason. There will no opposition to altering these lugubrio appellations. J. J. Kelso, Secretary of the Depa merit for Neglected Children, gave address to the members of the House the Ontario system of oaring for negle ed and dependent children. The leotu was given in the members' reoepti room, and was illustrated by limelig views. The lecture was very instruoti and showed the wonderful work bei done in the Provinces. Mr. MacNish has introduced a bill amend the Aseessment Aot so as to rat the exemption from taxatiou of i000 from $700 to $1,000. He has introduc o bill to amend the Munieipal Act, saki for a clearer definition of the qualific tions of aldermen aucl other officers wands. The intention is to lower t qualifientions for municipal eouncillo to owners of property assessed at $1,00 encumbered or not. Mr. Pattullo has introduced three bi which ate of importnee. The first pr vides that the bailee shall not be used munioipal councils of any kind. Ile al asks that municipalities be prohibit from hamming manufacturing Maestri under any airoumstances, Two yea ago an act was passed reducing the si of town councils in towns of 5,000 inhab tants or less. Mr. Patten° sake that apply to all towns. In the municipal deputation whin ap• peered before the Ontario Government, all the cities in the Province, together with eeveral of the towns, were repre- sented, and the petition for the amend. meat of the assessment law so that municipalities could obtain a fair taxation from Street railways, eleetric light, gas, telephone and telegraph oompaniee, was strongly presented. They asked that the property of these companies should be ae• sassed on their full value as they stand at net, lees a reasonable allowance for wear and tear and renewals, the same as any other property. "Before entering on the orders of the day on Thursday," said the Speaker, "I desire to draw the attention of the House, and more particularly the new members, to rules three and ten. The third rule reads ae follows : 'When the House has adjourned the member, shall keep their seats until the Speaker has left the chair,' and the tenth rale reeds as follows 'Every member desiring to speak is to rise in his place, nneovered, and address himself to the Speaker.' During the August session, a large number of new members being in this House, I did not think proper to enforce thie rule, but, this being the second session, I intend to do so. San expressions as "Gentlemen, 'thank you for a patient hearing,' or the appellation of 'gentlemen' within the preoinote of this hall, are unparliarnen• tary expressions whin cannot be rtheived lo the future." Mr. Itislop (East Huron), who resumed the debate upon the budget on Thursday, pointed out that it was not to be supposed the polioy of the Government would meet with the unqualified approval of the Op• position, who for twenty.seven long years have been trying to obtain control of the reins of government. He admitted that during that long period the Government had made mistakes, and had not always done those things which they ought to have done. This sentiment was applaud• ed by the Opposition, but Mr. Hislop, continuing, declared that the Govern. rent in this reaped were only human, and went on to compare their record with that of the Opposition, who had during their long exile in the erotic regions of Opposition to a far greater extent done that which they ought not to have done, which they now regretted and the memory of which they would fain blot out, and the assertion was reoaived with men applause frorn the Government benches. He (congratulated the Govern. ment upon retaining the confidence of the people, founded in the wise and economical administration of the affairs of the Province, under whin the expendi- ture had increased lees proportionately than in any other Province of the Domi• nion, He defended the educational polioy of the Government, which found its besbjnetifleation in the high standard of cultivation and enlightenment charac- terizing the young men and women of the Province. The contention of the Op- position that the Experimental Farm and College ebould be self sustaining was held up to ridianle as unreasonable to a degree, and Mr, Hislop challenged the • Oppoeition to show a similar educational institution bad ever been made self.sue• taining. Replying to the names of the Opposition, the troth of whin he denied, that the Province was drifting toward direct taxation, he asked who had done more to bring about nob a state of affairs than the hon. Members of the Opposition and their friends in endeavor. into ant off writhes of revenue from the Province, and referred to the attempts of • the late • Conservative Government at 'Move, to obtain control of the revenue feetn ligne 'Menthe and to steal from • Ontario the slob an fertile territories • affebted by the hot:Mary questien, in. yth, put ber olu. an end to ing of of en• tnd the m, the the ake en 7,- 2s, et ; erl be ar be or. be us rt• an on at - re on bt ve ng to Ss 008 ed nag of he re 0, lis 0' in so ed es re 28 it The leek °panty onneil lute ant le petition asking that Partnere' eons be net permitted to Sot air jurors. A bill was introduced by Bon. Mr. (arrow, to allow the Town oR Goderich tewalirrther,4url subscription ot 1000 siatiaa(04aniava;adaa11;4, sit Co„ and instead to guarantee bonde or debentures of the elevator company th that arnonnt, these bonds to form a Met charge on the elevator premises. As there was no objection on either side, and the propoeed guarantee improver] the pueitiou of the town RS a creditor of the oompany, instead of a stook -holder, the bill was permed without amendment. The feature of Wedneeday'e session of last week of the Let:islet-ere was the in. Graduation of Mr. Roes' bill to amend the school laws. His bill hinnies a pro. vision whin will enable soiree' boards to establish Continuation °lama without interference with the organization of school staffs. Plenty commits will be re. (jarred to pay Per the maintenance of these °lathes a sum war to the govern. rant greet, its in the ease of High snooks, and also such further sumo as the municipal council may deem exped• ient. The Publics school 'seeing examin mien is in oertain oases repealed, as not being an advantage, and the High sohoel entrance of some higher .xarnintion is made the qualification. The bill makes provision for the employment of grade. ates of the Ontario Agricultural College to give instruction in agriculture in Pub - 1M, High and Separate Ballots. Where the ward syetem is ebnlighed he school authorities may by resolution reduce the representation ou the Public school board to six, three retiring ennually. Special provieion is made for the school management in the newer sections of the oonntry. The Government has decided to divide the bill to supplement the provincial revenues into two parts. One will be known es an aot respecting brewers and distillers, and other licensee, and the second will be an not to supplement the proviucial revenues. The nano on brewers will be a graded one. It will come pretty high on big breweries and will be considerably over $1,000 on each of those located in Toronto. The tax on distilleries will be even larger. The tax to supplement the revenues will be on banks, loan companies, trust companies, and insurer -me companies. Them insti- tutions will be taxed according to their capital. The new law will also tax rail• way companies, street railway companies, t avigation companies, telephone and t r elegraph compantes. They will be taxed au a mileage rate. Some incorporated companies will be taxed, bat not those o ompanies whose incorporation was really optional, enoli se Perna wholesale dry goods oompanies'whin have been r ecently incorporated: Railways eujoy al there. ng Government aid will suffer more than WEST HURON RETURNS. HOLMES' MAJORITY 140. On Friday last A. Sands, Returning Officer, assisted by W. Lane, opened the ballot boxes at Goderich in the presence of Messrs. Holmes, McLean, Pronfoot, Hays, McGillicuddy, Tocld, Knox and Martin, and gave the following as the official figures Holmes McLean Ashfield No, 1.,.. 53 81 2. ..59 109 3.. ,.54 69 4.-38 •59 5 .... 76 47 6....77 29 7—.75 80 432 421 Colborne ....No. 1.. 105 2—.37 3 .... 77 4....68 52 49 87 80 287 218 Clinton No. 1—.32 35 2—.41 24 3....52 88 4....51 87 5....40 28 6....37 24 7....22 28 8.. .40. 32 815 242 Goderich Tp. No. —.100 2.-82 67 3., ..50 82 4—.25 69 5....54 70 0....36 82 283 420 Goderich town No. 1....52 77 2,...54 65 3.. ,.72 40 4....65 47 5....48 49 59 7....54 88 412 870 Wawanosh E. No. 1....80 42 2....84 70 8...,72 38 4.-05 81 801 181 1VaWa0osh W. No. 1 ....57 70 2....54 65 8. ..36 04 4....88 50 0.....4... 88 294 282 MAJORITTES, Holmee McLean Ashfield 11 Colborne69 Clinton 73 Goderich Tp. 187 Goderich town 42 East Wawanoeh ....120 West Wawanoeh ....12 Total.... 327 187 24 Win; were spoiled, 40 were re. jeered and 10 were pot in blank. The total vote polled, independent of spoilt and rejeoted ballote, was ;— Holmes 2 274 MoLeau 2 184 Majority for Holmes..140 The people of Colchester Plinth voted the repeal of the Dunkint Aot by a Ina. jority of 60. Charles Armetrongi yardmaster of the Canadian Atlantic) Railway at Ottawa, was Mt over by a, ttain and killed. Dominion Orange, 14 II) B 6 .10 6 VOWT declared epolled, ee what le called oplumpers" has a teudeney to elect Oen- clidates by a minority of eleeters. Oottn. all aril -turned to meet in ,lones' Leedbury, on Monday, •20th Unroll, at 1 o'olook p. to,, when tenders for drain will be opened and pethreastere, Penceviewere and pounclict.ep, re eppointed, MOIIIIISON, Clerk. The filth annual meeting of the Dominion atanfle, which hogum on 'Wednesday, Pith, 280d, Was oonelmled Friday attenuat, The sessions were hold ut the Komi, Tor. onto. Thursday the tibia Madams sues the ell:lotion of the following oilloors for the on. Suing year —Worthy Master, Sabel Rebin. 000, Mtddlenntrob 1 Overseer, Thos. Me - Morally, %%ornery ; Soo.•Treas, Bola. Wil. hie, 131enheinf ; Chaplain, W, Oahe, Wltlbby Steward, O. Shrigley, Painswiell ; Assistant Steward, D. W. Lennox, Ohnrohill ; Gate. keepar,Lymen Henry, Sombre, ; libtoeutive 0011=1060,J. Itobinsoo, II. Wilkie, II. Olen. dunning, G. Fisher I Auditore, eldwitt reale and John McDougall. Following the emotion the new °Moors were formally installed. Worthy Amster Bohlmiou.iti a brief address, thanked the delegates for the honor (miasmal upon Win and voiced the sentiments of all present in life expressions of measure at the growing membership mud inilueuee of the Grange, Ifealso read a report of the alum al meeting of the National Grange Or A merle a, reeeut. ly held at Ooncerd, New HatunsInro, 01 whish he was ate delegate from the Do- minion Grange, In this report be stated that the National Genies to composed of onion% Masters and wives of the State Granges, and some of the States are very strong hi membership. New York alone hav- ing 50,000, Politics aro not allowed to Was, any part in the organization, whieli, like that of Goliath', has for Its objeob the ad- vancement of the farming iuteroste. Mr, liobluson's loport Oen contained the follow - lug 1—"Por more than 00 yeas Britain has given nearly an ot.en doer to the products of all eountries. Some other nations ars now olamoriug for an open door abroad, while they hoop their doors Mused at home. Britain has stood la the front lank 1,1 bo• half al civil and religious liberty as well as commercial freedom. But it is pleasing to see that at last her first born of the West is wining to assist her to Clbristlamize and eiv faze the world, when slavery, oppression and tyranny shall be known no more. A large number of the members of tho Nation- al Grange bold strong protective views. They must, however, know full well that Government °aunt protect any class of products of which the nation has a Bernina. The manufacturers' eland luta become lull grown, awl should be able to live without assistance. But Elie fern:ten' child is grow: lug smaller and poorer every dry, The day is not for distant when a oinume of senti- ment will take place on this ol1eSui011.” Ths uol.t annual meettag of the ("range will be held at Loudon. Towner= Cousem.—Onuoil meeting was held in Jones' hotel, Leadbury, on Monday, Feb. 20th ; members all present. Minutes of teat meeting read and adopted. J'. J. Aldieune,, P. L. S., was dismissed from the °thee of Engineer for the municipality and F. W. Faruoomb, P. L. S., London, was appointed Engin- eer for the municipality trader the Ditches tk Watercourses Aut. The Auditors' report was reoeived and passed as correct. The bonds of David M. Rose, Treasurer, were accepted as satis- factory. Aotionuts ware passed and paid amounting to $108.06. The tender of F. Guttridge, Seatorth, for (reiterate abut. meats to Cowan's bridge, to he in ao. eordanee with plane std speeifications of Engineer, at 95.50 per °tibia yard, was accepted. Four tenders were received for a steel bridge from the Hamilton Bridge Co. ; Stratford Bridge On. ; A. Hill dr Co., Mitchell ; and the Kincar- dine Boiler d; Bridge Go. The Council reserved their decision and plans for one week to get the Engineer'e adobes on moil plan and oost. The Cleric was authorized to write A. Hislop, M. p. P., aehing him to use his influence to have the Municipal Election Aot so ampended that all electors must mark ballots for the required number of oandidates to be elented and if not that their ballots be IVIIMIPIMIN•11! OW. Denison has been apiminted Hon orary Llent.•Oolonel of the Body Go era, Burelare entered the residence of Al- phonse Lapietre, Montreal, chloroformed the inmates of the house and robbed them of their valuables. P.P Limn District —05 T030— East Biding of Huron. 7'o the l'arern-Keepers and others whom /0 111(13/ Concern : Noma ts hereby given that APPLIOA TIONS for LICENSES for the 3510 0! Liquor in the EAST RIDING OF I:GRON for the License year of 18054000, whieh coin memos on the 166 day of May nest, trIll be received by the undersigned from the pres- ent date up to Saturday, April 1, W99, inelusivo. Appliefints mine furnish the names of two goon end Sufficient sureties as bondsmen at tbetime of making application, Anv applicant for a now license must fur- nish a certificate signed by a majority of the electors entitled to vote at elections for the Legislative Assembly in the Polling Sub. Division in which the premixes sought to be licensed are situated, and the said majority must inelude at least one-third of the said electors, who are at tho Unto of such appli- cation residents within the said Polling divisions. JNO. 11. MILLEB, TNSPBCTOS. • JilinesieWn. Feb. 37, 1690 Spectacles —ON ALL 1(30D8— Fitted to Correct all Failures of Eyesight, and your Eyes tested FREE by lateet Optioal method 08 Division Court Office, BRUSSELS, G-REA • P ONLY 10 IAYs LONGER. le STOCK 1,SI IIE $900.00.. Clothing for .1111en and Boys at Ws than Wholesale Prices, If you are needing anything in the Clothing Line it will not pay you to miss this Money - Saving Opportunity TAILOR MADE SUITS, • READYMADE CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, TIES, COLLARS, CUFFS, GLOVES, SOX AND SUSPENDFIRS fUe kr. Itemember thisdale Only con,tinues 10 Dar s Longer. 74 Si S eM,P3e=g 4100ilie.rair.16076900.1•1••• 01•Mer•W 4101016•106•MY 11=_L_ASOMii.1.1mmgpsyl•VVM7.11•3166••• Strictly One Price. Very eci 260.4 Always the Lowest. ttractions all over the store these clays. We want business in February just as much as we do any month in the year, and we will have it if prices will bring it. The values we are showing are worth the attention of every buyer of Dry Goods. Good, clean, honest Cotton Goods are selling here for less money than ever before. It is tu your advantage to buy now, while stocks are at their best, as the special lines cannot be duplicated then onc6 sold out. White Cottons. WE are selling a great quantity of White Cotton these days, more by far than ie usual this time of the year. It would be a wonder if we didn't:, with valves like these. 36.inah White Cotton, even thread, very little dressing. A Cotton that will give exultant wear. Speoial value, 5o. 80 -inch English White Cotton, floe, even thread, as good quality as regular 80 goods. Speoial, 00. 86 inch White Cotton, holoy weight, even thread, finiehed soft for the needle. Regular 10o. quality for White Goode sale, Ble. Minn Extra Eine English White Ootton, very floe, even thread, Cambric finish a Cotton with extra, good wearing qualities, Regular 10e, qualities, special at 8c. This 3 1-2o. Flannelette we advertise is in and opened up. It is the beet value in Flannelette we have ever sold. No more of it when this lot is gone, foe the mills have advauced prices in the mut week, New, neat patterns in Stripes, 86 lanes wide. Regular 12t. quality for 8?ja per yard. Iteromants. WE place on sale this week one ease Mill Enda of Factory Cottone. These aro Clean, Perfect goods, just font -the mills, and the only reason for low pekes on them is that the lengths are shorter than the mills will put up in webs, which we will sell at lege than regular! wholeettle prices, Factory Cottons. WE passed into stook this week 8 bales, which we bought before the advance,and we are going to sell them while they last at these prices: 20 Pieeee 35•ineh Factory Cotton, fine and heavy, Real value, Go ; Speoial at 49a.. 20 Pieoes 86.inch' Factory Cotton, nice, fine, even thread. Good mine at 8o ; Speoial at Go. 20 Pieeee 80 inch Factory Cottoe, very heavy and very suitable for Sheeting, Will give excellent wear. Special value at co. Nevr Shirtingand Cottonades, . . MANY people like to get their supply of these goods early so that they may get their Bowing out of the way before Spring opens. Our new linea ars just opened up, and you'll find qualities good and colors fast. 81,inch Heavy anon Shirting, fast colors, Stripe and Checks, Special 10e. Extra, heavy Cotton Shirting, Indigo dye ; the beet goods the Mille make. New patterne, Strong and Heavy Oottonade, firm and close weave, (stripes end small nooks. Special, 200. The Very beet Cottoned° we can •buy, hard or eoft finish, heavy weight, 28 and 25o. 5 Meows 40,inoh Apron Gingham, in small ()bootie, with Emmy Colored Border:0, Worth, ropier, 12io, Speoial ed 100, Highest Price Paid for Butter and Eggs.'—o. r Y9 hens e in siness. Beaver Hardware Store, BRUSSELS. Having purchased the interest of N. B. Gerry in the above well known business I desire to intimate to the public that I will con- tinue it at the old stand where a large and well selected stock of Hardware, &e., will always be found at as low prices as anywhere. I wish to return thanks for past patronage and solicit a cow- tinuanee of the same. m'All persons indebted to N. & N. Gerry are requested to settle before March 4th as the partnership affairs have to be straightened up by that date. N. F. Gerry. SAP PAILS AND SPOTJTS BY THE HUNDRED "Se.-• .it Turnbull oecoa KEEP IN STOOK A FULL LINE OF S TO VES FOB COAL • AND WOOD.. ...Have you seen the... Chancellor Steel Range with mg" Close" It beats them all. Get prices on this range. Pure allteriearb Water White Coal Oil, Lamps, Hardware, Graniteware. —CLOSE PRICES IN CROSS OUT SAWS, The Lance Tooth and the Symonds are mi r Specialties. 010AL.,.". The 'best quality at close prices is:our Motto. We also handle Blacksmiths' Coai. • Tinzvare, Cutlery, Wilton & Turnbull, Brussels.