HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-2-24, Page 88 NOSE TROUBLES. If yon are troubled with Ott earth oe if you cannot breathe freely through both nostrils, ar if you have a dropping in the throb then we have something for you. There are dozens, yea hundreds, in this immed. late vicinity, who kava one, or both nostrils wholly orpartly Mooed so that breathing is not free and sway, You can easily try and if you have any trouble Ibis way come in and see how easily and quickly we can help you. Some very easily catch cold and bave troubles of the nose that may ultimately lead to obetin• ate Catarrh, Deafness or some lung or throat trouble. We have a new stook of atomizers specially made for the nose and throat, whioh, when used with our preparation as direct. ed, you need never fear Oatarrh or any of Be attendant evils. G. A. Deadman, Druggist, Optioian & Bookseller. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION ve. a. & 0, Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows : GOING Moms. GOING NORTH. d' xpress 7:10 a.m. I Mail - 2.10 P.m Xixsd 9:40 a.m. Expresss 10:17 p.m oza1 Stirs Items. A chiefs among ye takia' notes,. An' faith he'll prent it. Hon=E Fair next Thursday. Tan bioyole busiuess is booming np. MANITOBA excursions are being talked up. MAPLE sugar comes next on the pro. gram. JNo. SCOTT ehipDed a car of cattle On Thursday. GET the snow off your share of the sidewalk. ASSESSOR COMMLET will commence oper- ations at Once. MEsens. BASHER & VANsroNE shipped a car of hogs from Brussels on Monday. THE flax business is flat and as a eon- sequencelikely se uence Brussels mill in notbe operated this year. to Mitoses. Boat, MODONALD AND FERGUSON shipped a double decked oar of hogs an Thursday this T u of h e week. BRUSSELS Heaney team played et match with Wroxeter on the rink of the latter on Thursday evening of this week. COMPLAINT 18 made about TRE Pon not getting to Monorieff in time for the pest few weeks. They are mailed here every Thursday evening and go Eastward on Friday's early train. The mail authori. ties bave been asked about it. THE T. A. Simons' Novelty and Gift Carnival gave an entertainment in the Town Hall on Wednesday and will repeat on Thureday evening of this week. They present a unique and varied pro- gram. There was quite a crowd in at, tendance. The muse) of the Regina Orchestra organ, moving piotares, &o., are well worth seeing. A diamond ring will be given away on Thursday evening. OFFloxws Fon 1899. -Brussels has now its outfit of officers for 1899, excepting the appointmeot of Tax Colleotor, and it is as follows : - Reeve, Geo. Backer ; Clerk, F. S. Scott ; Treasurer, A. Straeban ; Assessor, A. Cousley ; Chair- man ot Board of Health, Rev. R. Paul. Under their administration and manage ment there is no reason why we should not continue to prosper. STILL IN THE FRONT. -The Ronald Fire Engine works are now getting ready to • chip by 1st Marchone of their celebrated steam Fire Engines to Windsor, Nova Scotia, including also a hook and ladder trnok, with complete outfit of fire fight- ing appliances, two Bab000k Extinguish- ers, extension, well, roof and ridge lad - dere. These ladders are all made from Douglas Fir, imported direct from B. 0., by the firm, said to the best timber for ladders grown. A. 0. U. W. -At the semi•aonaal meeting of Brussels A. 0. U. W. last Friday evening an interesting program was as follows : - Address on "The morals of Society,' by Rev. S. J. Attie ; •reading by H. Mercer ; solo by Rob. Mc. Craoken ; address on "Bees" by G. A. Deadman ; harmonica and organ, H. Merger and H. MoOrae ; speech, Wm. Ainley a reading by a. Mocae ; solo, W. H. Herr ; reading, W. H. MoOraok. en, A. most enjoyable time was spent by all present and the mem- hers absenting themselves are missing it, Next meeting on the let Friday of Maroh Bro. Farrow will give a report of ike Grand Lodge on that date. PRETTY WEDDING, -The spacious home of Mre. James Wileon, Elizabeth street, Brussels, was the scene of one of those important and interesting events -a marriage ceremony -on Wednesday fore. noon of this week, when Mies Jean, the estimable daughter of the hostess joined band and beast with J. A. Falconer, a well•to-do young gentleman, belonging to the wholesale establishment of Messrs. Sears, Roebuck & Co., of Chicago. At 11.80 o'olook, to the aocompaniment of the Wedding Meroh, executed by Mrs. (Rev,) Abey, the bride entered the draw- ing room leaning on the arm of her brother, Fred. Wilson, Rev, G. J. Abey. tied the matrimonial bow in the presence of near relatives. .Illice Myrtle Wilson, Meter to the bride, was maid of honor. The bride wore a meet becoming eootume of white organdie, trimmed with ribbon and lace and looked charming. After beatty congratnlatione, among which was a telegram from old friends at Guelph, the wedding party eat down to a very nieely prepared wadding breakfast. It le hardly necessary to state that the gifts to the bride were of a most handsome and valuable character. The deooteti00e for the o8oasioa consisted of holly, reties and carnations, Al 2,10 Mr, and Mre. Fateoner took the train for Chicago carrying will, thein the hearty geed wishes of a Inge oirele of Mende for a happy and prosperous future, Tan Pose throws an editorial slipper after our popular Bruseelite and her epouee and baps to often have the opportunity of Wolooming them bank to town ae vieiterd, Neer "Tuesday the High Court of the C.O.P Court, b a nvenae atBrantford, Brueeele Court will be represented by Bro, Jas. Sherrie, Past Obief Banger. Tunnel came nearly being a fire at St. John's oheroh Inst Sunday evening, eaueed by some pleas of cedar near the fgrnaoe taking fire. It wee dieoovered in time and woe speedily checked. Bnuseoto Junior Curlers were to have gone to Wroxeter on Friday afternoon to haven friendly game with the atone twirlers et that berg. The foe was too soft and coneeenentty did not eventuate. Cone Pitmans Amexeann1a, No. 24, 0. 0. F„ Brassie, received notiflcabion of the deoeaee of a brother Fenger, Bro, Mattoon, of Atwood Court, and were asked to attend the funeral on Saturday forenoon but were uoeble to go owing to the bad condition of the roads. Botnn oP HEALTu.-The organization meeting of the Board of Health for B0ueeele was held last Friday evening in the Counoil Chamber; all the members present. On motion of A. Stewart, esoonded by W. Jewitt, Rev. R. Paul was re-elected Chairmen for 1899. The Provincial Board of Health have issued a circular aekieg that all school obildren and other unvacninated persons be vac• °foaled ae soon ae possible, and that suitable provision be made for smallpox oases. There has been no general vac, oination slice 1885. LI connection with the request a resolution was pasted authorizing the carrying out of the in- structions re vaccination, and tbat the same be done as soon as possible. There was a talk over the general work of the local Board and the law will be rigidly enforced as to the cleaning up of yards and premises as soon as Spring opens, The Board adjourned to meet at the pall of the Chairman, Bev. Mr. Paul makes a tip-top official and looks after the various duties with neatness and diepatah. SDOOEssiruL ENTERTAINMENT. -The aloe• Ing concert for the season tinder the auspices of the Citizens' Course was held on Tuesday evening of this week, when an excellent program was presented by the Oxford Musical Chib, of Boston. Ghoioe instrumental selections were rendered by the Club end the solos by Mr. Tilton, on the piccolo ; Mr. Proctor on the banjo and trombone ; and Mr. Reinwaid on the cornet were heartily enjoyed. "As your hair grows white" was splendidly sung by Mr. Thrasher, and to response be gave "Love her in the same old way." Mr. Rormao, the basso and pianist, sang "Asleep in the deep" .to good voice and "The old guard" as an encore. The vocal duet "The Palma" by Messrs. Korman and Thrasher was an excellent number and was heartily encored. The gentlemen responded with "Rescued." In the three descriptive pieces "Down the Miseinetppi" ; Ten minutes with the minstrels' • and A day at the clime" everything was realistic although some would have preferred more music. There was a very" large audience preseot, the biggest seen 1n the Hall for several years. J. H. Cameron introduced the Club to the audience. • Tan Base Hoes Fon BACON. - The Whyte Packing Co., ,Mitchell, writes :- As it is especially important that we ehouid at all times have the finest bacon to suit the British market, and ae we cannot do this without the oo-operation of the farmers, we wish to say to them in future we will have to cull out all hogs as lights and heavies, that do not come within the weights of 160 and200 pounds. Ae we find there is far too large a pro- portion of the bogs coming now over these weights, and we are being docked severely for the heavy eidee on the Brit- ish market, we are 0ompelled to do this. Last Summer and Fall there were far too many light hogs, and we had to ad- vise making them a little heavier. Now it has gone to the other extreme, and there are too many heavy and too fat. The hogthat is wantedat all times is a nine long one that will not weigh lest then 170 or more than 190 pounds, but we will take all bogs weighing not lase than 160 and up. to 200 pounds live weight, for fall price, provided they are nice fleshy hoes, not too fat and not thin or skinny. Lighte, heavies and fate, in proportion. We desire to let the farmers know this, so that they will know what we want, and will not be offended at hav- ing to take a smaller price for hogs that are not up to the standard, when they o0me in. A svernno.-The following is a state. went of the receipts and disbursements in oonneotien with the Citizens' Enter. tainment Conroe whioh oonoladed on Tuesday evening of this week :- 000EIPTe. 180 Course Tickets at 31125 $162 50 7 Course Tiokete at $1 00... 7 00 5 Child's Tickets at 76o 3 75 1 Child's Ticket at 60o 00 Door receipts -Macey Concert15 20 " Ysigh Leotere.,16 10 " McDonald Concert 13 80 Imper'1 Quartette 36 96 Oxford Olub 58 60 Total $313 00 EXPENDITURE. J. W. Macey $ 85 00 Mise Jean 112oLanohiio, pianist 2 00 W. C. Smith, painting 1 50 Frank Yeigh H. R. McDonald Mre, Hambly Imperial Quartette Herald, printing John Beattie, livery and 'bus fares A. Strachan, obbton R. Leatherdale, piano W. H. Kerr, printing Oxford Club John Walker, piano Seale and Bristol Board for plans Postage, Express, eto Cash on Hand 46 00 21 80 15 00 50 00 3 75 6 00 60 6 00 18 00 85 00 3 00 1 8e 17 72 Total $813 00 It will be seen by the above that there ie nearly 818.00 to the good whioh will be handed over to the town Treasurer to be applied to Town Hall improvements. Thie amount would have been doubled if not trebled bad the weather on three 0201281on0 oat of the five been propitious, but as it is a most interesting and enjoy. able aeries of entertainments was pre. seated and the Committee deserve the hearty thanks of the people of Brussels and surrounding country for pining within their reeeh euoh excellent talent at so low an admission fee. Itis to be hoped that another season will see a repetition of a eimillar Course 80 that lovers of good music, lecture and story may have an opportunity tel in tills way seeming whatotherwiee would be outside 0f their reach in hewn the size of Brea. gale, TIIE ,BRT,ISSELS POST Tim village Auditors are at work. Ad of a 1 1 aA t .o bugglea and bihor Nods was received this week by Messrs, Ewan &'Innes. Moesre. Cardiff &Gest also re. ceived a oar of a rioultnrel bnplenients. SEE the G. T. 11. Maurtoba excursion advt. .leering the menthe of March and April excursions will leave Brussels each Tuesday, Quite a number talk of going `Neat. Tali Posy extends 000gratulations to Bro. Holmes, of the Clinton Now Era, on hie election es M. P. in West Ilurou, Ilia victory le as mush a compliment to his own manliness and integrity as lc the general satiefaotion given by Sir Wil. frid Laurier and his Government. EAST Dupree M. P. P. -Last Feidey'e Toronto Globe says :-Tips members of the North Toronto Liberal Olub had the pleasure of listening to a stirring addrese by 1Fir. Hislop, M. P. P. for East Huron, at the meeting at the club last night. Mr. Hislop comp'imeuted the Club and To• route Liberals on the plucky manner they had oontioued to fight against odds in the past, congratulated thein on having won Centre Toronto, and almost wiped out the large Tory majorities iu the last local elections, and exhorted them to keep op the fight. He oondemned the Tory practice of making general charges of corruption against Liberal Governments and not attempting or being able to prove their chargee before Parliamentary Dom• mitteee, and challenged Tory leaders to adopt the Liberal plan of formulating opemfio charges and making them in the House. He referred to Sir Charles Top• per's action in Bret approving of the Yukon railway bill and then "swallowing himself" when hie party friends decided to oppose the measure. The speaker dwelt at length on the great prosperity whioh the country was now enjoying, and attributed it in a great measure to Liberal tariff reform and the confidence whioh the business men of Canada . had in the present Dominion Governmeut. Mr. Ftielop received the warm thanks of the Club for acospting its invitation to be present and for his able and oonoise re- marks. Tna Pocw.-The first hockey match ever played in Brussels eventuated on Thursday afternoon of last week between Brussels and Wroxeter. A rink was or. ranged on the Maitland river at the toot of Elizabeth street but owing to tete mild weather the ice was not in firet•olase shape. The game was well fought out and was most interesting to the large number of spectators. Brussels won by a score of 3 to 0. The goals were taken by Bert. Gerry, Joe MoKay and A. D. Denali. The teams Iioed up as follows : BRn09ELs. WROxETEn. F. Haycroft ....,. Goal W, Rae G. Irwin Polut A. RoBrawnbinson D, McLaucblh Coy, Pt H. A. D. Duman...J. Brawn McNay.... ., ... J. Gilles pie Forwards Bothe H. Sm tit Bert. Gerry ) J. MaLeocl Mr. Farrel was the Referee One trouble io the matob was the absence of a fence to keep the peek on the rink, Among the visitors are some exoelleut skaters and they handle the stick in good style. Brussels boys put up a good strong game and with praotioe would be able to hold their own in local matches. Mr. Duncan understands the game well and posts his companions on the essen- tials to good hockey. Atwood was to have played a return match but the mild weather prevented it this week. Our boys go to Wroxeter for a match There• day. Oar. -Monday morning, John MoDoug. al, one of the pioneers of Grey township, died at his resideooe, Albert street, Bruer eels, after a abort illness of about 10 days, in his 80111 year. Deceased was born 1n the island of Mull, Argylesbire, Scotland, and came to Canada with relatives in the year 1851. After spending a year at Whitby be moved into Grey township taking up a 100 acre farm on the 8th oon., upon whioh he continued to live until 1895 when he Bold to Riobard S, Arm strong, of Morris township, and moved into Brussels, where a comfortable bons was pnmhaeed. In 1854 Mr. McDougall was united in marriage to Mise Catharine, daughter oft the late Allan Lamont, who survives him. Their children are John, of Bowmanville ; Peter and Allan, of Brandon, Mao. ; Angus, of Sault Ste. Marie ; Mrs, H. Will, of Algoma ; and Misses Mary and Maggie, at home. Catherine died in Oot. 1882 and Sarah on Sept, 4211, 1898. Mrs. L. Blank and Mrs. S. Barr, 4th line of Morrie, are slaters to Mr. MoDoagall. The subject of this notice;was a straight -forward, honorable man, who enjoyed the good opinion of the community. He was a Presbyterian in religion and a Liberal ie politics. The cane of death was bronchitis and heart failure. Funeral took plane on Wednes- day afternoon of this week, Rev. Jno. Rose, 13. A., oonduoted the service. In- terment was made in Brussels cemetery. In the departure of Mr. McDougall one of the earliest settlers of Grey has passed away. Business Locals, Clover and Timothy seed at McCrea. ken's. Plan of children's woolen gloves found. Ask ab THE Pose. Two good working horses for sale at lot 27, oon. 7, Morrie. Bone, Waren. 88. For sale, cheap, one sett second hand single harness. I. C. Richards. Ronald Fire Engine Works wish to purchase 100 to 200 oorde of wood, four feet long -hard or soft -green or dry, early delivery. W. A. CRIga ie still doing business at the old stand where may be found bread, cakes and pastry. Fruits in their eea son. HEADING BOLTS WANTED. -1,000 cords of heading bolts wanted, moat be 40 inokes long, good size and sound. High. est oaeh price. P. ANENT. Had Mot Prom tlto run Was the ball that hit G. B. Steadman, of. Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. It caused horrible ulcers that no treatment helped for 20 years. Then Baoitlen's Arnica Salve cured him. Cures, outs, bruises, burse, boils, felons, ones, 'skin er0ptione. Beet Pile aura on earth. 25 oente a box. Cure guaranteed, Sold by G. A. Deadman, druggist. 1EWAN & Lem Bold, last Saturday, two beggise to Hiolop Bros., formerly of the 10th con. of Grey, to take to the Weet, One can get whatever they want in the above line by applying to Idwan & Line. Parties who intend repainting or trim• ming old buggies for the 8ammer should apply at 0004 BR it would give them mora time in getting a good job. We keep a first -ohne painter and •alto the beet of painte, &o, FEB, 24, 1899 A few kegs of lake herring to exobange for weed. Apply atBellontyne'e grocery, Brussels. OYSTER 130118411 1 d. s baro an W. 4Crf t 0l Is prepared to Supply the publio with Boodles beet tureen -from Baltimore, Wanted -Butler 16-17o. A ten of feathers, dried app'ee and raw furs. G. E. Kine, Wing ton. A11 parties indebted to us will confer a favor by Dulling and settling either by oath or promissory note at once. 1, 0.Rioharde. .ttrave lien Fall Viotii= to Stomach, liver and kidney troubles as well as women, and all feel the results in loss of appetite, poisons in the btupd, bath ache, nervousness, head- ache, and tired, listless, ren -down feel- ing. But there ie no need to feet like that. Listen to J. W. Gardner, Idaville, Ind. He says :-"Eleotric Bitters are just the thing for a man when ho is all run down, and don't care whether he lives or dies. It did more to give •me new strength and good appetite than anything I could take. I can now eat anything and have a new lease of life.' Only 50 oente, at G. A, Deadman'e drug store. Every bottle guaranteed. MAR.RS�9, F.wuoxnn-Wxreoot -In Brussels on Feb. 22nd, by Rev. G. J. Abey, Mr, John A. Falconer, of Chicago, Ill., to Mies Jean, daughter of the lath James Wilson, of Brussels, =men. McDocatLL. -In BTneselS, an Feb. 20, 1899, John MoDougall, aged 79 years, 8 months and 18 days. Girzaw.-In Gerrie, on Feb, 19th, Sam- uel Greer, aged 64 years. NEAn.-In Weet Nissoari, Perth Co. , Ont., Feb. 12, Nancy Burgess, relict of the late C. Near, and mother to Mrs. James Dudley, Brussels, in her 80th year. ATTCT201V' e.4 x.am. FnxnEr, Fan. 24Ta.-Farm stock, im- plements, &o. Lot 8, con. 4, Grey. Sale unreserved at 1 p. m. Robe. MoBlain, prop., F. S. Soots, auc. TUESDAY, Manna 7, -Farm stock, im. elements, &c., Lot, 4, con. 18, Grey. Sale, etnreserved, at 1 o'oloclt. John Roddick, Prop. F. S. Scott, nue. THDnsney, Mena 9TH, -Farm at0elt, implements, &o. N}lot 6, Con. G, Motrin. Sale at 12 o'clock sharp. S. InvINE, Prop., 0. Hamilton, Ano. FRIDAY, MAnoa 10. -Lot 11, oon. 2, Grey. Farm stook, implements, &o. Bale, unreserved, at 1 p. m., sharp. Alex. Rose, prop. T. E. Hey, aro. :ER 17SS3m ..01 MA.xexcas2.6, Fall Wheat 67 Barley ...... 35 Peas 64 Oats 28 Butter, tubs and rolls ,. 13 Eggs per, dozen 13 Flour per barrel4 00 Potatoes (per bus.) 50 Hay per tou 5 00 6 00 Hides trimmed 7 75 Hides rough 5 . 5 Salt per bbl., retail1 00 60 Sheep skins, each ...,30 75 Lamb skins each •t. 25 25 Hogs, Live 8 75 4 00 Dressed Hoge 4 50 5 00 Wool 16 17 Apples (per bag) 50 65 68 40 05 29 14 15 4 00 60 EAST Bureau, N. Y., Feb. 21. -Oat. tie -The offerings were about 4 loads 1 there was the usual Tuesday peddling trade, with no important changes en quoted prices from yesterday. Sheep and lambs -The offerings were light -16 loads ; the trade was rather strong, with 50 the top quotable prioe. Choice to extra lambs are quotable at $4 90 to 86 ; good to choice' $5.75 to 54,90 ; sheep, choice to extra, 54.25 to $4,40 ; good to ohoioe, 54.10 to $4.26 ; there was only a moderate clearance at the prioe and bare- ly steady at the close. Hogs -Offerings 88 loads, and market generally Blow on the best kinds, but in very bad shape for pigs, which were in too liberal supply for die demand during the best hours of the day, and not wanted at all on the close ; heavy were quotable at 53.85 to 83.90 ; medium, $8.85 ; Yorkers, 53.70 to 53.75 stags, $2 50 53.50 to 52.75ke, 53.20 to 53.6.0 ; Toronto, Feb. 21. -Flour is quiet, with priests unehangotl ; straight rollers in wood are quoted at $3.10 to 55 20 West. Bran is firm, at 512.50 to 513.50 West. Shorts, 514 to $16 Weet, and 510 here. Wheat is quiet, with the feeling firmer red is quoted at 69o. to 690. and white at c 6050 to 70o Weet ; goose as firm, at 710 t0 715o low freights • No 1, Manitoba hard is nominal; at 70o Fort William, et 783 to 790 Midland and Oweo Sound, and at 810 to 82o Toronto freight ; No. 1, Northern is quoted at 78o to 790 Toronto freights, Oats are steady, with white quoted at 290 to 2940 North and Weet, and at 30o to 8050 Weet, Peas sold at 660 West, and 67o Bast. Rye is steady, at 560 Weat, and at 570 East. Buck- wheat, 490 to 50a outside. Corn quiet and easy, with Canadian quoted at 85o West, and new American at 410 to 42o here. Barley quiet, with No. 1 at 460 to 470 Weet, and at 470 to 480 East. Tonolaro, Fun, 21. -Receipts at the Toronto cattle market to -day were heavy, being 77 car loads including about 160 sheep and lambs, 1,800 hogs, and the usual number of calves and Milch cows. There was only a fair attendance, and the choice selection of cattle were the only animals for whioh there was any urgent demand, The general tone of the market ruled steady to firm. The prices for cattle remained unchanged from Friday. The offetinge included a num. ber of exporters, whioh were easily die. posed of at firm priced, and perhaps a few oeots higher, acoording to the quality. The supply of heavy exportere was a little' heavier than anticipated, and the prides remained firm, the choicest selections being quoted at $4,50 to $4.85 and $5 per cwt. for clime eoleotlons. Tho offerings of butchers' ohoioe and common cattle wore also a little heavier than usual, but the demand was fairly good at timoq, and the pens were pfotty we1101oaned on by noon, Choice fetch 54, 5415 and 64.26 pet met, for ohoioe selections. Common were slaw of sale at $8 to $8,75 per cwt. Heavy stock bulls worn in moderate stipply at steady prioee, or 58,60 to 54 per cwt. There was an. exceptionally heavy enpply of mileh cows which brought Rteady prioee-580 to $45 each, Canadian otook for Buffalo were in moderate adpply, and the priers ST4,7i1D, .PD B4XE' OP Ct I IAD l , 00X010m HEAD OFFIOS, - TORONTO CAPITAL PAID UP (One Million Dollars) • 81,000,000 1119SER9E FUND . • 5000,000 Agencies inall principal palette in Ontario, Quebec, illairitaba, United States r6 England. e1&FI. k,gl6s igffeXCE. A General Bathing Business Tlaneaoted, Farmers' Notes Discounted, Drafts Ieotuit and Collections made on all pointe. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of 51,00 and upwards. SPECIAL ATTENTION LIMEN TO 011E GOLLEOTxoN or F'ALttane' SALE NOTES. Every faoility afforded Customers living at a dietanoe. J. N. GORDON, ACTING AGENT, remained unchanged, heavy stookerc fetohiog 53.60 to 53,76 per owt. Feeders were in ample supply, at 53.50 to $4 per owt. Sheep and lambs -Tho run was light and the demand moderate. The prioee remained unchanged from Friday. Sheep for export and butohers' use fetohed 55 to $5.25 per cwt. Lambe wore in moderato supply, at 54.25 to $4.50 per cwt. Bunks were quilt, at 52.50 to 52.75 per owl, Choice veal calves were in ample supply and brought ready prices at 53 to 57 per bead. Hogs -The run in the annex was exceptional- ly heavy, and the demand was good ; the market for choice remained firm, while light were a little easier me ac- count of the moderate supply. Choice fetched 54.50 per cwt. Light broughb e4 to 54 60 per owt. Thiok eat were in ample supply, at 53.875 per cwt. Sows were quiet at 53 per cwt. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. FARM SECURITY. -THE UN- naao002ED has had 410.000 placed in his hands to loan on mortgage, farm seem:. ity. Payment to suit borrowers. Apply to W. H. KERB, Brussels. ANYONE WANTING A SEW - 1100 Machine, Organ or Piano can be su polled by applying to me for I am not out of the bneneee ae same have tried to report. I will deal with you es reasonable as any, 23• T. 1110 ORE, Brunets. FOR SALE. Splendid Black Stallion, "Dexter Re- venge,. stands 1ek bands high and weighs 1,000. Sired by Royal Revenge,' out of •'Old Clear Grit," Sure fcal getter. For full particulars apply to JOHN HOLLINGER, Lot 10, Oon. 0, Grey. Bsueaela P. 0. IT OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE on Mill street, Brussels. The house is a comfortable one, well fitted up, with cellar, hard and soft water,&a. There. 1s also a good stable. Fruit rees in arden t ever oe•quurter acre of land. For prim', terms, &e., apply to F. FINN, Proprietor, or W. H. fillip, of Tun P000. 18.tt MISS SARAN LEWISE MOORE, :L. 0, M., Academie graduate of London Conserva- tory of Mnelo, is prepared to receive a limit- ed number of pupils for instruction on the piano. Walton -Monday, Tuesday; Brussels Wednesday Thursday; Seaforcli-Friday, Saturday. Qualified to prepare pupil e for the Principal's Form in the Conservatory of Music. •,.....aroa01121513 1..1OR SALTI.-A. FIRST.OLASS driving mare, 0 roars old, sound and all right, THOS, AfoLAIJ ORLIN, 00.2f Broesels. UCTION SALE OF FARM, Stook, Implements &o. T.10.1f ay, Auo. has been instructed by the undersigned to soil by Public Auction at Lot 11, Oou, 2, Grey, on FRIDAY, MARCH 10th, 1800. coin• me0eing at 1o'olooic share, the following valuable property, viz.: 1 horse 8 years 01d, 1 horse 5 vears olii, 1 mare 4 years old, 8 cows supposed 3n oelf, 2 farrow cows, 4 steers 2 years old,\8 heifers 2 years old, 8 'lettere 1 Year old, 2 Spring calves, 7 Shropshire owes, 1 thoro'bred Sbropehire ram, 1 brood sow, I Maesoy-Harris binder, I Brantford mower, 1 Pea barveeter, l bay rake,.1 seed drill,1 land roller, 1 lumber wagon, 1 double buggy pole and shafts, 1 t: p boggy, 1 gutter, 2 plows,1 gang plow, 1 sonffier, 1 stumping machine, 1 sat iron harrows, 2 bet wooden harrows, 1 turnip sower, 1 fanning mill, 1 set platform wales, 2,500 lbs., 1 turulp pulpor, 1 turnip elloer, 1 hay rooky 1 pig o1, cattle rank, 1 pair of bob -sleighs, 1 gravel box, 1 manure box, 1 whoolbarrow, l grindstone, l sickle grinder, 2 sets double harness, 2 sets single hareem, 1 new, 1 goat robe, a number of grain bags, 1 grain cradle, a quantity of bay, whiffle - trees, neckyokso,forks, eaythos,rakes, orow- bar, spades, eh ovale, eros nut 001,01, 0110100, picks, tables, bedsteads, box stove, meat bbl, ohm 1'n, and numerous other articles. Sala 'without reserve as Proprietor ls giving up farming. Farms of sale -All sums of 85 and under oaeh; over that amount 12 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. 4 per eeut. air for cash on credit amounts. AL EX. It080, Pro- prietor; 11,10. El KY, Auctioneer. REAL ESTATE. Tp7ARMI FOR SALE. -THE UN- dersigoed offers his farm, West Half Lot Bale, Oon. 4, Grey, containing 60 20080 more or loss. For partioulure as to price and terms apply to AROH.1IOBERT80N, Brussels P, 0, on the premises, FATMI TO RENT. -THE 100 acre farm being lot 20, eon. 7, 1 Grey, 5 mile from Ethel, is open for renting to a good tenant. Possession given on April lat. 10 acres of Fall wheat in and Fall plowing done. Comfortable house and barn, For further particulars apply to 38.40 WE. 8PENOE, Ethel. RINE FARM FOR SALE. -BE. IND Lot 20. N 4 Oon. 0. Morris township, containing 08 acres of ¢ret-olaes land, There is a house, barn, orchard and goon ware- house, and farm is well fenced. There are 85 sores in Fall wheat; 15 acres in bay and 46 a0re0 pasture. Possession could be given at once. Form adjoins the village of 13ru9- sele, For further particulars as to price, terms, &o., write to JAMES LIVINGB.ON, M. P„ Baden. 22•1f Ch!llila!us i Thera le nothing mob more annoying than to suffer with Chilblains But we can cure them -Don't kink the hsole out of your shoes any long. or, but try a bottle of our Chilblain Cure, 16o, per bottle, and we guarantee a one or yen money back AT Fox's Drug More. �OOD 100 ACRE FARM FOR SALE. Lot 10, Con. 9, Grey. 12 feet of it touobee the river. Immediate possession. For price, terms, &o., apply to 10- THOS. MOORE, Brusaele. 'PARK FOR SALE. -150 ACRES Consisting of the South a and South t of f be North 4 of Lot 80, Con ,a, East Wawa - nosh. This is an oxaellent stook farm, being well supplied with good sprig water. It is situated about 3 mixes from the thriving Vil- lage of Blyth. A large part of it is under grass. Buildings and tenon are in a fair state of repair. Easy terms of payment will be given, For all information apply to 11-20 G. F. GLAIR, Barrister, Brussels, GOOD FARMS FOR SALE. - The undersigned offer two 100 aore farnte for sale at reasonable prises. The lots aro Nos. 10 and 11, Con. 0 (Sunshine), the aideroad between .them. Good brick house and barn on lot 11, and hoose and 2 barna on lot 10, Orcharde and all necessary eooven- lenOes. Well watered and suitable for grain or grazing, 100 scree now in grass. Will bo Bold either separate or together to suit pur- 0haser. Tonna of payment reasonable. Im- mediate possession. For further particulars apply to JOSEPH OLEGG, llruseele P. 0., or E.L. »MEINSON, Barrister, Wingham. 121 CENTRAL;' b',' - 4 1 E �ell _ vJ Shot f0 rl-Ont Thousands of young men and women have found a business education a stepping -stone to 8000080. ta'Oirculars Free. Enter Norf. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. CES in STOG.•• lild �� UST 7x.. tai RED 1000. The prices are cut, and in .a great litany oases we are selling goods for less than, what they cost us,.._, The Grandest Moue.' -saving Event ent for you b The Worst of Financial Looses for ua ! But its only for a short time -11 Days -Call and make money by saving it.. Suits for Boys, Suits for Men, Overcoats for Boys, Overooats for Men, At Manufacturers' Prices, Boots o a BI One of the largest stocks in town, The Prices -They are just what they cost us, and lines that are not gilt edge for less than cost. Priestley's Celebrated. Dress Goods AT WHOLESALE PRICES, FANCYDRESS GOODS at Wholesale Prices REMEMBER' ONLY 4 DAYS LONGER. ' las Prim for Pr-'oduce. rem,