HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-2-24, Page 7FEB. 24, 190D. 'BUSSES DRIVEN 13Y AIR. testnode r eireet IAt I n al' 'J'AOldUln.. o t1 e11.0t10 Within the next few weeks London - ere will see etinning in the 11treete Rn omnibus neither drawn nor driven by horses, Menial, oil nor electricity, says the London . Daily Mail, It will be one of the ordinary Lon- don omnibuses, with ecntie pule and front wheels only removed, the latter being 1 Y 1•e placed h two smaller wheels and the Moles muter driven by com- pressed air /tone tYlIndere under the 'bus. The Moles compressed air motor As claimed to be en absolutely new in- vention and a highly unproved method of using the atmosphere compressed, almost as one might a spiral spring. so that it yields a pressure of 75 lb. to 00 lb. to the s utre Inch n being c,1 a g released, and through the mechanism drives Lhe wheels and the vehicle on- ward. The inventor, Mr, Jean Moles, civil engineer, of 247, High -road, SouthTot- tenhom, was seen by a Daily Mail rep- resentative, to whum he gave a full description of the, new motor and what it was proposed should be done with it. Briefly, the system of compressing air," he said, " consists in using a pow- erful pumping plant to force air into strong metal cylinders, so that when a valve Is opened, it rushes forth with great strength, supplying power to al- most any degree, and at the same time is perfoutly under control. Unfortun- ately all attempts to do this in con - emotion with oar propulsion have been financial failures owing to the inef- ficiency of the motors used., whereby 65 per cent. of the strength was wast- ed. The waste in the case of the Moles motor is but 10 per cent., and that is why 1 consider the problem of cheap, comfortable and reliable street travel - Beg by motor ars is now assured. ' The omnibus we will have running next month will carry twenty-six pas- sengers -twelve inside and fourteen outside -tad two attendants, just at) all London 'buses do at present. The Petiole le merely an. altered 'bus, with the driver replaced by a motor man, whose seat is over the driving wheels on a platform level with the'hus floor. A cylinder 7 It. 6 in. long and 9 in. in diameter, hung under the floor, will complete and full of passengers will come well within the Light Locomo- tives Act, which limits the total weight to two tons, and the speed to eight miles an hour. " On arrival at each terminal of a. journey the cylinder will be charged by the compressing plonl for a seven- meo trip. This operation will take one maiete only in performing. If neces- hiry, he the addition of further- cy- lant crs, n Lfteen-mild storage caneas- ll i e [Heated, but for London street daft,: thio i3 not likely to be requir- e 1. :eh t potv4''r'of the corepressod air motor ilea wi,l he tested hefnrehend up the elecoIceit in :line in the metro - poli: --1 hal of Savoy steeet, Strand -and ,here iJ not th elle,hlest fear of its etirking, bYe8Icing Geon, or running away, " Wartime, there is no drneer rf an eeolo•ion, no 1 4114 14 34 nu ;lu•l1, no rulake., DJ bee 1, aro 1 no eff••neiv0 ex- it twit thrown off. BY meant of two lir el"4 th • manor man lute hi i plot rem- p'etely WOOF control The (Melee nerd for nrdinu✓ nr'tnl•.in111 will Le woo keel he his foot, en I in rase of danger or rat rg"11'V the inekanlan"ous rem - .p: e=sed air brake will stoe; the vehicle within a lcry few fed," WINTER FUN. Rosemery-Shoo'dyou 01111 young elle Cue:wet 1 cleve0? Mar;auu1 - Clcverd 1Io (lues)'( L•: o,r euouell 1,1 tu014 around when lie Wiw,.d ,0 go bnelc, Frank -Si me g•,n• ie in Birmingham bas 10vtotted ,1 n nt,utlte44 semi. Is I!y -Why that's 0,d. .L'vo 4,11:11 t;ucut ever 4iuca 1uy WLJ learned .a ride a Like. Seam men, s.ild Uncle Eben, tcoalln' halo 111 L,euele 'lull 'Leat gentle' r ell el. d •y bald "n ..s 4 i; h..° d. Ilene, y alt y 1144314. lid 11ay dee.. ,0 ,a, xna.h.y day borrows, As to Herod ity.-L4acs-3'ou Flo nod policy() dun tie inhe,'3d out' tuvalitio. Limn our onruf,.d+rsd 4'oh-11a,._1u- Suivly n.,dl 11 my iorefild,rJ ILI1 rl, name' pe0S11 ::s nil silty tie .tea, veul(1 1 lute to begin 114.Lout Vu,l 08111? Business Man ,tngelfy)-You were ore last asL• wu.,k, Did 1 uLt 1011 you never to shot your fano- in my office agnln? Lite Insurance Agent (cheer- fully) -Yes,• sir; T called to see ifyou haven't changed your mind. .A. Bad Blunder. -Visitor (in jail, to prisoner), -What • are you here for? Prisoner -For stealing. Visitor -What did you steal? Prisoner -I stole a girl's affections. Visit or --Well, tient 18 no re- frnctioc of the law, Prisoner -H -m. I carried 'eta oft with her father's horse and oart. Once upon a time a Blubird piped Ills lily very early in the season,/There- upon numbers laid aside their winter underwear and fell accordingly, ill, Unsanitary piping• remarked the 'doc- tors, acutely, for there were unmisla.k- able zymotic symptoms. This fable shows holy important it is for sing- ing to have n eeienliii8 basis, ONli WAY TO GET AHEAD. Young man, ,said the long-haired. passenger to the stranger in the op- posite sept, who way on very intimate terms with n pocket flask, don't you know that if you persist in drinking you will never be tibia to get aheadin the world? I won't eh? replied the thinly In. dividual. Well, old man, that's where your trolley jumps the wird. You may be long on hair, but you're ehort 0n knowledge. 'Won't get ahead, won'iiT( :fel,, you a doll'4r to a stale 'doughnut I'I get a heed by to -morrow bigger then n barrel, -------•---- T1EEB ZIRussiilLS . POST, EMPEROR WILLIAM'S MAIL, {I aw Ills Very l,4u'ge 044111 le Jimmied by the MMus. The Emperor of Germany has a little post ofliee of his own, with offiobilo detailed espoolally to handle the vol - wallet -me mail mutter lh1tL comae ovary Baty addreseod to him, :411 letters are (!lassifi0(1 under the ,hrne 11/.ads, "Private," "Official" and '.Immediate." Private letters are handed t d over Lo tit. unopened, Matte those marn,ad 'uif.iciul" land in 11 ] u civil uabinot of 1h•1 li•tt o' i s r f they 11onlain petitions ons bY uivi11ns, while those of a military character ga to the military cabinet. Chiefs of those two departments make all the necessary In - guides regarding the communisation, and then prepare the answers in nr- cordanoe with the regulations for of fide/. letters. These 4R8WeJH 120 tole rn to the Emperor, who expresses his approval by affixing his signature. Answers aro then despatched by Hew clal messengers to their destination. The messengers used in this service aro the most trustworthy men who can be found. EVIDENTLY DEAD. Maginnis had been ill for some time, and, like a great many invalids, he elite somewhat irritable, and when flings failed to meet his approval the first unfurtunate who came within range was pretty apt to bo reminded of it, • in a way far more forcible than pulite. Ile lingered in this condition fa' sev- eral weeks, daily growing walker, hut still holding his own sufficiently to make things lively and more or less in- teresting for those about him. Finally, one day, when the family doctor called, he met the long-suffer- ing Mrs. Maginnis coming out of the Sick -room, and, ruooing his hands, he WOMEN NOT GOOD TO EAT. a41er(e45 3'nnnlbnts Who ignore 1121: 41 we. Hoot's Cent 4447." " Woman is not good to eat," That Is one of the maxims laid down by the only A nericau earllllbal tribe. the Chunchoe, who live in the moun- tainous border lands on the eastern verge of Peru, These Chunchos are justly feared and hated by the Perevian8 of the foothills and plains. Time' havetie been cannibals iters f tom the time of the Incas and ai wa sa as now, fierce. wild, and unappioao1able, Tho Chun.hoa, or wnom the fiercest tribes are called Autee and Celt:ihaes, regard woman as a creature of alto= gather lower nature than man. Tier duty is to till the fields and look after the children. Her flesh is poisonous, obey say, boaause she is an Impure be- . CLOTHING THE LIMBS IN WINTER, 11 is surprising that it•is- necessary to emphasize thefast that the arms end legs need warm clothing in win- ter even more than the trunk of the body, But it is a common sight to see women on the street with their shoul- ders well protected by heavy wraps un t furs, while their arms bear evl- den'o of much lighter covering. Every 114m:in s ploys/Hee knows that not one tram -en in a hundred properly clothes. I he tower extremities in winter. Even riffle cbildren, although not often sub- 'eeled to the inhumanity of absolute- ',; bare army and 1:•gs in cold weath- er, fire to a greater or less degree vis - t 104 of Ills fatal carelessness and Se - gleet. - cheerily remarked: Ab, good -morning, Mrs. Maginnis. How is our patient to -day? Des dead the poor mon is, O'im rather thinkin' Ilivin gist his scowl was the reoigned reply. You think he is dead? Don't you know whether he is or not? demanded the doctor, Not ler shore, responded Mrs. Mae ginnis, briskly: but thin he belbrays ivory symptom of it. I wint into his room jist now, an' he didn't t'row any- thing at one , PATTI'S YOUNG EYES. Tho ' birth certificate of Adelina Patti, recently found at Madrid, places the time of birth of the prima donna at 1843. So Patti al 55 is still the; admired of world. ti is till all the volt Pat s youthful tvitheyas that are -as described a Berlin paper -"absolutely young." 'When in, New York, not many years ago, Patti told the writer the secret of her young eyes. "I never road at night," said she, "if I can help it. It does not hurt the eyes to try, if you sleep afterward. I batbe my eyes in hot and cold water, as feels hest. I do a greet many things I am told never to do. But I also observe certain rules. I never read at. twilight or when hungry. I sleep fully nine hours, more if I need it. I eat lightly many times a day. I keep my eyes free by nob making them tired. That is all." ,1 TT Ne 1 ea y, nappy Siris OFTEN BECOME LANGUID FROM NO APPARENT CAUSE. the meal Is n Vital Dlontont-It Must Bo nein Pimm, BUD and 130,1 -Duly In Tills platy Can Yonng Girls Attain ! ct•fret tiro (111. I t '314 airy thtya of her womanhood eta. y girl -Hina Lter what her station 11 iU-1-e:ILdI I be I1t;slit, aotive, 'cheer - foe an:1 11.gm y h u' step ehaula be 1 g'ee., her rye bright and her cheeks l 01y- 451' 1 111.4 g 0,131.214441,11. But the le 5t'dl"de ie.1 II' union:Len ,Lu L'O'(d1t1Jn•of thousands of young gi, 11 tnroughout 111. lean'niun. 'lhty dreg along, al- I' way bete, neve,-hungry, breathless nn With 7a pawl tat.Lg heart after l phi exorcise I0 chat 111'tidy 0 gd 119 at .1 1 iH CA1.01'0.41g. 11 n duotor 1s co isul Led be 1.,11, t hem elute h, y are ann.on r -Ino Wein Leg ish for which i ih y re Ira little blood -and un - 1 es h 441)V1rfltl bleed enriching, nerve- 1',storingtonic such as Dee Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Reople is taken to restore health, decline and an early grave is only too likely to follow. 11/he benefit which follows the use of . Dr. Williams' Pink Pills' in, oases of this kind is amply illustrated by the following testimonial from Miss Ida Bookman, of Marlcsville,• Ont, Miss Bookmcn says: "It gives me Much LOOKING FOti A SCRAP. The tram) had been very impertinent and dicta, oriel, until the hired malt un- expectedly made his appearance and inqu4red : Are you lookiu' for a scrap ? His meaner changed entirely, and at untie hu answered: '1' e3, sir; that's what I'm Makin' fur -a scrap u' cold turkey er cold hem, er anything Lhal-happens to be handy. NORTH AMERICAN LIFE. The annual meeting of this company was held in the company's budding here on Thursday, February 2nd, 1899, when Mr. John L. Blaikie was appoint- ed chairman, and Mr. William McCabe secretary. The directors' report presented at the meeting, showed continued and mark- ed proofs of the great progress and solid prosperity of the Company in ev- ery branch of its lousiness. SUMMARY OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND BALANCE SHEET FOR THE YEAR 1, L DI9 D N DECEMBER, 81ST, 1898, Cash Income ... •.,8 785,130.81 Expenditure, including death claims, endow- ments, matured invest- ment, policies, profits, and all other payments to policy -holders. 442,019.07 Assets. .. . . .. 3,137,828.01 Reserve Fund. , . . 2,586,917.00 Net Surplus for Policy- holders .. . .. 474,029.08 Audited and found correct. Jas. Carlyle, M.D. W. McCabe. Auditor. Managing Director. Some of the leading features of the years business as mentioned by the president, were the following :- ery standpoint, the report submitted shows financial strength, productive assets,: solid growth, and large rela- tive surplus, which is the supreme point to poliey-holders, as it is from this source alone that satisfactory re- turns oan be made to them. 2. The new business for the year ex- ceeded that of any previous year. 3. Another marked feature of this cpmpany isthe relatively large am- ount of its tet surplus to liablllties, when contrasted with that of its lead- ing eading competitors. The president showed that this ratio was one of the best tests by which to judge of the relative merits of the different companies. 4. The following marked increases were made during the year: - Por Cent. 11.56 113,11 19.15 10.01 In Premium Income In Interest Income In Insurance in force In Assets ... In Not Surplus .,. 10.73 In Insuranoo Reserve.. . 15.18 The president stated that the gen- tlemen representing the United States Insurance Departments had been in the city during part of last month, and had made a thorough and most searching investigation into the af- fairs of the eompauy, with a view to its admission to do business in their respective States, and that these ex- ports were extremely well satisfied with the soundness of the company, 11411 expressed themselves as gratified with every aspect of its affair's, The Hon, Mr. Allan, In seconding the adoption 01 the report, called special pleasure to acknowledge the benefit 1; attention to the excellent character of have derived from theuseo3 Dr. Wil- the iuVestmenls 0f the Company, of Hams' Pink Pills. 'My health was ;these over 37 per cent, aro in the completely broken down; I became so . firstmortgage securities, nearly 20 weakI could scarcely walk across a i per cent. in debentures, nearly 14 room. I 1Vas very pale, had no apex -1 per cent. in stooks and bonds, loans Ute and gradually lost flesh until I was and policies about 6 1-2 per cent., the mere lyes keleton. Iwas subject tie pal -1 balance consisting of cash in banks, pltation of the hear t, dizziness and Pio- : Interest accrued, one. lent headaches. I was under treatment! He also called spaciel attention to froze two dcetors, but neither 8e01Od'the fact that, although the assets had to benefit me and I went on( in this inhereased very largely, the 'ouLstand'- way for about seven mottles. 'Heavinging and accrued interest had been 80011 Dr. Williams' Pink Pills reeom very Materially deoreasod, which is a mended I determined to try them. Proof of the excellent ohmmeter of Before I finished the second box I began to improve and by the timet had used right boxes IWasaswell :us ever I had been, and had gained 22 pounds In weight. I am grateful foe' lvkat Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done for mo end freely give this testimony in the hopethat it may benefit some other girl suffering as I was." More pale and bloodless girls have been made bright, active and strong by Dr, Williams' Pink Pills than by auy other means. Mothers 2ho(Td see that their daughters entering Women- hoo'l are strengthened and invigorated by the use of this great blood making tonic, Sold by all dealers or sent post paid at: Me a box or sire boxes for 82,50 by addressing the, Dr. Williams' Meete cone Co. Brookville Ont, the investments of the Company, and the promptness ,with which the inter- eat thereon has been paid. James Thorburn, M.D., medical die-` 00tor, Presented a full and interest- ing report of the mortality experience of the company from its organization, which showed that great care had been exorcised in the:selsotion of the convenor's business. The consulting actuary reported that he had made an independent ex-. aminiatlon of the affairs of the com- pany as at December 31st, 1808, hav- ing examined the books, .accounts and balance :sheet, also a detailed copy of the annual report to the Insurance Department, and stated that he was v ry much gratified with the result of Such examination, also with the �ti�'H✓GVit'R'�1►�'ga'O+tVOr6'A Woman is the Nervous Part Of III!"i anity 1 M themuscular-the an pecul- iar needs of the gentler sex are best supplied by the pure blood, good appetite, better 0 digestion, greater strength, which come from taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. "It made me a new woman," write many friendshave warm who real- ized its benefits. It isunques- 0 tionably the best medicine money can buy. RECIPROCITY. Tho Mala --1 hope tint yez he a so- clablo family. The Mistress -.Why, what for? The 31old-011, et the laebt place Oi worked they sur t11on xthiff they wud- n't pass thing round among tltim- siives oven either Oi trod put flim on til' table, A Generous Offer, 'We are authorized to offer our read - NA prepaid, a free sample of a never - failing pure for catarrh, bronchitis, ritable throat, o ofI e ' i1 u nAa and , a such 4hro taa a and n diseases. s l a Thea i n There s o mystery y y about Cat:nrrhazone, though its effect £e t >s magi(nl. Ointments and washes cannot Tench the (Renamed party, and ;have thus proved us01085 But Catarrhozone is carried by air direct- ly to the diseased part, and is like a breeze from the pine woods, Write for free sample to• N. C. Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont. Onlyfour b bachelors have been raised to the peerage in England to fifteen years. General Kitchener is one of the number, NOTHING LIKE acsett e,Ir ,criers eel tyo r, ed Dodd's Kidney Pills' Cures aro ply 1Harvelions. - People Bond of Now Crams Very Ray -All f nreCoo nhte-Dedd's Kidney Pills Pored • Ilr. C. A. Briggs, of Hamilton, or. Urlg404 Dhletig thorough system of the work or every department throughout the office He commended the company for Mos ing its books promptly at the end o the year, as had been its custom from organization, and stated that not withstaneling the large amount paid the policy -holders during the year another substantial gain had been made in the net surplus, now amount- in,g to $474,020,08 or 1f made up on Lad same basis ea that generally used viz„ by adding the difference be- tween the cost and market value of debenitures, etc., owned by the com- pany, such surplus would be 8522,- 664.83. 522.604,83. ]3e referred to the great dif- fioulty which has been esperienoed of late years in securing satisfactory in- vestments, and pointed out the great decline in the rate of interest which gilt -edge securities yielded. In view of this he stated that the seLtlemen;s of the company's investment policies should be highly satisfactory to tile holders thereof, as they compare fav- orably with those of the leading and best managed companies on this oon- tin,lnt. A special vote of thanks was unani- mously tendered to the Company's Provincial managers, inspectors, and agency staff, for their splendid work of the past year, during which the largest business ever done by the com- pany bad been secured, largely ex- ceeding that of any other home com- pany at the same age in its history. After the usual vote of thanks bad been passed, the election of directors took place, whereupon the newly -elect- ed board met, and Mr. John L. Blaikie was unanimously re-elected president and the Honourable G. W. Allan and Sir Frank Smith, vice-presidents. Herman Wade, of Chicago, wasonoe a newness men, but the use of chicken flesh has restored the member. IT, Slm- o a a7P�ite or 00411,62 per acre canb,bOJa oro otil paid- ,J. 3813011,eious f,j� In Texas last year $12,000,000 was collected in liquor certificates, taxes and fines under the liquor laws. PHOSPHATES AS A SOURCE OF FERTILITY. As set forth in the analysts under which it is sold, Thomas -Phosphate in its best samples is nearly one-half com- posed of phosphates, and its import - 0000 as a manure for wheat must be admitted when it is remembered that the ashes of the grain of wheat con- sists of over 76 per oent. of phosphates. This phosphate is capable of supply- ing fully three parts out of the four of the oonstituents of a crop of wheat. No wonder when judiciously applied that wheat and other cereal crops, all of which are largely dependent on phosphates, derive immense benefits by its use as a manurial agent. But be- yond this, there are other good rea- sons why. cereals, as well as clovers, oto., should luxuriate when it is ap- plied. The difficulty of accounting for the crops I have seen and heard of, if merely its phosphate oflime was taken into account, induced me to de- vote considerable time and attention in the hope of obtaining a better un- derstanding of its nature and trying to guage, through a knowledge of the process by which it is evoked, the why anti the wherefore of the aid it furnish- es to vegetable production, and the reason of the fertility that follows its use as a plant food. These researches have shown nee, in the first place, that instead of the phosphates present in it being all in the form of the phosphate of lime, they aro largely composed of phosphate Of magnesia, which as far as wheat is oon- earned, and in smaller degree all other ' cereals as well, is of far greater im- portance than phosphate of lime, the ashes of the grain showing between four and five times as much ofform- er as they do of the latter. Practical agriculturists will at once realize that the application of a sub- stance rich in both these phospbatio elements of w110nt food must of neces- sity be sounder praotioe than using a phosphatic manure which has only lime for a base, and I would impress upon them the importance that proba- bly may result from this knowledge of the real 884010,02 ',Phomas -Phosphate. -Newport nod Market Drayton Ad- vertiser. Hamilton, Feb. 13.-"I never knew anything like the way these testimon- ials to the efficacy of Dodd's Kidney Pills, in Kidney Diseases, appear in the newspapers," said a citizen, a couple of evenings ago, as he laid down his paper, idler having read one of the testimonials, "Row is that ?" queried his f riend. "Well, no matter 111111 paper you take up, you find in it, the narrative of a cure of Kidney Disease, by Dodd's Kidney Pills. And, mind you, every time it is a new case that's talked about. They don't harp on the one case all the time, so, if they are all true, Dodd's leidney Pills must be curing people by thousands." "Don't you think the testimonials. are true?" questioned his friend. "Oh yes, 1 know they are. Now here's at case that I've investigated: - "Mr. C. S. Griggs, a carpenter, who lives at 151. Queen Street South, Itom- ilton, says he was told, eight years ago, that he had Bright's Disease. Ile couldn't get any relief, let alone a cure, till he tried Dodd's Kidney Pills. He used three boxes of that remedy, and was completely cured by them."' "1 don't know how many Hamilton people have been cured of Kidney Die, ease by Dodd's Kidney Pills, but the number must be enormous, for hardly a week passes that I don't see a testi- monial estimonial from one of our citizens in the papers." "Dodd's Kidney Pills are a great medicine -the only Kidney Cure under the sun." Anna -They say I have my mother's mouth and nose. Hanna -Well, your mother was lucky to get rid of 'em, AN EXPERT. Do you carve? I should save I did. And what are your specialties? Sausage and omelets. • TO CURE A 0010 1N ONE DAY Tarte Laxative Emma Quinine rilble44. All Drng- gl,te refund the money if it Stile to euro, 15%, The English railways are abolishing seoond-(lase carriages. STATIC OP OHIO, 01T3 OP TOLEDO, LAs,. 10048 ODUNTY 1 FRANK J, CRIME)! makes oath that he 10 1110 001004 tumbler of the firm of F. J. CHENEm ,C Co., da;ug business In the City of Toledo, County' and State, aforesaid, and that said first will pay Lhe aunt of ONE HUNDRED DOL. LARS for each and every case of (IATARR11 Ihat cannot bo owned by the use of HALL'S CATAIttt11 Ouse. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and snbsoriLed 1n my presence,, thin 6th day M7 leoember, A. 14.1990. r`•,1} *A, W, 4LEAS0h, { sear, J Notari, Pvbiie. Hnll's Catarrh Onre 1n taken internally. and acts directly on tho blood And 1130000 en113000 of the nyetem. Send for testimonials, free F. J. CHENEY k OD., Toledo, Sold by nrugglsts, 76c. Hall's Family Ptlia aro the best. UNDER COVER. Parson Primrose -Did you know your mother was looking for you 1 Freddie -You bet 1 That's why she can't find me. 8'. 1% 1). 059 CALVErtT'S Carbolic Dioinfootanto. Soaps, Clot. mont, Tooth Powders, eta, have been awarded 16D medals and diplomas for superior excellence. Their replier use prevent lufooti. bus diseases. Ade your dealer to obtain 0 supply. Lists malled-freo on app110011032. F. C, CALVERT & CO., MANOHSfaTER, ENGLAND. It MONTREAL ' The Balmoral,"o. Act.Plan OIL3ALE--0hnn.e 90hornss( I1oi vorlh brl0117 ouao, frame burn rceon� wntun a5oxehange Cur 43,, 34 farm. Anp1y111. T, I(EAR.Ns, 1io4rverth Stn„ Ont. w's'' it://1/4,4,c, 9,4 IllimeadridamokieloroareamoulderstimostOteddialue The average tea is like a lottery, one seldom gets a prize. Don't trust luck whenbuying tea usethe best,st , 'azo Lead pa8lcacto0- 26, 30, 5?, GOand 100. onboy'Improved Carra. s � ToPs n00641(is THE 3488 B1 AWARD AT THE WORLD'S FAIR 1803. Denboy%Potent Roller Topo have mot with Suds universal favor that.othermanufactur• ors 040 DOW making Interior imitations and selling them on the reputation the Oonboy Tops have rondo. 1)o nob bo hoodwinked by any pore?n who recommends an inferior make to be just as good. Insist on having the genuine Odobey make as imitations are never as good as the genu- ine. . 0 $25,000 0 $25,000 0 0 CI v; 0 J $25,000 0 $25,000 0 $25,o00 _.0 - $25,000 5 CASH LIVEN AWAY oanae. 00 FREE. THE best advertisement for any melloIeo is one 00m1 rig from a portion who has taken. the remedy and has been BENE- FITED. AS an introduction we wish to dis- tribute Lhreughout Canada 200,000 peek - ogee el Or Green's Health Specific. To 00- omuplish this wehave dooiaed to appropriate 24 000 delimit to be distributed amongst our 100, 0,. AS to the efficiency of the Specific we could write pages laudatory of its curative ,malities. When we were done you would know no more of it than yo,ule now. so we 040441. any Vont are I roubled with Conatrpnnian. Indigestion, Liter or Kidney trouble, or any ail- ment arming from adisordered atomaoh, and will tele wrep,wkege of Dr. Green's health Specific, and and youoro ma delighted with the0000104, ante the facts to. this Oompeny nod we will cheer- fully refund your money. IIsed n0 n laxative it has no peer, and when rum used wall never be die. carried for any other remedy. Send your ardor direct to this Company, enclosing 00 coats (no at mpo), And we will mail you one package of the Spae he, To the writer of the lint letter received enoluoing fifty cents for one -package of the remedy we will remit ten pollen, In cosh, and to the sender of every 218th letter, thereafter, •enclosing fifty owns. until 200,000 order lettere are re- ceived, we will remit on amount ranging from 81,00 to 85,000 00, the total of our presents is this tray aggregating $22,000.00. write outuk end enelow thin advertisement. Address - The Sanford Ear Drum Co.. OF TORONTO, I_,IMITMID, Room E, Confederation Life Building, Toronto. 0 N 00 00 0 utor 0 0 0 N 5:00 $25,000 0 825,000 0 825,000 0 $25,000 0 CUTTING SCHOOL -1Z= sndd fDorse C. 4 0. SCHOOL CO., Montronb ,i In a''7,71;11.o,t-a'boor,la tipp 0Cf;EF1403Lr SIM }J ( 0. H. ORM, Mf;y, 0o., Montreal. Sy111� QAllrO0 0A511,105 -New Importationelneo5Englleb +3 p.04 Aumrlcao noRR(hu4npp(�.-ralleblrgoodsaY 11048 ,,lo.. PARK, BI.AOKwELLk 00., Seroob. , Stam oror®beRewirruddH /have spent 10 Yen. wK44)ARuVZ/fil ,ntSs41 Oolteye8*„, T0,0.05 wdb Bookbinding send is r a 'y04nen have them n icely Printing, lioniiii um Read,*Aten nL+, Lent 8001,Bo0ke.H0 1l,urde,et1cu lt teeu 1 08 61r111,10DogusTaled 1:ra.LAnngsu,02(,ug•wilmuaton TORONTO CUTTIti " SCHOOL. Write for specie tenniurloe hem.. y and 1february. 8 1'0fll(1O:t V, U18 Tonga'4,, Stammerers ;Josh • o� A tyl liner Stammerers „l c n•, nr. Aruottr ner:,n, ,,,mad; a„nr,na„aiI u.Y lr, you b.tin auy Armes, sullen, Cane or PbuLTnr to .blp, Wi4 th.m to The Dawson Comm's'ion Co-, Limited, vy+r,,,,.easl.t6,a. Mills, :Wlllls a Halos Barristers, oto., removed bo Wesley Slags., Rloh mond St. 13., Toronto. Metallic Telephone Tablet Always Ready. "Jo► St down now." prlcs,l $41(40, Tha OFFICE SPECIALTY MFC.CO. LIMITED, Toronto and Newmarket. an, R 281 F' l N C and Sheet irietottvurNB O011��770 8r,�+rE in ,Slack, Rodorfirea__Sat 81 ATE 814,43111511010203.23s- l''w supply Puling 4101, to*b Scpc titpt�S more) Rooeng ,14, Pity Oael Tar, oto. tie by sNO ani. See17ew Ceilings, Toronto, dote by famished 1. dotal CR{linga, Cow mote, iao, Ehi ped to any pert o for worn Rom lets or fo 1mterielsnhln ed to an r 1p YpR t9C the Cane! y country. YJa oe1D v r n 2� DUTNIB&60N8, Adelaide &Wltlmur8tn.,Toronto ITAMMERERS. (lnlyluetltetlo, in Canada for the aurpp of every phase of speech defect. Established CH0toRToOHi.t0, J100..300007 our@load. 0 Pembroke 8t., Toronto, Canada Domini on Lige STIAIdSH Pl8 v 11 414.1 .1 110 4n Liverpool, calling 01 I on.l,,.. r.rr I... n r,.r -win aures ateetoslapp I ca A 1211 V 31, t. VER., " SCOTSMAN.' ,,n4 4'n.ra" w d - I, 4 a :,n ea.. engorg Notes of 4 A ,ee 1,r11 aYd. 04,3,I54 1 Dermot! Cabin, n f +err t 2 no am! 111.w nide according to am••.r,7brth y r 1'-nformstionapA ly to I,!32, 3...400, or Ila a ronn4taas St UO., Fac l A,Y0I L• 47 .,t. de .ru,u, u(. 8(1.. Montreal. sY tl ue g1v, thivr fine HATCH With chain stud charm, fel sea hag two do. whitelig0 I Wicks en al t. cents emelt. .,Y y Required. write, and we •LII send the Wick, poxpaidud our big Prmnu,a List, When you have Geld the Whin, re- turn the money, .nil we will at once send year watch free of all charge. Hundreds have earned tine wa chen working for us, why not you / le writing, sureties SAi? ,n tr 1 WIITELICH2 WICK CO., TORONTO, CAN. ,rare rrasera..ce,", HEALTH .RESTORED nTyln «t ,tie r arra, , f nu 4tont 04,13 0.1 ,, ,much ,Lamaas Nc Penh Leer, Blued, It'uldar, Kidneys, Been end Omuta, Ly ®u Barry's ii`i0Vi91al9ta Artlblca Food. which Saves invalids and 01111M ond 1 ,sot ues,ully;„Meta whose pmene 441n.l:.l.lltyh rn yf,trd all ..tine treatment, It digest..vbee a;, other bead Is refected, 01500350 times its coot le mullein. u 0 , a9 iurnrlsble S'l'oo,n, Intivq 1 Annnnl Horan til t"•ino4un, elan, . oy+ taielO,n,nn,lblettn, trchlhn, fulldt • eine, Omgl. Attt a(atnlrli Phlegm, ,aihmaNMau,Delenuhaenete.,Uxyondmwy, DuGarry 00a9 �y also in Falb, ld Rue de Bt1tnnn d 5,1 0rO, Chemis%and firmer everywhere. t{o,lm, 2a, 041.00th• 145, earrings Pea ArolnBOrry's nv810n4n ntwote, le tine, e,.2a e0.Pea t ga Cure Guaranteed Bond 92;50 for 6 Boxes OSLO'S BUILDERS, the now only reengnigoa System Regulator and Blood Tonle, and wo will affil you a gueren1ee to refund the tnnnoy for any case of General Debility not cured after Lakin r alto medloi no. Thousands o( oafi'omro a4 dolly•reeovering lost health by this Great Eng:Mali Preeorletloa, ( herofm'o womnke you this unbiased enema - 1.0. Bold's Blood, Bono and Brain Sundaes. Cure all forme of weakness Is eithor 0011 arts. Ing from hnpuro blond, ell:ma 5d bone, or 104'. poverl,.11od brain, Wo else t,tite elite op ortunity et thanking c,» the my doeore t who pp 11 tvb spoken so favor Wb1y of the tyodleinm 4ddrgoe-- The BOLD PHARMACAL CO., 450 King St,, Wost, Toronto. ATTEND THE BEST IT PAYS. i ee0 3'al -e ATARRH 41 im L,A v ,H„e I h, ER Permanentluy of aiul h e 1 100:110 trial Free. +r,a 1•e, (.n,.r,rn 'U. outfit, Dr.ltny'e Suolesaful Remedy no To onto Ont. nr lay fiat , ,xtll Pids.itway intro Lo 1a 4ng. Vollmer A,s. Toronto. UM. TUB MOST NIITRii'TOt'S•+ E P P GRATLFUL-CUM FORTING. } 131tEAICFAST-S UPI'Eli. • ("ANAE)A Loan and Sawing':; Ct}:.11.11anj. I'Cn,r11,LATr:n 1043. Pald•up Capital 52,000,000 12eeorvo rune 1,180,000 Monti Office -Toronto At., Toronto, plutoin 12105,0. Winnipeg, Man., Vancouver, 11.0. OMIPOSITB aro r000lred at Interest, paid or ono. pounded holt yearly. rB 1I 011'44 C'.18 Mood 40 Outwear or Sterling wlttihgI to England. Executors and Trenton aro author. Interest coupons attached, payable in Can mitt ori ooee by law toInvestin the Debentbres of thi,t' (840NETAD3ANtifila on RealRotatesonority n nurroot rates and on (ovorablaonditions ns ` e W re4 Ptgege00 bi 004. rigugse and Municipal Ra J. HERBERT Apn$rOdNmsed Managing Demeter. Bid You Ever Examine No home should be without ono, Hundreds Are Now id Use giving entire satisfaction. AflSOLUTGLV 'OD0gL1 sS ' Fire enl; rrquIrod on00 hi ttv0 waolro, @433037ode, OHT,- - For elroular wt3te ^' Mon Heil WoOon properly yropsred for beef •graduated niders ; hent teaoherg Iiit AD0EVU ClItkillORY.0108tI G 0. ,ttendanoo: board otiose; Ancients nail enter at s44 14md1 heat Demmorolnl Ioheet Iii Ontario. faMiltoh, bolt, write tot beau(ltul ental4gne, W, , In44IOTT, Prlaalpal. ....euereerreveieeeneeseeweeceeeeseeeemieeeeeeeeeee