HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-2-24, Page 516 99. BUSINESS CARDS. 1Jr ON:EY TO LOAN ATG Pkal .1-T.A. pent. 1'.R, SCOTT, lirussolo, TXT• II. b1oCi1;ACREN, a. Pourer atilt/Aldose Li000tes, Office at.ble Gr000ry, Turn binky Street, Brussels, BN, BARRETT, ./. Tonsorial Artist' Shop -Next door No,•tb of tho Standard Bans, Ladies' and l 11dfelle hair cutting a fin 00104 y. MISS JEAN iVVPLAUCIiLIH, -TEACHER OP- PIANO - AND - ORGAN, D'_^vtrammx.. S, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM Ineen15911, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. T. FLETCHER Issue, of Marriage Licenses, Omen AT Jinn/air Ekon. tNo Witness Required. T. FLETCHER, Brussels I1ARMs FOR SALE.—WEER UN• DEneIONED Mee BOVeral good Farms for sale and to rout, easy terms, in Townships of uorrisind Grey. 17 S. SCOTT •Brussel 8 A HUNTER, Clerk of the fourth Division Cour Co. Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public Bands Land, vested and to loan,tmnCollectioae made 0 aloe in Graham's Blook, Bretools Al1CTiONEERS. A BUNTER, LICENSED AU0- 1-i , 1m: on. Money to loan. Perna to tell, S. SCOTT AS AN AU OTION • J- • Eva, will toll for bettor prioos,to, batter manin ase time and lase ',barges Wan any oilier Auctioneer is Bast Huron or ho won't charge anything, Dates and orders calalways be ranged at this 081100 or by personal application. VETERINARY. T D. WARWIOK, P7e Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary of domestieat011 animalstlnta 00m- Potent manner. Particular attention paid to vnterinaryy dentistry, 0011s ptromatly at- tended to. Oalao and Infirmary -Pour deem north of bridge `I'urnberry et., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. M. SINCLAIR, BARRISTER • solicitor, Conveyancer ,No tory Pub - I10, &o. 00.100-Vaustoue'e Block, 1 door north of Central Rote .Solicitor forthe S Medan' Bank. F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, G• • Solicitor, 50. (late of Ga1'roW & Proudloot's 011100, Godericb.) ollleo over Gill toe & Smith's B fink, Bludeele. 4v Money to Loan, RON G. 14II; .CA Airrt Cameron,Bolt & Cam • (B arra ally D Cum or0!1100o-yyl1umilton Solicitor, iteo0 1' borne Hotel. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, 1H. 0,, 0. M., Trinity UniVorefty, Follow Th•in- ity Medical College,' Member College of Phyr eiolans andSurgeoue, Out. Licentiate of the Royal Collage of Phyy0i01tw0 and Licentiate of Midwifery, Edinburgh. 10'Tolephoue N0.14. Residence, 1E11.50., Bruno Is. • MD., 0. M., successor to Dr. A. MoRelveYi Lieenttate of Royal College Of Phy9sioiaus and Surgeons, Kingston ; Member of the Col. logge of Pbyeio10u0 cud. Surgeons of Ontario. Diseases of vellum and children a85110101ty Eight years experience, 1a'010oo and res- idence that formerly occupied by Dr. Mo. Relvey, Turnberry street, 83 russets'. 20- E. T. ' SN/DER, LI. M. ARMSTRONG, M.O.P.S.O; . PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUCHEUR ETC.. Special tettoulion given to disoaoos of the. ThroatandLunge,. and. 01600000 or Women and Children. . • 1171S1DENCLI-WALTON, ONT. . DR: F.' H. KALBFLEISCH,. PII10IOIAN, BUIt01t05 AND ACOOU0IIEIIa, ' SUdOESSOR TO DR. W. GRAHAM, BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO. 1st Glass donor Graduate of the Delvers!. • ties of Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (I 111701on) and of Trinity Medical College• Pollow of Trinity Merlloal '0011078 and member of the . Canoga of Physicians and Surgeons of Outer. lot boa Graduate. Course in Detroit and Chicago,1800. Special attention paid, to dis- oaeos of 1178, Bar, Nose and Throat and els, •eose0 of Women. 10'Oou saltation in'nag- Hell and German. 'Telephone atmosiden0o, 'IMPROVED YCSRI'fSHIRE BOAR FOR SERVICE, , ThounrleisigaodW ill keep for servioe. on Lot 20 Oon, d Morris, the thoro'-brod Im-. 'Fu•0Ved'yor'kshire Roar, "oak Lodge Long•, allow,"No, 0450, bred by ,i. E. B r0111'on0,. Bur• ford,. to wliioh, a limited number of Sows Will 11o•tuhon, Terms,.. $1,00, to bo paidab time al Ooroloa 2111111 privilege ,of .ralurningif pro• belary, A ntlmb'dr of 0110100 young Rotes for 011105ott blooding -par 00e0 which; 'till :110 0p d m, lcoe to Sui0 tiltti pe. 110137,. N3tl40b,Propilato'r.., 1fe0rpr• :Afar, , 7 0 'p 119 .WC9:fiS,�..��.p�. r,. .1171?renf'e ,171300•idt1.l,/, •$1100001.1050 ada,'0cl.yyat: druggists oI Oanadp, o7e01 r7)) it 'able; medicine; dipeovoredt •-Si1 paakd7e0 7ttarandeed to ante al Orsifs of Se u71 V'oa1Cnoos all: elfotte 0,8,,xa111104 7' ax8dss l 111ttal Wohr 1likcoa fvo t scref To. '70500; 0ptuld 0b•3timinaiite fi 01Thd Oil roebfpl ef•prldo, one•peola age11, glary 901' •ens ieitt710msaj c t:Slew% .limalthieto e ttl.to ens, arldreeo. • 'A;hb;IfV°.od °P'u tai)Zt WAKR•Pr,;01}f.(: ftscldlnBb1d11tltb�ltl iAt0b11$ioANl;la'i,'. •• ••rggibt Vistl°CCt�.C.t�s, Illxtete x•. W. D. Weokes had two pipe frozen to death I9. A, Folliolt's team was kicked by its mate on Tuesday night, of last weak, and had t0 be killed. • II, Hoopoe went fie a delegate last week, 'to attend the Grand Lodge of A. 0. U. W., in session at Toronto, Robt. Rowe wee booking out hie hearse to attend a funeral ho aooidently Slipped end suetained a broken rib. Main Street @Iethodiots voted an invi• ration to their present pastor, Rev, Charles Smith, to continue as their pastor for a Third year. The rooi enoe of Edward I'la(1 Exeter d , North, mysteriously took fire, and before disoovered bad gainedtouoh headway that it was impossible to Sere it. Allan, seoond eon of Robt. Pickard, met with a painful aao(dent, by falling down stairs, Sustaining a broken thigh and otherwise received a bad shaking up. The little fellow is doing as well as could be expeoted. While Dr. Browning was returning from visiting a patient near Hensel!, his horse took fright at two dogs and, turning off, threw the doctor out with nob force as to break his arm. The horse got away and . was captured next morning down near Centralia. G orrice. 0, 0. F. 0000ert on Feb. 24 h. Alex. Stroog Shipped a oar of horeea to Carman, Men. Jas. Oroekery, of Gladwin, Mich.. died at 2 o'clock on Wednesday, of last week. Geo. P. Nash was in Toronto last week attending the grand lodge of the A. 0. U. W. John McGlynn, tonsorial artist, out two beads of hair and shaved a man in 19 minutes. Mrs. A. We)o11 and Itobt. Greer, of Toronto, came home ou account of the sickness of their father, S. Greer. Owing to the nose of the teacher, Mise MoLauohlin, the junior department of our public eohool was closed for a few dugs 1a"t week. H. W. Garter, of Teeewater, has par• obased the stook and trade of the G'as. gow Hoose from T. Whitehead & Son, and taken poaoeeeiao. Mra..Geo. Brown, of Northville, Mich., is et present visiting her sister, Mre. E. Pyke, of the 9th concession and attending at the bedside of her aged father, John Hayden, who has been seriously i11. Dr. Stephenson, of Toronto, founder of the Students Missionary 00mpaigo, is expected to deliver addressee, in the interests of the "Forward Movement for Missions," in the Methodist church, morning and evening, Feb. 26th, also at Orange Hill in the afternoon under the an•piae8 of the Epworth League. Clinton. Doherty & Go. shipped a oar of organa to Liverpool last week. Two rooms will be refloored in the Pnblio school during the Easter holidays. Chas. Dunlevy met with a painful mis• hap, Blipping at hie home and breaking his right ankle, although not very bad. Broadfoot, Box & Go. hae purohased the furniture stook of H. 0. Barlett, of town, who ie giving up his business here. The next Concert of the People's Star Course will be the Harvard Male Quar- tette ; the date will be on Tuesday, Feb. 28th. Jackson Bros. will, on and after Wed nesday, March let, adopt an absolutely oasis eyttem in connection with their buoinee8. At the Annual Dominion Short Horn Breeders' Aegeaiation meeting in Toronto W. J. Biggins, of Elmhurst Farm, Olio• ton was again re-elected for another three• years term an the directory of that aseo. elation. W. Graham, M. D., has purchased the praotioe lately •oarried on under the name of Drs. Turnbull & Graham, as the former left last Friday morning for Bee. lin, - Germany, and Vienna, Austria, where he will remain and take a Course of study in that Eastern country. About 3 o'clock Friday morning dense smoke was discovered pouring from a building oemmied in the (ower story by Mr. Barlett an furniture ware rooms and in the upper story by Miesee Maines and Raid, dressmakers, and Mr. Barlett as a'workobop. It was iu the workshop that the Are originated. The fire ap- parently was put out without. having done much damage, but about 5 o'ol'bok it again broke out, but was promptly sub. duel however. The origin of the fire is a mystery. The building is owned by Mr. Elliott. Mr. Barlett's Stook ie con- siderably damaged and otobks in neigh- boring Stores are also damaged by smoke and water. Working Hight and Day.. ... The bualest and :mightiest little thing that over was made is , Dr. Icing's • New Life Pills. Every pill is a Sugar-ooated globule of health that Changes weakness into strength, listlessness into energy and, brain.fag into mental power. - They're wonderful in building up the .,health. Only 25 conte per box. Sold by G. A. Deadman. God© riots. Harry, eldest eon of J. H. Worsen, is down -With typhoid fever. • The telephone line to Bayfieldhas been completed and on Tuesday of last week wee opened for business. E. R. Wat0oil.reprelented'Maple Leat lndge, No. 27, at the meeting of the A. 0. U. W. Grand Lodge at Toronto last week. E. II, MoKenwie, hae loft for Exeter where • he will be 09709081 fn 11. H. boiling' Jaw.ofAoe,, Mr. Conine being 111• • Tho anniversary servlce0 and enter- tainment of the,Sundny soboot of the North•ot. Methodist ohuroh/?will• be held on March 6th and 6th. • i. • We K. MbCulloch; of Winnipeg, the 7930nppi011 ekater;of the world, will give an exhibition zn• the Weot at. rink' on the evening of Friday, Mardi 10th •' A nolo inmate was received at the goal', a. woman named. ,Zidder"Jhoklin, from tbe•townehip of Grey • 'b'eing committed on 1111et9th inert for:vagranoy. - For dia. oboyinlr'the gaol dieofpline, Theo, Stoic els, •sin'e'of tho inmates, wee plaCOil du b1'oad arid 'wafer diet'fotfonrday:). ' , 'The quo warranto peoeeedinge agltitiet Mayoettlie13peonhied Councillor 0anip. be)I+have bisti'enlarafithr In`vlety of th0' objeotion ifileni 1113 MP: sitting l0odlicil on tile: 'ohud'of hie' bbind a pa''!<t •, r 14,in a film Cootdtibtibg'ah'aot1hI7 agallltt' bila to'wh', thiit g'otitlerria1l''c' ' h !rap 1305)' salituluol roti titatidn' ' tw,ei;in t,.ai':✓ N. i•.., 1.^r, 7, 10 :,'!4P II n1yst. 'i'•' In the lief of sueorteaful pupils of rhe Toronto O0nserv0tary of 9lneir, we 1101150 the name of alio a flenriolta F. Neftel, Of Godorioh, w 111 obtaiu(d firet•olase boners in primary harmony. Much to the regret of the school, 11, FV, McKenzie has bean Compelled, through failing heeltb, to resign hie position 50 Ouperintelldeot of North -et, Methodist Sunday eohool, Winter O. Pridham hoe been appointed in his plane, and J. P, Brown hae been made 100010tlult ouperin. tendon& Pat Lynn, lata of U. S. S. New York, hue returned home from New York Oity, where he had been in the boapital for forty days with hie broken arm. Ho hae an honorable disobarge of the fleet tate frorn the servioe of the United Slates, but may maul sti I condition i f I ha o[ kis arm will warrant this. •If not,be will probably return to 01110050, here he was engaged before his departure for Ouba. 1 J,' Ole . Division Court last Saturday, There woe quite a bit of exoitemen t here over West Huron bye -election, The last oarnival of the season will be given in the Blyth skating rink during the fleet weak of Match. The trustee board of the Blyth Metho• diet church have decided to 00mm01108 the erection itt once of new and enlarged Church ebede. Last Sabbath Rev, I'. J. Oaten, of Bel.. grave, preached two excellent earn -tone io the Methodist'ohuroh, The patter was 11w03' at Goderioh. Adam Wettlaufer hae the contract for furnishing 111e brick for Thomas Mil; tar's new house at Londesboro' and for a new brick kitchen for Wm. Johnston, of East Wawanoeh,- A mielake oocured in the Blyth aoun- oil minutes last week, when a motion appeared stating that J. W. Bell had been appointed collector of tuxes for 1899. It should have been : "Reappoint- ed to collect all unpaid taxes for 1898." Is speaking of Mr, Kraehling'e death, the Standard Saye ;-The sad aoaident cast a gloom over the community, where the deceased had been a resident for the past 28 years, and where he was highly respected by everyone. He was in every way an honorable and upright Citizen, and possessed one of the finest 160.aore farms in Huron County, Deceased was a resident of Waterloo county before re. moving to Morrie and was married three times. He leaves a widow and eight ohildren-four sone and four daughters - to mourn the lose of a loving husband and father. Mee. George Denstedt, of Blyth, is a drughter, and Mrs. T. W. Sloan, of Morrie ie another ; all the other children are at home, excepting George, who is employed with Denstedt Bros., of Blyth. 11101r Business Booming. Probably no one thing has Caused euoh a general revival of Carle at G. A. Deadman'e drug store as their giving sway to their many customers of so many free trial bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Their trade is simply 00ormone in this very valuable remedy, from the fact that it always cures and never disappoints. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronohitie, Group, and all throat and lung die - :388M are quickly cured. You Can teat it before buying by getting a trial bottle free. Large eine, 60a. and $1,00. 4 .two 0(1. The Elms Oounoil donated $16 to the Atwood Pt Y Public Library. h Sons of Scotland oonaert in the Town TIall, on Friday eve, 24th inst. Geo. Rogers, of the Palmerston offices, is assisting Mr. Soott in the bank at pre- sent. Mrs. Wm. Strong and little daughter Pearl, of Roeeborn, Manitoba, hi visiting her slater, Mrs. Wm. Niohol. Chas. Hood, formerly of Atwood, has been promoted to night operator in the 0. P. R. dispatcher's office :at 111oosejaw, Man. John W. Wileou, formerly of Atwood, le malting $10 per day and board as fore. man over one of the minae ou Hanker Creek, Yukon Territory, Flax BALD. --The Bee says ::-There are indications of a better market for dressed flax we are told, and the p1ospeot of the American duty nn Canadian flex being lowered as a result of the deliber. atione of the High Oommielon now sit- ting at Washington to adjust the differ- ences between the-tw000untriee. The Atwood Flax Go. disposed of 20 tone of dreseed flax of the 1897 Crop teat Fall to Mr. Perrine, of Doon, at die. per Ib.. The balance of 1897 orop, 27 tone, was bought by James Livingston at. 6o. per Ib., and was forwarded to him last weak, so that at last the mill hae got rid of the 1897 article, at a very much reduced price, but all it was worth considering the quality and the stumpy market prevail. ing for the Inst twelve or eighteen months. The 1898 prop remains in the Oompany'e barn, only 125 tone of the raw article oompared with over 600 Ions the preaed• ing year. But the quality of the 1808 crop is muoh superior to that of the preoedingg year, so that a batter price may reasonably be hoped for. The mill nom• mime operatione next Monday. There is a feeling among some of the share. holders to give up the industry and sell the mill, while others Ore disposed to wait another een0on in the hope of a bet- ter market for the product. .Unless the Company could sell the property at a Pair pride to a buyer or buyers who would establish another industry employ ing a Considerable number of hands, we should feel disposed to run the mill ;another 0000011 tot least• hefore throwing the property into the market. 011IT.-Will lam Dickson, lot 12, con.. 7, 'Elms, passed away early on Thursday morning of last week, aged 73 -years and 10 months. Mr. Dfokoon had not boon in good- health for some time, ; Lost Summer his o04tte oontreoted some pe. Cutter disease, which the veterinary sue, goons did not very well understand, and Mr. Dioheon, while attending them,• eon- ttaoted blood poisoning,' the •resuite Of wbloh he never oVeroam0. Fee some. time his 'Condition wag not considered poriooa,',but latterly it •beaatne alarming and reedited• in his death Thdrsdey Morning. The latt•1)r, Dickson wag one of the most prominent farmers ` iu the townthip,t,or for 'that'Matter, in the 5011007, no was a life long Liberal and wee at the time of his doath,Prss170ht'of the ';l210fdrin ':A0eoahttion Of Wine tottin- ship. Veins it theironghly praotfbal marl, In every way, lid 0odic a deep interest 10 innnioipal affairs, though he 110705 nen pieed to the bouutll He flgbred in ell mattelte of1ntiteot`tp 'farmet1r, acid lagt 70081tntf m'tten}lo)t4' ye"6re'(toblt Matt in T U BRUSSELS POST c „ •.INN k n & CLEARC SALE This week we hold a groat Clearing Selo of Winter Goode, imitable for the presort Cold snap -when the thermometer regieter0 OO degrees below zero. Nu one should be cold when they can get heavy Winter geode at priori into these :— Wren's fIeavy Shirts and Drawers, worth 85o, for 260. Mone Heavy F leeoe•lined Shirts and Drawers, worth 50o, for 8114, Men'e Heavy FieeoePubed-Shirts and Drawere, worth Oho, for 500. Mena Arctic Frost Proof Shirts and Drawers, worth $1 for T9o. Men's s Heavy Wool Scotch KnitSh Shirts 1181Drn Drawers, worth U6a for60o. Boys' Shirts, and Drawer0 at 260 300 35o 40e, 450 and 600. Ladles' Heavy Union Vests long sleeves, worth 25o, for 20o, Ladles' A)1•wool Vests, fine and warm, worth 00o, for 60o. Ileavy Wool Blankets, standard size, worth $2,90,' for $1.95. Heavy AII•wool Blankets, large size, worth 93,25, for $2.50, Heavy Bed Comforters, worth 91;85, for $1. Men's Frieze Miters, wind and ,waterproof, worth $8, for $6 95. Boys' Overooal0, with oape, worth $8, for 91.50. Ladies' Aetraohan Juekets, worth 9.17,50, for $20, Ladles' Goat Gapes, worth $9, for $5.96. Every Ladies' Cloth Junket in the house at half pride. lhen'e Blualr Heavy Ribbed Sox, worth 25o, for 20a. Mon's Grey Extra Heavy Wool Sox, worth 35o, for 25o. r Ani) to keep your nerves steady during the oold weather, you should have a paalr age of our Oe)ebrated Blue Ribbon Tea at lir, 40a, 60o, or 00e per pound. 6WP1PiSi the Farmers' Institute meetings through• oat the North Riding. Be was a pubiio school trustee and a director, and ono time President of the Elma Cheese and Butter Go. In religion he was e Presby- terian. By industry and attention to business he had acquired considerable property, having a fine farm of 250 acres. Mr. Dickson leaves a wife and family of three eons and three daughters, who have the sympathy of a wide /role of friends. James Dickson, ()minty Councillor, and Thomas and John Diuksoo, farmers of Emma, are brothers. The funeral took plaue from his late home on Saturday tit 11 o'clock. Li stt o w' el. A London report s0y0.:-Preebyteriane in London and vicinity will be pleased to hear that Rev. E. 11. Sewers, of Westminster, has declined the call which was recently tendered him by the Lielo- wel oongreention. Mr. Savers has been pastor of the First oburoh of Westminster for several years, during which time he has taken part in many gatherings of various kinds in the oity Presbyterian ohurahee. None would regret hie remov. al from Westminster more than the members of the denomination in London. NATIONAL% BEAT LIsTOWEL: The fastest and most exciting game of bookey ever Seen in the Royal Oity took place there on Thursday night of last week in Petrie's rink, when the Nationale trim• mad Listowel to the tone of 7 to 3. This game was most intensely interesting, as on the 6th inst. they met in the Listowel rink and fought out a tie, 3 to 3. Again Thursday night, 0 h inst., they met in CO., LYTit Spring o ing` —11— We are ready for it with a nicely assorted stook of Prints, Cottons, Skeetin�'s, Skirtings, Linens, .Flannelettes, . Springs Suitings, 4o. Our Grocery Department is known near and far for the freshness and excellency of our stock. A trial will convince you that this is correct. 3'.. G. SKENE. Agent for Parker's Dye Works. Petrie's rink, and the Nationale won by 4 to 8 . This game was disallowed, how- The • Standard f'�1 . standard Bank ever, in protest, and 0. H. A. ordered the third battle to Come off Thursday night of last week. The rink was jam • madPClose on 2 0 people to the doors,0 0 p s ore at half time being present. Theo watt 6 to 2 in favor of the Guelph boys, • and in the last half each side euooeeded may Orders in scoring one. The game was clean, fact and brilliant, splendid rushing being For amounts of Fifty Dollars and under made by both teams, issued by this Bank, payable at par at Cooed CALL.-RObt. Morrie, warehouse• I any ()bartered Bank in Canada, with the man at the G. T. R. station, hes been exception of Branches in the Yukon Die - laid off work owing to injuries received I triot• from a bull which had been shipped in pI by freight. The animal its a Hereford, and was coming from a thoroughbred ,RATES �S steak farm to John Hewitt, of the Morn- Under $10 . . $0,08 iogton boundary. He arrived here' $10 t0 20 . 0.10 on Thursday evening of last week, and as I 20 to 30 0.12 it was an intensely oold night, Mr. Morrie, with the aesietanoe of operator' 30 to 50 . . . 0.14 Stokes, undertook to ouload him, intend. ing to put him in a stable for the night. J. N. CORDON, Agent, BRUSSELS. He got away from them and started off up the brook. The men had finally toMONEY TO LOAN. give up the chase and leave him out in of Canada. the oold until morning, when they, with the assistance of the section men, renew. ed their efforts to oaptnre him. In attempting to get aoutrol of him by means of a rope, thebrute got Mr. Morris down and would have done for him had dot Mr. Blaokmoro, section foreman, silo. oeeded in driving him off by belaboring him with fenoe rail. 'It was also for- tunate for Mr. Morrie- that the Urine's horns were only stomps, as he wee doing hie utmost to gore him. Aa it wee, Mr. Morrie had several ribs and one aide of hie head Beverly injured and was alto- gether pretty badly used up. The brute was finally Captured with ropes and (and.' ed in a stable, but not before he had bean badly front bitten. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at • 6 & 6' Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to Igo u sPyy®�� ,gg,yy��q[1 c�5q�q iinafoAs. A. Hunter, Division -Court Clerk, Bruseele. Beaver Hardware Store, ®® BRUSSELS. ltr the interest of N. B. Gorr in the above well ITaviug p cl}ttsed y known business I desire to iatiulato to the public that I will cdn- tiiiuo it at the old standwhere a largo and :wellselected stock of Iiard7aro,•&c,, will always be found at as low prices as anywhere. I wish to return thanks for past patronage and "solicit a Can: 11111d1anee Of the same. , 11 A persons indebted to' N. & N, Gerry, are requested to 1 Y tl settle before March 4th as theartnershi affairs P Z? have to, be s,ti•aightened up by that date, SAt?' 'P'AILS AND 'SPO ►ITS . '13 Tf•11il ItUA11,)EDtN,,: ,. • erry. !1rlitGply" `earn our. A''factory snaking all kinds of shoes cannot - have as ]Bally shapes, sizes and widths of lasts, as there are forms and sizes of feet, be- i i? cause it requires es so many for each kind Made, that there 1,r,uldb't be room in the factory for them all, 110r money in the bank to pay for tlleul. In the Slater Shoe Factory, where only one specialty is made, i there are fourteen shapes h 7 sizes, 6 - - half sizes and 5 widths (in other facto- ries there are only two or three shapes iBone widtb). 'd . Slater 1 Shoes" are stamped on the Goodyear welted soles with Makers' trade mark and price, $3.00, $4.00 and 5.00. Catalogue free. Shoes by mail. flit RkA'C)i;rt �Hb1 tit 4 71 rv't.ttt,:NS.�'r:31fla7F,S Jno. Doweling, - Sole Local Agent McLEOD'S System 'Renovator —AND DT/UN— TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita Hon of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur• algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con. eumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregnlorities and General De- bility. LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. J. M. McLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by Jas. Fox. Druggist, Brussels. PIGOSI Will man, a well man of YOU 1 MOM 100000ra Tan 80080 0620719111 1o00 8211600, 010000 00100 all Nervous Diseases, 00000plae8. tarrharams potency 010., caused by post a009ea giros vigor and else to ahrunkeu organs, and quickly but surelyy eoteree LOST 110800000 la old uv y ng• Uao PI000I and you will grow 0troae and happy aeoln, Soot by ,o 11 to ylofa wrappor carried la vest pookdet Price, 1 0 pp000000 832 for 80. Bend Looney in ether ordinaryor *.8(018• d letter, Ad,r0w all lettere to J. -. PEP IDR, Dro gl0t, w0000r006, 001„ Ag02t for 1110 UO• mla�'on at Canada WE dt, CO® Call and see our stock of Blankets, Sheetings, Flannels, Tweeds, Yarns, Etc:, Wool, Hides, Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. Carding, Spinning, Weaving, Knitting, etc,. Promptly attended to ab the BRUSSELS WOOLLEN MILL. vr• Cook's Cotton Boot Compound Is successfully used monthly by over . + 10,000 Ladles. Safe, eOeotual, Ladies ask your druggist for Cook's Colton Root Com- mand. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pike and Imitations ate dangerous. Priee,No, 1, 21 per box; No. 8,10 degrees stronger,$9 per box. No. l 012, mailed en receipt of price and two 8.9ent damps, The Cook Company Windsor, Ont 150 -Nos. 1 and 2 sold aria recommended by all responsible Druggists in Canada, Nos. 1 and:2 eldfinBmeeole by' Q•. A. DEADIVIAN, Druggist, Bookseller & Optician, A. COUSLEY Real Estate 85 Loan AGENT, BRUSSELS, Money to Loan on Farm Secur- ity at the Lowest Rate of Interest. Money Loaned on Notes and good Notes Discounted. Sale Notes a Specialty. Fire d Life Insurance Written.. Special Attention given to Conveyancing. A. COV LE C 9 Office over Deadman's Drug Store, BRUSSELS. - NEW W ui�Ver Sliop 1 The undersigned has open- ed up a Butcher Shop in the BM BLOCK, MINIMS, where he will keep constant- ly on hand a supply of the - Best Meats Procurable, sold - at reasonable prices. A share of public patronage �� solicited. S. WA14arppl!ssICEnr Meat delivered - to all parts of the town. e CASH PAID 170188 HIDF17. Lx NON011 NEw 0080010 ent,N, ALL 01011 0150 .110. 04 1,. L sc00 01018 100111 1000,, 00811v0110 The Buffalo All -Steel Disc Harrow This is the only Dieo Harrow made or sold in Canada, having independent, adju0table spring: pressure upon the inner andeof the gang discs, '. allowing any amount of pressure to be throws upon the inner elide of the gangs, by the foot of the operator, By this 0308110 a pettedly flex- ible aatiou is scoured nud tho ground eau be worked to a uniform depth. Ex0mine thio Machine carefully and mamma with others.- The No, 12 Cultivator ISA 'MARVEL OF 883001(53. The only Oultivator made that both lines of teeth will out ao oven depth in thegroand.. 10xamino it and you will see Why. :Tho only cultivator with a moveable tooth set so that the angle of the teeth can be regulated -to suit any condi- tion of soil. Pr000ure can be regulated to ant differently on every Section• rebnirlug it. T01e teeth are °entad botweeu;tMq wltoole iuetead of trailing behind fir in other luaobino0, thus .. - securing lighter draft, This mnohlue is far,' ulahed with grain and greet; seed b0x.when re - (mired, It hoe revoreible diamond Steal pointe , :. fur the tooth ; also, extra wide t11i0tle•cutting EPoints Can bo inrnisbod, - x ming it 0ui1 you vill 17yno other, • a.. ' The Best Drill Made. 7'114 Iletisier Nacds No Ililendu0uon. Over 40,000 Drillaand Seedore of our Menu.. feature in use in Canada. The only Drill made with lover for instant and perfect regulation of 60511/01 hoe 1n all'klude of soil, While't0atti RI in motion, -Sows abeoietely rented to sortie; Saves Seed, fie every kernel le depoeltod at a prn1Or depth 00 grow. Purcheeo,00lythe.bea0. anWdeyouaswoill b0e,sataidadvo. Blndre, ltapes; owtreRakes, Cultivators and •PmO,01e,00 good'an11110 best. Send foeillhietrated 000810gtue,• '0X01 •131tOSi AO. Ce., {Limitod) 01 000 4LTCNu. i jingars931, 0909.,Cnl0a,la, d119O14113, • r6 1t' Width! !ussels:• •..