HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-2-24, Page 4t '7b.e ^til" is List gs t, 43 per•weck to maintain patients in the Oatanto asylums; in Peaneylvania$3.67; New York, $3.75 ; Wisoohaio, 04.51. II Cnkaria was as expensive as Pennaylvania PRIDAY,I I:It, 2.1, 1899, 1t would Wet 8297,187 more to maintain our pnblto inetitatione, Tho bogladue Go. has not only tailed ONTARIO I.EQ/8L4%(if1E, to4iaoovor gold in the dietrint in the The reward of commitments for drunk. mammoth Ontario le as foliowe :---3811, 3,787 ; 1895, 3 207 ; 1890, 3,132 ; 1896, 2,- 924 ; 1808, 2,406. No other province to receive the large number of insane for •cirmparee so favorably, There ie one whom apple:Ma ue have been made, eammitneent for drunkenness in Ontario The roof of the bnilr3inga wi;i be raised in for every 000 people, Quebec 407, Nuva order to maks room for the added num Bettis 881, New Brunswick 262, Mani. bee, toba 887, British Columbia 230. There le Bede doubt that Zion. Mr. An important change is being made by Ilarcourt nil propose a tax on lineman! the Ontario Government in connection oorporatione, to cover the di ptetion of with the Mercer Itetormatory for women. revenue tram the va'e of timber. There The inmates+ will bero•after be divided ie no doubt whatever that the Opposition into three olassee, according to their will, typo: o anything that Air. liaroourt different Magee of depravity. The re- beluga forward. The Opposition oppeeed formatory will be divided into three the eucQeeminn duties' tux, one of the differe06eorridors so completely that the most juetitieble of all forme of Mutton, harasses of one Claes will not be able to and one which has in ,e few years netted ase those of another Ouse. This will for the charities of this provinoe over a pr 01.108lty be three reformatories, each million dullare. under a different system of management. In this way it is believed that real re• formatory work can bo done. The work of Changing the building will begin ;at once and will cost $3,000. An estimate of the agricultural wealth of the Province of Ontario is made an- nually by the Ontario Department of Agrioniture. According to this minify,. tion, the value cd land, buildings, farm fmplemente and live stock owned by Ontario farmers Appronohed a thousand millions of dollars at the close of 1807. The figures are ;— Farm. land $554,054,652 )rtb which the cotario Government granted to it, bat has deoided to abandon the Beirnh, and will quit the district, The Ontario Government hes deoided to eul,arge the Brockville Asylum in order Farm buildings Farm implements Farm live stock Total ,090,15J 51,290,098 03,649,804 0005,093,013 The number of licenses issued in 1808 was Nee, by 212, than was issued 5 years ago. Owing to the legislation of the sessions-beforelast the number was re. duced in 1808 by 100, and at the full effrot of that Act is not yet in operation. It will be radioed by some 50 more dor. ink I800, But little interest seems to be taken in regard to our local option law. During last year votes were taken in only six municipalities. In three casesineffectual, attempts were made to repeal by-laws. The net result of the six votes was theredn0ti0n of two licen- see. Local option is now in operation in 17 municipalities. The 28th anneal report of the Ontario Inetitnte for the education of the deaf and dumb, at Belleville, has been issued. There were 260 pupils in the 'naivete, (144 boys and 110 girls), 80 being new pupils. The a00ommodation is taxed to foil capaoity. There was only o00 death during the year, end the healtb of the pupils was uniformly good. The total coat of maintenance during the year was $44,887.22, a8 Compared with $15,- 282.70 for 1897. The weekly cast per pupil in '97 was 03.26. and in 98, $3.22 ; the yearly cost in '07 being •$170,220, and in '98, $167,489. The. average attend. ante in '07 was 200, and in '98 208. Early last Summer tbe Minister of Agrioniture aotborized the sending of a trial shipment of honey to Great Britain to Bee whether a market existed there at good prices. The quality of the honey was rated as very superior. One firm in Weetern Ontario bas followed that shipment by sending Several oar bade and they report galea at seeiefaotory prises, Monday Professor B,obettecn reee1ved a report Meowing that honey in 1 -pound bottles was selling wholesale for over seventeen cents per bottle. Some honey in live pound pails and 66 pound tins also fetched fair prioee-- about 9 oe018 par pound, wholesale, there, Bee men who will have a earplug of honey to ship would do well to oinn- municate with the Minister of Agrioul ture on the subject. The dairy atatietioe of the Province are of interest. The proportion of but ter to obeese produced, though stili email, i8 greatly increased as eompared with 6 years ago. There were 1,161 cheese factories in Ontario in 1807 which need 1,455,087,148 lbs. of milk, and made 137,362,910 /be. of Cheese, the gross value of which wa8 011,710,468. The amount paid to the patrons for milk in that year was $0,700.001, as+ (tnmered with 07,040,027 in 1890, and 06,022,962 in 1805. The patrons received an amen age of 06,8 dente per 100 pounds) of milk for 4 years, The number of patrons who Supplied milk to tbete factories were more than 06,000. In 4 years the num• be of oteameriee, in other words butter /eateries, bad trebled. Their number in 1808 woe only 74 ; it had grown in 1807 to 214, whish prodaood 7,708,000 pounds of bolter, valued et 01,403,000. The number of patrons f0rniehing milk for these factories was 18,000. 81COafle(01(1 (11(0(1(8, The Province received from succession dutlee in 1807 the gum of 0220,000. The estimates for 1808 were 6225,000 ; the re. noipte were 0200,185. The Province hue received gime 1802 the emu of $1,078,. 882, it game from only 435 (Antos. In 181)8 the out rogate courts adjudicated on 4,526 Mateo, and from 88 only were sum cession duties oollooted, or on one in every 52. Sloop 1802 over 29,000 estates breve been adjudicated upon, and only 485 have yielded revenue. In 1808, of all the counties, 10 did not yield r89enae on only: one estate. Eneex, flaldimand, Petorboro', Simooa and Prince Edward have never given up a reit for 000ee08100 duties. -Three counties contribute 76 per Cont, of the tax. York anti Quieten ooagbioe have contributed $207,740 More than all the reet of thu Province. Three eetatoe have paid 25 par mint. of all the revenue. Seven out of might of the diroot heirs never pay geode/Mon (Who at all. • 0(110 0821,1(110, In 1878 there weed 2,9091naanO petiolate in Ontario asylums, in 1883, 3,211, in 1888, 4,884, fit .1898, 1004, Insane polleeto in0eea8e at the rate. of 158 per year, ,Choeo note hospital baildinge in conneetlon with the 80yinm8 mutt bo emoted in tiro next ten yore. At pregent the Brookville one meat 18 enlarged: :Lha ease of 0011880108 must be aonsidorod, ;CIA dividing line betw8ah epilopoy and insanity is very narrow. There are •hundrod8 Of op,loptioe in Canada, for whom 8omo erovielen meet be mads.. •Ontario gave tte largo a0ylun10 0(122.000 daring 131)8. Quebao gave 0205,000.' During n rholaat five yours Ontario has given 32,004,000, evbil0 Quebec) bee given $1,404,000, Beeidee, Ontario hag gene 08,000,000 of capital tor buildinge, and ( nobdd had Mpeut nothing, Pt soars $2,. IL 17STlit'flFORS .PPOIN1111;. A fully attended meeting of the Board of Directors of the Cheese and Butter Assoaiati: n of Weetern Outerio was held at Stratford, the President, Liarold Eagle, in On. chair. There were also present A. F. A1aeLaren. M. P. ; R. 01. Ballantyne, A. Me.•ger, James Connolly, Rohe. Johnston, J. N. Paget, J. A. James, Geo. H. Barr, Geo, Goodbund and the Secretary, Geo. Iiately, It was deaided to expend $3,100 for inetruo;ion at such obeese factories and creameries in West. ern Ontario as should apply for the or. vines of the aseo tiatioe instructora, The following instructora were appointed : Jae. Morrison, Stratford, for the South- eastern division, comprising the Counties of Oxford, Norfolk, Brant, Iialdimand, Weiland, Lincoln, Wentworth, Ifalton and Peet ; 0. 0. Luton, Belmont, for the Southwestern division, comprising the Counties of Middlesex, Elgin, Lambton, Kent sed reser ; George Macdonald, Bluevale, for the Northwestern division, comprising the Counties of Brnce,Huron, Pertly and Waterloo; Arab, Smith, Beaohville, for the Northeastern division, oomprieina the Counties of Grey, Simeoe, Duf1'erin and Wellington. Mr. Smith will he instructor at the Sim- mer oreamerie8 over the whole of Weet• era Ontario, while the other instructora will confine themselves wholly to inetrao• tion at Cheeee fentorie8. The following eeale of fees will be charged ;-..To obeese factories and creameries for services of inatruttore,and the 34,400 appropriated for inetrnation will he increaeed by the amounts received for fees :—Fees for vieite of one day's duration—One visit, $5; two visite, $8 ; three Waite, 010 1 four vieite, $12.50 ; Jive visits, $15, Fees for visite of two day's duration—Ona visit, 90 ; two vieite, $11 ; three 91,118, $15 ; four visite, $18 ; five visite, 020. It was urged that ((080000 efforts ehoeld be made to have the mills delivered to the factories in uniformly perfect con. clition, es that is the arse essential to the making of a hiu0•o'aes article, whish it is naceasery to have it we ere to compete suceeeefully in the markets of the world. The Board reoommeuded that meetings of the patrons 8bonld be galled on the (vetting of the fires or second vieit of the inetra00ore, and it was arranged that if each meetings were held and doe notice given one of the directors would attend the meeting, along with the instructor, explain the aims and objects that the aee00iation are trying to attain, and die mase with the farmers the methods that ebould be adopted for operating their cheese faotoriee or 0reamer)88 81100088. fully. THE UNITED WORKMEN. The Grand Lodge of Ontario Workmen dosed Ole session on Thursday night of last week, after the re election of the, present ofiieere. The choice of Dietrict Deputies resulted as follows t—St, Clair, C. Handy, Morpeth; Erie, J. B. Hoff. man, Aylmer; Brant, D. J. Summer. man, Currie ; Bamilton, Geo, Maaostend, Bamilton ; Niagara, Jas. Vigers, Step-. 1lenevllle; Guelph, G. E. Chapman, Hese paler ; I3raoo, E. Briggs, Walkerton Dufforin, Thos. Banbury, Dundalk; Peel, W. II, Appleby, Georgetown ; Toronto, A. 16. Whiston, Toronto ; London, Wm. Nicholls, London ; York, W. 00. Hall Newmarket ; Sinews, W. It. Feoton, Beaton ; Ontario, Tadao Wise, Piokeriug Durham, Wm, II. Ives, Colborne ; Quinte W. II. Adame, Belleville ; Kingston, 1'. Johnston, Condor Bast ; St. Lawrence, II, Y. Fair, Brookville ; Stormont, G. G. 800901s, cardinal ; Ottawa, J, W. Draw, Ottawa ; Lanark, Jolla T. Pearson, F mith'e Falle ; Superior, R. H. Knight, Sault Ste, Marie ; Nipiseing, A, D. Ma Ginnie, Cache Bay. i'allowing is a summary of the b081ne88 of Thursday afternoon's 80881091—The reo0mmendetion that delegates be palled to )011100 by the Dietrict Deputy in each district two wooke before Grand Lodge moose was not adopted. Admission oft social members approved, but honorary! members were not approved. Grand' Trustees aro in future to be elected an. anally. Agents of old line 188000noe companies may still Bold official positions in Grand Lodge. Policies for $3,000 are not to he Nailed. 3tfembere attaining fire ago of 70 yoare aro not to be exempted from paying a88eeemente. Officers of local lodges aro requested to filo bonds with the Grand Recorder. The Sum of • TILE BRUSSELS POST Lieut. -Ca 31. D. 1),twson,. 5'. C. Irvin 3.:11. Peregrine t lasve, J. B, Nixon, Cl Inwood, A. 1r. (1. Lawrence ; dietr button, Geo, Patterson, Collins hand P if. Kniglit, J. Baxter, Geo, Maxtetl credentiale, W. R. Stroud 1e, Driggo, i Niobolle, G. (1, Servie, Hine. G. Lamm man, Mejor W. 1', Applote, A. 11. .A man ; state of the Order, T. A. Ilastings Joseph Gibson, J. J. Craig, 13, A., W. 1 Ives, 7,T. Pearson, W. II, Adams, S Grant ; legislation, Warren Totten, C., Joe, ltlilno, G, 51. 1v., le, G. Inwood incidental, T. W. Unita, P. Johnstone, G. htoCredy, W. R. Antall, T. Banbury, J. Vfgero ; appeals, U. F. MaceVatt, 1''. W.Matt, G. E. Chapman ; official organ, F. M. Nudol, A. E. Whiutou, W. D. Dawson. ii. I bed abent 6150, mostly in bine, left on 11', } hand. Far wife keeping it was planed in f• an old shoe box and laid ons ebelf among y, a number of other snob boles, In appear: ; Anne it was gene as ineocenl bolting as V. the other Meat, nithmt)11( mutat moth i• valuable, mel the thief inset oeetainiy 11- have knows, wirers it had been put. Howentrance was gained to the store is L equally arcmyeteriotte 08 who the thief Q• iolencethe en of anya•kine d as effeeTitoteloss is withoot ; heavy one, but as Ur, Willis has not the N', 8iightest clue, be does not know how to tarn to endeavor to recover the stolen property. A8 far as is known nothing else in the store was disturbed, The burglar bad simply walked in, placed hie stand on the right box, extracted the money, leaving the box behind, and the theft wee not no'ioed until about noon on Wednesday, 10 TO 4 ix Loxnox'e Favon.— Severai hundred peop'e witnessed the defeat of the Seaforth hockey Club at the Princess rink, London, on Friday night by the London ttam, tbe score being 1.0 to 4 in favor of London. The game all through was very much one sided, as the London boys bad things all their own way right from the start. In the flret half the game stood 3 to 0—a eompleto ehut•out for the Oenforth team. In the last half • the Seaforth boys seemed to get into the game a little but they were ont.olaeeed, as the London boyo are hard workfare and are in it to win. Hobbs and .Owing made a splendid showing. For Seaforth Hugh Jack was a great pnehe•. In the Met half Stepbena, of Seaforth, I,rnke one of his skates, whlolt neeessitn,.d hie re- tirement from the game, and thio took Peel off London to even up the sides. The Referee was Frank Reid, v ho acquit• ted himself to the ratiefsotioa of all. Tbo Mame were lined up as follows :— Loewe. BeAronTn, 0. Jobua boat W. Cline H. Pool Point Fr. Bradford Brown Cover Point G,Balllwin �- I,wing Forward R. Cline J, 1111manr Forward A. $tenhene F,Hobbe Forward A. Forbin:G. Weetcott Forward E. Jack Benj. F. Parrott, a wealc•minded car- ter of Bamilton attacked LH mother with an axe, inflicting fatal injuries en the old lady, Lord 131ountetephen has sent 11,000 to the Prince of Wales' Hospital fund and says he intends to eatitribote a like aunt anunelly. Morris Connell Meeting. The Commit met aocording to adentrn. meet in tbe Conncil r00m4 lllorrie. Members a'1 present, the Iteeve in tbe Chair. Minutes of last meeting read end warmed. Engineer's report re (iarni8e drain was read and the 10tereettd parties given the opportunity to withdraw from or add names to the petition. Moved by Thos. Code, seconded by Geo. Jackson that seed report be adopted and that the Clerk be inatruoted to have By law in reference thereto prepared for next Coon oil meeting.—Carried. The Attrition' report wee then preeented and examined by the Council. Moved by Mr. Code, seconded by Mr, Jaek8on that said report be adopted and that the Clerk be ioetrant. ad to have the abstract published. --Car. ried. Moved by Air. Shaw, amended by Mr. Cardiff that Chas. McGuire be allowed to put four days' statute labor on old survey opposite lots 0 end 10, inn, 2, said work to be under eupervieion of the path. maeter.—Carried. Moved by Mr, Jack. Bon, seconded by Mr. Code that the Clerk be instructed to order els Copies of tbe Manioipal World for tbe nae of the mem. bare of this Council and the Treasurer, —Carried, Moved by Mr. Shaw, second- ed by Mr. Jaekeon tbat the application of Mr. Bird re broken plow be laid over for further coaeideration,—Carried, Moved by Mr. Shaw, seconded by Mr. Cardiff, that the tender of the Brussela herald For the printing outlined for the sum of $27.00 be accepted, it being the lowest,— Carried. On motion of Messrs. Cardiff and Code the following accounts were ordered to be paid :—A. E. Bradwin, printing, $14.50 ; 111. Black, auditor's salary, 0800 ; 10. Johnston, auditor's salary, 08.00 ; Corporation of Brussels, repairing bridge, $1 00 ; Jno. Walker, chair for Hell, 61.75 ; T. S. Brandon, expenses and going to Goderich with County rate, 04.00; T.8. Brandon, Treae. nrer'e salary, $100.00. By-law No. 8, 1800, wag duly read and passed. The Council then adjourned to meet again on the 20th of Marsh. Wer. CLAIM, Clerk. !Sea tor Eh, The byelaw establishing the Public Library was read at the last Oouocil meeting and passed. F. Bolmotead was appointed on the board of management of the Public Library for three years e Dr. McGinnis for two years ; D. D. Wit. eon for one year, Tuesday night, 7th inst., some Innen or pereoue entered the shoe store of Robert Willie and stole tberefrom nearly. 0160. h'Ir, Willie pays for grain ler James Beattie, and on that night they Spectacles —0F ALL RINDS— Fitted to Correct all Failures of Eyesight, acid your Eyes tested FREE by latest Optical methods at Division Court Office, BRUSSELS. Ott n•weilennle190...ner•wslaa.01,100Salan.l.e% Strictly One Price. FEB. 24, .1t3. C 11 GRE A' . r NOW GOING- ON,,,,,,, The above well known Firm is Dissolving Partnership and for the Farr•{t Thin The Biggest and Best Bargains EVER OFFERED IN BRUSSELS Ii TAILOR MADE SUITS, READYMADE CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, TIES, COLLARS, CUFF -S GLOVES, SOX AND SUSPENDERS. Remember This Sale only lasts for 30 Days, so secure the Bargains while you have an opportunity. ,.,m...ramm Y, .illwais the Lowes't. ery { eciak ttr r etions all over the store these days. We want business in February just as much as we do any month in the year, and we will bane it if prices will bring it.' ,'The values we are showing are worth the attention of every buyer of Dry Goods. Good, clean, honest Cotton Goods aro selling horn. for loss money than ever before. 'It is to your advantage to buy now,,while stocks are at their best, as the special lines cannot be duplicated when once sold out. White Cottons. WE are selling a great quantity of Whits Cotton these days, more by far than isusual this tuna of the year. It would be a wonder if we didn't, with values litre these. 88anoh Wbitri 0otton, even thread, very little deeming. A Cotton that will give 0xo8llent wear. Speoial value, 5c, 88.inob English White Cotton, floe, even thread, ea good 80quality as White Cotton, ular 80 havyg pweiltt,o even thread, flniehed eon for the needle. Regular )Oo. quality for White Goods Bale, Bea. 80.iueb Extra Fine English White cotton, vary fine, even thread, Cambric finish ; a cotton with extra good wearing qualitioe. Regular,10e. qualities, special at 80. This 1-2o. Plamnelette $10,000 was voted to be set apart for we advertise is ih and opened up.I It ie the beat )seeping up the organizing stall', and value in Fla 11811110 we have over Bold. .No yours of it 02,000 for mooting the expenses; of District Deputies. No Grand Organizer in to bo appointed thie year, but the Grand Master Workman is to assume full control of rho organization depart. ment.' The bowie of the Grand Bowed: or, lie, D. Carder, were fixed at 320,000. 4 roeolution wee pa8800 reoommending that 1110 oontmot now exieting for rho publication of the Canadian Workman bo oonte:mod for the ensuing year, and that the Grand 7.Iaster. Worlcmen ape point two experte.to make a full report at the next meetingf, of the grand Lodge 00 to Any contemplated changes in 86. oordan00 with hie r000mmendation. Toronto was choeon as the next moot. ing place, and a testimonial paeeod complimenting Grencl Master Workman, Goo, P. Graham, who responded The now n tlicore worn installed by P M 'W. 1:. G. Iuwooe, aesisted by Liens •Oo1. Dawson, of London. 1.7ia following etandieg cotnml1teos wort( appointed t—Fiaanco add ethane, - when this lot is pee, for the mille have advanced prides In the peat weds. New, neat patterns in Stripes, 80 . inches wide. Regular 120. quality' for San per yat'd,. alb,llemnants. W1a plane on ante this week one Mane 71111 •Suds of Feetory.0ottong, 'Phoee are :Crean, , P deet geode, that from the mike, and the only moon for low Floe on them is that the lengths are elnorter than the milia w111 put up tri webs!, whieb we will gell atleas than regular wholesitlo prim, Highest' Price *Pa d or Eu OWN CO PICES AFF ea• t Overcoats, Heavy Rubbers, Pelt Boots and Shoes, All lines of Furs left in.stock In order to dispose of those lines of Winter Goods we are offering big discounts off regular prices._ .. Now is the time to buy—You make the money aid We are prepared to Lose for -the Balance of the season. ---- Give lis a Gall and Secure a Bargains • rfiS actory' Cottons.February Standard nsare b Fashion Free.ri3e. The Patterns aro the best none higher. WE passed into stock this weok 8 bales, whioh we' bought before the advance, and we are going to sell them while they last at tbeee prima 20 Pieces 85•1nolt Ieactory cotton, fine and heavy. Real value, Oo ; Speoial at 40o. 20 Newt' 86.incb Pactory Cotton, uiee, tine, even thread. Good value at 8o ; Speoial at Go, 20 Pieoee 86.inoh Factory Cotton, very heavy and very suitable for Sheetinge. Will give exoollent wear, Speoial value at 00o. Terrghirrting s a,nr'L Cotte�.aa era . o MANY people like to get their supply of these 'goods early eo that they may get their sewing out, of the way before Spring opens, Ono new lines are just opened - up, and y011'll find qualities good and oolore feet. 31•inch Heavy Cotton Shirting, fast oolore, Stripe and (Menke, Speoial 10e. lextett heavy Cotton Shirting) Indigo dye ; the beet , good& the milia malts... Pew patterne, 12eo. Strong and Heavy Cottonede, firm and close weave, etripee and small eheeltg. Speoial, 20e. Eine very beet cottonadn we o0n bey, hard or Cott neigh, beevy weight, 28 and $5a., • 5 needs 40,iebh Apron (:'gingham, 10 small Cllieoke, with Fanny Colored Borders, • Worth; regular, nee. Spool:I at 10e. sr and Eggv,'""at"°^t Sheets to hand and given away and cheapest, prices 5c. to 200.1 trachan. TurnbullKEEP IN STOCK vt FOR COAL FULL LINE O7? AND WOOD.. 1 Steel ...Have you seen the.,. Chancellor Ueel angWith tl H gCloset ? It -beats them e all. Get p1'icoe on this range. Fevre 4iner"ican Water • White ', Coal Oil, •- Cutlery, Lamps, • Tinware, HardWare, r Cir^CW2LtPrZU'C7i7"G',. '-CLOSE li'BtOhll$ IN CROSS, CUT SAWS, The twice Tooth and tho Symonds are our Specialties. 0 The best quality at eloso• prices is"our Mato, • We also handle I.;laekstnitbs' Goal. , , f Wilton. ~& Turnbull, ssel