HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-2-24, Page 2Ir$E ,1311PSS:C1S '.rS POS1.
1!� @E95 N � N�15kEi1
ir:tarestIng Items About Our Own Country,
Creat Britain, the United States. anti
MI Parts of the dlob8, Condensed and
Assorted for Easy Reeding.
Kingston is threatened with awood
A rumor says Parliament will be
galled for March 10.
The Quebec budget shows a great
reduction in the deficit.
The Halifax citadel was seriously
damaged by fire on Friday.
The G.T.R. is building 500 box oars
at its works at Point St. Charles,
It is reported that platinum is being
found in large quantities in the Klon-
It is feared that the peach trees have
been seriously injured by the recent
cold snap.
The Montreal Medical Health Officer
favors a law making vaccination com-
pulsory in that city.
The Grand Trunk is building six ten-,
wheel passengers engines and six mo-
guls for freight service.
A1d. Laurin has resigned from the
Counefl hoard of Hull to become a
polieeman at $500 per year.
The National Council of Women at
Ottawa will petition the city council
to establish a public library.
Joseph Bailey, a patient from Mare
mora, .fell down a shaft at the Reck-
wood Asylum for the Insane on Friday
and was killed.
The Waterworks Committee of Mont-
real is asking for nearly a million
dollars to spend in improving the
St. John's Presbyterian Church,
Brockville, was destroyed by fire, on
Sunday, only the bare metals remain-
ing standing.
Drs. D. C. Maclaren and A. Quack-
enbush, two Ottawa homeopathists,
have issued a circular setting forth
their objections to vaccination.
The Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking
Company has purchased the steamer
Eurydice and will use ber in connection
with their wrecking operations.
Burglars catered the residence of Mr.
Alphonse Lttpierre, Montreal, chloro- e
formed the Inmates of the house and h
robbed them of their valuables.
There were 1,232 deaths; 498 mar- E
riages, and 1,3411 births in Ottawa, in
1808 During January, 1899, there were j
95 deaths from all causes as compared D
with 84 for the same month last year. 0
Dr. D. V. Innes, Canadian immigra-
trtion agent in the United States, es- h
timates that fully 5,000 persons will
remove from'that country to make
their homes in the Canadian North-
West this year. 'U
The magnificent residence of the late
Sir John Abbott at Montreal, has been s
purchased by a syndicate of wealthy e
gentlemen, and will be used as apoli-
tical club. The price paid was $40,- b
Dr. Lettuce and T. A. Bousequet,
civic officials at Montreal, have been ni
suspended, charged with attempting to le
bribe an alderman with $040, to secure
Dr. Leduee's appointment as mink in-
spector. c
50 on
aka of
butter, �' 1
51101] •e picked
Cl ed
up in the North Sou, 26 miles to the
north of Ilartlopeol. e.ho skipper
found the sea atmast covered with
tansies of butter.
The cabbies of Loudon, 7,1100 In nutn-
ber, are en strike heehaw the Polies
Commissioners prohibited empty cabs
standing on the Struuii, 1'ioadiily and
Bund street. The hutele and theaters
are hit t a'
b xd,
Right Floe. Si'iHenry Campbell -Ben -
merman, formerly Chief Secretary for
\Var, itis been elected to suceeed Sir
Wienurn Vernon liareourt as leader of
the Liberal party.
The British soldier is the best fed
individual of his Glens in ,luurope. kle
receives for his daily rations 10 as. of
bread, 12 of meat, 2 of rioe, 8 of dried
vegetables, 10 of potatoes, and once a
week he receives 2 oz. of salt, 4 of (sof-
fee, and J of sugar.
Col. John Morgan, Mayor of Brecon,
Wales, has signified his intention of
laying down at his own cost plant for
the electric lighting of the tuwn. It
is estimated that this will practically
mean a gift of £5,000, In connection
with the Patti wedding, the Mayor
will also bear the Dost of the street
The number 0t: women employed in
the English post office at the present
time is over 80,000, or about one-fifth
of the whole of the vast army of work-
ers in that huge department. Of. that
number 1,3'21) are emptoyed on cleri
work of a nigh order, and with gr
Mrs. Spurgeon, wife of the pastor
the Metropolitan tabernacle, Lund
held a reception Wednesday in aid
the fund for the rebuilding of the o
fine, which was destroyed by fire
April 20, 1898. Within an hour s
oollected £5,000, she herself contrite
ing ;8250.
The Gas World declares that th
are now in use throughout Great B
tam no fewer than 000,000 count
penny -in -the -slot meters. These oo
sumo 7,000,000 cubic feet of gas, or
much as is sold in Birmingham a
Leicester combined, to all classes
ouusumers. in recent years the ou
put el copper stain has greutiy increa
ed from this cause.
The Drapers' Co., of London, En
have offered to. make a contribution
£800 a year for ten years towards t
development of leoflities for agricu
rural education at an important se
of learning. The only condition f
company snake in connection with the
offer is that the Board of Agricultu
shall give the scheme the benefit of i
ossa the
Goner r o
u n nt of .paying
him for hls vote on the land tax bill.
recently passed,
As au indication of the general de-
preeela0 in the Cape, the railway re-
venue shows a weekly reduction 05
$100,09) as aonlpared with last year.
A British soldier audit Kaffir bad u
pure fight la Cape Town, at which the
native wits terrifically beaten, dying
from his injuries a fetor hours later.
iilemento-seeking visitors to Havana
have robbed the graves of the sailors
of the battleship Maine of all the flow-
ers and plants provided by Commodore
Electrical weaving machines are In
use in Ger01any. Seomless stookings
with double heels, are rattled out o1;
eaoh machine at the rate of 11 pairs
an hour.
Central China is seething with dis-
oontent, Rebel Yu-Man-Tze Is report-
ed to be on the road again, and to
have (matured two French mission-
The Norwegian Army has a highly
trained corps of skaters armed with
repeating rifles. These men can be
maoeuvred on iso with a rapidity
equal to the best trained cavalry.
The British military authorities In
India and elsewhere bade at. their nom
m to ''15,000 camels, Thousands of
these usefal but ugly animals are used
in India to carry stores of all kinds
cel when troops change quarters by line
eat of march.
Italian newspaepre say that Italy
of has taken steps to learn the views of
00, the London, Paris and St. Petersburg
of Italian newspapers say that Italy
ian occupation of -a Chincae port, and
un that all three are favorable to the
he idea.
ut-Wh'Io there are 125,000,000 people
whose everyday language is English,
ere there are only 90,000,900 who speak
1•1_ iiussian, 75000,000 who speak German,
ry , 50,,100,000 who speak French, 45,000,-
n_ 00,1 who speak Spanish, and 3-0 000 000
".Christ al. the Beast." Join, 1. 1d, 28-;'
tel dden '8','u3. .1,he 7, 1st,
Verse 1d;, Now about, ".13ut wit
was now." 1'be midst of the feast.
faaat of tabernacles. All breath
the Semitic races like -most bran
of the European race, have had
time immemol•lal their annual ha
festival. Moses by inspiration e
lisped this as he di i 01 herr antique
bal customs, and made the IIe
feast of the tabernacles Nerve a
thanksgiving festival 1. for ]tar
blessings and as a memorial of the
,ion's wanderings in the wilder
Josue had this year come to this f
In secret because of prejudices
plotLiugs against him, Not nue.
that hh was there, the orowds in
temple courts discussed his me
some declaring him a good pian
some a deoelver ; but 'covering all
excited disputation was an abject
of the Jewish authorities w'h r it
known to he hostile to him. J
went up into the temple. As all
brews visiting Jerusalem were a
sootier or later to do ; it was arm
the only place in Jerucal"m to g
and did duty at once as a shrine
college; and a plaza, or publics 1e,
The day was probably a 11,11(11"
Taught. It was the eine; um for re
to sit in the temple courts ctrl
plain the holy Hebrew doe/eines
heir. disciples. Jesus took Ina 11
here with the other rabbis—parlh
s some scholars have guessed, for
lest timb,
:Parse 15 to 27 are omitted from o e of 9tp
08800. They give in condensed fu
vhat Jesus taught, and the utter as- ste,i ftll"tt' hip with Jaws even in Lha
remotest_ eur0,1' of the worth, if he
he riot therein, ,vithuut being reported
ow to the high priest, if the, dignitary
be- sought h,m. Will be go unto the dis-
an. parsed among the Gentiles, and teach
the Gentiles. "'the Licpereion among
to the Greeks, 00.1 Ic•t,:h the Greeks.
e" These Jews Nene were born and lived
hat those who answered slid not kno
the rulers plans. In the midst
the discussion " some of thorn of ler
selem," he said; " Is not th
en It
es of
tri -
s a
who had been sent to arrest him were
doubtless waiting to hear the blase
Phony of which they believed he was
constantly guilty, And it lvus they
who on their return reported, "Never
man spice like this roan," Yet a little
while am .f with you. It was now only
ubaut six months before his death,
ltltougb the svords were addreesed to
those tvlte gathered around him, Dr'.
Churton understands 'them us ounlein-
tng also a direct appeal to these who
sought to take bin. "Why ere ye in
Melt haste to put me to death 0 My
time'uneartlt ie short; 'must soon go,
Withdraw, unto bine that scut me." A8
De 'Wolfe says, the Jaws knew not aim
that seat him.
34. Ye shall seek nee, and shall not
find me. When dangers eomn upon
city and nation youl will seek in vain
for suoh a deliverer as in your pride
and unbelief you nowt rejeot. Where
vest I em, thither ye cannot come, This
does not mean chiefly, if it mune at
all, "Where I shell be when ye seek
me ye. cannot reach to." It means
rather the mental and moral condi-
tion, the attitude toward God and
men, the spirit of ,the Gospel, the at-
t11e musphere which always surrounded
th Sou of Gad, Into that atmosphere
rite, by milli we ern admitted,.and the, too,
ani breathe the air of heaven in propor-
the tecta es we are, true disciples; and coin-
ear 1r,„-i.,n; o: Jesus, Some in that; crowd
, id .ar.:ady 00me into that blessed at -
'ere mo• ph•.re bat ill men who were sok
esus i''g .o n innew 'um, the h1en who were
n�- planning .o: i,i, arrest and deatruo-
t.ua. were by their own character and
:ore pU pais ( eta. mad from that state of
net I u,:enanging t0'lows9ip with the Fa1:h-
s to er vsh'c,t the Sn,i .int his, brethren eh-
e;ny It is a di Lane in eharaoter, not
a ii g cgraphy or time,
r c I ' e .in..0 ..'sir. the d „oro among them-
th. scl,e . "\1 hasher this was the
b111:, titi_,a.iae of nuina
1, Perpls: i y
ea0' 0. sc.s,n i id hard to sty,'
to '1 holt ....stns . ,.i s n : g , .hu• we
LILA Rut floe 11m11.lse prttstly (en -
ace Lei eeLeneed 9.1 be)una 111e buuuds
tt,s, of 1'aie-.t.n), O,e,r the rcoi test na-
1ha tion;, by sue help of th. een,lg.:gue,
Lira high plisse u1' Jeruea,tm exLenled
hie soeyy. .,e Jew, e,.n is.a ing has
ur nen country, would \1 ll f 1. . • '
rat w.tn l en las; tend J,.sus meld not
as who speak Italian.
nd According to the St. Petersburg a
of Novosti, two new steamships of the
t- Russian \rolanteer Fleet will be meter-
s- ed in England. The Russian naval
administration will complete the con- 1
ostruotion duringthe res2
f first-class ironlads, 4 aruiaeraeanor 2
he torpedo boats. Next year 3 Lint -class t
1_ ironclads will be begun.
at To adcstothe horrors or civil war- 1
he fare 1t 10 nose•
reported rt
from rum
Z i
it that the Indians have risen and aro , J
r'e plundering and murdering every-
is where. They attacked a Chiliant1
ing establishment et Cor0ccro, and the a
0_ manager, to' avoid failing into the
s_ maurauders' hands, killed bis wife
ght and suicided. 1'
n _
it is proposed to raise £20,000 to pr
ide a stipend and expenses of a bi
op, wh °shah undertake the oversig the whole work of the church
ngland in Egypt and the Soudan. A
P this region is included in th
urisdiction assigned to the Anglicise
ishop he Jerusalem; and the bishopric
ontemplated must, until circumstanc-
e allow of a division in that'jurisdio-
'on, be in the relation of assistance 1
The cereal food companies of the
nited States are combining.
The people of the United State:; con -
emu about 4,000,00o lxsitiee 0I pi810.cs
very week.
The new car manufacturing emu -
;no formed in the Uniten State, an-
clves a capital of 1pu0,uuu,Jt70,
Considerable Aue1,uiiiin goat, m-
inced at San Franoixu, Ls temente to
ew York by registered mals.
Miss Lena Gordon, 01, col await,
onn., is sunfering ii.txnse.y Linea
fsdone teeth width grow sidestaye.
The Eleatrlc Beat Co., thew 10111,
as bean organized 10 build L0,t8 and
n a steamship line. t;api,.al
A consolidation of all the Liu -plate
had steel interests in the united
atos is registered at Chicago, w,ti,
The American Steel & Wire Co., of
Chicago has decided to advance the
wages of its 30,000 employes -nem e
to 10 per cent.
Thousands o1 sheep nave perished in
Nebraska as a result of the late sev-
ere weather. They were mostly sheep
that were brought from the South and
not yet accustomed to the riguuleue
A Buffalo delegation in Washington
are spending their days and nights
with great diiigenoe, asking members
to support a bill grantiug $uau,99u for
the Pan-American l'exposition in that
city in 1901,
The State L`eparement at Washing-
ton has declined to recognize lLet.laim
of the Austro-Liursgarian Government
for indemnity on account of the Hun-
garian strikers killed by Sheriff 31ar-
1 in's posse at Hazelton„Pa.
The imparts at the port of Buffalo
for the past year totalled $3,5.43,Obu.
Of this $3,2.12,705 was from Can -ala.
Thy chief Items in the Canadian list
were cattle, $851,550; horses, $40,1171;
sheep, $590,145, and lumber, $850,.
The disappearance or the Chinese
who were admitted to the Unmet.
States to take part in the Trans -Mis-
sissippi i.xposiLion at Omaha is still
a mystery, and there is trouble ahead
far all the Chinamen in the United
A banana trust is talked of in New
i'ork, a Dandy trust in Chicago, in
Beaton a consolidation of the print
works in the tinned States, and at
Providence, R. I., a consolidation of
all the large steam engine building
The war investigating commission at
Washinlgton has prepared its report.
The beef supplied to the Cuban ex-
pedition is declared Lo be good enough
for an emergency ration, and the enc.
cess which attended the American
arms seems to have decided the com-
mission 10 finding generally that the
tenituet of the war was all right.
The Sultan of Turkey is 111, Ile has
a variety of delusions midis in can-
stant fear of assassination.
Six cases of yellow fever have dove.
loped ainong the soldiers of the New
York Regiment at G0a0ajay, Cuba.
Two thousand men ales :engaged in
gothe work of the Simplon tune
twelve Milo: long, through the
Swiss mountains,
P'ost'of,,u ; h,ve been established at
Fashoda, Sobs] „ Senear, .Buem, Abu
Rome and sealed 3ibdilte (l) in the
A ,member 2 the Japanese Diet has
onishment of the Jews—that is t
tilers of the hierarchy—at this kn
edge and breadth of thought, he
ng techuically an unlearned nt
esus at once credited his wisdom
re divine Being—"Ilio that sent m
nd in his explanation took occasi
o ask, " Why go ye about to kill ma
he people denied that they had a.
itch evil intent, and it is probab
Remarkable Experiments With a New
Wrench Invention.
O A despatch from Paris, says: — Re-
markable experiments with a new
cuirass constructed by a French bi-
kenlor named Threaud were made at
Asnieres, four miles from Paris, on
i ued.hry. The essential portion
of the
0ui1.•151 is a sheet of metal, the cora-
190siti0:1 of which is a secret. The
pinta is fitted with, an inner and an
outer tieing, the nature of which is
al o it r e0: et, ' The manner in which j Th
the ,inine.s are fixed are said to add to ; n
Heir unpanetrehi 11)•.
iho Wight of 190 cuirass is aboat and
to. uncle 11 uut(s:es, ., inti ' to
LL3el rifle , ata
of ox mt .metres enlibee was employ -1 fat
el in the test ea a di einem of 70
yar(18. ,the sn•rt stunk 1.111 ouirnes fn pe
the centre. 'I'hs front or the cuirass me
WO, found to b0 torr,, but 111e inden- the
re1lou of the metal piat.e was very nt
eht, while the bees lining 880.1 in- ch
"In n wont,” the report of the ex eof
r m'ntstiny•, "1 h:5 impsn.trnb'11ty ofj of
he cuirass was proved to be. perfect,”
The lighthouse on Snake Island,
Kingston, is being removed to a point
on the shoals southwest of the island, h
The work is under the supervision of ru
Mr. W. H. Noble, of the Marine De- 00
partment, Ottawa.
The Master in Ordinary has decid-
ed that the American receivers of $0
the Massachusetts Life Association are
not entitled to rank as creditors on the
deposit of $112,000 made by the aseoci-
ation with the Canadian Government,
The Brockville Peat Company bus
been granted exemption from taxation
by the Elizabethtown Council on the
lands, buildings and machinery neces-
sary for the carrying on of peau manu-
facturing on a large scale in that town-
Lr'. E, Pelletier, secretary of the
Quebec Board, has issued a bulletin to
the Board of Health regarding the
present status of smallpox in that pro-
vince. There have been 11 cases in
ail since the outbreak, all in Soulanges
Mr. Sexton declines the Irish leader-
ship. It may go to Sir Thomas Henry
Gen. Hunter, of the Egyptian army,
has been presented at Glasgow with
a zeroed of bonier.
William Laird, of the famous ship-
building firm of Laird Bros., at Birk-
enhead, England, died on 'Tuesday.
G. A. Spottiswoode, head of the noted
Oirm of Lyre & Spottiswoode, parlia-
beentary and general printers, is dead
at London
Lord Mountstephen has sent 211,00)
to the Prince of Wales' Hospital fund,
and says ho intends to contribute a
like sum annually.
The wife of Mr. John Putt, farmer,
Parley Farm, Chudleigh, England, gave
birth last week to 4children, 8 girls
and a boy. Mother and babies are
doing well,
Canterbury Town Council has decid-
ed that the presentation of the honor-
ary freedom of the pity to Mr. H. Bea-
ton, Af. P., will take place on Marsh
Among the latest contributions to t
Prihce of Wales' Hospital fund for Lon-
don are the following: The Fishmong-
ers' Company, .01,000 ; Lord Grimthorpo,
It is calculated that some 10,000,000.
photographs of Queen `Victoria and of
the Prince and Princess of Wales are
produced annually, which find ready
sale all over the world.
The appeal for 11,500,000 in connec-
tioh with the w Chinese Impartnl Itrtft-
way 5percentage gold loan in London
hoe been a phenomenal success. It
watt applied 208 five times over.
The committee of Lloyds have given
silver modals to officers of the Am-
erioal line steamer Paris for bravery
ie roaming the aro a
g w iho. British
steamship Vinclabala in mid-Atlantic.
The trawler Neptune has landed at
GFritnsby a singular catch, consisting of
(n foreign eountrfes, descendants of the
exiles who never returned, ware popu-
larly known as the Dispersion. They
were snLtered among the heathen
throughout the Roman empire and in
w all the Asiatic cities, To begin a ca-
reel• as a prophet 0r Messiah among
of tl„m would, in the ni}uds of moat Jews,
u he the- height of folly, and to make
is them the starting point of a mission
akto did Gentiles would be a horrible
breach of faith. But there is an un-
c0neeious prophecy contained in these
n- words, which was futfilled in the Pen-
ut teeustal blessing and in the labors of
lea Paul.
30. A substantial repetition of verse
is 35. The strange words of our Lord
haunt these men.
e- 37. In the last day, the great day of
the feast. The feast of tabernacles
h was kept seven days, Deut. 10. 15, but
the eighth day was a day of holy con-
e- vocation and Sabbath rest Lev. 28. 86.
e which seems to have been observed
's with even greater solemnity, and
e, probably a larger concourse than
r- Lhe other' days. Several beautiful
ritual practices had engrafted them-.
n selves during the centuries upon the
Mosaic system, and one of these, not
tv prescribed in the Pentateuch, and
f suggesting to the memory God's Beal-
e tags with his people, was the daily
e pum'ing of water from Siloam on the
a great altar, The Jews would recall,
y as they witnessed this rite, the mira-
a coleus gift of the water in the desert,
s else the words of the propllet, "Th'ere-
foer with joy shall ye draw water out of
ps the wells of salvation." Jesus, who
e had before this spoken his evontlerful
words concerning the well of living
t water to the woman at Samaria, now
declares that in him this rite, not again
to be performed for a year, "pusses ia-
to an abiding reality."He is the
Fountain of living water. "It is uncer-
tain whether the libations ware made
on the eighth day. If they were not
' made," writes Dr, Westcott, "the sig-
nufioant cessation of the striking rite
on this one day of the feast would give
a stili mare fitting occasion for the
words." Jesus stood and cried', 1Ie
spoke with a loud voice, that all in
the temple courts might hear, If any
matt thirst, let him come unto me,
and drink. These words would also
recall to the studious worshiper the
words of the prophet Isaiah, "Ho,
every one that thirsteth, come ye to
the seaters, and he that hath no money;
Goma ye, buy and eat; yea, come, buy
wine and milk without money and
without: prioe." 1't is a repetition of
elicit. Jesus lead said to the poor oro
name at t113 well„ "Whosoever 18iuk-
eth of the water that I s9a11-give him
11ia.11 never thirst, but the water that
I ,Pholl give him shall be in him a
well of water springing up into ever-
lasting life."
e whom they seek to kill '? Iia
it Lliat the rulers allow him to spa
boldly 0 Hare they come to the co
elusion that he is the Messiah 7 B
cannot be the :Messiah, for when 1;
Messiah cometh no man will kno
whence he came, but we know tis
man's .ancestry."
28. Then cried Jesus, "loans then
fore rrried," lilted up his voice with
passionate remonstrance. Ye bot
know me, and ye know whence C am
ass noteworthy words have been e
Oiled by some as being ironical, "Y
either know me nor whence I am;
by others as being interrogativ
o ye' know 'are,' " etc. We undo
nd them to be a simple statement se
9, but with reference to his huma
rsonality and his earthly environ
n9, He admits that they kno
superficial truth—ho is Testis o
zareth. Ire then proceeds at ono
assert their ignorance of his tru
erecter and mission. I am not tom
myself. He had not come from an
the great sahoots, but he is not "
more. self-taught enthusiast ;" he hit
been (omni ssi0ned directly by God
that soft me is true. Perlia
"g halos" or "real" would give mor
nt l.1, meaning ..khan "true." Not
"II- thief rent me is truthful," leu
' 17 s 1 ,les ideally True," the `really
Lel :L. \\room ye know not. That
1h y s.cre provoked to hostility by
( u: inertia, t aehin}Is proved that they
e.i.i surf ' know God."
.0. 1. Liam hint. "The Word was
with C'„u, ,in:: tea Word was God.'
1111 S..n know,th the Father, as be-
In,t eT one nalu'3 with the Father
"roe who once e; in. knoweth the
Ihinl;.'. ud a ma_. ;awe the spirit of
the man tvbi'sls };•;a him) even so the
h 003 0'5 G.,(1 none kneweth save the
.. 0'f (.Fad." r atm from 9101. "0f
1 prulecdsn't' from him."
. 'Pb^n th.y tcught to take him.
oo'o the ru
o s 'ought to take
h f slumps to arrest Jesus
11 . cg cal , o>etc of hie having
t .ant from God. Doubtless the
Ohm aeked by the common' people
eases 25, 26 had greatly aggravated
• No man laid hands, on him, be-
e his hour was not mime, Their
purpose was held fn check by the
ne will aryl power, What means
used we are not told—it was pos-
y a continuance of the fear of the
. Many of the people believed on
, 1t1 contrast with the leaders.
n Christ cometh, will he do more
cies than these which this men
done'? They knew of other mir-
besides those which Jobn has re-
t, and their question is an indica-
te" their wide-eyed wonder. After
hese people are as yet rather ac-
ted by his miracles than convert -
y doctrine, ,,'Iosua hacU not yet
ly asserted that: he was the A'Ios-
Tbe Pharisees heard that the nem,
murmured such things concerning
The Revised Veneiok melees them
hear the murmurings, His teach -
endangers their authority, and
dare not allow' this popularity to.
further. To them he seemed a
tie and a revolutionist, and as thea
ons and politiciaits they were
d to bring his downfall, The Phar-
and the chief priests, The Seethe.
probably formally; certainly its
bars, Sent officers to take lido,
is the first formal attempt upon
Lord's life, It well unsuccessful
use of the impro'sazon made upon
officers by.our Lord's teachings
story is told in verso 46.
Then said Josue unto therm. Tho
,sed Version omits ' nht0 them."
Lard watt' efneply continuing his
hlees 'discourse. 'The officers
Engineers Vow l'rrpni'I ash C0p0,'fe 0u the
. Nnrl ey lite a (Railway.
A despntell from Ottawa says:—Two
of 111• engineers dospatcirod by the Cann
ernment lest Rummer to tneke•a ('crou-
noissnneo etirrey for a railway from
Edmonton towards the Yukon, are now
engaged in the 1)rpartlnetlt of Foil -
ways preparing their reports. fJ'r.
Dwyer hid charge of the western di-
vision, Mr. Dupont of 1111 eastern, and
Mr. Dibble of 111a Genual d,visiun. The h n
101 ter is winto,i.tg in sire ceuntr•y, His! '4'1
ter, tw'y extended from the Paasarp r 11
l'ive'r In a point west, at which 111: Was him
t a r
t M Jw yer's ptr!'y canting W!
(:1:11 '1elegrap11 r.ree.,, on Lim,1titiceen,
Lowe HA th•'1 ,toe int. 114 r. Dupont sur.
hayed iho tine (rum l;dmanLuu west to
:11(0 Parsnip river, Until their re -
porta h,1v0 been made public it will
of coerce be impossible to say what
the succuss of the survey has been, bat
from what has been reported it is
probable a fairly easy line has been
found between Edmonton and the Pers -
ant river, and even some distance be-
yond that point,
Itevernment Secretly Arranged for .1,,,
other Weapon or Warfare.
A deepateb from Berlin says:—Ger-
many is again planning to rearm her
infantry ofrces with a magazine ri-
fle of some improved pattern. The sec-
ret is being well kept.
The Minister of War, Lieutenant -
General von Gossler, when recently
elated before the Budget Committee of
the Reichstag concerning the adoption
of a new small calibre rifle, gave an
evasive answer. From many aour085,
however, come indications that the
military coup is being prepared.
Like all German army moves, the
matter Is being carried on quietly and
secretly, Definite knowledge of the
new arra will. dot be known until the
entire army is suddenly 5uppiiod with
the weapon.
The new On will he of email calibre,
using, of anuria, smokeless powder, and
the ballot bears no resemblance to the
hollow projectile of the Lngiish army
iu v
th e
si bl
all, t
ed b
nesting or 888,1,,, al/Ii Vold In western
A despatch from Denver, Co1., says:—
J. W. Springer, secretary' of the Con-
tinental Land and Cattle Company, on
Wednesday received word from its
Montana and Texas ranches that the
loss of live stook would he very great
as a result oe the gonna and oold,
"The loss," said Mr. Springer, "will be
general' throughout the western coup-
try from Montana, down through
Wyoming, Colorado. New Mexico, and
Texas. In some planes it will probably
reach 50 per cent, and 11 will run
throughout the country between 10
and 85 per oent, The great loss of
cattle to bound to make high prides
during year, as the last Govan
tient reports show teat 'there is a
cattle shortage, and the demand for
foreign trade is greatly increased."'
How does it'hapmon, Jane snapped
the angry mfstrees, that 1 saw o
feeding tient policeman pie
pum kin
inlthe 'kitchen last evening? P p
furgot ter plug the keyhole, mum.
x' 1011, 24, 1899
When. the Nerve Centres .Neal tate' tion,
A. 'Wonderful Recovery, Illustrating tiler
Quick esp.onse of a Depleted Nerve
System, to a Treatment Wl °
Replenishes E:shaus ted
Nerve Flores.
:Fischer) you know him ? In Water-
loo ho is known as one of the most
popular and successful business men of
that enterprising town. As ..snag-
ing executor of the Kuntz estate, he is
at the head of a vast business, repre-
senting an investment of many thous-
ands of dollars, and known to many
people throughout the Provinoo.
Solid financially, Mr. Frank Bauer
also has the good fortune of enjoying
nolid good health, and if appearances
indicate anything, it is safe to predict
that there's a full half century of
active life still ahead for him. Bub
it's only a few months since, while
nursed as an invalid at the 11e,
Clemens sanitary resort, when his
friends in Waterloo were dismayed
with a report that he was at the point
of death
"There's no tolling whore I would
have been had I leapt on the old treat-
ment," said Mr. Bauer, with a merry
laugh, the other day, while recounting
his experiences as a very sink man.
"IYIt. Clemons," he continued, "wits
the last resort in my case. For
months previous I had been suffering
indescribable tortures. I began with
a loss of appetite and sleeplees nights,
Then, as the trouble kept growing, I
was getting weaker, and began losing
!]ash and strength rapidly. lily
stomach refused to retain food of any
kind. .During all this time I eves
ender modioal treatment, and took
everything pr,tsorihed, but without
relief. Just about when my condition
seemed most hopeless, I heard of s.
wonderful cure effected in a ease,
somewhat similar to thine, by the.
Groat South AmericanNervine Tonio,
and I finally tried that. On the first
day of its use I began to feel that it
was doing what no other medicine
had done. The first dose relieved the
distress completely. Before night I
actually felt hungry and ate with an
appetite such es I had not known for
months. I began to pick up in
strength with surprising rapidity,
slept well nights, and before I knew
it I was eating three square meals
regularly every day, with as numb
relish as aver, I have n0 hesitation
whatever in saying that the South
American Norville Tonic cured me
when all other rotaec?ice failed. I
have recovered my old weight—over
200 poauds—and never fait better
in my life."
Mr. )rank Bauer's experience is
that of all others who have used the
South American Nervine Tonic. Its
instantaneous action in relieving dis-
tress and pain is due to the direot
effect of this great remedy upon the
nerve centres, whose fagged vitality
is energized instantly by the very first
dose. Itis a groat, a wondrous cure
for 'all nervous diseases, as well as
indigestion and dyspepsia. It goes
to the real scorn of trouble direct,
and the sick always feel its marvel-
lous sustaining and restorative power
at once, on the very first dey of its
Sold by C+. A. Deadman.
Net. Form or Government toe the Icig.
gest Cita' in the World.
A despatch from London says:—The
municipal government of London has
long been under a cumbersome, dis-
jointed system, without responsible
head or o0 -operative departments.
Many attempts have been made to re-
form It, but little has been a000m-
A bill will be presented at Lha com-
ing session of Parliament providing
for a complete reorganization. As this
bill has Governmental approval, tun -
don may at [net do away with its in-
numerable .boards, vestries, commit-
tees, and departments.
It is proposed to leave untouched the
htstorie old walled city government,
with its Lord Mayor, aldermen, and
Outside this ancient heart of Lon-
don, however, twenty-nine munir.fpali-
ties or boroughs viii be created, each
with a Mayor and Council, to exorcise
purely local functions.
The London City Ccsuneit, which is
now the ruler of London, will con-
tinue in existence and legislate on af-
fairs defeating the whole municipality
such as control of police and fire af-
fairs, the administration of justloe,
drainage and parks.
Casting a Lot. la Get 111,8 of the S;nt
Jose S,allc.
The extermination of the San Jose
scale in Ontario promises to be a very
expensive business, Over a year ago
the sum of $7,000 was Voted for the
purpose, but the expenditure has ex-
Deeded that amount by nearly ,$10,000.
The ;Minister of Aviculture this see-
Sion will ba obliceed to asst for a vote to
00981' the 0x0085 of expenditure in 1899,
end a further sum to continuo the
work during the present year. The bi11.
which Mr. Dryden will shortly intra-
duce provides, it is sold, for a careful
inspection of ell nurseries and nursery
p s much ahem.
stock in Ontario
Supped liar Cable and Sank fn. Holyhead
A despatch from London says :—The
British . warship, Resistance, from
Portsmouth for Liverpool, put Into
Holyhead on Thursday, leaking badly
from causes mental) could net be ascer-
tained. She had not been in eollison,
not' heel she ma ft
which would have starteher leaking
She was moored in Lha harbor, but
afterward slipped her ()able and sank
at high water. The crew were saved.
Tho Resistance is Glassed as a non-ef,
festive vessel.
Win Name Tos'pudo.0101t 1/estl'eyer tot'
Stoke' Lynch.
A despatch from London, says:—
Stoker 'Lynch, tiro young Irishman
whose heroism in dashing into tho
boiling steam engine -room of the toe
podo-destroyer Thrasher to resouo hie
mutes, won for him the Albert medal,
first-class, the highest dlstnnition for
bravery in England, has just died at
his home in Youghal, County Cork,
from consumptions followin,i the in-
juries he then received, Ile will have
a military funeral. it is proposed to
name after him the next • destroyer
launched, which would he a complete
innovation in Ilritish naval nomsnela" •
The ,Slinuiton ill the Ql,lltans Reported to
k0' Al:lrt.thig,
A despatch from Vienna says:—The.
situation in the .l?alkans is becoming
alarming, lt. is reported that the •Al-
llan;en chiefs have, decided to (empire
holy war nn the 73ulgnriee . i h'• s't:in»
tion tae tiro Cln•istiens fn' Maeedonie
glows pre0ilrinlis, and the Salina'' 1111•
voys find it constantly more dsffialil+' -
to prevent a Moleimmedn i .vol.
againstho:BalkMIS express
them. iinglisli n8Wsa8