HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-2-24, Page 1Vol. 27. No. 83
i -i
Who recently Graduated
of the
bee received her supplies and is now pre•
pared to attend to thowants
of the public.
Colonist Excursions
Cahalan l.orthwest
Will leave TORONTO via North Bay at
3.15 p.m. and 9 p.m, each TUESDAY
during March and April (if sufficient
bueineee offers.)
Colonist Sleeping ('aro for passengers
with ordinary baggage will be attoobed to
train leaving TORONTO at 9,10 p. in. and
will urn through to Winnipeg
golontet. Sierping Cara for passengers
travellingon same train ae their live stook
will be atached to train leaving TORONTO
at 1 p. m., and will run through to Winnipeg.
Berths will be free in these cars and can
bo secured by passengers on apprloatioa to
Grand Trunk Agents,
'Pickets, rates and .all information front
Agents of Grand Trunk Railway System.
J. N. KENDALL, Agent, Bruesele.
New Advertisements,
Looal-Toa PosT,
Card -Mise Moore.
Local -Robb. White.
Colonist exonraione-G. T. R.
Clearing sale-.MoKinnon & Co.
Change iu business -N. F. Gerry.
Mare for sale -Thos. MoLauoblin.
Special Attraatioue-J. Pergueort & Co.
alfa nertt0"ivn.
Some correspondence in a recant ieeue
of your valuable paper has been brought
to our notice. Strange it is that a man
cannot make a friendly pall without be.
ing publioly criticized and continually
hearing a din about it. The intruder
theme to take delight in bellowing through"
the press and thiuke he displays aoholar.
ship by so doing, but be only tends to
corroborate the old adage that•"Empty
barrels make most noise.' I think a
suggestion might not be out of place :-
The inmates of noneylum for theinsane
in Minnesota are at times amused by
their attendants dictating claseioel
literature to them. I say get out tbere
"Frieud Slick" belch your oratory at the
idiots and they may regard you as the
greatest .genius that over illuminated
« rt nbrooJc.
Andrew McNichol has been on the sick
list but we hope he will noon be better.
The flax mill has completed its work
on the crop of 1898. It was not as large
as mewl
A. 0. Dames was chosen to represent
the Oranbrook 0. 0. F. Court at the
High Court meeting at Brantford next
A wedding ie on the tapia. Howfok
will furnish the bride and Oraobrook, the
groom. Joe does not take a back seat
with anybody.
There was a very large turn out at the
funeral of the late Mre. McIntosh, Thure
day of teat week, bespeaking the deep
respect felt for her.
John Huuter, builder of this village has
the contract from Wm. Ellicott, of 14th
•con., Elma, for the ereotion of a new
briok reeidenoe. Mr, Hunter is a oapital
Win=lett tra.
Sioknese seems abating somewhat.
Ohae, Lloyd, an esteemed . resident, is
at the point of death.
W. J. Deyell, of Turnherry, has leased
his farm to Rickard Poonolc, His sale is
on Marcia 8th,
The service in the Motbodist ohuroh
lard Sabbath morning was taken by Juo.
Kerr, and in the evening by Rev. D.
S. Grainy,J. McLean and Rev. Lowe.
ere delegates to the hllgh Court 0, 0. F.,
with D. 110. Gordon and T. Mil ae
Walker & Clegg withdrew their to nest
for a loan, of 38,000 and exemption,• ea
they are making arrangements for spade
and power from Button & Fessaut.
The funeral of Mrs. 'Phomas Leslie
come here from Listowel on .Saturday.
She wan formerly a resident here and
waa highly esteemed. Her age wag 76
Mrs. Pascoe, wife of Rev. Do. Paeooe,
died Tuesday afternoon. at 2 o'olenk,
after n two weeks' innate, The fitter"
ment will be made in 51. rTbotuaa on
rriday, leaving trete op the early train.
A ohort eervioe will be held on 'Ihuesdey
evening iet the pareonage, conducted by
llcv, S. J. AIlin, of Brussels. 1)r. Pascoe
himeolf hes been ill, bet is able to be
Hoorttay.-A Lnaknow dispatch Saye 1-
Ltiolmow won from Wingham, on the
ice of the former team, in the Huron and
Bruce Longue by 0 to 6. The game was
the faste4 ad el n eet over
seen in
Luoknow, Some excellent oornbioation
work was done by the borne team, eon -
sidearm he oft oondition of he ioe.
The Wingbem team, a000rnpani.d by
about 100 fpilowere„arrived by 'made)
train et 8,20 p. in•, and at once proceeded
to the rink, which one already packed to
overflowing. Never since the time of the
Sepoy lacrosse olub woe ever MAI excite•
ment shown in any game in Luoknow,
Among the spectator') were large num.
ber of ladies wbo oheered the boys on to
victory, and when the final deoieion was
given it wasquite evident that the great
crowd of vieiture were imrneneely pleased
with the fair, and clean work of the home
team, in comparison with the usage our
boye reoeived at the hands of the Wing.
ham team on Monday night peat, when
they were defeated by a Boom of 4 to 1,
and not 14 to 1, ae publiebed in the re.'
port of that game. At ball -time the
there etood 8 to 2 in favor of Luoknow.
Fred. Sheppard, 01 Goderiob, refereed the
game, and' gave general 'satisfaction, hie
decisions never being questioned. This
pate Wingham out of the that, and the
ehampionehip now Ilea between Kincar-
dine and Ripley.
Wm. Stinson ehipped a carload of
Jambe on Monday.
The ioe harvest hae been a large one
this year. The ice was over two feet in
Rev. A. B. Forney baa been confined to
the house for the past two weeks but is
almost well again.
Rev. A. B. Dobson hae been seriously
ill with pneumonia.. His pulpit was oil•
copied on Sunday last by Rev. Mr, Bal-
lantyne,of -Molesworth.
The anniversary services in the Metho-
dist thumb on Sabbath last were very
successful. Rev. Jasper Wilson, of God.
erioh, preached able termone morning
and evening. The Monday evening
meeting was addressed by Rev. Mr. Wil.
eon and Rev. J. B. Kennedy, of Wroxeter.
Dian.-Ou Sunday morning. Samuel
Greer departed this life. He had been
in poor health for a number of years, the
result of an attack of pneumonia from
whioh'he never fully reoovered,`and was
confined to bed for about six months.
During his long illness he was always
cheerful, and displayed the most Chris.
blab fortitude. He leaves a wife and a
family of five sons and three daughters.
He was in his Goch year end had resided
here since 1854 when the Greer Bros.
moved here taking up the land that
Gerrie now ooeopiee. He was a member
of the Methodist church, a staunch Con-
servative and auivereally respected by all
who knew him.
Towneliip Council will meet here on
Saturday of next week.
The special revival serving in the
MFthodiet hburoh oloeed last week,
Rev. Mr. and Mre. Aplin, of Bruesele,
were vieitore at the Methodist parsonage
on Friday of last week.
Ethel C. O. F. Court will not likely
send a representative to Brantford next
week to the High Court.
The ease of Wm. Lake went with
quite a swing on Wednesday afternoon
of this week, under •the management of
P. S. Scott, of Brunets. Proceeds over
The "Holland" 100 sore farm near
here is offered to rent ae A. Conon is giv.
ing op the farm with the intention of re.
turning to Morrie. Postmaster. Spence
is the agent and is able to give all, parti.
We are dead in love with the new order
of things at the G. T. R. and our night
train, Every traveller should now par.
abase a red lantern so as to stop the
train fl they want to go West. • Give us
back our $86,000 and we tvII1 omit it
Beauchamp, was the first white man to
settle in Grey township in 1850. With
the help of eleven men and one woman,
whom he brought with him Dorn Welles.
ley, be built a taw mill at what le now
aalled"Henfryn. Be forgot a hammer
and bad to go bath 12 miles to get one.
1,000 ft. of pine lumbar was sawed into
inch lumber by October with an old
fashioned upright saw: and he then made
it into a raft on the river and etarted to
float it down to •Goderich, getting there
in three weeks. The .Government Land
Agent, Mr. Clark, found oat this lumbar
was taken. off Government land and had
it seized and Beauchamp got nothing for
hie Sommer's work. He left his wife
and two children in the ehanty with
nothing to eat but a few potatoes. Tbey
managed to live on flab and cow cabbage
wbigh grew thick in the woods. Fish
were also plentiful in the river. "'Bean.
champ arrived home by the fist of the
Winter, found the cupboard empty and
struck for the forest with hie rifle to get
eouLo game. He found a deer bung up on
a pole by the nose and front feet by a
with. Be out it down and carried it
borne to his family for meat, Some
days after two Indians came along and
asked him if he had taken the deer and
be awned up that be had. They said
they knew it was a white man took
their deer ae Indians never carry their
deer to camp but always pulled it by
the nose with a twisted gad or in other
wordo a with, Tbey also knew he had
a little dog With a abort tail as they bad
seen whore it had tat down in the snow
and left the maths of rte abort tail,
They knew he bad a short rifle as they
saw where he had stood it against ,the
tree and the mark of the gun was left on
the bark, but now since he had told the
tenth they would let him have the deer,
They told him where he ,wodld find an
ox with a bell en ie the .bush feeding on
the ground hemlock and small throb
which tvere plentiful in those days.
Beauohatep got the nix, killed it and with a
few polutoes managed to live through un.
til Spring, The Beauchamp croak,, of
wheal we go often heat, was named after
this tame man,
John Grant will take up his abode at
Seaforth where be hes relativee. We
WW1 him many happy years,
Station Agent Mitchell, of Galt, is here
and will move his family tolltbel shortly.
We welcome him to our village.
The Methodiete of Kippen have oom-
pleted arrangemenle for the building of a
new ohuroh in that village, width will be
of the latest design. They are now ask-
ing for tendere. Rev. W. J. Waddell,
formerly of Ethel, is the pastor.
FORWARD MOVE: ONT: A. public meet•
ing•will be held by ell the appointments
of the Ethel alveoli) in the Methodist
church in Ethel, on tMouday evening
next, Feb. 27th, in too interest of. tbe
Forward Movement for Missions, relative
to the support of our dietrict Missionary,
Rev, Mr. Raley, at Kicamat,•B. 0. Dr,
Stopheson, the corresponding member
for the 1'. el. M., has been aeoared, and
will present rally the needs of the work.
To those who have mot Dr. Stepbeoenn
no testimony of his worth is necessary.
To tboee who have not we have full eon-
lldence in saying that he is one filled with
the spirit of Missions, and to whom, for
zeal and worth, no mac of his age ie
superior in the Methodist eburab to day.
All are invited to oome and hear him,
There is no admission fee ; a silver aol-
leotion will be taken, Meeting to corn.
rnenee promptly at 7.30.
`kV sal Lori.
Thomas Hamilton, a young mac of
Howiok township, died recently of sou•
eumption. He taught for a time in
Howlett and then attended Toronto
University, where he was preparing
himself for the Presbyterian ministry,
but his health failed. After a short time
he secured the principalship of Walton
publio school, but had to give that up
Bela -re -ave.
003o0Arum0010Ne.-Those.living on the
East aide of the gravel road extend con-
gratulations to these on the West aide
over the election of R. Holmes to the
Dominion House. Well done West
NOTES.-Olegg Si Dames keep the hog
and cattle trade brisk and shipments ire.
gnent.-This is serious weather for the
roads. -Prices for wood from the farmers
are a third higher than last year. -W. H.
-Kerr, of Tnio Pose, Brussels, filled the
pulpit of the Methodiet church Sunday
evening. Rev. F, J. Oaten was absent
supplying in Blyth. -Benj. Wray is ser-
iously i11. Mre. Wray is also in poor
health. -The general health of the corn•
munity is greatly improved.
John Agen ie quite well again.
Thomas Russell is cutting wood in Ent
Peter Gantlet] is away visiting his
brother who ie ill.
A good many had potatoes touched
with frost last week.
Miss Slater and Mr. Fear were visiting
at H. Mooney's teat Sunday.
Mr. Erratt, of Auburn, waa visiting at
John Hunter's, 7th line, this week.
School entertainment at the Township
Hall on Friday evening of this week.
Jae. Sharp and wife were renewing old
friendships in and around Milverton,
R. Vint has the contract of buildinga
sone wall on the 7th line for G. Pearse.
J. Miekirnm-ing, of Winnipeg, ie visit
ing fn Morris. He is a bridge builder for
the 0.2.R.
Mrs. John Wightman ie quite poorly
again we are sorry to hear. Hope she
will soon be better.
The roads are not in the very beet
ahape just now owing to the deep snow
and soft weather.
It is reported that Wm. McCall has
leased the Adam Soott 86acre farm, 7th
line, from MOArtrr Bros. -
Rev. J. E. Hunter, of Ethel, was
bothered witb la. grippe but . is getting
over it quite nicely note.
Mre. Henry Clark, who hae been visa-
ing bere for the paid few months, left for
her home in Manitoba last week.
A.leotare on "Astronomy" will be given,
to the Sunshine League in the near
future by the pastor, Rev. F. J. Oaten.
A good many Morrie farmers are inter•
eated in the peat business and would like
to see something developed along this
In the absence of the pastor, who waa
at Goderich, Rev. Mr. Oaten, of 13elgrave,
preaobed at Jaokeon'e appointment last
Sabbath afternoon.
John Kelly, of Blyth, intends building
a brtoh bouee on hie 100 sore farm on lith
line. Mr. Stephenson is drawing lurnber
and stone for the same.
Mre. T. Rogerson, 8bh line, is still very
poorly' She bad a flambee of teeth ex.
tracted a month or so ago and hae suffer-
ed hyeterioally since at times. We hope
the will soon be better.
Tlios.Maundero Was away to Toronto
during the past week along with his son,
Robert, who was receiving medical treat.
meet. A on ceaaful operation was per.
formed for appendioitie.
A three year old heifer, the property of
James Sharp, 6th line, - presented her
owner with a fine calf laid Saturday
morning-tbe second. She ban been
giving milk for 8 mouths.
Chas. Bozell and family are moving
this week from the 4th line of Morrie to
the Ferguson 200 core farm, 10th con., of
Grey, where they formerly resided. Mr.
Bedford And family removed to Londes-
bore tide week from the farm Mr, Ransil
hos gone to. -
Will. Hanna left on Thursday' of this
Week, for Toronto, where he intends
stopping off for a few days then he will
returh to his borne at Midway, Manitoba.
The Hanna Broil. ars. well known in
Morris and have tbe beet wishes of all
for their prosperity. Will. hag been here
fox 2a'tnonths.
Richard Skelton, wire spent a good
share of the Winter in this loonlity, left
net week for Toronto where be will visit
before going West to Manitoba whore he
hag a quarter section none Mellta. Mr.
Shelton is going ;bank to his bachelor
quarters instead of Inking tote of the fair
daughters of Morris back with hitt ea
W. H. KERR, Prop.
Allan H, Ooabrane(ie away at Goderich
this week doing duty as one of the Oouu.
ty Auditors,
Dire. Jamee Hall is improving after an
attack of la grippe. A great many people
are i11 at present.
Jamee Hall has inveeted in a Durham
boll. A. Nichol has oleo it One Durham
bull ten months old.
A oartain young man in thio locality
takes opal oil along with him when going
to see hie beet girl. We think bo will
take well.
The anew banks on our oonoeseions
should be shipped to those parte where
they had none this Winter ae we have
far too ninth of the beautiful.
John Forrest, of Algoma, was visiting
old friends in Morris lest week. It ie
going on to thirty years since Mr, For-
rest left here. He Bees many changes
einoe then.
Thos. and Mre. Russell spent a few
days vieiting ut and ground Stratford,
arriving home on Friday of last week.
Mr. Russell is laid up with la grippe we
are sorry to say.
Joseph Smillie, let eon., hae been both-
ered with a felon on one of the fingers of
his left hand. We hope be will soon be
able to dissolve partnership with hie
troublesome companion.
The motion sale of MoArter Bros., on
Wednesday of last week, wag largely
attended and good prices realized. F. S.
Scott, of Bruesele, was the auctioneer and
did his work firet•:lase.
E. Nichol, 0th line, baa the briok on
the ground for a two storey pottage.
Ales. McNeil, of Brunie, has the atone
and briok work, and Jno. Hunter, of
Oranbrook, the carpenter work.
Low land is badly flooded now
Mies Dibble Ball ie borne from an en-
joyable visit with relatives and friends in
The fine briok residence of Henry Mo.
Naught, 17th con., bad a aloes call by fire
recently, ceased from bot ashes.
Oboe. Bartliff, 4th line, intends re.
moving to Brussels. He may take a trip
to the Northwest in the Spring.
A. & A. Hislop talk of starting for the
Weed next Tuesday. They will take a
dozen fine horses back with them.
The auotion. sale of Alex. Ross, con.
2, will be held on Friday, March 10th.
He will dispose of hie entire farming
outfit ae he hae Bold hie Perm and will
remove to Gerrie.
Mies Turnbull hae been engaged as
teacher of Barker's school, ae •aahoessor
to the late Herman Ball. The young
lady comes higbly reoommended au an
excellent• teacher.
Some of the tenure were wondering
what sort of wild animals were marching
about through their fields but aeaertained
they were the tiny footprints of the Berm
eels Snow Sboe Olnb.
Last Saturday, William Hielop, who
has been visiting here for the past two
months, returned to the Wert. He lives
near Arcola, N. W. T. Mre. Hielop, hie
mother, 16th amu,, whom ha oame bare to
viait, is not enjoying very vigarane health.
Rheumatism ie the trouble.
A new house will be built by Alex.
Hied, 12th eon., next season. Jas. Greig
also talks of building a new residence.
Robert Pickrill will raise hie barn and
put atone stabling' under it. Albert
Whitfield, of the 18th„ will put up a
modern barn.
The 100 tare farm, known as the Leokie
property, situated on the 12th eon„ has
been purchased by Councillor James Mo.
Donald, of this township, for one of hie
sons, for the sum of 04,000. Oarnooban
Bros. ware the owners. I`. 8. Scott, of
Brussels, made the sale. It ie a good
farm and with -a little fixing up can be
considerably improved.
Stephen Kreeeler, who has been renew.
ing old friendebips in this locality, will
return shortly to Sault Ste. Marie, where
be has put in the peat 10 or 12 years.
Mr. Kneeler is a mason by trade end
thinks the West has advantages over
Ontario for tradesmen. He Was visiting
at Chas. Bleokert'e, near Monkton, last
Last Monday Arolr, Oruden disposed
of his farm stook, &o., and will remove
to Brussels where he will push the Deer.
ing harveoting machinery. His brother
Arthur has leased Mr. Oradea's farm for
a term of years. He will work it with
the homestead, 200 aorta in all. Mr, and
Mre. Oruden's many old friends here
wish them mous while regretting , their
The 100 more fatal of John Roddick,
14th con,, hae been leased by David nit.
011ie fora term of years. Mr. Roddick
wilt have an ¬ion sale on Tuesday,
March 71h. Ha will (sontinna to live with
Mr, and Mrs.Eiitohie on the homestead
and will remain in the lamb bueineee,
Mr. Roddiok bas been a resident of Grey
for 40 years and bas 5wide acquaintance
with the people of tills notion.
The Silver Corners Butter factory has
been ,oloeed down for a few weeks but
will resume work on Monday March Oth.
Mr. lldoLauohlin says the prospects for
obeeee making are first. °lase, Some of
the milk routes are let. James Brown
will look after the 16th con„ going through
to the Boundary Instead of crossing the
eideroad as before. The ether route') are
fairly well organized but not definitely
FInn: Tuesday afternoon the eohool
house in S. 8. No. 6, known as Barker's,
was: destroyed by fire. It was ooneed by
the burning of cedar boughs that had
been used far decoration purposes some "
menthe ago, Mise Turnbull, the now
teacher, and pupils were tidying by the
interior and were buroingthe evergreen')
in Out stove. They were kite tinder and
when the flee eau3ht and oomniunioated
to the boughs on tbe -wall the whole
place was ablaze almoet instantly. Noth.
ing 'mold be eaved, books,, the teahkere
wraps, &o„ all going up in smoke. The
building wail inenred in the Howiak
Mutual for $000. It was a britlr veneer
and a short time ago had received a new
outfit of modern desks. The teusteeewill
set about the ereotiou of It new building
itt oboe and in the meantime
rras e
menta axe belee moda to dondaot the
eohool eleewhor
netii 11 ie ready for
maturation. -
Township Council on Saturday of
next week, March 4011, at Ethel,
'1'. A,Ferguson,eon ofJamee Ferguson,
9th con„ writes from C tidy, Wyoming, U.
8., under date of Feb. 6th and says :-
"We have jnet passed through one of the
ecvereet storms that we have had in this
country for ammo time. It baa been
terribly oold for the last few days, with
Iota of snow but I think the worst le
To the Editor of TUE POST:
DEAR Sm, -In your last issue of Tim
Poac Mr, Hinohley, of Constance P. 0„
has an answer to mine of the 10th inst.,
anent the feeding of hogs Ion Lumen
clover. Now, sir, Mr. H. in his letter
jumps at the conclusion that my hogs
had been sunburned, a thing that could
hardly happen to hogs that had been ram
ning out all Summer, and morn than that
it was cloudy, wet weather every day the
hogs were in the Lncern patch. I have
had experience with sunburned bogs
before now but these were not like any-
thing I had over seen before as they were
burned or scalded on the belly as much
as the bank, which every person knows
would not be the case 1110 had been from
the sun. As I stated in my former letter
I am writing to try and get some light on
my oats but until I get more than Mr.
Hinobley has given me I will still be of
the opinion that the Lumen was the
cause of burning or scalding, a thing that
is known to happen to hogs pastured on
buckwheat. Yours truly,
J. W., Harrow, Essex Co.
Next Sabbath morning "The rewards
of Heaven" will be Rev, Mr. Ross' sub•
The regular monthly service was held
last Sabbath morning in the R. C.
cburob, Bruesele.
The Kit -a -mat Mission field will'be the
topio next Sabbath evening at the Ep-
worth League.
Rural Dean Hedging, of Seaforth,'and
Rev. G. J. Abey, of Bruesele, will ex-
obange pulpits next Sunday.
"Palm tree °brietions" is the eubjeot
on Melville Endeavor program for next
Sabbath evening, aoupled with the names
of Mies Mary Roes and Mies Hattie -pin.
Commencing with the first Sabbath of
Marcb Rev. Mr. Aplin will preaoh a aeries
of sermons on Old Testament Characters.
In the list will be Abraham, Lot, Jacob,
Joseph, Job and Moses.
The Epworth League has been invited
to attend a public address in the Metho-
dist ohuroh, Ethel, next Monday evening
on "The Forward Movement," by Dr.
Fred. Stephenson, of Toronto.
It is said that Rev. Dr. Pascoe, of
Wingham ; Rev. Dr. Williams, of Listo-
wel ; Rev. W. W. Leeoh, of Whitechurch,
and Rev. J. Kenner, of Trowbridge, are
likely to ask for superannuation at the
next London Conference.
Rev. A. K. Birks, B. A., of Waterloo
street Methodist ohuroh, Stratford, has
beeuinvited back for the 3rd year. Rev.
`George Jewitt, of Elimville, son of Wm.
Jewitt, Brunie, hae reoeived a uaanirn-
ma i invitation to remain on, bis field for
another year.
Rev. G. J. Abey selected his text last
Sunday morning from II Kings 3.18
"And he said, thus eaith the Lord, make
this valley full of ditches." At the even-
ing service Luke 18 87 was the passage
"And they told him that Jesus of
Nazareth passeth by." Rev. Mr. Ahoy
is a very practical expounder of the Gos-
•PIoTuRDequs S000nARD.-Friday even.
ing of next week a leoture will be given
in Melville ohuroh, with eterioptioon
views, on the above eubjeot by Rev. J.
L. Roberteon, of Marritou, whose church
was completely destroyed last year by
the terribly deetruotive cyolonethat visit-
ed that section. A silver coilocation will
be taken in behalf of the rebuilding of
the church.
Rev. A. Cunningham, of Kincardine,
was the recipient of a beautiful bouquet,
oornposed of roses and carnations, and a
letter of sympathy from the Ladies Aid
Sooiety of the Central Mothodiat Ohnrob,
Stratford, of wbiah he was at ,one time
its honored pastor. Mr. Onnningpam
also reoeived a pleasant token from the
Epworth League, of 86. Mary's in the
form or another bouquet of beautiful
At a meeting of the Official Board of
the Methodist church, Brussels, held'last
Monday evening, it decided that in-
stead of formally inviting a minister as
suceeasor to Rev. S. J. Alliu that o few
names be banded to the representative
on the Stationing Committee from which
they may eoieot. B. Gerry, T. Farrow
and W. H. Kerr were appointed a Com.
mittee to take a survey of the field with a
view of making a selection.
WIVES AND MoTuane,-In a special ser•
mon to "Wives and Mothere, in the
Methodist church last Sunday evening,
the pastor, Rev. S. J. A11in, sketched the
Wife (1) In making home an inviting
place to the hoobend 1 (2) As a helper in
the battle of life 3 (8) Aa a leader in the
religiousdutie9 of the home ; and the
Mother, ae (1) Teaching ; (2) Training
(8) Praying. The di:moures was an in.
etruotive one andwaslistened to :very
attentively by the• large audience.
The Woodetook Times -says :-The
Miesee Hall, who have been combating'
such euoaeesful evangelistic services iu
the Cantrell Methodist ohuroh, left Thee,
day evening for Guelph. They intend
remaining there for a few days 'after
which they will conduct evangelistic
esrvimea in the oOroesley and Hunter"
llietbodiet ohuroh in St. rThomae, Rev.
17. W. Crows is pastor of the church.
The Misses Hall have exerted an influ•
fame in 'town that will not be forgotten.
A greet deal of good hag been done by
them end they have awakened new life.
That tluey have wen a' boot of Mende
here watt manifested by the largo num,
her who were et the G. T. R. station to
bid them farewell. They will long
ling0)er0.in the memory of Woodstock
Next Sabbath morning Rev. S.3.A111n
will prevail his monthly sermon to the
Sabbath School pppile of the Methodist
than*. In the evening be will give a
special diet:ourso to "Fathers and Sous."
"The enjoyments of Heaven," Rev, 21-
1 5, was Rev, Maltose' Babied last Sab-
bath morning in Melville ohnrcb. The
speaker developed it under three main
and very interesting divisions :-(1)
peculiar immunities ; (2) Its congenial
friendships) (3) Ito Divine fellowship.
In the evening the sermon was on "Lee.
eon from the silentteaoher on Salvation"
-Noah's ark being peed as the type. (1)
One Saviour ; (2) Oae way of Salvation ;
(3) One guarantee of Safety;
People We 'calk About.
Mies Hannah Hewitt is visiting at
Will. Leatherdale, of Seafortb, is in
town thio week,
Mies McCormick, of Pelee Island, is
the guest of Mre. (Dr.) Snider.
Willie Oooper has been on the eiak list
with bemorrbogeof the stomach.
Thos. Maxwell, who has been on the
sink list, is able to get about again.
Mr, and Mre. Best were tbe guests of
Geo. and Mrs. Cardiff. Their home ie
in Manitoba.
Mre. Henry Ta.lor, Brussels South,
keeps very poorly despite all that is being
done for her,
J. M. O'Connor was used up with the
prevailing la grippe bat is able to be
around again.
Mrs. J. D. Ronald has been quite poor.
ly but is able to get about again we are
pleased to etate.
Mise Annie Beattie, of Clinton, is
visiting in town and Mre. Beattie is
spending a week in Oliotou.
Mr. Heath, of London, general agent
for the Confederation Life Aeeo., wile in
town for few Jaye this week.
Rob. Beattie has a Job's comforter,
or something akin to it, on his neck.
Not a very agreeable oornpteniou.
D. B. Moore's health bas been none too
vigorous this Winter but we hope the
coming of Spring will invigorate him.
Rev. S. J. Aplin went to Wingbem ort
Thursday afternoon to take charge of the
funeral service of the late Mre. (Rev.)
Harry Brewer, artist, has been under
the'dontor'e ogre this week being treated
for inflammation of the bowels. We
hope he will Boon be a k again,
R. Boobs wag home from Wingbem
over Sunday. He Bays Jug. O'Leary's
string of fast horses is ding wall con.
sidering that they are, colts.
Miss Ella Inman, of Guelph, and Miss
Kate Wilson, of Belleville, were home on
a holiday visit they week attending the
wedding of their sister, Mies Jean Wilson.
Mies Ethel Creighton left for the
Millinery Openings at Toronto on Wed.
needay morning. She has token a arta--
ation in the store of 11. Stark, Grand
Valley, and will go there from the Queen
Miss Annie Inman, of Stratford ; We.
and Mies Folooner, Mr, and Mies
George, of Port Elgin, and Miss Smith,
of Elora, attended tbe wedding of klise
Jean Wileun and J. A. Folooner on Wed-
D. Stewart and Mies Stewart, of Bras.
eels, are billed to take part in a Sons of
Scotland ooneert on Friday everting of
thisweek, et Atwood. Mrs. Angus
Smith, of Wiarton, is also expected to
Mre. Jon. Bailey hae been ..plaiting
Mre. Will. Ainley. Her husband was a
resident of Brussels some 24 years ago,
conducting a blaokemithing business in
the shop now owned by Messrs. Ewan
et Innes.
j Russell Bishop, formerly of Grey, at.
tended the Optical Institute of Canada,
located at Toronto, and is now a gradu-
ate. Ris home is at Beeohville, Oxford
Co. Mr. Bishop is energetic and pains-
taking and should do well.
Mrs. M. Y. McLean, of Seafortb, met
with a painful accident on Wednesday
of last week. She was standing on a
step ladder, when in some way, she lost
her footing, falling,struok
her shoulder,
and fractured the bone.
Mrs. James Dudley, of Brussels South,
ie under the dootor'e oare. We hope she
will soon be better. She received word
this week of the decease of ber mother,
Mre. Near, of St, Marys, who died on the
12th inst., from a paralytic stroke, aged
70 years and 2 months. Mr. Near died a
good many years ago.
Mre. Argue, of Medicine Hat, Man.,
was presebted with a dessert sob and o
kindly worded address by the Methodist
ohuroh prior to the removal of Mr. and
Mre. Argue to Vernon, Brftikh Colum.
bia. Mrs. Argue ie well known here,
being a sister to Mrs. W. F. Vanetone.
We wish them meows.
J. N. McDougall, of Bowmanville, and
Angus MoDougall, of Sault Ste. Maria,
were called here owing to the illness and
subsequent decease of their father. The
first mentioned gentleman bas been in
the employ of the Dominion Piano and
Organ Go., for the past 10 or 12 .ears.
By is in the ship ibbg department.
In a letter from John Alexander, the
"Lion," formerly of Brussels, he says
that his aunt, Helen Alexander, Will
soon celebrate her one hundredth birth-
day. If she survives next January she
will have lived in three centutioe. Few'
Men thy that. Air. Alexander nye the
old lady is pooseeeed of all her faoaltiee,
but is somewhat deaf, She is able to
walk in the' garden, read, &o. Her
home le in Booth/aid.
Tan Pon had a vett' pleasant nail
last lionday from A. Oaeneron, brother
to Principal Clamored. who was en his
way from Peestou, where bo had been
undergoing a course of bathe for eoiatioa,.
to visit his parents at Luoknow before,
returning to Oak Lake, Man. Mr, Cam-
eron spent come time to Natal, Cape-
town and Johanne')burg, South 'Africa,
and is able to Impart to great dual of
information regarding Dittoes, people and
the have, manners and nuatoms et the
people of that far off land. He intended
going to the Klondike bat hie solation
caused a. change in hie plane. Mr, Cam -
aeon 10 a bricklayer by trade.
Jna. Beattie ie on the that list,
David Strubb has moved book to Brun•
Aire. Arthur MoGaire bas been on the
sick list.
Andrew Sample bailie of going to
Mieees Brine, of Seaforth, are visiting
'dire. P. Scott, their eider.
Ilirs. 8. $lemmon, Elie 'both street, is
under the doetor'e oare with a dieabled
Mr, and Mies Somerset ere somewhat
improved in health. They were both
very ill. -
Mr, and Mies Moore, of Trowbridge,
were the guests of M. H. Moore, V. S..
and wife this week.
Dr. G. 0, Munroe is going to stay in
townfor a time ae Dr. Kaibfleieah bee
been very busy.
Misses Ritobie and Kirkby have re.
turned to Toronto after a holiday visit at
their respective homes.
David Ross and bis good lady celebrat-
ed the 40th anniversary of their mar.
riago last Friday evening.
Mr. White, of the London Advertiser
staff, was in town this week in the
interests of that live daily.
Miss Roddiok, Mies Lours Peebles and
Mies Teenie MoArter are attending the
Millinery Openings at Toronto.
Mrs. W. Kueohtei has been eeriouely -
ill, but is improving nicely now. Her
daagbter, Mre. W. A. Roes, of Fergus,
is waiting on her.
The MaNaughtou family, of town, have
a record for longevity not often surpass.
ed. Our townsman, Robt. McNaughton,
John street, will be 86 years of age on hie
next birthday end is hale and hearty.
His brother John, who resides at North
Bay, ie 87 and Ronald MaNaughtou, of
Bruesele, has nearly arrived at the 73
notch. Their father lived to be 86 ; their
mother 72 and their grandfather 86.
The brothers oame from McNabb town•
ship, Go. Renfrew, in 1852 and settled in
Grey township, taking up 300 acres of
land. They and Jas. Ferguson and
father were among the pioneers of this
locality and can tell some very interest•
ing stories of the long ago.
One of the most stirring political con-
tests ever held in the Dominion of Canada
was closed on Tuesday in West Huron;
and the Liberal candidate, R. Holmes, of
Clinton, was elected by a handsome maj-
ority. At night there was a jubilee at
the Temperance Hall, Goderich, which
lasted well towards midnight. The 10.50
p, m. train from Clinton brought in Mr.
Holmes with a contingent of over 100 of
bis townsmen, who were met at the sta-
tion by a torohlight procession and ee-
eorted to the Liberal meeting place. The
hall was orowded to iia utmost capacity.
The arrival of Mr. -Holmes and the con-
tingent from Clinton was hailed with
delight by the large and enthneiaetio
audience. After a mafiosi selection and
brief address by Masers. Armstrong' and
Taylor, of Clinton, and D. McGillicuddy,
of Goderich, congratulating the new
member on his election, and the people of
the riding on the good day's work done,
the chairman asked the successful condi.
date to address those present,
Mr. Holmes wag reoeived with three -
cheers and a tiger. He said he was glad
the campaign was over, and he, had not
spared himself since the day the oontest
opened to the present time. He tbaoked,
Goderioh and the oateide oonetitnenoies
for the manner in which they had stood
by him, and gave a meed of praise to his
own town. He had endeavored to run a
clean campaign, and regretted that hie
opponents had not tried to do the game.
A number of efforts had been made to
sully bis reputationbut be was pleased
to know that they lied been of no effect
with the eleetbrs. Now that he was
elected he looked upon himself not as the
member for the Liberal party alone, but
would be happy to be of Berme to Lib-
eral and Conservative aifhe.
The great gathering was brought to a
close with cheers for the Queen, -Sir
Wilfrid Laurier and Mr. Holmes. The
procession reformed, and marched around
the "Square," and Mr. Holmes was eon -
strained to address the people from the
baloouy of the hotel.
nigTheht. member -elect and his Clinton
friends returned home shortly after mid
A moat enthusiastic meeting wag oleo
held fn the Town Hall, Clinton, on hear-
ing the neve of the return of the front
Bob, nemely,Robert Holmes. TbeTown
Hall was orowded to the doors. William:
Robb being moved to the chair, called
upon JameeSooth, barrister, 37. Holmes,
and Alex. Armstrong, of Clinton, and D.
AioSillicuddy, editor of the Goderiob
Signal, the old stand-by of West Anton,
and the member•eleot. All the gpealters
spoke in glowing terms of the noble work
doneebn behalf of - Mr. Holmes, paying a
tribute to the many Conservatives who
threw in their support for Laurier and
good government, Mr. Holmes, the
elected member, was then called upon,
and heartily thanked all hie supporters
for this grant viotory. On adjourning,
the large assemblage, headed by the bond,
proceeded to the depot and took train for
Goderiob, Where a great reception was
given them. The summary of the ma.
joribiee is els follows
Holmen. MoLean
Goderiob town ,. •,.... 48
Clinton - 78
Ashfield 12
B. Wawanoeb 120 .. -
W. 4102
Colborne...,... .
Goderich township . . . 100 Totals _ 308 100
Majority for Holmes 118.
R, W. Jamesoh "M. P. fee
W , Winnipeg,
aooidentally,abet himself dead Tuesday
Itis reported that tho railway over
the eammit of the White Pass is built
and trains are running.
The reorganization of the Seventh
Ftleilliers 01 London under command of
Major A. M. Smith ie gazgttod. , ,