HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-2-17, Page 8, CATARRH If you are troubled witb Catarrh or .11 you cannot breathe freely through both noatrile, or if you have A dropping in the throat then we have something for you, There are dozens, yes hundreds, in this immed• into vioiutty, who have one or both nostrils wholly or partly Mloeod so that breathing is not free and easy. You can easily try and if you have any trouble this way mine in and see how easily and quiokly we can help you. Some very easily catch sold and have troubles of the nose that may ultimately lead to obetin• ate Catarrh, Deafness or some lung or throat trouble. We have a new stook of atomizers specially made for the nose and throat, which, when ueed with our preparation as dirdot. ed, you need never fear Catarrh or any of its attendant evils, G. A. Deadman, Druggist, Opbioian & Bookseller. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. sentient; ESTENBION w. a. & B. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: GOINetovxg, GOING Norms. Sxpreea 7:10 a.m. I Hail 5.10 p.m Iflxed 0;95 a.m, Express ......10:17 p.m Karat Neibs remz, A ohiel's smug ye takin' notes, ' An' faith he'll prent it. "Oxeoltne" on the 21st. DRY wood is at a premium. A. 0088L87 will be Aaseeaor for 1890. 131Oss089 Horse Fair on March 2nd. A new tailor shop is mooted for Bras. sels. Wes8 Huron Dominion bye eleotioo next Tuesday. A. SThAeOAN is the new town Treasurer. He will fill the bill. JAcx nein visited a good many cellars during the cold snap. ST. Jomo's Lodge, A. F. & A. M,, Tuesday evening of next week. MEsans. BABInR & VANaxoNE will ship a double decked car of hogs next Monday. 155 reserved t a ed sea s taken already on the plan for the "Oxfords" next Tuesday evening. THERE are now 218 names on themem- berohip roll of Braseele Free Library. Hundreds should bo added yet. R. MAINrarcE has arranged a curling rink on the Maitland near the iron bridge. If the cold weather continues the local curlers will have some sport yet this Winter. ONE day last week Tom Bird had the misfortune to have hie right foot jammed by a stick of timber in P. Amends mill yard and he has been on the lay up aia0e as far ae work is concerned. Dots'T fail to bear the "Oxfords" in Brnesele Town Hall on Tuesday evening, 21st inet., ander the auspices of the Citizens' Entertainment Course. This promises to be the musical event of the season. Messes. Ross & HALtm,tr are dissolving partnership. The business will be oon• tinned by Mr, Roee in the same stand. This week the firm announce a big Disso- lution sale. Mr. Halliday may remove from Brussels as he talks of going Weet. The Commit did wisely in making the Runnel grant of $75 to the town Band. W. Grower has been engaged es teaober. Practices wilt be commenced and the Band put in shape for the Summer cam. paign commencing in May. A few of the inatroments requiring overhauling will be attended to. No BnBOTXNG.—A rumor was current that the boiler of the Fire Engine had beret by the action of the frost on the water in said "biler." Somebody manu- factured the story as the only approach to it was that some of the tape were frozen. Chief Ainley was on deck on Sunday night and saw that everything was all rigbt. The coal stove in the Fire Hall le rather cat of date add a new one will hove to be procured. DIED.—Last Friday evening Mre. Robs. Darby, eldest slater of Charles Howlett, Queen street, Brussels, departed this life at the advanced age of 79 years. The home of deceased was near Guelph. She had been failing for some time and for the peat 4 years was quite blind. Mr. Darby died about 10 years ago. Three eons and foar daughters survive. The funeral took place on Monday. Mr, Howlett did not attend as he feared con- tracting oold, owing to his health not being any too vigorous. HoueE OF BEFu3E.—The House of Re- fuge oommitttee, oompoeed of R. Miller, chairman ; Warden Oook and Messrs. Torrance and Snell, met at the Hotel Clarendon, Clinton, on Tuesday of last week ; W. Lane, county olerk, and In- apeotor W. Coats met with them, It was decided to raise the windmill 20 feet, eo as to avoid the frequent breakages, also to build a driving shed and foe houee combined, the building to be 24x40, on 14 ft, poets, and floored above. The In- spector was authorized to plant maple trees and evergreens where desirable.— Jae. Miller, formerly of Seaforth, died et the House of Refuge on Monday, aged 05 years. He was buried at Seaforth. AT HooIE.—The Epworth League gave an "At Home" in the Sabbath school room of the Methodist church, whiob was decorated in a very attractive manner for the occasion, on Tuesday evening. There was a large attendance. The following enjoyable program was presented :—"Song of Triumph," by the ohoir ; singing, "Lord's Prayer" ; solo, "That German home mese the sea," Mr. Moore ; recitation, "Trouble in the Amen corner," Miss Maggie Bielby ; instrumen- tal nmsfo, W. 1i, Mooney and T. Bird; readiog "One Sunday,' Mise Janie Howe ; organ mole, '1.', A. Hawkins ; eolo,' "The prayer we amid together, yeti and 1," Mies Maggie Beattie ; read. ing, "A gawk's errant," Miss Belle Bawaihbeimer ; trio, Misses Moore and Pridham and Me. Moore ; instrumental, harmonica, 51 MoOree and T. Bird ; duet, Mieees Therm Gerry and L. Downing. Mies Ferguson 000npied the chair. ReEreshmente were served and a pleeeant time spent, • TEE .BRUSSELS POST F i i., 17, 1899 ANonlnn wedding. The bride will keep house in Toronto. 83 mime zero at 4 e 0 100 last 'H k It e Battu,- morning. Jaek lamb was King. Houeoezcgre suffered during tbe•pasb week owing to the unaoually °old nights,. Fnoea bitten cheeks, Liars and , noses "Info been in the fashion during the peat week. A 90DnL1 decked ear of hogs wag shipped by Geo. Beet on Thursday and a oar of cattle by Jno. Sants. PeeTllA0Titil Futurity ie away at Toms• to this week as the represoutative of Brussels A. 0, '17. W, to the Grand Lodge. easembled in Toronto, THE PoeT 1180 8 uotiuu that with a little practice Brnasele CurlIug .Club could hit the tee with the b,at stone twirlers in the adjoining Conntieo. THE sample of fanny penmanship on the plan of the Hall for the "Oxfords," at Fox's drug store, ie most creditable to the artistic taste of Leon F. Jeekeon. Loa, a wanting etiolt, in the shape of a abepherd'e crook, opposite Bruseela oemetery, The finder will greatly oblige by leaving it at Tee Poen au the 0811e Ie highly prized by its owner. A NOTE from Mre. ',Tolson Currie, of Brandon, Man., formerly of Braseele, says the cold has been very severe there, 40 below zero. We find 10 to 20 quite pinching enough for us in Bruesele. D. A. CRIMEN, of Silver Coroere, will move to town about the close of the tnonth and will undertake the agency of the Deering Company hiving and harvest. ing machinery. Mr. Craden is an old and highly reapacted r,eident of Elma, and we welcome him to Brussels. AuoNG the reoeipte at Brussels station Ibis week were a oar of Coal and a oar of coal oil for N. & N. Gerry ; and a oar of brink from Paisley, for A. McNeil. In oat -going freight were 8 oars of salt from the Enterprise Works ; 2 oars of ashes to New Jersey by S. Burke, and the live stook reported elsewhere. 0. 0. F.—The High Oocrt of the Canadian Foresters will commueee its annual seseio0 on Feb. 28, at Brantford. Robt. Elliott, proprietor of the Ingersoll Chronicle, is the High Chief Ranger, and is likely to be re•elected. The event will bring some four hundred visitors to Brantford. There are no important changes in the Order to Dome up for de- bate. Ox'onne.—Thexfar 0 d Musical Co., of Boston, lttass., Bemired ab large expense by the Citizsos' Entertainment Course Committee, will appear in the Town Hall on Tuesday, 21st, inst. They ap- pear in 18 places in Canada—llaseey Hall, Toronto ; Kingston, Montreal, Ottawa, Hamilton, London and other towns. Don't miss hearing their vocal and instrumental selections. If you do you will be sorry when they're re Plan of Hall at Fox's drug store. grate. Foo EXPIRE DAY.—The Minister of Edonation will shortly issue a oiroular letter to the School Boards throughout Ontario drawing atteotinn to the foot that it has been determined to observe the day before the Qneeo'e Birthday in each year as Empire Day, and asking them to make suitable arrangements fur such observance. The Minister proposes to leave it to the discretion of the eahool trustees in each locality to decide the details of the celebration, but he will suggest that an address be delivered by 00038 prominent public man, that the Union Jack be prominently displayed, and that various patriotioexercises be indulged in. Mr. Rose hopes that in the near future Empire Diy will be °beery ed in the public sohoold throughout Oan • ada. A. 0.1/. W.—The Grand Lodge of Ontario, A. 0. U. W., met in Toronto on the 15th inst. This was itnpor. taut meeting. The queetion of institut- ing a sink benefit department and admit- ting women to membership in the Order will reoeive a000ideratiou. Past Master Workman Farrow represented Brussels Lodge. A. 0. Graham, Grand Organizer of the A. 0. U. W., has the reputation of being one of the cleverest men In his line on the continent. A few days ago the editor of the Aylmer Express asked him to give a statement of his work for the past two years, and it will no doubt ear. pries many members. His work for the two years, 1897 and 1898, added 818 mem. bare to the organization, representing an insurance, etc., of $1,072,000. This is 813 immense sum and a great record for Mr. Graham. The A, 0. U. W. have now had eighteen month's experience as an independent Canadian joriediotion and is proving very oatssfaotory. 8,497 new members have been added, and a surplus of $106,550,83 has accumulated, after pay- ing all death claims. ACCIDENT To 8809. LAIRD. — Samuel Laird, of Ingersoll, formerly cheese buyer for Ballantyne & Sons, of Strut. ford, met with a severe aooideni on Sat- urday night near Ingersoll, whiob might have proved fatal, He was driving a °titter, and not seeing an approaching train drove up against it, with the result that the rig was turned upside down and Mr. Laird thrown out on the track. It is a wonder that be was not instantly killed. The (lothing wen torn completely off one ttrm and hie bead was badly in- jured. He was taken to a dootor'e Mike, where his injnries were attended to, and though eaffering considerable pain, he is progressing favorably. Mr. Laird lived in Brussels for a number of years and 10 well known in this looality. His friends will be pleased to hear that he ee. oaped as he did. Another report gays :— S. W. Laird, a cheese buyer, of Ingersoll, had a narrow escape from instant death at the Thames street oroasing of the G. T. R, in Ingersoll on Saturday afternoon. Mr. Laird, together with W. J. Elliot, of the Ohroniole office, was out driving with a horse they could but ill manage. They ;proceeded up names street North as far ae Fleet's corner, and when attempting to turn around the horse took fright and started down the street. On nearing the railroad crossing a through east -bound freight train was seen approaching and death seemed imminent to the occupants of the sleigh. By the time the horee dashed up to the mooing the engine and the first oar had oroesed the street. The horee'1 norm came into contact wiih the moving train. The animal war twisted around and turned a o0mplete somersault, Mr, Laird was thrown over the dashboard, and landed partially into the eulvert near by, wlsioh meroifolly prevented him getting under the ear wheels. Byetandere plotted the unfortunate man up in ea nn00050ioa8 condition. It was found that Mr. Laird had sustained a severe soalp wound and a frecbnred hip. He wag removed to hie home, At last accounts the patient Was doing nicely. if no complioetione eel in Mr. Laird will quickly recover, Mr, E11401 Meaped without a aerateh. IT 113 repOrtea that N. & N. Gerry have dissolved partnership, erahl1 , N, (lorry con - tinning n -tinubthe lankiest!,ese I. I. Isogon hoe invested in another Gramophone and has a tine range of music, epeeohes, &o. I3o already tette several engegemeuts booked fol' eater. tainments. W. W. Emirs says, although offered the position of Deity Inspector he did not accept but will continue to run the Brussels factory and pueohese cheese for Mesorn. Ballantyne. ' Tuts -week Gamer Gruen diep0sed of his residence on Mill street, to Mr, Adams, of Elms township, for the sum 01$050. The parohaeerbee ee00red n bargain as the house% a oomfortable one and conveniently located. Mr. Green will go to Manitoba fu the Spring where be will go into farming. Mr. Adams has also bought the pump works from Mr. Green. Tug "Owronns."—In oonneotion with the Oitizene' Entertainment Course, the closing oonoert of the season will be given on Tuesday evening, Feb, Slat, when a, fir8t.alase program, relined, artistic and entertaining will be presented by the Oxford Musical Olub, of Boston :— PA1tT 1. • 1—March, The Club. 2—Tenor solo, selected, Mr Thrasher. 8—Flute and Cornet Duet, "Tittle Serenade," (tieing hat to give french Horn ethic t,) Messrs Tilton and Reinwel,t. 4--Des8rlptivo,"Down the Mississippi;' Mau. 5—Piecolu Solo, "Sweet Birdie Polka," Mr Tilton, 6—Bass Solo, "Asleep in the Deep," Mr Nor. m an. 7 Banjo 5010, "Tho Magic Welts;' air Pane. tor. PART II. 1—Descriptive, "Ten m Mutes with the tile. strels," (Introducing the first pert of a mineh•el show, stings, l ones, ole) Olua. 2—Trombone Solo, Air Varig, "Tramp, Tramp, Tramp," Mr Proctor. 3—Tenor and Hass Duet, The Palm'," Moesro Thrasher aurl Korman, 4—Cornet Solo, "Old Reutuoky Home;" Mr 1leinweld. 5—Descriptive, "A day at the Circus," Club. 0—Cornet and Trombone Dust, Selected, Messrs Reiuwald and Proctor. 7—Marsh, The Club. God Save the Quenu. The 0)ub is oompoeed of the following talent :—James A. Kerman, Conductor, Bass Soloist end Pianist ; Howard E. Tilton, Aleeager, Flute and Piccolo ; Ralph L. Reiuwald, Cornet, Violin and Mandolin ; Arthur E. Thrasher, Tenor Soloist and Mandolin Banjo ; J. N, Proc- tor, Banjo and Trombone. Doors open at 7.15, concert at 8 united. Plan of Hall at Fox's Drug Store. Don't mise this musket! treat of the season iu both instrumental and vocal seleotione. People We Know. • Dr. Munroe is in town. t Angue Kerr is on she sink list. Mise Fleming ie visiting at Wroxeter. Mre. Jas. T. Ross has been on the sink list. Dr. Shaw was re eleoted Mayor of Clinton. Mr. Weleb, of Seaforth, Se ndayed in Brussels. George Cardiff was on the sink list last week. Rev. G. J. Abey was visiting in London this week. Mies Kelbfleieob, of Atwood, is sidling at "Fairmount." Mise Lizzie MoNaaghtoa has hal a siege of la grippe, Mies Edith Inman, of Guelph, is home on a holiday visit. J. T. Ross and N. F. Gerry were in London on Friday. R. H. Green, of Trowbridge, was in town on Wednesday. D. 0. Rots and A. M. McKay were in Toronto Inst Friday. Mre. Walter Innee has been on the si ek list with la grippe. Mr, and Mrs. Parsons, of Constance, were vieiling D. Hayden. Mise Annie Mitchell was home from Harrieton for a few days, Meryl, the little daughter of N. B. Gerry has been quite poorly. Mies Maggie Seeker spent a week at Wm. Ziegler's, Grey township. Leslie Kerr has been on the shelf with a combination of cold and la grippe. M. McLennan, the well known drug traveller, was in town on Wednesday. Jno, Robb has been on the sick list for the past two weeks but is improving now. Mre. Wm. Blaehill is able to sit up and is improving quite nicely we are pleased to state. Mies Christina Milloy is away at Ethel this week visiting Mrs. Iesaa Gill end other friends. Mr. and Mies Moore, and Mise Prid• ham, from near lllitobell, were visiting at Thos. Moore's during the past week. Mre. George Hogarth was renewing old friendships in Brussels during the past week returning to Ethel on Monday. Mrs. Day, of Gorrie, was visiting Mrs A. J. Lowry and Mites relatives and friends in Brussels and Locality this week. Robs. Ellis is home from after about a year's absence in the West. He is the yo00ge81 son of William Ellie, Brussels South, Mise Maggie Murray, Mies Maud Henry, Will. Leatherdale and Ira Gerry, all from Seaforth, spent Sunday in Brussels. Canadian Ne wan Rev, J. 0, Clogs died at Carberry, The main part of the town of Digby, U. S., was burned. The Batik of Montreal oflaicee at Piston were badly damaged by fire. A steamer from Halifax arriving at Newfoundland reported passing a field of ice BOO miles long. It is reported that Ieuao Campbell, C., will be offered the Ohiof Juetioesh p of Manitoba, rendered 'vacant by the resignation of Sir Thee. Taylor. Arrangements have been completed for the establishment of a savings bank eya. tem inoonneo0ion with the Galt publio salmis]. The Firet Baptist Church of Winnipeg, which has been without a pastor since the deatb of the late Rev. Alex. Grant, has extended ace!! to Rev. R. 11. McKay, of Woodetoote. The. Lake Dries & Detroit Rivet Rail. wayroundhoaee at Sarnia was burned, and a oouple of engines were deetroyed by the Are. Daring a fire at the Gillies bolt worlts at Gauaneque, W. Ramsay, one of the employees, went into the bnilding to save his tools. He was overcome by smoke and taken oat deed. The Department of Juetioe hag receiv- ed a petition asking for commutation in behalf of Mrs. Poirier, (Oordelia Visa), who, With Patelow, murdered her hue - bend, Peiriet, Jo110 Fyfe, of Guelph, was erashed 1c death by it tree falling onI'n while ehnpping in the woode. The Liberals of South Perth have nominated Valentino Stook, of Tavistock, for the Leg edit! ve Assembly. Eleolio11 on Feb. 2811,, Business Locals. Fo1Jnv0 key found. Aek at TBE Pear, Clover and Timothy seed at McCrae. ken's, Juni reuoived a oar of Manitoba flour. Banker & Vanetone. For sale, cheap, one sett second hand single harness. I. 0. Riollarde. Wanted—Butter 10-17o. A ton of feathers, dried apples and raw furs, G, E. K1Nc, Wingham. Timm= and painting of buggies at- tended to promptly and cheaply by Ewan & Innee, A few kegs or lake herring to exohange for wood, Apply etBallantyne'e grocery, Bruseels. Omen season is here and W. A. Orioh is prepared to supply the public with Booth's beat brands from Baltimore, All parties indebted to us will confer a favoe by galling and settling eithor by Dash or promissory note at once. I. 0. Richards, Psncntlost North of Bruseole contain. two boolis. The finder will much oblige by leaving thein' at, TEE Poen Publishing Horse, Brussels, • Ronald Fire Engine Works wish to purchase 100 to 200 cords of west', four feet long—hard or soft—green or dry, early delivery. W. A. ORION ie still doing business at the old stand where may be fousl bread, cakes and pastry. Fruits '10 their sea. eon. Hemline BnLTe WANTED. -1,000 oorde of heading bete wanted, must he 40 inches long, good size and sound. High. eat cash price. P. An,ENT. ANT one in eding a fresh set of teeth cut in any size of a circular taw may have this work done by T. McGregor, saw glimmer and filer, Queen street, East, Brussels. ANT amount of wood will be taken for sets gumming and filing. Wood may be rough or smooth, hard or soft, eey leupth or in the log, to be delivered before the work leaves my ebop. T. MoGnsooa, saw gummer and fuer, Queen street, East, Brussels. Ewuie & Inns sold, last Saturday, two buggtee to Hislop Bros., formerly of the 10th con. of Grey, to take to the Weeb. One can get whatever they want in the above line by applying to Ewan & Innee. Parties who intend repainting or trim- ming old buggies for the Summer should appy at once as it would give them more time ing a ettin goodjob. We keep a g flret•°lase painter and also the beet of paints, &o. No (tight to Ugliness. The woman who is lovely iu face, term and temper will always have friends, but one who would be abtraotive must keep her health. If she is peak, sickly and all run down, she will be nervous and irrit able. If she bas constipation or kidney trouble, her impure blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complexiou. Electric Bittern is the beet medicine in the world to rego• bate stomach, liver and kidneys and to purify the blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety akin, rioh complexion. 51 will make a good.looking, charming women of a run-down invalid. Only 50 cents at Deadman'e Drug Store. MORN . Morn. -In Wroxeter, on Feb. 14th, the wife of Mr. Wm. Malt of a son. Mo7FAT1.—In Morrie, on Feb. 12th, the wife of Mr. Peter Moffatt of a eon. McOAttun,—In Ethel, on Feb. llth, the wife of Mr. John MoCallum, of r daughter. MoINToeu.— At Oraobrook, on Feb, 14112, Elizabeth, relict of the late John Molntooh, aged 80 years and 8 menthe. BEEonoap.—Io East Wawanosh, on Feb. 10th, J. Beeoroft, aged 73 years. Homorw.-In Turnberry, on Feb. 11th, Hanna Christina, relict of Charles Homuth, aged 84 years, 1 month, 26 days, DARRY.—In Naesagawya, on Feb. 10111, ' Mrs. Robt. Darby, sister to Chas. Howlett, of Brussels, aged 79 years, .AT7C'Z SON' MONDAY, FEB, 20Ta,—Farm stook, implements, &o. Lot 29, Con. 6, Grey. Sale unreserved as proprietor has leaeed hie farm, at 1 o'clock sharp, Harry Ames, prop. P. S. Soots, ado. WE0NEenm1, FEB. 22nd.—Farm stook, implements, &o. . N a lot 25, oon. 9, Grey. Bale unreserved at 1 p, m. Wm. Lake, prop. F. S. Scott, aro. FitIDAY, FEE, 24TE.—Farm stook, im. piements, &o, Lot 8, oon. 4, Grey. Sale unreserved at 1 p, m. Robs. MoBlain, prop., F. S. Scott, auo. FE e -CTSZ 2..S az.APS+FIT6, Fall Wheat 67 68 Barley 88 40 Peas - 08 64 Oats 27 28 Butter, tubs and rolls ., 13 14 Eggs per dozen - 18 14 Flour per barrel4 00 4 00 Potatoes (per bus.) 60 50 Hay per ton 6 00 5 00 Hides trimmed 7 7a Hides rough 6 5 halt per bbl., retail 1 00 60 Sheep skins, eaoh 80 75 Lamb skins eaoh 25 26 Hoge, Live 4 00 4 00 Dressed Hogs .....,5 00 5 25 Wool 16 17 Apples (por bag) ...... ,60 65 EAST BUFFALO N. Y., Pon, 14, Cattle --There were 21 loads on sale ; there Was a fair demand at a decline from yesterday's close, and the bulk of the of- feringe were sold, Oalvee were in fair demand, and sold about up to yesterday's primes ; alioi00 to extra were quotable at $7.50 to $7.75 ; good to choice, $7 to 67.- 50. Sheep and lambs• -•Tho offerings ware 88 loads ; prices were on a lower Basle of $5,05 to $5.15, with a few sales at $0.20, and the trade was about stoady; lambs, choice to extra, $5.10 to $5 15 ; good to choice, $5 to $5.10 ; fair to good, $4,75 to $5 ; sheep, choice to extra, $4.25 to $4.50 ; good to °hoice, $4 to $4.25, Hoge—Tho trade is fairly active nu the Start, with 02 loads on sale ; tho baeie of prfce6 Was lower, but they Well all olean- od 89, and oompar011 Wish Other Marlette BT42ND.I RD .I 5!i NK or C.1,AUD,4. OrnTs37teZ.nnsx- >' 14EAD OFFICE, - TORONTO CAPITAL PAID 101' (One Million Dollars) 51,000;000 RESERVE .FUND; • $600,000 Ayeftcies in all principal pointe in Ontario, Quebec, llfanitoba, United States ea,Etlpland, VERPOSSAS iNAZIVefig. A General Banking Business Transacted. Farmers' Notcs Di000nnted, Drafts Issued and Collootione made on all points. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of 51,00 and upwards, SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO x90)0 COMMOTION OF 1( 851 1054' SALE NOTES, Every facility afforded Onetornere living ata dietenoe. J. N, CORDON, ACTINO AGENT. our position was superior to any of them ; heavy were quotable at 54.25 ; medium, 54 20 bo $4 25 ; Yorkers, $4.20 to $4 25 ; pigs, 54 20 ; rouglle, 53 60 to 53.85 ; stags, 52.75 to 53.75. Tolman°, Eno. 14.—flour quiet, with demand moderate ; straight rollers are quoted.at 53.10 to 56.20 in wood West. Bran firm, at 612.50 to 513.60 West, and shorts are quoted at $14 to 515 West. Wheat quiet, with the feeling firmer ; red and white sold in oar lots at 090 to 70o North and West, and goose is quoted ab 055 low freights ; No. 1 Manitoba hard nominal at 710 to 720 Fort William ; 790 to 80o Owen Sound and Midland, and 890 to 83o Toronto freights ; No. 1 Northern, 790 to 80o Toronto freight. Oats are firm, white selling at 290 to 294o North and Weet, and at 30ao to 81.o East. Peas firmer at 08o to 06}o West. Rye is firm, at 550 West. Buckwheat is unchanged, at 49c to Soo outside. Corn is firm, with Oanadian quo ed at 350 to 80o West, and now American at 42o to 43o on traok here. Barley is steady, No. 1 being quoted at 475 bo 48o West. TORONTO, PIM. 14.—To•days receipts at the Western cattle market were 41 loads, including 100 sheep and lambs and 1,400 Bogs, Last week's receipts were :—On -t• Ole, 2,804 ; sheep and lambs, 1,085, and hogs, 7,322. Dealers do not look for any material ohsnge in prices during Lenb. Shipping cattle are quoted at from $4.26 to $4.76—the latter for extra good stock. Choice butoher stook Bold at 54 per cwt., although some drovers were asking more. Common butchers' were quoted as low as 3o per pound. Sheep are quoted at from 52 25 to 63.35 per cwt., and lambs at from $4 to $4 50 per owt. Calves are quoted at 53 to $8 per head. The run of hogs was as usual at this season of the year ; the best seleotione are quoted at from 64 25 to $4 50, with light hogs quot• ed at $4 to $4.25, and heavy hogs at $8 76. Export cattle—Choice, $4 40 to $4.75 light, $4 Bulls—Medium — Medium export,$340 to 64 ; heavy export, good quality, $3.25 to 54; loads of good butcher and ex- porters mixed, $8 75 to $4. Stockers and medium to good, 53.25 to58.65. Feeders, heavy, 53 60 to 53 75. Butchers' cattle— Picked lots, $3.50 to 54 25 ; good, $0.60 to 54 ; medium, $3 to $3.50 ; common, 52 25 to $3.50 ; inferior, $2.75 to 53. MEloh oows, 525 to 545. Oalvee, eaoh; $8 to $0. Sheep, per owt., 68 to $3 25 Bucks, per cwt., $2.25 to $2 75. Spring lambs, eaoh, $4 to 64.40. Hogs—Best, $4.40 ; light, $4.25 ; fat, 53.48. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN, 4N, 1TIAI(M SEOURITY.—TII] UN. m`snsroeoon has bad 310,000 placed lu hie hands to loan 0n mortgage, farm setter. Sty, Paym out to suit borrowers Apply to W. H. 8118011, Brussels. ANYONE 'WANTING • A SLi'W• MO Machine, Organ or Piano can be supplied by applying to me for I mu not out 0f the business aN e,.me have tried to report. I will deal with you a0 reasonable fie ally. 28- T. Mo 01181, Brussels. FOR SALE. Spinndhl sumac Stallion. "Dexter lin• imago;' stands 10$ hands high and weighs 1,000, Sired by lloyal Revenge," out of "Old Clear Grit." Sure foal gutter. For full tlartle01are apply to JOHN HOLLINGER, Lot10, Con, 0, Grey. Beueeels P, 0. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SAL] on nfni street, Brussels. The bailee is it comfortable ono, well fitted up, with cellar, harts and soft water, dm. There is also a good stable. Fruit trees io garden t over ono quarter afire of land. For pries, terms, 50., apply to Ii. FINN, Proprietor, or W. H. RE1HR, of Tuft Posx, 18.71 A COMPLETE CONSERVATORY 001.1118E 01 MUSIC. Mason's System of Tenth and Technic, lo- elnding Clavier practice given by MISS SARAH LOUISE M000'E, L. C. M., who holds Areademie aertiffoeteo in Mesio from London Conservatory ; pupil of W. Cavan Barron, Principal. She is also a competent pipe organist. Miss Moore visits Walton Monday and Tuesday of each week for the purpose of giVlne instructions on piano anti organ, For partioulare apply at Mr. F0rgu- 000'5 800id5008, Walton, fir postoflioe box 156, Seaforth, 20• REAL ESTATE. T17ARki FOR SAL].—T11E UN— A. offers his farm, Weet Half Lot No. 10 Onu. 4,Gr'e • cost iu 3t a fug o sores, a more or less. Foparticulars as to prion and terms apply to ARCH, ROBERTSON, Bruassols P. 0. ou the premisos. EJ'INE FARM FOR SALE.—BE. two Lot 29, N 14 Con. 6. Morris township, containing 08 acres of first -01018 land, There is a house, barn, orchard and good ware- house, and farm is well folioed. There are 85 soros in Fall wheat; 15 wires in hay and 95 worse pnature. Possession could be given at 0000, Farm adjoins the village oi Brue- eals, For further particulmo as to price, terms, ,4e„ write 10 JAMES LIVINGSTON, IDI, P„ Baden, 22 -ti CViIVI�i�s I Thera is nothing mach more annoying than to suffer with Chilblains But the can caro them --Don't kick the heels out of your shoes any long - or, but try a bottle of our Chi�bleiY� Cure, 150. por bottle, and we guarantee a cure or your money bank A T Fox's Drug More. GOOD 100 AORE FARM FOR Nano. Lot 19, Ops° 0, Grey. 13 feet of it touches the river. Immediato possession, For price, terns, Sro„ apply o 10- T1105, 8100100, Brussels. 'lAIiQl,1'OR SAL]. -160 AORES L Oonslotiug of the Sou tb i and South k of the North 4 of Lot 36, Co .2, East Wawa- 00ah. This fe 1411 excellent stock farm, befog well supplied with good spring water. Itis situated about 8 miles from the thriving Vil- lage of Myth. A largo part of It le under grass. Buildings end fences aro in a fair state of repair. Busy terms of payment will be given. For all information apply to 11-11 G. F. 13LA110, Barrister, Brussels. GOOD .FARMS FOR SALE.— The undersigned offer two 100 afire farms for sale et reasonable prices. The lots are Nos. 10 and 11 Clou. 0 (Suushiao), the sideroad between them. Good brick house and barn on lot 11, and house and 2 Munson lot 10. Orchards and all necessary conven- iences. Well watered and suitable for grain or grazing. 1001tor05 now in grass. Will be sold either venerate or together to snit pur- °baser. Terms of payment reasonable. Im- medfate possession. For further particular' apply to JOSEPH CLF GG, Braseele P. 0., or le. L. DICKINSON, Barrister, Wingllam. 101 CENl f\AL r r e . J -J LL 1 J51r'rt'foT ., Or,t Thousands of young men and women have found a business education a stepping -stone to 8000085. Circulars Free. Enter Now. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. 11 .Closing t sale. ST OK UST E.RE The prices are cut, and in a great many cases we are selling goods for less than what they cost ns, The Grandest Money -saving Event for 3rou 4 The 'worst of Financial Losses for us 1 But its only for a short time -18 Days—Call and make money by saving it..„ Suits for Boys, Suits for Men, Overcoats for Boys, Overcoats for Men, At Manufacturers' Prices, Booms, Sho s and vershoes One of the largest stocks in town. The. Prices—They are just what they cost us, and lines that are not gilt edge for less than cost.;-, Priestley's Celebrated Dress Goods AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FANCY DRESS GOODS at Wholesale Prices, REMEMBER ONLY 11 DAYS LONGER. llijhzesir rices for Produce.