HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-2-17, Page 70
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FEB. 17, 1'~399.
De tweaks of the ('lologes of Punt Iles --All
Mona„ •33' I,Tetnrufs (a' tele Amy*
The Dr. 4'11111 the Stoll or Kluge, Peels
and A. el I,bi--Even the Earth Is ('banging
shape-Urent Consolation to IVallCIAg
Nath Christ..
A despatch from \Vanhington says:
Bev, Dr. Talmage preached from the
following text:—"'Pilo fashion of this
world passeth away." -1 Corinthians,
vii. 91.
There aro many who find in ibis sub-
ject only an element of sadness, I
find in it chiefly an element at joy,
As Paul sometimes used figures drawn
from the theatre,1 think that
1 1ave
a right to say that the shifting scenes
at the end of an Dot do not indicate
that the play is ended, but only that
it is developing, so all the changes
on earth are but the shifting scones in
the great drama of God's providence,
which will come to a glurions and suc-
cessful completion. I want, lo -night,
to take a Christian and manly viewful and woeful voices: "The fashion
able pages, and with 11'eulhiIng wove the water, then moved over the wattr,
seeming to may, "Gone and forgo( 001" out tri. it lifted the land, grew the
The old philosophers, who spent mueh: planta, and animals, and nein on it.,
of their time in tinkering with elec.., Our of bis eye went the sun. Out of
(lity, are mostly fergot(ell lime; his lips went the fire. Lam his ear
follows right after Old Morality, but; went the air. '.Then Brmmth1
with sharper chisel and stronger head, laid down to sleet~ four thous -
battering 10 pieces iho monuments, and and three hundred and twenty
lite sarcophagus; and lila pyramids, million years. After that, they say,
Lord and squire, duke and ductless, be w111 wake up, and then the world
earl and viecounl, baron and knight, will be destroyed, ands lie wil make it
are sharing 111,4 salve fate with Lowell over again, twanging up ereaLuees up -
operative, and Nantucket wbaleman, on It; then lying clown again t0 sleep)
and Muranton coal -heaver. Feather four thousand three hundred and
and crest, star and epaulet, and cock- twenty million yours, then) waking up
acie sluicing the same fate wit11 sIi e- and destroying the world again—erea-
maker's last and blacksmith's apru'n. tion and demolition following each
So has it also been with great cities, other, until after three bemired and
Where is Nineveh, I.he blossoming iweuiy steeps, each one of these slum -
splendor of the Assyrian empire, all Imre four thousand three hundred and
nations driving their caravans into her twenty million years long, 13ramah
streets? City of precious stones—,jas-. will wake up and die, and the universe
per, and. ohrysoprasus, and chalcedony; will die with him—au intimation,
11er fountains toseing up into basins through very faint, of the great
ore 1
of alabaster, and amidst exquisite change to nam., up this physical
statuary; the wealth and pomp of tho earth spoken of in the Bible. Ilut
world passing through
her streets, whileBt
mail may sleep,
01'nor sleeps; and the
art, never slumbers t
strolling through her galleries of t , i a rP ;
shouting in her amphitheatres, mingl- heavens shall pass away with a. great
ing in her aaenes of splendor and noise, and the elements shall melt
triumph. Alas for Nineveh! Tho an- with fervent heat, and( the earth and
tiquar]an plunges his crow -bar into all things that are therein shall be
the grave of all Llini buried splendor, burned up.
and the -
o pillars m a in a 11
t e broken"Well," says some the u
1 bs
and lh"Wo
slabs of gypsum speak out, anthe en- encs, "if that isl 50; if the world is go -
graved cylinders break the silence, and ing from one change to another; it the
all the ground sends up rumbling, rue- fashion of this world! is passing+ away,
then what is the use o9 my toiling for
its betterment'?" Tbai is the, point on
which I went to guard you. I da not
want you to become misanthropic. It
is a great and glorious world. If
Christ could afford to spend thirty-
three years on it, for die redemption,
then you can a.fforrl to toil and pray
for the betterment of the mliloons, and
for the bringing on, of that glorious
time when all people shall see the sal-
vation of God. While, therefore, I
want to guard yobs .against misanth-
ropic notions in resp.^.ce to this subject
I have presented, I want you to take
this thought home with you; The world
is a poor foundation to build on. It is
a dying world. The shifting scenes
and the changing, sands aro only
emblems of all earthly expectations.
Life is very much like this day through
which we have passed. To, many of us
it is storm and darkness, then sun-
shine, storm and darkness,. then after-
ward a little sunshine, now again
darkness and storm. Oh, build not
your dopes upon this uncertain world!
Build on God. Confide in Jesus. Plan
for an eternal residence at Christ's
right'. hand. Then come sickness or
health, come joy or sorrow, come life
or death, all is well, though! the fash-
ion of this world does pass away.
t tl • bj t d t the view of el this world passeth away 1" \ til e
e this
su ec , an no e 1 is Tadmor, the city of palma, bolt y
a sickly sentimentalist. I am glad that (h0 munificent hand of Bing Solomond
Warlike tribes dashed back from her
walls as a wave splits into foam upon
a rooky beach, Palm -trees grew along
ail her streets, and overshadowed many
411 her buildings, until the city was
a bower of beauty. The wealth of all
nations unpacked and unrolled in her
markets. Her temple of the Sun, with
three hundred and ninety columns, on.
double rows, heaving up toward hea-
ven, on shoulders of marble, the wor-
ship, and the pomp, and the genius,
and the wealth of a great nation. 01.1,
Tadmor ! the cup of mirth to thy lip,
the crown of greatness on thy brow,
where art thou? Tho buts that clus-
ter around her ruins make no answer.
The broken tombs, and the defaced
sculpture, and the mutilated frieze re-
spond not; but the sands of the desert
drift across the place, and in the low,
mournful moan of elle desert wind I
hear it: "The fashion of this world
passeth away l
the fashion of the world, and that the
world itself is passing away, for it is
only Making room. for something bet-
ter. In the same procession in which
march the manners and the customs,
find the institutions of the world, march
the dispensations of God's providence
by which the church is to be made
mightier and society purer. Atoll on,
oh wheel of the ages I Though institu-
tions fall, though governments bo
crushed, though empires be depopulat-
ed, though the world be destroyed, roll,
b tall crowns
root wheel of the ages! Lc
8 g
melt, if our King gets his dominions 1
Let all armies be routed, if from
the ruins Christ shall marshal his ar-
331100 with banners 1 Let this earth
burn, if out of the leaping flames there
shall spring the new heaven and new
earth in which dwelleth righteousness!
I propose to talk to you about the
transitory nature of all earthly things,
and then to guard you against some
[wrong applications of the subject.
I suppose you have all noticed the
changes of families. Where are the
prominent families of forty years ago?
They ruled society as with a sceptre.
The out and the style of their dress
decided the apparel of the pity. They
walke,?1 with an air of opulence, or
dashed clown bebind well-groomed
steeds clattering on the pavements.
As they passed, all hats were lifted;
as they entered a room, all conversa-
tion was hushedor turned upon them.
Poets, rulers, millionaries, sat at their
tables. They drank their wine from
chalices that had glittered in the ban-
quets of a century. They sat in antique
chairs, in which lordly men had loung-
ed, looking at the walls, papered with
the many scenes of the chase, in which
their ancestors hail mingled with
sounding horn, and baying hounds, and
broken antlers. They were praised—
they were sought after. Olber vehicles
halted to let theirs pass, and to their
haughty look men bowed obsequiously,
and danced around them with flatter-
ing attentions, Where are allose fam-
ilies now? Some of them, I am glad to
say, their name mighty on 'Change, and
!nighty in social circles, untouched of
disaster. But where are the most of
them ? Shall I tell you the story? The
coat of arms is lost. The pictures and
the golden urn long ago went to the
auctioneer's rooms. halls, so airy and
grand, have became a nest of brokers'
shops. Ho goes along the street, brok-
en clown with dissipations, buttons off,
and rum-blossoms on—the last relic of
that great house. In that old arm-
chair, that went down into the rookery;
in the pictures, whose torn canvas was
pitched into the garret rubbish; in
those halls that have exchanged the
lordly step of the proprietor for the
shuffling feet of bargain makers, I hear
a voice, loud and deep, sounding above
cartman's dray and auctioneer's mal-
let, " The fashion of this world passeth
away I"
So, likewise, has it been with all hu-
man achievements. The bridge that
taxed the brain of the architect, no
more crosses the stream; but the
romantic school -boy sits on the crumb-
ling abutments making rhymes about
the mutalion of all earthly things. To
the structure that once caused the
mill-wright many sleepless nights, the
farmer no more brings his grist. The
old wheel, broken and covered with
weeds, no more dashes the mountain
stream to foam. The fine house, that
overshadowed all the others on the
block now crumbles; the small win-
dow -panes, and old-time roof, and out-
landish stairs, seeming in sorrow to
my, oh for those days when people
passing ]sere would exclaim, "Who
lives there?" Many of the books that
were popular in the librartee forty
years ago are nn\v gone—gone down in-
to the cellar, gone into the garret, or
stand begging on the book -stand at the
street corner, or sleep their last .sieep
in the antiquarian's library. Not
knowing where they tread, the Tenny-
eons, and Longfello\vs, and Baucrofts,
Walk over {Aagrnvo
sof histo
ns and
poets, taking by storm the libraries of
the world, mounting up on ladders of
Shelves until they plant their batter-
fl'ht It til the very
So, also, my friends, has It been
with all earthly authority. Of how
much worth now is the crown
of Caesar? Who bids for It V
Who cares now ,any thing about the
Amphiotyonie Council or the laws of
Lycurgus d Who trembles now be-
cause Xerxes crossed the Hellespont
on a bridge of boats? Who fears be-
cause Nebuchadnezzar thunders at the
gates of Jerusalem? Who cares now
whether or not Cleopatra marries An-
tony? Who crouches before Ferdin-
and, or Boniface, or Alaric ? Can
Cromwell dissolve the English Parlia-
ment now? is William, prince of Or-
ange, king of the Netherlands? No; nol
However much .Elizabeth may love the
itussian crown, she must pass it to
Peter, and Peter to Catherine, and
Catherine to Paul, and Paul to Alex-
ander, and Alexander to Nicholas. Leo-
pold puts the German sceptre hate the
hand of Joseph, and Philip comes down
off the Spanish throne to let b'e,din-
and go on. House of Aragon, house et
Hapsburg, house of Stuart, house of
Bourbon, quarreling about every thing
else, but agreeing in this: "The fashion
of this world passeth away." But
have all these dignitaries gone? Can
they not be called back? 1 have been
in assemblages where 1. have heard the
roll called, and many distinguished
men have answered. if .l should call -
the roll to -night of some of those
mighty ones who have gone, I wonder
if they would not answer. 1 will call
the roll. 1 will call the roll of the
kings Best: Alfred the Great 1 Wil-
liam the Conqueror 1 Frederick II.I
Louis XVII No answer. I will call
the roll of the poets; Robert Southey1
Thomas Campbell I John Keats 1
George Crabbe1 Robert Burns Lord
Byron ! No answer. I call the roll of
the artists: Michael Angelo 1 Paul
Veronese 1 William Turner I Christo-
pher Wren 1 No answer. Byes clos-
ed. Ears deaf. Lips silent. Hands
palsied. Sceptre, paned), pen, sword, put
down forever. In literature, in art, in
government, "The fashion of this world
passeth away."
But I find a more striking illustra-
tion of my subject, at any rate, it is
more impressive to my own mind, when
I look 'at the changing shape of this
physical earth. Do you know that
even the mountains on the back of a
thousand streams are leaping into the
valley ? The Alleghenies are dying 1
The (lows, witb crystalline mallet, are
hammering away the rooks. So when
you say any thing is "aa firm as a
rock," you say nothing. Niagara ev-
ery year is digging for itself a quicker
plunge. The ace all around the earth
on its shifting shores is making mighty
changes in bar, and bay, and frith, and
promontory. Some of the old sea-
coasts are midland now. Off Nan-
tucket, eight feet below lowwater mark
are found now the stumps of trees,
Mowing that the waves are conquering
IIde land, Parts of Nova Scotia are
sinking. Ships to -day sail over what,
only a little while ago, was solid
ground. Near the mouth of the 131,
Croix River, is an island which, in the
movements of the earth, is slowly but
certainly rotating. All the face of the
,forth changing—changing. In 1831, an
island springs up hi the 7yfediterranean
Sea, lu 1800, another island Comes up
under the observation of the American
eousul tie he looks off from the beach.
The earth all the 111115 changing, the
columns of a temple near Bizet!, show
that ..the water has risen nine feet
above the place it was when those col-
umns were put down. Changing 1 Our
Colorado River, one0 vaster than the
through the
flowing g
AtneriC3n desert, which was (;hon an
Aiden of luxuriance, has now dwindled
to a small stream oreaping. down
ies D light
. enc 'OUI On 10 ,
i self
heights of knowledge. The great .liber through a gorge. .1.'he earth L
rarios at the Vatican, and in Munich that was once sewer, afterward wallet
and Dresden, are only the Westminster
Abbeys in wbiclt royal honks have been
buried. '.Cho tooth at Gime Is gnaw-
ing away at reputation that it was
supposed Mould never he damageil or
lost. :133ook-worms neo poring down
through the passage that: was went -
al to bo immortal, while those old am-
bitious authors or
hoi1' spirits seem
wandering up end down the aisles of
:he natlona( library, linable to find
way (1111 into the sunlight, with
timbales; fingers fumbling the venar- -
nothing but water—afterward molten
off through Lha ages un-
planta might levo, and animals
might live, and men might live, chang-
ing all the while, now Crumbling, no\v
breaking off. The sun, burning down
gradually in its socket. Changing r
f 1110111
changingch r
an intimation o
great. luinge to same over the world
l of the heathen
i .o
ad into Tho
who has never soon the Bible,
Ilindoos believe flat Bunnell, the trea-
tise once made all things. Ho created
La Grippe's Victims.
A Well Known (timbre Farmer Suffered
Untold Misery for Thr,1e Tears before
Ile Found Relief.
The epidemic of la grippe which has
swept over Canada like a scourge this
winter, has left thousands of weak and
despairing sufferers in all parts of the
land. Grippe is a treacherous disease.
You think you are cured, yet the
slightest cold brings on a relapse. Its
victims are left in a weakened condi-
tion and fall an easy prey to its mane-'
fold complications. The blood is left
impure and -impoverished; the nerves
shattered, and heart trouble and nerv-
ous prostration are too often the result.
The following statement made by
Mr: Daniel Clossey, a well known
farmer living near 'West Brame, Que.,
indicates the ravages made by the
after effects of this scourge. Mr.
Clossey says:—"Some five years ago I
had an attack of lit grippe. The ear-
lier symptoms passed away, yet I con-
tinued to fail in health, and suffered
intense pain in my head. I was sub-
ject to attacks of dizziness, andunless
I would grasp something would fall. I
gradually grew se weak as to be unable
to do any word. My legs and feet
'were as cold as ice even in the
summer months. If I attempted the
least exertion my heart would beat
violently. Icor three years 5. was in
this helpless condition, and although
during that time I was attended by
three different doctors, their treat-
ment produced not the slightest bene-
fit. At this time 1 read the statement
of one who had suffered from similar
trouble, who was oared by the use of
Dr. Williams 'Pink Pills and Idecided
to try them. The result was simply
marvellous. A dozen boxes did what
three years of expensive medical treat-
ment tailed to accomplieh— restored
Me to full health and vigor, and I am
again able to do my work about the
farm. I honestly believe Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills saved my life and 1
aan glad to make this statement for
the benefit' it may bring to others."
After an attack of la grippe Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills is the only medi-
cine that oan promptly restore you to
health, They drive every trace of the
poisonous germs from the system,
build' up and enrich the blood and
strengthen the nerves. Sold by all
dealers or ase#t post paid at 50 cents
a box or six boxes for $2,50 by address-
ing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont., Always refuse imita-
tions or substitutes.
Ali °Maus DIMS at Mess on Regular (!nest
It is ole rigueur in every well -order-
ed regiment that every officer, whether
married or single, present with the
regiment should dine at mess on guest -
night; and the party is swollen both
by the private friends of the officers
Bind by a spt nkling of the looai nota-
bilities, asked as guests of the mess,
writes a British officer hi Harper's Ma-
gazine. On their arrival the guests are
received by their own private hosts
end by the oommanding officers of the
a move is made to the truss -loom when
dinner is announced, the company in
many regiments moving to their seats
to the air of ":iho Roast Beef of Old
n -
'c r nc1 bythe band of
the corps posted in the gallery or'Out-
building adjoining the dining -room. On
the dining -table and the sideboard the
111255 plate is displayed i'.n all its gleam -
Helpless Y
With Rheumatism
1 Was
Could not move, the least bit
or a jar would make me shout
with pain. 1 was afraid 1
should be a cripple for life, as
prescriptions did me no good.
Finally 1 sent for a bottle of
Hood's Sarsaparilla, which
helped nae much, and two bot- A
ties more put me on my feet so
that 1 could walk without
crutches. I was soon well
to work on myfarm."
H. RHOADsr Windham, Vt
Hood's Sarsaparilla is pre-
pared only by C. I. Hood & Co,,
Lowell, Mass. Sold by all
dealers. Price $1.
fLlVdPvd 4d0elletat$elitereste'1y@ e
lag splendour, the historical associa-
tionsconneeted with many of the prin-
cipal pieces possibly calling forth a
flow of reminiscence from the senior
officers who may happen to be pros -
which cannot bit to have a pe-
culiar fascination for the interested
civilian guest, In a conspicuous place
if dining at an infantry mess, will be
seen displayed the colors of the bat-
talion, in many eases
and battered by the storms of many
continents, the honored emblems beat-
ing on their folds the record of many
gallant deeds well calculated to fire
the (blood of youth or to quicken the
slackening pulseof the old..
A selection of music is played during
dinner by the band of the regiment.
the programme concluding with the
regimental march blending into "God
Save the Queen," or, in some regi-
ments, "Rule Britanna, a After the des-
sert has been placed on the table, the
wine is circulated, and, all glasses being
filled, the officer sitting as president
rises from his chair, and raising his
glass, calls out, "Mr. Vice -President,
the Queen;' on this all rise glasses
in hand; the young officers sitting as
vice-president gives the toast, "Gentle-
men, the Queen;' the band, which has
been on the lookout for a signal from
the mess sergeant, crashes out the na-
tional anthem and the health of the
sovereign drunk with enthusiasm, ends
the brief ceremony, the flow of chaff,
laughter, and conversation momen-
tairly interrupted, bursting forth
Public Attention
Is at present being directed to Cat-
arrhozone, and much interests has been
aroused by its marvellous effect upon
disease germs. Catarrh, bronchitis,
irritable throat, and such maladies in-
stantly disappear when this apparently
mild pine -scented gas id inhaled. It
oS nuc Jlu aees.xegAi salTt imed
Messrs. N. 0. Polson' & Co., Megaton,
Ont., have generously intimated that
sample outfits of catarrhozone' will be
given our readers free, for a short
time, if sent for immediately.
The various steel and wire interests
of the country, it is announced from
New York, are to be combined into
one company having $00,000,000 capi-
arm or aete.50 ppei;acre eseh;6n103t
�ro�wtn pold,,,.3 Mnl0en, 9i3tttt., If
At Fall River, Mass., a list of divi-
dends paid by the local miles last year
shows an average of 2.22 per cent. on
a capital of jJ28,493,000.
Husband—What's that you are read-
Wife—It's a letter from mother.
IJusband--And what does ells say ?
Wife—Oh, not much of anything.
Husband—You are trying to deceive
me. ll.'s a cold day when your mother
hian'L anything isg much nh to stay.
Mr, Charles Dean, on Dodd's Kid,
Rey Pills,
Ile w'as Aske/1 Il' leodd'$ kidney 1'1110
Cured Mint of Kidney ntnease, 431,31 136'
(fared '306)' 3)14 After Ails Rector noel
Other Medicines lied Failed.
London, Feb. 6. -Tho publication a
few days ago, in the press of this, and
L .
m nCt a DMr
e h
other cities,of the bLALs
Oily Hotel, Charles Dean, of the C Ly H o , had
beencured by Dodd's Kidney Pills, of
a disease that every other remedy he
had used, failed Lo even relieve, creat-
ed wide -spread comment and disous-
i n.
The majority of the citizensizens agreed
that the case was not a remarkable
one for Dodd's kidney Pills, which,
they said, euro every ease of Kidney
Disease for which they aro used.
Some few persons, however, doubted
the aecuraoy of the report.
To settle the question, once for all,
we interviewed Sir. Dean, and asked
him if the press reports were true.
"Certainly they are true," said he,
"The only fault they have is that they
are not strong enough.
"I used to euelfer so much that I
had to lie dowll to get relief. My
doctor said my Kidneys were affected.
He gave me medicine, but it didn't
help me.
"One day I met Mr. M. L. Duffy,
architect, wito was cured of Kidney
Disease by Dodd's Kidney Pills. He
advised me to try them, and I did so.
When I had taken four doses I was
relieved. On b
re. ebox
made ma
a new
I have taken three boxes,and
am completely cured. Dodd's y
Pills cured me. They are worth their
weight in gold."
This certainly settles the question.
Nothing further can be said. .Dodd's
Kidney Pills Cure Kidney Disease—
that is proved.
Those who require Dodd's Kidney
Pills can get them at all drug stores
for fifty cents a box, six boxes for
$2.50, or by sending the price to The
Dodd's Medicine Co., Limited, To-
Ex -Senator Manderson of Nebraska
began life as a poor boy, going to work
at the age of 15, ,
Ten United .States Senators have
passed the three score and ten mark,
and Senator Pettus, of Alabama, who
is '18, is the patriarch of that body
now that Senator Morrill is dead.
W. 1'. 43. 958
Oeerbolic Disinfectants, Soaps, Oint-
ment, Tooth Powders, etc., hove been
awarded 100 medals and diplomas for superior
excellence. Their regular use prevent lafeotl-
ous diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain a
supply. Lists marled free on application,
The ((BalmoralN,TR" FOArLee Bus Am•Pmn
T1.i01c up
QAUOAQE' OAIIN08-Neo Importations floenlindlleb
N Sep and Araarfoaa 80Fp0aelosga-rollsh�e 3cods cl
'rlua 1' RK, BL4QKWELL 5 00., 4otoob.
We want good nutter, Eggs, Poultry, etc,
Ship to us, and you will 'Lave your cash In a
CO., 88 Front St., E., Toronto.
Eoseh you BY HAIL ion few weeks n branoh of art
that Will qualifyyou forprofeselon that is not overcrowd.
od or profitoblehumo work. Particulars Tree, The Com-
mercial Belcol of Portraiture, Toronto Junction, Ont.
0onkbinding, Send our rn_oynaloop, ha55 011 m elooy
Printing, bound. Bill donde, 511 ,380835, L9t1.l
Aoot. Bootee•�8onds Cards,instookand(norder. Beed
205 Rud rgtlelve poatpdaouvter Aaybook
ii x143,165 p ages rpt ml O.lt Amu igao, 92Ki eget. Hamllto o
Yirr----- ---are- After ie years
jj��,, �'p �y+ vatrug le and toll
hnvn outs foeedom
foryou.Writ.'MRp- r farm a sant, ruse liege I,Tsr. All
welcome. 'MR -Bate, apvoinlleb, 3020olioge•s ,Toronto.
— — 1
The late Robert R. MaBarney, of
Now York, was known as "Father of
the Young Men's Christian Assooia
tion," from the active part be took
in building it up as a national anal in-
ternational organization.
Take Laxative Broom quinine Tablets. All Drug'
gists refund the money if It Pala Eu 0,1(0, 280,
Prof. Josiah Royce, of Harvard, bas
sailed for England, to deliver the Gif-
ford lecturers on the "Philosophy of
Religion," at the University of Aber-
deen, Many noted men have heretofore
been asked, but Prof. Royce is the first
American.to receive the honour.
STATE' OF 01110, CITY 010 TOLEDO, 1,
a he is the
FRANK b ev 51 11Y mom of Ir. t t
Co, d'oIng r of the in
of F. J. f Tel y o,
Co, do;ng Hines, in I5, City of Tbludo,
will oCtounky and st Ito, aforesaid, and that said Arm
will pay the sum o' 07301 ease of IA DOL-
LARS for t. be and ,vary 0000 of DAT,infln
that (00(300, be cured by the neo el HoLL'e
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my
presence, this 6th day 01 December A. 7).1880.
A. W. GLEASO. i,
tJ NOttm'y Pttbdio.
lllHall'sJJJdatarrb Cure le takon internally, and
acts directly on tho blood and m110011e eurfsees
of the systole. Send for testimonials froo.
Sold by Druaggist
F.J. Cn,H1780.0NEY se 0(0, testimonials,
Hall's Family Pills aro the beet.
HEALTH RESTORED nrte:peusoe ol0E6e
most disordered Stomach, Tongs, Nerves, Liver, Blood,
Wachter, KIAueya, Brair, end Breath by
0,0 Barry,. llevalenta
Arabioa Food,
which COIN Teraina mol r'bitdt en, cud also Beare enc•
oea*felly lulu Os whus. ,(prow~, Rud 0,1,1111( have re-
elotrd m other Oenln,rot., It Alseete when atl other
Bead is releetud, surae 50 times eta 00131)0 mediate', '
iia fel) Ye0.0,6nrp�''�9 Lwarfahle aUceeee, 100,tl00
1 3a Anuunt Ourna o[ , 100,00*
Eine,Fln,uBrnu ale 01a1,
Leligear6Oons01, flop Duthet l' nr,n J)s, luu
enzn, 004. Asthma on,,e, h, Pilogm, nimrhm3,
Neivece Debttity, aloe, Iraeoeas, Denpondonoy,
Du Barry a,th Bo.,'�I,Intitadll
7 Resent
London, , ,also Cl In Faris, 14 Rue de orgyI Bono, nd
at all ,Omen0,4, •08, hamlets, and stares eve free. r0, l e t00
0sa be lianas,
o, 1, Iso, 3a a, a, Also De
Barry's Revnlonte NfamlEe, in tins, 3s Od, and Oa
dih-14,64,41,46, 64014
t Lit 447
Pure Tea, Good Value, Low Price represented by
ICSE1"sY3.a7135A- Load P
es -
We do not offer you SOMETHING
FOR NOTHING, but we de say that
your dollar is worth two hundred and fifty
inthese itions—
kle a ro os
p P
25, 30, 40, 50 and 00e
• • �;SP
• enir Spoon
• "The Ladies' Journal" is a large- 36 page domestic and
pillustrated fashion monthly, printed on fine paper with depart-
mb of the household. You will not
@ nts to interest everymember me
regret your Fitt
Cent Investment. The regular ular Yaarl
is One Dollar. We cut this amount in two because we want O
▪ to doable our list in order to secure more advertising at better rates on +
00 account of increased circulation. ♦♦
•• THE •LADIES' JOURNAL, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto, Can. •
(00 0.0400 000 00 001000 x••00000000, •0000000.•.•40••
Proposition No. I Send us one
dollar of your own, or some other
person's money, and we will send
Iwo copies of THE LADIES'
JOURNAL to any addresses you
may desire, and also send you, as a FREE GIFT your choice of
a high-class pearl or ivory
li' o hanPocket Knife—ladies'
pair of Emh
o my -a
cry Scissors or a Sterling Silver Souv dle
Proposition. alo. 2. If you will send us Fifteen new Sub-
scribers at Fifty Cents each, we will present you with a hand-
some Gun-metal Ladies' Chatelaine Watch, with beautiful bow
and dress attachment, -an excellent timekeeper -all the rage
and just the thing no lady wants to be without now -a -days.
These are honest, business propositions.
CUTTING SCHOOL— Tntlors enudd Doren
for cub
alegue. C. & 0. SCHOOL CO.ke, r, Meotreal.
ral,_. °'
Thousands hfvunUmd nouarnCd0womaer
study a stepping -atone to success," Eater
now: board cheap; best business ,shoot in
Dominion. Circulars true.
- W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal.
COFFEE & CO., Seteblleksll l'41
80.0 400.18 Nerd •l Trade easy,
Mous Sainte. JOBE L
The Dominion of Canada Guarantee
and Accident Insurance Coinp'y
Authorized Capital, $1,050,000
Dominion Government Deposit, s1 eeo
Bonds issued covering county, town find town.
ship Also(07105ni]iaccidentn lielon court esg' hni0ffa',
President. Geo. Mnuagor.
with chain and charm,for sell-
ing two doz. Wh;tel;8t Wicks
at ten cents each. No Money
Required. Write, and we will
send the Wicks, postpaid ,d
our big Premium List. When
you have sold the Wicks, re.
turn the money, and we will at
once send your watch free of
all charge. Hundreds have
rued hoe watchers working
for us, why not you? In
writing, mention this paler.
DARN A HOLE In Three Minutes,
IT 010(1 0A011,r 110 DONE WITH (.7310
o® -,V
Swiss Darner. , . 3Piso.
After a little prom
bloc we pay ladies 010
u week `nolery who
hove learned to bo.
eoum os801ently pre-
patent •with T00
545100 (hair mt t0 get
ns 010 3 o„ie and to
Instruct °thhere in their
locality. We reouir0
thoeennde of sample
darning for our busi-
ness, solirls and
woolen who have Tns
May 0370 from 03 to
00 weekly lu mink
snmp]cs fur ILL Ton
Blttn fresh DARNER
n l or tee
Inn stacking in am
minutes, It meals
table clothe, curtains
nmlarceer and all
?abrlos with (quud
nicety and speed, anti
nohlld oan opara10 11
ES e0o4 AA n pproven
ptlraen. Ttnl 57000
DA sate, nteww( 00.
od, catmint) witit h fall
ht taleess etc.,
to tiny role, ole., nmlt t, any
1001111 of
w05 000 on • i
Prl 0 25 aenta Sr 0, 73 A11Z1 nvo 3m to , 1010*nnl.
Tho awls, nrnar Oo., 73 Adelaide St. W„ Tm•onle.
GumU = TO H Ai.Tli.
UI HEA1.3"11.
and San los o
pa tenial a l Pram.Material of
Niagara vapor Rath
sent t0 any address on
rocolpl. of stomp,
Thermometer Attn,,htnontand
n •ot,
Vp oP ZOY OfI , a
p N
Agents wonted for Beet dotting
)lath in Amerloa.
iho Nia��Jyra
eVa o r Rall' 01U i
87 YOng6 bt„ Terente.
Writefor apeolal berme duriug�January
Webruary. 8. CORRIGAN, 113 Yoage 9d
tammerersT e0(nllytbotl
14gI7 who hail ~odea
where, write
wear,, wriu, tq
Dr.A,reOB .15rlin, who will eunviaa0 you 110 010 our -eye
Mi11e, molls & Halo*
to Wesley B1dfie„ Molt
mond M. W., Toronto.
18 you have any APPLES, BUTTER, 6008 or P00I.TRI
So ship, ship them to
The Cawoori Commission Co., Limited,
a �
Only Institution In Onnade for the euro d�
every pilose of pee.h detect. stablieh
n Toronto, 1600 Cur. suu37Eead.
1 1
0 Pembroke Toronto, adl
Metallic Telephone
A1W09a Road . 'Vol
Tablet !t down now.'' P010131
Toronto and Newmarket, Ont.
DominDominion Laoo ROYAL MAIi,
ion STEAMSi,,g h
eE. John, N.B., aad Ht beet, t0 Lheryonle soling8 a
Londonderry. I.arkr and OU tut, sr' }}rr steamah .
Superior ar omnoiedotion for First Cobh, See-
end Cabin and Steerage passengers. Beteg of
ppae,o a -First Cabin, $50.051 second. Cabin,
856; Steerage622.60 and upwards aeenrdlugt3
etc*my end berth, For ail information apply
to Loosl Agents or DAVID TORRANCE EL Co„
Cion') Agente,17 M. Sacrament Db., Monlrea).
and HAY FEVER Permanently Cured by
Medicated Vapor Inhalation -a miracle of 00000ea
10 Days Trial Free. Send 15o. for express on outfit.
Dr. Ray's Suooessfui Remedy Oo.,Tnronte, Ont
Dr• Roy's Auti-Oonstiputfon Pills always cure.
London, Eng. Melbourne, Ans. Toronto, Can.
Cleanse a Ferri,' Mt erikrif
The Hon. Jos. Chamberlain's recant a oat
to the British public t0 investigate Win )nee eco. •
0d devolo m..nt of infections disease in the
(`oloelos, has led to the marketing of BOLD'8
CELEBRATED PRESCRIPTION, the now only rooms.
niotld germ destroyer and preventative against
Fevers and Ague. Palnplilot+ and medicine
mailed from the Canadian Agency,
The BOLO PHARMACAL 903, Toronto.
of these elosets are In use, gg.i Ting
Parties ti dog them would no the wltli•
oat thein for twee, their oust. They can
be placed in Oellar,Atlio ore ath ReOm,
Orn any place whore there Is a flue or
Fire required only onoo In tw 0 wooke.
Pbr Oir08lar and pride writ.
i{anlllton3 Ont,