The Brussels Post, 1899-2-17, Page 66
FEB. 17, 1899
1[i118 1\1E81E1
interesting items About Our Uwe Country.
Great Britain. the United States. cm'
Mt Parts of the ciiobe, Condensed nn,
Assorted for Easy Rending.
The twentieth century begins Janu-
ary 1, 1001.
Vancouver Catholics will build a
$00,000 church,
Stratford offers $95,000 for the local
water -works plant,
it will cost $157,000 to run the Ham-
ilton schools this year.
J. T. 'Middleton has been appointed
sheriff at Wentworth.
There will nut be any military tour-
nament in Toeunto this year.
They have already begun to teach
the Doukhobors English at Winnipeg.
A Iarge Vein of lieruntete iron has
been discovered to the nurth of Wahl -
The outlook for the lumbering busi-
ness in the Ottawa, valley next seas".n
is promising.
Winnipeg already hes signs of great
activity in building circles and real
estate during the evening summer.
The temperance people of Hamilton
will petition the,Clly Council to reduce
the number of tavern licenses from '75
to 50.
The Council of Arts and Industries
at t;tuebeo has opeued a night class
for the making of patterns of flouts
and shoes.
Mr. \t illinm Webb 130 Binbreok was
thrown ow. of his waggun and killed
while driving to Hamilton wit 11 a load
of wood.
Hon. Col. McMillen. n, i.'rovincial Trea-
surer of JManituba, has returned to
Winnipeg from the Southern State,
restur•e,t to health.
Henderson's direetury for 'Winnipeg
places iho population of Winnipeg at
49,000, nu increase of 40U; or 1UW over
last year.
J. E. Bayden, rammer mechanic at
the Trail, B.C., smelter, has been kill-
ed by au electric shock, while repair-
ing the switchboard,
ing the switchboard.
T. G. Owen, a young Oltawan, •LS
ye3ers of age and sou ul Mr. Owen,
eecountant of the Marine Deparimrnt.;
is reported to have made a fortune in
1133 1 alum.
The Cataract ,'ower Company has
declined to fix the price fur power for
Hamilton, but offers to give cheaper
electric light if a Len years' contract
is signed.
Complaint, heves reached Ottawa of
the 11. tensive importation uL Liquor in-
to the Yukon, The Ottawa authori-
ties are leaving the issue of permits
to the Territorial authorities.
The proposal to establish 4 military
organisation at. 0:31141,! University is
again being discussed, and it now b:uks
as if the scheme would, be au accom-
plished fact before very lung.
Owing to the grippe epidemic, rhe
liinbsLun punt cei lere hospital is so
03eteruwded the new south wing had
to be turned into servico Lo aem,mmo-
date the convict patients.
Mr. George Hague, who has managed
the affairs of ity, Merchants' flank for
twenty-two y33a04, has banded over 1143
duties to the joint manager, Mr. Eyelet.
Mr. Hague fa atilt attached to the bank
in au advisory capacity.
Aid. Roy of i\lontre(aI declares that
an (33 LeutpI was made by two civic
employees to Intl bun 111 eon/Isamu
3,11.11 it recent eppeee!nent Le snding.
to his house 14rio,, piwtd.sory nous
Cur epee each, and request eat; him to ac -
teen elle money for his vote,
New Westminster has a balance of
1`ol,01u en hand at charitable funds af-
ter all distress occasioned by the great
fire has been r,lieved, and the oily nury
has a bill before the Legislature of
3311(1031 Columbia to empower the cor-
poration to spend rho money in public
eeul'ks and thus provide wurk for the
'Several deaths have occurred re -
(Telly in Kingston Penitentiary front
Kenai meningitis, 01edi131 authorities
have recently discovered that the dis-
ease frequently originates from. 0 getni
inoculated into the system through
imperfect ventilation or the 01(4,101-
361.3' condition of MAIM inxaitn111111s
Mental worry is frequently the ruina0
the Complaint.
birth of Cromwell, which oceurti ria
Whitt would unarmed elv11izetlon do
4gainst irme.d bei barism 0 is une O0
Lord Roberts' enuinlents on the Czar's
disarm tment primers 11.
Several fine elm trees in the cele-
brated Long \\'alit at Winde00 have
(.3..''(( euad'mn'd as uneafe, ene are
e",ming under the axe.
The alt,irttwent of Lieutenant -
teener -II [lir Frannie 13. terenf•1.1 to be
pr -neral en lh+, staffatf le tenamond the
t'.ops p4 in Malta, i4 gazer ted.
The stripe of the Clyde seamen has
1.01111(18181, the ship0t3u0rs baying been
able to find crews fur their vessels
without difficulty at Current rates.
It 18 announced in London that a
Chinese 5 per cent. railway loan of
Se -7.5;A ) bas been arranged, spe-
cially s eur,331 on L'hincse railways.
Th. Duke of Devonshire and Baru»
::13(11auiet Meyered.• ltoteschilrl have
:ubeeribed „eaetllti tach to the Cam -
edge Endov:ment University fund,
A number of :Montreal capitali;is
have acquired a hall-intereet In the
mold properties of the Bullion Gold
Mining Company 00 the Lake of the
\Woods district.
The will of the late Baron Ferdinand
de Rothschild left $:15,0011 to "my
friend Herbert Wilson.' There are two
in London and the executors are in
a quandary.
Cenen•idg'e University greatly larks
fume..,, and an assece61inn has been
formed to aid it, The Duke of 11440Z1 -
40n -
shire has given 930,000 and the Rothe -
child's firm $50,0119. '
The employers in the cotton trade
throughout Lancashire, excepting the
Bolton district., have received a3ppliea-
t ions for an advenre of wages varying
from 5 to 10 per cant.
Sir T. F. Buxton, Bart., O. C. 21. G„
Las accepted the office of president of
the British and Foreign Anti -Slavery
?ociety, vacant since the death of the
late ;51r. Arthur Pease, M. 1'.
Hornsey District Cauneil has resolv-
ed to build 60 houses at Highgate, near
Louden, at rt cost of £15,500. The
rents are to run from 5s 02 to 8s 611 a
week, and each house will have 50 feet
of garden.
At a meeting of the Liverpool branch
of the Royal National. Lifeboat Insti-
tution, it was announced that the exe-
tenors of the late Mr. F. C. Dairies, of
Liverpool and Cairo, had given £10,000
"o the institution.
There is talk in London of putting
the praotlae of spiritualism on 0 simi-
lar footing with the practice of medi-
cine, and to provide for the formal in-
struction and licensing of medlumecap-
able of conducting orthodox seances.
Twenty ihourolnd pounds lots been
subscribed during the past year for
tlu, hast London Church' fund. The
Bishop Stepney, speeding at a meet-
ing at l.ournuouth, sent that this
was a record sum for one year's col-
There is clot the slightest truth in
the rumoured engalnment of Princess
Victoria of Wales to Prince George of
Greece, and the fact that according to
Ow Orthodox Greek Church first cous-
ins are not allowed to marry would in
any ease make such a union impossible.
Iu accordance with the Home Office
instructions, cells used for refract.ory,
prisoners, and called "punishment
cells." have now been abolished in
13.h prisons. '3111y will be altered and
made !Wore els er(ul, and. only used for
violent prisoners for their own secur-
Lady Randolph Churchill is about. to
start a magazine on new lines. 1t will
}»' 8umfrtu0usly bound, and sold tit n
guinea per copy. Ilei son, Hon.
Winston Churchill, will assist her in
eondueting it, and the list of contribu-
tors will include Emperor William and
other royal personages.
Henry White, the American Charge
d'Affaires, itis wife and daughter, are
Om guests of Earl Cadogan, Lord -
Lieutenant 00 Ireland, in Dublin, and
will attend a state levee and drawing
room. Mr. White will 1st the first
United States representative to attend
a court function in Ireland,
1'h, Salvation Army has been suc-
cessful in getting some of Iheir goods
netnuf.,cturea in Englund accepted by
the, London nffile of Public Works, \.
start has been made by supplying the
various (1('pertments of the Whitehall
Government offices and the 73ouse of
Parliament with safety matches made
by the army.
Mr. [titter niggard, as chairman at
a dinner of the Anglo -African Writers'
Club, et which SIr G. T. Goblet was the
e03'.t,, ,girl the, British Empire, which
was (3(431 ,1.0 wide, had been eanatrueted
nil r.u.evl, not by tiny (3011011 tie gov-
ren1(•nte et home, but by the notion
of left, •irlual,4, Individu 1,4 had done
he work, and afterwards - frequently
wide relutennse---governrnente had ap-
proved of the work.
A Liverpool reporter has unearthed
a 0411 ovarian -Mrs. 11onuntir, aged one
hund•d and seven -whose 11u1band is
eighty-four. She attributes her age to
a strict conformity to the teachings of
the Bible, The lady's family is not-
ed for its longevity. Her Lather lived
to be one hundred years of age, and heruncle,, rued when h8 wee one hundred
and fifteen years old.
The West. Shore R.a11wny is to be
•abearberl by the New York Central sys-
Electricity will Lake the plaee of
steam on the Manhattan Elevated
Railroad, Now York.
tem North Dakota law now requires
a reaidenee of one year before a di-
v0ree can be secured.
Thomas Sprague is dead at Roseville,
Staten Island, of hydrophobia, He was
bitten by a deg a month ago,
The North-western, Chronicle, of St.
Paul, says Archbishop Iroland, now in
Rome, is to be made a cardinal,
A party oe German settlers, number-
ing 100, will leave Indiana to settle
in the North-west 'Territories in
Sixty-seven cadets atChester, Pia.
were poisoned, presumably from eat-
ing badly preserved cold -storage
RIM Di. Char
los Seymour Robinson,
e. ProBbyleriau 3lvi10 and well-
nown writer of hyping, is dead at New
A trained bird belonging to 3150
singer, the late Miss I7nima. Thnrsey,
Ne'w York, and Yenta at $10,1100, lis
Seventeen of the convites concerned
in the recent: mutiny at 0,, t
ton Penitentiary have been com-
mitted to the prison of ,soletion for
one year, and fifteen of !bent have hart
their lights taken (nen them for on
!Jacinth. It ie also said (hat all the
untried concerned in the revolt will
lose their remission or goad -conduct
The c3stulns deportment to com-
pleting arrangements tar the transit
of gouda to the Yukon over the While,
Pass Railway in bond, Treble are now
running tram eltngway to nearly the
Canadian Border, and as soon as 1110
lino reaches Canadian Territory a
sealed; car 44111 be leered 0n the route
to carry Canadian bonded shipments
from dkagway aer085 the disputed trip.
The returns 01 .British Imports of
dairy produce last year show that out
of a total of 2,287,100 cwt. of theme
imlwrled, Canada sent 1,431,781 ewe,
the United States 474,095 cwt., and
Holland 292,825 ewvt:, On all qualities
Canadian cheese rules from 2 to 3 Warn-
ings higher than American. Our exports
al butter to the Bri.i:ish market for the
year worn 150,865 owl., as against
701,,402 cwt, in 1897, and 88,357 in
GetEeeT Bi1,11eAIIN.
The Earl oe Lindsey ie deaf!.
Lord .11allem !Tennyson, son of the
late poet, has been appointed Governor
of South Australio.
The Duke of. York will 0ommand 4110
British 8qu6dro31 which will reocive the
Anneitan ships In June,
The Earl of Elgin, earner Viceroy
of India, has been appointed aTCnight
of the Garter in place of the late,, XDukc
of Northumberland,
I.'roparations acre beteg made in :Eng -
lane 'fol' the Meth anniversary, of the
the latest victim of the grip in Gott
am. 11 spike in five langu eyes,
:the . e ie -
�1 d o l :' (
.3 a ;$Ulla of N
t 6
York has adopted resolutions urine
1the release of 1\Irs, Aluyhrick fro
1nt3ar. en Iiuglaud, and has appuinte
131 committee to memorialize 111
] Queen,
i, 1 eeau,e of continued falling 1351.11
I Mrs. e., a 4vca! sty visitor file
Pittsburg, aged about. fifty, commit
j ted suicide by jumping into the ocean
' from the end of Young's pier, Atlantic
City, tin 'Monday.
12uow is reported us general through-
out Central and Seuthorn Georgia an
Alabama, In \Banta nearly four in
011031 fell on Saturday. Three inches
has fallen at Columbus and othe
points in South Georgia, and abou
'two inches 01 Mlaeon and Montgomery
1 Tom Salmon, former president o
1 Red Lodge Miners' Union, who kille
Superintendent Connor, of the Rook
Fork coal mine, for -discharging him
was hanged at Red Lodge, Mont., on
Friday. : almen was a well known
labour leader ill several North -\West -
j ern States.
At San Premise° Mrs, Cordelia Bot -
kin was sentenced to serve the term
of her natural life in the San Quenti
Penitentiary for the murder of Mrs
John P. Running of Dover, Dela., whom
she killed by means of a box of poi
I send candy sent. through the mail
as n sift from a friend.
The indieations are that a court
Inquiry wilt be ordered In invest.teat
the statement made by Gen. _Miles,
in which tate quality of beef furnished
the American troops during the late
war was brought in question. The big
Chicago parking houses say the Gen-
eral's statements will hurt the export
Thomas Reynolds, of Belleville, N.J.
a small town near "Newark, became a
raving maniac on Tuesday and ran
through the streets with a knife in
Ins band striking at every one lie met.
Most of the people escaped from him,
but three were seriously injured. They
are Mary Coyne, whose skull was frac-
tured and who will probably die, and
two girls named Meaning and Ilene-
gan, both dangerously injured.
"(7 eist reeding the five '173330•,(1711."
.1351113 c, 4.04, feeds Teat. Julio a, ai.
lu \"ors„ I. After these things. After IIIc
(liscussion which areae about the cur-
ing of the impotent man at the 131101
,1L Betheiela, a part of which fumed
our last lesson. \\'e are to think of
d our Lord returning to the northern
province of Galiice probably through
✓ P01•ea. Jesus V. rot over the. sea. Cum.
t 1113108 the story with that of Luke in
, his ninth chapter, the make trim suit
in the northeastern direction across the
lake from Caperuauur. Tee sea of Gali-
Y lee, which is the sea of Tiberias, Which
, es also, we may add; the Sea of Gen-
nesai'et. John is the only evangelist
who gives 11 the name Tiberias, though
it was so veiled by Gentile writers,
The city of Tiberias, from which this
later name of the lake was derived,
n was the capital of Herod Antipas, and
1n stood on the southwestern shore, Herod
- built it in honor el his patron, the no-
s man emperor Tiberius, during our Sav-
iour's lifetime, but, it w•
0 are to follow
anelenl Christian chronology, not be-
e fore A.D. 20, Whirl is the year when
the miracle of which we are now about
to study was probably wrought. The
city of Tiberias was built en the whim
of an Eastern despot, and probably
people of different nations and dif-
, torent ranks were compelled to take
up their abode there. Bot 1116 site 4wae
well chosen. ft in near the eout11ern
extremity of the lake, and very near
i Le certain medicinal but baths to which
Ithe natives still flock. It flourished
and was counted a place of importance
in the time ut the Crusades, but its
chief interest to us is that it gave
its name to the sea un and around
which some of our Lord's most mar-
velous deeds were wrought and his
most marvelous words spoken.
2. A great multitude followed him.
Ile went across the lake, but they
walked along the share around its
northern curve. The ruse with which
a multitude could be drawn tog611310
fit the East and taken from town to
town and ,rum preview to province. is
inharmonious with our social structure.
,'here were in Palestine two or three
causes for the gathering anti traneeer
of mush. great clulvds. 1, Ordinary life
M the ]cast is not nearly so rooted in
tt locality as with us. there is no
buelr 8731e41n lee busin:•ss travel as .0
the western countries; but, un the eth-
er stand, people whose lives have been
largely lived in the upon air, who have
little pressure of routine duties upon
them, whose, dress and whuse toed are
of the eimplest, van puss from one
,neighborhood to timelier without great
incanveulence to themselves ur to the
people they leaveorto the people
among w110711 they go. 2. The greet
11(1110(11 feasts of the Jews familiarized
the people w'1111 a steady procession of
huuclrods of thousands southward to
capital city, •tad u little later north -
weed, So that it bas been estimated
that nearly one fifth of the Jewish
population of the holy Land toot: up
its pilgrimage once or twice a year. 3.
Herod, the tetrarch of Galilee, bad many
turbulent people to govern. Meet of
his province was inert if not loyal, but
111et'e were 0113breslrs and rebel.
Buns almost every month. And around
each new self-appointed deliverer
60uree or hundreds or thousands of
people gathered, so that a term appli-
ed in Europe to standing armies on
the eve of war might be applied to
IIerod's entire dominion; the people
in spite of disorganization, were in a
sort of ready mobilization. Because
they 10te his m1160138 which he did
on them that were diseased. bluuy
of theee mir0o16s are recorded in the
other gospels. All the desire for play -
Oval benefit and the itching curiosity
which would bring :moll a wonder -
worker encu sudden popularity at the
present time prevailed t.heu in Gali-
3, Jesus went up into a mouetaim,
The Revised Version uses the definite
urtlole "the" to indicate the moun-
tainoue ground on the northern shore
of the lake and east of the Jordan.
it wan neat' to the town of Belhsaida.
A boiler understanding of !lie whole
5103.7 will be got by reading Mark 0,
11.11, Sat 'with leis disciples, 13.e had t
(alum • them aside for private instru°-
I ion. I t
At Urbana, 01110, the jury to the
suit brought against Champion County
to recover $5,000, damages for the
lynching of "Click" Mitchell in June,
13'97, returned a verdict against the
plaintiff. The suit was brought under
what, is known as the anti -lynching
law of the State, which provides that
the sum of 951,1301) damages 81(x11 be
paid to the next of kin of a person
meeting death by mob violence. The
case Is the first of its kind,
Tooting is resulting from widespread
distress among the natives of Bar-
Twenty children are reported to have
been drowned by an ice disaster at the
Village of \Warpuhnen-Roirhein, East
Owing to famine in Persia, murder
and highway robbery le frequent, and
the Staab bas had his body guard in-
There has been a recurrence of land-
slides 111 Airelo en, the Alps, and the
Si. Gntbard tunnel is threatened with
A plot for the wholesale murder of
policemen has been discovered at Leg-
horn, near Fior,'nc'. Malty Anarch-
ists have been arrested.
A untie employe at Paris named Os -
ins found a package of 5100,000 worth
of ecuricdes en the mato se4w•812, and
gnu it up to the authorities.
There are 40,000 beggars, 10,000 oof
whom are soldiers, in, the City of Mla-
drid, and the authorities fear an out-
break of lawlessness and crime.
The first seals oft the season; have
been observed oft Cape Bonavista,
Newfoundland. The sealing steamers
are preparing fur their annual bunt,
The German !Government Is trying to
stamp out the adulteration of wines
in Alsace. A wine merchant hes been
fitted 42,980 for exporting adulterated
Later details of the fight on the
Blue Nile temente': from Cairo show
that the dervish force numbered about
4,1130, and that Colonel _Lewis' victory
11115 won against overwhelming num-
The trade of the free port of Ham-
burg has ineteased 730 enormously of
late that the landing accommodation is
friend to be totally inadequate, and it
has been decided to increase the (Melee,
quays, etc., for which Lila Senate has
voted the sum of $5,000,000,
Carlisle in Spain complaint that Don
Carlos allowed a great opportunity to
slip teem, six weeke ago, the country
was filled with dismay and indignatiuu
al the price of defeat. Ila might have
had a hope of 8110ces8 then, but now
the people realize that salvation isnot
to be had that way,
The Germans in Hayti have organiz-
ed a wakes, for th(y purpose al raising
Money to rend to Germany to build
war vessels to inerea5u the of:feetive-
n8ss et the German navy. 1t is under -
8100l that subscriptions of a similar
character are being formed all over
the world, including the United States,
for the acme purpose.
Switzerland has as usual, been spend-
ing the winter in reckoning up the
profits of the holiday season. Last
year shows a favourable advance, the
total number of tourists having
amounted to 2,300,000, while the geese
receipts of hotel keepers, as far es they
can be ascertained, reached close upon
$25,000,000. Of dhis sum about 37,-
000,000 was expended on jewellery,
kited knacks and. 'souvenirs de Suisse.
SIIWilinulln loan Takes Ili., Lire Ina dela
Hallooed WaY.
A despatch from Gore Bay, Manitou-
lin Island, says t. --A most desperate
ease of sutcido L9 reported from Cock-
burn Island, the victim being a farmer
named George Schmidt, it appears
that Sobmidt, who had been ill for 384.
oral months, while in a fit of despond -
once, blew the top 414 his head off wlth
the (liseharge from a shot gun, The
su1eid8 ()laded the muzzle of the gun
in hie mou(1) end eonne01a4 the trigger
by a 3ontelvanee mode of strong cord,
When the 11ocly was dlseovered the dead
mans 08.43 was 11lItgecgnibabie,
7, Two hundred pennyworth un terr
h of
bread. 0.1. :Pira
hundred di•uarii. The
ll nai'1us 11•435 a Homan coin worth
Omit etgetpcne8 ln,li penny -that led
a11•Int seventeen cents. Two 1luudre
peunywurlh would amount to about
thir•ty-f„ur dollars, welch, however,
would have a far greater purc'has1ng
pewee in that ate awl in that century
than with us 11 ,w,
5. Andrew, SIrmo Peter's brother.
ss ill be rememleired, was one
of the first tem to follow ,!esus, Aft-
er Philip's answer we are told by
Mark that our Lord said, that is
hero emitted, "Give ye them to eat,"
and that the epistles exclaimed iu
surprise, in madmen phraseology,
"Shall we go and buy thirty-four dol-
lars' worth of bread!" Where could
they get the money to pay for 11'f
Then Jesus said, "lion many loave8
have you 1 go and see," And Andrew,
having ascertained, makes the report
of the nest verse. Some of the early
fathers think that Andrew had al-
ready faith in our' Lord's power to
work this m(ru018 and had fa mind
Elisha's miracle, recorded in 2 Kings
4, 4.1-4l,
9. There is a lad! here, which hath
fire barley loaves, and two small fish-
es. A little boy, with a boy's hanger
and doubtless a mother's care tepro-
viae far it beforehand, had five "loav-
es," which 4343 0011d well Illustrate to
our classes by showing them ordinary
pilot Lemm t, They were not very
much larger er softer than pilot bis
cute mud were n•ilher as palatable 110r
as nourl::hing. Two small fishes. Al-
ready in our nates, we have called tit -
tee( ion to the fish -preserving business
on the Galilee shores., Like our mod-
ern smoked herring and, brined mack-
erel and canned sardines, the fish of
the Galilee lake were 3)1'eeerved en
yeeitm5 way's, and Sold( in great, quan-
tities 171 Jerusalem and other centers
of population. 'Gild fish this little boy
had 4rer1 probably dried. .
10. Between verse 9 and this verse
we must MS 71,1 the h171toly of the day's
teaching as given by the other evange-
lists, There was much grass in the
pewee See MIark 0.39, The miracle
teas w'r'ought in early spring, at which
lime the glass in the eastern lowlands
6)131 on the hillsides is most abundant,
'Slake the men sit down. The ltevised
\ ereion has "people," We learn that
they were ordered to group themselves
in companies of fifty and a hundred 011
the grass, and sd the entire, eumiler
was speedily computed at about
five thousand. Doubtless td number
them was one of our Lord's purposes in
making them cit, but there teas an -
eater, of such consequence that we
might. take it its the text for a homily
not only to our younger scholars, but
Ca m any adult Christians. One of the
nude serious :faults otthis age is that
Peoljs will not sit down and calmly
discuss eternal questions. The world
was never so highly civilized as now,
but also it was never nearly su incon-
siderate as now. Men gulp down thee!
Updni008, swallow their newspapers'
judgment and perhaps their ministers',
and seldom think for tlientselves. Hu-
m701y spe. r Lcu
efl,t•tively 11aking(178 wouorkedorcd thisom'racicldnut
if the people had not sat down. See
Thoughts for Young I'eepl3,
I1, When he had given thanks. There
is no reseed of our Lord -ever eating
without funnel thanksgiving, lfwecan
]ecru from Eastern customs now, what
he said was, " May God bless what he
has given us." Ile distributed to the
21513ples and the disciples to them
the1 were set down. Ile ivouid treat
hie disciples in secular things as he
was about to treat them in spiritual
12. Gather up the rragments. Not
what was lett by the people, but the
pieces 33m tieing in the diecipies' hands
at the close of the meal, That nur11-
iug be lost. from this we may Laerly
assume that the food afterward was
used by the twelve, Our Lord did not
maintain apostles by miraculous in -
13. Twelve baskets, Wicker baskets,
such as ancient Jews carried while
traveling, one for each apostle.
14. Those men. "The people." Had.
seen the miracle that Jesus dei, It
reminded them of the giving of manna
by .Moses, That Prophet, The pro-
phet foretold by Moses in Deut, 18. 15,
often idcntilled with the Messiah, Seo
Ants 3. 22, 29; 7. 37. That should come
into the world. One of the most popu-
lar names of the promised. Messiah was
the Coning One. Mere was a young
man directly descended from David,
pure in character, kind to his fellows,
speaking as never man spoke, and do-
ing deeds that made all the world won-
der. I in :liborias, or in some other
melted, 11 Tiberias was not yet built,
was old Herod Antipas, licentious,
murderous, tyrannous, and. feeble. Why
not hurl the old tyrant from his throne
and crown Jesus of N1za,•41h, the one
rue Galilean who was n descendant of
David, in his stead? ea ready were
he twelve to second this misdirected
enthusiasm that Jesus bed to "com-
pel" them to return be, water while be
calmed the excited crowd, ,
.1, The passover . WW1 nigh,
Which may account for the peesenee
of numbers of the people. . A feast of
the Jetts. ,hero es 611011131' 801110000
Which would only be inserted by amen
who Wa8 writing for Gentiles, and here
nein the definite 0r1i010 is used in the
Revised Version. IL wa8 "the" feast_
for while there were other annual fes-
tivals, there was none that at all ap-
p1'0001143d in import this great annual
gathering. ilor two weeks before the
passover gangs of laborers 4vere busy
in all parts of the country making
ready the roads and repairing the
bridges, And men, women, and child-
ren in little groups from 4.11° various
towns joined company until great ear -
avails were formed,
41. Jesus then lifted up his eyes. Sit-
ting on the ,10alud831 hillside, he saw h
the gathering crowds. 'And 1P WO gain
our filets from all, our evangelists, we o
see that he first asked whence shall. Nye e
buy bread that: these may tette that he t
then descended and taught and healed
611. ,(lay long, and that 11e worked the
miracle in 1.11e evening. Come 'unto
hien. Coming toward hint, He sail:ll
unto Phiiip. His converea.Lion with
Philip is not; reeorcle3l by the Mimeevangel-die. It has been sugge8182
that Philip Was spoken to beefiest) he
may have been the Commissary of the
[Mule tie Judos' was the treasurer,
The question itself indicates not only
the moral responsibility oar" Lordfelt
for the comfort and safety of 111e mei-
Glades, but also tiler greet omharray7-
Ment in being so far away from cities.m
Sleeping ac8omodaii0ns were toe:
hard to supply for that simple people in
a climate so pleasant in the spring of
the year.
8, This he said to prove hien. To
lest his faith and to train
Chemist Shuttfon(1meuees nn lia*utey at:
Experimental int1111
.A despnteh from Ottawa, Ont., says:
-'Mr, le. T. Shutt„ chemist al the Cen-
tral Experimental Feriae has, In con-
junation with the Commiosi.oner of
Agriouilure, commenced an investiga-
tion into the cause cif, what is 18011ni0
ally known as "soft" pont. Ifor, some past the deterioration oe pork
Oa been Dousing serious apprehension
n the part of those engaged in the
smart bacon industry. It appears
hat softness develops in pork usually
071311in two or three weeks after 111e
eammellaement: of the 011)'ing process,
and has hitherto 'baffled. the efforts of
scientists to determine its 08050, The
principal theory advanced was that it
woe due to certain kinds of foot!, but
various experiments, both en Canada
and 1ho United States, seemly fur-
nished data to corroborate ,.hes conjec-
ture, Another theory of the eattee,
and 'one which has' nn air be probntbll-
ity about it, is that it is due to rmma-
teenty, that is, feeding the hogs in the
desired way in six months, when the
teflon/lig primula 811ou1(1 really be ex-
tended over eight ne nine mottle,
Mr. Shul.t's .report Will be awaited with
rent Mtereat by all! .three engaged in
heeling i
g o r ra A1nie` hogs or exporting
the 136aduct.
tl Lath I lig if t ARS
len and Women !u all Walks of Life Tall of the Remarkable
Cures Wrought by South American nervine Tonic.
�f6„� � :,M:{;Fi�.�w�.. �\\ �;, � 6 4 • ''mow
�`�r,..' �-+,w•�r tr, .. �, �' ter.;. v+•�
Newspaper editors are almost as
sceptical as the average physioian on
the subject of new remedies for sick
people. Nothing short of a series of
most remarkable and well authenti-
cated oures will incline either an
editor or a doctor to seriously consider
the merits honestly claimed for a
Hundreds of testimonials of won-
derful recoveries wrought with the
Great South American Norvine Tonic
were received from men and women
all over the country before physicians
began to prescribe this great remedy
In chronic oases of dyspepsia, in-
digestion, nervous prostration, nick
headache, and as a tonic for build-
ing up systems sapped of vitality
through protracted spells of 8iak-
During his experience of nearly a
quarter of a century as a newspaper
publisher in Paris, Ont„ Editor Col-
well, of The Paris Review, has pub-
lished hundreds of columns of paid
tnF!dielne advertisements, and, no
doubt, printed many a graoefully-
worded puff for his patrons as a
matter of business, but in only a
Bingle instange, and that one warrant-
ed by his own personal experience,
has ho given a testimonial over his
own signature. No other remedy
ever offered the public has proved
such a marvellous revelation to the
most sceptical as the South American
Nervine Tonto. It has never failed
in its purpose, and it' has cured when
doctors and other medicines user*
tried in vain.
"I was prostrated with a pardon•
larly severe attack of 'La Grippe,' "
says Mr. Colwell, "and could find no
relief from the intense pains and die.
tress of the malady. Z suffered day
and night. The doctors did not help
me, and I tried a number of medi-
cines, but without relief. About this
time I was advised to try the South
Alnerioan Nervine Tonic, Its effects
were instantaneous. The first duel
took relieved me. I improved rapidly
and grew stronger every day, Your
Nervine Tonic cured me in a single
The South American Nervine
Tonin rebuilds the life forces by its
direct action on the nerves and the
nerve centres, and It is this notables
feature which distinguishes it from
every other remedyin existence, The
most eminent medical authorities tow
concedotha t fully two-thirds of all the
physical ailments of humanity aria*
from exhaustion of the nerve forces.
The South American Nervine Tonto
acting direct upon the nerve centres
and, nerve tisanes inotantaneoualy
supplies them with the true nourish-
ment required, and that is why W.
invigorating effects upon the whole
system are always felt immediately,.
For all nervous diseases, for genera
debility arising from enfeebled vitae,
ity, and for stomach troubles of every
variety no other remedy can possibly
Sold by 43'. A. Deadman..
t173Iu(l molal, Near NO11811410, Ilesrruyed
by Vire.
A. despatch from Vancouver says: -
Chinatown, et the 131g Chemainus lum-
ber mill, near Nana -ham, the coal (centre
of the produce, has been almost com-
pletely deetroyed by Lire and severel
of tate Chinese burned to death.
After work, on Wednesday the Mon-
golians built a large fire in rho centre
of the Chinese tweeter, and proceeded
to smoke Opium. Alt became befuddled,
dud the flames catching the flimsy
cabins of the settlement, gained heed-
wayway 1101o1'e the opium -drugged Cili-
um realized their predicament:. T11en
they rushed' blindly into the. flames,
Scenes of the wildest: description were
witnessed by the while settler's, who
went to the rescue.
The flimsy shooks burned fiercely,
and soon they were a mass of smoking
ruins. 1:1 tv6s then ascertained that at.
least two Chinese were burned to
death, a number of others were badly
bathed, and it is reported that several
others are missing.
In Winging n Body 143 4'OOMade 12011 14 1'7'e'
ole two -Prole nest.
A despatch from Toledo, Ohio, says;
-The loss of an entire family be Lake
Eri0•is reported. Here, On one of the
islands in the Bass group lived (theme,
ly named Robson. The family consist-
ed of the tether mother, a daughter
of 14701133', a son of live, and it hired
man, henry Iwl:, Martel,
The little boy died, and 111s parents
determined to take the body back to
Canada, whence they eamo. P- clinker
boat was used, the entire family start-
ing on the petelo318 journey, The bat -
tend clinker boat haft been found, and
the body of a Wemmn reported found
Telegraphers ler ltrlllah Cavalry atetSa
A despatch from London says: -The
British 1Ver Department has inaugur-
ated a measure of considerable import-
ance, et provides that in future every
cavalry regiment shall comprise a cer-
tain number of trained telegraphers,
and, ivasmucll as increased pay and
brighter prospects of promotion are
to be accorded to troopers and non-
commissioned officers who have mas-
tered the ee1Onee of telegraphy, the '
result will be that in course of time
nearly every cavalrymen will know
how to telegraph. In modern warfare
cavalry 15 used almost exclusively for
reconnoissance, and the idea is that
e1Le1) trooper shall be euffieiontly ex-
pert, not only to be enabled to tap
the wires with a view of obtaining val-
uable information regarding the ene-
my, but elude be able to send import-
ant 11ew8 which may be scoured.
11 1s known that both Germeny and
Ressia keep large bodies of cavalry on
either side of their long frontier with
the main purpose of cutting and tap-
ping the enemy's telegraphic wire just
across the boundary line to interfere
with the mobiilzation immediately 014
the outbreak of wear, It was seen
therefore that a knowledge at tele-
graphy is indispensable to the cavalry-
men of the future, and. in 410W of this
Pact the n,wv rule inaugurated by the
War Department here excites universal
approval, ,
Deacon Deride -- I'1n af80rd (het
Bclingy,oggB Idler gro00ry3an is a 168310 1)13
Keeler SOrogg,s-Not ti bit uv 111
Many's (111r time I've, aced him, put in
a Kenn or two atter the scales had
Smallpox is increasing at Ponce, For -
recently near lost Burwell,, on to Rico, where 1.50 cases are under
the Canadian shore, is, -presumed to teeatluellt. The mi11tary government
have been that of Mrs, Babson, The will immediately inaugurate compel -
other Mottles have not been found, , gory Vaoo14aLion,