HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-2-17, Page 5F,s1. 17, 189'9 KUIVIAISSIWOOPMMLINSIAMINANILI BUSINESS CARDS. 1\/j ONJ!:Y TO LOAN A'l' G I'LZi' i -a• cont, F, 1i, fi00TT, Brut n1c, INT 11. MaOPLOKEN, Vi I88urorofMarriage Lieoueo8. UAloe at hie Grcnory,'i!urnbor0y street, Brussels. T.) N, BARRETT, .L.tc• Toneorinl Artist' Shop -Next door Lal! s anduhildM. rotl0haircutting a speerdware lalty MISS JEAN M'LAUCHLIN, --Tl: AC1IM', OF - PIANO - AND - ORGAN, xmawraaslnm , oo~rm. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM InsonsnOB, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. T. FLETCHER Issue, of Marriage Licenses, 0001on AT JEWELRY Brans, t •No Witness Required. T. FLETCHER, Brussels T.1ARMMS FOR SALE.—'THE UN- DEnelaNitD has several good Farms or ot�Jerrie to Gieasy SS terms, Brussels ALEX. BUNTER, Olork of the Fourth Division Ooux 00, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public Land Loan and I ionrenoe Agent. Funds invested and to loan, OolleotlOne made ()Moo in Graham's Blook.Brussels AUCTIONEERS. A HUNTER, LICENSED AUO- .t1 • TIc::Evn. Money to loan. Farms to sell. -fp S. SCOTT AS AN AUOTION• .1 • nun, will c011 for better prices, to bettor men, in ens time and lase obarges than any other Auctioneer in least Huron or lie won't charge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged at this olnee or by personal applination. VETERINARY. T• D. WARWICK, • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary of domesticated prepared treat Dom- poteut manner. Particular attention paid tocIpromptly at- tended to. veterinarye and Infirmary-Four north of bridge 'Duriborry st„ Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. NT M. SINCLAIR, BARRISTER V • Solicitor, Conveyancer ,NotaryPnb- 1io, &o. Olilee-Vauetone'e Block, 1 door north of Central Dote Solicitor for the Standard Bank. GF. BLAIR, BARRISTER, . Solicitor, do. (late of Harrow & Prondfoot's Omce, Godarich.) 01806 01101 G111166 ee Smith's Bank,Brussels. Money to Loan. 47 G-. CAMERON, ' (Formerly of Cameron. Holt & Cum mon ,t Barrister and 8olleitor, Goderiob, (1116, rinse-Bamiltou Bt„ Opposite Col borne Hotel. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, Af. D., O. M., Trinity Uniyerelty, Fellow Trin- ity Medical College, Member College of Phy- sician', ioLicentiate of College of Pysiinos and Licntiat of Midwifery, Edinburgh. Ea -Telephone El .14.. Residence, Mill St., Brussels, E. T. SNIDER, 14I. D„ 0. M., successor to Dr. A. McKelvey, Licentiate of Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Kingston ; Member of the Col- lege of Pnysiofana aid Surgeons of Ontario, Diseases of women and children a specialty. Haight years' experience. Int -018o0 and res- idence that formerly oeoupled byDr. Mo- K.ahoy fl'urnberry street, Brussels. 25 - LI. M. ARMSTRONG, M.S.. M.D., M.C.P.S.O. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUGHEUR, ETO. Special attention given to diseases of 1110 Throat and Lunge and diseases of Women and 01111dren, 11BSIDBNCB-WALTON, ONT. DR. F. H. KALDFLEISCH, rn08I0IAN, 00110110$ AND A0C0110I111Un, SUCCESSOR TO DR. W. GRAHAM, BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO. let Class Honor Graduate of the Dnivo si- tiesof Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (Rill gebon), and of Trinity Medical College; Fellow of Tr luit Y l College and m em b er of the U011e o of Phylia1006 and Sur eousofCoter- ie. utaI io.1ant Goaduate in antiObicago,1 Oe Speoial attention paidt dis- eases of Eye, oWomen. neo and rrtat1 oo, and d1g- ioh sof German Telephone ltatioi In 00. lie11 and German. Telephone nt rooldonc0. IMPROVED YORKSHIRE BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will beep for eel'viee 011 Lot 26, Con. 0 Mortis, the thoro'-bred Im- proved Yorkshire Boar, "Oats Lodge Long- fellow," No, 2480, bred by 0,18 8reth010, Bur- be takeewhich Ul Term limited $i 0,10 bo paid 46 ttoe of service with privilege of returning if neo - misery, A number' of choice young 00105 for eale:for breeding ptlr loges wllioll will be sold at prices to suit the times. 21- ItOBT. NICHOL, Proprietor. IOIfOr6. Affei' Wood's'31os11}lodine, The Great English Remedy. Sold and re000 noonded by aI druggists h1 Canada. Only reli able medicine dl600vered. St packages guaranteed to Duro all '0rin5 of Sextal Weekn6as all effects of abuse Ir excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To. bacao, Opium or Stimulants. hailed on receipt >f prion, one paokano 011, six, 85. Ono v,ilt PIMA 100011101101. Pamphlets free to tiny addreg0. The 'Wood Company, Wendeor, Onto Sold in Rl lninggfet y8001061100 F Optiolan, lOistritt ..._ Exeter. .. - The Orangemen of this district will celebrate the 12th of July here this year. 1t, H. Collins ie still confined to hie home, and, while apparently better at times, does not seem t0 improve very mooh, A valuable hound belonging to Emanuel Bissett, whi'0 running afox South on the G. T. It. track, wile run over by the freight train and instantly killed, There IR some talk of John Williams, of Zurioh, moving to town shortly for the purpose of asoisting in managing the Exeter grist mill, J. Jewell and W. Carling were elected direotore of the Huron Poultry Aeeooia- tion for this district. Word has been reoeived that Coleman Memoir, who left here about three weeks ago for Leadboro, Mont., was snowed in for nine days on His way out. The many friende of Mre. Howard, better known us "Granny Howard," will be pained to learn of an unfortunate accident Ivbieh happened her at Sarnia. She is living with her daughter, Mrs. Miners, and in some way fell down cellar, sustaining such injuriee that ebe ie not expected to recover. The old lady hi very feeble and the shook no doubt would be a severe one. South L4 uron L. 0. L. County meeting sin WW1 hold liars, the weather being g fine there was a good representation from all parts of the district. Atter the usual preliminaries and general business the following oflioere were eleoted for the ensuing year, viz.: -John Soarlett, W. M. ; A. Nevin, D. M. ; W. Craig, Chap. ; P. Cantleon, Rec. Seo'y. ; W. Anderson, Fin.•Sec'y. ; F. Davis, D. of 0. ; J. Bal. lard, Leot. ; J. Beacom, Treae. The next anneal meeting will take plane in Exeter the Bret Tuesday in February 1000. By a unanimous vote it was de- cided to oelebraio July 12111 next, at Exeter. aeaiortbz. Mr. Cook, of Hensel!, has /lambasted the red mill elevator. The Royal Tempters are arranging for a social on the 20th inst. Loftus E. Stark has purohaeed the tailoring business belonging to hie brother, the late Alfred 17. Stark, and will contin- ue the same in the old stand above the Dominion Bank. Robert Dennison, having sold his farm in -Osborne, has purohaeed the interest of Mr. Wilson in the gr0oery and meat business of Wilson ca McNaughton, and intends ooming to town to lire, and will join Mr. MoNanghton in the business. Mrs. Jno. Copp left for Roseland, where ebe will join her husband, who has been residing there for the past two years. Mrs. Copp will be greatly missed by her numerous friends, and also in 81. Thom- as' church where she nog in the choir, and was also an Rothe worker. Miss Helen Dickson,daughter of Mrs. n o John Diakeoa of Ra xbor reoently graduated tie a nurse at baa Harper hospital, Detroit. winning a gold medal and her diploma. Miss Dickson spent the holidays at her home here, but return- ed to Detroit last week to resume her professional duties there. At 11 o'clock Saturday night, when the temperature was around 30 below zero, fire broke out in the second story of Dick's Central hotel, Seaforth. The building being frame, very rapidly eno- oumbed to the flames, and, together with the contents, was almost totally destroy- ed. The present proprietor, Mr. Kling, had been in possession only two months. Iusuranoe, 09,000, in Waterloo Mutual. H. Lawrence, 000 of J. Lawrence, of McKillop, neer Seaforth, who is a grad- uate of the Bible Trainiug School, Tor- onto, in company with another young man, sail from New York, next Saturday, as missionaries to the dark continent. They go under the auspices of the Afrioan Industrial Missions. Mr. Lawrence and his colleague will spend a year in Zam• beat in order to become thoroughly ac- quainted with the country before eetab• llebing their station. They were enter. Wined at a farewell meeting in Toronto, at which both young man made farewell addreeees,full of fervor and enthusiasm for the work in which they are abont to engage. _ Goderien. A. W. Cornell oontinues ill. Chas. Garrow hae passed his third year law examination, coming out fifth on the list. Victoria street church, Goderiob, hae extended an invitation toiov. Mr. Harri- son, of Granton circuit. Mr. Todd, of the Star, is oonfined to the house with a oongeeted lung follow- ing an attack of the grip. The Bicycle factory has a large staff of employees, and are eo busy that many of them are forced to work overtime. It is rumoured that the Odd Fellows are making preparatione to build a large hall ou or near the Square, for secret so. oiely end other purposes. W.Tasse, of the Bank of Commerce, has been transferred to Galt. A. W. White, of Blenheim, siooeeds Mr. Tame as junior in the branob here. E. I. Clark, of Toronto, takes the place of F. Bredin on the staff of the Bank of t the latter is o be transfer. n treat as Mn branob. rod ehortl to another Y Some evil disposed person fired a ;shot from a email bore rifle at the plate glass light in the West street front of Fit. singer's store, and made a hole clear through the glass, John Mallin, who for many years was the proprietor of the stage route between Goderioh and Lnoknow, died at hie home at Belfast, where he had )tired since re• tiring from Mie business. Mr. Cuff, the organist and Choir master of $t. Georgo'e church, was presented byy the members of the choir with au oak table and ohair and an umbrella, s000m• ponied by au address. The looa) registrar's return of biethe, marriages and deaths foe 1898, recently sent to the Department, records 58 births, 29 marriages and 42 deaths regis- tered in Goderich during 1098. Notions have been posted of the new provision of the town market by-law in reference to the sale of wood Ml cord- wood exposed for sale in town must now be sold by tate cord, not by the load. A penalty not to exceed 020 for eaob offence le provided for infraction of the bylaw, The town of Goderloh and the Citizens' Committee will pay 020 reward for in- formation that will lead to the discovery and oonvlotion of the poreon or persons who have beers poieoning dogs in the said town, THE BRUSSELS POST C. 0, Newton has been laid up with an attack of rheumatism, A (topple of woke sluts the curd slip. ped through the runner at the top of the oounty flag staff, and the oounty emblem oonld not be hoi680d. Meoere, Graham and McDonald took the centred to Don• neot matters, and started to climb to the top, but the tipper stiok was apparently too week to support a man, and they did the job by lowering the top stick and planing the cord. Quite a number of people watched the operation, Itlarnartll'e Iron NO'rr'e Was the result of hie splendid health, Indomitable will and tremendoae energy are nob found where Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the 5000065 they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills, They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25o, at Deadman's Drug Store. 131.vth. The looal hotels are putting in a sup. ply of ice, J. W. Bell has been appointed oolleator of taxes for 1899. W. W. Sloan has returned from his trip to the Southern Suttee, BIth hardware stores s will Wore ever e Y evening, excepting Saturday, at 8.15. A large ooneignment of flour was chipped to Montreal from the Blyth roller Mills. J. G. Moser has sold his span of drivers to John Medd, of Dungannon. The price paid was 8145. Miss Maud King was called away very unexpeotedly to Detroit owing to the ill. nese of her meter, Mrs. 0. L, Harris, Mies Finnemore left on Tuesday of last week for Galt, where she will make an extended visit for a couple of months. Blyth will soon have a laundry of Be its own. The store North of J. T. Car- ter's harness shop has been secured for the purpose. The Ladies' Aid of 86. Andrew's church, Blyth, purpose giving a social in the basement of the ahuroh on Wednee. clay evening, Feb. 22nd. A new time table went into effeot on the Grand Trunk system on Sunday of last week. There is only one change at Blyth station, viz.: The afternoon train going South now leaves at B.45 instead of 4 o'clock. Blyth Methodist church will soon undergo great improvements in the way of renovating and decorating. A new abed will also be erected. TheLadies' Md will have charge of the renovating and decorating. John S. Ooultis, of East Wawanoah, has disposed of his farm in that township to P. W. Scott, also of Haat Wawanoah. The price paid was 85,000. Mr. Scott has secured one of the very best farms in the township at a reasonable price. We understand Mr. Oonitie intends taking up his residence in Blyth. Geo. Kraehlingwas badly injured on Wednesday of iast week while felling trees in James McGowan's bush. A ePinter of a fallen tree struck him in the l Head, breaking and splintering the palate and both jaw bones. He also reoeived several flesh wounds on the fade, He lies in a oritioal condition and injuries to base of skull are feared. Hie Life was Saved. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Han- nibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful della. erance from a frightful death. In telling of it he says : "I was taken with Typhoid Fever, that ran into Pneumonia. My longe became hardened. I was so weak I couldn't even sit up in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die of Consumption, when I beerd of Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle gave great relief. I continued to use it, and now am well and strong. I can't say too muob in its praise." This marvellous medicine is the surest and quickest once in the world for all Unmet and Lung trouble. Regu- lar size 50 oente and 01,00. Trial bottles free at Deadman's Drug Store. Every bottle guaranteed. Listowel. Assessor Allen is on the war path. Allen Faille, of Carberry, Man„ is here on a vial'. Mise Mary Scott is visiting at Syracuse and Rooheeter. Mr. Gumph, from Oak Lake, Man., is visiting friende in this vicinity. J. MoBain, recently with J. M. Shin. bei0, has taken a situation at Atwood. Alex. Mitchell, formerly of this town, has been appointed station agent at Ethel. The Messrs. Ford have recovered from their recent illness and have returned to their respective eobools, Jas. MoO61lum, of the Elma boundary, will have en auction sale of stock and implements on Feb. Olsb. The Farmers' Institute meeting on Saturday was only fairly well attended. Corn growing and pork peeking were the eubjeote discussed. The Morrie, Field, Rogers Piano Co. held their annual meeting 011 Feb. 7tH, and the reports showed that the firm had experienced a very suocessftl year. Knox church have extended a call to Rev. E. H. Sawyers, of Wilton Grove, He preached here recently and the con. gregation was greatly pleased with him. After a long illness, Mrs. Peter Hein - beaker died on Feb. 6th, aged 20 Y care. A husband and two youngeone survive her. Her remains were interred at Hasson. W. E• Binning, arobiteot, has been in. etruoted to calI for tenders for Ile erre- Hon of a new brink hotel for Andrew Kress at Gowanetown. The tenders will be opened on Feb. 20111. Geo. MaLanghlin, of Neopawa, Man„ who has been visiting here, has bought a fine matobed team of horses from J. H. Kiuoade, jr., of Wallace, and they will form a part of several oar loads of horses whish he will take baok with him to the prairie province. The annual meeting of North Perth County L. 0. L. was held in the Orange Hall, Listowel, on Tuesday of last week, and was well attended by the brethren from Wallace, Tuna and Mornington dietriots. The following officers were eleoted :-County Master, S. Caswell, Palmerston ; deputy Go. Maeter, Jno. Crulkehank6, Mornington ; finanoial secy., John Strong, Wallaoo ; recording goy., T. Later, Listowel ; treasurer, W. Weloh, Listowel ; ohaplain, 8, S. Roth- well, direotorof ceremonies, Joseph Walker, jr., Wallace ; )eoturers, Jas. Gerson, J. Westgate and Adam Strong. It woo decided to celebrate the Boyne anniversary at Palmerston. An inter. eating feature of the meeting was the presentation of a handsome easy Chair. OCo., MORE NEW 00008! It is oatiefaotion to know that pride at this store are exactly as adver- tised. That fact carries great weight with the buying public, who have realized by actual experieaoe, that in coming here they'll not be diaappointed. Besides provid. ing the beet geode, the best assortment and the best service for visitors at dile store, We guarantee them every satisfaction, even to the extent of refunding the money. That applies as much to our special bargains as to any thing else we tell of in these columns, Tltie week we are going to sell : Plaid Drees Goods in seven different patterns, suitable for Dresses, Wrappers, or Waists, worth 8o and 10o per yard, for 50. New Prints in wide, soft cloth, light and dark oolors, guaranteed fast, worth Bo, for 5o. New Priute, wide width, heavy cloth, light and dark oolors, fanoy patterns, worth 10o, this is a great snap at 630. Grey Cotton, yard wide, worth Bio, for 23a. Grey Cotton, 88 inches wide, line even thread, good weight, worth 50 for 40. Bleaohed Cotton, yard wide, Drift finish, worth 70 for 5o, Apron Ginghams, 40 inches wide, fast oolors, worth 1200 for 10e. Heavy American Shirtinge, extra wide, indigo blue, in cheeks and stripes, worth 14o for 12}o. Canadian Shirting, standard width, epeoial 10o. Shirting, suitable for boys, worth 7o for 5o. Fanny Gingheme in bright colon, worth 7o for 5a. Flannelettes in fanny cheek and stripe, special 336. Flannelettes in dark grey and fancy stripes, worth 7a for So. English Flannelettes, wide width, very heavy, soft finish, beautiful colorings, worth 150 for 12io. Heavy Wool Blankets, worth 82.50 for $1,95. Bloc• dike Blankets, something new, at 25e. n goods. o lured sotto 0 Thera has been a sharp advance in the price of Canadian g The manufacturers have advanoed the prise 123 par (tent, on Cottonades, Sbirtings, Gingbama, Flannelettes, Etc, We bought pretty heavy !before the advance and as long as our present stock lasts we will Bell at old priors. 'KINNON & CO., BLYTR- accompanied by an address, to Geo, H. Dickson, the retiring Go. Master, who is removing to Wellington, and whose active services, both in the Go. and District lodges have been greatly appreoi• abed. Clinton- W. linton.W. Wheatley has stored away in his new large ice house over 250 cords. Thos. Holloway represented Clinton et the Grand Lodge of the A. 0. U. W., in Toronto beginning on the 15th inst. Al the quarterly Board meeting of Rattenbory ohurob F. R. Hodgeoe was appointed envelope steward with I. Tay- lor as an assistant. Miss Mary Stewart, daughter of Rev. Mr. Stewart, passed with honors her fret year's examination at the Ooneerva- tory of Music, Toronto. The Gonservativee of town held their annual meeting in the Council Chamber. Dr, Bruce was eleoted President and J. P. Doherty, Secretary, J. W. Hill, who is it well known and shrewd business man of town, has bouabt ant the grcoery business of John Mo. Murray, who has an idea of removing from Clinton. Confirmation services will be held in St. Paul's church on Sunday, Feb. 19th, when the Rt. Rev. M. S. Baldwin, D. D., Bishop of H uroD present will be in Holmeeneville on rn- ra o ing an evening, and e the afternoon of the same day. The Huron Medical Aesooiation met at Clinton on Feb. 7111. The election of officers was held, and Dr. MoKenzie, of Monkton, was eleoted Preeident ; Dr. Graham, of Clinton, vioe.president ; and Dr. Hunter, of Goderiob, eeoretary. Word was recently reoeived by hie father, T. L. Lavin, of town, that hie son, William Charles, bad met with a serious end painful aooident the latter part of December, in Chicago, at a wringer manufaotory there. His arm was eo badly crushed that amputation at the elbow was ne0ee56ry. The sobolare of her Sunday school aloes in Rattenbory street ahuroh met at Mise Lillie Miller's home and presented her with a pretty flower dish, on learning of her departure from town, thereby necessitating the giving up of her olaes. Owing to ill health, Mitis Miller intends to live with an aunt at Bayfield for some time. The community was ehooked to learn of the sad and sudden death of our well known and highly respected townsman, Jas. Fair, sr., which took pisoe on Wed- nesday evening of last weep, et 7.45, the result of a paralytic stroke a few hours previous, Mr. Fair was in his uauel health, and did nob oomplain, whatever, previous to the day of bis death. The death of this most highly -respected, widely known, and one of Clinton's beet oitize05, has cast a gloom upon the town. Tho fuusral was held on Friday at 8 p. m. 'Volcanic RruptIoue Are grand, but Skin Eruptions rob life of joy. Buoklen's Arnica Salve oures them ; also Old, Running and Fever Sores, Uloers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cute, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Beet Pile Dere on earth. Drives out Pains and Aches. Only 25 ate, a box. Cure goer, anteed, 8o111 by G. A. Deadman, Drug- gist. N E I i Dither SVou1 The undersigned has open- ed up a Butcher Shop in the MU MCR BRIM1 where he will keep constant- ly on hand a supply of the Best Meats Procurable, sold at reasonable prices. A. share of public patronage solicited. (f ii e 1Le Meat delivered to all parts of the town. Wawa .PAID FOB IID1C8. 3 0 • V Fn,,mVYm,IY A Happy New Year to All... Just to hand first Shipment of..,... English Prints AND -- Ginghams AT J. G. Seue's. HOWE at cos Call and see our stook of Blankets, Sheetings, Flannels, Tweeds, Yarns, Etc., Wool, Hides, Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. Carding, Spinning, Weaving, Knitting, etc , Promptly attended to at the BRUSSELS WOOLLEN MILL. The Standard Bank of Canada. Money Orders For amounts of Fifty Dollars and under issued by this Bank, payable at par at any oharternd Bank fn Oanada with the exoefou of Bran s in the Yukon Dis- trict. n trict. RATES Under $10 $10.08 $10 to 20 . . . 0.10 20 to 30 . 0.12 30 to 50 . 0.14 J. N. G01lD0N, Agent, BRUSSELS. MONEY TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or 'Village Pro- perty at 6 & 6', Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Di/14440n Court Clerk, 73ruseels, Cold Feet Comforted "Kidcltlek"--leather permits yen- Illation, keeps fret dry, warm, heal- thy. Sheds water like a dock's back. Costs no more than Calfskin. Can bit had only in the stamped prig Goodyear Welted. - Slater Shoe Jno. Downing, - Sole Local Agent ARLEOD'S System P1e,0vator -AND 0 TI1ER-- TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita- tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Near - algia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Janodioa, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De- bility. LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufaotnrer. Sold by Jae, Fox, Druggist, Brussels, W lu make' a well man of YOU t 011051 10001dose me AoOra Sienn�a9 of roan wr.e0. nava egiog Memory, Nightly rratle 11mienion0, 8o�er'm�y torrbo04lmpoteney, etc., caused by pool .b0005] given vigor and y nue t0 shrunken opens, and 00' kly but no PLoo i ALOST r U Mammon .10000 Zihappy 60010, aunt by mitt 10 plain wruppor and enoit sealed. from Obaervadon. Em0y named in vast pocket. Mee, a1, a peerage. en Bond mons In either ordinary racist... far Be0 y � ry ro¢1� T.PIDPP dddcocx all letters to J.ffit, .D letter. 00r10u1g05st. woo00rUClr, Q�r„ Agent for the Do• minlosof Cenado_ Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is successfully used monthly by over 10,000 Ladies. Safe effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cook's Cotten Real Cos- y mend. one are dangerous, as all Mixtures, pale and Imitations 81aro eestronger, 88 Noo 81 per hos; No. mailed ndegreesi stof price and per two box. No. lor1,s, Td6areceiptofprice andd000, mit Ont. Damps, The Gook and recommended by all tesponeible Druggists In Canadamended by all Noe. 1 and:2 Boldlin Brussels by' G. A. DBADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller fie Optioi0n. A. COUSLEY Real Estate & Loan AGENT, BRUSSELS. Money to Loan on Farm Secur- ity at the Lowest Rate of Interest. Money Loaned 011 Notes and good Notes Discounted. Sale Notes a Specialty. Fire & Life Insurance Written. Special Attention given to Conveyancing. A. C C U S L EY,: Oflied over Deadman's Drag Store, BRUSSELS. FAMOUS Feed Boiler �-EVAPORATOR. The boiler is made of steel, oast iron front, grates, fire box linings and smoke pipe plate, all other parts made of the best cast steel protected against warping. Flues arranged so that boiling can be done quicker and at much less cost for fuel than the old style furnace. Price only $116.00 Cash. Leave your order at once with GERRY BROS. Wen is O:m1004 :100011011 CULT WArla TheBuffalo All -Steel Disc Harrow Tbie is the only DIso Harrow made or eotd in Canada, having independent, adlnetable wing pressure upon the inner ends ofthe gang dim, allowing any amount of pressure to be thrown upon the inner earls of the gangs,by the foot of the operator, By thio means a perfectly flex- ibis action is seenred and the ground can be worked to a uniform depth. Examine this Machine carefully and ampere with others. T N . 12Cultivator he o IS A MARVEL OF SUCCESS. The only Cultivator made that both lines of teeth will out an oven depth in the ground. Bkamine it and you will see why, The only Oultiyator with a moveable tootle sot so that the angle of the teeth eau be regulated to suit any condi- Mon of sell. Prefigure can be regulated to act differently on every section requiring it.. The teeth aro carried botweeu the wheels .instead of trailing behind as in other machines thus eeonring lighter draft. This maohlue 18 fur- nished with grain acid grass geed box when re - (mired. It has reversible diamond stool pointe for the teeth ; also, extra wide tbistle•outting polutsw111buy Danno beotufuorr.uigltecl. Examine 1t and yeti The Best Drill Made, The Monster Needs No Introduction....' Over 40,000 Drills and Seeders of our manus faotero in use in Canada. The only Drdillmade fidhelever fihee in ao,'11 kin tl a of Bail � white team is iu 01011011, Bowe absolutely ottani, to scale; saves coed, tie oVory kernel i0 clepoeited at it proper depth to grow, ilurohaoo only the boot and you w111 be satisfied. Wo also manufacture, Binders, Reapers, Mowers, Balms, cultivators and Pnlporo,as good an the beet, Solid for illuotrated oabaloguo, NOXON 131103. MPG. Co., (Limited) Ingersoll, Ont., CanaUl. Xe L®ant Brise 1s. LONG, �i j W d,