HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-2-10, Page 8VALENTINO. Do you know next Tuesday ie Valentine's day 7 We have a choice eeleotion of Yaleutines for that day at from 10. to 60o, eaoh, Have you got a bad cold or any lung trouble, thou do not ueglect it but use Dar now famous COUGH BALM. It ie good for all atfeotions of the throne and lungs ; good for old or young, and I have yet to find a child that has to be coaxed to take it. You need never fear croup if Omagh Balm is given during the day. We could give you dozens of testimonials as bo its value. We also make Blood Root Cough Cure, which is a favorite with many. Yon will be wise in having one of these always on hand. To be had only ab our Drug and Book Store. G. A. Deadman, Druggist, Optician & Bookeeller, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOOTBERN 00TEN8r013 W, e, ch D. Trains leave Brasssls Station, North and South, as follows: Gotse'SouOH. Goma Nears. Express 7:18 a.m. I Mail •10 p,re alxed ......... 9:96 a,m. Express One P.M rota! EEU IkemL. A olliel's amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. 20 below zero. Hones bolds away at the present. 0. 0. F. will meet next Tuesday even- ing. SCHOOL Board Friday evening of this week. Tan G. T, R. snow shovelling gang was here this week. Berssxes 18 as tidy a village a8 you Oen find in the Proviooe. TEE Base Bali meeting did not mater. ialize last Tuesday evening. FOORTst Division Court was held on Wednesday before Judge Doyle. Messes. Backer & Vanetone shipped a car of bogs Eastward on Wednesday, SAW loge, heading, cordwood and above wood have been moving ata lively rate during the past week. PRED. Mensa, of Grey, is learning bow to handle the electric currents at Brue• eels Electric Light Works. ANox11ER Brussels yooug lady will go to brighten the bons of an American next month, so rumor sayetb. DAVID Selena, formerly of Bruesele, but more recently of Beechwood, has assigned. He was running a blacksmith shop. Tam ice harvest is well nigh finished. Quite a few farmers are laying in a sup- ply of ice for the Doming Summer to be used for dairy and other purposes. Mose BARAD LoUISE Moons, L. 0. M., of Seaforth, has organized a musks class in Brussels and will commence her weekly visite next Tuesday. Miss Moore has a clava of 18 in Walton. AT Houle --The Epworth League will give an At Home in the school room of the Methodist obureh on Tuesday even- ing of next week. Good program of literary and musical selections, duo. Mumma L. 0. L., No. 774, at their meeting last Monday evening voted 90.00 to the Lady True Bine Orphanage at Pioton. weans. Moore, Gerry, H. and W. R. Mooney, Wm. Smith, Mark Oar. diff and Joseph Wilkinson attended the Co. ()ranee Lodge at Wingbam from Brussels Lodge on Tuesday. TENDERS are being asked for the ocer• poration printing for 1899.• Lett year's printing, with the antras for advertising debentures, frontage By-law, and election tea., totalled about 960.00. Some people who oueht to know better are talking about 880 or 890. Often the Lees folks know the more they tails. REV. G. 3. Ana's driver met with an accident a few weeks ago by baying ber fore legs lacerated by a barb wire fence at John Manning'e when the reverend gentleman was making a call visiting the sick. The beast got frightened a05 ran up against the fence, with the above re. sults. She is able to resume duty on the roads again. STARE AND B1300M.—The Brussels curl. ere went to Wroxeter on Tuesday and won a match against the local team, •winning by 5 shots. The rinks were as follows ;— Beelines. WRoxETER, 1111113 110, 1. F. S. Scott, J. Hupfer, J. Hewitt, A. Robinson, N. Gordon, G. Paulin, J.T.Ross, skip, 18 E. Black, skip ,.15 wee N0. 2. W. M. Sinclair, 3, Bray, W. F. Scott, R. Black, P. Scott, A. Brown, D. C. Roes, skip, 17 NV. Robinson, skip, 15 Totals ....86 80 The game was in the Western Tankard oompetition and Brussels should bave played Luoknow in the next draw but owing to the inability to get there and book in a day one boys forfeited to the Sepoy curlers. From LIneene. — Principal Cameron was re elected President of the Free Library Board at a meeting hold on Tuesday of this week. Aooaunts were paid for printing members' card and catalogues. Miss Minnie MaNaagbton, the eflioient and painstaking Librarian, was granted $10,00 forinoreaeed work in oonaeotion with rearranging hooka. Board will meet on the first Tuesday in each month, Members will be allowed to take magazines to their home for perusal after they have been one month on the table of the Reading room, two mage, Wow counting In lieu of a book on the member's card. All the members of the Board were_ present exoeptiag Mosere. Balker and Fox. There bas been quite en tnareene in the membership roll but it is not yet anything like as large as it should be, Call in and have • a look at the books as perbaps you never saw the , fa .fine diepla'yin oonoection with Brunelle 1 Library, t THIS PORT gives the newt', NEx'r Tuesday will be St. Vttlentine'e Day. Y Ana u 0 RNED meeting 1)68a 0tln Uf B 1" 0 r eComa oil next Monday evening, THE "Oxfords" on the 21st. Nobod shanld titles We muaioal treat. Tau oold has been cantering round and 20 degrees below zero again lb weals• A can of cattle was shipped fro Breesele ooi Thursday by eleesre, Oleg et. Dames. .EW.AN ,e JUNES have just received a titOok Of open buggies and wagons suit- able tor parties going West. Prices are right, PARCEL lost North of Bennie oonbaiu• two books. The tinder will muoh oblige by leaving them at Tun POST Pubiiebing Monne, Bruseele, Tete various bnelnese paten in town were sewed on Wedee•.der from 2.80 to 6 p. m, out of Iespeet t., Thos. Kelly whose funeral tools place et that time, Gement Biter Shipped a doable deok of live hogs ou Wedu1aday. Bruesele takes the cake as a shipping point for bogs and (tattle, They are brohghb in for many miles. A nounLE-nnreep War of hogs was shipped by Masers, Olegg & Dames on Wednesday of this week, They shipped another ear of hogs lean Belgrave the same day. They handles lot of stook. As may be seen by our repent o£ the Cheese and Batter -makers' Conveutioo, W. W. Harris, the well known proprietor of Brussels faotory, has been appointed instructor under the demotion of the Board, A better man for the position would be bard to fled. TBURsDAr of last week there was a large orowd in to the monthly Horse Fair. A number of reales were made, and rising prices asked and paid. The next Fair will be held on Thursday, Maroh 2nd, and the last and clotting Fair for this season a month later, and a booming orowd will be the result. Renames changes and improvements bave been made in the Standard Bank here. A steel teller's nage has been pat in, new desks and other alterations that will add to the security, convenience, and general oonveoienoe of the pablto. The Sbendard Bank is one of the re• liable institutions of the country, and bbe Brussels Brawls is well looked after by Messrs, Gordon, McLellan and Duncan. Iv o hockey match between Brussels and Atwood, in the latter plane last Mon. day, the visitors won after a aloes and exciting game by a snore 06 3 to 2. A return match will be played in tows, The Brunets players were Fred. Hay- croft, ay croft, Geo. Irwin, Dunce MoLanchlin, Bert. Gerry, A. D. Duncan, Joe McKay and Frank Rothe. There is the material in Brussels for a firat•olass hockey team although some of the blye are on the light side when it Domes to leave, attack. Mg. Noma Humor ORANOEaIEN —On Tues. day of this week the North Huron County Orange Lodge hold its annual meeting in Wingham. After attending to other matters of detail the following officers were elected :—Oo. Master, Jno. Wilford, Blybb ; Deputy 00. Master, W J. Greer, Gerrie ; Obaplain, Rev. Mn. L',we, Wingham 1 Secretary, Thos. Nash, Gor- rie ; Fin.•Seo., W. R. Mooney, Brunelle ; Treasurer, W. Bryan, Belgreve; Dir. of Ceremonies, Joseph Gulley, Wingham, It wa, unanimously agreed that the next oelebration will be held on July 12011 in the town of Wingbam when a big time 18 expected, THE RAILWAY SERVICE, — John Tolmie, 1I, P., for West Bruce, nae been active in advocating the rights of the people of Bros a0unty to reoeive better mail ser• vice at the limas of the Grand Trunk, A day or two ago he reoeived a letter from the controller of the railway mail service, informing hint that in °ample ante with the request of the Postmaster General, the manager of the Grand Trunk bad agreed to arrange a meeting at which the government will insist 0p• on e, more satisfactory service. Recently the railway bas bean doing much barter than formerly, but what is demanded is that the mail train must arrive on ebedule time. — Kincardine Reporter. We beg leave to call tate attention of Dr. McDonald, M. P., to the same subjeot. 93 8 time Hon. Ur.Molook asserted him• self as Postmaster General oa this ques- tion of mail delivery. MD0PEY—S11ITa,—A Very pretty wee- ding took place at the residence of 1Val- ter Smith Wednesday evening of this week. The toutraotiag parties were Ed• ward P. Murphy, of the Wiarton Oana• dian, and Mies Margaret Agnes, eecood youngest daughter of Walter and Mrs. Smith, of Brussels. The ceremony was performed by Rev. John Rosa, B. A„ in tbepresence of a few of the immediate relatives and friends. Tbs bride, who is one of Brussels most popular young ladies, was handsomely gowned in pearl grey broadcloth, trimmed with rose pink ilk, and was attended by Miss Rilla Hunter, of Bruesels, as bridesmaid, who also looked charming. The groom was supported by Wm, 0. Smith, brother of the bride. After the ceremony a bone - terms wedding sapper was partaken of and a moat enjoyable social evening spent. The happy ounple leave this week to lake up their residence in Wiarton,' and will take with them the beat wisbes for happinese and prosperity from hosts of friends, and THE POST adds one more. CONDOLENCE.—The following is a copy of the resolution forwarded by Town Clerk Scott to Mrs. Thos. Kelly, in nom. plianoe with the motion of the Oounoil Board last Monday evening :- 10108. Tltoa, 1felfy,— Dnalt MADAM,—I am inetraoted by resolution of the Council of this village to express to you, in this your boar of sad bereavement, the heartfelt sympathy of the entire Board, for they realize, as do the whole village, that in the death of Mr. Kelly the village has lost a good 0ftizen and kind neighbor, and the 0oun. oil an honest official. But to you Domes the heaviest trial of all, for you Sustain the 1088 of an affeotionate and loving lens. baud. While clue loss oan be repaired, they realize that yonrs cannot, and while our ants to the dead are past, unless to follow his mortal remains to their last ratting plaoe, and to oherisb in fond reeolISotion his many gond aotione, we feel that oar duty should be to the living left behind by our departed friend and our appreciation for him shown by our aseietenoe and sympathy with yon in this sad hour, and thus tweet you in bearing this heavy burden net upon you. Believe me when I say that the sympathy of every ode is with you. I ata reapeob. fly yours, F. B. SCOTT, Clerk of Weenie, ]3reseeie, Feb, 8th, 1889, T IIEADINGI BOLTS WANTan,-1,000 oorda of beading bolts wanted, meet be 40 in°he long, o Maw o 0 size d , d an sound. Hi'1 • g g High- est set ollab kl e � a • i . ASCENT. p A TEE advt. of (the well known Noxon y firm, implement manufttoturere, Inger. eon, should be read by every farmer. 10 Jno. Long is the twat agent for Brussels to and locality. TEE probabilities are Web Alex. m Strachan will be appointed Town Treas. gg neer as 8000858or to the late Thos, Kelly. Mr, Straohsn is centrally !Wonted and will make a mon eftloieut officer, liar, Strashau's appointment will be made tuna Monday eveaiag It is expected. Foaious Dtnvtt a.—The town By Int, is being looped tip reletive to furious driving ou Ternberry street, owing to some of bbe !coal sports getting lip too muoh speed with their equines on the down grade. Some say no horse in bowu can show n 8 minute gate on lbs snow, snd yet othere appear CO think their nein are going about a mile a minute. L003INn rots Orman W onLUE'TO CONQUER. —The carpet town wail represented on Wroxeter rink laob Friday evening by two rinks composed of the youth and beauty of this Ogee They went North tally determined to have eight swipe hangdog to their suroingies bn their re. turn. Like a foreign gentletnao of some time ago, "they came, they saw, but— they did net conquer. No. 1 rink demon• atrated their ability to cope with their antagonist+, but No. 2 bad the satiefeo• tion of winning a moral viobory, as the naogity stone twirlers of Wroxeter play. ed some of the "old beads" ageioeb our ruddy youths. Oar juniors feel tbab white there's life there's soap and intend to assault the citadel again before the Winter is over and give an exhibition of their prowess, The score was as fol• lows :— nn009nL8. IRUSETER. ImIN1( 1. M, B. McLellan, Jas, Allen, Dr. Davidson, Jno, Bray, J. H. Cameron, Jno. McLeod, 0. Ooosley, skip, 19 Geo. Paulin, skip, 11 RINx 2, R. W. Matheson, J. W. Sanderson, G. F. Blair, J. Hupfer, Jas. Fox, Robb. Black, J. Warwick, skip 9, A. Robinson, skip 20 Total 28 31 PERSONAE. PARIGRA.Blid. D. Hayden is still quits poorly. Mrs. John Carter is visiting at Gode- ri oh, Mrs. and Mies henry bays been on the si ok list. Wm. Somerset bas been on the sick list this week. Miss Wooks, of Belmore, is visiting el re. 0. Zillfsx. Miss Aggie Douglas is holidaying with relatives in Grey. Miss Thurso, Gerry and Bert spent last Sunday in Seaforth. Mre. Edward 0. Lowry is home from a visit to Port Huron, Mies Pottle Babters, of Kincardine, is visiting Mrs. P. Ameot. Mies Lizzie Sample is ander the dootor's care ibis week. Miss Maggie Rose has been ill with la grippe for the past few days. Mies Francis 15 on the sick list but we hope she will soon be 000valesoeut• Samnol Crawford, who was laid up with M grippe is able to get abonb again. Mies Minnie Schell, of Port Elgin, has been on the siok list for the last few days. Public School Inspector Robb is away at Olioton this week attending to bis duties. Miss Eastman 5 here from Detroit where she bas been for the past four months. Hazel, daughter of A.10. J. Lowry, has beau quite ill with an attack of croup this week. E. 0. Danford was at Seaforth ou Mon day attending bbe funeral of the late Alfred Stark. Mrs. Fietober is home from the Tor- onto Optical Institute where she took a course M optics. Mr. and Mrs. Pusobelberry, of Logan, spent Sunday last with Chas. Mur. and wife, of Brussels, Messrs. Hamilton, of Oromarty, were visiting Mrs. S. Stemmata, their suet, during the past week. Robs, Mole, who bas been engaged at Brussels Lleotrio Light Works, hes gone to Auburn for a while, Mise Eebell Kalbfleieoh, of Berlin, is the - mien of Mrs. (Dr.) Kalbfleisob, "Fairmount," Brussels, Will. Watt, machinist, who was home from Toronto on a holiday visit, left fur the Queen oily on Wednesday. R. H. Greed and Mrs. Green removed to Trowbridge this week, Mr. Green is in charge of the butter and oboes° fao• tory there. Jas. Beattie and Thos. A. Hawkins spent last Friday evening with old friends in Dublin at the residence of W. E. Simone, Postmaster Farrow and his good lady have both been under the doctor's Dare this week fu oonneotion with a bad at tank of la grippe, Mrs, Watson Ainley and Ernest Spar. flog, of Brussels, attended the funeral of the late Alfred E. Stark, at Beaforth, last Monday afternoon. Rev. Jno, Ross, B. A., and Mrs, Rosa attended the funeral of Mrs, John Hun, ter, of Salem, oa Monday: Mr's. Hunter was a sister to Mrs, Ross, Jno, Sample has taken a position in the Livingston saw mill at Blyth, Will. Sample succeeded him in the man age• mens of the skating rink bora. Mr. Dsnbew, er., bas been dangerously ill during the peat week. As bbe old gentleman is gettiug well advanced in life be bas not the power of resistance as formerly in fighting off disease. Dr. 3, W. Shaw has resigned the May, orally of (Minton owing to a doubt as to hie qualifloation on aoaouut of him being Chairman of Board of Health. Be will probably be re elected by acclamation, Watson Athlete talks of seeking his fortune in the West and will probably visit Rat Portage, Manitoba and Dakota next Spring. Mr. Ainley in an old reef. den t of Brussels and a good mechanic. George Watt, eon of Robb. Wabb, of Brussels, has bean promoted to the posi- tion of 2nd draughtsman in the big Pole eon Works, Toronto. We are pleased to report bis progress and hope his career Will prove an incentive to other boye. Arto, son of Dr. 0. le Ball, of Torongo, formerly of Brussels, bad one of his eyes oonslderably damaged while playing hockey by being struok in the optics by the paok. 19 was feated at tint that the eight was injured bob we are pleased to $5999 that wax not the eate5, B1 USSEL8 PQ S Mrs. Wm. Rosa is spending a few days with [Heeds in 033191h. A C sle oa was laid 1 upwith the pre- , 1 t p r , railing bad sold or ltripppe. abWmout,. lions h t, been bulhered with the prevailing 10 hrippt but ,seeps interim; Mies Lizzie i.'rrguson was seriously ill with inflammation Iaeb weak bat has 1'0• covered gaits nicely now. Thos. llrarlwell, er•, and Thos. Brad well, jr., of Howlett, were in Brussels on Tuesday. `i'be latter has recently re- turned from Manitoba wbere be sojourn. ed hist Summer, Ile will return in the Spring and probably bake up land. William McCreary and eon, Johnnie, of Trrhern, Manitoba, are visiting Dr. McKelvey, of Brussels, Wm. McKelvey, of Grey, and Robert McKelvey, of Ethel. The former 18 a prooperoue Partner, bay- ing av ing 320 acres of land and bas been in the West for the past 20 years, Doming threat from Ireland. Mr, McCreary is a o00sin to the MaKo)vey Bros, and will spend a taw weeks here before returning to Tre• bero, Fourth Division Court. Tbo usual sitting of the Fourth Di- vision Court was held, before hie Honor Judge Doyle, on Wednesday of this week. Docket was as follows : Sample vs. Mitchell, --Auden fir rent. Judgment reserved. Northern Life Ina, On. vs, Simple — Verdiat'for Plaintiff,on his , I ins but dismissed as a;minst arnishee. Jaaklin vs. leilliugswortb,—Adjourned to next Court. Olnse ve. Tasker.—Aotioe far wage•. Verdict for Defendant. Gerry vs. Sample.—Verdict for Plain- tiff se against Primary Debtor ; reserved as againet garniehee. The bar was represented by Meeers. Dickenson, of W ivahem ; Best, of Sea. fortb, and Sinclair and Blair, of Brussels, Business Locals, Formren key found, Ask at TWE PnsT Olover and Timothy send at McCrea ken's. JnaT received a ear of Manitoba flour Beaker se Venatove Wanted—Batter 10-17o. el ton of feathers, dried apples and raw furs. G. E. Klee, Wingbam. Rera1Rlxo and painting of buggies at. tended to promptly and obeaply by Ewan & Innes. A few kegs of take herring to exchange for wood. Apply at Battentyne's grocery, Brussels, 0000130 season is here and W. A. Crich is prepared to supply the public with Booth's best brands from Baltimore. SPECTACLES lost within 2 miles of Brute sets, on Thursday, 19911 inst. Finder will oblige by leaving them at Tno Pos'r. Ronald Fire Engine Works wish to purchase 100 to 200 cords of wood, four feet long—hard or soft—green or dry, early rielivery. W. A. Ones is still doing business at the old stand where may be found bread, oakes and pastry, Fruits in their sea. Ban. ANT one needing a fresh set of teeth out in any size of a circular caw may have this work done by T. McGregor, saw glimmer end filer, Queen street, East, Brussels, 71'hat Throbbing Headache Wnnld quialtly leave you if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of eufferera have proved their matohle•s merit for Sick and N.•rvous Headsohes, They make pure blood and strong nerves Rnd build up your health. Easy to take, Try them. Only 26 Dents. Money bank if not cured. Bold by G. A. Deadman, Druggist. EWWAN d; INNEs have on hand some new buggies of different kinds wbiob will suit parties going West. We expect our wagons in next week. Parties who are taking a car will do well to sae what we are selling. A. Frightful Jeweller Will often cause a horrible Burn, Cut, Soald or 3300955. Buoklen'e Aroioa Salve, the beet in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Gore Old Sores, Fever Sores, Moen, Boils, Felons, Corns, all Skin Eruptions. Best Pile cure on earth. Only 20o, a box. Cure guaran• feed. Sold by G. A. Deadman, Druggist. ANT amount of wood will be taken for saw gumming and filing. • mood may be rough or smooth, bard or soft, any length or in the log, to be delivered before the work leaves my shop. T. bioGREeow, saw glimmer and filer, Queen street, East, 13 russets. Spaht's Greatest Need. R. P. Olivia, of Barcelona, Spain, Venda his Winter at Aiken, S. 0, Weak nerves bad caused severe pains in the bask of bis head. On using Electric Bitters, America's greatest Blood and Nerve Remedy, all pain soon left him. He says this grand medicine is what his country needs, All America knows that Itaures liver and kidney trouble, p0rifie8 the blood, tones up theetomeab, strength- ens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and note life into every muscle, nerve and organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it. Every bottle guaranteed, only 50 ciente, Sold by G. A. Deadman, Drug- gist. TEE Penny Magazine,New York, whiab is the lowest priood magazine in America (20 °ante a year), and whiob is owned by Elan. Chauncey M. Depew, the eminent American orator, wants a repre- sentative in this vicinity. It is a good opportunity for one of onr ambitious young men or young women. Applioa- tions should bo addressed to the Bob. soription Department, The fenny Maga. eine, 'Temple Court, New York City, An Enterprising Firm, There are few men more wide awake and enterprising than G. A. Deadman, who spares no pains to mere the best of everything iu his line for hie many owe tamers, He now has the agency for Dr, King's New Discovery, which surely mow Oonsumption, Coughs and Colds. This is the wonderful remedy that is now producing go much excitement all over the eonntry, by its many startling °utas. It absolutely mires Asthma, Bronohitie, Nausea, and all affentione of the Throat, Cheat and Lungs, You oan best it before buying, by oailitlg at the above drug store and get a tried bottle free, oe regular size for 50c. and $1.00. Guaranteed to aura or pries refunded. ZCLLoAx.—In Liebowel, on the 28th ult., the wife of Mr, Conrad Siliiax of a gore 8Tw1JVD,1R•D B.1NG" OF RSTA13".L.,= x xt' 9.3873. HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO CAPITAL PAID ITP (Ono Million Dollars) 91,000.000 RESERVE FUND • $1100000 rlprnties in all ylrinoipal points, in Ontario, Quelled, IlTanitol a, United States o2 Onglaftd. aiifrt:Y'sifra03 ° insaawm. A General Banking Bnoiness T'raneaobod, Farmers' Notes Di000unbed. Drafts Issue d and Oolleotione made on all pointe, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Intermit allowed on dorosits of 91.00 and %swarde, B&BUTAL ATTENTION OVEN TO THE Com:normQN OF FARoIERa' SALE Noel=s. Every facility afforded Customers living ata (Beaune. I. N. GORDON, ACT/NO 533338• MUMMIES= —In Gorrie, on 1st inst., the wife of Mr, Jacob Beswitherfok of a daughter, DODoL.ae—Onion,— At the residence of the bride's father, Tuokeremitb, on Feb. let, by Rev. H, A. Newoombe, of Clinton, Mr. Rebs. M. Douglae, of Grey, to elise Nettie, eldest daughter of Mr, Herbert Orioh. Munrny--Saarn,—At the reeideuce of the brido'e parents, Brussels, on Feb. 8th, by Rev. John Ross, B, A„ Mr. Edward P. Murphy, of Wiarton, to Mies Maggie A',, third daughter of Mr. Walter Smith, Albert street, Blends, ELronn,—At Bowmanville, on Feb. 8rd, Juba Elford, brother in-law to R. v. S. J. Alen, Brussels, aged 02 years. STante—Iu Toronto, on Feb. 4th, Alfred E. Stark, aged 86 years. PELL4.—Iu Bruesele, on Feb, tab, Tboe. Kelly, aged 75 years, 0 mouths and 27 days. Ross.—In Toronto, on Feb. 6th, Roderick John, son of Rnbt. Rose, formerly of Brussels, aged 86 year's. ANODE.—In Morrie, on Feb. 9111, John Angus, aged 80 years. ere t7ti001T.nI 1w^AT•'. si'.ET4, Fall Wheal.,......... Barley ...... .•..,,.. Peas Cats Butter, tubs and rolls., Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel.... z. Potatoes (per bus.) Hay per ton Il ides trimmed , Hides rough Salt per bbl., retali Sheep skins, each .. ,, Lamb skins eaab Hogs, Live Dressed Dogs Wool Apples (per bag) 07 85 5.4 27 18 14 4 00 50 5 00 7 6 100 30 26 8 75 4 50 16 60 AtTOT2Oma' MONDAY, FRB. 20oo.—Farm implements, ere. Let 29, Con. 0, Sale unreserved as proprietor has his farm, at 3. o'clock sharp. Ames, prop. F. S. Scott, two. VVRnxEenly, I'o,o, 15,—Farm Stools, implements, Oto. 95 lot 13, 80n 5. Sale unreserved, at 1 p. nl, lino, and Henry eloArter, Proprietors, le. S. Sootb, nuc. lt'nmar, FED. 21001.—Farm stook, im. plaments, o90, Lot 8, con. 4, Grey. Sale unreserved at 1 p. m, Mobil Obonlain, prop., F, S. Soon, alto, WEDNESDAY, PM 2204,—Farre stook, implements, Se, N e lot 26, con. 9, Grey. Sale unreserved at 1 p. in. Wm. Lake, prep P. S. Scott, alto, THE PEOPLE'S CrM:19M13,_ T A1i111 SEOURITY THE UN - A_ mutant= lois had 510,000 ',Mood fu Ids hands to loan ou mortgage, farm eoeur- iiy, Paymout to suit borrowers Apply to W.11, Mitek, Brussels. ANYONE WANTING A SEW. ROI Machine, Organ or Piano can be supplied by applying to ole far 1 nm not out of the business as some have tried to report, 1 will deal with 300 as reasonable as any. 39. T. 3380 0109, Brunets. FOR SALE, Splendid Mack Stallion, ',Dexter Ile - Tonne ," stands 011} hands high and weighs 1,000. Sired by ' Boys Revenge,,' out of "101,1 Clem Grit.' Sure foal getter, For full particulars apply to JOHN .11OLLINGEH, Lot 10, Cou, (l, Groy. Bsuseole P, 0. TENDERS WANTED. 68 Tenders will be received by the undersign. 04 cd, up to Feb. 16th, far Ube delivery of 60 64 cords o0101,01, body bard wood, beach o0 2g maple, to he delivered on or benne March 14 1st. The lowest or any tender 110,130,01100:805:04 3TDE P010o898 o50, a1'- fly acoellted. 70. 31. 1(EItI1, 16 4 50 --yy•�� OUr S AND LOT FOR SALE 6 00 �i• 0030001 street, Bre ssels, The bone ie a Lomfortable ono, well fitted lip, with cellar, bard and soft water, &0. There Is also a good stable. Fruit trees in garden over 0n0•(luartsr acre of laud, For price, terms, &0., apply to P, 10INN, Prnprlettor, or 10. H. 10091310,00 TnE Po80. it t! la 5 00 75 25 4 00 4 76 17 stook, Grey. lens, d Harty A COMPLETE CONSERVATORY 00U1ZSIfl OF MUSIC, Mason's System of Tnneb and Tannic, in. eluding Clavier practice, given by 31155 SARAB 9(117(0015 11OORE, L. C. M., who holds Aruadenli° oertitca to in Music from London Causervatory; Pupil of W. Caren Barron, Principal. She is 010011 coaltteteat pipe organist, Mies Moore VIRUS \3 niton Mcrday and Tuesday of eao11 wank for the purpose of glvfum Instructions ondano and organ, For Partiaulera apply at air, l?ergu- son'sresidenoo, Walton, or poste:110e box 180, Sonforth. .:0. FEB. 10,1399 Chilalaiiis Thorn le nothing muoh more auuoying titan to suffer with Ohl !blains Irut we can 0nre them—Don't kick Lite heels out of your shoos any long- er, but try a bottle of our • Chilblain Cure, 15c. per bottle, and we guarantee a euro or your money back AFS Foxe Drug Stores REAL ESTATE. !,1 001) 100 ACBE FARII FOR lJY sena, Lot 19, Con, 9, Grey. 12 feet of it touches the river, Imlmediate possession, For pried, terms, Aa,, a01017 to 19- THOS, 3000113, Bo'ussele, Ii1AR1I FOR, SALE, -'211E UN= cioraigued offers his farm, Wast Hatt Lot No. 10, Con, 4, Grey, eoutemiug 60 acres, more or less. For particulars m to price and torms apply to ARCH. ROBERTSON, Brussels P. 0. ou the promises, FINE FARII FOIL SALE.—BE- mo Lot 20,14 c} non, 0. Morris township, containing 08 acres of arst•ulues laud, '!'here is a house, baru, orchard and good ware- house, and form 08 wail /owed. There are 85 acres in Pall wheat; 16 mores 1n hay and 96 001'09 pasture, Possession could be given at noes. !'arm adjoins the 'village of Sens. se18. For further particulars as to prion, terms, dm., write to JA31118 LIVINGSTON, AI, P., Baden. 2041 rAB.M FOR SALE. -150 ACRES Consisting of the South i and South 4 of the North 1 of Lot 86, (lou .2, Etat Wawa- ne9h, This is an excellent stook farm, being well supplied with good spring water, Itis situated about 0 miles from the thriving Vil- lage of ltlyth. A Largo part of it is under muss, Buildings and fences are in a fair state of sec sir. Easy terms of payment will bo given. For all information apply En 11-tf (i. F. 330,0113, Barrister, Brussels. t OOD FARA/S FOB SALE.— mo undersigned offer two 100 acro farms for sale at reasonable prises. The lots ore Nos. 10 and 11, Con. G (Sunshine), the siclernad between theta. Good brisk house and barn 01110111, Ulla houee and 2 barman lot 10, Orchards and all aoce88ary 0oueen- fenoes. Well watered and suitable for grain or gracing. Mures now 10 grass. will be sold Dither separate or together to suit our. chaser. Terms of payment reasonable. im- mediate poesoss(ou. For further particulars apply to JOSH PH OLl'1GG, Brussels P. 0„ or L. L. 1JICEIN SON, Barrister, Wingham. lit 1 ST CK MT BE REDU ED MO O. The prices are cut, and in a great many cases we are selling goods for less than what they cost The Cfranclest Mollerlavirg Event f©^ you 1 The Worst of Financial Losses dor ub But its only for a short time -13 Days—Call ttnd make looney by saving it,- S uits for Boys, Suits for Men, Overcoats for Boys, Overcoats for Men, At Manufacturers' Prices. of,o 4 oes ars . r5. °es One of the largest stocks in town. The Prices—They are just what they cost us, and lines that are not gilt edge for less than cost, Priestle _,s Celebrated rens Goods Ar WHOLESALE PRICES, FANCY DRESS G-OODS at Wholesale Prices. REMEMBER ONLY 1E3 owes LONGER. i'lliss,h,ost Prices for ./ r04 uo'.%