HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-2-10, Page 7FEB, 10, 190:). TELE 33 RTJS$ELS POST. 'TWAS A GREAT BATTLE. HDVTHEHISRAELITES' ON ISRAf'LIT S' VICTORY. Waal Won a Maim of suttee oat Lest a ettegdom God Witt expose *gyps. relay"• UiieInlu Nature ea rue ?invite Lite World Over -Yon Can't nerrned Clod, - Dr. 'tonnage Mum God MustRave One- ecrenth of Otte Time a on the Sabbath. A despploll from Washington says: -Rev. Dr. Talmage preached from the following text: -"And. Mammal said, 'What mennelh then this bleating of the sheep in mine encs, and the lowing on the oxen which t hoar?" -1 sumuol xv. 14. The Amalekiles thought they had lonquerod God, and that he would not carry into execution hie threats against them. They had murdered the Israel- ites in battle and out of battle, and lectin no outrage untried. For four IaersC•ctll ran l.hat come upon It 48 of the vermin of hypocrisy that InfrelsIL Wolves are of no danger to the fold of Gad unitise they look like sheep, Arnold wile of more Mitring° to t. be al my thorn (Jornwal lie and lits hoal.a. Uh ws r;moot deoeive t;ucl with a r r •c 1 r 11fieal. a sees behind the i ui 1 el e 1 1I s f 1 out'Lnin us well as before the aritain; he wee every thing inside out. A man n,ny, though volley, Bide lits reel char - steer; but God will, after a while fear open the whited sepu.lehre and expose the putrefuetion, Huntley faces can not sine hila; long prayers can nt 'stye frim; psaloi-singling and church -going can not save him, God will expolse him just us thoroughly as though he brand- ed upon his forehead. the word ' Hypo - i r ltothink. ' 3(1 may habA s been an e- ces8fill In tho deeeplion, but et the most unfortunate moment the sheep will bleat and the oxen will bellow. Ono of the cruel bishops of olden time was going to exconemunfeate one of the martyrs, s, and be began in the 'anal fume-" In Lbe name of God, amen." " SI op 1" says the martyr, " don't say ' 1 et how many nr' C God Y n o oma o outrakres aro practised under the garb of religion and sanctity 1 when, in sy- hundred years this had been going on, 110(18 and conferences, ministers of the and they say, "God either dare not Gospel are about to say something un - punish us, or he has forgotten to do sol" Lot us see, Samuel, God's pro- phet, tells Soul to go down and slay all the Amalekiles, not leaving one of them alive; also to destroy all the beasts in their possession --ox, ebeep, camel, and ass. Hark I I hear the tread of two hundred and ten thou- sand men, with monstrous Saul at their head, ablaze with armour, his shield dangling at his side, bolding in his hand a spear, at the waving of which the great host marched or halted, The sound of their feet ehnking the earth, seems like the tread of the great God, as, marching in ven- geance, he tramples nations into the dust, I see smoke curling against the sky. Now them is a chick aloud of refused to do it, but after a while he it; and now I see, the whole oily ria- 'agreed to come in private when there lig in a chariot of smoke behind steeds /vile nobody in the king's tent, and then of fire. It is Saul that sat the city he would kneel down before him and ablaze. The Amalekiles and Israelites uors11ip; bill ills servants of the king meet; the trumpets of battle blow had arranged tt so dber by drawing p a cord that Lent would suddenly drop, peal on peal, and there is a death Otlacas after a while came in, and sup - hush. Then there is A signal waved; posing he was in entire privacy, knelt swords out end back; javelins ring on before Randolphus. The seevants shields; arms fall from trunks, and pulled rho cord, the tent dropped, hands roll into the dust. Gash after and Iwo armies surrounding looked down on Ottacas kneeling before Ran - gash, the frenzied yell, the gurgling dolphns. If we are really kneeling to of throttled throats, thel cry of pain, the world while we profess to be low the laugh of revenge, tbo curse htssod 1y subjects of Jesus Christ the tent between clenched teeth - an army's i has already dropped, and all the hosts of heaven are gazing upon hypocrisy. death -groan. Stacks of deaden all sides, God's universe fs a very public place, with ry;s uashut, mouths yet grinning II and you can not hide hypocrisy In it veirgrnnce. llama fol+ .the Israelites. i Going out into the world of delusion Two hundred and ten thousand men I and sham, pretend to be uo more than you really are. If you bave the grace wave their plumes and clap their of God, profess it; profess no more shields, for the Lord hath given them than you have. But I want the world to know that where there is one hypo - the victory. Yet that victorious army of Isreal ! trite in the church there are five hart - Yet outside of it, for the reason that ars conquered by sheep and oxen. God, I the field is larger. There are men in through the prophet Samuel, lord Saul all circles who will bow before You, to slay all the Am tlekites, and to slay - and who are obsequious in your pres- ence and talk flatertngly, but who all all the beasts rte their possession; but the while in your conversation are Saul, thinking that he knows more digging for bait and angling for im- than God, saves Agag, the Amalekitish Perfections. In your presence they imply that thsy aro every thing friend brotherly and unkind about a member, they almost always begin by being tre- mendously pious, the venom of their asseu11 corresponding to the heavenly flavor of the prelude. Standing there, you would think they were ready to go right up into glory, and that nothing kept them down but the weight of their beote and overcoat, when sudden- ly the sheep bleat and the oxen bal. low. Oh. my dear friends, let us cultivate simplicity of Christian character ! .2 esus Christ said, :" Unless you become as this little child, you can not enter the kingdom of God." We may play hypo- crite successfully 'now, but the Lord God will after a while expose OUR TRUE CHARACTER. You must know the incident mention- ed in the history of Oteecas, who was asked to kneel "in the presence of Ran- dolpbus I.; and when before him he old cin 11e ran not. bear to atrlke down. It is a Burling transgression he can not afford ie Hematites. 011, nay bre- thren, 1 Nivea!, this morning for en - he ao11321'orallon 1 Puma of the Pres- byterL',ns still it the "bulbs, 'Hie Methodists, 1 believe, call it "per- fection," 1 do not 0111.1' what ynu cull it; without holiness no man shall see the Lord, I know ruen who are living with their soul In perpetual commun- ion with Christ, and day by dui are walking' WITHIN SIGHT OF HEAVEN. How do I know? They tell m5 80, 1 believe them. They would not lie about it, Why can not we bave all this conseerationP Why slay some of the eine in our 90(11, and leave Where to bleat and bellow for our exposure res iI.1 not and con rlPnmafion, Ch sin x stay in the same house with Agag. You must give up Agag or give up Christ. Jesus says, "All of that heart or none," Saul slew the poorest of the sheep and the meanest of the ox- en, and kept some of the finest and the fattest, and there are Christians et i 1 the most unpopular ohaosan wh v their transgressions, and saved those h g which. aro most respectable. It will not do, Eternal War a:grainst all the i mercy ton Agate. a1 k les• no Am e Y I learn. further from this subject that it is vain to try to defraud God, Here Saul thought he had cheated God out of those sheep and oxen; but be lost his crown, he lost hie empire. You can not cheat God out of a single far- thing. Here is a man who has made ten thousand dollars in fraud. Before he dies every dollar'of it will bo gone, or it will give hint violent unrest. Here is a Christian who has been largely prospered. Ile has not given to God the proportion that is due in charities and benevolences. God comes to the reckoning, and he takes it all away from you. Do you suppose, if a man has an income of ten thousand dol- lars, and he gives only five hundred dollars of it to God, that God is going A Victim of Neuralgia MRS. ROBERTS, OF MONTREAL TELLS A WONDERFUL STORY. She was n Sufferer for Some Seven Tears, and UUedleal Treatment Failed to Give Her 81055 Than Temporary Relief -A refseleaftwiteleentalleattelaweekezeeerseealiteep True Greatness 4t Is proved by the health of the A people who have taken it. have been made More people well, more cases of disease and P, sickness have been cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla than by any other medicine in the world. The peculiar combine - tion, in proportion and processID Its preparation make Hood's 0 Sarsaparilla peculiar to itself 6 ha an dune called byanyof r, 9 MedicineIn ifeeverfaneataelelielatellallielliatalsetvited .I to let him keep it1 No. Do you suppose that if a man have one hun- dred thousand dollars in capital or in estate, and only gives two thousand of it to the Lord God in a year, that God is going t0 let him keep any- ? Or, keeping it, it will curse him to the hone. You can not cheat God, Iltiw often it has been that Christian Hien have bad a large estate, and it is gone. The Lord God came into the count- ing room and said, "I have allowed you to have all this properly for ten, fifteen, or twenty years, andd you have not done justioe to my poor children. When the beg- gar called upon you, you hounded him off your steps you had no mercy. I only ask tor so much, or so much, but you did not give It to me, and now I will take it all," God asks of us one-seventh a8 our time in the way of Sabbath. Do you suppose that we can get art hour of that time successfully away from its true object? No, no. God has de - Herald Reporter leivestigatea the Caoa minded one-seventh of your time. If you take one hour of that time which From the Herald, lvlontreal. is to be devoted to God's service, and "I thought it was eomething won- instead of keeping his Sabbath, use it derful when I went three days without I fat' the purpose of writing up your 40 - being makingrdl gains, God Le[n'g sick," said Mrs. Annie Roberts 1 will taco, wo y g n , to a representative -of the Montreal l get that hour from you. If be Herald, referring to her -remarkable 1 abases you into hell to get it. God recovery from an illness of over seven says to J onah, "You go to Nineveh." long years. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts re- i .He says, "No, I won't I'll go to Tars - side at. 34 Wolfe street, Montreal, and' 112811." the reporter was cordially welcomed I HE STARTS FOR TARSHI IH when he went to enquire as to the The sea raves, the winds blow, and the truth of the report that Airs. Roberts ! ship rooks. Come, ye waves, and had been restored Ito health through take this passenger for TarsbishI No the use of Dr. Williams' Pink i man ever gels to Tarshish whom God Pills. Mr. and lVlrs. Roberts came to I tells to go 1.0 Nineveh, The sea would Canada from .England a little more I not carry him; it is God's sea. The Ulan five years ago, and Mrs. Roberts' winds would not waft him ; they ars illness began while still in the OLd God's winds. Let a man attempt to Country. "1 was really the victim of or to go into a place where God tells a combination of troubles," saYs Mrs. ' hint not to go, the natural world as Roberts. "For several years, neuralgia well as God is against bio. The light - with ail its excruciating pains, has been nings are ready to dtrike him; the my almost constant attendant. Added fires to burn him, the sun to smite to this Iwas attacked with rheumatism him, the waters to drown him, and the and palpitation of the heart, sect for earth to swallow him. Those whose L' d f' d f h and a that th I L f s king, and eve trove o' sheep t ly, but after a while you find t a • t as eve year' , waenot able to get princely robes are woven out of heart's kill, Saul drives the sheep and oxen they have the fierceness of a catamount out of doors during the winter months. strings; those whose fine houses are kill. Saul drives tlnc sheep and oxen the slyness of a s nuke, and the spite Sometimes' felt as though those terri- built out of skulls; those whose epriug- duty❑ towards home. He has no idea' of a devil. Gad will expose such. The ble pains in my head would drive me ing fountains are the tears of oppressed that Samuel, the prophet, will find out gun they load will burst in their own mad; my nerves were all unstrung and that he has saved these sheep and ox- hands•the lies they tell wilt break a knock at the door would sender- • nations -have they successfully cheated God? The last day wilt demenstrate- en for himself. Samuel comes and their own teeth; and at Lhe very mo - asks Saul the news (crone the battle. meat they think they have been ane - Saul puts on a solemn( face, for there uessful In deceiving you and deceiving is no elmwhol can look more the world the sheep will bleat and the nearly crazy. 1 W1.18. treated at differ- it will be found out on that day that ent times by four' doctors sines coming God vindicated not only his goodnese to Montreal, but without any lasting and his mercy, but his power to take good, and I had given up hope of ever cera of his own rights and the rights being better on this side of the grave. of his Church, and the rights of his solemn than, oxen will bellow. YOUR GENUINE HYPOCRITE, I 1 learn further from this subjeot how A friend of oleo whose father had' oppressed children. Come, ye martyr - and he says, "I have fulfilled the natural it is to try to put off our been helpless for two years, but was ori dead, awake! and come up from commandment of the Lord." Samuel sins upon other people. Saul was l restored by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,' the dungeons where folded darkness Listens, and he hears the drove of charged with disobeying God. The . urged me to 'try them. My husband ' hearsed you, and the chains like cnnk- sheep a little way off. Saul had lie man says it was not he 1 he did not !asked the dootor who was attending ars peeled loose the skin, and wore idea rho prophet's ear would be so save Lha sheep -the army did it -try-' me what .he thought' of them, and the off the flesh, and rattled on cute. Samuel says Co Saul, "If you ing Co throw it off on the shoulders I doctor replied that he heli wed them to the marrolvless bones. Come, ye h ,ve done as God told you, and 81a1n of other people. Human nature ie the be a good medicine. Thin persuaded martyred dead, from the stakes ell the Amalekiles and all the the' stlme in all the ages. .Adam con -I me to begin their use. No one who where you were burned, where the arm b, 51812 'h it PON esion,what me"n th fronted with his sin, said, "The woo- -sees erre now can' form any idea. of huplifted for mercy fell into the nsb's, Ce i h I lie n taking Ur the bleating of the sheep in mine care, an tempted end the lowing of the oxen that I woman charged it upon the serpent; hear?" All, one would have thought and if the serpent could have epok- 1hnt blushes would have consumed the on, it would have charged it upon the oheek of Sault No, no. He says the army devil. .r suppose the real state of the -uol: himself, of coursee but the army ease was that Eve was sating the ap- -hnd saved the shee. and oxen for Ple, and that Adam saw it, and slerifiee; and Lhen they thought it BEGGED AND COAXED dozen and half boxes, was fully re - would be too bad anyhw a oto blit Agag, until he got a piece of it. I suppose and let the cthains that bound you to the Amalekitish king. Samuel takes that Adam was just as much •to blame stored to health. It seemed all the dungeons all clank at once, and gather the sword' and he stashes Agag to as Lys w48. You cannot throw off the mors wonderful because the doctors all the flames that burned- you in one places; and then he takes the skirt) of responsibility ofany sins upon, the both in Englftnd and here never dons uplifted arm of :fire, and plead for a more than give me temporary relief, ud Isis coif in true Oriental style, and shoulders of other people. judgment Gather all the tears ye a m ah more lir treatmenC w s u ever wept info a Jake, Hud gather all the sighs ye ever breathed into a' tempest, until the heaven -levee thing .plank -chain, and the tempest -sigh, and the thunder -groin, announces to Barth and hell and heaven a judgment) a judgmentl Oh, on that day God wilt vindicate his own cause, and vin- dicate the cause of the troubled and the oppressed) It will be seen in that dny that though we ratty have robbed our fellows, we never have suc- cessfully robbed God. - TO CURE A 001,0 IN ONE PAY Txke .Tmxndrn rum Quinine Tablets, All Drug' OBEs refund the money It It falls to nure. 21o, my con dltlen wen 55 ' and the cry of pain was drowned in Williams' Pink ,Pills, and I had only the snapping of. the flame and the howl - taken throe boxes when I began to re- ing of the mob; from the valleys of cover. But seven years of pale held Piedmont and Smithfield Square, and nearly shattered. my consalbntioiver and London Tower, and the Highlands of I did not look or a spec y yc Scotland. Gather in great process - and I was more than gratified to find ion, and together clap your bony hands, that after 1 had used I think about a and together stamp your mouldy feet, rends it he twain,. as much as to say, "You, Saul, just like that, shall be torn away from ydull empire, and torn Hol. hada hen o I h d i Cher lvho lite, and I was able to go on a visit Reny from your throne." In other despised God, and a mother who was life, a Radnor s able Forges. . Dr, Williams'alia words, let all the notions of earth a disciple of godless fashion. 1 am not plait Pills have also been of much heir the story (bat Saul, by disobey- to binlne for my sins -It is my bring - big God, won u (look; of sheep but lost ing up." Ah, not that young 1nfln benefit to my daughter Violet. She a kingdom, bas been out in the world long enough is just nine years old, but she suffered I learn first from (hid subjeot that to see what Is right, and to see what a great deal from pains in the back God will expose ,hypocrisy. Here Saul is wrong, and in the great day of eter- anti sick headache, but the pills have Pretends he hes fulfilled the divine nity he can not throw his sins upon made her feel all .right again,'' commission by slaying all the beasts his father or mother, but will have to "I never frail to re.eommend Dr, Wil - belonging to the Amalekites and yet stand for himself and answer before llama' Pink Pills when any of my friends are ill," .said' Mrs. Roberts. "While visiting at Radnor .Forges, I urged a young lady friend who has long been a sufferer from! curvature of the spine, and obstinate constipation Lo try them, and they have done her a vast amount .of good." The reporter• confesses that Mrs. Here is a young man who says, "1 and t know 1 am going wrong, but I have expensive. The past{ summer was the a first in years that I really enjoyed n t the very moment he is telling, the God. You have lla d a conscience, y story, end practising the delusion,the buys had a .Bible, and the influence of the Rely Spirit,. iirit,. Stfind for yourself, seerel comes out, end' the sheep bleat and the oxen bellow. Hero is a Business man, he says, 'a ,A hypocrite is ono who pretends to know I don't do exactly right in trade, be whit. Ito is not, or tei do what he but all the dry -goods men do it, and does not Saul was only a type of a all the hardware men do this, and I cities. The modern hypocrite looks nm not responsible." You can �- 1 Roberts' is a wonderful ono, awfully sol:.mn, whines wh2n be prays, throw off your' sin upon the shouldersThat she is storyoW thoroughly.wwell e, and during his public devotion shows of other merchants. God will hold oleat from her face, her ner and n is great deal of the. whites of hitt eyes, them responsible for what they do. f her Ilya 11' never• 1:,ughs, or, if he does laugh, want to quote one passage of Scripture alts haappytspi it. Mr. nd Mrs eRob- he scents amity foe it afterward, as for you -I thinly it is in Proverbs: off err al's tribe is hand engineer in the though he had committed soma great thou be wise,, thou shalt be wise for 'biscuit R works of Viau & er in the hndiscrstion. Tbo -first time he gets thyself ; but If thou seminese, thou biscuit st firm in this line re, the n «banal, he prays twenty minutes in alone shalt bear it.' entitle, and when Ito exhorts, heseenas I learn further from this subjeot Dominion, and he fully endorses the to imply that all the race aro sinners, what God moans by extermination. good words his wife has to say in with one exception, his modesty forbid- Seal was told to slay all the Amale- favorof Dr. Williams'' Pinnlc Pills, In fling the st•iling who that ono is, Thele are a green many churches that h.1vs two or three ocolesiasLical Uriah lI alis. 'When the fox begins to pray, look out: for your chickens, The more e i ' nu nc religion m'an a l m gn has,, the more comfortable e will be; but yon may know A IUIT I(IIO is IMPOSTOR TO L S R h f. n I e feet e h i lltai h. prides hi 51110, S l ms n t the f ial that he is unnomP.orUlbla. A n1 ,11 of I hat kind is of immense dein- age to. the Chureli of 011.rist, A ship In'y cn111'1I5 a hundred storms, and y 1 n hnn'Jfu.l o' retina in the plonks et, y sink it l0 The 'WHOM, The :'hii,nh of God is not so muohl•int thro- w of the cyclones of trouble and kites, and the beasts in their posses- sion. Ile saves Agag, the Amalelcite king, end some of the sheep and oxen. Gocl cbnstisos hila for it. God likes nothing done by halves. God will not stay in the soul that is half his and half rho devil's. There may be more sins in our soul than there were Ama- lokites, We must kill them, Woe unto us if we spore Agog 1 Here is a out •sten s "I will drive Christian. lie says, all the Amalokitss of sin ,rem ley heart, Hero is jealousy -down goes that AmalekiLe. Hero is baalcbiling -clown goes that A.malelcite' and what slaughter he makes among his sins, striking right and loft I What is that out yonder, lifting up his hone? It la Agog -1t is worldiness. It is an a says the speedy sure they wrought in his wife's case has saved him many dollars. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have no purgative notion, and so do not weak- en She body, They build up the blood by supplying it with the elements i it,and strengthen the 1 enrich which eu g nerves. In this way they cure all die• eases having *their origin inpoor and watery blood,od, Always s rofuse the Pink some dealers i nations whish s m colored m offer. See that the full name Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo People Is on every package you buy. IE in doubt, send direct to the Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., ,Brookville, Ont, and they l box, or six boxes fwill be mailed os$'st L 5O.cat Goo ' The British Government has de - aided to erect an observatory on the 1Vlolcallam Hills, near Cairo. COMFORT AT LAST. Mrs. Parkay, reading -fay means of Edisau's new invention, and puntoseupe, ODS may sit at home, hear un entire opera. and see every motion made oil the stage. i Mr. kurkay-That's glorious! No high hats in front, no chattering couples behind, and none of the Your Hundred Lu the boxes 1 SCIENCE AND LIFE. We are Indebted to the Former for the Latter. Salience Gave as Aodd's Ultima felts-, l/odd'* Kidney Pills Give us Security Front Death-Blr, Charles Dennis Case Proves This Claim. London, Jun. 30. -At tbis season, when everybody one oleora18 complain- ing ro >lai -ing of "the Grip," "liarkache," or some other similar complaint, it comes as a relief to know that there are some diseases from which people can free 1 u theme, twee at very slight expense, and scarcely any -trouble. When we find that these diseases Nava for centuries been looked u t1on as incurable and have carried hundreds of thousands to untimely graves, we have reason to be thankful to science and its votaries, who bave given us the means to free ourselves from this horrible nightmare of Death. As everyone knows, Kidney Diseases have, until less than ten years ego, been looked an as utterly incurable. Hundreds of thousands have died of them. Until lately there was no medicine known to man that would either relieve or cure them. Today, thanks to the wonderful me- dicine known throughout the civilized world as Dodd's Kidney Pills, Kidney Diseases are no more dangerous than a common cold, Proof of this fart has been given by thousands of startling cures, by Dodd's Sidney kills, of eases that the best physicians had "given up." The latest evidence in this cityaomes from Mr. Charles Dean, an employee at the City Hotel. Mr. Dean suffered forthree years with terrible pains in ,his back, He could get no relief( from any of the m'tny medicines he used. • One day a friend advised him to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. He did so. As a result he is now au strong and well as ha ever. was. Dodds, Kidney Pills, he srlys are worth their weight in gold. So they are to victims of Kidneys Dis- ease. GOOD ACTING. Mrs. Grubbs, at the theater -I think it's perfectly disgraceful, the fervent way tbose two lovers kiss on the stage. Mr. Grubbs-Tbey don't really kiss, they only pretend to. They're mar- ried. A Happy New Year Indeed To those that believedd there was no cure for catarrh and to whom the con- stant use of ointments, snuffs and washes were a weariness to the flesh. A delightful and sure cure has been found. No need for fetid breath and broken voice, Send for a fres sample outfit and ate convinced. The name of this sure cure is Catarrhozone. Catarrhozone penetrate to the diseased parts in the form of a pine -scented gas. Write at once to N. C. POLSON & Co., Kingston, Ont. HOW IT SEEMED TO HIDl. A small boy at his first concert in- nocently asked, when the soprano was called hack: What's the, matter, mother? Didn't she do it rights STATE OP 001M, HITT or 501.5no, 88, LUCAS HOD NTT. FRANK J. CH1Nhlr ,ekes oath 1 at he is tho senior partner of the aria of F. J. CHEUEv So Co., doing bag/newt to :he Oity of rondo, County and St tto, 5Co, amid. and that said arm will pay the stun o 0Ng1 HUNURF;O DOL. 1,ARS for each and every came of CAT ,B1111 that outlast be anted by the use of BALL'S CATARRH CURS. O'RAN.K J, CHk1N1CY. Sworn to before me anti snbserlbed in my presence, this 6111 day Of nooember,..12.1888. �,--� A. W. GLMASON, aEAL Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh boOnro is taken mucous ly. and acts 0directlyon 05 blood and mucous m'es. ea of the syatomFgd Send Nl5Y & 00.,,11oledo, Ct Sold by flra5. al5, 75e. Hall's 1Pan,ily Pills aro the best, COMING AND GOING. Passenger, on outgoing steamer -The steerage appears to be empty. Don't immigrants ever return to Europe? Captain -Osten. But they go in the first cabin. W. P. C. 857 Oarbolic Disinfectants, Soaps, 01ht. ment, Tooth Powders, etc.. have poen awarded 150 medals and diplomas forsuperior exeolloeee. Their 555518, use cravens 15(5011' ea9 diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain a supply. Lista nailed free on application, F, C. CALVERT & 00., MANOWES'ER, • • ENGLAND, /ati'g•q•l IT t•s rf..6a S7 /t,'91 va;t'allure and Want 99ty vvll o 71 9E8s aSP.Y eHaoLo 110., ontreal. xlu o. •'H O CO, hlontreai. gu C. SU U L , MONTREAL Tho 't Balmoral; • Fres Bus t; 5Tn➢ A GENTS- Fat:RE:('I'' FEL/ANC AI1TtCL11 1 over invented. Norton & Co., Sarnia R*TURNS IN ONE WEEK. We want good Butter, Eggs, Poultry, oto. Ship IN us, and yeti will have your aitch in a week or lass. 5585 AIIII1NR15AD PRODUCES 00., SS Front St., JS., Toronto, AL, ha L�8 ilitte, r f. Pure Tea, Good Value, Low Price, ere resented by 401a ' •X.23345- Load packages - 86, 00, IP, Gilead 00o. WE RAVE GIVEN 150 Graphophones up to the present time to as many highly pleased agents. You have to sell but $x2.00 worth of our medicines, to bave one shipped to you leas, NOT$ --In adr dttion to this we give an extra Graphophone--0r its value lu records --to each one of our smartest agents, You canals() have a beautiful premium for palling j,4,0O worth, and for eveu selling f e.00 worth, We satisfy you in everything you do for us down to the smallest fraction. We don't oak you to run any Nick. lion LLB 250, and we will chi ou oar medicines ad premium list, If you don' PY think it the beat offer ever made you -return the medicine and Wo will Nefun your snoney. We 4130 refund the money to everypur- chaser of our medicine who says it falls to do what we claim for it. We art here to stay and very march so. We aro advertising our medicines by distributing then[ in thin way for the next three menthe. niter which they will he handled by the Dru glat s only Thee a re the lahte improved Edison Talking Machines fit for concert all as well as eelor, givingine you the elastst songs s(comic, sacred and sSeulnr) greatest bands and orcheatrasr most noted singers, pianists, violinists, reciter* and orators, If you know a good thing wheal you see it, seed for our medicine* enolo*'• lug 25c. British Chemists Co. Toronto, Cary` C (00 x011 DAY OCA RAJ.; TEED UNH 'r 0:4,0x11 ogees i, ovary u„vnahtp in uxna4,r, Tt1R®PTO GUTTIgnat OtrI�'(E�1~, C udmm�n ur lady tv sell n g16A0 U'prwriter. Lyon Write for special terms during January and Mauutaetudug ('omp,my of Toronto, Limited, Webruary. S. OORRIQAN, 113 Tonga S0.• SIhalnMei o ;roan ecammrnr scan and will talk 1r Enyo bily tansg they will ones and ,,..yl, ,d pa ge� xba hoveteile4 try. Ihays spent 40 yenre'snuly on this rin,resain habit. a er nl B to be curs{ale Come and satisfy y"nrsel roe. Na risk W. X. BATE, where, write Specie tet, 391 College St., Toronto, Dr. Arnett, Begin, who willeourinee you ho man tore y� ROOF 1 N e antiSheet Metal Works p ROOMING A,88LATN. in Meek, Rad r na°MgSLATY: 9 hoe (. 110,001180Ro s x ,11 °l'11oh,, Cosi Tsr, to ROOFING TILS (Bee Abw Oity Build- ings, croute, 4oua b7 our Arm), Metal Ceilings, Cor - Meet, oto RoNmetea huauhml for wort complete Of ,or m114011l8 shipped to m, pa, pr th. 5000111. Phone NM , DUTH1Y J, 5058, Adelaide 8 Widmer 8tH„Toronto FREE BOOKLET. OU10E TO HEALTH. Pamphlets and Samples of Material of our Steel Frame Niagara Vapor Rath soot to any address on rerelpl of stamp. Thermometer Atraahmsnt and Vaporizer Oomple to. Agents Wanted for nen dolling Bath 1n America. Da Nigro Yuuor safe flo. aT Vongo St., Toronto. Bookbinding , Sondd 0Bamyrg ene lne mth5m� wPrinting,boud,.Cords,ieatoak and order, a e asst. noose. (A onei PoatpaanunNr+.ybo ' W=51,}gopaaegrulotl.b.11,iFnlgon,9g X1aqet.IIarUt MIAs, Settle & Slds% Barrietere,ete.,rotyp'e4 to Weolay Bidgge., Rich mood St. W.. Terceto. IF you leeve Ueve ny APPLES, , SUTTER, ROOK orrDDLTRO to hip The Dawson Commission Co., Limited, Was>parm-lso. 5tAUCAOE CASINOS -New importations alert Manila '®t Sheep and American Hog 000(�(2,,g¢,-r Noble goods a► glut prlua PARB, BLAOXNELL h 00., Toronto. 50 Cleanse a Fortify the tJlfiri SYSTEM. The Hon. Jog. Chamberlain's re^ent appeal to the British public to invcatigate the inc. ons• ed developm nt nt infection. disease in the Colonies. h.w. 1 d t0 the marketing of BOWS CELEBRATED PRESCRIPTION, the now only mech. mood germ de,troyer nnrl preventative against Fevers and Ague. Pamphlet and medicine mailed from tho Can ad inn Agency. The BOLD PHARMACAL CO„ Toronto. HEALTH REST®Il'r without modiolne HEALTH t .. E It Y .without expense to the must diaor:imed Stomach i , 1, 04n, Nonoe, Llvnr, Blood, Rteddnr, if (alley, Brain Hud smash by Du Barr 9S Rovalonta Arabioa Food, which Sores 1,,1811 5 and bhlld, en, end also Remre see. eos.fully Infants whose A Menne a as 10,1,11ty have re• meted all ..the, treatama,te, It digests when ad other p'ood 1, rejected, saves 50 times it. oust In medlolne: ! Ieverlsule Suo°oss, 100,(00 Annual (lures of Coust,pn tion, Flatulency, uyspepsle ludigestrou, Umsumption ,nhelos, Bronchitis, Win. erten, 0 ugh. Asthma, Com, Phlog,n, ntnrrlimo, Nervous Debility, Sleeple..u,es, Uespmrdeaoy, Du Barry & Con! 4l7r't see,t;°, tre London, w also in Maris, 16 Rue do Castiglione, and t all Grocers, C'hunusts, and Stares everywhere, in tint es„ 30., 6,1., 61., 0,e.. his, Hent oarriage /roe, Also Dc Harry's Revnleota Blaming, In tins, 3o, 6d, and Gs. 50 Years CANADA PERRIANENT Loan and Savings Company. .I,40mt508ATari 1366. paid-up Capital 184,eoo,000 Reserve Fund 1,18o,000 Head Office -Toronto et., Toronto. ,Branch 0ff1585 Winnipeg, Man., Vanouuver, 0.0. 'ABl'OIOT'S are reeoivdd at interest, paid or eon• pounded halt yearly p0IKENTllI11i$ Issued in Currenev or Sterling with I tri- net common ntteolled, imy..ble in Canada or to Ragland. Executors mal Trust, ea are author Ind by Isle to invest In the Debentures of this Company. n1OMA' ADI ARCED on Reel Rotate seet0lby nt cement rotes andou favorable conditions ne to re. payment, Melanges and Munlai ml Debentures purolutsed. J. SERBBRT MASON Managing Director. DON'T BE IDLE PREPARR POR. A FIRST, CLASS SITUATION 1 �+EWiti'AI f q',� STRATFORD, ONT. Thousand, `f young mon and woman havo found our1onreo of study a stopping•etono 10 warthog,” Enter now; board cheap; b'At business 800o1 in Dominion. Circulars A W2free . W. J. BLLIOTT, Principal. Oo la1848. �Im. CO tebilehed / COMMISSION CBm 1N AND MERCHANTS, Stoma 48048 Aaarel og TL'd00 955oss, TORt0fi2S'Oi 0105. Rg?5..3A5 PETIT*. Jose to 430.seet8 TAIM1ERERSj Only Institution Instituton toCanada for the ma,laTuna1ine00,eeffepoe6kti OHURtlr3nppi0Pemhroka et, Toronto, 0areda Plle#allio Tele�hono Tablet Alwere Rend, '•Jot LI tt dawn now•' Prioa, ,91.50. The OFFICE SPECIALTY ltiFC.CO.1 LIMITED, Toronto and Newmarket, Ont. AL MAIL Dominion Lane ROYAL STESHIPS et Jobe, 14.8„ and Halifax, to Llverpooi, 5511100 et. Londonderry. Lary.. And fast 'win corm steamshipa LABRADOR," "VANCOUVER," "SCOTSMAN.' Snpporlor a000mmndati0o ;or Mat Cabin, EOM and Onhle nd Steerage passengers. Rates of FFi�ss,rge-Fret cabin. 816.00; •eenand Cabin SSC; steerage 681.50 and i wards neuording tri stJ mar and berth, For ail information apply to onal Agents or DAv,n ToasANR& pp, Con Agente,1? So. 8aorameat St., Montreal. OA T RR and HAY FEVER Permanently Cured by Medicated Vapor Inhalation -a minutia of nnoeeea, 113 Days Trial Free. Send 16e. for oxpreea on outfit, Dr, Ray's Successful Remedy Oo"Toronto, Ont. Dr, Rap's Anti.Constipntion Pills nlwayeonra London, Eng. Melbourne, Ana. Toronto, Can, THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. EP S'8 GRATEFUL -COMFORTING. Cit 4COA BREAKFAST -SUPPER 'i and reds of those l0 0o ts are 1n use, gg 1 vin e ntiroo Oarttintane'lyippnle.ce whore tkoto AeYrblegu+iughemtlthe with- out or twine their 88s1. They von aced in CoAtticB nBoomN, chimney, h Piro required np oboe itEq weeks. Fey oiroUlaT and price writs• T 1 O ORl183 CREM11I1RY 81.03E OE, Hamilton, Ont.