HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-2-3, Page 8FOR
Many use Quiaiue. We have it
in Capsules, wbioh maliee it may to
take, either in 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 gra., or
if preferred a Quiaiue mixture
(liquid) which is an exoellenb remedy
when taken in time, and is a grand
thing to give
An Appetite.
You would be wise to always have it
in the house--Spleudid for the ghild-
ren when not eating well. We have
also a La grippe Wafer made spas-
ially for La grippe whiob should
quickly produce perspiration and
removes that oohing and tired feeling.
For the Dough that follows there is
nothing better Shan either our Cough
Balm or our Blood Root Cough Ooee.
Keep a bottle always in the house.
They are both gaarauteed.
G. A. Deadman,
Druggist, Optioian ds Bookseller.
000THERN EITENei0N W. 8. & II.
Trains leave Braesels Station, North
and South, as follows :
Gerrie Souma, GOINe NoRTE,
Express 0:50 man. I Mail 2:10 panWised 0:46 a.m. Express 10:10 p.m
Mal Baas Xthns,
A ohiel'e amang ye bakin' notes,
An' faith he'll Arent it.
LA GRIPPE is King.
A 1EnorN1 on the tapie,
Tuts has been a steady Winter.
Sonoon Board next Friday evening.
TAE "Oxfords" on Tuesday, Feb. 21st.
A. O. U. W. Friday evening of this
?Amman Horse Fair on Thursday of
this week.
Messes. WILTON & TURNBULL received
a oar of stove ooal this week,
BRUaaELs village Connell will meet
next Monday evening at 8 o'clock.
FoOeva Division Court will be held on
Wednesday of next week at Brussels
Town Hall.
TEE thermometer registered 10 below
zero on Monday and about the same on
Tuesday morning.
Tam coating by wbioh the sobool bell
is swung suffered a fracture last week.
The damage was repaired by a blank.
P.Atrez.'s mill yard teams are busy
hauling loge from the farm East of
Cranbrook that Mr. Ament recently par -
A DOUBLE decked oar of hogs was ship-
ped from Brussels on Wednesday by Geo.
Beat and on Thursday Messrs. Beaker &
Vanetone forwarded a oar,
PRmoxPAL CanERON, of Brussels, was
appointed on the Board of 0o. Exami•
neve at the Co. Council lest week. He
will be associated with Inapectore Robb
and Tom and Mr. Beckett, of Ashfield.
A Bnnasots Quartette was to have
smog et Bethel uhnroh tea meeting, 16th
con. of Grey, lash Monday evening, but
the badly drifted etete of the roads, the
severity of the cold, and grippe antics
deterred them from taking the 22 -mile
Two cattle, the property of Jas. Shaw,
had a oold bath Leet Sunday afternoon by
getting into the hole in the hoe at the
mill dam where the he cutters had been
at work the previous day. The bovines
were extricated but not before some of
the relieving party had been nipped by
Jack Frost.
MONDAY afternoon's mail train aback
in the snow East of Ethel, and a second
engine bad to come from Palmerston to
get her out. The mail did nob arrive
here until about 6.30 o'otoak, These
delays and blockades are occasioned by
attempting to make this train do triple
daty and the publio are the individuals
who get it where the chicken got the axe.
EvERYnonY had a good time at the
Bachelors' Dinner given by Mrs. D. C.
Roes on Thoreday evening of last week,
After ample justice bad been done to the
elaborate spread there was a short pro-
gram of toasts eliciting many happy re.
eponaes. A bevy of young ladies graced
the evening getbering and with games,
mesio and social shat the hours sped
quickly and enjoyably past.
THE Canadian Optioian, a monthly
journal published in the interests of
Optics, says :—"Among those who at-
tended the Course this term were Mies
Annie MoOarrol, of Meaford, and Mrs,
T. Fietobar, of Brussels, who proved
clever and apt students." In connection
with the above study Mrs. T. Fletcher
took a diploma and will shortly open an
optioal parlor for the purpose of testing
the eyesight, with the intention of proper.
ly fitting spectacles, a fall line of which
will be kept in stook and at moderate
prices to ell.
A correspondent from Trowbridge
writes as follows :—W. H. Nesbitt, who
is here from Manitoba, has Bold 1,120
aurae of Manitoba land to Widdes Jackson
and Gomer Green. The land is situated 85
miles West of Winnipeg, and it is the in-
tention of the purohneere to go into wheat
farming on an extensive aoalc, Mr,
Green, who bas been reeiding in Brussels,
will settle in Manitoba, and Mr. Jackson
is also likely to go out. The latter, we
understand, has disposed of hie 200 are
farm on the 4th of Elma fora handsome
figure. Mr. Noebitt leaves for home this
week and will take two earn of horses,
principally brood mane, along With
BnusemtMame Pima—Friday even.
ing of lent week the annual meeting of
Brussels Driving Park Association wan
bold at the American bete], 3, D. War.
wink, V, S„ President, in the chair. The
anneal report showed a each balance of
020 in hand for the past year. Follow-
ing aro the Directors elected for current
year; --.P. Saha Jno, Ament, N. F,
Gerry, S. Wilton, Jno. Hewitt, (i„ Wil -
Beane and Doe. Warwiok. The latter
Wag re'eleated Preeident and F. S. Scott
Ssoretary-Treasurer, It is expected that
the Aseooiation Will hold a program of
trotting and pacing races for looal hereof;
on file Qtleen'0 Birthday, partieulara of
Which will be annohnoed inter,
TOE days are etretobing out, I DIED,—By notice in another column
A number of the merobauts are bney it will be obeerved that Mre. Albert
stools taking, Goebel, of Mitchell, an old and well
Reston has it that another dry gouda known :holdout, p•tid Nature's debt on
store will open in Brussels this Spring. Thursday of last week, aged 72 years, 2
Timm were 8 interments in Brussels months 10 dept. Mrs. Gebel was the
oematery daring the month of Jaoaery. mother of Mrs. A. Swaig and G. G,u•'el,
Aam yen patronizing the Free Library 2 of Mitchell, formerly of Brueeels. The
Splendid lot of books at your command. fnoeral took plane from the late reeideuse
Owrxu to dissolution sale all tweetMe of deceased on Sunday afternoon, inter•
moat be settled by snsb or note, meat being made In Trinity church owe -
Smith & MoL' wren. tery. Mrs, ltoonig's many Mende here
1Tun Posr was awarded the township tender her their Mtwara sympathy in her
printing of Grey for 1899 by the Board bereavement,
last Wednesday. It was let by tender,
Ovum to the large amount of spans de.
voted to Co. Connell proceedings this
week several interesting matters are
crowded out.
TAB amount of mail matter passing
through Braeseis postoffioe le a matter of
genuine surprise to many. Few adieu,
even 10 the towns, handle more lettere
and papers,
Tan "Oxfords" In the Brue ale Tawn
Hall on Tuesday, 21st inst., under Oiti.
zens' Entertainment Course, Tbere are
5 persona in the Company, eaoh one a
mueloal expert. Boston is their home.
Owing to the difficulty in getting the
temperature up to the necessary pitch
Monday morning Priuoipal Camerou's
department had a holiday in the fore.
noon. The new furnace will be in °per.
ation next week,
BASE BALL.—A base ball meshing will
be held in Mr. Blair's aloe next Tuesday
evening at 8 o'olook for reorganization of
the team for 1899, and to arrange about a
concert to be held some time in Maroh.
All interested should attend.
ONE day last week Berfelbz Bros. and
J. Me$ay caught a 25 pound wild cat on
A. Oonsley's farm in Grey, The animal
was traoked to a hollow lug and two of
the party kept watch while bbe other
went for hie rifle and soon dispatched it.
IT is Said that S. Burke has purohased
the house and lob on Mill street, recently
the borne of the late Mrs. Wm. Mooney,
from H, Mooney, Morris. Moses Doll
has also bought a house and lot on
Cypress street, from a Loan Company in
TRH Stratford Herald says :—Jas.
Livingston, M. 1'., of Baden, has finally
concluded to settle the dispute wbioh bas
prevented the firm from operating their
mills for several years, and ib is likely
that the mill in this oity will be ran dur-
ing the coming season.
Won Huron Dominion bye eleotion
will take place on Tuesday, 21st inst.
Nominations will be held on the 14th
inst. The candidates are R, Holmes, of
Clinton, and R. McLean, of Goderiob.
It will be s bot, sharp dgbb, with little to
come or go an but we hope to see the
former win.
Wingham Advervie of !set week says e :—
"Walter Vaaatone bas disposed of his
marble business here to Ooobrane &
Johnston, of Brussels, and leaves for
Seattle on Friday morning
he has
secured a good situation. On Wednes-
day evening his friends met at Jas. Me-
Kelvie's and tendered him a supper, at
the same time presenting him with a
gold mounted pips, accompanied by an
address expressing their wishes for his
future moceas. The'new firm have bad
extensive experience and will likely give
the business a fresh impetus." Meeare,
Cochrane & Johnston will continue their
business in Brussels, however, as well as
look after the Wingham treats,
Emma ilfaroa.—Last Friday evening
before a large crowd of spectators, the
tireb hockey match of the Beeson was
played on Maitland skating rink between
the "Oorn•orackers" of Grey, and the
"Sbin.diggers," of Morris. From stsrt
to finish the game was fast and furious
(with the acoenb on the furlong.) Con-
sidering tbat this was the initial game
of hockey in this town the boys played
very well and there is no reason why
Braseels cannot pat a strong team in the
field for the remainder of the season.
The teams lined up as follows :—
Emmy, bonne,
Harry Downier( Goal Fred. Hayoraft
Bert, Garry Point Prank. Beebe
B. Ferguson Cover point Geo, Irwin
A. D. Duncan Centre Leon Jackson
A. Maenad= I Rt, Ford J. McKay
Will. Forbes ID. McLauchlan
J. Peebles Lt. For'd G, IclOay
The game resulted in a tie, the score be.
ing 2 to 2. off -sides were at a premium.
The game wan refereed by (Inc. Mo
Leaehlin, of Wingham, to the satiefao•
Son of both sides.
f0IIRLINo.—Last Friday afternoon a
ending match was played et Wroxeter
between two rinks from Btaasele and the
two local stone twisters, The result was
a win for the home team by 8 shots.
This was the first gams of the season for
Brussels, owing to there being no curling
rink here this Winter. The following
were the players :—
Witoxm'fEa. nanssELa,
A. Robinson, N. F. Gerry,
3, T. Ross,
J. Hooper,
G. Paulin, W. Thomson,
E, Blank, skip „18 N. Gordon, skip 15
8118E 2.
J. Bray, A. Consley,
R, Bleak, J. Hewitt,
A. Brown, D. 0. Rose,
W. Robinson, skip 19 A. Corrie, skip 14
Total 37 29
The visitors were entertained to a first.
close supper at the Walker House and an
enjoyable ttms was spent, so much so
that a couple of rinks from town will try
co0olueions with our Northern neighbors
Friday evening of this week,
I welt.IA= QUARTETTE.—The Brussels
Town Hall wee well filled on Tuesday
evening at the fourth entertainment of
the Citizens,' Course, when the program
was presented by the Imperial Quartette
of London, consisting of J. 0. Lockhart,
let tenor ; A. Carpenter, 2nd tenor ; W.
E. Conine, 1st bass ; and J. R. MoDon.
aid, basso. The 7•year-old son of the
first mentioned gentleman sang two
comic Bongs in good style, in °haraster,
and executed several Highland dances,
Hs is a bright young lad. The quartettes
"Onward," "Until the Dawn," "Annie
Laurie," and "When Day Fades," were
splendidly rendered, without instrument.
al accompaniment. The clear anunca
anion, harmony and melody were char-
aoterletio of all of them, to the respect.
ive solos the various gentlemen did well,
Mr. McDonald parrying off the palm.
The death were also given in good style
and many encores were very willingly
responded to. The Imperial Quartette
put up a No. 1 program and no orgaoizaa
tion will be disappointed in engaging
their services, Mre, McDonald presided
at the piano in her usual efficient man. ,tribute, linteae in case Of poverty, would
Oer The Quartette wag at Palmeraton not be entitled to the benefits of Charon
on Monday sysning, membetehip,
People We `Palk About.
It. Ball is visiting Dr. Bell at Toronto,
Mies .Eva Snider has been on the Wok
Mies Laura Peebles is visiting at At-
Mies Ida Blashili is holidaying at
Jno. Wynn has been laid up with la
Bite. (Do.) Kelbtieison is on the sink
list with la grippe,
Mrs. F, S. Scott is one of In grippe's
viabims this week.
Ron. Siaaleir baa been i11 with the
oroup but is better again.
Miss Bessie Fleming, of Galt, is the
groat of Mrs, Jaa, Fox, Brussels.
Mrs. I. C. Mallards wan visiting friends
ab Ripley for a few days last week.
Mrs. R. L. Taylor and C000bie were
visiting at Exeter during the past week.
D. Hayden has been dangerously i11
this week but is now progressing favor-
Alfred Town, who has been visiting
bare for a few weeks, returned to Winni-
peg this week,
Will. Milloy, accompanied by a young
lady, le visiting Brussels friends. Ile
lives in London.
Mrs. Gilbert Speir, 4th line, Morris,
who is visiting in Brurssls, is quite ill at
Mrs. Thos. Maxwell's,
Mise Ella Ainley, Ernest Sperling and
Jae, Blasbill attended the funeral of•Mrs.
Beaton, of McKil•op, last week
Town Treasurer Kelly has been dan-
gerously ill during the past week but we
hope he will soon be all right again,
George Rogers and G. S. Rogers have
both been prisoners to the house 81118
week. La grippe was the attacking
A. Hislop, M. P. P. for East Huron,
left on Wednesday morning for Toronto
where he is attending the Local Legiela•
Frank Lambie wee away to Exeter
last week "elosuting" at a Publio sobool
entertainment held in Jas. Dnoman's
ecbool. Frank filled the bill.
We observe that S. H. Laird, formerly
of Brussels, still knows how to flourish
the bosom and pub the atone. Es is a
skip on one of the Ingersoll rinks.
Mrs. 0. W. Rowley left on Wednesday
on a visit to friends in London. She
will also visit at St. Catharines, 'Toronto
and Ottawa before returning to her home
in Winnipeg.
In the lint of successful Normalises we
were pleased to notice the names of Mise
Kate Wilson, of Brneneis, who attended
at Toronto, and Mies Kirkby, of Morrie,
and Miss Terabult, of Grey, who were at
Dr. Monroe, who hoe been assisting Dr.
Kalbfleisoh during iia recent illness, left
Brunette this week aa Dr. Kalbfleisoh ie
able to attend to hie praotioe as usual.
Dr. Monroe may take a course at the
New York hospitals. He made a large
oirole of friends here.
Rev. S. J. AIlfn will preach in Melville
ohurth next Sabbath morning and the
pastor in the evening.
Rev. Jno, Ross, B. A., was away ab
Toronto this week attending the Alumni
meeting of Knox College.
The annual entertainment of Melville
Ohuroh Sabbath sobool will be held on
Friday evening of next week, 10th inab.
A good program is being prepared.
In the absence of the pastor last Wed-
nesday evening Barrister Blair gave an
excellent address at the weekly prayer
service on "Tbe Home and its influence
in forming eharaoter".
Will all the Bible Society Oolleotors
in connection with Brussels Branob kind•
ly complete their work so that the re-
oeipts may be forwarded to the Deposi-
tory, in Toronto, by Menlo lot,
Mrs. (Dr.) Graham, formerly of Brus-
sels, bas been elected Treasurer of the
W. F. M. S., of Willis' Presbyterian
Obnrob, Clinton, an office abs bas had
years of experience in filling in Brussels,
Rev. W. E. Kerr, of Hensel!, has rp-
oeived a unanimous invitation to become
the pastor of Grace Obureb, St. Thomas,
for the next term, He has accepted
subject to the ratification of Stationing
The quarterly communion service will
be held is the Methodist Church next
Sabbath. Rev. Jno. Ross, B. A., of
Melville Ohuroh, will preach ab 10:80
o'clock, the sermon to be followed by the
fellowebip meeting, Rev. 8. J. Allfn will
occupy the pulpit in the evening. Sao.
rament at biose of service.
Last Sabbath morning, in the abeenoe
of the pastor, Eli Smith took oharge of
the service in the Methodist Ohnroh
giving a well arranged addr ens from the
text "Learn of Me". In the evening B.
Gerry presided and W. H. Herr spoke on
"The conversion of Lydia". A praise
nod prayer services followed.
Rev. Mr. Abey took for bis text last
Sunday morning the 12th °banter of
Hobrewe and the 14th verse, "Follow
pekoe with all men, and holiness, with.
out whiab no mac shall see the Lord."
Exodus 82 24, "So they gave ib me : then
I met it into the fire, and there came
out this oaf," was his evening euhjeot.
Rev. Jno. Rose' subjeot last Sabbatb
morning was "The recognition of friends
in Heaven," Matt. 8:11. We have reason
t0 believe that there will be reoognition.
of friends in heaven because of a natural
expeotation and because of the persiet-
eney of memory. "God's Army," Judges
6:83 and 7:1-1, was the evening topic.
The main divisions were :--(1) The
Summoning 1 (2) The Sifting ; (8) The
The,pastore of the different Protestant
0hurobae in Wallaoeburg met recently
and, on comparing notes, found that the
contributions in the different oburobea
were not up to the mark by a !Ong way.
They decided, therefore, to announce
foam the pulpit on Sunday that these
membere and adherents wbo did not eon.
13115 40th anniversary of the establish,
meat of Methodist MGa1o05 or Mattoon
ver Teland by Rev. E. Robson and Ray.
A. Browning, the latter now of Toronto,
is to be selebtated at Vanoonvar on Feb.
10 and 13. Rev. Thome Crosby, new
lecturing in leeolee, hoe bran an sea
mission work for 37 years and willehortly
return to ft.
Last weeks Hensall Observer says
That wee a leappy suggest:oil of the Rey,
Mr. Kerr an Suuday erecting, While de'
nouuoieg profanity, wben be advised the
use of a municipal swab to Olean out the
dirty and profane reoatbe of the town,
If the suggestion Is adopted, at a very
little comb a decided improvement would
be notfdable in the English need around
We bad a visit last week, says the
Mitchel Recorder, from N. Brisbin, of
Stratford, who had juab come from Sin.
sardine, where be spent a couple of hours
with Rev. Andrew Ouuningbam, He
reports M1'. Cunningham as quite undone,
and lust as belplese so the late H. 3.
Hurlbut was riming hie aftliabion. Mr,
Ouuningllam is suffering from comment).
Son in the curvature of the spine, hence
his utter helplessness.
Rev, S. Sellery, of the Central Meths.
dist abash, Woodstooli, has made a
declaration. The other Sunday even-
ing, just before he aommenoed his ser.
mon, he startled bis audience by the
following statement :—"You may be
amazed my friends, it may surp' • le you
beyond measure, but last Sunday night
there were 700 people in this 00', e1: who
gave no collection. Toe sows rile kept
track of the number of pieces .'f money
put on the plates. There wrre about
1,200 people In the obnrab. Thuya how
they decided on wbat I said. Surely
every one could give 5 cents at least. It
would not hart the choir's feelings by
suggesting that their singing was worth
8 cents at Janet.
Business Locals.
JUST received a oar of Manitoba flour.
Backer & V<tineton°.
Ma'a :ac and painting of buggies at-
tended to promptly and cheaply by Ewan
& Ionee,
A few hags of lake herring to exchange
for wood. Apply at Ballantyoe's grocery,
Ovarmn season is here and W. A, Orion-
is prepared to supply the public with
Booth's beet brands from Bslttinore.
SPE°TAOLEs lost within 2 miles of Brus-
sels, on Thursday, 19th iost, Pinder
will oblige by leaving them at Tits Pow.
Ronald Fire Engine Works wish to
purchase 100 to 200 cords of wood, four
feet long—hard or soft—green or dry,
early delivery.
W. A. CRiou is still doing business at
the old stand where may be found brand,
Oakes and pastry. Fruite in their sea.
Axe one needing a fresh set of teeth
out in any size of a oirauler eaiv may
have tbia work done by T. McGregor,
saw gammer and filer, Queen street,
East, Brussels,
Ho I for Wingham with its 10 dry
goods shops and 40 groceries. Batter,
16 ,o 17o. Choice Meknes undrawn, 10o.
Everybody gives 20 lbs. granulated sugar.
G. E. RING, Wingham.
Ew,ur & INNas have ou band some new
buggies of different kinds whish will suit
partiee going West. We expect our
wagons in next week. Parties who are
taking a oar will do well to see what we
are selling.
ANY amount of wood will be taken for
saW gumming and filing. Wood may be
rough or smooth, hard or soft, any length
or in the log, to be delivered before the
work leaves my chop. T. MaGnneon,
saw gummier and filer, Queen street, East,
7307:X1..; .
BRtDwIN.—In Blyth, on Jan, 2lst, bbe
wife of ❑1r, A. E, Bradwin of a son.
PAL'LIN.—In Wroxeter, on Jan. 30th, the
wife of Mr. A. Panlin; of a dangbter.
MAR1-X3E1SJ, _...
BRowN—Foe,L. lit the residence of the
bride's parents, on Wednesday, Feb.
1st, by Rev. Mr. Yelland, Mr. Ino.
A. Brown, 10th coo., Grey, to Mies
Maggie S., eldest daughter of Mr.
W. Fogel, of Ethel.
'SliLLmu—MOOiuA,—At the residence of
the bride's father, Mr, Wm. MoOrea,
Belgrave, by Rev. F, J. Oaten, Ph.
Bon Jan. 25th, Mr. Edwin Miller,
of 'Herniate'Man., to Miss Annie
MoOrae, of Belgrave.
GomnEL.—Iu Mitchell, on Jan, Mb,
Charlotte, relict of the late Albert
Goebel, and mother to Mrs, A.
Koenig, formerly of B,neaels, aged
72 years, 2 months and 16 days.
PEAReoN. — In Grey, on Jan, 28th,
Catharine Richmond, refiot of the
late Robert Pearson, in ber 78th
Minima —At Denver, Colored°, on the
81st December, 1898, John Miller,
non of Wm. Miller, Prinoe Albert, N.
W. T., and nephew to Co. Oounoillor
Miller, of Wroxeter.
Lovett.—At Snake Plain, Indian Reserve,
near Prince Albert, on January 12th,
Annie Miller, wife of Lawrence
Lovell, Indian Farm Insbruotor, and
daughter of William Miller, Prince
Albert, N. W. T.
.A. 0 CTxo2w
Wzm aandY, FEB. 15,—Farm Stook,
implements, &o, 51, lot 13, son 5. Sale
unreserved, at 1 p, m, Jno. and Henry
MoArter, Proprietors, F. S. Sooht, atto.
WLDNnenl,, Fen. 2214—Farm etook,
implements, &a. N } lob 25, con. 9,
Grey. Sale unreserved at 1 9, m. Wm.
Lake, prop. F. S. Scott, aud.
mm .*• SZEIT.S LVe.A.Za2C5201,5,
Fall Wheat 67 68
Barley ... ......... 85 40
Peas 64 64
Gate.,. "ow 28 28
Butter, tuba and rolls ., 18 14
Eggs per dozen 14 16
Flour per barrel4 00 4 00
Potatoes (per bun) t,...., 50 50
Hay per ton 4 00 6 00
Vidus trimmed 7 7
Midge rough 4 8 5
Salt per bb)., retail 1 00 00
Sheep skins, eaoh ,30 75
Lamb skirls each25 , 25
Hogs, Live 8 75 4 00
Droned flogs 4 60 4 75
Wool 16 17
Apples (per bug) 50 65
=,°ie'x -+rZ 08s-FK,n 18.e73.
CAPITAL PAID UP (Ono Million Dollars) . 91,000,000
RESERVE FUND . . 4000,000
4gencfes in all principal points 178 Ontario, Quebec, Monttoba, UnUed States t0214land,
Y'1 VS451I'48 REAVIVir.
A General Banking Ba811.0ga Transacted, Farmers' Notes Dlsoonnted,
Drafts leaned and Collections made on all pointe,
Interest allowed on deposits of 01.00 and upwards,
Seem', ATrltxTlo i GIVEN To Ton OOLLsarioN of 1" Ant*Eat' S.tI,E No'risa,
Every facility afforded Customers living ata diebanee.
nm merlon has bad 810,009 Placed In
hie hands to loan on mortgage, farm seeur,
Sty. Paymmit tonib borrowers
Apply to W. H. KERB, Brussels.
Teodoro will bo received by the undersign-
ed, up to Feb, Mb, for the delivery of 60
oordsof22 inch body hard wood, beach or
maple, to be delivered on or before Maroh
1st. The lowest o1• any Conder not nessBe,H'-
Ily aocopted, W, H. H*R1t,
Bandmaster wanted to lead the Bruseela
Braes Band for bbe year 1809. Applications
must bo in before Saturday, Feb. 4t1. Cor.
not player preferred, State Balaey and ax-
porienae. D, 3, M0GAU0fLIN,
Secretary, Broasels.
on M111 street, Brussels. The house
is a comfortable one, well fitted 00, with
cellar, bard and soft water, do. There to
also a good stable. Fruit trees in garden :
over one'quarter acre of land. For price,
terms,e., apply to F. FINN, Proprietor,
or W. H. N:E111t, of Tun Pon, 18.50
Mason's System of Tomb mud Techuia, in-
oltnitne Clavier praotiee, given by 21I95
SARAH 00171818 91001117, L. C.M., who
bolds Areademic oortiaoates in 14lueie from
London Oouaervatory ; pupil of• W. Osman
Barron, Principal. She is also a cumq about
pipe organist. Miss Moore visits Walton
Monday and Tuesday of each week for the
purpose of giving tnatruotions on piano and
organ. For particulars apply at Mr. Fergu-
sonsreaidenae, Walton, or poatodfoe box
180, Beatorth, 20,
0/..tali. Lot 10, Don. 0, Grey. 12 feet of
it touchee the river. Immediate posassoiou,
For price,
terms' Me., apply
1fl- THOS.
MUORE, Brussels.
The undersigned offer two 100 acre
tarns for sale at reasonable priest'. The lots
aro Noe, 10 and 11, Con, 0 (Snnehiue), the
eideroad between them. Good shrink house
and barn on lot 11, and house and 2 barna on
lot 10. Orchards and all neoeasury 500000-
fMuoes. Well watered and suitable for grain
or grazing. 100 cares now iu grass, Will be
sold either eeparate or together to suit pur-
chaser, Terme of payment reasonable, Im-
mediate noeseesion• For f usher particulars
apply to JOSEPH OLEGG, Brussels P. 0., or
El. L. DICKINSON, Barrister, Wingham. 101
dorsl, Con oifera his farm, West maw
Lot No. 10, poo. 4, ere h containing ell aurae,
more or less, For particulars as to primo
and serosa appply t0
A1101.5. 1t0BERTSON,
Brussels P. 0, ou the promises,
VINE FA.R91 F011 BALL. -1311.
VG Lot MN t Oen. 0. Morris township,
eontainiug 00 apron of Bret -class land, There
is a house born, orobard and gond ware-
house. and farm le veil fenced. There are
80 acres in Fall wheat ; 15 acres in hay and
45 mores paeturo. Possoselon ooald be given
at nape, Farm adioius the *Plage of Brea.
5015. For further partloulars a0 to price,
terms, Me., write to JAMES L1VINGSTON,
Baden, 22.0
Oonsietiog of the South a end South a
of the North ¢ of Lot 80, Oen 2, East Wawa -
nosh, This is an excellent stock farm,being
well impelled with good springwater. Itis
situated about 0 milds from te thriving Vil-
lage Of Blyth, A large part Of it is tinder
grass. Buildings and fauces are In a fair
state of len air. Easy terms of payment will
be given, For all information apply to
1141 G. I'. 13 LAI1t, Barrister, Brussels,
Notice to Creditors.
In the Stfrogate Court of Om County of
Huron, in the matter of the estate of
shirt ]Mooney, bate of the '1'illatte of
Brussels, in the County of Huron,
widow, deceased.
Notion is hereby given pursuant to Bovis.
ed Statutes of Ontario, 182B, Bee, 08, that all
creditors and others having any claims
against the estate of Ann Mooney, lata of Eho
Village of Brussels, iu She Comity of Huron,
widow, daceased,wbo died on or about the
5th day of January, A. D.0800, at the said
Village of Brussels, are homey required to
send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to G. P.
Blair, of the Village of Bruseela, solicitor for
John Mooney
h,and Jane a about of the To
R wu-
Bbl i O1 Morris, 1n t
t s, b, said s mad
Village lago
amu Mary he c, of the snalesof
Brussels, the trdmongExecutors of February, A. D.,
1800, their fall names addressee aud dee-
criptloue, arid the full particulars of their
claims, and the nature of the securities (if
any) held by them, and nobles is further
given that alter the said last moutioned
date the said Executors will proceed to dis-
tribute the assets of the said deceased,.
among the persons entitled thereto, having
regard only to the claims of which notice
shall have been given as above required, and
the acid D•xscuters will not be responsible
for the assets or any part thereof. so distri-
buted to any person of whose claim notices
shall not hero bowl received at the time of
such distribution.
G. F. BLAIR Brussels, Ont„
Solicitor for Executors.
Dated at Brussels, /au. 18th, 1800.
FEB, 8, 1899
ru r' S
so greatly in demand at
present, We have them all
but remember we guarantee
satisfaction with every bottle
of our
Whits Pins and Tar,
x1'11011 wo have our
Baby's Cough Syrup
specially for the little folks—
fine thing for Croup and
Whooping Cough. This wo
also guarantee of the price re-
funded. 25c. per bottle
Fox's Drug Store.
TENDERS will he received by the Council
ofhfoliillop, to be opened at 90005' Hotel,
Leadbarv, of Motels the 20th February,
for a steel bridge and sone or concrete abet -
meets at what le known un Cowan's Bridge
9 tniles North of Seafortb and 'i mile East
o gravel roars. The bride wilt be 60 feet
between abutments and 01 stool structure,
14 feet wide with oak stringers not more
than 2 feet apart and 3 by 8 Inches; oak
flooring a bye inches ; abutments to be built
on solid foundation and contain about 160
oubio yards, if of atone, to be of 8100 and
quality of those lin abutments for Grieve's
bridge on gravel road, If of concrete the
oemeub used to bo of best quality, and stone
for Riling to be broken two hushes square
and at Mastitis)! an Inch cement plastering
on outside of abutmente. The contractor
eau use the stone In the present abutments
for tilling,if 111111.005One is needed ()tumuliwill furnih them within two miles of bridge.
All tenders to bo scaled and gout t0 /no. O.
Morrison, Winthrop P. 0, Tenders will be
received for whole or for bridge and abut -
moots separately, The Cautions does not
bines Itself to accept the lowest or any teu-
dor. JOHN 0. 210100150N,
2e-8 Olcrlr,
....11.' I ri
� � -.
Thousands of young men and
women have found a business
education a stepping -stone to
ta"'Circulare Free. Enter New,
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
.& Genuine Money -Saving Event for the People.
People who have called and got the prices buy freely
All 122c. Shirtings for
All 10c. "
All 22c. and 25c. Cottonades for
Flannelettes at Wholesale Prices.
A few pieces of Grey Flannel left.
utile Bargains on them.
We offer gen-
11.35 line of Overshoes for $$1.10
1.60 " 1.35
2.00 " 1.50
75c. Lined Rubbers for 60c
35e. line of Tweeds for
50e. "
75e. "
$,1.00 't
A number of lines that hero $1.25 to $1.60, for
1.00 and x;1.10.
$2.00 Goods for $1.60.
All kinds of Boots and Shoes very Cheap.
Mantle Cloths that were $1.00 for 65e. and 75c.
that were $1.25 & $1.35 for $1.00.
All higher priced Mantle Cloths at and in some
cases less than cost.
All $1.00 lines of Underclothing for
All 75
All 65
All 50
All $1.00 lines of Top Shirts for
All 75
All 50 rr
All $1.25 lines of White Shirts at 90e
All 1.00 (` 705
All 75 et 60e
All 50 yt ti 40e
O V -R
$10.00 Coats for $7.50 ; $8.00 Coats for $6.00 ;
$7,00 and $7,50 Coats for $6.00; $5,00 Goats
$3.75 ; $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 Coats for
12.00 and $2.50.
Suits for Boys and Sij,its for Nen ctt Macaufaotzbr^er's Prices.
The Money is needed—We are forced to slaughter the .goods,