HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-2-3, Page 5FEB. 8, 1899
17.S. neat. l'. h, SCOTT, 13 room Ola.
XT II. ntoOltACK1?N,
9 * Issuer of Marriage Liu1nso0, Oilloe
at hie Grocery, '1'urnliorry atm 0, liruso010.
Tonsorial Artist' Shop -Next door
smite of A, M. A'(ol(oy Jc (10 0 hardware store,
La.lios'and ubildrons hair cutting a oPeolalty
resS. JEAN k1
iEsuer of Marriage Licenses,
OFFxai AT JEtvELnY Snag.
is No Witness Required,
T. FLETCHER, Brussels
i. n tne/di En has several good Farms for
oflMorris and Grey. 17 S any mS*CTT Brin uesele
Clerk of the Fourth Division Cour
Co, Huron. Oouveyauo0r, Notary Public
Land Loan ,Loa Iusurnuoe Agent. 1Punde
Invested and to lo,tu. Collections made
Otiloq in Graham's Slook,13ru0eel0
1. a nonage. Money to loan. Farms
to Kell,
• P•En, will eoll for bettor prions, to
better mon, In ass time and loss chargee
tban any other Auctioneer In East Huron
or he won't (barge anything. Dates and
ordure Ban always bo arranged at this Wilco
or by personal application.
t7 . Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all
Menses of tlomootiaated animals lu a com-
petent manner. Particular attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. Oalls promptly at-
tended to, ONce and Infirmary -Four doors
north of bridge 'l'urnborry et., Bruesese.
• Solicitor, Conveyancer ,Notary Pub -
tie, &o, OGdoo-Vaustone'e Bleak, 1 door
north of Genteel Roto Solicitor for the
S tand/Ls(' Bank.
• Solicitor, 110. (late 01 Carrow &
Proadf0ot'0 000100, (:odorioh.) Odin over
U 1111 es & Smitten hank, Brussets.
Money to Loan. 47
lv.t . (Formerly of Cameron, Holt &
Cameron,) 13 arl•iater and Solicitor, God°rich
Ont. Om)co-Hamilton St., Opposite Col
borno Hotel
M. D,.0. M., Trinity University, Fellow Trin-
ity Medical College, Member College of Phy-
sicians and Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the
Royal (Milne of Physicians and Licentiate
of Midwifery, Edinburgh. sal -Telephone
No .14. Residence, Mill S0., 13rune ls,
ALD., 0. M., sunes0er to Dr, A. McKelvey,
Linn bate of Royal College of Phye3Oiane
and Surgeons, Kingston ; Member of the Ool-
logBo of Physi0lnus and Surgoone. of Ontario.
Diseatos of women and children a specialty.
Eight years' experience. t3.'0ff cie and res-
idence that formerly occupied by Dr. Mo-
Kelvoy, Turuberry street, 13russols. 25-
M.D., M.o.P.S.O.
Special attention given to diseases of the
Throat and Lungs. lmd diseases` of Women
. and Children.
lot 01nee•ldonor Graduate of the Universa.
ties of Trinity (Toronto), Q00o Ms (Kingston),
and of Trinity Medical 0ollogo; Follow of
Trinity Medical Colloge mid member of the
College of 1'hyetoiaus and Surgeons of Ontar-
io. Post graduate Course In Detroit and
(Mioogo,1800. Special attention paid to die-
easesof Yonien141, 0o mud
1e IirEng-
lith mud German. Telephone at residence,
The undersigned will keep for eervieo on
Lot 20 Com 8, Morris, the thoro'-bred
Proved To01(o rir:e Boar, 'Oak Lodge Long-
fellow,. No, 2480, bred by 3,17. Brothone, Bur-
ford, to which a limited Millibar of 60We will
bo taken. Terms, $1.00, to bo paid at time
of eorvioe with privilege of returning if neo-
A number of ohotao young Powe for ealelfor
breotling 7(1000000 which will be sold at
prices to snit the times.
21. 1ROBT. NICHOL, Proprietor.
174f071. A{Yar, Ti ood`s giiospllodins,
The Great English Remedy.
Sold and recommended by at
druggists in cauda. Only roll
able medicine discovered S13
packages guaranteed to cure all
:mans o Sexual',Vonlmoss all effects of Anal0r oxoeSe, Mental Worry, itx0e80iVe nee of Te,
94A000, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on rco01p1
)f grin, ono paokage 31, nix, 30. One tetll please,
tit teal cure. Pamphlets frog to any addros0.
T110 Wood Company, Windsor, One
Bold In 1)ooggiet lioolm A.
k OpE Dian.
having oarefully gone over the figures we
lInd the omounto to bo paid for the year
1899 to bo ae follows ;--Soaforth Col10g•
fate, 32,224.25 03i0(on Collegiate, 32,.
148,80; Goderioh Collegiate, $1,689.03 ;
and we reoommood blab time sums be
paid by the Treasurer, 15 -In reference
to motion of Messrs. Holt and Snell we
reuommend that the Council grant $10
for flowers Itround 0oart house. 111 -As
1411 and Says
motion PMetiers. Din o n l lI
t000iolo L
00 00 010011111"flll that ti &meet Chesney be
Paid 3199 forinjury to
e at Silver
Creek bridle. 17 -In reference to motion
of Dr, Rollins and Mr. Connolly an to
salaries of officials we recommend ae
follows :-Mr. Lane, Uo. Clerk, $800 ;
Mr. Coats, Inepeotor House of Refuge,
$150 ; Dr, Shaw, Physioian House of
Refuge, $200 ; Mr. 1renob, Onretolter
House of Refuge, 3276 ; Mre. Francb,
Matron house of Refuge, $225 ; Mr.
MoOrenth, Janitor at Court house, $450,
and that Bylaws be amended a000rding•
ly. P. 17o1m, Chairman.
Your Committee beg leave to report as
follows ; - 1 -That the Engineer have
Mud Oreek bridge, boundary of Huron
and Middlesex, rebuilt, each County to
pay half, 2-Flave examined tenders for
creation of new bridge on boundary be-
tween Hallett and Moliillop and recom-
mend tender of R. Jamieson at $80 be 00•
oepled. 3-L'"xamiued tenders for iron
bridge at Summerhill apd reaommeud
tender of Bunter Broth, of Kincardine,
for $1,086,50 be accepted provided ho
raise trues 18 flet instead of 17 feet as in
specifications. 4 -In tenders for erection
of oonoreta abutments nb Summerhill
we recommend that of F. Guttridge, Sea -
forth, for 84.75 per pubic yard, be 'tempt-
ed. 5 -With reference to motion of Rol -
line and Torrance reope00ing County
bridge's we recommend that the matter
be referred to a Special Oornmdttee to be
appointed by this Council, to report next
June. 0 -We recommend that Engineer
be iuetruotedto have approach to South
end of Clinton bridge repaired. 7 -With
reference to resolution of township of
URborne respecting Drought's bridge we
recommend that Engineer be instructed
to examine bridge and to make necessary
changes, unless the same oan be safely
left over until Juno meeting and in Boob
ease he report to the Oounoil whether any
change is uoceeeary and probable cosh.
JAG, SNELL, Chairman.
Herewith I submit to you my report of the
number of prisoners at present in custody in
the 00. JAB There are a moles, us follows
-David Turnor, Bertin ; Jno. Parker, 0010-
chell; Robt, Walin °, Tuolleramltb ; Thos.
Stokes, Seafortb ; Jae. Bay, Toronto1 Aroh.
McDonald, Toronto' Solo. Campbell, Toron-
to • Wm. Kerby, (Galt 1 all for vagrancy
Roil t. Bali, Solt'aet, assault. I take the
present opportunity of calling your 00to11•
tion to the very unfitting and unhealthy
Bleeping aocommodatfon here for myself
and family. As You are aware these rooms
are in the main building whore one cannot
but inhale the impuritf ea calmed by dimmed
pm'sonore. Hoping that your honorable
body will at muco take tho nocosoary stops to
provide accommodation, Yours very ro-
opootfully, Joanna GRiopilt, jailer.
I herewith (submit to you my report of the
business traoenoted 0iao0 date of lash re-
port. It contains nu account of orders le-
aned to Jan, 1st 1800, According to your in-
structions I had plans and specifications for
re -building Summerhill bridge, also bridge
on boundary line between Hullett and We.
Nihon, Tenders are submitted for your
consideration. Beceded letter from Engin-
eer of On. of Middlesex stating that their
()outwit bad passed a 1000111ti00 at Decem-
ber ee0alon to rebuild bridge over Mud
Greek .on the boundary betweou Stephen
and McGillivray, and assts Boron Co, to take
notion, each 0o. to bear half the expense.
I know the condition of the bride. It is an
old wooden etruotnre and I think it time to
rebuild. It is et small bridge and may be of
cedar end piles and will not 00et much. The
recent freshet lion (mond BOMB damage to
Co. brid Res. At Exeter it carried away the
wing from North abutment and leaves
much exposed rho approach. I examined
bridge and considered damages should be
repaired, ar d arranged with L. Hardy to
erect wing wall at once. Ba,aoll bridge
hoe sustained damage, the flood having
broken ammo piles that were driven as pro-
tection to piers and has torn planke off
pion. Am arranging to get repairs made as
oeeiblo. Some other es in r brill
thou ae p o g
the county have been damaged, but no to
too extent of tf tubre mentiong, Would d
recommend that bridge flooring be 005-
tmotodfor that will be required for next
Summer, as it may be difficult to got stook.
Your committee bog leave to report • -
1 -That we examined fail and found every-
thing along and well kept, No. of prisoners
agreeing with. Jailer's report. Recommend
that import appear in minutes, 2 -Re bettor
sleeping accommodation in jail for jailer
Griffin and family, recommend no action at
Present, 1 -.Your Committee visited Regis-
try o11io o and were informed by Mr, MoOou-
sell that everything is quite satlofaotory
exampling fenoo.wbicir ie in a bad state of
repair. ROmommeud Mutt Commissioner re-
pair it. 4-Ro painting Court House, reoom•
mood the earn0 be left over to June session.
1 -County clerk Lane wee authorized to
tato nooe00mry steps to have Co. flog staff
rope put In position, 0 -Wo examined the
report of your committee ou insurance, Liv
in; the amount of iuemune° on Co. build-
ings, which we consider as satisfactory 1
we also find that the insurance on Court
House explree in Oot. 1808, and r000mmood
that Walden and Clerk hove same renewed
in dao time, J. BOWMAN, Ohnirmau.
Moved by Mr. Holt, seconded by Air. Miller
that above report be amended that the
question of repairing the cottage at the Mil
building or tam building of a now house bo
left to the Wm•don anti Go, Nngineer to get
estimates ne to coat of same and report at
Juno tno061ug,
MOW., O0atat(TT1lt•
Your Committee beg leave to. report ;--
1-10 reference to resolutions from Hay
MCYIl(op mud Grey towoebipo relatiyO to
munioipnlitio0 being granted perrui001on to
ptnroouto their own A0a0e0or'e and collector's
(tolls, we recommend that the Go. 010111
write all Munfolpal Oounoils for their opin-
ion end plane those replies before the lune
0008105 of .the Go. Connell. 2-110ti0ion
from Wellmud Co. Council calming 00.070r-
otlon of Huron Co. Council in securing
amendments to 010 Go, Councils Act. Wo
recommend so action, 8-A circular from
Dufforiu Go, soliciting our help in legfelating
for improvement in roadways, purr kularly
in koapiur,• thein open in Winter, Was di0
moil, Your committee recommend 'tba6
this Council take no action, 1 -Bruce Go,
petit105, pointing out certain defeats in tete
Aot relating t0 sale of laud 1 o taxes', and
asking for logielation to amend, We
recommend no action.
W. H. Kraut, Chairman,
RDU0AT10N Ontsn TEE,
'ROM committee beg leave to report ne
follows: 1-11m r'eportn of Motors, Robb
and Tom, 30(10011uepootore, were examined
and passed, and request that the reports be
printed In minutes, ae formerly, except the
visite to Lilo savant oohoole. 2 -In regard
to petition from tho 00. of Lanark relating
to noon regulations in the Education De.
pertinent. Recommend no notion. 1-Ito-
garcl(ugruomorial from Tinian Aasoolation
asking that delegates be gout from Co. Gmr•
all to Mooting of -the AOeoolatloa hl 'Toronto
on April 4L recommend 5o notion. 4-,
Motion of tifoj can and Stuart thc0 R. 0,
Bays bo trustoe of Seafortb Collegiate,
Ohlnbsttiv. Dr, Um
Tlrl 10, fi fi88Ill r:
1'rrlbtr0 of Godot rh 1 J, :into,ft,rnm• °' ,, {
moral• 00,011,
nun a 11, tolyl, I rt ,
Clinton tIolJap'Jat and appoint- i
ppoint•that John be y."i.,
moot. 7-Of
motion n 1.1, 4404 to this
committee regardh•g t't , lsa,Lv,l of 7sxumin•
ere, witreaomnlnnd unit .f, IM, Cameron, of
Jlj'uieelo, and Air. Becket, of Akhllotd, ha
appointed, It. AinaMiI, Chairman,
110011i ON 1114000I4 1•eA1D1[Tr>'l:.
hale repot t. --Yo or comm I tten hug !rave to
report l last the 100uonut0 of the Bonn of
Refuge from No. 011 to u4•b, alumni ling to
300740.111, hove been undated, bringing nada, to
end of 185d, 170 consider that anything
further in ennneetlon wllu the :Bouan of
Ketose 0houd be dealt with by tiro (Soul•
m14to° of 10041, Ar,ltx.8'ru10T• cied000001.
18tri1 Uolnmittee report. -In regard to motion
,,, t,eorotating o
l L 1suhelhrtaul Ali,
e0 , nr' 'n' Reeve the •etiotitutth of .1t tor t in
cominutinu with towns ni "Mayor,'
to ILmso
01 Refuge B •lets' wo '000m en, t Ia4 the
prov m r 1
i0srtiuu no <rrnte'h 2-Aigtlma of Rol-
lins and Chambers reepe0ti rig ioott'uutlug
Iuspoobor 01 (00000 of Refuge Laving (within
Improvements made nu ,mkt premises, ave
r0awnm0nd that this luatter be left in
bands of Committee.
Item 10 3361.1.110, Chairman,
The Runnel meeting of the South Huron
Reform Asecedation, as constituted for
Dominion 70070000, was hold in 1)3001'0
hall, Bruootield, on Wednesday, Jan. 18,
The attendance, on amount of the bad
state of the roads, woe not Wee, but
there was, notwithstanding, a very plea
sant meeting. The President, Alex-
ander Mustard, of Brumfield, delivered
an exoollont Melrose, dealing with the
changed condition of affairs since the
lest meeting of the association in 1(400.
The following were elected officers' of
the association : Preeidant, A. Mustard,
Bruoofield ; Vice President, J. 0. Kalb•
Oaiech, clay ; Secretary, Thomas Fraser,
Bromfield ; Treasurer, John 81111dooh,
Brnoefield • Municipal abairmeu,-Uay-
Killo Geo.6tu
Dr. tnubur Ma
S Y,
die, Sealorth, D. D. Wilson Hay, Fred.
ILilbor, Sallett, R,bt. Scott, Stanley,
John Ketohon, Tnci(ersmith Flugh Mo•
Oartney, Heneall, Dr. IMoDermid,
Geo, McEwen, Heneall ; J. A. Wilton,
Seafortb, and James Lockhart, A1oKi1.
lop, were appointed n committee on reso-
A gond deal of discussion took place on
proposed amendments to the by lave,
but it was finally decided to make no
change at the present Lima.
John McMillan, M. P., the represen-
tative of the riding, delivered an eloquent
address, deelingwith many of the import•
ant political !Bengt of the day. He ex-
pressed himself strongly in favor of the
betel abolition of the Senate, and corn -
mended the Government for having fel.
felled their pre elootion promises. Ad•
drones were also delivered by Messrs.
Geo, McEwen, Thos. Fraser, J. A. Wit -
son and James Lookbart.
The Oommittee on resolutions reported
in substance Re follows: "We approve of
the course which the Government of Sir
Wilfrid Laurier has pursued since assent.
ing oflioe ; we are pleased ab the very fav-
orable legialatioa passed for the further-
ance of the prosperity and welfare of onr
fair Dominion, such as the settlement of
the Manitoba school question, the enlarge-
ment of the oanele, Imperial penny post-
age, and other beneficial measures of a
like nature. We }oovoa 030110013 hope that
the Government will succeed in obtaining
a favorable treaty with the United States,
which will result in settling many (Input.
ties and differences between that country
and ourselves. We also take pleasure in
expressing our confidence in the Govern.
meet of Hon. A.. 0. Hardy." The re-
port Wee unanimously and en1husiuotically
adopted and it paragraph added to the
effect that the aosnoialion is strongly In
favor of the entire aholition of the Sen-
After some further preliminary heal.
nese, not of public interest, the meeting
Adjourned to meet again at the call of the
Metllodisrn in Bluevale.
(Prepared tend read by Rev, D. Rogers on
the Ohuroh Anniversary, Deo. 11th, '98.)
Occasional services were held in this
locality by Rev. Isaac Crane who was
stationed near where Blyth now stands
in 1857.8. About this time, Geo, Leech
cut( T11os. Kelly, full of zeal cud 107108)
fire, nobly assisted in the work. In
1869 62, Rev. J. Hough was 'stationed at
Aiuleyville (now Brussels) and took up a
regular appointment at Bluevale. Is the
Spring of 1862 a meeting was held to
appoint trustees in view of building a
church. The following names appear as
trustees :-W. H. Leech*, Jos. Leeoh,
Joe. Mooartney*, Alex. Bruce*, W. H.
Stewart, P. Oantelon and John Thorn-
ton*. Shortly after, the following were
added, N. Johnston*, Jamee Henning*,
John Musgrove* and James Shaw.
About the year 1863, Bluevale was joined
to Howitt circuit and was supplied by
Rev, D. Bragg for three years, with the
following named oolleagues, J. Ef, Mo.
Oartney, H. W. Maxwell*, and C. A.
Hanson, 1800 8 J. W. Savage, A, L. Rus•
sell, D. S. Jones*. In June 1808 Wing.
hang was organized as a separate charge
and Blnevale connected with ib. Thea.
Oleworth Was pastor for two years assirt.
ed by D. 4V, Thompson, SV, W. Turnor*.
1870.8 G. H. Kenney, G. As, Behrlt01 and
Roberti 7360ns. 1878.5 H. Kennel*, 8,
Sellory, A. A. Bowers. 1875 7 G. A.
Mitchell, Geo, Daniel, R. 10, Maitland,
In 1877 Wingham was made a station,
and Bluevale was joined to Bolgr,ve,
Beloit Ohuroh oto„ and the eir01110 named
Bolgtave, with Rev, A, Edwards ae
pastor for three years. In 1880 Rev.
Jos. Philp was appointed and in .1883
Rev. E. A. Chown, having as a oolleagoe
R. W. Scanlon.
Hero we must mention Limb in 1801
Rev. 11. Paul came in as the firat min-
ister of the hate Primitive Methodist body
and laboured four years, This work was
maintained and It little ohu0oh built
which was served by Wm, Thomley, R.
Haseard and others up to the union of
1884. The Dpianopal Methodists %leo
name, in the early de -ye among whom
were David Quay and Mr. Melte hot•
these soon withdrew from the field. At
the tin ion of 1884,BIuovaleand 3ohMAO n'e
(from Brussels) were organized as a
separate charge, Rev, G. Lodnde as
pastor, 1885 8Bev, J. S. Cooke under
whose supeeinte1do» ey the preserve onm-
fortablo 70100nage was erected, 1388
waseupplied by Itevs. Pant and iltoKlb•
bon. 1880 02, I. B. 1Vaitvin, 13. A„
through whose indefatigable lehor0 the
present ohttrah was emoted at cost of
about $8,500. On Deo. 1801, 1800, 1t was
formally opened with n semen by Rev,
Dr, Potts, In /ono, 1801, Ebenezer ap.
pointment Was added, Which makos the
(Arent(' much 0trong00 with only a little
:k 3LYTH•
We have j'let tiniahed Ronk -taking and find the peat year 31100 been the most
Pn+eeaafel in the history of thin store. Snob being the ease we feel able to clear out
rho bab,nce of on Winter Goads at terrine roduotimle 10
' pr
ices. It will
be wort
your while tn anew ion the next few vocIs. F1i s weak we offer every
111,0111 JACKET, MANTLE and CAPII in our establishment at exactly Half price.
They are all new up to dale geode, and tale ao000n'a impartation. llere are some
of the values : -
L'tdlns' Fine heaver Jaokets, in blue, green and brown, fly front, si11t faced,
worth $12, sale prioe $0,
Ladies' Niggorhead Jankets, black only, trimmed; will silk braid, largo pearl
bnttooe, doable breaetod, worth $8, sale prim $1.
Ladies' Beaver Jaokets, bleak and brown, double breaded, four large buttons,
worth $5, sale price $2.60.
Ladies' Jackets, worth $3 50, sale p'iao $1.76.
Ladies' Gout °epee, large oppo000m collar, full sweep, worth $0, sale price $5.05.
Ladies' Aetrach,ut Junkets, olose glossy noel, full size, worth $25, $18 75,
Ladle(' close ourl, beet Englioh dye, worth $27.60, Bale price $30•
Men's Anetralian Coon Coate, Line for, good linings, worth $26, sale pr100 $16.
1:4,"44, lot of 11 mounts of Drees Goode from 74 yell. to 54 yds, in length in black
and colored geode all to be Bold at half prioe.
extra travel. During this term a num•
ber wore 0,341;1 to the eh Oral and the
mune received a new impetus. 1892 5
.1, W. Prins. The two country churches
were enlarged and Welted and addit-
inns made to the church, 1891 7 W. H•
Move, 1007, 11. Rogere.
IO reviewing the work of the past 38
or 40 yearn, its small beg1nninge, pre -
Rent condition and status, we may grate -
Fully enquire, "What hath God wrought."
I congratulate you upon the successful
aomphtionof this "holy and bountiful
house", and after your geneeour gifts of
to -day hop. to con_ratulate you on its
being free from all financial eooumbranoe,
and pray that it will continue to be a
centre of seared i111110nm long atter those
who have been associated with its Oreo- 1
Lion have gone home to worobip in that
temple of which the Lamb is the avec-
luting light.
'those marked * are deceased.
1'tioT' iiloy0.
Baum or Hem...ru.-The MoKi.lop
Board of health met in the Royal Hotel,
Sea1orah, on Monday, Jan. 23rd. The
Reeve, Olerle, John) McElroy, Thomas
Murray. Barnard O'Connell and Riohard
Pollard, Sanitary Inepeotor, all present.
Mivatee of tomer meeting read and
adopted. The report of the Secretary
showed during the past year 68 births,
10 marriages and 29 deaths were regie-
tered. There were four deaths under 26
years of age, 1 from consumption and 1
from typhoid fever. Moved by Bernard
O'Connell, seconded by John MnElroy
that the menioipa.ity has great cause for
thankfulness to Provideooe for Hie pro
serving oars and freedom from coy to
factious diseases during the past year. -
Carried. Resolved, that as smallpox is
now in Quebec and the ueighboriva
States and a number of children now
attending sotto .1 Oro not vaooivaled, the
Secretary is hereby auth >rfeed to notify
all teaches that all perent0 who have
children not vacnivated attending school
get them vaccinated during February and
1'laroh, and those who refuse, that the
trustees refnee to allots them in school
until they prod nue a dootor's oertifioate.
All parties hat'ind oomplaints about dead
animals not buried or other nuieauooe
will apply to the nearest member of the
Board of health or to Riohard Pollard,
Sanitary Inepeotor. Board adjourned to
meal at call of Chairman,
Jew, O. Molnisoo, Secretary.
ria' L -U ♦'Vl) 1•I(1t;;C,
[Intended for last week.]
Trowbridge Cheese and Batter Com•
paoy has lied a en0ce0sfnl year. The
mutter businese netted the patrons $8,-
552.83, with a belnnoe on hand of $52.•
58, the total receipts being $4,711.72.
For cheese the total receipts were 310,-
760.10. The total amount of milk receiv-
ed eb the footmry was 1,778,262 lbs. ;
average yield for season 10.99, and the
average price per lb, of cheese 8.12. The
factory has roeumed the winter creamery
01111', -The remains of Mrs. Oatherine
Oosons, relict of the late John Omens,
who was one of the early pioneers of thio
neighborhood, was brought hoe from
Parkhill on 'Thursday, 11th inst., and
were buried beside those of her late hue.
band, The deceased, whose maiden name
was Walsh, was born in the North of
Ireland, and was married at Seaforth,
48 years ago, removing with her husband
into Grey four years after their marriage.
Six year's' h'lydships of bush life left the
dsoeesed a widow with a young family,
of whom the following are living • Mts.
Joseph Aidel, of Ethel, Charles W. Covens,
on the homestead farm on the 2nd con.,
Grey, iiev. John Cosene, of London, and
Annie and Stephen, of Parkhill. The
deceased had been living with rho latter
at Parkhill for the past year. She was a
memb.'r of the Methodist °hutch, end
departed this life fell of hope andd trust
in bloused eternity beyond tho grave,
Atwood is booming in real estate.
Rev. Mr, iOtuL"od, B. D., bag had a
beautiful Evans piano planed in the mango,
H. Y. Boar was in London, recently,
on Forestry business. H. Y. is a high
Court officer.
Rev. A, Hendoreou, 1I. A„ of Toronto,
was in town recently on business in
enn00°14m with hie Atwood real estate.
Tho old offioero were re•eleeted in con-
nection with the Elmet Mutual Fire Ins.
Go, Tho next direotors' meeting will be
held on Timothy, Noxell, 7031, 1809.
His many Mende hereabouts will be
sorry to learn of the demise of John Fox,
for many years a resident of Atwood be-
fore removing 00 Cherokee, Iowa, with
Mr. Ilawltshew and family.
1', 11. lto:tby, banker, of Mitchell, was
in town r000utly trying to melte
artangetnents for opening 0private
burl( at Atwood, JIo was Room puled
by Samuel l,dwerde, a well•to-do Mitoh-
ellito, who is also fivanoially intoroeted in
the 0on00rn. Mr. Scott, of Listowel, has
bolded to open a bank here,
Not Year!
I Wish to extend my 110511ty thanks
to the publio for past favors and solicit a
share of patronage for the future.
Horse Shoeing.
If you want a good shoe on a good
horse at a fair price Gall on me and you
are bound to be satisfied.
General Blacksmithing
All kinds of Jobbing and Repairing
to my line promptly attended to•
No bungling or poor workmanship
clone on my premises, but eatisfaotion
Wishing all a Happy New Year.
he. Fit Wismar;
Horse Slloer and General Blacksmith,
Ilxtonding from the Atlantic Soabora to
Chicago and unwell:Tee.
To Niagara Falls, Buffalo. New York,
Philadelphia, Washington, and all Prinei
pal Points in the South, and by its con.
neetione it reaches all Principal Points
in the Western States and Pacific Coast.
Through Tickets to all Foregoing Points.
For Descriptive Guides, Time Tables, oto,,
apply to
3, N. KENDALL, Agent Brttasals,
0100. REYD, Agent, Ethel,
The standard Bank
of Canada.
::unay Orders
For amounts of Fifty Dollars and under
issued by this Bank, payable at par at
any chartered Bank in Canada, with the
exoeptioo of Branches in the Yukon Die•
Under $10 . $0.09
$10to20 . . . 0.10
20 to 30 . 0.12
30 to 50 . . . 0.14
British Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
attn. ~-
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Mills
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat
terns on hand or made to order
at Short Notice,
Estimates Furnished for all
kinds of Buildings. Workman.
ship and Material Guaranteed,
A to kative tag.
Cern Loo UC
The tag on every pair of "Slater Shoes"
tells the ] her, iii Wear, Service
adapted to, 1: n the shoo is made, how
to rare for it and the fartorynumber, by
which any faults may be traced to the
cgn'rativ':, 1.1138 tug is good for five
e'cnls u 1 ,t bottle of Slater Shoe Polish.
xl 't ax Welted and stamped on
111a 11.1i.‘ by the rockers. $3.00, $4,00
an1$'S.cx per r Fair.
"The ,iter Shoe."
Jno. Doweling, - Sole Local Agent
System Renovator
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeple00nes0, Palpita-
ton of the Heart, Liver
aiot Near.
algia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, Oou-
eomption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
and 'Urinary Diseases, St, Vitus' Danos,
Female Irregularities and General De-
1'. M. MoLEOD,
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Sold by Jae, Fox. Druggist, Drnssele.
p wwsI
a well man
of YOU?
01C001 PR0D11000 Toa Anent
00000 O in 000097E108.
PIOOS1 curse all Norvonn Disease's, Sleepless.
neer, Fe0OR Dlemory1v1Rhdy Emixeipon i open
Wn'bo0e, Impotency, ata., calmed b ebb
giro* vaso* and oleo to ehrunkon organa, and
enfold,. but 80'01 raslor0 LOOT 01080000D 0 old
d o
Bog ppy o s(0, O000 30 0005! in uplsOlw
and eomtro(1 cooled Iro:O olaorvatlun. Eruy
carried In vcat itooko0 Frlca, 31 a pDackraogal, ala
edrin6lose.t. a 104(1'(000 ori l0 11.000 10 5.aT. PHPP10111
Droegtbl, W00000Orn, ONT., Agent for the DP
miniono 000117....`.4--`
Cook's Cotton Boot Compound
Is successfully used monthly by over
10,000Lsdiee, Safe,effeotual. Ladies eek
your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Coop
toned. Take no othcr•as all Mixtures, pllle and
imitations am dangerous. prise, No. 1, $1. per
Sox, No. 13,10 degrees stronger, $8 per box. Ito.
for 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 8.eent
Ilam s. The Cook Company Windsor 00t.
:e neible Druggists' In Canted .Wended by all
Noe, 1 and:2 so1(11in Brussels by'
Druggist, Bookseller Jc Optician.
A.t ,r
5 r.
Real Estate 86 Loan
Money to Loan on Farm Secur-
ity at the Lowest Rate
of Interest.
Money Loaned on Notts and
good Notes Discounted. Sale
Notes a Specialty.
Fire d Life Insurance Written.
Special Attention given to
Otiice over Dendmnn'a Drug Store,
The boiler is made of
steel, cast iron front, grates,
fire box linings and smoke pipe plate, all other parts made
of the best cast steel protected against warping. Flues
arranged so that boiling can be done quicker and at much
less cost for fuel than the old style furnace.
Price only $10.00 Cash,
Leave your order at once with
TheBuffalo Ail -Steel Dise Harrow
This is the only Dim Harrow made or sold in
Canada, baying independent, adfuetable spring
pressure open the inner ends of the gong diens,
allowing any amount of pressure to be thrown
upon the inner endo of the ganga, by the toot of
the operator. By thio means aperlaotlyitex-
ible nation le secured and the ground eau be
worlrod to a uniform depth. Examine this
Machine oarof ally and compare with °there..
The No, 12 Cultivator
Cultivator mode that both linos of teeth will
out an cyan depth in the ground. Examine it
mrd you will see why. The only Onitivator
with a moveable tooth set so that the angle o1
the teeth eau be regul1Eed to suit any condi-
tion of soil. Pressure can he regulated to not
differently on every se0tion requiring it. The
teeth are carried between the wheels instead
of trailingbehind ae in other aobines, thus
securing lighter dm
raft. This machine ie fur•
Mailed with grain and grass semi box Witeure-
quired, It hae reversible diamond oteelpo u s
Mr the teeth v also extra wide thietle.ohtting
w111 boy uo ottfurnislted, Examine 16 and you
The Best Drill Made.
The Boulder Needs No btlrodu01i0n.
Over 40,000 Drills and Seeders Of our mann-
feature in neo in Canada, The only Drill matte
with lever for instant and perfect regulation
of depth of hoe In all kinds of soil, whilo team
le in motion, Sowe absolutely Corr00t to male;
saves seethes every kernel is depositedat'a.
proffer depth to grow, Pnrohaoo only the best
and you will be oatlefied.
Wo also manufacture nineteen, Roapor0,
Mowers, Rakes, OultivatOre and Pulver%at
good s'0 tam beet.
Send for lllUetralod oa0alogot,
NOXON BROS. MFG. Co., (Limited)
Ingersoll, On(.., Canada.
Agent, Brussel&