HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-2-3, Page 44 tare NY1lalaeis fist. F'.R/De1 I', /11T. 3, 1899, HURON COUNTY COUNCIL, TCESDAY. The following genblemeu subscribed to their declaration of dans before Hie Honor Judge Masson, as County Coun, ofllors, and took their seats at the conn - oil table :-Messrs. Bowman, Connolly, Chambers, Cook, Hays, Holt, Kerr, Mil. ler, MaEwen, MaInnes, McLean, Patter. son, Rollins, Stuart, Snell and Torrance, The Clerk occupied the ohair and re- quested the Ooaneil to elect a Warden for the present year, Moved by Mr. McInnis, seconded by Mr, Hays, that J. A. Rollins be Warden. Moved by Mr. MoEwen, seoonded by Mr. Miler, that B. S. Cook be Warder. At the expiration of the required time a ballot was taken, and Dr. Rollins re calved seven ballots and Mr. Cook nine The Clerk declared Mr. Cook elected and asked him to take the Warden's chair. His Honor Judge Masson acted with the Clerk as scrutineer of the ballots and administered the oath of office to the Warden. The Warden thanked the Council for the honor conferred on him and hoped that, as in former years, the Council would work harmoniously for the best interests of the County. On motion of Messrs. McEwen and Miller the Council proceeded to elect a striking committee. On the first ballot Messrs. Holt, re. waived nine ballots, Miller nine, Kerr nine, Rollins seven, Connolly seven and Patterson seven. The Warden announced the resent of the ballot and declared Messrs. Holt, Miller and Kerr elected, and requested that a second ballot be taken in the case of Messrs. Rollins, Connolly and Patter- son. The result of thisballot was Messrs. Rollins received twelve ballots, Connolly eight, Patterson twelve. Messrs. Rollins and Patterson were declared elected. 00 motion of Messrs Holt and bio. Innis the Council adjourned till Wednes. day morning morning at 10 o'clock. wEDN-ESDAT. The Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment. The Warden in the ohair. All the members reported present. The minutes of former meeting read and adopted. The report of the Striking Committee was read and taken up in committee, Mr. Torrance in the chair. The report pass ed in committee and also in council and is as follows :- Executive- Messrs. Holt, McEwen, Kerr, Hays, Torrance. Mr. Holt, Chair- man, Special -Messrs. Holt, McEwen, Kerr, Hays, Torrance. Mr. Herr, Chairman. Finance -Messrs. Rollins, Miller, Mc- Lean, Stuart, McInnes. Dr. Rollins, Chairman. Education - Messrs. Rollins, Miller, McLean, Stuart, Mantles, Mr. Miller, Chairman. Roads and Bridges - Messrs Snell, Patterson, Bowman, Connolly, Cham- bers. Mr. Snell, Chairman. County Property -Messrs. Snell, Pat- tersou, Bowman, Connolly, Chambers. Mr. Bowman, Chairman. Equalization -The whole Council. Warden's -Messrs. Stuart, Holt, Kerr, Connolly. Warden, Chairman. House of Refuge -Messrs. Miller, Tor• ranos, Snell. Mr, Miller, Chairman. Memorials read and referred to the Special Committee :- From Lanark County, seeking amend mens to the High School Act. From Bruce County, relating to the Assessment Aut. Frons Dufferin County, regarding im• provements to highways, and asking for legislation governing the same. County of Welland, that the County Councils' Act of 1806 be amended. Communications received and placed before the Connell. Messrs, Cameron & Holmes, on behalf of H. Medd, olaiming damages for loss of horse, Sent to Executive Committee. Applications for the position of auditor from Messrs. Morrison, Oousley and Cochrane were read and left on the table. Letter from F. Morley, Clerk of Us. borne, calling attention to county bridge between Uaborne and Biddulph, Sent to Road and Bridge Committee. Resolutions passed by the townships of Grey, Hay and MoKillop asking that the County cease to furnish assessment and collectors' rolls. Sent to Special Com- mittee. Cironlar from the Secretary of Trus. tees' Association, asking the Council to appoint one or more delegates to attend a meeting of association, Referred to Edu- cation Committee. Statement from the Maisons Bank, Clinton, showing balance of County funds in Bank. Sent to Finance Committee. Letter from E. Heaton asking for grant to the Ohildrens' Afd Sooisty of this County. Sent to Executive Committee. Applications of Messrs. Gilpin and Monroe to be appointed County students at the Ontario Agricultural College. Re. ferred to Executive Committee. And the following communications were sent to the Executive Committee : G. W. Holman, asking for grant to the West Huron Teachers' Association. Circular from Secretary of the Ontario Rifle Association, asking for grant. Circular from Dr, Roseburgh, Secretary of Prisoners' Aid Assooiatiou, asking for grant, Requisition from D. French for an in. armee of salary. Letter from J. J. Fisher re painting the court house. Sent to County Proper. ty Committee. Letter from Dr. Shaw regarding sup. ply of medicines for the lienee of Refuge. Sent to Executive Committee, Accounts read and sent to Finance Committee :-John Ansley, $1.76 ; Gar. row & Proudfoot, 067 ; F, Ganvi]le, $10.. 80 ; W. T. Welsh, $100 ; W. Acheson & Son, 0$2.40 ; J. Grigg, 76c; Township of I Menlo, $10 ; Goderioh town, $80 ; Goderich town, 051 ; George Porter, $84.- 90 ; T. Swarts, $4,001 J. Miller, $4,00 ; Brussels Herald, $1,50; Signal offioe, 011.00 ; News Record, $4.80 ; Star, $10.66 ; Blyth Standard, $4.30 ; Wing. ham Advance, $1.00 ; Wmgham Times, $8.00 ; Gerrie Vedette, $1.00.' New Era, Henna 010,00 HennaObserver, $61.00 ; Exeter Times, $8.60; Exeter Advocate, $5.00; W, Lane, $27.40 ; Township of *Osborne, $8.00; Exeter village, $8,00 • Township of .Ilowiek, $'70.20 ; Township of Ash. e1d, $70.80; W. Stobhers, $14.76; Jae. Campbell, 011 ; Fred, Mesa, $9.25 ; 0, Prouty, $10.66 ; A. G. Smalls, $8,0U ; F, S. Scott, $10.00 ; P, Porterfield, $d,en ; Jos. Cowan, $10,26, Report of John Ansley, Co. Com., wee read and referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. Return of ,Registrar was read and sent to the Finance Committee. Report showing insurance 00 County buildings was sent to County Property Committee, Reports of Inspeobors Robb and Tom were referred to the Education Committee, Report of Jailer was read and scut to County Property Committee. Treasurers' report was read and seat to the Finance Commute. Moved by Mr, Kerr, sweoneed by 41r. McEwen, that J. H. Cameron, of Brea. eels, be appofuted a member of the County Board of Examiners for this year, Moved by Mr. Hays, seconded by Mr. McLean, that Mr. Oheswright, of Sea. forth, be appointed on the Hoard of County Examiners for the current year. Moved by Mr, Torrance, s000nded by Mr. Coanolity, that Geo. Baird, of Stan- ley, be appointed on the Board of County Examiners for the current year Moved by Mr. Holt, seconded by Mr. Roll]na, that A. J. Moore, 13. A., bo ap• pointed on the Board of County Exami• ners for this year. These motions were sent to the Edo. cation Committee. Moved by Mr. McLean, seconded by Mr McInnis, that P. Holt and W. Lane be auditors of Criminal Justice Accounts. -Carried. Moved by Mr. McInnes, seconded by Mr. Holt, that the usual grant of $300 be made to the Agr'icnlbur'al and Horticul. Wuxi Societies h„ldiug exhibitions in 1899. Sent to Executive Committee. Motion of Messrs. McEwen and Snell that this Council now adjourn till Thursday morning at 10 o'clock. The Council mot at I0 o'clook accord- ing to adjournment. All the members were present. Miuutes of Woduesday read and signed by the Warden. Accounts read and referred to Finance Committee. -Signal office, 01.60; Town-' ship of Morris, 025.29 ; Brussels Post, $4.00 ; Gorrie n'idette, $5.00 ; C. A. Nairn, 05.00 ; A. MCD. Allan, $33.12 ; F. G. Neelin, $118.15, Statements were read from Godericb, Seafortb and Clinton Collegiate Insti tutee and referred to Executive Commit tee. Report of Mr. Coats, Inspector of the House of Refuge, was placed before the Council and sent to the House of Refuge Committee. Moved by Mr. Mclunis, eeoonded by Mr. Kerr, that the usual grant be made to the Farmers' Institutes in this County. Sent to Executive Committee. Moved by Mr. Bowman, eeoonded by Mr. Snell, that the sum of $15 00 be granted to each Public Library iu this County. Sent to Executive Committee. Moved by Mr. Holt, seconded by Mr. Chambers, that R. A. Carrick be auditor for 1899. Moved by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Bowman, that Joltn Burgess be auditor for this year. Moved by Mr. Snell, seouded by Mr. Connolly, that W. L. Ouimette be auditor for this year. Moved by Mr. McLean, seconded by Mr, Stuart, that R. S. Hays be trustee of the Seaforth Collegiate Institute. Sent to Education Committee, Moved by Mr. Bowman, seconded by Mr, Miller, that A. H. Cochraue be audi- tor for this year. Moved by Mr. Connolly, seconded by Mr. Snell, that John Rausford be trustee of the Clinton Collegiate Institute. Sent to Education Committee, Moved by Mr. Holt, seconded by Mr. Chambers, that the Rev. Dr. Ure be ap pointed trustee of the Godericb Collegiate Institute, Sent to Education Commit. tee. Moved by Mr. Stuart, seconded by Mr. Chambers, that S. Beckett, of Ashfield, be appointed on the Board of County Examiners for this year. Sent to Edu- cation Committee, Moved by Mr, Torrance, seconded by Mr. McLean, that F. Hess, Clerk of Hay, be auditor for this year. Moved by Mr. Kerr, seconded by Me. Stuar6, that A. Oousley be auditor for this year. Moved by Dr. Rollins, seconded by Mr. Torrance, that the Road & Bridge Com- mittee be asked to report as to contents of a proposed by-law as to what bridges shall be County bridges, as quickly as possible, Sent to Road Je Bridge Com. mitres. Moved by Mr. Snell, seconded by Mr. McLean, that the Engineer be instructed to have the bridge South of Clinton re paired. Sent to Road & Bridge Commit- tee. Moved by Mr. Hays, seconded by Dr. Rollins, that J. 0. Morrison, Clerk of McKillop, be appointed County auditor for this year. Moved by Dr, Rollina, seconded by Mr. Torrance, that the clause in the House of Refuge bylaws referring to the admission of inmates be amended so as to read as follows ;-No person shall be received in. to the House of Refuge for their mainten- ance unless in accordance with the bylaw, or under an order signed by the Reeve or Mayor of any municipality in the County in wbtob the proposed inmate lives, and endorsed by one of the County Commissioners for the division in which such municipality is located. Such pro- posed inmate must be a resident of the County for ab least two years before ad- mission. The expense of sending in- mates to the House of Refuge must be paid by the looal municipality if not otherwise provided for, and that the by law be amended in accordance herewith, Sent to House of Refuge Committee, Moved by Mr, MoEwen, seconded by Mr. McLean, that D. •Clrgnhaet be audi• tor for the year 1890. The C0000il then proceeded to elect two aubibors. Nine ballots were taken, On the first ballot A. H, Cochrane, of Morris, was elected, and on the ninth ballob .11. A. Carrick, of Kintail, was elected. On motion of Messrs. McEwen and Herr, the Council adjourned 511 9 80 o'clook Friday morning. i'UID.tY, Council met at 9.80 a. in, Warden in chair and all members present. Minutes of former meeting read and passed. Application from George Swallow, Sec. rotary Huron Poultry Aseociation, for grant was sent to Executive, and account of Huron Expositor to Finance Commit. toe. Tenders for County printing and for wood supply, snub to Executive. Moved by Mr, Snell, seconded by Mr. Hays, that $25 be granted Poultry Aeso- eiation, Senb to Executive, Moved by Mr, McEwen, seconded by Mr. Heys, that $20 bo paid Time, Henderson for in. jury to his horse by breakiug through bridge. Sent to Executive. Moved by Dr, Rolliae, seconded by Mr, Clambers, that the Inspector of House of Refuge be in. struoted to take the necessary steps to have an ice house and implement shed built, the wind mill raised and maple trees planted around faint and evergreens around house, all in proper time. Sent to House of Refuge Committee. On motion of Messrs, Miller and Torrance Council adjourned to 2 p. m, Coencil resumed at 2 p. m, Samples of books from H. Armstrong was laid before Council. The report of Road t Bridge Committee was read and taken up to Committee, Mr. Stuart in ohair. Committee rose and reported that all chinos were passed except No, 4 which shall read that the tender of F. Gubtridgo for concrete work at 05.50 be accepted and that clause 3 be exceeded to read that provided Huuter Bros. raise the truss work 18 feet instead of 17 as iu speeilioationa, Warden resumed chair and report as amended adopted. Edu- cation report was placed before Council, Mr, Connolly in ohair. Report was adopted, Report of Special Committee read, Mt'. Patterson in ohair. Report adopted. Report of Finance Committee read, Mr, Beer in the chair, and was adopted. House of Refuge Committee reports read, Mr. Bowman in chair. Both were adopted. County Property Committee reported, Mr, Holt in ohair. The report was amended by Metiers. Holt and Miller, that the report be amended by adding thereto that the question of repairs to cottage at the jail or be ilding a new house at the jail be left to the War- den and Engineer to get estimates of the cost of bnildiug and enquire generally into the matter and report next June. Report was then adopted. The report of the Executive was presented, Mr. Miller in the ohair. Report adopted to clause 14. Moved by Dr, Rollins, seconded by Mr. Connolly, that the Warden, Mr, Snell, and the Clerk be a Special Com- mittee to report iu Sone re County bridge Bylaws as provided in report of Road and Bridge Committee, -Carried, Moved by Mr. Holt, seconded by Mr. Snell, that the sum of 010 be granted by this Council for the purohaee of flower's to be planted around Court House, Sent to Executive. Request from Mr. McCreath for increase of salary. Sent to Executive. Moved by Dr. Rollins, seconded by Mr. Connolly, that the Exe- cutive Committee be asked to report on the salaries of Co. officers and report any changes they deem advisable,-0arried. Moved by Mr. McLean, seconded by Mr. Hays, that D. Chesney be paid $4 00 for injury to horse on the Silver Creek bridge. Sent to Executive. On motion of Messrs. Kerr and Snell the Couuoil adjourned to meet at 8 iu the evening. FRIDAY EVENI\n, Couuoil resumed at 8 o'clock, Moved by Mr. McEwen, eeoonded by Mr. Patterson that the Engineer be in, straoted to purchase plank for flooring bridges this season.-Oarried. Moved by Air. MoEweu, seconded by Mr. Mc• Lean, that the Clerk be authorized to purchase 1 doz. pair handcuffs for Co. Ooustables._Carried. Moved by Mr. Rollins, seconded by Mr. Snell that the Warden and Clerk inquire foto the ogee of Mise Dinkeon, of the township of Grey, who by a will was left ward of the county, with a legacy of 01000.00, and find if the provisions of the will can be enforced, take the solicitor's opinion if deemed necessary and report at next meeting of this Coenoll,-Oarried. Moved by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Patterson tkat the mnotbly visits of the Warden be on the first Tuesday of each month instead of the first Monday owing to railroad couneotiou from his home. - Carried, Balance of Exeoutive report was read, Mr, Miller occupied the ohair in committee. The committee then roes and reported and the report was aocepted in Council. Bylaw No. 1, appointing Auditors, and By-law No. 2, to amend House of Refuge 13y law, were read three times and passed. Coun• ell adjourned to meet on the first Tues• day in Juoe. EXECU'rIVID ooanrITTEID. 1 -In reference to the motion of Messrs. Molnnes and Holt, we reoom- mend that a grant of $20 be made to each of the Agricultural and Horbioulturat Societies holding exhibitions in the Co. this year. 2 -We recommend that a grant of $26 be made to the Ohildrens' Aid Society, on application of Earnest Beaton. 3 -As to applioation of Co. Rifle Association for a grant we reoom. mend no action, 4 -We recommend that Council make a grant of $10 to Prisoners' Aid Association, 5 --We recommend that the application of Geo. W. Holman be granted and that $26 be granted to each of the Teaohers' Aesooi- ations, 6 -In reference to application of 13. Courtney Gilpin and A. J. Monroe for reoommendation to the Ontario Agricul- tural College, we recommend that no action be taken 09 there is no vaeanoy, we having recommended D. H, Martin in June last. 7 -In reference to the claim of H. Medd for damages to a bot•se on Manchester bridge, we recommend that this matter be deferred to the June ses• cion in order that the committee may obtain farther information. 8 -In reference to motion of Messrs. Bowman and Snell, we recommend that the usual grant of $15.00 be made to each of the Public Libraries in the Co. 9 -As to motion of Masers. Molnnes and Kerr, we recommend that the usual grant ot $26.00 be made to eaob of the Farmers' Institutes in the Co, 10 -As to the motion of Messre, Snell and Haye, we recommend that et grant of $25.00 be made to the Poultry Assooiatiou, 11 -- In reference to the claim ot Mr. Hendon, eon for damages to his horse, referred to in the report of Executive of December lain, and which was referred to the Warden and Mr. Hays, we recommend that the offer of settlement, viz„ $20 in full for all claims be accepted and that llir. Henderson be paid that sum, 12- We tind the Clerk for 90 cords f wood reaeived t and that be accepto . ed the lowest tender, being $2 88 per cord, from A. J, Goldtbrope, The only other tender was 08.00 per cord, 18 - We have examined the 5 tenders eabmit. ted to us for tho Co, printing, and we find that the lowest tender throughout is that of the Exeter Advocate and we reoomtnend that this tender be aocepted, the work to be done to the satia- ftotion of the Warden and Clerk. 14 -We have examined the different stafemente submitted to us by the Col- legiate Institubee in the Co. and niter Mamma 05 Mt 5,1 Spectacles -OP ALL f{1NDS- Fitted to Correct all Failures of Eyesight, and your Eyes tutted FRED by latest Optioal methods at Division Court Office, BRUSSELS. AILO riLJ'1Nc! IL . Richardson Is prepared to du all kinds of work in his line. Good Workmanship and Good Fits Guaranteed. LATEST STYLES. Suits matte for $4 and upwards. ►s-bhnp iu tlat'1leid Sleek. INETIBENX We have to make roots decided to clear out the We have out the prices on these will pay you to buy now even if you ahead of ns yet, FEB. 8,1n9 s9 LEW for our Spring Clothing- and have lines that are left at Half Price goods with the determination of clearing them out at onto. It don't wear them till next Winter -but there's a long Winter HEE ARE A FE .CAPS 25c. Caps for 150 50e, Caps for 350 $1.25 Sealette Caps for 65c 4 only, Grey Lamb, regular $2.50 & $2.75 $ 1.75 3 only, Black Lamb, regular $5.00 Caps,.. 3.50 OF THE UNES: UNDERCLOTHING. 50c Wool Shirts and Drawers for 70c Wool Shirts and Drawers for $1 and $1.25 Wool Shirts and Drawers for .All sizes in Boys' Underwear at Bedaced Prices. READYryA DE A Happy g 1 New Year b Snaps in Men's Suits. l` Men's $5.00 Suits for '„ 8.50 to Xll.,. 0? 6.00 " 4.00 " 7.00 " " 8.00 4.50 5. Just to hand first " 10.00 6 « .00 6.00 Shipment English Prints AND -- Gingha ms AT J. G. Skcie's. $1.50 Suits for 75o. ; $1 Suits for $1.25 ; $3.00 Suits If you want to get cheap will not last long at the price at Greatly Reduced Prices. CLO THING. Men's Overcoats. Men's $5.00 " 6.00 " 8.00 " 10.00 Overcoats for ,. 85c 500 75c 3.75 4.50 5.50 7.00 BOYS' S' CLO ! I- dYW ice'. .75 Suits for 88c. ; $2.00 Suits for $1,00 ; $2.25 Suits for $1.18 ; $2.50 for $1.50. clothing for your Boys don't miss this chance but come early as they We also have a few sizes in Boys' Overcoats left which you can have Come with the Crowds to the Great Clothing Sale. al CO. Call and see our stock of Blankets, Sheetings, Flannels, Tweeds, Yarns, Eta,, Wool, Hides, Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. Carding, Spinning, Weaving, Knitting, etc, Promptly attended to at the BRUSSELS WOOLLEN MOLL. L 1 NEW ul�Ver Soup I The undersigned has open- ed up a Butcher Shop in the SMILE BIOS, RAMS, where he will keep constant- ly on hand a supply of the Best Meats Procurable, sold at reasonable prices. A. share of public patronage solicited. S. WSLr��m,�dn',ds Meat delivered to all parts of the town. 0AS15 PAID FOR 1.1ID168. WN PR ICE F Overcoats, Felt Boots All lines of Heavy Rubbers, and Shoes, Furs left in stock In order to dispose of those fines of Winter Goods we are offering big discounts off regular prices. Now is the time to buy -You make the money and We are prepared to Lose for the Balance of the sensori,' Give us a gall and Secure a Email February Standard Fashion Sheets to hand and given away Free, The Patterns are the best and cheapest, prices 5e. to 20o., none higher, Alex. Strath and . Ewan 4' 17zizes will sell the balance of their Cutters aazd Sleighs at Y, s. LARGE REDUCTION IN PRICE.,..... as they are making room for Buggies by the car load. The Best Bargains in the above ever offered in. Brussels. First come, first served as we mean business. int KEEL' IN STOCK A FULL LINE OF 0006 Innes. urnbull TO VES AND WO013, OD,. have you seen the... Chancellor Steel Rams with High Closet ? It beats them >"a all. Get prices on this range. Pare t Z7izerioa72, Water White Coal Cil, Tinware, Cutlery, Lai'72ps,, Hardware, Gi anitewar'e. -CLOSE PRICES IN CROSS CUT SAWS, COAL.�t ® Tho Lance Tooth and tiro Symonds aio our Specialties. COAG,aYg5 The best quality at close prices is our Motto. Wo also handle I31ac1{snlitho' Coal. !Wilton &'Turnbull ,. Brussels.