HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-1-27, Page 8FOR
4699 9
Many use Quinine. lye have ib
In Capsules, which makes It easy to
take, either in 1, 2, 8, 4 or 5 ere., or
if preferred a Quinine minters
(liquid) wbioh is an excellent remedy
when taken in time, and is a grand
thing to give
You would be wise to always have it
in the house—Splendid for the child.
ren when not eating well. We have
also a La grippe Wafer made spec.
ially for Le. grippe which should
quickly produce perspiration and
removes that aching and tired feeling.
For the Dough that. follows there Is
nothing batter than either our Cough
Balm or our Blood Root Cough Cure,
Keep a bottle always in the house.
They are both guaranteed.
G. A. Deadman,
Druggist, Optician c2 Bookseller.
Trains leave Broeeele Station, North
and Soubh, as follows:
GOING Bou00. 00000 NQRTH.
Express 7:1a a.m.! Mail ......... ., a:lo p.m
Hlzsd..:9;46 a.m. Express ......10:10 p.m
rata! Rebm tons.
A ohiel's amang ye Lakin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
LA 000000 is busy.
READ the advertisements,
THE PosT gives the news.
Do yon owe for THE POST 7
DON'T forget the Horse Fair.
Goon toe is being harvested this
SEE program of Concert in another
TENDERS asked for 60 cords of green
FoonrwDivision Court will be held on
Wednesday, February Bib.
Lose Saturday gave ns one customary
weekly blizzatdy snow storm.
A oar of hogs was shipped on Tuesday
by Messrs. Backer & Vanetone, of Bras -
COUNTY Council is in session this week,
Go. Councillors Bowman and Kerr are in
Tan new Copp furnace will be planed
in the Public Sobool building on Satur-
day of ibis week.
THURSDAY evening of this week Mrs. D.
C. Rose gives a Bachelors' Dinner in
honor of Principal Cameron's birthday.
LAST week we stated that the 0. 0. F.
would sleet on Tuesday evening of this
week. That was & mistake as the night
of meeting wilt be next Tuesday.
RAST Huron Agrioettural Society will
unite with the Tnrnberry Sooiety in run-
ning an exoureion to the Model Farm at
Guelph next Sone. They ren one last
year and a most enjoyable outing it
proved to be.
Tam funeral of the late Wm. White
took plane on Saturday afternoon of last
week. He lived for a number of years
near Jamestown, bat on renting his farm
located on the 10th oon. of Gray, not far
from Brussels. Interment was made at
Brussels cemetery.
SHROVE Tuesday will fall on February
16th, Ash Wednesday on February 16th,
Good Friday on March 31st, and Easter
on April nod. May Day will came on a
Monday, the Queen's Birthday (domes on
Wednesday, Dominion Day comes on
Saturday, said Labor Day on Monday,
September 4th. Christmas Day, this
year, comae on Monday,
OHEmwr: A aobsoriber writes as fol-
lows and relieves us of the blues DxAn
SIR :—Enclosed you will find a P. 0.
order for one dollar my subeoription for
next year for Tree POST. Ido not think
I could do without it now as otheralhave
said, "it is as good as a letter, yea better"
as yout are more aura of it coming reg.
ular, I also congratulate you an the
excellency of it as local paper, as none
of the local papers of Carleton Place or
Perth, (our county town) can compare
with it, so people around here who see it
can and do testify. Wishing you every
sacmese with your paper, also as Ooanty
Beressr,a BAND.—On Wednesday even-
ing a meeting was held in the Connell
• Chamber for the purpoao of re -organizing
the Brass Band for the current year,
when the following ofacers were elected :—
President, R. N. Barrett ; Treeurer, W.
0. Smitb ; Secretary, D. MoLanohlin ;
Managing Committee, R. N. Barrett, A.
Bird, W. Griffith and Saml. Skalitzky,
The Presidenb was appointed to wait on
the Connell with regard to the yearly
grant. The Secretary was iostrooted to
advertise in the Iooal papers for a leader,
Regular p, raatioe will commence at once
and the Band hopes to be in tiptop shape
by the first of May.
land Miner of Jan. 18th, speaks as fol.
lows of a well known former Brasselite
—John Ferguson MOOrae, the newly
elected alderman from the $eoond ward,
has perhaps as wide a eirole of acquaint -
armee and friends as any man in the city.
He has been a resident of Roseland Minae
1890, and since then has always been
foremost in every movement calculated
to advance the welfare of the city, Mr.
MoOrae bas interested thousands upon
tbousande of dollars of Eastern capital
in Roseland, and bas promoted many
saoSessful enterpriser,. Mr. MoOrae was
elected with the largest vote recorded in
any ward for any candidate. That fact
Must be pertionlarly gratifying to Me.
McCrea, as be is now reonperating at
Halcyon Ilot Springs, and owing to illness
he was unable to bo here at any time
during the campaign. Be need not,
however, have made any effort to senors
the election, as is teetilied by the result of
the polls, Friday. The mere Poet that
Mr, MtCrne commuted to let hie name
be need assured his eleetion by a liberal
majority. Mr. MoOrae le an Ontarian,
altberigh Sootoh dement, and he has been
prominently identified with St. Andrew's
Sooiety ea well as With all tither Scotch
began izaHens,
MONTH= Horse Pair on Thursday of
next week. A number of outside boyars
A I.rrTI.N lase furious driving on the
main street world serve all practical
Weep has been coming into town this
Week iu larger gnnt:11,3 s than for some
weeks pact,
Nines Wednesday will wilier in the
mouth of February, Time jogs along at
lively roto.
Tun meeting called far Band organize
tion purposes for Net Friday evening (did
nob eventuate but will be held on Friday
evening of this week,
Wma'r Heron Dominion bye election
will be held in about a month. The
oandidates are Editor Holies, of Clin.
ton, and R. McLean, of Gadertah, Both
oandidatee are hard at work.
Iuremt.Si, MALE QUuRTE'ITE and Eugene
Lockhart, the boy Comedian, Town Hall,
Brussels, Tuesday es -ening of next week
wader the auspices of the Citizen's Eu.
terbsinmeut Course. Pian of Hall at
Fox's drug store. See program.
Scams= a hanaehold in town has es-
caped a visitation from la grippe, which
has not been so generally prevalent for
years. It seems to epretd over a large
area of country, and from Montreal to
the ooest its victims are numbered by
THE sudden obang«s in temperature
Ibis Winter bave been very trying on the
old people and the mortality has been
very high of late. It is wall for those
advanced in years to take the best poo.
sibie Care of tbemselves during the in -
element weather.
F. S. SCOTT received an invitation to
attend the annual oelebration of the
Burns' anniversary at Langdon, North
Dakota, on the 25th. Owing to previoes
engagemente Finlay could not attend.
Itis a regular field day there, thousands
attending. Tbe names of Henry McLean,
W. B. and Jas. Dickson, D. Molotoeb,
Adam Reid and A. Sillars, former rest.
debts of Braseele and locality were on
the Committees.
DIED.—This week William Rose re•
aeived word of the death of his second
brother, James, which took place early
this mouth ite hie native town, Tpin,
Roeehire, Scotland. He was about 65
years of age and had anent all bis days
in his native shire. He was engaged in
farming and laterly in the flour, feed and
grain business. He leaves a wife, one
eon and one daughter. The son resides
in New York. ]Sir. Ross has still anoth-
er brother, Duncan, in the Old Country.
K. 0. T. M.—The following officers of
Brussels Tent, No. 24, K. 0. T. M., were
duly installed at Review held on Jan.
24th ;--
Peat Com.—M, 0. Moore ;
Com.—A. J. Somers ;
Lieut: Oom.—W, F. Ironstone ;
Record Keeper—A. McGuire ;
Finance Keeper—Geo. Backer ;
Chaplain—John Wright;
Physician—F. H. Kalbdeisob ;
Sergeant—O. H. Dodds ;
Master-at-Arms—S, Carter ;
let M. of G.—Geo. Colvin ;
2nd M. of G.—R. Denbow ;
Sentinel—M. M. Cardiff ;
Picket—S, Stevenson.
annual meeting of the Canadian Press
Asaoaiatiou is to be held on Thursday and
Friday, Feb, end and Bei, iu Toronto.
Tbe following well known gentlemen will
take part in the program :—D. MoGilli-
oaddy, John A. Ewan, W. E, Evans, H.
P. Moore, W. S. Dingman, J. B. MoLeen,
L. T. Jaokeon, Prof. J. W. Robertson, T.
Southworth and A. G. F, Macdonald.
There is to be a banquet at Webb's on
the Brat night, at wbioh E. L. Godkin, of
New York, Pciooipal Grant, E. F. Olarke,
H. P., and the Hoo. J. T. Garrow, will
speak. Oa Thursday afternoon the
Assooiation is to bave en iceboat trip on
Toronto Bay through the kindness of B.
5, Campbell, of the Oabada Paper Co.
GRAND CONCERT—The fol lowing will be
the unique and interesting program to be
presented at the Concert Taeeday even-
ing of next week in Broeeele Town Hall,
ander tine auspices of the Citizens' En-
tertainment Course :—
1—Marah, "Onward," Imperial Quartette.
3—Scotch Dance, "Shaun Trews," Eugene
8—Duet,"The Fisherman " .7, 0, Lockhart
and H. R. McDouald.
4—Solo, "Mona," A. Carpenter.
6—Quartette, Until the Dawn," Imperial
0—Solo, "The Fog Ball," H. R, McDonald.
7 —Duet, (Humorous) 'The Twine,' J. 0.
Lockhart and W. E. Collins.
1—Quartette, (Scotch) "Annie Laurie," Im-
perial Quartette.
2-0omic Song, "Ella Bring My Umbrella."
Eugene Lockhart,
B --Solo,' The Sailor's Grave ,"J, C. Lockhart,
4—Dunt (Humorous) "I Want to be a
So?(ler," W.E. Collins and 11, R. Mc-
6-0omae Sone, "My Gal ie a High Born
Lady," Eugene Lockhart,
9—Solo She was Born in Old Rentuoky,"
W. E. Conine,
7—Duet, "Love and War," J, 0, Lockhart
and H. E. McDonald.
8—Quartette, When Day Fades," Imperial
Plan of Hall at Fox's drug store.
DEATH Ol B. V. ELtoorr, The death
of Benjamin Vallook Elliott, father of
Gifford Elliott, barrister, formerly of
Bruseele, whish oocurred at his late
residence in Exeter on Jan, 41b, carried
gloom and sadness to the hearts of many
warm friends in that iooaliby, With him
passed away one of the most prominent
figures in the history of Exeter, being one
of ite pioneers. Deceased was born in
Devonshire, Eng., in the year 1815. He
graduated at law in England, and for
some years practiced at Plymouth. He
married in 1844, and in 1860 emigrated to
Canada, settling in London, where he
remained until 1860, when he moved to
Exeter, and has since practiced law
there, having enjoyed one of the best
practices' in Ontario, his fame as a care.
fel adviser being widely known. Mr.
Elliott was a soholarly man, possessing
a fond of fnformabion, professional and
general, that made him snooeesful in hie
praobioe. Re was manly and generous
in his impulses, and honest and up-
right in his dealings with his fellow.
men, He was a Conservative in politfos
and a member of the Church of England,
having at times held important odtoee
in both. Hie mortal remains were de.
posited in the Exeter cemetery on Mon
day, and a large number of friends
Resembled at the Trivia Memorial
church to assist in the last sad rites,
Tbe &alive pallbearers were D. Mill, N.
Dyer Horden, T. B. Carling, Capt.
Kemp, F. W. Gladman and Bobt. Sand.
ere. Dr. Beaumont, of London, eon -
looted the 'funeral aerviccs. A widow,
7 eons and 4 daughters mourn the lose of
an affectionate husband and indulgent
father, Peace to his ashes,
JNo, teem shipped a oar of oattie from
Bruseele on Ilanday of this week.
Wsar. the flax mill be operated this
year in Demote is the egesbion often
LA Garen bas eat n wide swath this
Winter, In some oases whole lamilitia
have been prostrated,
Tun new tonsorial parlor of R. N.
Barrett has been fitted up with a (Lose of
paint and wall paper.
5As, Fox has sold 89 orolrinole boards
this Winter, The game most surely bo
ineroaeing in popularity.
IT is reported that a request will be
made to redone the Hotel !fomes fee iu
Brussels at the next Coanoil meeting, -
ANNUAL meeting of Brussels Driving
Park Association will be held on Friday
evening of this week at the American
Hotel at 8 o'clock.
Oun beet thanks are due to those who
are straightening up subscription arrest,
ages to TIM POST. The amounts are al.
ways credited on the address babel.
RoNALn S&Ncuara was awarded a nice
volume for befog the beet boy in his Bab.
bath school ease in Melville school, for
1898. firs. I. 0. Itioharde is the teacher.
QorTE a quantity of dressed beef is
being marketed in Brussels by the
quarter. The Bylaw prohibits the sale
to mailer goantibies exoeptiog from
batoher shops,
ON Tuesday, Februaray 7th, the annual
meeting of North Huron County Orange
Lodge will be held in W Ingham. The
above mentioned town le making a bid
for the uext Orange on the coming 12th
of July.
Tan Finanos Committee of the Ancient
Order of United Workmen, met in Tor.
onto the other day. The year 1898 was
a very suoosesful oue with the A. O. U.
W. After paying all death claims for the
year there is left for reserve account
Doea.1LD MCDONALc's team ran away
from the Central Hotel shed on Friday
last. They ran foul of a telegraph pole
at Beattie's livery and left the front bob
there. The team was oaptared near the
cemetery. No very serious damage was
Rev. Mr. Abey's diseoarse last Sunday
morning was taken from 1st chapter of
Ephesiane and part of the 22nd and 23rd
verses. In the evening the text was
"And bis dieaiples Dame and took tip the
body, and buried it, and went and told
Jesus." St. Matt, 14-12
Miss Mary Rose, teaoher of the Prim.
cry plass in Melville Sabbath rohool,
Brussels, is down for a topic in connec-
tion with the Guelph Primary S. S.
tsaobers' Unice). Her subject is "The
child as a Worker," Mise Roes is en
excellent teaoher. Miss Jessie M. Rosa,
formerly of Brussels, is the Correspond.
ing Secretary of the Union, and has a
couple of topics on the program. It ex-
tends over three months.
Scaoo, Sections should avail them-
selves of the privilege the law allows them
in the matter of platting membership in
a Public Library at their disposal, We
quote the Section of the Aot whinh reads
aa follows :—"lb shall be lawful! for any
munioipalor school corporation to cos•
tribute to the mainteeance of a Yublia
Library as such corporation may deem
expedient, awl to exercise its corporate
powers for the oulleotion of any sum so
contributed from the taxable property of
the ratepayers under its jurisdiction,"
Tat Emerson Journal of Jan. 20th
says :—"We have to announce to our
readers that there is to be a slight change
in the Journal next week, which will fn
future be published under the sole
management and control of W. B. Ballan-
tyne, one of the preeenb partners, Mr,
Ballantyne joined this paper two years
ago, and has now decided to take full
charge of the publication." Tete Pose
says "Go ahead and prosper, you are
good for it W. B."
A. O. U. W.—At the Workman's
Lodge last Friday evening Past Master
Farrow gave an address on the proposed
amenlmente to the Constitution ; In•
strumental; mouth organ and organ,
Harry Mercer and Harry D. L.MoOras ;
H. D. L. MOOrate a reoitation entitled
"Waterloo" ; J. H, Wiemer a reading on
"The Plebiscite Vote" ; reeibation, "Our -
few Bell," by Master Workman MnOraok-
en ; song, .11, MuOraokeu, Next meeting
will be held on Friday evening of next
Os Eugene Lockhart J, T, Dalton,
London, says ;—"A truly wonderful
boy. lie vocal and terpsichorean teob•
neeque is only excelled by hie keeu sense
of the humorous, aided by his exquisibely
funny fare,"—"St. Andrew's Concert—
Eugene filled the bill. Ile is 7 years old,
fat, and waren he strutted on the stage, he
captured the audience at once. Like
Oliver Twist, they called for more, ao he
gave a ootuia song, wbioh was well given.
He is a remarkable little lad and took
his part well."—Daily Mercury, Guelph.
—"One name in particular meet be
mentioned—Little Eugene Lockhart.—
He is one of the outset little fellows ever
eeeu on a platform, He is only 7 years
o11, but does all the Soobob dances per•
featly, and with the greatest nonchalance.
He did a musical turn and dance in the
costume of an ancient Irish jaunting car
driver, mad reoeivod great applause."
—01. Thomas Evening. Journal. Town
Hall, Brussels, next Tuesday evening
with the Imperial Male Quartette.
on Wednesday afternoon of this week
the spirit of Geo. Colvin ere an old and
esteemed resident Of this looaliby, took
its flight to the Great Beyond. The old
gentleman had been ailing for some time,
but was only oonfined to bed for 2 weeks,
The cease of death was a general wear•
ing out of the physioel meohaniem, as he
bad passed his 00th mile post on Life's
journey. Deceased was born in Donegal
Go,, Ireland, in 1808, and there followed
the occupation Of farming, Iu 1880 be
W0.8 united in rnartiage to Miss Ann
Currie, who predeceased him about 0
years ago, About 50 years ago, in 0010.
pany with his wife, he emigrated to
Canada, landing ab Rnebee, and thence
going to Northeasthopo, where they rd•
sided for 16 years, when they moved ;1e
Muskoka, but only remained about 1
year when they came book to Wellesley
and aftorwarde to Bennetts about 28 years
ago, where he has ever since melded.
Ile leaves a family of three children,
namely, Mrs. Wm. Glass, of illeliillop ;
Mrs. Wm, Griffith and Geo. Colvin, of
Brussels. With the latter be made bis
home. Mr. Colvin was a member of the
Ohurob of England, and a staunch Con-
servative in politico. He was of it pate -
olio turn of mind and loves( to talk of his
earlier home to the Lend of the Sham.
rook, Deceased had always been a hale
hearty man, but Time and Nature as-
serted their olaime and he passed away
as above stated at the tips old ago of 00
years, 1 month and 28 days, The tatter-
ed takes plane from hie sea's residsnae
Friday afternoon at 3 O'oloek, interment
at Brussels cemetery. The sorrowing
relatives end family are deeply sympe.
tltiesd with in their to reavement. 41r.
Colvin wee the „i b •a ,nen 111 a radius of
many miles erten bete loctaliby.
Business Locals,
J tete received a oar of Manitoba flour.
Meeker & Vanebouo.
lioness son SAr,E.—One good working
horse and one No. 1 driver.
Smith cC MaLerou.
Bertnnoo and painliug of buggies at.
bunted to promptly end cheaply by Ewan
WE aro selling Prieetiey's oelebraled
dress goods at diosulution sale prime,
Smith & MoLaren.
OYSTER season is here and W. A, ()rich
is prepared to supply the public with
Bootle's best brands from Baltimore.
You can save money on boots, shoee
and overshoot by attending the disooln-
tion sale, Smith & kleLnren.
SSECTACLEs lost within 2 miles of Brus-
eels, on Thursday, 19th .inet. Finder
will oblige by leaving them at THE PosT.
Ronald Fire Engine Works wish to
purchase 100 to 200 cords of wood, four
feet long—hard or soft—green or dry,
early delivery.
W. A. Cuter{ is still doing be• lease at
the old stand where may be foutel bread,
Oakes and pastry. Fruite iu their sea -
ANT one needing a fresh s, t of teeter
out in any size of a oirpular .,,w may
have this work done by T, BItGregor,
saw glimmer and filer, Que,., attest,
East, Brussels.
Ho 1 for Wingham with its 10 dry
goods shops and - 40 groceries. Butter,
le to 17o. Ohoiee turkeys andrawu, 10o.
Everybody gives 20 lbs. granulated sugar,
G. E. Knee, IVingham.
RaaARDLmsi ox Cosi.--P'or the next
three weeps Miss Ross will Bell Millinery
and Millinery goods at ant priaes, regard.
lees of cost, to matte room for Spring
goods, Call in. Strettou blook, Brus-
Ewan & Iexes have ou band some new
buggies of different hinds wbioh will suit
parties going West, We expect our
wagons in next week. Parties who are
taking a oar will do well to see what we
are selling.
ANT amount of wood will be talten for
saw gumming and tiling. Wood may be
rough or smooth, hard or soft, any length
or in the log, to be delivered before the
work leaves my shop. T. IloGnoaon,
saw gummer and fi'er, Queen street, East,
Graeme—In Dartmouth, N. S., the wife
of Mr. R. S. Gibsoo, furmerly of
roseber, f a eon.
W o
Menominee—In Tnrnberry, Jan. 14th,
the wife of Mr. John MoNaughtou, of
a daughter.
Muscuo7E,—In Cake Hill, San. 4th, the
wife of Mr. Thos. Musgrove, of a son.
Bnowo, In Lakelet, Jan. 12th, the wife,
of Mir. Patrick Brown, of a daughter.
MAP 2x22_
LUNDY—RonERUa.—At the residence of
the bride's parents, Wiugham, on
Jan. 11th, by Rev. Wm. Lowe, Mr.
Edward 0. Lundy, of Blyth, to klisa
Lnoinda Avis, daughter of Mr, P, H.
Buez,—In Grey, on Tuesday, Jan. 21th,
1809, Isabella, beloved wife of Philip
P. Boaz, aged 68 years, 10 months
and 1$ &aye.
Come. — Iu Bran:ale, on Wednesday,
Jan. 2651.1, George Oolvio, sr., aged
90 years, 1 month and 28 days.
SUTEERnaND.—In East Wawauosb, Jan.
211111, Isabella R„ wife of W. Suther-
land, aged 60 years and 6 menthe.
AULD. —In Wiagham, Jan. 22nd, Sara
Margaret, wife of Thom. Auld, aged
35 years, 0 mouths and 21 days,
MAOutse.—In Howler, Jan. 17th, Ben.
jamin Maguire, aged 84 years and 7
Beees.—In McKillop, on San. 19113, John
Bette, aged 69 years, 4 months and
2 days.
Grass.—In Portage la•Prairie, Man„ on
Jan. 19th, Tessie, third daughter 01
Wm. and Luoy Glass, of IvIoKillop,
aged 24 years, 6 months and 15 days,
MoDoxarn—In Auburn, on Jan. 17th,
Andrew T. McDonald, aged 49 years
and 5 months,
BRo,tneooe.—Ia Tookeremith, on Jan.
13th, Jas. Broadfoot, aged 67 years.
Hone.—At Inohrawn, Goderiob, on Jan.
15113, Philip Terenoe Holt, youngest
child of Philip Holt, barrister, aged
5 years, 2 months and 10 days,
WEDNESDAY, DEB. 22a8.—Farm stoop,
implements, Ice N a lot 26, con. 0,
Grey. Sale unreserved at 1 p. m. Wm.
Lake, prop, F. S. Scott, agm
meas asaem=T.,00 B.1....sa $:e7'2'S,
Fall Wheat 68
Bagley.; .. , .... 65
Cate ..,, 98
Butter, tubs and rolls ... 1B
Eggs per dozen 14
Flour per barrel......,4 00
Potatoes (per bus.) .,.,50
Hay per ton 4 00
Eiden trimmed 7
Hides rough 5
Suit per bbl,, retail 1 00
Sheep shine, each 80
Lamb shins sash - 25
Hoge, Live
Dressed flogs
Apples (per bag)
( 00
6 7i
3 75 4 00
4 75 5 00
10 17
60 60
Tenders win be reoeivod by the nhdm'otgn •
ed, up to Feb, kith, for the delivery of 00
cords of 221noli body bard wood, beach or
maplemaple lo be delivered on or bolero klarall
lowest or any candor not tieoesaar•
lly exempted. W. k1, HERE,
Bandmaster wanted to load the Bruseele
Brake Band for the year 18010. Apnliaatiouo
must he in before Suterday, Pet), 411.1, Cor-
net player preferred. State notary and ma
Internam. 1),J,kfoLAU01ILiN,
,Soeretary, ilrusoble,
A�`T,2NT�t 113 I34,2Y OF C4✓Ar,4D"1,
=f-vV.e1.1:3X.4exzxaza a HEAD OFFICE, OFFICE, ^ TORONTO
CAPITAIL PAID UP (Una Million Dollars)
Apenoiea in all principal points fa Ontario, Quebec, lllaatito5a, United States cdTttpland,
A Genoral • Banking Masi 'su Transacted. Fannon' Notes Dinoounted,
Drafts Isms' d Rud Coliootione made on all points.
Interest allowed on coronas of $1.00 and upwards,
Every facility afforded Ouetomore living at a diatanoe.
11f. 111. MREN T, 11.1APA00R.
DEnetoNL*n hoe bad 810,000 plueed In
his Laude to loan eu inartgnae, farm sear.
ity, Payment to suit borrowers.
Apply to W. H, NEER, 131'useele,
Ma Machine, Organ or Piano can be
supplied by applying to me for I am not out
of the business as some hove tried to report,
I will deal with you es roaeouablo as any,
28• T, aro 0B1;, Brussels.
00 Mill street, Brussels. The house
is a oonim:table one, well ailed up, with
sellar, hard and soft water, &o, There Is
also a good stable. Fruit trees in garden
aver one.quarber acre of land. For prion,
terms, &0., apply to B. FINN, Tropriotor,
or w, H. Iira1t, of THE Pon.16.10
The Annual Meeting of the Brussels Driv-
ing Palk Association for the election of offi-
cers, the renewing of the report of the
ectors for the past year and such other busi-
ness as may be lawfully brought before the
meeting, will be held at the American 'Hotel
on Friday evening, Jauttary 27th 1809, at 8
o'clock, F. 0, 800Tlr,
001.111.611 OF MUSIC.
kfaaon'e System of Touch and Taehuia, in -
abiding Clavier prnotiao, given by MISS
SARAH LOUISE M0011E, L, 0. M., who
holds Araademia oertidoctos in Music from
London Conservatory ; pupil of W. Coven
Barron, Principal, She is also a competent
pipe organist. Miss Moore visits Walton
Monday and Tuesday of each week for the
purpose of givine instructions 00 piano and
organ, For particular's apply at Mr, Fergtt-
sou's resictense, Walton, or pesto;iloo box
180, Sealorth, 20•
PALE. Lot 10, Con. 9, Grey, 10 feet of
it tonohee the river. Immediate possession,
For price, terms, dec.,apply
10- THOS, OR
E, Brussels_
The undersignedoffer two 800 ears
farms for sale at reasonable prices. The lots
are Nos. 10 and 11, Con. 0 (Sunshine), the
sideroad between them. Good brick house
and barn on lot 11, and house and 2 benison
lob 10. Orchards and all =canary 0005'e0-
ie000s. Well watered and suitable for grain
or grazing. 100 area now in grass. will be
sold either separate or together to suit per-
ehaser. Terme of payment reasonable. Im-
mediate possession. For further particulars
pply to JOS1il0H OLI:GG, 13russele P, O„ or
E L 0I0 iINSON, Barrisber, Wiugllam, lit
doreigued Were his farm, Weal Half
Lot No. 10, Coo. 4, Croy, eon Mining 60 acme,
more or less. For particulars as to prion
u0d tonne apply to
ARObt, 100B100t2SON,
Brueaola P, 0, 0n the promises,
.L. Lot 20, N 0 Oon, 0, Morris township,
aontaiuing 08 acres of area -class land. There
is a house, barn, orebare and good ware-
house, and farm'is well fenced, There are
85 acres iu Tall wheat; 15 acme In hay cud
40 acres pasture, Poseossion could be given
at mum. Tartu adloius the village of 13 rim -
sole, For fm'tlrer partimtlurs as to pries,
toms, &c., write to 1AMI48 LIVINGSI'ON,
M, P,,, Baden. 9.241
Consisting of the South 1 and South 3
of the North t of Lot 80, Con 2, East Wawa -
nosh. This is au expellent stock farm,being
well nupplied with good spring water, Itis
situated about 3 miles from the thriving Vil-
lage of Blyth, A largo part of it is nutter
grass. Buildings and fences aro in a fair
state of rennin, Easy terms of payment will
be given. For all Information apply to
11-16 (0.F, BLAIR, Barrister, Brussels,
Notice to Creditors.
Ia the Strroitnhe Court of Me County of
Heron, in Ute hatter of the estate of
Ann Mooney, late of the Village of
Brussels, in the County of Huron,
widow, deceased.
Notlao Is hereby given pursuaub to Revis-
ed Statutes of Outarto, 1058, Sea. 88, that all
creditors and others having any claims
against the estate of Ann Mooney, late of tb e
Village of Brussels, in the County of Hu ren,
widow, deceased, who died on or about the
0th day of January, A. 0.1809, ab tiro 001,1
Village aliments, are belay required to
seed by post, prepaid, or to deliver to G. F.
Blair, of the Village of Brussels, solicitor for
John kleouey uud Jane Mooney, of the Town-
ship of Morris, in the said County Of Huron
and Mary Campbell, of the maid Village of
B reseals, the Executors of the said estate ou
or before the Third day of February, A, 0„
1800, their fun addressee n
1 9 names, idr t ,bl and des-
criptions, and the fulurn the secs fes (if
claims,07)13and the nature of the securities er
guy) held by thorn. said
notice is further
date the after the said pro mentioned
tribthe said Executors nos proceed a dis-
00100+ the persons
of the said deceased,
among the to the entitled thereto, having
regard onlyhave been
to the Maims or which notice
the s it Executors
ower as above a responsible and
the sahe assets
or will nothbe re 0 u distil -
ed to any
or guy part thereof, so ootia -
butatl to guy a beso r whose claim ssis 01
shatl not have bona received at Line time Of
such. dietrlbnliou.
G.F. BLAIIL Brussels, Ont.,
Solicitor for Executors.
Dated at Brussels, Jan, 1811, 1809.
JAll. 27, 189D
STs have many kinds of it ---
hero's a few of thew
Green's., Green's,
Scotch Oatmeal,
°anaphor Complexion,
Wood Violet,
Valley Violet,
Tar and many others.
See our 'Window this
ween[ for prices,...
Fox's Drug Store.
Tb/NBEl18 will be received by the Connell
oiM:0il10p, to be opened at Jones' Hotel,
Leadbnr v, on Muuday, the 20111 February,
for a steel bridge and stone or concrete abnt-
msute at what is 'move as Cowan's Bridge,
85 miles North of Seafortll and ' mile Haat
of gravel road. The bridge will bo 00 feet
between abutments and of stool. structure,
14 feet wide with Oak stringers not more
than 2 feet apart and 3 by 8 Indies; oak
en solid femullation and contain about u160
able yards, if of stone, to be of size and
quality of those iu abutments for Grieve's
bridge on gravel road, If of concrete the
cement need to be of best quality, and stone
for titling to be broken two inches square
and at least Bair es lush cement plastering
on outside of abutments, The 0oatractor
can tee the steno In the present abubm9uts
for filling, if mord atone is needed Connell
will furnish them wattle two miles of bridge.
All tenders to be sealed and newt to Tao. 0.
Morrison, Winthrop P, 0. Tenders will bo
1.e0s1vad for whole Or for bridge and abut-
ments eeparatoly. Tho Council dons not
bind itself to aoospt the lowest or any ten-
Thousands of young leen and
women have found a business
education a stepping -stone to
13CiresUgrs Free. Enter Nott,
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
A, Genuine MOne .dving Event for the People.
People who have called and got the prices buy freely
All 12ic. Shirtings for
All 100.
All 22c, and 25c. Cottonades for
Flannelettes at Wholesale Prices.
A few pieces of Grey Flannel loft.
ulna Bargains on them.
We offer gen-
$1.85 line of Overshoes for
1.60 tr
750. Lined Rubbers for
85c. line of Tweeds for
,.,.,, 85c
A number of lines that were $1.25 to $1.60, for
$1.00 and $1.10.
$2.00 Goods for $1.60.
All kinds of Boots and Shoos very Cheap.
,Szorts for Boys ancZ Suits for ,Mery at ,Manufacturer's Prices.
The Money is needed—We are forced to slaughter the goods.
Mantle Cloths that were $1.00 for 65c. and 75c.
that were $1.25 & $1.85 for $1.00.
All higher priced Mantle Cloths at and in some
cases less than cost.
All $1.00 lines of Underclothing for
All 75
All 65 r'
A11 50
All $1.00 linos of Top Shirts for
All 75
All 50 cg
VT I—I Irl El a I is
All $1.25 lines of White Shirts at
All 1.00
All 75
All 50
$10,00 Coats for $7.50 ; $8.00 Coats for $6.00 ;
$7.00 and $7.50 Coats for $5.00; $5.00 Coats
$8.75 ; $2,50, $8,00 and $8.50 Coats for
$2.00 and $2.50.
117111tE ..',veg£iye�[id56vE11 mA