HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-1-27, Page 5JAI'?, 147, 1899 BUSINESS CARDS. '1"tON1+,Y TO LOAN AT 5 PPR 1 abut, 1+,6, BOO= Brussels. T1I, MoORACKEN, lientror of Marriage Moonset, 011loo at Ido U0uo0ry r litUbi rty street, lirmeseln. 1 . N. BARRETT, Tonsorial Artist. Shop -Next door e..nth of A, 111, 11IcKay & Oo's hardware store. t.adlea'audohildr'oun hair cutting a aueolalty MISS JEAN M'LAIJCHLiN, --TEACHER 01r - PIANO - AND - ORGAN, 0:3xt.r. 'rCo7T..0, CSTT, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INBQ¢AN010, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. T. FLETCHERI Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Omen AT JEW1Lar STono. t"No Witness Required. • T. FLETCHER, Brussels I1ARMS FOR SALE. --THE UN- DERBreNRntlasseVeralgool Farms for ole apl to rout, easy terms, in Townships p.gBerrie and Glpy, lr 13, 300TT,Brussele LEX. IIUNTI{,R, .t'iv. Clark of the Fourth Division (lour Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Politic Land, Loan o ntolon. ed invested and Insurance Ponds 01Uoo in Graham's Blook. Br'usOole AUCTIONEERS. A ]HUNTER, LICENSED AUC• triMinNn. Money to Mau, Perms to tell. T.' S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION• • nun, will te11 for bettor prides, to better men. In ens time and loss charges than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or be wont charge anything. Dates and orders eau always bo arranged et this oillce or by personal application, VETERINARY. ^ee' D. WARWICK, • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all diseases of domoetientod animals in a com- petent manner. Partloular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calle promptly at. tended to. Ogloe and Infirm sty -Fong doors north of bridge 'eurnberry et., Brunele. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. Yat M, SINOLAIB BARRISTER • Solloltor,UonvoyaneOr,NotaryPob- Itc, &u. ODlco-Van0to0e'0 Block,10 door north of Central Hote Solicitor for the 3tan do.ldBank. (1 P. BLAIR, BARRISTER, ``--JAI • 6olioitor, &o. (late of Garrow & Prondloot'e Onloe, GoderiolI.) OlIce over Clllliea & Smith's lank, Brussels. Motley to Loan. 47 •i'l f • G. CAMERON, a • (Formerly of orlon on, 73o111 & Cameron Barrister and Sorioltor, Goderlah, Ont. OIIlco-Hamilton St„ Opposite Col borne Hotel. MEDICAL CARDS, J. A. M'NAUGHTON, 0. M., Trinity University, Follow Trin- ity Medical College, Member College of Phy- e;olans and Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal College or Physicians and Licentiate of Midwifery,Edinburgh. I elephone Na .14. Itoeid11 noo, Mill St., 1301 00010, E. T. SNIDER, 11f. D., O. M., 0ueceesor to Dr. A, McKelvey, Lfoentiate of Royal College of PUyoioiaus and Surgeons, Ellington ; Member of the OMI. lege of Pnysic,nnt and Surgeons of Ontario. Diseases of women and children.% specialty. Eight years' experience, "r 'Oflloe avd res. 110000 that formerly occupied by Dr, Mo- Ii,olvey,Turuborry street, Bru00ole, 25- tl. M. ARMSTRONG, M.B., M.D., M.C.P.S.O. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, AOOOUGHEUR, ETC. Special attention given to a(000000 of the Throat and Lunge and d1Beasen of Women and Children, RESIDENCE-WALTON, ONT, DR. F. H. KALBFLEISCH, PlIXSICIAN, 6U12MEON AND ecoottOm]011, SUCCESSOR TO DR. W. GRAHAM, BRUSSELS. - ONTARIO. Sat Glees Honor Graduate of the • Univers', Moto! Tidally (Toronto),Queen's (Kinston), chit of Trinity Medioal,College; Fellow of of the '•n Medical olla 0 and member Trinity 0 10. 7o t Gradate mudoo10 Surgeons oo it aer- nd io• lost Graduate Course to Detroit and Chimtgo,1805,6ees t) attention aid to dis- eases of Nye ,'eo and Thand ills - eases of Women, tF•OouOnitation in Eng• lieb and Gorman. Telephone at residence, ' IMPROVED YORKSHIRE BOAR FOR. SERVICE. The undersigned will keep for service on Lot GI Con, 0 Morris, the tllol'o'•brol Im- proved Yorkshire Boar, "Oak Lodge Lena- follow;' Not 2400, bred by J, E, R rethous, Bur- ford, to which a limited num her of sows will be taken, Terme, 01.00, to be paid at time of acrvioo with privilege Of ratoroto811 000' 009807, A number of oholoo youoggows for salo.for brooding purp_ores which will bo sold' at prices to suit the times. 21- 0OBT.NICB.0L,Proprietor. Defoe. A 'W'ood's I hoephodtito, The Great English 12emed0. Sold and reeolnmended by aI druggists in.0anada. Only rel( able ruodioinc discovered. 8)1 packages (/uorailteed to care all 'Drone of -Sexual Weakness, all effects 0f alma( er excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use 017o. bao00, Opium or $thnu11mM. Mailed on recolpl It pride, one packages 11, 010,15. One tOfll pVOOAd, '4x 2M1110.0. Pamphlets (roe to nny address. The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont, Bald In 13iumole by G.A. D1ADMAN, Dragglot, floottololler i Opt;ioian, 31f)istritf ire + -WO t dVVIefe INe't'Imlrrt4, On 'Thursday of next week, ]fob, 2nd, It meeting of !'last Huron Farntera' Instibnto will bo held in lord. wioh at whioh the following interesting program will be presented ; -• Afternoon, 1 o'clock•• -Chairman's addrege ; T. Mo. Millan, Care and application of manure G. Mnrdie, Seaforth, Feeding cattle for export ; 3.14. (could, Value of ensilage, growing of corn, building of cheap elle and filling silo i 3. Sheppard, Planting and care of oruharrio. livening, 7 o'clock -Chairman's address ; J. 1';. Gould, Modern methods of cultivating the soil ; J. Sheppard, Three historical days on Niagara River, Good musical program at evening meeting when spate will be re• served for ladies, 138. rte. David McGill, of East Wawanooh, bas been appointed to the position of precen- tor in St. Andrew's church, Blyth. john Brown, who has been a resident of Hullett for many years, bas retired from farming and moved to Blyth where ha has purchased the house on King street belonging to the Parrot setae. A. T. MaDooald, ex•reeve of Hullett, died at his home near Auburn on Wed• needay morning of last week. He had been ill for over a month with a oompll' oation of diseases. W. W. Sloan left on Tuesday of last week on a three weeks' business trip to Nashville and New Orloane. . He is a member of a syndicate that has recently purchased a large tract of timber Janet in Ml0Bie0ippi, West Huron Farmers' Institute held meetings Thursday afternoon and even. ing in Industry hall, Blyth. The speak. r v W lff born of Leamington• 0 9 5 0100 W.I Halton Monteith, B. S. A., of Donie ; Roderick Young, of Colborne, and M. Lockhart, of East Wawanoah, At the evening session a good literary and muni. cal program was provided. The anniversary sorvioes in connection with Bt. Anerew'0 church, Blyth, were (281.1 on Sunday, on which 000aeion Rev. Phomas Wilson, of London, preached. On Monday evening Mr. Wilson gave his popular lecture, "Thirty years among the oaanibals," illustrated by lima light views. Br,rmtl FAomonr.-The annual meeting of the Blyth Cheese and Butter Manu. factuting Oo., Limited, wag held at the Commercial hotel. There was a good at. tandems) of members and the following oliloere were elected for the present year :-Pres„ Ohris. Joboeon ; Vice Prot., Chas. Taylor ; Seo., R. B. Mo - Gowan ; Treas., N. Qumiog ; Salesman, Robb. Marshall ; Directors, Walter Mo. Gowan, N. Corning, Rola. Marshall and Chas. Taylor ; Auditors, 3. B. Tierney and Geo, Quinn. During the poet season there was delivered at the factory 803,• 230 pounds of milk ; cheese manufaotur. ed. 78,177 poands; average pounds of milk to one pound of cheese, 10.97 ; total money received, 95,704.12. Notioe is given that the Mnnioipal Oor• poration of the Village of Blyth will ap. ply to the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario at the next session thereof, for an Act to consolidate the following Debenture debt.of the said Vil- lage, namely :-93,900.00 Salt Benue De• benturos, maturing May let, 1899 ; 92,000.00 Woolen Mill Debentures, ma• taring February let, 1902, and $3,000.00 Fire Protection Debentures, maturing November let, 1908, for the payment of which the respeotiveeume only of 91,109.. 10, 9950,10 and $964,10, are at the credit of the several sinking funds applicable thereto, and to authorize the issue of new Debentures for the sum of 95,500 for the redemption thereof, and For the payment of the ,inoidental expenses of the said legislation, Leadbearv. Mies Annie McNabb is home from a visit of 15 months with friends in Michi- gan. Mee. John Gray. and sister, Mies Emma Brown, purpose visiting friends in St, Thomas soon. John Coats, who bas been in Manitoba for 16 years, is (tome to spend the Winter with his parents who live on the 12111 Hue. Jimmy Stenzel has returned from hie visit to Toledo. He says be may go there to stay in the Spring, He hag a brother there. Arch. Forbes, teaober in •No, 9, has taken up his gaartere with Fletcher Roe for this year. Arch. is a deep reader, end in his new place he will have every op- portunity to reflect. Mrs. S. Godkin, 10th oou., ie danger. ouely ill. A consultation of physicians was held on Sunday afternoon.. The trouble wan largely due to her falling and striking her nide on a pail. We hope she will soon' be better. A sleigh loud of young people from the lower end of the 14th line spent an even- ing last week at John Stafford's. Music, games, eta., were the order and the poet also treated them to a few of his finer poems which did not appear in his book. The funeral of Mrs. John Finlayson, formerly Miss Boyd, of MoYillap, took place on Monday. Interment was made at Seaferth. Deceased's remains were e brou h fr om her Ince home at Hensel'. g Her father died last Spring. She wa0 , married about 2 years ago. How often 10 evil returned for good: Some time ago a young lady, not five miles from here, oalled on another, on hearing she was sick, to see her but when she got about 100 yards from the door the eiok girl wane out with a gun on her shoulder and on meeting ordered her off the place. No cause is given for the 000i reception. This may seem a little funny to those who do nob know the parties but it Was qujte dangerous as firearms should not be in the haude of children or others who are no more oapnble of handling them. Onlro.-Tbureday of last week Miss Teeeie, third daughter of Wm. and Lnoy Glass, well known residents of the 14th of McKillop, died at Porbage-la-Prairie, Man., of pulmonary trouble, She had been in failing health and went West last August to her sister and brother, in the Moire that change of air would prove beneflolal bat Providence ordered other.' wine and in a confiding trust in her Saviour she passed away to her reward as stated above. Mise Glass wag barn in MOKillop and was 24 years and 6 months of age. She was en offloor in the Sal• voaion Army for to time and was very highly Moulted by all who know her, The remains were brought to Bruseele last Monday and on Tuesday afternoon • TH-Ili, 131.wTJSSELS POS'( the funeral took pleas from the home of Mrs. Griffith, an aunt to deoeaeed, Tura• berry area, Bruseele, 10,1. S. J. Alien conducted ad appropriate service, The family are deeply eynlpeth(sed with in their bereavement. Aire, Garvin, a slater to the late Miss Glue, aonompanied the ramal ns from Portage-la•kraire, 11:Co1ehworCit - Cueorrnul,o S'1'ANmltld,-The rooalte of the examinatione at the Guelph Agriaut- tural Oollege show that W. Linklabor, Stratford, is end in the 2111 year exams., and A. II, Orerar, of Molesworth, is Oth. In the honor list Mr, Linklater obtained very oredibable standing, being let iu °'ase 1, in English liberator° and m°a la itas ; 3rd in elaes 1 in live stook, chemistry and botany ; 10th in clues 1, horticulture ; 1st in class 2, in veterinary pathology 12nd in elites 2, in dairying ; 3rd in elites 2, in etomology and essays. In the same list Mr. Creror is 12th in 0(000 1, in horticulture ; Ord in class 2, in chemistry and 6th in class 2, in Englieh literature, ANNUAL C11NEea Moo'rxNo,—The an. final meeting of the Molesworth Cheese and Butter Oo., was hold in the Orange Hall, Molesworth, on Saturday, 14th inst., and was well attended by the share. holders of the Company. After reading the financial report, it was moved by Jas. Edgar, 0000nded by ffenry Toner that the auditors' end annual reports, as now read, be adopted. -Carried, The Direotore then lair) before the share- holders, to ooneider the advisability of shipping their own cheese direct to the old country themselves, whioh carried, Considerable disoueeion took plate. Moved by Jag. Edgar, seconded by Robt. Elliott, that the Directors of the Moles- worth Cheese & Butter Company for the year 1899 are hereby empowered to oon- sign or ship the cheese of the aforesaid Company for the ensuing year if they see at t0 doThe eleotlon of carriod a°.- officers then took plains, which resulted in the old Board being re.eleoted with the exoeption of Peter Crafty, Jno. Brisbin being eleoted is hie place. The following are the officers for the oohing year :- Hanan Cummings, Henry Coghiin, W. Fraser, W, T. MoRee, Jno. Briebin, H. R. Spence, Auditor ; and. II. Oooghlin, Secy. The following ie the Auditors' testament 100080PTS. Balance per audit 1897 9 82 55 Oath from Div'd per 0. Smith 4 00 Borrowed money 85 00 May cheese, 28,790f lbs at 7 3�16c 2,069 80 June oheese,74,9121be at 7.292o 6,462 57 July cheese, 65,659lbs at7.4854o 4,914 82 Aug. cheese, 66,980 Ibe at 8?o4,700 84 Sept., Oot„ Nov. oheeee,101,578 lbs at 9 7j16c 9,686 48 Stook income 115 88 Interest on deposit 29 00 Totat cheese, 827,9191 the •-- Total 927,050 49 AVER0080. Total amount of milk reo'd..3,549,202 lbs Average the milk to 1 Ib phases) 11.18 Average prion per lb for cheese for season 8,16 Lbs milk to make 1 Ib cheese' for each month - May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oob. Nov. 11.41 11.27 11.96 11.39 10 25 Coat of drawing milk ..450 per 1,000 the. EXPENDITURE. Paid bel. on a000unte for 1897:$ 50 35 Peed patrons for milk 21,577 00 Manufaoturing oheese 1,705 15 Milk drawing 685 47 Cheese boxes 382 58 Insurance oufactory and cheese 50 00 Oak flooring for faotory 90 80 John Abel for boiler 160 00 Fire brick, and build'g in boiler 22 OD Freight and unloading boiler 22 00 Drawing up boiler, taking old one to Lbetotvel 4 00 Work at friday48 90 Road work 5 00 Repairing of presses 4 95 Taxes on factory 14 80 Furnace for oaring room 40 00 Stationery and postage 9 68 Board for bands 1 65 Joseph Wilson's amount85 48 James Terry's a000nnt 6 10 Borrowed money 85 00 Interest on 8a1E0 3 15 W. Wood's account 11 02 Advertising for 1897 1 00 T.13. Miller, Iospeotor, 2 visits 13 00 Auditors 4 00 Secretary's salary 81453 5 00 Treasurer's salary 40 00 ,Saleemon'o salary 50 00 Direobore' salary, 95 each..•+• 25 DO Dividend 717 80' Cash balance . 69 56 Total 927950 49 We, the undersigned, auditors of the Molesworth Cheese and Butter Co., have this day audited the books of the above Co., and have found them'oorreob to, the best of our knowledge. 3110. S. MENZIES, 1 H. R. Spun, f Auditors. Spun, Molesworth, Jan. 7th, 1899. Wroxeter. (Intended for last week,) Olaus. Knutson has returned to his work in Boston, Mase. Mr. and Mies Anderson are visiting friends in Kincardine. Anderson preached at Rev, R 9 G eo Ra . Jae, Wylie'g last Sunday night. Mies Jean Davidson has bean visiting her brother Walter, at Belmore. A. H. Moffatt, who has been confined to the house for a few days, is recover. ing. Wallace Leckie attended the danoe at Mr. Jamieton'e last week and reports a good time. The Wroxeter Hockey teem purpose playing Harriaton junior! in Harrielon some night next week. The Indians, who, have blest visiting at Port Elgin during the past two weeks, have returned to their camps in the marsh. Two loads of young people from Ford. wioh, two from Gerrie, one from Lido. wel, one fee= Bluevale, and one Irom Winghain, attended the oernival last Thnroday. Jno. Smith moved David MoRride's barn from the latter'il promiseg to the Saw mill. The barn delight on the tele. graph wires while (messing the road, and tore one poet down, severely damaging the wires. East Huron Farmers' Instituto hold a meeting in the Town Hall here 0t Mon. day last. President Straohan 000uppied the chair. The spoakeee were Thoe. Gibson, M. P, P., Mr. Monteith, Mr. Ilijborn: and others. At the ()voting f'uON NEW SPRING PRINTS. ::era: mie:.enek.+nrr.,,mn.:msra+ruo.w WARM AS WOOL DRY AS TOAST Our drat shipment of New Spring Prints (1.18 plebes) lute been reoeived this week, the styles and patterns are very pretty and quite different from last year, This More has long been noted for Fino'Printe and thio eea0oa will be no exception, In fact we have oeoured some epeoial linos at special prices which are the beet value ever offered. We are showing beautiful Prints In wide width, heavy cloth, new patterns, fast colors, worth from 8c to l0c per yard, which we aro selling at 5e, per yard. We alwaye melte it a rule to get our Prints, Shirtinga and Cottonados in early, Which gives the thrifty honeekoeper lime to have her Dewing done before the Spring wont begins. We have a few Lattice' (loth jackets and Gapes left, which must be sold If we have to take half prion for them. Just think of it, a utas Beaver Jacket, velvet collar, new French Sleeve, this season's importation, worth 95, for 82.50. We are offering Remnants of Dress Goods, Tweeds, etc , at half pride to clear. Pound Prints in great variety, six yards to the pound, at 200 per pound. 1 Box Matches, the 10o size, for 5o : ft dozen Clothes Pins for 50 ; Lemon and Vanilla Extract, per bottle 5e ; 4 lbs. Best Selected Raiaine for 25c ; 3 lbs. Selected Prunes for 25o; 13-st Rod Salmon per eau 10o; 2 cans Maple Leaf Salmon for 250. CASH AND ONE PRICE. NNON & CO, BLYTH. meeting the Gibson male quartette for- ni•hed the music. On Friday night lest a number of the young sports of the town attended the hockey mato)) in Harriaton Listowel ve, Harriaton. They struck the proper colors, as Listowel, whose colors they wore, (red and white,) won the match quite easily. The Lietowel boys gave them a obeer for wearing their colors. A hot game of hookey was played in Wroxeter rink last Thursday night be- tween Fordwich and Wroxeter teams. The visiting team won the match by a score of 6 to 4. The same night a 2 mile race for a prize of 93 and 92 took plaoe. The entries were Wm. Orr and 3. Walkey, of Fordwioh ; J. Brawn and G. Zemke, of Wroxeter ; 7. Stewart, of Listowel. The race was won by J. Brawn, with G. Kaake 2nd. Liooto-v el. The ladies of the W. C. T. U. held their annual Charity ooncerb Tuesday evening in McDonald's mesio hall. The Standard has removed into its new premises across the street, the build- ing formerly occupied by the Bank of Bamilton. B. 13, Beryls has started a class for in- struction in vocal music, which meets every Wednesday evening iu the A. 0. U. W. rooms, over Jaa. Armstrong's store. W. J. Hay returned to town Monday night from Winnipeg, where he hoe been engaged in the ineuranoe business. Mr. Hay's family reside here. At tine annual meeting of Elma Dis- trict L. 0. L., held in the Orange hall here, the following officers were elated and installed : - P. M., 3. Johnston ; Master, H. Willoughby ; D. M., J. R. Wilson ; Ohap., S. S. Rothwell ; Rec. Seo., W. Welch ; Fin. Sec., J. Allen ; Treas., R. Stanley ; D. of 0., T. J. Sproule ; Lee, Hugh Riohardeoo and J. Cosona. ' s NKRAlWAY pa:.U*.tEK; MILES--4185--MILES UNDER ONE MANAGEMENT Extending from the Atlantic Scofield to Chicago and Milwaukee. THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR ROUTE THE GREAT TOURIST LiNE To Niagara Falls, Buffalo. New York, Philadelphia, Washington, and all Princi- pal Points in the South, and by its oon- neotiona it reaches all Principal Pointe iu the Western States and Paoiflo Coast. Through. Tickets to all Foregoing fonds. 1rorDescriptive $uidoe, Time Tables, etc., apply to • 3, N. ICENDALL, Agent, Brvseeie, GP0. 10E77), Agent, Ethel. The Standard Bank of Canada. Money Orders For amounts of Fifty Dollars and under issued by this Bank, payable at par at any ohartered Bank in Canada, with the exception of Branches in the Yukon Die- triot, RATESS 1"� Undor $10 $10 to 20 20to30 SO to 60 . . . $0.08 . 0.10 0.12 , 0.14 M. M. BRENT, AGENT. BRUSSELS. BRUSSELS PUMP WORKS. I wish to inform the people of Brussels, and eirrounding diotriot that I hove per - aimed the Pump Business of JAMES BELL and will be found ready to attend to all wants in either new work or repairs at moderate prices. No better Pump in the market, Order left at my shop or residence or at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly looped after. tS'°Ordors taken for the Digging of Wella and Cieterne. Goaner Green, DtILL STREET, B1LUBSELS. HAPPY'W Ne Yearl I wish to extend my hearty thanks to the public for post favors and solicit a share of patronage for the future. Horse Shoeing. If you want a good shoe on a good horse at a fair price oall on me and you are bound to be satisfied. Porous .1s Cloth. Waterproof as a Duck's back. Soft r sa glove. Tough as oak—" Kiddttek" that new and different leather controlled in Canada by the makers of the stamp priced Goodyear Welted. - CATALCO°t pert Slater Sh.e. General Blacksmithing All kinds of Jobbing and Repairing in my line promptly attended to. No bungling or poor workmanship done on my premises, but satisfaction guaranteed. Wishing all a Happy New Year. Jno. It 'Amer, Horse Shoer and General Blacksmith, BRUSSELS. HOWE 430, Call and see our stock of "Blankets, Sheetings, Flannels, Tweeds, Yarns, Etc,, Wool, Hides, Butter and Egg taken in exchange. Carding, Spinning, Weaving, Knitting, etc , Promptly attended to the...... BRUSSELS WOOLLEN MILL. NEWOr utdllgr Shop I The undersigned has open- ed up a Butcher Shop in the SALE BLGCR, BRUSSELS, where he will keep constant- ly on hand a supply of the Best Meats Procurable, sold at reasonable prices. A share of public patronage solicited. S. Ae8CE1I r Meat delivered to all parts of the town. It'CAan PAID POR HIDES. Jno. Downing, - Sole Local Agent McLEOD'S System 'Renovator —AND 0)101111— TESTED P0EMED1ES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoveriebed Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleepieeenese, Palpite• lion of the Heart, Liver Complete t,Neut. ia al6 Lose of Memory. Bronchitis, Con- eumption, Gall Stones, Janndioe, Sidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitae' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De' bility. LABORATORY, DODERICH, ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Man¢faoturer. Sold by Jaa, Fox, Druggist, Brunel*. • Cost Till make' a well mans of YOU I 010051000PV080 Tam 000104 85001,1108 IN 00010 w0r06. P10051 cures an Nervous Disown. e1603lese. Falling Memory, Night!), y Sm1801008, torrhoea, Impotency, ate., ...sod by Dna 8 0.000 t given vigor and esire to hrunken Imam end quickly ri:11aangutUae PI0051 a0d aat.W 000.0 Old. a 0000yrolya' ealed ho 0�rvs0100. E ,ty Carried in vest pocket. Price, 30 a package, six for P. Send money to either ordinaryor 000081er. ea latter,,Address all latter. to 3.T. PEP ltlr. Druggist, OODSTO K, ONT., .agent for rho D Willi. , Canada. a Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is successfully used monthly by over 10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask Sour druggist for Coak•a Cotton Root Com - Found. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and Imitations are dangerous. Pries, No. 1, El per box; No. 5,10 degrees stronger,EB per box. No. t or 2,112011010n receipt of price and two 8 -emit ;tamps, The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. �eieueipmended by all tenblDrggietn Oanad Noe, 1 and:2 eoldlin Brussels by` G. A. DEAD1AN, Druggist, Bookseller & Optician. A. 7OUSLEY Real Estate 86 Loan AGENT, BRUSSELS. Money to Loan on Parm Secur- ity at the Lowest Rate of Interest. Money Loaned on Notes and good Notes Discounted. Sale Notes a Specialty. Fire d Life Insurance Written. Special Attention given to Conveyancing. A. COUSLEY Office over Deadman's Drug Store, BRUSSELS. FAMOUS Feed Boiler ,...-=-EVAPORATORI The boiler is made of steel, cast iron front, grates, fire box linings and smoke pipe plate, all other parts made of the best cast steel protected against warping. ;Flues arranged so that boiling can be done quicker and at much less cost for fuel than the old style furnace. Price only $16.00 Cash. Leave your order at once with GERRY ROS. 11 10180 1191 n ,00,11 CULtIV.te �r LONG, TheBu ffalo All -Steel Disc Harrow This is the only Dien Harrow made or sold in Canada, having independent, adjustable spring premiere upon the inner ends of the gang discs, allowing guy amount of pressure to be thrown upon the inner ends of the gange,by the toot of tho operator, By tide aperfeotlyftex- lhbo action is seonred and the ground oau be worked to a uniform depth. Examine this mainline carefully and onmpare with others, The No, 12 Cultivator a IS A MARVEL 0P 87(001)89. The only Oultivator made that both linos of teeth will out as even depth in the ground, Exainine it and you will Bee why. The only Cultivator with a moveable tooth set so tnat the angle of the teeth can be regulated to emit any condi• Noe of soil. Pressure ban bo regulated to act differently On ovary section requiringit. The teeth are carried between the wheelinstead of trailing behind as in other mao11)000, thus securing lighter graft. This machine is fur• visited with grain and grass good box when re- quirod, It has revertible diamond stool points for the teeth ; also extra wide thistle.euttiug points buy n e iurnislhed. Examine it and you The Best Drill Made, The Uoosicr Needs NO IntrodiltQme. Over 40,000 Drills and Sadao of our menu - feature in neo in Canada. Tho only D04111111;40 with lever for instant and perfect regulation of depth of hoe in all kind0 of soil, while team is in motion, Sows absolutely °erl•eot to scale; saves seen, as every kernel is deposited at a proper depth to grow. Purchase only the best and you will be aatiefl0tl. Wo ago mannlaoture Binders, Iloapors, Mowers, Rakes, Cultivators and Pulpors,00 good, as the bust. Send fur ill¢etrMod oatalogut. NOXON BROS.111130. Co., (Limited) Ingors011, Ott„ Ctutndd. Agent, 331msselsa