HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-1-20, Page 88 LICE KILLE: S. Perhape yen did not read h last week's Pose what we said about our Insect Powder, It will be to your interest M read i fl you have any aleck that are troubled with lice. Oar: advertisernent alweys appears in this span. Not only have we nomo. thing extra in the way of Ineeet Powder but we have also A Sheep Dip which also does for lice on stock. It Immo cheaper when one has mauy to do and is easily applied. We heve also Dr. Hese' Instant Louse Killer which fa epeoially recommended for lice on poultry although our Insect Powder should do an well for Hoe on poultry as for anything else troubled with this enemy of thrift We al- ways aim to keep the beet. G. A. Deadman, Druggist, Optioian & Bookseller. RANO TRUNK RAILWAY. SOIIMMIN EXTENSION W. 0. & 0. Train's leave Bruesela Station, North and South, as follows: Gortin Sotmx. Goma Nona's. Sxorefle WI a.m. Wail 2tOjm ...... sgs mem Express Mine pen Total rails Pm$, A. ohiel's amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Goon skating. MUD every advertisement. ADDIrroXar, Ion' on page 5. A. 0. U. W. Friday evening of thin wsek. REarman tneeting of C. 0, F. on Tues. day evening next. 4. COtintx is the new Chairman of Brussels School Board. Genoa Ban shipped a tar of hogs from Brussels on Wednesday. W. F. STBWART, Of the Natioani Mills, received a car of corn this week. STaTuroliv meeting of Brussels School Board on Wednesday evening of this week. A can of cattle was shipped from this station on Thursday by Messrs. Clegg & Dames. A. number of interesting matters are crowded out of this issue but will appear next week. R. N. BARRETT has removed his ton. sorial parlor to the Gerry building, one door North of the Standard Bank. Atearher, meeting of Brussels Driving Park Assooiation vsfil be held at the Anaerican Hotel on Friday evening of next week. Tem annual meeting of Brussele Driv- ing Perk Association will be held at the American Hotel, on Friday evening 27th , inst., at 8 o'olook. Menthes Bare.—The unease meeting of the Brussels Band will be held in the Council Chamber on Friday evening of this week, at 8 °kink. All interested are slaked to attend. Gam your reserve seat tioket for the grand concert to be given by the Imperi- al Male Quartette, in the Town Hall, on Tuesday, 81st inst., under the auspices of the Citizens' Coaree Committee. Taos, Genoa, Geo. Fortune and Geo. • Mardis have been re -appointed License Commissioners for East Huron, S. Sloan, Jae. Steven and H. MoQuarrie will render similar eervioe in West Enron, Br notice elsewhere it will be observed • that Peter Stewart, formerly of Brunie, has secured a new hand to help till hie 640 acres in North Dakota. We con- gratulate our townsman—A. Stewart, Queen street—on thus being initiated into the High Order of "Graudpepas." Bre Onor.—In a letter from North De- kota, we learn that Alexander Stewart, formerly of this locality, son of Alex. Stewart, Queen street, Breese's, who has been 18 yeara in the West, harvested a very big crop last season, as the follow. ing figures will show :—Wheat, 7,600 bushels; oats, over 4,000 boatels ; and barley over 4,000 buthele ; or over 15,600 in all. WEDDING Betne.—On Wednesday, Jan. 4th, at the residence of T. L. Hingeton, Cypress River, Man., nnole of the bride, Rev. Mr. Argue, Methodist minister, tied the matrimonial bow between Henry J. Parr, of Bradwayeine, Man., and Mine Emily E., eldest daughter of R. T. Hingebon, of Brussels, Ont., in the pros, once of a select company, The bride wan attended by Min Jennie Anderson, of Rolland, and ano. Parr, of Winnipeg, supported the groom. Mr. and Mrs. Parr will make their home at Bradwayee ine, where the Pao' family is comfortably located. ears. Parr has spout 6 yearn in the Weet, and her many old friends here are a unit in wishing herself and husband a happy, rueful • and prosperous life, to all of which Mtn Pose says—So mote it be. Song 00 SelOTLANM—The regular meet- ing of Camp Ben Lomond, 8.0. S., Brussela, was held in their clamp rooms Tuesday eveniug of this week, when the officers elected Inc 1890 were duly install- ed into their respective stations. Sbort addresses were given by the retiring Chief, D. Stewart, Chief, Wm, Martin and Chieftain, Walter 'ones. After regular business bad been finished and Standing Committees appointed for the year, Grand Organizer Nimmo was in• troduoed by Put Obief Stewart. Bro. Nkomo gave a stirring address Which Was full of intereet and enoouragement to all 8. 0. 5. He represented the Order at in a tiourighing and growing condition, and :mond to none of the benefit wok. Vale) The following are the oftleere or the ourtent term :—Chief, Wm. Martin ; Chieftain, W. Innes ; Peet Chief, 1), Stewart ; Chaplain, Rev. Silo, Ron, B. .4..; Phyaidan, J. A. Adeleaughton ; Reo.• Seo., A. Straohan ; Sea•Treas., D. C. • Bose; Marba1, Angue Lamont; Stand. and Bearer, Wm. Telfer ; Sen. Guard, Robt. Nichol ; jun. Guard, Jae, SPeie Pipers, T. Ballantyee and D. Stewart; Repreeentative to Grand Clamp, D. Stew. art, G. A. Ireenter diode Gett some of his bees had a fly last Tundey, Tins manna that a portion would not be tin. oomfertahly oold with hie coat oft Tile new beetle purchased Inc Brnesele Free Likary ere bare and are being got in thane to place in the hands of our vil. lagers. They are a ilea l0, IIKVO you paid the Library a vialt yet ? 10 will only ont you 11 cents, the price of it new catalogue, and 5 nets for a card good for 20 beolte, to have n Winter's reading, with over e,200 books to choose from. Every Brusselite should silty the boon that is open to them. CliaNtin tw Bunks:so --Gomer Green has disposed of his pump busineee, teems, rigs, &se, to Wm. Wilton, of Brussels, wbo has taken posseesion and will push the business. Mr. Green Mike of game to Winnipeg next Spring on a proepeot- ing trip, but does not know where he will 'nate yet. He has made a large afro's of friends in and around leruesels wbo will be sorry to see him arid Ire. Green re. move, Trig Pon wishes the new pro• prietor Bacons in his new business and believes he will see that the wank of the publio are well looked after. THE Rerneweenenre.—Owing to the ea. cease of A. L. Gibson the important office of Registrar of Reran Co. is vacant. In addition to Thos. Gibson, ex -el. P. 2„ and 111, Y. McLean, ex P. P., F. S. Scott, N. R. Young, W. Coats, D, D. Wilson and others are applicants—all good men. The probabilities are, botvever, that the first mentioned gentleman will receive the appnintmant and if so no objection can be raised es he has been an old and faithful worker in the Liberal ranks. Whoever the Inky man is the Govern:nett t Should not parley but settle the matter at onoe. GUT Beam DIttaCTOns.-00 Wednes- day afternoon the Direotors of the Grey Branch Agricultural Society met, Pres !dent Spelt in the chair. W. H. Herr was re-eleoted Secretary. F. S. Scott wee instruoted to plan $300 insurance on the Agl. Society buildings. It wee agreed that Grey Branch advance* e220 shortage to the Riding Sooithety. On motion it was decided that the mortgage on the Grey Breech grounds, amonnting to 9426.60, be lifted and that the Treas- urer be so instructed. On motion of Amos( Smith, seconded by J. D. eSearwiok that this Society offer East Riding Society $200 if they hold their Fell Ex- hibition in Brussels. Last week we omitted to mention the name of J. 3). Warwick, V. S., as Vice Preeident, EAST Brno,: An. Socreex.—The an• neat meeting of East Huron Agricultural Society was held in the Council Ohamber, Brussels, on Wednesday afternoon of this week, President Ferguson in the chair. Minute., of last meeting read and passed and Auditors' report was present. ed showing the receipts to be 8779.03 and the expenditure 6970, with 682.75 yet due on prizes. On motion of Alex. Gerdiner, seconded by Juo. Shortreed the following Board was returned for 1899 :—Presiderit, Jas. Ferguson ; 1st Via -Pres., Thos. Motemohlin ; 2nd Vice•Pres., Jno. R. Smith. Directors—R, Corley, John Shortreed, Jae. Cardiff, Jae, McCallum, GoOlf40 Johnston, Alex, Stewart, Alex. Gardiner, Alex, MoLemohlin and W. H. Kerr, Auditors—Alex. Hunter and Alex. Straohan, Moved by W. H. Herr, see. endedby re. Gardiner that the offer of $250 from the Grey Braneb Age Society be =tented and the Beat Riding Fall Fair be held in Brussels next Fell.—Carried. A joint meeting of Directors of both sooie. ties will be held at the all of the Presi- dent,. People We Talk About. Ross Beattie is improving in health. Miss Blakeman has gone to Drayton for a visit. Norman McLeod, is visiting at Hensel' and vicinity. Harry James, of Blyth, was in Erne - eels on Wednesday. jas. Beattie and mother were visiting in Wingham on Tuesday of this week. Miss Lily Kendall has returned to Detroit after a holiday visit with her parents here. A. wsloome visitor is here from Winn i• peg, in the person of Allred Town, a for. mer Bresselite. Miss lete,ggie Baeker, wbo ban been ill for some months, was able to take a short drive this week. Miss Alice Jewitt has gone to Grand Rapide, Mich., where ebe will visit her sister, Dirs. jno. Wilkinson. R. Leatherdale has been laid up this week with rheumatism. We hope he will' soon be all right again. kers, W. A. Ross and daughter and Miss Myrtle Nott have returned to Fergus tater a visit with relatives here. Geo. McLaren, of Smith & McLaren, merobants, was laid up daring the past week with an attack of guinsy—an old trouble of his. Robert Menziee has been a prisoner to his home for some time owing to a lame foot. We hope he will soon be able to get about as usual. D. Ewan, of Blesses. Ewan & Inner:, ie away thie week on a business trip in non. neaten wibb the boggy and oarriage business for 1899. Mrs, T. Fletcher is at present in Tor. onto taking an advanced optioal worn ab the Canada Optical Institute, W. E. Hamil, 115. D., instruatoe. Jno, DeWolk who went to Toronto to consult an manliest, returned last week without undergoing en operation as the speoialist wag doubtfulof doing hien any permanent good, ea, Mutts, brother to Dire. Geo, Thom. son, of Brune's, wbo has been Seerebery- Treesurer of the Aberdeen Jennie' for yeare, has been promoted to the Editor. ship of that inikential journal. Thee. Watson, of Belleville, a former Well known resident of Bruseehe was in town for a few days last week renewing old (Handseling. Mr. Watson's father, wbo formerly lived here, ie quite hale and hearty yet and lives with lelr. Wat- son in Belleville. Belk, daughter of Relit. Renderson, was skating on a small sheet of ine near by, and, as many another amateur hag done, gob e bad fall, the eide of her bead coming in minted with the foe'rendering her uncionscious for a time. The services of a physician had to be called, but the has gob quite over the tumble now we are glad to state, Among la grippe's victims during the past week are :—Mre. Robb, Renclersoo, Ude Jim, Currie, DitiCiall Joan and Mary BM, WW1 Nina Rogers, Ms, W. EL Herr, Jno, Amenb, Jas. Turnbull, 8, Wilton, P. Stott's family, Mildred Saab, Geo. Irwin, Joseph Batton, Mrs, 17,33, GeerY, W. j. MeOraelten and Mre, W, 72. Stenet. THE BLIU881.11,8 POST We are pleased to notion that 11ebt. Rose and T. Bloomfield landed sato and sound at Gleemow on the loth inet. Will, end Kee. elatisley drove over to Bruoefield on Balinlay, 7th met, and Ari It remit both had their fane badly frost bittete It wee a very cold end stormy day. iioan. Tim annual reporta were read, shelving the Seeiety to be in good stand, hig iinencielly. The following ofileere were Heeled :—President, Halter Sec% ; lot vice Pre, Owene ; 2nri Viee•Pres., le, Murrey ; Direntors, P. W. Scott, Geo, Taylor, IL Preeter, 11. Taylor, 31, Booth R. Gerrie, Jno, 1.1 11., Waeht. lot tar tutu Will. IIingeton, eon of R. nosh 1 J. Coultas, Morris, and 3, Ellis T. /litigate», efill street, Bensaels, has Auditors, John 8, Scott and Wm, God oome to hand Loin DewCity, written des ; Trees., Ohne. MoOleiland ; Sea., le in (he early pert of November. Mr, I ingston says he is enjoying firet.ohtee health even if the oold oconionally dips down to 4o° below zero.: The expo. tatione for a large output of gold are exoellent and many who have simply speculated heretofore are settling down to work with improving proopeots. The Menders Nugget,—the /oval newspa.per— costs $24.00 a year, We wish Mr. Hing- ston slyness and bone he will soon make his pile and locate in Brussels, 1111.118111 Next Sabbath morning Rev. S, 3, Allin will preach his mouthy semen to the Sabbath salmool, Evangelistic] servicie in the evening. Alin Lizzie Rose and Miss Annie Stemmata attended the Christian En• deavor Couveutioe in oonneotion with Maitland Preebytery, 00 Hineardice, of Monday of this week as the representa- tives of Melville church Y. P, B. 0, E. Communion service will be held next Sabbath morning in Melville ohuteh. Preparatory service will be beld on Saturday at 2.80 p. m. Rev. D. Forrest, of Walton, will preaoh. Thanksgiving service on Monday miming at 7 o'olook, when the pastor will occupy the pulpit. The annual meetiug of the congregation will follow immediately at the conclusion, The special evangelistic serving have been in progrees all week at the Metho- dist ohurch with a fairly good attendanoe and profitable meetings have resulted. The pastor 'expects Rev. David Bogen, of Bluevele, ou Friday evening to aid him, Rev. Mr, Paul gave the ackhees on Tuesday evening and B. Gerry took charge of the after service. Rev. Mr. Abey preached last Sunday roorniog from the text "Nov the names of the twelve apostles are these, Jec.," Mat. 10 and 2, from which he delineated the peculiar or partioular characteristics of the apostles. Psalm 19 and 14, "Let tbe words of my mouth and the reedits. dons of my bead, tee.," was the basis of the dicier:ruse at the evening service, Rev. Mr. Allin took John 12:36 ae the Sariptnre upon which he based his tier. MOD lust Sabbath morning,—"Chrisb the magnet of the world."—Ohrist is the oentre of the world Inc (1) Admiration ; (2) The world's faith ; (8) Love ; (4) Elope ; (5) Wonder. The methods of at. trapping : (1) By telling the story of the Saviour's love ; (2) By reflecting His life. 0Strive to enter in at the straight gate," was the evening text. 'Unarm:toes or objections offered ae to why people do not become Clariatians were dealt with as follows :—Am good enough ; (2) Too soon to serve Christ ; (8) Religion is refer- red to as a jest ; (4) The fear of failure ; (6) Procrastination. .At Melville church last Sabbath morn- ing Rev. Mr. Roes' theme was "Heaven," the text being St. John 14.2, "I go to prepare a place for you." Christ speaks of heaven as a real place, unknown as to locality, but well known in respect to its olaaraoteristios. It is a prepared place ; permanent in itself, and as a home for God's people. It is a pleasant place on acoouut of its epacioneness, beauty, abundance and society. "Seeing Jesus," John 12:28, was the subject at the even. ing servioe. Seeing Jesus as these Greeks did means °Indy discerning and under- standing that inner life of Christ. Also in personally sharing in Hie life in this world by a life of self-renunoiation and a life of Bervioe, and also in the world to 00010. Brussels Scheel Roam, The regular meeting of Brussels Public School Board was held in the Board room on Friday evening of last week all mernben present. Minutes of lant regular and &pedal meetings read and and confirmed. An account of Jas. Pox for crayon, ink, eto., amounting to $8.30, was read, and it scan moved by J. G. eltene, second. ed by Jas, Turnbull that it be paid.— Carried. Moved by 3. G. Skene, seoonded by A. Cousley, that the Board atilt for tenders for a new No, 5 Copp furnace to take the place of the one now in use at the South side of the school.—Oarried. Moved by A. Cousley, seconded by J. G. Shane, that the Principal be permitted to olose one of the rooms e. day in eaoh mouth to give him an opportunity to visit end teach in the other moon.— . Carried. Moved by W. F. Vanatone, seconded by J. G. Skene that the Board of 1899 hold Ole first meeting at 0 °kink p. m., on the ard Wednesday in January in. stead of 7 o'olook as per Statute,— Carried. The Board then adjourned, SWIrroirr 01000100. The Statutory meeting of the Publio School Board was held ert the Board room on Wednesday evening; all the mem- bers present. Moved by Jas, Turnbull, seconded by W. P. Vanatone that A. Conley be Chairman for the year 1899.—Oarried. An account of 17 4.10. Gerry for bard. ware $2,29 was read and on motion of J. G. Shane, seconded by D. 0. .Ross was ordered to be paid. A tender from Copp Brea & Co. was read offering to place a new No. 5 wood femme° in the school, ready for use for the sum of $70 00 and the old furnace, and it was moved by J. G. Skene, seoond. ad by W. Blashill that their tender be aceepted.—Oarried, Mr. Mutt having applied for an in. crease of salary it was moved by W. P. Vanetone, seconded by D, 0, Ross thud it be increased by $80.00, malting it $120,00 for the year 1800.-0arried. The Board then adjourned. 1.301aree ave. The annual meeting of Belgrave Pres. byterian congregation was held on Wed. neaday of this wok, Messrs. Clegg & Damn shipped a oar of cattle from here on Thureday, They handle a lob of stook, In the shipment Wan a bull purchased from R. McMurray, 4th that weighed 10 ton, Mr. Mao, got 89c per pound for him. AGIIIOVZTOBAL Sooraff.—The annual meeting of the members of Beat Wawa - nosh Agrioulearal Society Was held ab ficittedretter had en Wedneeday after. Allilerann, On 0100100, MOS, Broder, ex Preeident, wee made Honorary Direetor es a mark of esteem for his un• tiring efforts and energy in bringing the sovioty to its present standing fluanoielly. The members and Directors expressed regret at Mr, Praetor's Omen through indispoeition and obliged to retire from the society, Business Locals. 0300513 app/es wanted. A. Sbraohan. FEATEIgliti warted by R. Leatherdals, 8ruO1:C Js7received a ear of Manitoba. flour. Backer ter Vaustone, Colarriving this week at Stewartk Illill, Brune's, dry Atnerioan. Wrereow 'shades in large variety and at low prices at R. Leathercialek. Ronne eon S.a.e.-00a good working horse and one No. 1 driver, Smith & 111eLeren. 4. 1.10W baby carriages will be sold about cost to save carrying over Winter, 18. Leach°, I le. Wn are selling Priestley's ce 1 beated dress goods at diseolut ion sale le ,oes. Smith & eteLttren. OTsTall season is here end W. A. ()doh is prepared to supply the puldie with Booth's beet brands from Bahl wore. You can save money on boots, shoes and overshoe, by attending the dissolu- tion sale. Smith &111clatren. Ronald Fire Ermine Works w lab to purchase 100 to 200 cords of wood, four feet long—bard or soft—green or dry, early delivery. W. A. Caron is still doing business ab the old stand where may be found bread, oakes and pastry. Fruits in their sea• son. Broom kind of heroine in piano and organs; at It. Leatherdale's. Agenti profits given to eustomere. Call and se before yon bay. ANT one needing a fresh set of teeth cut in any size of a Gimlet. .nw may have this work done by T. McGregor saw gummier and filer, Queen street: East, Brussels. no 1 for Wingham with its 10 dry goods shops and 40 grandee. Better, 16 to 17o. Choioe turkeys undrawn, 10o. Everybody gives 20 lbs. granunced sugar. G. E Kum, Wingharo. REOAIIIILB03 00 Cosy, --For the next thtee weeks Miss Ross will sell Millinery and Millinery goods at cot prices, regard- less or cost, to make room for Sprig goods. Call in. Stratton block, Bruer "'Lex amount of wood will be taken for saw gumming aud filing. Wood may be roogb or smooth, hard or soft, eel length or in the log, to be delivered before the work leaves my thop. T. MoGneen, saw grimmer and tiler, Queen street, East, Breese's. 1) . JACKSON —In Brunets, on Sem. 0th, the wife of Mr. 8. EL Jackson, of a son. SPRIR.—In Morrie, on Jan. lith, the wife of Mr, Allan Speir, of a eon. STEWAux.—At Langdon, Dakota, on Jan. 10th, the wife of Mr. Peter Stewart, nee. Miss Mary Lowe, of armies, of a eon, SAT.S.ZZIMI1E117, Cypress River, Mao,, on Jan. 10th, by Rev. Ber. Argue, Mr. Henry 5. Parr, of Bad- wayeine, Man., to Miss Emily E., eldest daughter of Mr. R. T. Ring. sten, of Breseele, Ont. LAT1TEN0513LA6/01—OPPEIITSTIAIISEll. — Deo. 27, by Rev. J. A. H. Watbke, Mr. Lantensoblager, of New Dun. dee, to Miss Lydia Oppertshaueer, of Hanover. 3711a3Z,.. WHITTI..-10 Grey, on Jan, 19th, Wm. White. aged 70 years and 3 months. eirresoze.—Ort Janney 10th, in Jersayville, Eli Wilson, uncle to Mrs. 8. Pear. son, of Brunets, aged 95 years. Een..x.ase. FilID,Vv, Jew., 20,—Farm stock and implements, Lot 5, con. 2, Grey. Sele, unreserved, at 1 o'clock. D. O. Pope, propt. F. &S00% atm W =NUM; Jan. 250.—Farin etook, implements, eto. West half lot 10, con, 4, Grey. Sale, nnreserved, at I o'olook. Arch. Ro bertson, Proprietor, F. S. Soott, Auotioneer. 79M7,7,8,-S=X01 aseCeesease2CMTZS. Fall Wheat Barley, Peas Oata Buttee, tubs and rolls ... Eggs per done ...... Flour per b ..... Potatoes (per bus.) Hay per ton •... Hides trimmed Rides rough Balt per bbl., cnitsil Sheep shine, earth Lamb skins each Hoge, Live Dressed Hoge Wool Apples (per bag) 66 67 35 40 04 64 27 28 111 14 14 14 400 400 60 50 4 00 5 00 7 7e• 6 5 1 00 60 80 76 25 26 4 00 4 25 47r 800 16 17 50 76 IHEPEopLE's COLUMN. A NYONE WANTING .exehnetgaPiano oahtghol,ia5ida/re,inr of te busls aIsome have trioo 105011. I Will deal With you a e reasonable ae any, 23.• T. MO Olthl, Bru eagle, Ti °Or.ju giAstNroR,BLuOuuTuai.Ps. 010S toLuLso is comfortable ono, loell fitted tip, with Cellar, hard and soft water ,to, There le also a good tEabio. FrUit 'Wee in garden : Olfor obeiniarter acre of lain]. For prism, terms, &a., apply to II, PINS, Proprietor, or W. II, Nelalt, of Tun Poste Peet • rjlWO '.1.1.10R0'.131(E1) DTJR. 1. mu bung, to menthe old, for tale, Ono roil, and the other rod and white. No bowl—portion in Canada, embracing the pedigrees of ',Brampton Nero eh"Perfeetion" and "Itoyel Senora Basy toying Oft,aynsonl, 411131 100 Lot 8, 0011, 9, Grey. P. itanneviog, Proprietor, pmts. ,IAN. 20,140 RD .11.1,ArE 0,.1,7P,1 e.072,3 0 AP SOAP 101 HEAD orrioa. - TORONTO OA VITAL P All) '(10 (One Million Dellerce $1,000,000 RESERVE, FUND . . . . 6000,000 Agencies 111 all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, Untied 3101 00 enf teseimel ifeaarm. A. General Banking Trannoted. Farmers' Notes Felsoonnterl. Drage Inn. 1 and Collections: inede on all 9011100, SAVINS$ BANK DEPARTMENT. Intereet allowed on deposits of $1.00 and Rawer& SPEOIAZ ATTENTION ravine TO TUE Comm:nog Or FAMSSItS' SALE NOVO. Every tactility afforded (lintel:neve living at a dieeance. llf, M. BRENT, Methedze, MEETING OF' HURON COUNTY COUN014., The Council of the Corporation of tho 00111(031 01 Huron will meet in (he Council Chamber Goderioh, on Tuesday, the 2.4111 hurt., at o'olook, W. LANE, Cleric. Dated iTan, 10111, 1890, NOTICE! Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the Ilowleit Mutual Fire Insur. atm Company will be held lu the Townshilt Bali, Gerrie, ou FRIDAY, 'JANUARY 0000, 1800, at 1 o'clock p. m,, for the purpose of re- neiving the Directors' and Auditors' Reports for the past year, the election of two Divot. ors and for other busines a By order of the ffoard. W. S. elelelliaalitsa, eaeretary. eau, 3rd,1805. ANNUAL., MEET/NG. The Annual Meeting of the Brussels D r(' - Jug Pailr Association for the election of offi- cers, the receiving of the report of the Dir- ectors for the past year and smell other bush toss es may be lawfully brought berate Ole meeting, Win be held all the American Hotel 011 PrillnY °Yelling, Jimmy 270h, 1800, at 8 o'clock. J. S. SCOTT, Semetary. A COMPLETE CONSERVATORY 0OURSE OIP MUSIC. Mason's System of Tench and Techule, in- cluding Clavier practice, given by AIM SARAH LOUISE] MOORE, L. 0.00., who holds Aroadonlia isertilleates in Music from London Conserve tory ; pupil of W. Caron BarronPrinuiPal. She is also a competent pipe organist. 01180 Moore . visits Walton Monday and Tuesday of each week for the Pnrpose of giving instructions enplane and organ. For particulars untili at 00'.05011M- sou's residence, Walton, or posted:Me box 186, SeaforbIl. 20. REAL ESTATE. 001) 100 ACRE FARM FOR se/da. Lot 19, Con, %Grey, 12 foot of 00 touches the river- Immediate PoSsession. For prim, terms, Co., apply 00 19- THOS. MOORE, Brussels. clOOD FARMS FOR SALE.— T(10 undersigned offer two 100 acre films for sale atreasouable prmea. The lots are Nos. 10 unit 11, 00u. 0 (Snushiuo), the Maimed between them. Good brink house and Darn on lot 11, and house and 2 barns on lot 10. °Intifada anti all neoessary conven- iences, Well watered and suitable for grain or grazing. 100 acres now in grass', W111 be sold either separate or together to suit pur- ohaser. Terms of payment reasonable, Im- mediate possession. For further particulars apply 00 101001501 00.1500, BrossolsP, 0., or E.L. DICKINSON, Barrister, Wiugham, 101 FARM SALE.—P.CRE UN– tiorsigned offers bla farm, West Half Lot No. 10, (Mu. 4, Grey, containing flO acres, thorn ve Inn. For partioulors as Is Prioo and tonna apply to 41100 12, 110131'etan3011, Brussels P. 0. on the premises. FINE FAR0I FOE SALE,—B10. I50 Lot 20, N Con. 8. Monis township, Pentathlon lei sores of fl ratite/am laud, 'mare is a. bowie, barn'°Tabard. and good ware- house, and formis wolf folioed, There are 80 acres In Pall Wheat; 10 acres is hay end 90 amps pasture. Possenalon eonld be given at nue. Farm Adjoins the village of Brus- sels, For further partioulars as to price, terms, ito„ write to 'JAMBS LIVINGSTON, 111, 1', Baden, 22itf rilAiim FOE SALE. -150 ACRES 8. Consisting 00 0(10 Routh and Seatb 01 (110 North 11 at Lot 1(0,01013 2, Bast Wawa - nosh. This to an exeallent stock form ,heing well supplied with good spring water, It is 01Witted about 3 miles from the thriving Vil. lege of hlyth. A large part of 10 le under grass. Buildings and fences are in 01,110 slate of repair. Nosy terms of payment wit] be given. For all information apply to 11-0f G.10. BLAIR, Barrister, anneals. Notice to Creditors. In the Strew le Court of the County of Huron, in thc matter of the estate of Ann Mooney, late of the Filings of Brussels, in the County of Huron, widow, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Revis- ed Statutes of Ontario, 1108, Sec. 38, that all creditors And °there having any claims against the estate of Ann Alimony, late or 011 Village 01 009000018, is the county of Hu ron, widow, deceased, who nied on or about the iltli clay of January, ,t, .0,1800, at the said Village of Brussels, aro hereby required to amid by post. prepaid, or 00 deliver to G. F. Blair, of the Village of Brussels, solicitor for Sohn Mooney and Jame Mooney, of the 'rowt, - sh to of Morris. in the said County of Buren and Mary Cainpbell, of the said Village of B rus sels , the Hsu, uters of the said 0011910 011 or before the Third day of February. A, D., 1800, their full names, addresses etnd des. eriptious, and the full partionlins of their claims, and the nature of the socur(tiefi (if an)') held by them. And notice is further given that after the said last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the said deceased, swoon the parsons entitled thereto, having regent only to the claims of which notice shall laveleeen 1(800 00 above retittired, and the said EXecu tors will not be responsible for the assets 00 10031 part thereof, so distri- buted to luny person of whose claim notice shall not have heed received at the time of such distribution, G. F. BLAIR, Brussels, Ont., Solicitor for Bxecutora Dated at B rnssols, Jan. 1840, 1000, 4 1,, T OttiOW.S00. We have wally kinds of it— here's a few of thorn 1— Holiotr ope, Green's, t...4,colc1i Oatmeal, Camphor Complexion, Cucumber, Carbolic, Wood Violet, Valley Violet, Verbena, Tar and many others, See our , Window this week for prices.... Foes Drug Store. NOT/QE! WINDERS will be received by the Connell ofMegi/lop, to be opened at Souse' Betel, Leadburv, 510 Monday, the 20111FehruarY, for a steel bridge and Moo or concrete abut- ments at what IR known ae Cowou's Bridge. Slf miles North of Sontortli and I mile Built of gravel road, The bridge will be 00 feet between abutments Anil of stew et:mature, 14 feet wide with oak stringers not more than 3 feet apart and 3 by 5 inehes flooring 8 by 6 inches ; abuttnents to be built on solid foundation and oontsin about 100 enbie yards, 1101 stone, to be of 0100 and quality of thoso in abanionte for Grieve's bridge ou gravel read, 01 01 eoucrete tho cement used to he of beat enanty, and stone for ailing to be broken two inches square and at least half an inolt cement plastering on ontaiao of abutments. The contractor Can nao tho stone In the present abutments for Alllog, it more atone is nooileil Connell will urnish them within two miles of bridge. All tenders to bo sealed ELIA pont to Jno. C. Il.lorrisOu, Winthrop 0. Tenders will be received for whole or for bridge and 0454- 015015 separately. The Council demi not bind itself to accept the lowest or any ten- der. JOLIN C. MORBISONbiak. 2S.3 'ALOSjitaitibrat,Ont Thousands of young men incl women have found a business education a stepping -stone to success. f---"Circiiitivs Pres. Enter Now. W. 3. ELLIOTT, Principal. a d Cleari 00 IP .7.1.12;NEM9/ Sale 7, A LARGE STOCK OF GENERAL DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS ct SHOES. RUBBERS cP OVERSHOES TO BE SLAUGHTERED ...NO FAKE... A Genuine Clearing Sale as the Money is needed. A' grail eip-Saillg event for the people. Such a chance doesn't often occur. Two Hundred Overcoats in stock for Men and Boys. The cost of these will not be taken into consideration, the money is needed and the prices will please you. Tweedo, Worsteds, Mantle O1oth5 ancl Mons' urnishings Join in Dissolution Sabr, Prices. Cottons, Cottonades, Shirtings and Flannelettes • * at Wholesale Prices. rSe —ALL KINDS Caps, Gloves, Hosiery, Underclothing, Corsets, in fact pick up what you will any- where in the store, Dissolution Sale prices rule. There is but one course to pursue— Slaughter the goods and raise the money. DRESS GO•DS I . Snits for Tien and Suits for .Boy oei:vbert; aDfru4sli6e00°Cf1SrTelltt317Tol;)! at Manufacturers' Prices. 701ttiohaliSalel otiiPries,er eesof Dress Goods at Die- Ter7/28 807.40,1 CCGSTL 01' Pl'Odtt8G (1147 DiSSOltai072, Sale. Highest Prices for E3RUSSE LS,