HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-1-20, Page 7JAN. 20, 1909, T H E B RUSSELS POST. OBJECTIONS ANSWERED, REV. DR, TALMAGE STILL PREACHES ON FREE CHURCHES The nogatation of /'lach E111111ires n Positive icatim!. that a Free cherish dllonld Hnt•b-Induce the Allinson to At. tend - Some ObJeot.ions to a Prot, "mock. A despatch' from 'Washington, says:— Dr, Talmage, prearhod from the follow- ing text. "Tho rich nota poor meet to- getheu Lhe; Lord is the Maker of them all." -Proverbs xxiir 2. Last Sabbath 1 discoursed to you from these words, arguing in behalfo a free Christian church. I showed you as well as I could, that it was aScrip- tural 'dent that, ii: was the only prac- ticable mode of oily evangelization; that it appealed to a class of person who would, not otherwise be mel; that 330 far as we ourselves were concerned all the Providential indications war in that dirootion; and Lhen,• lastly that such an organization would en list the sympathies of men of the world, as nu other organization could I resume the subject where I then left it. What do yon suppose Christ thinks of the present mode of conducting church finances? ID jest's were now to alight upon earth and build a church un0 assume its pastorate, would It be necessary for men to pay money in order to have Beata in Lime ohuroh? From what you know of Christ's treat- ment of the :widow with two mites, and of Mary Magdalen, and of the pour man by the wayside, do you think that i man's position' in that particular church of, Christ. would bel regulated according to the nwnber of dollars that he could pay? No, says.every man, that idea would be abhorent to Christ. %\rell, then, 1 say it ought to be ab- horrent to us. Do you 'attendee that there have been 330 many troubles in the churches -that many of them have fought like beasts as Ephesus, fought about the she Nelson which to build, fought about, the arehttecture, fought about the ohoir, fought about the minister, fought before °hurch,fought after church, fought all the week? Some of you know that the greatest conflicts of the last. fifty years have been church troubles. If our church- es were all regulated -by the principles of Christ's religion, do you not believe that there would be a eesealion to :moll combat? "But," says some one, "we must stick to the old plan, lest we shall not get on sueeesslully in our fin Ices,' esthoag11 th pte_entmode in the ihurohes 01. conducting tinences were a success. . _ear from n. three- and store, while all 111e Nino I was thinking, If 1 were dependent upon you I wcuid have a shall bucket and a very poor store 1 The man is gore( to a bettor country, and where, 1 hope, lie ane live more 000numioally. But while want you to uneloratttnd Ihnt tile majority of people who mum to the houses of God, aro not of that 01001, My observation le, that if you take a common-aenso principle and lay it before otnunlon-sense men, and soy that 11110 ie for the improvement of society aril( aha bettering of Her condition of the world, men will gen,•rously support. 11; aril ae nine -lentils of the people In a community Dan understand the free church principle when it is plainly set before them, l believe that pion may anywhere and everywhere bo develop- .od. 1 hey(' as much doubt of the exist - once ul God and of a future world, and , of t he blessedness of the Gospel, as 1 Imre of the willingness of (he people to support a,free church in any town or city in all this country; in other words, 1 hnve no doubt at all, Says Et some one, "Is it right to put ministers of 1 he Gospel in a way whore they 33ha11 Ir(va an uncertainty of livelibuod?" 1 reply by saying tilt( if a man have a e Million of dollars, and he gives you a , clink for twenty-five dollars, and whrn you go to the bank ted present that check you know there is such a large margin between the man's cepa- • oily and that small check, that you !rive nu doubt lhnt it will be prompt- ly cashed. Now Christ says to his min- isters, "Go and preach my Gospel ; J am ample to lake care of you. I will take care of you. Lo, I am with you alway-even unto the end of the world. The cattle on a thousand hills are mine, all the treasures of the universe are at my feet. Go, work in my. vine- yard, and you shall want, nu good thing." Alas, then, if we who are in the ministry fold our hands and begin to tremble and say, "Dear Lord, that is a beautiful principle, but where is my salary to come from?" Besides that, I want you to ramemher that the young men wile will be willing to connect themselves with the free churches of this country -though they may not have large means now with which to help you -still (bey are, after a while, to shoulder the great church enterprises. Who aro your poor men to -day? Largely, they who twenty years ago were in nffluenee, Who are your rich men to -day? Those who twenty years ago were in poverty, struggling up from the very foot of the ladder: I tey these young men who are clerks in our stores on live hundred dollars a year, or a thousand dollars, or fifteen hundred, will after a while, under God, be the mighty men on 'Chinge; and though now, when lh'y connect themselves with your church, they may be of little or no fin- aneial help, after they have made their fortunes, as they will, every dollar of those fortunes will be consecrated to Christ: So that we may look in that direction and feel that there will be help. My friends, unless the great masses of the people can be brought into our churches, W. it is to become of our aides? Do you know the foot that crime, and debauchery, end every sort of abomfnaticn are triumphing in our fourths of the rherehes of Christin this Lend are in uebt, anti in three- fourths of them the income does col equal the outgo, and, at the enc of ,he y:t.tr, a few generous men have to come together and make up the deficit, or some general effort is bade on the part of the congregation to etc -gelato the inuebtedness. Ay, the regulation of church finances by the past mode is a positive failure. livery body knows 1 Thal: churches are aha poorest. pay, and that if a bank or an insur- ance company were conducted in the MAIM slipshod manner, so thoroughly iLnefficient - that it would be discred- 'cited and .wiped out of existence. If the old mode of conducting church fin- ances in the religious organizations 11 ad been tborough,y sueces$ful, then we might, be on our guard; but as the fact 033in nine cases out of ten, ithas Ibsen a failural I say there id no dan- ger In: floating off from it. Brit this brings me to answer the first objection which can be made Loa free c hulrch, and that is, that it can not be financially supported. You say that there is 0 great deal of expensive .macbinery in the'ehurab; there id the 'coal bill, and the gad bill, and an in - sureness bill,. and the expenses of sex- ton, and music, and minister, and, as gree cburches ought to be conducted on. a large and generous scale, there will be extraordinary expenses. Ay, we .admit all Ibis. In a Enos church the 'music should be of the very best pos- sible ehiranter, every hymn storming the very, gates of heaven, The, church 'architecture ought 'to be plaint buLim- peeing, the peoplo aeatod face to face in the great congregation, '1 he preach- eng ought to be earnest, Indeed,! it 'is 'great deal; easier to preach in such a [church. If disaster opine to him, and his foetteme is gone, and he can pay church than in tiny other. If a man Chas been for a long time at to ban- quet, and five or six courses of food h ave passed before him, then when plain bread is presented he ;rejects it; but if ,you take that plain bread to 'men who for forty-eight boors have had..nothing to eat, how they will clutch for it! Now 1 simply say that ,a vast majority of the people who have been attenditag our Christian churches have been stuffed for these twenty years with the confection of religion, ,.nd w•h.n we present Limn witb the platin dread of the Gospel, they de, not want il.;t but if we should g ather into our churches the outside masses 0110 are starving fax this bread of life, with what earnestness and with what avidity would they seize upon it. "But," you say, "the sup- port of it chug ch which such music, and with such architecture, and earnest preaching, would be very expensive, and flow would you meet the' indebted- ness?" I Brewer: by usual subscription and by Sabbath collections. "But," you say, "there will, be morin men who will come and occupy the pews and PITY nolh'ng, and so the flnanaigl itller- ests of the, church will go overboard, 1 acknowledge that there are mann men in churches. 'There aro men, with settle 00 small that; fifty of I h•em might dance on the, point of a needle, anal !love room to turn around wlihout ,touching their elbows) I had in my ehnl' ell n• r c a 1 t , ,_ r Ise N v York, n non Of romforlable means gove n0- thine for the Support of the Gospel; gun P'rlrlry night after 171'idny night I tend hint pray that the pastor eight bei Merged in hie basket :dt ofDeath's Shadow 'HE EXPERIENCE 01' A LADY WHO HAD GIVEN UP HOPE. ',Oared `011h Pates 1n (lac Stomach for Four fears -Doctors and RospiL•ti Treatment Fetird l0 Help Ila,•-ln Ifer Extremity Dr. Winnings' Plink P1110 Restored Her to Healer. Prom the Pembroke Observer. Wherever man is to be found there also, aide by side with him, is disease and suffering. Those who have de- voted' their lives to the alleviation of the suffering and bodily weakness of human organization are surely bone- ftwtors of their kind, and deserve the praise of all mankind. For special honors in this line may be pointed out the discoverer of that wonderful reme- dy, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. Recently the case of Mrs, Maggie Brunette, of Chichester, Que., mune prominently under the notice of the Observer reporter. Ho felt it to be his duty, on hearing of Mrs. Bru- nette's restoration from prostrate Bl- ames to 11amesto health, to interview the lady and record her experience for the bene- fit of others who may Reed the healing influences of D7'. Williams' Pink Pills. Mrs. Brunette's farm home was found to be very comfortable and even ele- gant, located near the base of an im- mense hill, en outgua rd of the Lauren- tian Mouutains, The reporter was warmly welcomed and Mrs. Brunette said she was very glad to have an opportunity to testify to the great benefit Dr. Williams' Pink ;;_ills had conferred upon her. She is 42 years of ado now. Her husband, the late Chas. Brunette, died le years ago, and after his death she worked very hard for some years, with the result that she became completely run down, so much so that, although quite tall, she weighed only about 90 pounds, After taking the slightest food she felt such distress that she was compelled to lie down for hears, being so weak th'it she was unable to sec up. At last sbe thought sbe must have been' attacked by cancer of the stomaeh, so violent were the pains that constantly haute - sed her, She consulted the best phy- sicians and spent more than a hundred dollars In treatment and medicine, in addition 10 which she spent nine weeks in the hospital at Pembroke: But paired of seer being well, Finally, shs- decided to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills 6, trial, and aaaordingly She pro- cured six boxes. Although they bene- fited her almost from the time she began taking them, she kept,: en taking the pills until she had Laken sixteen boxes, and then felt that she was com- pletely eured, the pill saaomplishin.g in three months what four years of medteal treatment had failed to do. erten (hitt One, nearly three years ago. Mrs. Brunette his been in good health, needing no medicine. "You ran Wee," slid Mrs. Brunette,as the reporter was departing, "111,11 T; am in perfecl health,1 Intend to all my house- hold work, and the dairy and poultry, and htvo a large number of cows to mills. I never fail L0 say a good word for Dr, Williams' Pink Pills when I have an opportunity, for they did won- derful thieg0 for me," Mrs. Brunette is a well 'lluealtd Indy, speaking lfreltah ar eglish fluently, great towns? Just then take out your pencils and in..ke 0 calculation; it is only a. queslil,n 11 ('3301(11011 aril h- melde-lfuw long, if evil jelltlenae8 t+Dn- 1Unto to InerOalie at the Nn1113 ratio, how long before the religion of Christ i1 our cit iee will be diseeite .fed un(1 our churches destroyed 1 In less lb .n at cent Ivry, as eortiti0 (3(4 1WO and two Make four, 011103313 Nunle 01 her plan l33 tried, let we know dint religion is to triumph, and then sin is to go down, and that Christ is to reign ill all our cities; but it will be by sums oilier plea ; IL will be when the elle: thee of Christ are thrown wide open, and the penises told to eche inn without uny re- gard to their dreamed aualificatiuns, and hear the Gospel and gel prepared for heaven. The possibility uf estub- lishieg and eustainiJlg such to church is strengthened by the iaea thtat men Will suppurl Hanle inelitutions rather than foreign. How many of you were ever kept awake at night because the Gospel dues not prosper in Greenland? How many ever refused Ruud because there is heathenism in Guatemala? Nuns I Then it is a question that ap- peals LO every man's heart -it 1y a home question -he can uudersland it and will he willing to support it. Again some have objected to a fre ohuroh because ie destroys the burn feeling, and JL is a furcible ebjectio it is sal mighty an objection, that if can not meet it, 1 will surrender 111 principle advocated. Destroy the hon feeling 1 h'ulher, silting here. in ill church, mother sitting thele, ebildren somewhere else ; or it Lee church b crowded some Sabbath, you Oan not ge in it at all, " We want our families beside uh in the house of Gud. Sealed with them here, we hope to worship with them in heaven,' '1•o this objet Lion my answer is, In every free church out reference to the dollar question priority of applioo,tion gluing priorly of choice, pew not to be forfeited except Ln the .event of bad behavior or non- attenda?1ce. Then a man seated in it with bins family hies a home feeling- nlpre so than in the other. style of nutting, and he hag to bring his chil- dren home from the school, and move from a fine hours into a =Miler one, and put; on plainer apparel, he Bile down in the house of God and says, " Here is a house from which I am certain not Lo be turned out.1 here we will be pre- pared for heaven." If, in the one Daae, there is a home feeling when the pew system is in farce, and men may be driven out teoa.use they lose their for- tune and can not pay their pew -rent, L ask you i1 there is not a bettor home feeling in that. church where a man feats that no earthly disaster shall af- fect his occupancy 1 If home feeling is found! in any church on earth, 1t will be found in a free church-Lhe seats formally assigned and occupied. But there are others W110 may oppose the free church principle on the ground that obliterates social distinction. It is an objection oftener thought than spok- en, but it is a really solid objection. IL is an important question, ' What shall be the social influences amidst which my family will be placed if vve go to that church?" I believe in good blood, and that there is such a thing as bad blood. I believe in royal blood. In some families the tide seems all the wrong way; in other rarities the tide seems all the right way. 1 have known and their a Lather and mother mean, n children mean, and their grandchildren mean, old the rule going on to the tenth generation -perhaps for all eternity. In another family, I have seen father and mother gond, and their' children good, and their grand- children good -the tide of virtue and generosity going on through all gen- erations. Therefore, I believe in fam- ily blood. I believe that God never call a ma 1 b i intelligent, o as- sociate with ignornace, or if he be ele- gant, to associate with boorishness, or if he be virtuous, to assutlives with vice. Rheumatism .ra1Cl,c ,'L;iC, Ireflammatory, Acute, Ohroriic,— \Vhatever IIs name, wherever and a henever felt, le painful, irritating, agonising. It is cau-nd by aril in 111 - leo al smiling in 111+ joints. Iloud's Sale/elm111111 nrulra1i/05 this need and 131 e•' r1Ymm•u i3m, nn Ila".-xperj"•I'' o' ino 1 ado b .a ploy n Wil lam II Le - lar, OG Leonard Street, hull River, abiss., s•,y ;--"f suffered n severe al- tnrk of 111'uma115m, and derided. to try hand's Sariuparille. After taking it a short time I was entirely cured", Saar - p,•1 roll, 11 ('onfeees Greatest Melee, a for rheum: Item. Roll by all druggists Prise $t. Hood' Pills are the only pills to (alta with Huode Sarsaparilla. down in the text, and rejoice when in tiny eburoh it is illustrated: "Therich e and the poor meet together ; the Lord e Ls the Maker of them ell." u; Now, my friends, I have answered I these objections to a free church, not e because my own congregation make e them -they do not make objeclions- e but thinking that there might be some wbo are about to connect themselves • with us who do not. know the prin- t ciple,s upon which our church is to he founded. I will say that my soul is absorbed in this idea. It has been a ' matter of personal sacrifice to me Leat I have pleaded far it, and I say to all m' esrs f m st e o the Gospel wbo may be in the house to -night, if their idea is ' a large salary and magnificent income, they had, better never plead for a free church ; but if, on the other hand, their idea is to bring the Gospel of Christ to the masses of the people wbo are without Christ and without God in the world, then it is a very satisfac- tory atisfao-tory idea, and will give them a reward now in their own conscience and in the joys of heaver, I commit the principle first to God, and then I commit it to the masses of the people. I came out from among them. I know them alto- , gether. I am in sympathy with them, I My father and mother toiled with their I hands until old age stooped their shoulders and made their eye -sight very dim, and then they died, leaving us a glorious legacy, not in dollars and cents, but in prayers and Christian ex- ample that this world will never rob us uf. In the hand of the God that loved them, and that,I love, I trust this principle. I tell you plainly to- night that I would rather fail in this attempt to give the Gospel to the masses than to succeed in any thing else. Living or dying, in prosperity or iii sorrow, in good report or in evil report, in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ, my hope in life, my peace in death, my triumph in eternity, I con- secrate to -night, body, mind, and soul, to this ono enterprise. Considering what God has done for us, we would be cowards now to distrust bim. Oh, young men of my church, buckle on the whole armour of God. Do you know that if you start life in the service of Josas Christ, you start well? I point you to -night to a field of usefulness than which God never opened a grand- er. Do you know that into your hands are to come the mighty destinies of Christ's kingdom very son; and I look you in the eye and ask you if, when in this battle these older men shall fall, you shill catch up the standard? Quit you like marl Be strongt "Why," says somebody, "I em afraid to 'go to such a church ne you are do- scribing, bemuse. there may be some that come to that ahuroh whom I would not like to aessoclute with; and how would I feel if some of my family should marry, a scavenger?" Ah, my. Mewl., we might have the ]hoard of Trustees resolve that no one need marry a scavenger unless she wanted to in every free =mob, just as in every paw-rontiil church, you will, pink your own- society. While your I Christian heart will dictate kindness and courtesy to all whom you meet on Sabbath, you will not be obliged to run to those who sit in the same church and tell them all your family affairs, ar I invite them to your house. That is not required. if there be in a pew rental church fifty social circles, then in every free church there will be fifty soeinl circles. I eon think of only one class of persons that will be very much offended with that style of church. .1 admire a mon who has made a large fortune honestly, and who holds ii usefully. I admire the perseverance, and tbo plunk, and the ingenuity, and the tact^ I rejoice in his success, and I pray to Gad that the band of com- mercial disaster may never dethrone I him, But men who, by some freak of good fortune, are thrown to the top, and who use their means for the pur- pose of fattening their own vanity, and of wounding the feelings of those who ars not es fortunate as themselves, ex- 1 cite in Ise such Unbounded loathing and contempt that I dare not trust myso.Lf to speak of them. They are m,er carrion, and if the band of cum- in my nostrils like the stench of stun - menial diameter should Lear off (rum them their Said and their diamonds and their trinkets, it will take one of M'Allister's best and meet powerful miorosaopio apparatus to make visible.' to the naked eye the noxious insects.; Their wealth equalled by their stupi- dity .and their ignonanae-such men' Will abhors the idea of a free Christian church ; but rich men and poor men, I high and low men, educated and ig- norant mon, who believe in the bro- I Nunhood of man and fatherhood of, God, will accept the principle laid N IN O RS L LCASEr :low Mr. Francis Stewart Baffled a Relentless Enemy. Stricken by Kidney Disease- Ile )lad Treatment From the 01053 Skillful Doctors - All Failed to help Dint- Dodd's Kidney Pills Cored Slim. Ingersoll, jab. 16. -Some time ago MT. Francis Stewart, one of the well- to-do tailors of this town, had the mis- fortune to fall, and injure his kidneys severely. Soon after the accident symptoms of Kidney Disease made their appearance r• and M'.Stewart a1, once placed him- self under the care of a competent phy- sician Time passed; the medical men were constant in their attendance and un- remitting 111 their care. But no bene- fit resulted. On the contrary Ietr. Stewart's condition grew steadily worse. The symptoms became more and more pronounced, and the patient's sufferings were, at last, almost un- bearable, About Chip time be bought a box of Dodd's Kidney Pills, and began using them, taking no more of the doctor's medicines, which had proved so' use- less. Mr. Stewart tells the result of, his action, in,' the following words:' "I had ,taken only a few doses of Dodd's, kid- ney Pills when I began to feel better. My urine grew more natural ire color, and became normal in quantity. , "I persevered in the use of Dodd's Kidney Pills, and to -day I any sound and well -have not an 110110 00 a pain, though the doctors had utterly failed to relieve me." This is to fair example of the won- derful ouree that Dodd's Kidney Pills have been making in 'this distriot'dur- ing lhei past few years. It is an absolute face that Kidney Discorso, of every type, from Bright's Disease, Diabetes and Rheumatism, to Female Complaints, have been almost entirely banished, from this section by Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's Kidney Pals cost only fifty cents a box, 02,50 for six boxes, can be got at all drug stores, oe by sending the price to The Dodds Medicine( Co., Limited, Toronto. /f,,"8F8,f eco POSSIBLY TITS REASON. T wonder why that ridleulous Mlse Skinner wears such awfully low -peek- e,1 dresses. I have pondered on the subject my- self, and I can't tell why, unless she wishes to thew her age, Deafness Cannot be Cured b )oral applications ae !hey cannot mei, the diseased portion of the ear. There in only ono way to cure deafness, and that is by oonetltu. Mord remedies, Deafness is caused by an in- flamed Condition of the muoono lining 01 the Eustachian 'Tube. When Ibis tube is Mel lined 5.00 have a rumbling Bound or impertoot (tear. lag, and when it Is entirely closed, Deafness le the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal lseaditlon, hearing will ho destroyed forever nine oases out of ten aro enured by Catarrh; which la nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One IIundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by eaterrb) that can. not be cured by Haire Catarrh Cure, Send for oironlara ; tree. n', J, 01i19NIW & 00., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 760, Hall's Family Pllle aro We best. -- 3 1 A SHILLING A WORD. Reed -Don't you wish you could write like Kipling 2 There is 'neat in his stuff. Wright -Bread and meat. W. 1'. V. 954 C AVER T'S Carbolic Disinfectant., Beape, flint. ment, Tooth Powders otq, have been awarded 100 medals and diplomas for eupe.ior exrellenoo. Th"Ir regular use prevent infecti- ous diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain e supply. Lista mailed free on application.. F. C. CALVERRT CO. MANCHESTER, - • ENGLAND, SA6BAeep05 0A81008—New Importations finest Engileh Bhsed AW risen Hoa OaeloR(—rdl,blc goods,d nick(Dr!*sa P4 BLAOKw5L4 i 00„ Toronto. TORONTO CUTTiN0 SCHOOL. Write for special terms (luring Janua,y and February. 8. CORRIGAN, 118 Yonge 05, Bookbinding, Sand your moradhave them nloely Printing, bound Bill Rends, Statements, Letto, Acct. goohe.1($unde Oarda,inatouk and to order, Send J 20o and receive partial counter daybook 512143,150pega0rgle4. 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J, ELLIOTT, PHI:wip°L Speech en pediments °,'„,':::,1,11;o 00lor 11, ,. s painful stammerer, o erer, a practitioner, oared who lar for yysele here. rite to W. andnetearedninnywho lot). ifdeLew6a8ryap pWr�lia to wr.�'gJr.aArnek; M.D., Sallie, Ont. lSt' mmere Every nnmmmer i Comm and will ;ge it Do they will (aims nod do I Oome ,d Iooinfyyureilve.dy onrthchle, '(0. 111b. 6pacinlhE, 891 College SE., Toronto. WHEN YOU ARE BUYING TBA'-'- Aslo your grocer for CtIWLON Unequalled for purity and 10noet value'- Lead packages— 25, 303 40, 50 and Goo, Halter's Adjustable Bedside Table Designed Especially for Home t; mfort... No Hospital or 8anitarlum le complete without them, Tboueande Ip um. Universally indorsed and highly recrenmm,dod by Oa Medical l'roles0rou. Frame of table in construct- ed of Steel Tubing, finished either in Meek or White Enamel Niokel or Antique Oupper Plate Leaf ie of Selected Oak nicely polished. Our be used *ler bad lounge, chair, etc. A household ornate of grant molt aid utility. Descriptive oimulnr and price Ila( Dothan, upon application. Ourresponduioo invited. The W. B. CAMPBELL 00., General Agents for Canada, Toronto, Ont. ...Duperd r To an otoora. p•� Germ•prooL oIbht Four Dollars Complete. To be land only front re 16 0118115, 81 Queen Sig E„ Toron' o of eloth before buying eleewhero. Send stamp for circular and (ample O O F I L9 G and Sheet Metal Works, ROOFING SLATE in moat, IItted or Green. SLATE SLACK BOA RDS (We spoyl, Mblif and 111.6 Schools, Toronto). Roofing Fe16. titch, DD al Tar, eta. 80071180 Tr GE (Res New Olcy Bulld• cg., Toronto, done by our fined. Metol Ceilings, Oar lees, eta Entlma3es furnished for work complete or for *Oriel, *limed to aro :riot til« country. Phone 1/36 . DUTNIE h IOHs, Adelaide net timer Bto.,Toronto. Dominion Line Steamships. Montreal and. Quebec to Liverpool In .500000,. arge and feet twin sorew eteemehips 'Labrador' van• oouver,' ' Dominion,' 'Seotinlan,' ' Yorkshire.' Superior accommodation for First Cabin, See. end Cabin and Steerage paseeugero. Rates of passage -First Cabin. $00.00; Second 0abin, $80; Steerage $22.60 and upwards a000rding to steamer and berth. For all information apply to Local Agents, or 1)A010 TOIKANCE & Co„ Goal Agents. LT St. Sacrament Sb.. Montreal. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. E / GRATEFUL-COM FORTING. C®0t! BREAKFAST -SUPPER. FREE BOOKLET. GUIDE TO HEALTH. Pamphlets and - Samples of • Material of our Steel Frame Niagara Vapor Bath ¢ant to nay address 0n r000ipt of stomp, Thermometer Attachment and Vaporizer Complete. Agents B 18 in for Best Selling Tna Niagara Vapor Ram Co., 37 Yonge St., Toronto. HEALTH RESTORED o7'41at°T,",i oust di,ordo,ud Stomach, Lungs, Nerves, Liver, Blood, Bladder, Kidneys. Brain and Breath by ®u Barry'1 ovalenta df Arabioa Food, which dares iu rands and el, ad, on. nod ('loo Rear, sue. 00sefnlly Infants whose A hmentesed Debility have re• misted all other treatments. It disoat, when 0,1 other Food is rejected, naves 10 times 11, ao«t In medleine. 50 year �9 Invadable Success. 100,000 B" Anginal Puree of Congdon. tion, Flatulency, ,hyop0sla, Indigestion,Cmnnt,on Diabetes,ere3noir 0,100 0t gx Asthma, Catarrh.Phlegm. Marrhma,NarroucD9taopieueree,Despeodeauy, Du,Barry & il.imlEed), 6i®8 Co�l 77 8 stretreet,et London,W Plan iuYn Paris, 14 ltue dC GMFtII101a d at all Grocers. Che,everywhere, l0 f0 1a, 0', d., ,140. Sent earri free. Also 00 Barry's Raralento Al,lslEe,bChis, 3s. Ed. and 633. THE MicKDUIEY REEF C —NON -PERSONAL LIABILITY.— Authorized Capital Stock, 0150,000 divided into 600,000 shares of a par value of 25 cents each. First issue 200,000 shares at 15 Cents each. A Targe pro- portion of these are already subscribed for. BEING INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. PROVISIONAL 2JIRECTORS., The following gentlemen, who have already subscribed for stock, are proposed as Provisional Directors of the Company :— .0145mAS S. HOBBS, ox•M,P.P., tendon, S. F. McKINNON, ESQ.. Wholesale Merchant, Toronto. JOHN FLETT. ESQ, Wholesale Merchant, Toronto. HENRY LOWND0S, Wholesale Merchant, Toronto, HARTLEY H. DEWART, ESQ., Toronto. 11. MI3LIOHAMP, E5Q., Manufacturer and Merchant, Toronto, Metallic Telephone Tablet Always Road 1. "io 1t down mow.' Prloe� :1.60, The OFFICE SPECIALTY MFO.CO. LIMITED, Toronto and Newmorkut, Ont. aaa.r � ,ro 8 l 1 undreds of these Closets are now in ueo. They are Absolutely Odorless. Fire only required once in two weeks. For airoaiar write to TRE ODORLESS CREMATORY CLOSET CO.,, Hamilton, Ont. DARN A HOLE In Three idinutee.: rr CAN EASrt4 BE DONE WITH mil l Swiss Darner.. 3 a•Io®I GbS C, Atter o little pros' Mae w k50) ladles sum hore°°learned to who come sufficiently pro - • valent wit., Tat Swam Damian to ee ae our agents and to: in ter t thor i Shen) ' locality. We require thousands of ('amid daroing° for aur bud nese, end Ririe an women who have Tung Bwlee 13Ay0NBR can; roily Darn from $1 to $9 weekly In darning; samples for us. THAmee Denman wall put a fresh heel or tee Ininvoking In two mlunten. IL media table cloths, -curtains. underwear and an fabrics with equal, nicety and spited, and .001(5 pan operate IN pcosily RR a grown erson. Trig elwaea .Dn111003neatly bol, om ed, npiete wide fall InalruatloUe,Eeenmoi, lade, eta„ Bent to an addron oo rose $ d 1611030 a Bampl, daminge, are meta 33,0010, ' IB 0wlaa 6arnar 00., 76 Adelald, lit, yr s Teront y Limited. RELATIVE LOCATION OF L".tsr CHAmte, AND FLYING DUTCHMAN CLAIMS CAMP Me-KINNEY, B;C, J, 0. BUCHANAN, ESQ., Bank Manager. Toronto. F. 11 FEARMAN, ESQ, Manufacturer, Hamilton. GEORGE H. MAURER, ASCE., Fairview, B.C. C. C. BENNETT. ESQ.,Vancouver, BC. MAJOR C. GfEVILLE MARSTON, Toronto. ARTHUR JUKES JOHNSON, ESQ„ M. D., Toronto. This Company 19 especially formed to acquire the "Lost Chains" and "Flying l3ltohman" Mineral Claims 15 Camp Mr Money. le II - o pante range as the Cariboo claims, The Gast Chb10* being only salmon; ed from the Cariboo 0101080 by the \elarton Fraction. The Int,( hhne.0 Adjoins the Waterloo on ono .sir's, and on the other side too Fonteney. There le no better Investment In Damp fhoKlnney today than these Olalme offer to those who (aka stook lit this oonipany, Options ware secured on those claims from Mr. Stephen Afengott before the fell merits or the Camp wore known to the publie, ab aorlon w would d not bo accepted to•daty. Shareholders in tee Company gel the full b000et of the options, that wore /leaned at 120,000 I0 oenh and $20,000 in stook for the two claims. The Oreh Issue of stook, ooneisuing of 200,000 shores (par value 560,000), Is offered for sale at 11'i1rTi010N CENTS Pl4R 911,1,1(10 with. out dadnation for oomnmolons, a0 as to realize $90,000, Tt.e Company can, from the eats of this stook, mono all payments on bout $10• patios, and leave nearly $10,000 In the 'Treasury to apply extensive; to development work, After the sale of this !seas of stook 280,000 shoran (par value $70,000), will remain In the Trbastiry for further development and equipment of the mine Tho low Capitalization of the Company, Coupled with the preyed ohnraoter of the Camp and the 1.leaten, of thole claims, melte this the bent proepootivo training investment in British Columbia that) is oTored til the peblin meley, Postmen antennae full partloul• ern And ninths report ort u on the property will boIrnieli noon application. P p pr rs Y 1ft ed pb p All eubsaoecl Dns ive stook a000m5111 pe by dingethe p Owe, draft, le lion 1 111 order', Shmil(1 be addreleed to the . undorelgnod, who aro authorlaod to give interim r000tpts pending the pormanonh organlzatlon oftheoompnny. f , C61EV11,LE & CO,, Telephone 21S0 C. Ca RENNET1f, Vancouver, A�, IJr Allain; Brokers, 71 fav Streett Tr3Toltto,