HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-1-20, Page 60 . k
JAN, 0, 1899
— ...._..__.---------- __. ..�..� _____;.�.:.e:._.
- "dour future 1[te vary much do- 14 eanlnuled IUraii Atte" otAly, all of :yAdNN.1� AV.VWiVffii[rfldYfrt>♦YditrMJJ0IdL't+Yt1� pursuits, If the cauls aro merely Puy'-..,,.,.....^.•,�.,,_.„.,,,,,,,.,.,�,,..•w,•..^..,^,
Pnud° upon yaursolE4” them gnntlemru I,y birth, ntld each of + alulsetL bytlao Earmnr t° winlor falba Department.
� ¢ (
"lades( pipeif" thea possessing in dignity his ow•a Ila- :t ° Health ne 2It1Tle t.
" 1es .)Lr. Dlatthew Pane has ane- ther Chair and his own writ lag table. p straw -yard and to be again sold °tri in i
�Gc��1®1"DC�__. g �>t~��X� :5 g grazing and c,,, p f[Diammid Phew, UenCLxey Dano. If you remember Ot tbeso thee,, more anon. L the spring as stores SOA'
--- ha come down to us for a Sunday once A Short passage ler( through it glass Y
OR, In the winter," i door to another room beyond. 'rhta was �'Mr'H� flniandmg off iu the fattening land O# CARE OL' 1111: I Y1,,BROWS.
`I xenaembor." HU:berto Angel's' smaller and dingier than either of the `the pastora.list, It is just as Important
THE ROUT OF TETE ENEMY. eyes had wandered away over the flow- othe,rs. but was at Ln[inilel MAKING• PIG PORI{, I to him as to tho latter that proper care Posts Rud artlsls "Any eontiau° to
l greater extol Lhn expressive beauty of CLIO dell+
or boxes into the 9Lree,t. New with ti lmport.I .", hrlug, in 1'uGL, lis private There is no doubt that Utere is bettor and clLsorimination should be takon to
sudden flash, they fixed toamSelves roots of &Ir. ,tans himself, and being profit from pigs pushed from the at art selection• It is common knowledge
catelY p+neilod eyebrow, but the aver -
upon Ler father's fine: 7.'hay Jaokod In consequence invested Will, u err- and marketed at xis to seven moaart trge wmmnn pays little beed to It, and
�L wide awake, and full of attention. thin ntysteri°us solemnity, not utxmix- t}A+tt aarlai.n desoriplious of (outlooks
1 iaresuy you will nieoC biro vary I'd with 11We in the pity, of all chs' odd than If kept to a greater age, It will thrive better than others, 1}y ap beyond ua arana[unnl sxuoolhin$ With
CHAP'r1 R XI. CoxiLinued, of hearing. • There is Something often tint; hits uncle's," young then, both ooxnmon and select, ,,ked to 911`0 reasona for this, says; pearance it las quits possible in many bar fingers leaves unuarad. for one of
"She has always got gams vagary or wrong, Angell What has he been Bay- ! Pupil who ant without, I Weida Brown, I sh.nild say: Fust, that I cases to at once determine Ilse likell- tho "least and most particular portions
ocher," he said; and then he Look up Ing to you to worry pout" `"very Often. T11d you like what You To Be continued.
the ,,
reassiaa Slave" from Venetia's Nothing," u.uswered Angel, smil 1 SONY Of him, my love?" no man can do this without giving his s hood of the cattie being wbat-to use a of her racist toilat. Like all other
work-tubla, and bagan twisting h':r Ing. I This time Amgel paused just long r Pigs such extra as will keep thrill thrifty I general term -Elan be dozcribad as Points of beauty, this little poll stroke
about into every Sart Of attiLade. .But Duleie knew instinctively that i enough to count ten. RURRR NOTION Of', Bb;ALt1y, and growing nil the time, anti oro tile I"$OUd d0a1'a" OT gtkP,r\Yl9e, ,IS LL1U C0.Be at nrltnA'8 vnriea greatly YV1LU the in-
, 'Ilia Circassian damsel had the usual it was a Spat -tau smile, She stamped Men she answered Somewhat slow- It is curious to note Cho queer ideas • very fact that he attempts Lt Calls for ma be. Than again, it Its most assail- , fill(, as a usual thing, one is,
pink-and-wbito cheeks, round blue her foot in her usual impat}eaL Lash- ly;, Y divtduul
eyes, And long two -like hair; a pair of don, 1 think I liked him, decidedly." of beauty which characterize different I care acct skill, which goes far towardI tial Chat the animals iBelooLed Should endowed with just xibouL the right
full striped ailk trousers adorned her "Alen are all foods(" she cried brit- I that I am glad Of Ihat, my child, because nations, Ln Fiji the aaLiva womsn Securing success. Second, It casts less be of a build likely to produce when 1) t° harmonize with tho features,
lower limbs, and there was thebaauti- ably. "I have really no patience with' t makes SVOrytbing easy and plea- paint their feces with red and white 1 to "take 200 pounds w•eiglit in seven fat the largest weight of beef on the 'Ind a little, judloiutls Care IS ail that is
fill simplicity of unadorned nature H,>,race LeBaltorl" ;sant, Wall, my dear, you must under -I1 months on an animal than to Load Lt more Valuable parts o£ Lhe eaAOasa. Rs- neoasanxy to GnLnnco (lois touch wLiab
about the remainder of her toilet. Don't be angry with him, Dulde."': stand tbat It is very possible that Stripes as an w•nanaeut. The women' j
"Pray don't," remonstrated Angel, Hsr soft fingers were busy unfasten- Geoffrey Dane may bea very rich man of Greenland cover their faces with ! two or three months longer for the perience, of course, in an essential need goes so far to make or to mac the en-,
smiling; "you will certainly pull her ing the buttons of her sister's jacket, I some d;ay." blue and yellow, while Arabian beau- sumo result. Third, the risk of Loss! iu suceesafuLocoupnttona of all kinin, tiro Caciat expression. V4'Usui, Low-
armsl oftl Sho Is to have a gold CIS- her Lovely fore with Its tnscrufablo' "lIa\v interesting," murmured An- Lie stain Lbeir lips blue and their lin- from diSsuas is reduced, not only be-; and consequently, LI, is of interest to ever, Clio formation of Ilia eyebrow IS
one vast, and a Scarlet yashmak. We smile, close to hers; there was no SOr- f gel," with a faint sarcasm, which her
copy all the, dresses out of a book row in the dark eyes, no Linea of pain father was far from perceiving, gore and toes red. Gauze the time of feeding is shortened, all to have brought before them the decidedly at fault we havo recourse to
They are quite correct, 1 assure you." about the reposeful lips, for when Nye very rich, indeed," he repotaf rd [m- The pearly teeth of the poet and nov- hat also because pigs kept thrifty and expertence which, • in some form or artifice to help out Cho defi°Levey or
Somehow they had both drawn near suffer for those we Love very much it Prossively. "It is Ula uncle's Purpose alist would' not be valued by some at growing are less liable to disease than other, all engaged In Ibis occupation Obliterate Its hamolinoxts. Thai eye -
the window again, and the scent of the is r,n easier matter to school the face to take him into the business as part the. ],ozlern and Polynesian nations. In those that are not wisely fed, It is pus- buys from time to time gained. The brow should extend siighlly beyond Cha
. mignonette in the balcony outside was ie, n ill) heart. "Horace Lassiter has nor—its junior partner—iu which ease, y Bible to following wafted sweet and strong into theroom. only been talking to me about you.' at his uncle's death and my own, he ShWasSar the women paint their teeth grow pigs to It Wright of a g may be taken in a general urifice of the aye at either end, should
AL her life long, Angel remembered Ha told me how much he lovas - you, will inherit the ;whole of the umgnlfi- "ad and yellow, in Such it way that a Pound for each day of their age, that I way as being useful aids in assisting torLainote in a more line toward Lhe
that pink -checked doll, with its fixed dear." I cent business of Dane and Trichet." red tooth follows u o11aW oboe and al is, u Pig seven months old will weigh in the Proper selection of cattle Por temple and be slightly broader toward,
glass apes and its silly smile, and ill-, "He—told —you — he—loved mel" As DJ r. Halliday spoke these 1RSl 3 21D pvtxncLs, UuL it will never be done They much be well-bred, of ![t° nose. Upon the breadth, the arab
ways the Scent of mignonette brought repeated Dul°is slow( with a words, hO Swept out his arms with n lernelaly. The teeth of the :L'°nquin- a blocky Croute, \vith stout build an l
back those moments with a horrible betweea every word, and there was gesture, as though to ase are as black as art can make them, by 4 careless feeder. The man who', short, slrtx}ght Legs, wide, level back Sud the shade dopend much. Delioato
� avids encircling
vividness to her memory. I something akin to absolute horror in express the vast map nit ude of the idea The dyeing occupies three or four days, Startsto do this will need goad stock, I and fain, well sprung ribs, fullness at Coalures should not be prepanderaLod,
"I am so glad to fiord you along," he; bar eyes. Then, with a little cry, she l he wab embodying, and, is done to both boys and girls and must give it good care from Start the back of the shoulder, and III the by broad brows, wails those which are
said to bar suddenly in an oddly Sari- , flung her arms about Angel's neck, " Lucky Mr. Geoffrey Dane,' said An- to finish- '1'116 care should begin before 11Li.nks both fore and hied, prominent
ous voice, and he did not Lack at her'covering her face with kisses. gel, cool( fixing her when they are about twelve years of g i brisket, full cock vein, wide chest, this horde and sLron$ in character er need the
Y g quirt eyes sal- the pigs are born, for a sow Chat is fed bolder brush to accenCixalo their force.
as he said it, only at the Circassian j "Ob, my Angell" she Dried; "bow dare aninly upon ]par father's face. °g'B' oa a cvvliu Utiiug most important and essential, Cur
Slave, whom he was endeavouring to . he say it—how dare he tell you this! Perhaps s she was impressed, During the whole operation, Llae g and looseatug diet will ba I If mean and narrow at this point, it The brow is always to be carefully
balance upon handle of Lad Les- y P p Perhaps g P• Y ILL01Y tO produce healthier 1 ma be almost Laken as a certai l
P S It is false—he doesn't; love me; it is I she was only secretly laughing at binp, never taken any nourishment, for fear logs and Y Y smoo,:h, glossy and orderly, At a ra-
afte•'s work -basket, "'I wanted so only a foolish infatuation, nothing; Joseph Halliday did not exactly know. of beim all better than one Chat hits been that the animal will never thrive and cent visit to a dermatologist a society
much to speak to you alone:' but a delusion, and a misCake and : He only felt rrilhsr uncomfortable. $ poisoned by the Pigment it fad on °cru, whish is too beating, do as should bel the cess. J.ben the woman was greatly amused whsn the
I think you muss have seen ho\wit'you know fhat I don't care forU3m;I' Ahsm—yrs—Lucky as you Say, my they swallowed what required mat[- fattening to keep an nolo¢( in Ovd' an le, orr touch, for no matLer how so_called artist, after carefully treat -
is wit" a have you not? I suppose,.I think, in fart, that I hate him —I; love. But all this is u ion sae °cud[- Cation, .Every person, high and low, I g P lural may be, the touch is Ing her skin for roll and imaginary
when one is in love, it iS not hard do. indeedl Why did he any Ihisthing, tion, mind;" pointing his fat furefing_ rich and poor, is obliged to undergo health. It is a Critical, time when the 'i there all the same, MUSS be soft and blemi hes, apparently soiulimizmg ev-
foe anyone to guess. And though I mellow, and the skin supple and eov-
lv pouf It was a joke a blind, he' or at his daughter's face, "Cnd that this somewhat, oh ectionable operation, pigs aro born, and many litters are cry ptut with a microscope, complst.
know 1 am such an ass that I can- P ruined b overfeeding I aced with fins silky hair, giving what oil his work in it hasty brush over the
not hide toown Peelings, pat itseems' doesn't love me." one condition, any levo, is that Goof- as it is alleged that it would lie e Y g the soave causing may be called a thick, mossy coat, much -disturbed eyebrows, with w
y Angel only shook her head softly; i fray Dene marries one of my daugh- disgrace to unman nature to have teeth milk favor and drying up the milk, without harsh or bard LOnuh. 4 slcoa , camel's hair brush and Stopped back
strange tosay that I haven't the she had dreamt• a foolish dream, but: Cars." while like thaw of do L
faintast idea whether I am loved' i dogs or elephants. Sometimes oaitsing Lha ions of the en- vigD10°s+ natural appearance, With to announce bis \work of bauutifyinpg
Shp. ons awake now; there could be It was his coup d'etat . He expected In Japan fashion compels married head not Corse, but strop having its
again or no; and 1 literally haven't no more deception for bar. ' that it would have a great effect upon women to blaclten their teeth, not, Low- tine litter, and iE noC, stunting the pi s I g' $ was complete. "Now," she said, with
the pluck to xi:dt everp.hing by Speak- ! ; and ata g features Glenn out with Prominent and a smite, 'I'll show you soinclhin
Ing too soon. That is why Tam so "`Hush, Du[cie," she, said, pushing I her, that SLID would start sensational- ever, as an ornament, but to make PPI"$ their growth. This clear eye, and quiet tetuperemant are g. Look
g Y Lar a little away- "Why need you ly' exclaim dramatically, Or, at tile ve,rY Lh°in more u trouble can always be avoided by care- essential. $void Goarsenos8 in ever a4 me wall, and than notice !h diffrr-
lid to see t ou alone for a minute, least, blush vivid( ugly and save them from enee." Selecting u stiff little brush
Angel, dear Angell can you give me b° so upset? 1 have told him how, surprlso. An y will maidenly temptation, fop Ceeding of the sow for the first Len respect, but more Particularly So In Tey
much I sympathies with him — how gel did neither the
one The Sunda Islanders sometimes black from among his numerous parapher-
y P much I should like to sea o nor the other—she smiled, days after her pigs ora born, after Bard to the head and Locus ne well as milia, she brushacl the hair of bulb eye -
She raised her eyes, and met his, wife.,, yen his "ls this ore offer of marriage, papa?" fl cotnuL,ecte teeth
but two
ax slnLecl you can n bone. A coarse animal, if oritiaally
They were fixed upon bar earnest( 6 which she will eat all brows straight up toward the forehand,
and y "And I will never, never be his she enquired tranquilly. teeth with thin plates of P give , have ever will ation f re, uci found to then carel'utly brueh°d them down
pleadingly; there was °yea an wile('' cried Dutcie, Passionately, un- "}ul, cul—my dear. How uudorunl gold Or sit- liar withoui danger. The next tL}ng, Y Ind Cation of producing its from above. This lett im extreme(
ea r longing in them, but theca \vis Y, Y ver. L'he same cribs is in the habit of to be attandad to is to teach the Ilesh upon the more undesirable parts y
$e $ g toss," ah"p added half -laughing, awn 6 you girls. Not employing their old women Lo dress , of its carcass, besides having a far delicate Shading, every hall Cleary do-
stina vely she knew v peagerness.
Bern hat he I 6°° you hxippiiy married fust yours (°f thetsort things,
of the sort. Unty u the teeth of the t° Gat its curly as possible, and 'to do • fired and dtsUnctly separate, and a
P youths anti maid- laxgar weight of offal when ready for
se1P, then 1 shan't mind who I'. You will understand it is a scheme he- ens at wooing time. The canine teeth this it is necessary to fix a pines for the shamLles. Another point Co Ue clear dark lino along the center. She
had expected to meet in them was mxrryl" I tween Dlatthew Dane and myself, are filed to a fine, smooth edge, and the Pig's that the Sow can not enter, remembered is that a coarse or rough sbiped the inner line toward LhB nose
wanting. Something, she scarcely Angel said nothing —only her lathe_ �Vby, Geoffrey Limsalf, lucky clog, the hod and hers the with tx cautious (sorb of tbo brush,
co del chill f vogue struck
mistrust with hick of, ryas looked at her sadly, like the knmvg nothing of il, yet." they will nob ntClio Gage of the tooth times a day• Y Begin withfad little i where Such Lodi exally in Erie °nays tb+-n turned to the manipulator for his
1.g+.za v# a dumb anima[ that can- P g it like a fine saw as an additional means cations are to buns, noted rivets forced to
smites us when our fife's hardest "Perha s his uncle }s brakin warm nxilk, and buyer give mors thill i in reterenoa toHeitionsiread, born orbewill °Pinion, and he
not speak its pain. I to him at this very moment " suggest- of beautit the P:gs will not I generally be found tB result in for pro_
admit that, when LhG brave WA9 in a
blows are about to be dealt to us. Her ed Angel, cyst( IL's always nice to Th1s mutilation of the teeth is ob- long keep health ` for
have soiled; duction of a carcass of beef not of eo health
rosy eploiir, wbicB his opening words "Come, upstairs to your room," she y' Y y condition, he had never taken
bad brought in a flame to her face, staid presently; "we will say no more; think that people are well grounded. in served by many of the savage or on- feed by them, sad they should be Get-' high a quality or so fine in the grain much pains about !is dressing.
died away and Left her pale android, sums day things will be all different the pans they ,era expected to perform. °!v}![zed rays in various parte of the mg s° much that at weaning time they I as will be found to be the case with Never pupl the hair out, even if it
with as both, no doubt ' Halliday experienced that world, In the Malay Archipelago the will not miss the mother's milk at all, animals whose appearance denotes het- grows Loo close over the brows; care -
"I do not understand you," sUefaL vague sensation of discomfort and be- natives file their teeth into ointlike Thr food for the next three months � ter and more careftil breeding with ful brushing will in (.free Shape it
texad; and the scent of the miguan tie' Sot bar sister's words sank deeply . wilderment. P should not have muBh corn in iL', and gtmlit and fine churactrr. Avoid by
came in once more in a heavy whiff. down in her heart, those of a saw or pierce them with holes I y $ nicely, and Co certain features close
upon the flattering breeze, and L.:,s- "Dulde, has guessed my miserable I Yes, quite on, love. Ahem: well, into which They insert studs. Tie. Ma- the more bran you Can gat them to eat I all means animals that ore narrow and I brows aro a derided necessity. it you
g secret," she said to herself, "thou (all I want you to understand 1s that eassar the batter, but to make bran slop pale- mean, that show in their store condi to
sitar twisted the fadrhaired dollruunt [Renk God, he never found it "though,
I have, promised Mr, Done that no silly frvuC teeth,oinoorderio 8u11 out tubleso thatLhey will eateaou hof, itI tion , that Sho in build, or want of \t ulrtbikmvsben iVtariou Aahadings comb
and round by the arm just a8 u vent sentimental objections to so admirable supply ou should use about six g Wall soon discover which style—whoth-
to his nervousness. The two things. i,he shall not suffer from my folly, a plan for the future of two yours place oLs teeth of pure gold or out
YOU middliu artz o of proper development: llemember that
were somehow jumbled up together either of them. When I am married g I ver. Same African tribes knock out gsand two quarts of Oil i the object is to produce meat of the or high or law arch, rather flat or
then it will come right Persons, who in station and age are h ground that meal toenoh bushel of bran, and should liighest quality and value at the fine and delicate styli—is most becom-
than undforeverafter in bar mind. ght 'the said; that: $ (heir front Leet on the
i is what I have to do then. It will admirably suited to one another, 8111111 they do not wish to look like beasts. S�w•sys Salt it about as the cook salts smallest possible cost. Some possibly' Lug, and, once Learned, adhere strictly
"sai you must understand, Angel." arse from you. Do you fellow me, An -
be said, with a short, uneasy laugh• not hurt me muchter will , signify el 4" Y On the Upper Nile lour Irons leech are tile -loud for the Cables IE you have ma,
be apparently cheaper—i. e., cost to Lt, Phe hair will, of its own accord,
"You. and she are so much to ether, so —nothing can matter much, and Co B always knocked out, but further south milk, half the quantity of the mill less Per head when bought, but thisis finally shape itself in that direction.
denoted to each other; surely it cannot g happiness." " Yes, I thin] Ido, papa," she solid only the two upper incisors are dispens- iii°gsand oil meal will answer, or if only one item in the expenditure, and
ill it will brio slowly. You mean Papa,"
when Mr. act with, you can boil and mash finely a peak of It is quite certain that the
Bove been bite unnoticed b 'l hat was how it coons to greater es- OLD-TTDZP 'iirRTNKLL' RECIPE.
q y you, at peas that Geoffrey Dans shall vouchsafe t° ask In some parts of the world, the shape Potatoes for each bushel of bxanYou panditrire, wherein lies either the prAnyevents, Bow deeply I am attached Joseph
n Halliday's task, Lha PG1lowing me to marry him, Cam to accept him of the head is ofimportance,will have an ideal food. Feed the slop fit or loss, is the capabilities of the An women who have, rand the Vicar
to her? I knew she would be hereto g, was made so much easier for Vamon Cut Diamond great bad tis thick as it•will run rendil animal itself to make full and ore or y g vs much to know
day, and I thought,, before I saw him than he had anticipated. dutiful( and Many emely fl Indians admire a head y is the p • o of Wakefield would i
y Y He Cama to call u g' l, gratefully, have
Its that tI " aG extremely appear to trough and g[ve neve much us the will
her, 1 would try and find you alone, Pon his iris in y ilaCtenerl as to a y rise of the food it consumes; and one just what herbs and simples Wer° us -
and ask you to help me. Sometimes I Pont Street before tbey went on to i 1; °II' You needn't hnva put it qu[te us Idiotic. The natives of the north- eat clean, but never more. Never let must look to this. Hence, there can- Prim-
: indeed, I can't hrip fang in that stay at hie senior partner's in Urom- so plainly, perhaps, but still—well, Yes— west coast compress the head into a the slop get sour; a slight fermontat[on not be any diinbt of the real need as ed in the face wash that Dl.ra. T rlxu
Y g that's about the Upshot of it, lsu puss. pointed BOILS, while the inhabitants of will do no harm, but in warm weather stated at the commencement that rose and her Bonny daughters were at
Duties has guessed my love, and is not well Itasd, and by Lady Lessiter's favi- Will P PL
tution he Stayed You Promise me this, Angel?" Arakhan, admire a broad, smooth fore- it will be necessary to emp, the slop great discrimination and care should such pains to make over the fire. Both
So angry with me; and then again, at Y to luncheon. DIr. "" Yes a t "Y p
other times, she repulses me at ever Halliday was at the ver bottom of his P Pa. I will promise," she an- head, and in order Lo produne it Chep tstrrel every dap to keep it sweet. Have be exercised in the selection o£ caCtle dames and demoiselles of those times
Y Y awered .quietly, fasten A pla•:e of lead on the heads assparate trough in which fogve pure for the purpose of either rearing in the were famous for their Eine tom lextone,
` word, so that I begin to wonder iP heart a little bit afraid of his dough- It was the p
she do s not actual( Bata me." tars; since his wife's death they had quietness of attar de- of the now born children• water all Chet they can drink. Amod- winter's straw -yard, or for grazing and it is well worth while making s
ti Y spair, erato corn feed—an ear °r two for each out Ln the summer pasture,
"Dulciel You love Dallas, then4 lived a good deal away from him with In some countries the feminine head-
iVlr. Halliday gave secret thanks to Pig twice a day—is
'I/ The words came out somewhat slowly their moLher's relations in Canada; he the Almighty, in that he had been so anee i' carred to singular es on her
have until theyat( reached
they should study of their means to this desirable
—the were a little bit harsh, too, :had been glad enough to be rid of g y' anal. The Chinese lady carries is her of One hundreLavas a ch, a weight en end. Here is a recipe straight asiiProm
because her throat was dr and parch-! them when they were children, but b singularly blessed in the possession alive of head the ff cop Of a bird. wcord is pounds each, and Hien TO BLOT OUT ENGLANb, Old England tbaC sounds as if it might
ed; otherwise there was no sin of : sad bye, when they came home to Live ° dt he re r so dutiful and he Cully - composed li copper or gold, according gradually increase the corn, r giving
s'.. $ to the responsibilities of her position. to the quality of the owner. The MY- them all that they will eat. for tw—` be a compound like the famous "Prim-
- emotion in the quiet words, with him, he. found himself out' o[ --- IIr,tV Itu9ala Should Prepare Far the Six" "Love har?—of course I love herl" ISympathy with ILE.m. 1ha hearts of anise women carry on their beads a m°nihts before selling; but keep up the rose Wash;" It is fur more delicate
be cried, with a sudden enthusiasm, ! Y catighC and enkwin- CHAPTER XII. g and six bran food to the end, unless you have Pro," Built...
children are eaeil inch hoard about a foot ton than cold cream, cocoa butter or any
ed to those with whom their daily The City offices Of the great house inches broad. With this they cover their suns other bulky food. I are more The St. Petersburg "Grashdandn"
which no doubt, at the time, he really y Of (kine and Trichet were b no means hair and seal it with wax. Pleased with sorghum stalks as ho recent( of the amoll}ents now so much in vogue
Fad truly Pett from his heart. "There I lives aro spent, but when all that y 6 Y,published. an artists [n which and when used over night
ear! t' of an Imposing nature. They were sit- 'With the Tahitans to be called "long feed than any other green Easel I have ght all traces
is no one in the whole world like . Y toe is over, and grown-up sons noted at the end of a narrow out de nose " is considered an insult and they ever tried, a d, later I will give my, ave it asked whether Russia would not be of it should disappear • before morn-
s herl Tell me, Angel — do you think; and daughters, with fixed opinions and
there is any hope Por me?" feelings of Chair own, coma book Like !sea, leading out of Cheapside, which compress the noses andante of pperionce ,with it the past fall and tiLe acting yvisely ln,renouncing. the poesas- Ln,g.,
I • terminated Ln a small, square, stone- their children for the sake of beauty. resent winter, for 1 have several tons Sion of Port Arthur and Talion -wan. Cucumbers wdtl be ptontiful Eor Some
He flung away the doll, so that it i strangers Co their father's house, then rived court, round which dingy four- The same custom is it Stored in the burn now, and am TELLS renunciation would have the fol- time yet, and as they enter largely in -
fell on to the round. The wooden: it is not easy to awaken that fif[eal de- P $ prevalent among
head struck gwith a sharp rap v°,ton that has been allowed to ]apaG storeyed hOixaee of smut -begrimed brick the Malays and the natives of Bruiid,
feeding it every day to both hogs and lowing. effects: — Firstly,I !:° Chs composition ul. this Preventative
and become as nothing had frowned dismally at one another In some parts of the world the nose fuse and shall nearly the entire win- g to 'give tL would be well to,prepitre enough just
against the parquet floor, Ewen at I gin their lives. for upwards Of a century. The square is piorc'it rings, sticks, feathers find tar. I am deoddedly.in favor of raising ing Ber a Irae hand; secondly, to rid Ler now Co last the w•tnter.
that moment it went through her i 1nor, G and DulGie were devoted to each consisted of about a dozen houses, in other ornamenla, beim inserted in the two Litters a Year from the SOWS, hilt of harbors where, La the event of war • -1'o make, put a cup of
mind, with that sort nE eomiG,othar, and they were very deferential the contra one of which, taein ihe'holea. g y must have Che best of An a small saucepan over [healire and
to do this the
realisation of little things that is d to their father, They never rebelled I street that lad to it, the great mer- the- The ancient Egyptians and Assyrians care. Never sell a first c1usS brood with Great Britain, her ships would be stir until it boil; allow to cool and
always present with us avec at the against his authority, or questioned , cantile house carried on its existence, used paint to make their eyebrows seem Sow as long as she will produce good naught Like rats in a trap; and, third- reheat. Da ,Chid three times. While
very crisis of our lives, that Lady any Of his decrees, but they belonged It could not be distinguished by any wider; the Arabians Of the present day Litters and save Lhem and suckle .well. IY, to spare her the coat of enormous hot stir in the juice of five lemons ani(
Lassiter would be in despair [P that led °Ycahhonli-rHpmore
feltba¢, and belong -,outward evidences of wealth and pros-�They
go a Step further in the use of paint, I Sometimes keep a sow until she is defences. i3yoceupy[ng herself ahietI two taUlospooustul of cucumber juice,
doll was broken; and then she forgot yet he five or six Years old, and again she will Y T11L9 may easily ha pressed from llix8
it again, bew Sas in his earnestness be r"Id n :L oomPlain of it, Angel was parity from its poorer neighbours, .not endeavor to produce the impression wtLh affairs in Northern China, espeo-
were its windows one Whit brighter, that their eyebrows grow down to the fail to prOdue° good litters at three vegetable, by cutting in bits the size
bad caught hold of hex hands, and was eat ly sLuoasg:vrha h�rsulice coldly or its stone window mouldings one, middle of the nose and meat there. or four years old, and when this hap- nilly that part of Chinn•whIch borders of half a lemou and pressing in Cho
I looking into her face with a curious: P Y quite pro- Pens we fatten her. I r on Russias own possessions; and with e
mixture of love for the absent Dulcie perly and dutifully affectionate, but atom leas broken down and dilapidntad i Persian women paint• a bleak line p efer to lot queazer to I:ha same way as lemons.
the Spring litters have the run of a the iailway iu Manchuria, Russia will Stir in, also; two t°'byes
and of admiration for herself, they lived lives that were Sport from ' than those of its fellows on either side around their eyes and ornament their P g poonsfut of
his, lived r g Y $. Small lot, but keep the fall pis shut 0 ° "warn[ag signal to the British, glycerine and one of hong
of it, that were in an altogether lower, faces with a varier: of figures. The P L g eyou in the,south of China. Rli&31a Y• '.l'ha for.
'Give mea scrap of hope, Angel," he Y were out of sympathy with' sphere of existence, so to speak, to it- Indiana of Paraguay eradicate their tato the house all winter, but sex that I mer may be omiLLed if it does not
cried. And then Angel, who, ill him, j sPIf. If You went in through the door eyebrows and eyelashes, saying that .ba bed is changed regularly, so as to 0°U Id then proceed," sups the journal, agree with the skin. At the last add
unknown to herself, eras of . 1 Bus, it was with no small amount I}a always dr and Cree Prom dust, I to develop her territory in 0110 dims
of inward trepidation way ovrr the wrll-tvurn sLons three- tbay do hot wish to look like bursas• y a Tow drops of any nice scant, The
' this \ver d°are trade Angel of at Lady Leasiier'stw as Over, Lunch 1 hold—worn by the footsteps o£ many In Chinia and neigbbouring countries it litl0 I do not get quite as great I.tom of Afghan[atiwi, and prepare her- siuoepan shau!cl be kept i❑ hot \valet
Hilli- merchant princes, who had Como and the finger nails are allowed to grow weight; atagiven ago on the full litter I aeU #or tba suprSme combat av111a11 she un; Ll l:ha IAPgrad:ents are tor.lt mixed,
him, $ smiled at rd;ty requested his eldest dnnghtex lO, gone backwards and forwards recross to a monstrous length as a symbol of its on the sparing, PTequenClq Lbeprire must pnrvitaUly have, SOOa1r or talar, then removed and Lh: contents stirred
I am sure you head not despair, !3.ve Bim a few minutes' private ann-' 1t—you came Into a small outer vas- nabi]il ladies wearing silver Gases to is bettor and they bring as much or with Great Bri ain, profiting at the every few minutes until a ,hull cold.
versation. Venetia and Dntexe went I y' g more• money. It has been oU'ected b Baine time by Lha latter having scat- It U now ready to be aelcou iny;•mall
Why should not Duties loveyou? There '• u stairs, and Angel and her father i C[bnle, wham SSC n respectable slier protect them. In acme parts of A#rico sato° moC it i too J y tered har forces in all directions -an p
must be every hope for you. I will' P g , ly man !n a !ivory Goat and braes but- yellow or purple bails tire considered hard on the Sows ACCs, ILke those th,t cone wtIh exCraat
h; 1p you all I can.,, I were left alone in the dining room. tons who noted as Porter, and who feao[onObLe, while the Turk[ah women to rear ttvo litters aywtr, but I do not error by which she will have weaken- I of Uaef, and covered with pnpar di ad
"What a dear girl you oral" he amongst the remntns of LBe, feast. bad`anL there for'thellasC fifty years. tinge their nails with a blue color, flad Itsoif thryara will Laken aareof, ed herself m India, It s absolutely' [n the whits Of tan agr to beaomenitr-
t h Jasaph Halliday, had, after due de- passim this individual, you cams at and I can keep them till five or six ossentimlthaL Russia sliouldfight this Becht. The Laos should be washedwith
Cried, with a laugh; and then kissed ( Iibaratinn fixed u g Y
i Ber band—and that was very hard to : Pon Angel as lbs nub- ones into the clerks' offices, two loft e- — — YSara old without their even getting supreme battle on land, and not un sea,
perhaps, than all the Y g good soap and hot. water, shading ori
i bear, harder, feet of his discourse from several Int- rooms, opening one out of the other, HE WON THE DAY. poor or run down.,, We always feed ��littntrr'mg har adversary .-Matt 88 to cold, over night, end this ointment
I rest. Portant reasons. with handsome stuccoed Hollings and warmslop in winter totbr pig8 until Y in the north of China and at he
gates of India." The ""Groolidanin" messaged into I;hs skin.
t Then , an came a Bab In knew
with Angel ons the eldest. Angrl was heavy oaken panellings; lbs enter room An Irishman was Eor°Penn of a jury they aro four months old, and if we `lit n glycerite is om[Lted use sweet
{ luggage, and both of them knew that it decidedly the handsomest. Angel had was occu Pied h six oun men, Of the y have unmerchantable re' Cts all notion of an eventual ra
I ¢lwa g ! y p g who Bad to tr a man Eor murder, potatoes Lt pave j° p til insLaud.
was Dal Le. And in sand. re regain- Ys burn the most tractable and usual t r every a ke ngLt of them on the stove vaterato en with Great Britain, the 9ai _
docile, SuP Osin YPo of City clerlta, nnramarkable Kori was sent to him that 11e would � vateruCr enemy of Russia, from whom
r of her arrival, Angel enc° more Horace
pp gall went wrong, do -1 in face or feature, shabby -genteel as be every morning to warm ton slap with, the patter can look for an advantage,� .. _
ad her usual selfoontrol, and Haraee gal would be less alarming in direct to clothing, and for the most part me- Paid £20D if be persuaded the ,jury as when mashed hot thiY not only 1,NGLISH GOLD,
Lassiter Settled his collar and putted ant�$onl8m Cn his schemes, than would diocro in ability. They worked, how- to return a vcrdtat of manslaughter, warm but flavor it. [ pruoLiee Lnot,a and it advocates, an the contrary, stn
her more impetuous Tho Verdict was returned, and the the plga young, att( think it is heoL ailmnca with Germany, in NY 0 Henry IIT, issuer( tha first eurreni
i down his cuffs, and met her as com- petuous and versatile sis- ever, like machines, coping early and The
of the done before g,aI $ join, old colli to England
posedlY as if he had imparted no love- ter, and; moreover, MatLbew Dane was staying late, sating their luncheons out Prisoner came and readi-weaning.never onnsult Franca might Ua induced to g ngland In 1241, It was
lura confidences to bar sister before certain to like her the beat. Therefore Of lY Paid the money. the almanac todetcrmine when itshnll .. ___._
iof para gild, patsad for 20 pence Eli
paper locusts, fuI'Llvely pulled out Did, you have much trouble in get- be done, and do it at all Seasons of the ISPEPTNG !t:I3E C1i 1 id
liar entrance, it Was to Angel that he addressed him- Of their pockaCe„ and living trainMbn-'ting torte verdict? askrcl one. IMERA WAITING• oris ca11ad a gold Petiuy,, Too next
e But as to Dulrie, she was as a needle, Self, The conversation that Look place day to Sai briny Mornings solely upon year, buC in summer prefer to do !L in
She Gams flying in, full of 1[EO and ax- $ (faith an' 'I had an awful struggle, coo[, we. wcathrxy and furntsb a \vol- Cho saud:S of DlnrgaLe are indirectly correct gold rodu isauoct- LBe florin-
UeCween them was as Bay a a, thO proapoCC and the rocraspoct of thG aa[cl the son of Brio, The rant of tBs cool,
the [ s neit Ba° s responsible for t Was is
eitrment, to throw Ler arms abauther 1tiiY dear, I Wish to ssY a taw words blissful Se t an afternoons end ;un- P B 1 Ihefever to PO his; ,Fatber,mothar, v sued by Rdwiti'd Ill, in 1844,
sistax'S neck; But when she saw Harare to You alone." days, when most of them c clad„ ,fury wanted, to acquit him, but', bo- lie [u the water, and in winter I and family tvaro about Cn be Ph Lo_ Guineas were issued b. Charles '. S
there she stopped short, looking from " Yes, papa.' F.hemselvea awe. nvor the seen -border- gorra, I wouldn't give way I OHoose mild weather E° cit. It is gtxist 1 Y IT n
green asav[ag tOUneod ttyaL[tters ayBar, as graphad by one of the itinerantbonah 1663, and Continued to loo coined Lilt
I one to the other with a certain suspi- "I would rathor you did act men- ed high roads of Uertfordah[re and fiends, lyssa one Of the olive branches, 1817, whSra tltr were au: r
I clans quickness, Then ribs greeted tion what I am ahoaL to Bay to YOU ,fent, in search of a stock of health PRT7.ER CONVICT LTTE. four SOWS will raise as many pigs as Y pe, sided by
Angel quietly, and gave her hand to Your sister, Wildly promise me this, and fresh stir, upon which to renew There aro at r e eight, it but one litter is raised, and in fear perhaps at the machine, fled sovereigns. 'Tb.a gold sovecel n e,
i veru coldly to Leasitar, not looking at my dear, P es nt, sevexAl. oldcon- Billsalone Nifulte asavtng, Italso di- away, with mother In hot pursuit, Toa f,.raC' coined b IIrur g w `
$ the monotonous tabours of the ansa- shoos waxed Ton for the urchin tuns the col. Y y VII• '•!.'hough
i h'm in the• least, and making it plain I Will promtse it to you, papa.', Ing work, No doubt they were exceacl- vihta da Fremantle, 4Veslraliu, Jail vdcles the half OE it is in win- g coining of moneyba it hp ota
w o, though t.he.r time bas hong ex- tor, whoa the farmar has more leisure hlasssof with stardy Iegs, and mother's rogritiv° of L n er ' [e l pre,-
Clift she was surprised and not over -"You Aro going this afternoon to Ing useful, to their emPJoyarS, and f}il• piaod, 11ve on theta. They give a8 slt}rits in H own, pat lho ancient
I PleAsrd,athis Presence. So that, after stay with my talented and esteemed no], each in his humble Sphere, a nook iHan in slimmer, and it gives impeded her. At .16"gth evert Saxon Prince oonpaun.cnt,li
their reason that all the y instead of one, andareasonablr a n G CaC.h¢r, who was indulgent to a Lou)( tl I. Lcp t:hair
I a Lew Common -Place words respeGt[ng senior Partneri Mr, Matthew Dane."' in the construction of t:ha Grant $ruse, people the h n o Subjects, innaninxii ghat in every good
hoe jouvneY toad the weather, linfound ;; Yes, papa, knew in the old country must be long of better rine for one lot. at holiday Lima, lost patience, ar per- town Chore wan aI le.r s
from which the Grant House Gould not since dead; so thty grofer to remain p p Lane inint, but
' hhimselflt constrained to take >m blr i a I trust; you will do 9.11 you can to easily have spared one of them. - -- blips he was reminded by the photo- at LOmdon there Wex•a c,ighl ; at: Can -
hat o go, ax ke yourself thoroughly pleasant• to Tho inner, or second room -with wows so much fellows
chair Ta has been, SELECT OT TRRD1NG CATTLE; gt'aPher. CIVIL f.ilk delay would entail Lar.bury, foul- fox' 'r, '
an expendtturB of rx[ra BopporS, 'Urr the 1.rchlpL t!, e ,rang, two for
w t Slant, own std fmusts aro allowed d Ca y Sh,•1;,; one for the Abbot al:
n`L', has Happened?" be asked }um and to his word Wife:" which this taia al mare intimately Can- go into town, but moat be back in Lime This da as important matter to ail ❑ with the, nipper, Marini angel, ttt>?tzly, A,s soca a8 ho was out " °u °a"Y be sure of that, Papa,' earned. was smaller tinct more soleal; fax locku . p r.t octal '. aral the fiWinchester. atinsix at Ruehaster, and, two
p nonGermed •n agricultural or pastern] blotre awaiting with the Ghlmrral at bast}.ngs, t