HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-1-20, Page 5JAN, 20, 1899 BUSINESS CAROL 1Vit0NEY0 NATG$ER Ti!?'S IYVT I3neela out , SC r e , o , V V . IT tloORAOKEN, 1 V Issurarotp1 I' n14a1 iconses. OWoo at his Groaory,'Puruborry, street, Brussels. N. BARRETT, � • Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door south of A. M. Me Kay L Co's hardware store. Ladle Wand ohildrous hair cutting a eneololty MiSS JEAN M'LAUCHLIN, —TEACHER OP— PIANO - AND — ORGAN, azav^mesas s, CN T, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM I/MURANOE, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. T. PLETOHERI isst,e! of Marriage Licenses, ONSIOE AT Jewzrar STORE. IrNo Wltnese Required. T. FLETCHER, Brussels T7ARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN- DnnaIaNnn has several gin Town s f or sale and to rant, easy tonna, of Morris and Grey. F 8. SCOTT ,Brussels A LEL HUNTER, i. Clark of the Fourth Division Cour Land, Loan and Inl ounce Agent Funds invested fcein and to 131001 ii unoelene made ..111•1... AUCTIONEERS. A IIUNTER, LICENSED ACO• .ti. • Tror4ER. Money to load. Farms to sell. S. SCOTT AB AN AUCTION• • mn, will onsiltime and lesr better s olbarges batter sou, than onyw n'totbor Achargioueere g. !suet Beane or be won't charge a rrang d Dates and orders can always be arranged nt this 01(100 or by personal application. VETERINARY. D. WLRWIOR, t') • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. is prepared to treat all diseases of domoBtioated animals lu a com- petent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calls prototly at- tended to. OMoe mid Infirmary—Four doors north of bridge 'rurnberry 8t„ Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. -[,[T ti. SINCLAIR, BARRISTER VV • Solicitor,Uonveyaaoer,NotaryPab- Ito, &o. Ommoo—Vausto0e'e Block, 1 door north of Central Hots Solicitor for the Standead Bank. QF. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, &o. (late of Darrow & Proudfoot's Office; Goderiah.) Office over Ctllies & Smith's Bank, Brussels. 47 Money to Loom. 'j�lf . G. OAIIIERON, .IV.L• n Holt & F r ri o f Oamero l o mo y ' 13 0 am em Irir Solicitor, a erlob ' Out. Office —HamiltOO 21., Opposite Col borne Hotel. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON. M.D., 0. M., Triuity University, Fellow Trin- ity Medical College, Member College of Phy- sicians and Burgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the !loyal College of Phyysicians and Licentiate of Midwifery,Edinburgh. 1. 'Pelephone No.14, Residnce, MYl16t., Brussels. E. T. SNIDER, • M.D., 0. M., snooeaser to Dr. A. McKolvey, Licentiate of Royal Collage of Ph eiciaue and Surgeons, Kingston ; Member of the Col- lege of Physicians end Surgeons of Ontario. Diseases of women and children a epeoialty. Eight years' experience. i 'O1Boe and res- ✓. formerly yDr.5o• Kelvey,TurnberrY st eet, Brussels. 2 M. ARMSTRONG, M.B., M.D.. M.O.P.S.O. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, A000UGHEUR, ETC. Special attention given to diseases of the Throat and Lungs and diseases of Woman and Children. REBIDENCE—WALTON, ONT. DR. F. H. KALBFLEISCH, PHYSIO/AN, 8US101'ON AND A00)11CHEUB, SUCCESSOR TO DR. W. GRAHAM. BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO. let Class Honor Graduate of the Universi- ties of Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (Kingston) and of Trinity Medical College; Fellow of Trinity Medical Collage and member of the ClIlege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontar- io. Post Graduate Course in Detroit and Chicago, 1800, Special attention paid to die - eases of Eye, Dar, Nose and Throat, and die - enfant of Women. 1."Consultation in Eng- lish and German. Telephone at reeidenoe. IMPROVED YORKSHIRE BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will keep for service on Lo120, Cou. 0, Morris, the thoro&.bred Im- proved Yorkshire Boar, "Oak Lodge Long' fellow," Na 2480, bred U J. E.13rothoue, Bur- ford, ur• ford,towbiohaSmiter!numberof sows will bo taken. 'Perms,81.00, to be paid at time of eervioe with privilege of returning if nec- essary, A number of choice young sows for sale for breeding purposes which will be sold at prieee to suit the times. 21. BOUT. N10HOL, Proprietor. f4ef6r0. Affar. "WOWS Phos111odine, rho Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by al druggists in Canada, Only ren able medicine discovered Sil packages f/1181'Plteed to euro al) :arms of, • Sexual Weakness, all effoeta of abuse ar excess. Mental Worry, Ex00e01Va 0Oe of To. ba000, Opium or Stimulants, Mailed on 'Teeth' 01 price, ono paPamphlets $1, six, $2. Ono wilt 2)10226, '0 t8tficure. free to any address. Tho Wood Company, 'tvindeor, Onb {laid in Irradiate byG.,t Optician. The standard Bank of Canacla. Menet' Orders For amounts of Fifty 19ollnre and under issued by this Bank, payable at par at any chartered Bank in Canada, with the exoeptien of Branohea in the Yukon Dis• triol, RATES Under $10 x+10 to 20 20 to 80 80 to 60 $0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 M. M. BRENT, AGENT, BRUSSELS, CAxzctv�ms. IurisnrAn Quartette on 81st inet. COUNTY Council opene next Tuesday at S o'clock. NzxT Monthly Horse Fair on There. day, Feb. 2nd. Don't forget the date. Omer Jun= ARMOUR will open the Huron Spring assize(' in the Court house, Goderiah, on Monday, March Mb. A new furnace will be put in at she Public School under the departments of Principal Cameron and Itlr. Weiehar. The old one will not supply the necessary heat and consumes too much fuel. Amount G. AnDAOn, who is working up public opinion on the peat fuel question was in Clinton again on Saturday. He is convinced peat will be the great fuel of the future in inland Ontario, beoanse of its cheapness and oleanlineos. From there Mr. Ardagb went down to Exeter and may have looked over Stephen, where there is said to be au immense aoreag0 of promising raw material. Mr. Ardagh'e company will, however, first operate in the Ellice swamp, North of Stratford and bee made an arrange. want with the Canada Company which owns a largo aorenge there. WESTERN STAR LODGE.—Tbe I. 0. 0. F. brethren held their semi-annual installa- tion of officers on Thursday evening, 5th inet., when the following were install. ed for the current term :—P. G., A. Mo. Guire ; N. 0., S. II. Jaokaon ; V. G., Wm. Grewar 1 R. S., D. C. Rose ; Fin.- Sec., 8. Wilton ; Treas., F. 8. Scott ; Warden, F. Lambie ; Con., Wm. Thom• eon ; 0. G , Wm. Martin ; I. G., D. M. Boort ; R. 8. N. G., S. T. Plum ; L. 8. N. G., Geo. Beet ; R. S. V. G., R. John- son ; L. 8. V. G., F. McCracken ; R, 8. 8., J. Ireland ; L. S. S., R. Henderson ; Chap., R. Loatherdale. This is one of the thriving institutions of Brussels and now that the Lodge room baa been en- larged and improved the Lodge is in bet.. for shape than ever to have candidates "ride the goat," Lodge meets every Thursday evening in tbe Graham block. BytxENEAL.—A Port Albert aorreapond ant writes :—On Jan. 3rd, at 11 a. m., a very quiet wedding took plaoe at the re eidence of Thos. and Mre. Hawkins, of this village, being the marriage of their daughter, Maggie E., to William Gray, one of our most popular yeoman of the neighborhood. Rev. T. L. Armstrong, pastor of Christ church, in this village, made the happy couple one. Immediat- ely after the wedding dinner William and hie better halt left for Detroit and intermediate pointe on a two weeks honeymoon trip. Both were widely known in the village, the bride being one of the choir of the English ohuroh, and a favorite amongst the choir, and she will be very maoh mimed by her choir mates. May their voyage of life be one of pros. parity and happineeo." The bride is a cousin to T. A. Hawkins, of Brnesele. Stratford Beaoon.—"Amongst thej2ry. men at the county Court last week was J. D. Stewart, of llueseldale, whom a host of friends in the city were glad to weloome. Mr. Stewart, for over a quart- er of a century, represented on the road. a large grocery house in Hamilton, add has a wide acquaintance all over West- ern Ontario. In Stratford be is eepeoi- ally well known in oonneotion .with the Caledonian games which a decade ago oonetituted the town's annual gala days. J. D. was the leading spirit of these games, and his entbnaiaem and whole• hearledneso contributed greatly to their Moss. Mr. Stewart, like Cinoinnatue, has gone back to 'tie plow, and on his little farm in Rneeeldale is enjoying, we hope, the aomforte and pleasures of a closer association with nature than the bustle and worry of commercial life afford. Mr. Stewart's visite to Stratford are always weloome." 0.0. F.—The installation of officers in oonneotion with Court Priories(' Alexan- dria No. 24, C. O. F., took place Tuesday evening, 10th inst. The following brethren will hold office for the current year R., Jae. Blaehill ; P. 0. R., W. H. Kerr ; V. O. R., Jno. Wilbert ; R. S., W. Smith; F. S., 8. T. Plum ; Treas., W. Blaehill ; Chap., N. B. Gerry ; S. W., N. Flat' ; J. W., Jesse Wilbee ; B. 13., W. Miller ; J. B., Jas. Nichol ; Phys., Dre. MoNangh• ton and Kaibfleisoh; 0. D., Jae. Sherrie; Rep. to high Court, Jhe. Sherrie ; Alter. nate, W. H. Kerr ; Auditors, I. C. Riohardn and Jae. Jones. There are about 100 members in good standing in Court Princess Alexandria and it ie one of the growing institutions. It is 20 years since Court Primed' Alexandria was instituted and there aro only two charter member(' here now, viz :—Walter Smith and George Rogers. Dr. Graham, of Clinton, and Juo. Halliday, of London, aro two other originals in the Court. At next meeting the proposed amendment(' to the Constitution at the next High Oonrt will be dieonseed. Taos. NEweouE'S 00NTRA0T8.—The fol. lowing 000traote have been secured by Thos. Newsome. of Bruooele, in the barn building line for the doming season, with more to follow :—Samuel Fraliok, eon., 12, Grey, bank barn 85 x 58 feet; Geo. Clark, oon.,17, Grey, new shed with stab- ling underneath 35 x 90 feet, Wm. Dark will do the stone work ; Wm. Telfer, oon., 16, Grey, bank barn 40 x 60 feet ; Thoe. Stephenson, oon., 10, Grey, straw abed 50x 66 feet, with stone stabling uo• der barb and shed. Cooper Bros. have the jab of the stone work ; George Mo. Gall, 8th line, Grey, barn to be raised, split and 20 feet put is with another 20 feet to the end which will make hie build. ing 60 x 70 feet, atone stabling will be put in for which A. J. Lowry, of Brueeele, has the contract ; Hugh Lamont, 8th .t' 60 feet, on the 100 acre farm he perches. ad a fell years ago 011 the 10th oon. It will be something after the style of the one built last year by 11.Mal/allow, of rho same concession, Mr. Nowaoale and 1 staff are now hard at work getting out the ueceeeary timber and on the opening of Spring building will proceed with vigor, F'ordwictla. [Intended for loot week ] MoCallum went to Clifford on Mon. day, having obtained work in the flour mill there. The Christian Ludeavor of Trinity Cllareh will not bold any more meeiiugO till Spring. Joeoph and Mrs. Montgomery, of Nee - paw'', Man., are visiting friende in and around town. Owing to the storm on Sunday morn- ing the earldom' in the several ohurobeo were not very well attended. A large number of our citizens attended a box social at Mr. Cooper'', on the 2nd con., Elowiok, given by Mayne Epworth League. They report a good time. A baptismal eervioe was held in the Methodist Church on Sunday. The sem mon wee on baptism. ' Several adulto, 000verte of the recent revival services, were baptized. The Library is now open on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday .:1 eaob week, instead of Wednesday, Friday and Sat. nrday as formerly. It is well patronized, having about 160 members. Ata epeoial vestry meeting in Trinity Ohureh on Thursday of laet week, a cam mittee was appointed to 0eeertaiu the coat of building a tower, purohaeing abell and making some other improvements. A well•oontested hockey match was played on an open-air rink on Monday of last week, between Wroxeter and the home team. The visitors won by a more of 7 to 8. The return muton will be played on Wroxeter rink on Thursday, 12th duet., at 8 o'olook p. m. Lendb na•v. The death is announced of Andrew Goveulook, a well.known McKillop town- ship farmer, at an advanced age. De. ceased was a mill owner and an ex• tend ve farmer, but met with unfortunate boniness reverses in later years. He was very highly esteemed by 011 who knew him. Mise Goveulook, of Smallman & fngram'e, London, is a daughter of de- oeased, and Mr. Goveulook, of the Colle- giate Institute staff, of the same city, is a nephew. Mr. Govenlook was a staunch Presbyterian ; a most enthusiastic tem• peranoe advocate ; and a prominent Lib- eral. He had been in failing health for some time past. His•name will be kind- ly remembered for long years to come in this township. L. 0. L.—The following brethren were eleoted offroere for 1899 in connection with Winthrop L. 0. L., No. 833 :—W. M., John Bullard ; D. M., W. Kennedy ; Chaplain, Joe. Hogg ; R. S., A. Brown ; F. 8., R. Murdie ; Treas., J. Boyd ; D. of 0., W. Bullard ; Lecturers, D. Boyd and A. Sperling ; Committee, W. Thew- artha, R. Boyd, J. H. Campbell, J. Story and W. Hogg ; Auditors, J. Scarlett and A. Sperling ; Tyler's, A. Brothereon and J. Simpson. William Kenney, deputy master of No. 813, received a oheok for $1,000, the amount of inedrance on the late Anthony Boyd in the Orange Mutual Benefit Assooiatioo. The check was handed over to the widow of the deoeae- ed. Connell met in Jones' hotel, Leadbury, on Monday, 9th inet. Members all pre. sent and took deolaration of office and oath of qualification before the clerk. The following officiate were appointed :— David M. Rose, Treasurer ; Wm. Evans, Aeeeeeor ; Cherie(' Dodds, Collector ; Adam Diokeon and GeorgeMardie, Audi- tors ; Thomas Murray, member of Board of Health ; Richard Pollard,8anitary Iu• epeotor. Ordore were issued on the Treee• urer for clerk's and oollector'e ealartes, eleotion and other expenses including 510 to hospital for sick children, Toronto, and 547 charity, making a total of 5353.71. The clerk was authorized to advertise for tenders for steel bridge with atone or con - orate abutment for Cowan's bridge, also tenders for drains and cleaning roads in Eastern corner of township. As to the matter of request of Hay township to petition County Council not to provide aeeeeement and collectors rolls, the Coon. oil is of the opinion that tbe County could procure them'oheaper than the individual municipality but think it would be better to provide them exclusive of County printing and have them bound better. Council adjourned to meet in Jones' ball, Leadbury, on Monday, February, 20th, at 1 o'clock p. m., whenlanditore! report will be received.—I wish school sections would appoint dome of the candidates for Council ad trustees so they would know enough school law to send me name0 of the teachers and their addressee.—Jo0N C. MORRISON, Clerk. oon., Grey will put up a bank barn 50 x Morrie Council Meeting: 1'LI 131tU'SSE L.S POST 111e Wawanosh Oounoil re settlement 01 Boundary expenditure, and the Clerk was instructed to ask said Council to ap- point time and place of mooting. On motion of Jackson and Code, the Clerk u ba r of od toh m was inetruot vo a n n oopiee of By-law No. 12 printed for the 00e of Radiometers, one to bo given 10 oaoh pathmaotor along with hie road list. On motion of Code and Shaw, the follow - log accounts were ordered to be paid, viz W. Ferguson, ditoh and culvert, $6 ; H. Richmond, repairing culvert, 51,20 ; J. L. Miller, repairing culvert on N. boundary, 200 ; G, Davidson, damage through hauling gravel, 60o. ; Thos. Miller, D. R. 0. fees, $6.00 ; R. Bewley, D. R. 0. foe, 56 00 ; Chan Mo0rea, D. R. 0. feeo, $6 00 ; W. Elston, D. R. 0, fees, $6 00 ; J. Robb, D. R. 0. fees, 50 00 ; A. Laidlaw, D. R. 0. fees, 56 00 ; S. S. Noe, 1' 9, 5, 7 and 10, use of school houses at eleotion, each $3.00 ; W. H. Kerr, printing posters for Bast boundary jobs, 75o ; Mnoioipal World, blank forme, 55,08 , W. Clark, eleotion expen. see and posting financial statements, 511.00 ; Hospital for Sick Children, ao per motion, 510 00 ; Jno. Mooney, col. lector's salary, 586.00 ; Jno, Mooney, order for remission of taxes, as per motion, 53.60 ; corporation of Brussels, Hall rent for Division Court, $6.00 ; cor- poration of Blyth, Hall rent for Division Court, $7,50. By law No. 1, 1899, was duly read and pureed. On motion of Cardiff and Shaw the Council then ad journed to meet again on the 13th day of February next. W. Guam, Clerk. Perth County. ST. BRIDGET'S Onaa00 Bo R111114—St. Bridget's, the handsome pariah church of Rev. Father Downey, in Logan, was Jan. 6140, totally destroyed by Ore. Dur- ing the morning the "Little Christmas" serviced were held in the soured edifice, a very large congregation being present. About 2:30 o'clock one of the neighbors noticed flames in the root of tbe church and an alarm was raised, too late how. ever to save the building from destruction. By the most heroin efforts a good deal of the vestments and several of the stators were reaoned from the devouring element, but the church itself was burned to the ground. How the fire started is a mys- tery. It is thought that a defective chimney was the cause, though there are some who are of the opinion that rate started the blaze by gnawing some matches The Conncil•eleot for the current year, namely—Wm. Iebietor, Reeve, and Messrs, Code, Cardiff, Jaskeon and Shaw, met, according to Statute, and subscribed the necessary declarations of office and qualification. The Reeve occupied the chair. Minutes of last meeting for 1898 were read and passed. On motion of Councillors Cardiff and Jaokaon, W. Clark was reappointed Clerk at a salary of 5130.00. On motion of Councillors Code and Shaw, R. Johnston and M. lilaok were appointed Auditors, salary $8.00, On motion of Cardiff and Code Jno. Watson was appointed. Assessor, at a salary of 570.00. On motion of Jack - eon and Cardiff, Thoe. Laidlaw was re- appointed member of the Board of 144081111. On motion of Cardiff and Shaw, a grant of $10.00 was given to the Hospital for Sick Children at College etreet, Toronto, and the Treasurer was inotruoted to for- ward the game at once. Ou motion of Cardiff and Jackson the Clerk was in- structed to notify the parties interested in the Garniss drain to appear at the Connell meeting to be held on the 13th of February next, whon the Engineer's report on said drain will be taken into consideration. On motion of Cardiff and Shaw, the Clerk was instructed to pre. pare a eketoh of printing required for the current year and ask for tenders from the Wingbam, Brussels and Blyth pub. lishere. On motion of Code and Jackson the taxes of the following parties were remitted, they being in straitened air. oumetanoes, namely Jae. Bailey, 60o ; Mrs. Mi0kimmon0, 760 ; S. J. Flaming, 70o ; and W. Wiley, 51.80. On motion of Jackson and Shaw the Heave was author1Eod to meet a repreeentativo of whioh bad been left in the vestry. An investigation will be held next Tuesday. HAPP - New Year! I wish to extend my hearty thanks' to the public for past favors and solicit e share of patrons•go for the future. ' Horse Shoeing. If yon want a good shoo on a good horse at a fair prion call on me and you are bound to bo satisfied, General Blacksmithing All kinds of Jobbing and Repairing in my line promptly attended to. No bungling or poor workmanship done on my premises, but satisfaction guaranteed. Wiebing all a Happy New Year. thio, it wispier, Horse Slicer and General Blacksmith, BRUSSELS. HOWE fat 00. Call and see our stock of Blankets, Sheetings, Flannels T'vveeds, The ohuroh was insured in the Perth Menial for 52,500. St. Bridget's ohuroh Yarns was situated about two miles north of 1 Bornholm. It wan a frame structure, 70x35 feet, and was ereoted eome twenty- .1 four years ago by Rev. Father O'Neil, now of Kinkora. It was dedicated by the late Arohibiebop Walsh, and the opening sermon was preached by Rev. Dr. Kilroy, of Stratford. The congregation is a weal- thy one, and recently erected a hand- some and commodious parsonage. The church itself was remodelled and improv. ed a few years ago. Rev. Father Dow- ney ie DOW in London consulting with Bishop O'Connor. The oongregation will worship in Mitohell mit ila new ohuroh is ereoted. Etc On Thursday night, 5th inst., at 8 o'olook a man called at the house of no. Harrower, the treeenrer of the menial• pality of Argyle, Man., saying be wished to pay his taxes. He accompanied Harrower to hie office, whale another man was waiting for them. When Harrower had opened the Bate to get out the necessary papers be was covered by and tied heves with a revolver, the / i down to the counter, the thieves having gagged and handcuffed him to prevent him making a noise. In the struggles a revolver went off, the ballet passing through Harrower's band, bat the latter made marks on one of the men which will materially assist in identification. The amount secured was upwards of 5700. BRUSSELS PUJ[P WORKS. I wish to inform the people of Brussels and surrounding district that I have pun phased the Pump Business of JAMES BELL and will be found ready to attend to all wante in either new work or repairs at moderate prises. No better Pump in the market. 'Order left at my shop or residence or at P. SCOTT'S 'hop will be promptly looked after. t3'Order° taken for the Digging of Wells and Cisterns. Cromer Green, MILL STREET, - BRUSSELS. Wool, lilies, Butterand Eggs taken in exchange. Carding, Spinning, Weaving, Knitting, etc, Promptly attended to 08 the BRUSSELS WOOLLEN MILL. NEW. ilidher Shopl The undersigned has open- ed up a Butcher Shop in the where he will keep constant- ly on hand a supply of the Best Meats Procurable, sold at reasonable. prices. A share of public patronage solicited. S■ Y1f .A.L10ER. Meat delivered to all parts of the town. "CASH PAID FOR HIDES. NIINIMMIONIMUMISOONIEM We are Offering a ins Special Bargains g DURING TIIB BALANCE OF JANUARY ! For this week see our Table of Remnants and Odd lines of Dress Goods going at your choice for 10 Ots. per Yard. Alex. Strachan. Foot Coffins Put crape on your flat when you wear rubber on your feet ! 'Draws them—' Pains thein—' Kills their comfort and telegraph, the trouble to your eye -sight, Wear the new Waterproof Calfskin Shoe, with rubber outtole, Goodyear Welt—Safe, stylish, springy, durable, and ever ready for rain, snow or shine. Ask ler tne Slater SIip!ess Shoe. Jno. Downing, - Sole Local Agent NTeLEOD'try Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is snoceeefully need monthly byover 10,000 Ladies. Safe, elTeebual, Ladis ask System. ��qq °� �9+t1 p, r� qyt your druggist for Cook's Cotton Rost Coa- SySYem„ �e.1fei,.ov ob lased. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangeroce. Price, No. 44, $1 per box; No. 2,10 degrees strouger,$5 per box. No. tor 8, mailed en receipt of price and two 8.00111 'tamps, The Cook Company Windsor. Ont. �eiruieindmended by all :enble and Canaa Noe. 1 and'2 soldlin A DEAD ' Druggist, Bookseller & Optician. —AND 0T13ER— TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyepepaia, Sleeplessness, Palpita• tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint,Nenr. algia, Lose of Memory, Brouohitie, Com gumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De. bility. LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. J, M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufaotarer, gold by Jaa. Fox, Druggist, Brussels. PICOSI i1J'iA m a well man of YOV t mom 10101:0;/000 01111 ABOVE a589000IN 00001TES00. 4420000 cera, aU 9110000140(00000,4, 8lwploe5. 0090. Fo1"a 0100,017, 914141147 Em10100 rma. torr0ovi Impatonar, 010,. onaeud by Dear neat1 quick vigor and me 10 shrunken mxapi, aO quickly c 40(000 nt0eo PIri0000 00Lour ollfriow 0100°01 Cana tseoareely ocNoi trona oobserrvation Emu, Carried t0 vast pocket. Price, e1 a Im+10000 elr to. 15. 8006 money 10 either ordinaryr eog_latm+ Dru'rtrte Address 000' O, -ren, T. tortWr0 De. m1nlo0 o COaada. A. COUSLEY Real Estate 86 Loan AGENT, BRUSSELS, Money to Loan on Farm Secur- ity at the Lowest Bate of Interest. Money Loaned on Notes and good Notes Discounted. Sale Notes a Specialty. Fire d Life insurance Written. Special Attention given to Conveyancing. A. COUSLEY, Office over Deadman'(' Drag Store, BRUSSELS. FAMOUS Feed r m e gee ®=—MAFa tAT01Et The boiler is made of steel, cast iron front, grates, fire box linings and smoke pipe plate, all other parts made of the best cast steel protected against warping. Flues arranged so that boiling can be done quicker and at much less cost for fuel than the old style furnace. Price only $16.00 Cash. Leave your order at once with GERRY BROS. N0%011 NEW OOfFnL0 PATENT ALL STEEL DISC NA0000. e OSttIONAt 400NO TOOTH CaLEI(Aton Jia LONG, The Buffalo All -Steel Disc Harrow This is the only Disc Harrow made or sold in Canada, having independent, adjustable spring pressure upon the inner ends of the gang diens, allowing any amount of pressure to be thrown upon the timer ends of the gaugs,by the footor the operator. By this moans a perfeotlyflex- dblc motion is secured and the ground eau be worked to a uniform depth. Examine this Machine carefully and oomparc with others. The No. 12 Cultivator IS A MARVEL OF SUCCESS. The only Cultivator made that both lines of teeth will out an even depth in the ground, Examine it and you will see why. The only Cultivator with a moveable tooth set so that the angle of the teeth eau bo regulated to suit any condi- tion of slPressure sou beregulated to act teetdifferently arar ovary ation t re wheel it, The teeth are cbehi d ,asinbetween the wheels instead Se training behind, of , other machines, thus dished with ilighterra draft, oe Be machine mealtime., tre- qubed w441 grain and grass seed d et when re- quired, teeth • reversible extra amend steel pointuttiug for the tel b ; also extra wiae ine I t and you pointe can Uo turuielled, ExamineItand you will buy no other. The Best Drill Made. The Hoosier Needs No Introduction. Over 40,000 Drill0 and Seeders of our manu- facture hi use in Canada, The Only Drill made. with lever for instant and portant regulation of depth of hoe in all laude o1 Boil, while team is in motion. Sows absolutely cermet to scale; saves seed, as every kernel is deposited ata proper depth to grow. Purchase only the boat and you w111 no satitaed.. Wo glob manufnotore Binders, R0ap000, Mowers, Rakes, Cultivators and Polpera,ae good as the best, Send for illustrated catalogue, OX0N 81108. MFG. Co., (Linlito0) Iugel'soll, 0100., cogu011 ,41,gont Brussels.