HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-1-20, Page 31r; Heel JAN. 20, 190). - THE B HHSS3!IS POST, THE \E8 IN n ME THE VERY LATEST FROM ,ALL TI -IE WORLD OVER. 1^-, interesting Items About Our Own Country, Great entitle, the United States, and Ml Parts or the Maim, Condensed and .taaorted for Easy Reading. CANADA. Hamilton's death rate was only 20 :bier LhamseteL There is a nem to establish a tour- ist association for Quebec„ The eagle of the Tate 3'. S. Rath- bun, Doserouto, amounts to $80,000. Lessee by fire in Landon, Ont„ dur- ing the peel year amounted to 045,000. During tho poet six months London has had 294 births, 100 inarriagea and 100 (teethe. The Ontario Legislature has been calfs fur Feb. 1st for the deimatoh of business. Individual communion' cups were in- troduced in Centenary Church, LIatnil- ton last night, Six eases of smallpox have broken out a abort distunee from Montreal, in the vicinity of Coteau du Lao. T. J. MbNamara reports at Vanoou- vor, the finding of a skeleton of a mas- todon on bis claim in Alaska, Archbishop Bruehesi, in a pastoral letter to the clergy of the Diocese of Montreal, interdicts church bazaars. There are now throe law suits pend- ing against London in connection with its City Hell disaster of a year ago. The quantity of lumber imported in- to Ninnit.oba during the past year was over 30.000,000 feet, all from United .Status mills. During the past year the Catholic parishes of Quebec city have had 362 marriages, 2,235 baptisms and 1,541 deaths. Marry Cola of Ottawa, who accident- ally shot Wm. Hubbell of Havelock near flauphin last week, has been (e m - milled for trial. it is reported in Winnipeg that the Local Legislature will meet on Febru- ary 2nd, and that a redistribution bill will be introduced. Proceedings have been taken Lo ex- tradite P. be Bollinaon, the Ottawa Insurance agent arrested at Adrian, illieh., for forgery.. It is reported that the Government will shortly order an investigation in- to the conduct of affairs at St. Paul's. Man., Indian School. "Indian Jim," who (racked a,Chin- •eso storekeeper to death with an axe and was sentoaoed to life imprison- ment, will have a new trial at Nee naimo. The Crow's Nest Rahway is now in working order, and three passenger trains are sent over it each way every week. The regular freight traffic is steadily increasing. iA guoet at the Windsor Hotel, Montreal, registered as !'rank Lang- don, Brooklyn, is missing since Dec. 4. His belongings, left behind, indi- cate a mum of means. Mr. J. Christie, of Greenwood, has tendered his resignation as Dominion veterinary inspector, for the southern portion of Yale District, B.C. The Hamilton Board of trade has ap- pointed a committee to consider what iinprovemenLs oanabe made in the nu- -satisfactory assessment in that oity. Guard,s in Kingston lenttenttary are being subjected to a rigid mainline Lion as to physical condition. Those considered unfit for service will be dismissed. At the opening of the British Colum- bia Legislature the Lieutenant -Gover- nor announced that a bill would be brought in for the exclusion of aliens in Atlin district. Bridget Blasdell of Lynden hes been relaased.from the penitentiary at King- eton. She hand been sentenced for life, but after nineteen years' imprisonment a pardon was granted her. At Balder, Man., two men entered the office of Ma', John Hanover, Trott- surer of Argyle municipality, covered bine with revolvers and Look $700 from tele safe and made their escape. Hamilton city (munui[ has passed iv by-law granting the T. H. & 13, Rail- way a rebate of $1,000 a year on its taxes, the company to extend a brand' to hat northern section of the city. Fred. W. Johnson, the colored man who, with his colored lady companion, was refused orchestra seats at the Academy of Music, Montreal, and sued Sparrow & J•acobrs for damages, has bean awarded $50 damages and all costs. • Suit hes been entered at Victoria, B.C. against D. A. Stoddartex-M .P Lor East Lillooet, in the British Colum- bia Legislature, for $280,000, being the penalty me 0500 a day for having, as alleged, sat during the last session without qualification. The blidlan•1 Board oe '.'rade endorses the proposition of Menstruating a loop line railway from a point between Al- lendale and Collingwood on the North- ern Railway to Bradford on the same line, and a resolution to that end was ordered to be sent to the Board of Trade of Toronto. The will of the late Rebell; Thomson, lumberman, has been filed for probate at Hamilton, Ont. Tha personal es- tate is about 4100,000 and real estate 100,000. After a legaoy of $10,000 Lo a niece and 01,0,000 to a sister of de- mised, the balance of the estate goes to the widow and the sen, J. J. Char - GREAT BRITAIN.. trouse Thompson. Zola is writing of his flight from France. Aa English vicar just sent to goal for forgery had ju.bti.shed a book es - tilled Resiat not evil." It has been computed that more than 100,000 irhahitants of London aro em., played at night work. Sir Alfred Milner, Governor of South Africa, will salt from Loudon for Cape Town on January 28th. Willtum Morris's library, recently sold at auotion in London, brought nearly $55,001) for 1,215 tato. Col, Sir Francis Wingate hes leen promoted tr the position of d jutant- General of the Egyptian) ere, The Duke of Connaught and his son, Piano° Arthur, leave Florence for Egypt and liherluum next week. ltodyerd Kipling, Mrs, Kipling and his futility will Sall from Liverpool for New York on the atwitter eltelesLio air January 25. The London ebroniete says a cordial weleurne will be extended to 2dr•. Juseph 'ilodgce Choate, as tinned States Aru- baseador to Great Britain. Laudon is delighted with the novelty of baying route of its Pira ladders drawn by Horses iaeia,ad of by hand, These are called "horsed fire escapes,' Tee London, ling., bospitai has asked 80 wealthy persons Lo Bend $1,008 each to that institution on their birthdays. The lfynoch Company, of 13irtntug- emu, Lng., has a contemn for 10,000,(.00 cartridges fur the United Stator Government, 1,000,080 weekly, Great 13rLLttin's revenue for the quar- ter ending Ileo. 111, was 0143,001,070, an inor'ease of 04,318,000 over the eur•- r•espoading quarter of last year. It is rumoured in theatric'-a circles, in London that Sir henry Irving, owing to illneee, may retire from the Menge and sell the Lyceum Theatre. According to uff.oiaL figures, Great Britain expands ,198,000,1,08 a year on the support of the peer, and Germany 5.5,O400U, This does not include pri- vate charities. The hoard of Trude returns of Great Britain s foreign trade for the month of lreeomber show increased over 1887 of £3198,100 in imports and £1,058,300 in exports. Aubrey Beardsley's original dr•aw- Lnge have made their appearance in London auctions. '.lie fleet lot sold since the artist's death, brought from 038,50 to 538.50 a piece. An English guide -book makes the carious assertion that a large propor- tion of those who have 'rade the ascent of Mont Blnno have been perscns of unsound mind. Sir Henry Ilawkins, the English judge who resigned last week, has pre- sented Cardinal Vaughan with $15,000 towards a new Roman Catholic cath- edral at Westminster. The Rev. 313: Grandy has been vicar of tfey, in Lancashire, for sixty years. He is 11.2 years of age, and - read prayers before tett Princess Victoria in b1'itli:im IV's Lime, • The Luke of Bennfort is one of the few people in England who have carri- ed on extensive experiments in the breeding of the large mules used in Flanders and Spain Por lleht road work. A cargo of parrots that arrived in Leith, Scolland, wee bought up at once by a firm of whiskey manufacturers, The birds were taught to cry "Drink Blank's whiskey," anti were then dis- tributed in gilt cages to Liverpool saloon keepers. At a banquet in Scotland recently, Lord ltosebery lost a ruby out of a favorite ring. He was very much wor- ried about the loss, and when after dil- igent search one of leis Scotch friends found the jewel, he gave a handsome cheque to the finder. A London plumber Is under arrest for stealing two houses. He Was two months at work lear.ng them down and Luk ng away the material without. any i:0e ,nterfering with him. It was only when the owner went to look at his houses himself that he Lound they Were gone. liOr. '.th:rnlas Townshend Bucknill, Queen's Uouneel and member of Par- liament. in .ha Conservative. interest for elid-Su ray, .Epsom, hes been raised to in., B,nah of the high Court of Judicature, in eucceseicn t0 Mr. Jus - Lice henry Hawkins, who reeently re- tired. Jane, Dowager Lady Carew, has just melted upun his ruler yea:, She danced at iho beefless of li,chmcnd's ball at Brussels on the night before Waterloo. Two other laule% still liv- ing at a very advanced age, were pre- sent al the (bail, Lady Louisa Tighe and her sister, Lady Sophia Cecil. iho latter, a child of six, had been put to bed, Rue stole out in her nightgown and watched the bail from over the banisters, She was a daughter of the Duchess. UNITED STATES. There are about. 200,000 Mormons in Utah and the contiguous States and Territories. i In dealers at Syracuse, N. Y., have formed a combine with a capital of $000,000. Shipments of iron. ore from Lake Superior are about 1,200,000 Lona great- er than in 1897. The present population of New Mex- ico 14 estimated at 240,.0, including about 20,000 Indians. New York Superior Court judges appeared in black silk gowns on Thursday fon: the first time. RaLfaell Ungerro, at Ch.cago, on his wayto b•. .C. as robbed of t L Cloud, B w 0560 by a bogus olies officer. George F. Bielmaiar, a Buffalo man, has leen found wandering In o streets of San Francisco, insane. During the eleven monthsende.d with Novemuer, 510,858 persons visited the Congressional Library at Washing- ton. The Chicago Chief of Police has in- structed his men to "shoot to kill" wheu necessary in dealing with high- waymen or notorious thugs. Six miners were killed by the fall of a cage down a shaft five hundred feet at the Luke Superior Iron Co.'s mine at Ishpeming, Mich. It is said that the recent advance in security market values, has added not less then 5215,000,000 to the person tl fortune of Wirliam id, Vanderbilt, The friends of Senator. Medlillen of Michigan says that when his term es Senator expires, ha will return to De- troit Leet engage in active business. The enrollment ot the Chickasaw nue tem has been completed by the Dawes Commission, end shows a total of 13,- 400, 3;400, of whom 0,088 are Chickasaws and 8,532 Chcotaws. In Buffalo a planer is in operation which at each out removes a slurring full twelve inches wide from solid cast iron, Tha knife is between twelve and thirteen inches thick. Mrs. Lucretia !Cent, a widow, has been found dead in her house at Sp+ingflold, DI, 'Phe body was found with one hand pinioned under a fold- ing bed. She lived alone.. Thomas :Moly, of Penn, 311„ while making (u'rnng..ments for the eerie/ '10 bis slater, was killed. oft a Oroasing near the burial grunted, and the two Were burred together, Lewis Doane, twenty-two years old, Bled iu Lyons, N.Y., on Saturduy from runvul 1011(3 produced by a fright lie was given by un alleged "ghost" at a Hal^ luwe'ea party. The '.'own of Pullman Is to be (10 - tweed to Chicago, and tbo Pullman Company will .trill all their property in the plates not required for their busl- nees to the highaot bidder. Irishmen of New York oily have 00" ganieed the United Stoles indepen- dent League. A Canadian branch is propo:red. All opposed to Anglo -Sax- on alliance are invited to join the league, The railroad 'bill and the bill taxing insuraece eomptuales 2 per cent, on their gross premiums, us passed by the extra session, of Llia Jeanette Legisla- ture, have been signed by Governor Leedy. Tho citizens of Eagle City, Alaska, waited on Jaok Jolly and his gang of gumble'rs' and toughs, giving them 48 hours to leave the city. Jolly refused to go, and was hanged by a vigilance committee. The Assubet Manufaoturing Com- pany, of Boston, with woollen mills et Maynard, has made an assignment. for the benefit of its creditors. The Lia- bil(les, Recording to the July state- ment, amounted to 08,018,101, includ- ing $1,0(10,000 capital stock, At. Oincinnati, Ohio, Judge Holister has reversed the police court ruling in the Christian Science case of Harriet Evans and freed her, The court holds lb.tt Lbe rites she performed) ware re- ligious and not medical, and therefore net within the jurisdiction of the law under which' elle was prosecuted. Perry Jones, caalier of the First Na- tional Bunk of Plllipsbury, Pa., one of the most extensive c4,1 operators in that section, and largely interested( in manufacturing enterprises in that vic- inity, committed suicide at bis resi- dence on I'rid:ty night. It is supposed 1het recent hard work and anxiety were the causes. When 1,Ir. Calvin S. Brice of New York died, it wee said he had left a for- tune of 510,000,000. A petition for idte lend of administration filed in the Surrogates office declares he left no real estate, and that his personal pro- perty is valued. at 8000,000. It is said Mr, Brice lived at the rate of $i00,- • GENERAL. Sarah Bernhardt is learning to play gulf. e Ira bet hro, hal of Queen Welhelmina of Holland is denied. Emperor William; is i11. His old( ear troubles has returned. 'rho German weavers' strike is spreading and 0,000 men are out. 1t is proposed -to make Rome a sea- port. ssumated cost 51.2,000,000. ,Berlin police are measuring and pho- tographing all known Anarchists. '1. hochief ennuc)). of the Sultan of Turkey is dead. He was worth $200,- 000. A congress for the annihilation of tu- b.roulus,s will convene in Berlin on May z3. the Vatican will not be represented at the forthcoming disurmament con- ference. Spain has lust about 000 war -vessels by battle and wreck since the six- teenth century. New silver, hardly yet in, circulation in Paris, has already been Conn - Leyte] ted. Emperor William has conferred the order of the Black Eagle upon Herr Adolph Menzel, the noted German. 1.00ds in Chinese provinces have de- stroyed the crops and famine has re - seined in many parts of the Empire. Emperor William himself design.d the custurnes in which the Empress as arrayed during her visit in. Pales- wtine. Francs is burdened with 400,000pub- lio officials, costing the state 015,000,- 000 francs a year, according to the esti- mate of Le Temps. Sings 1875 Hamburg has added to its population twine as many persons es Boston, and Leipsie has overtaken St. Louis Of the thirty-eight Sultans %Mohave reigned over the Ottoman :Empire since the conquest of Constantinople, thirty - fuer have died violent deaths. `.Che Queen of Greece has bestowed the Medal of. Valour oral 100 women who served as nurses in the Late, war between Turkey and Gresoe. Thu first narrow guago railway rain run by eleotricity in Europe was given a Diet on a short road between Dusseldorf and Krefeld Germany. Forty harbour engineers 0emmis- sioned by the Russian Government have left St. Petersburg for Tulien- wen, China, to carry out harbour works there. The Spanish Offioia1 Gazette an- nounces that on January 1 Spain's Coating debt was 554,810,595 pesetas, an increase of 11,812,005 pesetas over January 1, 1808. General Lord Kitchener, the Sirdar, has deoided to send a strong expedi- tion against: Klrabfa Andullah, who is now in'Darfue with a large force of .Dervishes. Wet m suppers will be provided for the German army after New Year's Day, The increase of cost for pork and sausages for the Berlin garrison Mono will be $200,000 a year. 'there was at one time in an office in Adelaide, Australia, three gentlemen of the name of Day. One Watt known as San Day, another as Pay', Day, and the third as Judgment Day. The Cologne Volks Zeitung announ- ces Chat it has received news of the imprisonment of German Catholic mis- sionaries by Chinese at Haig, in Shan Sze, about seventy miles south-west of Ping -Tang. In Germany 45,251 persons under '18 years of age were convicted of crime or misdemeanor in 1807. Of these 22,544 were sentenced for theft, 7597 for vio- lence to 1 he parson, and 8,007 for fraud. A serious revolution is now prooeed- ing in elle r'epnblio of Baliva, The transit trade by way oe Mellendo, Peru, is intereuplede Ecuador deo is much disturbed, but Peau is perfectly tran gh'il.n Aimperial edict has been issued in Pekin commending the immediate ln- stit:ution of the reforms in the methods of training troops, in agriculture, in 'manufacture, and in everything likely to conduce to the prosperity of the em- plre, A deadlock fists resulted at Pekin hem the demand of the Russian nttth- (nithes for the surrender of certain British properly which l.be Chinese Government had awarded as .kart of the ltusslan auncesdiun at Han-1Cau, The 131Itieb refuse Lo surrender this prr,perty. Poker has boon declared a game of chance by the Vienna Supreme Court, and is forbidden in Austria-Hungary as coming under the law peened in 1871 against games of hazard. The judges, before arriving at their derision, die• cussed the intonate eel element in J,luf.- fing. Law has got the better of theology for the first Lime et the University of Halle, the number of students enroll- ed in the former faculty exceeding that in the latter. Ever ranee, the re- moval of the university from Wil tem. berg, Hallo has been the chief theo- logical school for the Lutheran cone lessiun in Gofmany. Two children. Alfred and 'iron Jvnot, aged eight. and Len years resp•r+tiv'1y were pieties' up in the streets of Paris, 'I'b'y had walked all this wily fru' 31l,ntcean, tt distance of nearly 100 miles. Their father, with the evident intention of ahandltning there, had given thein a fic+t[i.ious address In Paris, svh: re he told them They would find him at work. LORD CROMER'S DECLARATION. 61110„!'bolt ,ttliia1111r1'111 e1111 made ill Gathering of Sheik.; ,.t Omdurman on 'I'inu•sday. e. despatch from Cairo, says:—Vis- count Cromer, the British diplomatic agent in Egypt, and General Lord Kit- chener, Sirdar of the Egyptian army, held a reception at Omdurman on Thursday, which was attended by a number of Suudanese Sheiks. Vis- count Cromer made an important speech, which was equivalent to a formal proclamation regarding the fu- ture government. of the Soudan. 13e promised equal justice to all the in- habitents, moderate tsxation, respect for the Mohammedan religion, with which there would be no interference wh•etever. He designated the manner of government thus: "111 the future you will be under the dominion of the Queen of England and the Khedive of Egypt. The sole representative in the Soudan of the British and .Egypttan Governments will be the Sirdar, in whom the Queen and the Khedive have the fullest confidence. No attempt will be made to govern the country from Cpiro, and still less from London. You must look to the Sirdar alone for jus- tice and good government. Time to no doubt that you will not be disappoint- ed.” When announcing that they must look to the Sirdar alone for good gov- ernment, Lord Cromer promised them perfect religious freedom, and, in re- ply to a Sheik's question, assured them that the Moslem sacrad law would be applied. He also declared that taxation would be "moderate and just." WHERE THE GRIP STARTED. fame .tont 'i'urlley 331,11 Ash. Minot, \Vhere 1t Appeared 11. November. A despatch from Washington, says: —The observations made by the Marine Hospital Servide and the reports re- ceived by Surgeon -General Wyman show that the prevailing influenza or grip, which is epidemic in many cites and towns, started in Turkey and Asia Minor about the middle of Novem- ber, and spread westward, following the established lines of transatlantic travel. In response to a request sent out two weeks ago by the Marine Hos- pital Service, the surgeon -general has received reports from health offieess In about thirty cities regarding the ex- tent to which the grip has spread among the population. The reports describe 'a serious situation in some places, the sickness being as severe and extensive as it was during the general epidemic of 1889-90. in some cities the authorities regard the disease as con- tagious and have taken public pre- cautions accordingly. TEMPESTUOUS PASSAGE. Steamer Parisian yEitel nb ccs Furious Weather. A despatch from Halifax, 11.5., says: —The steamer Parisian has arrived. She had a terrific passage, enaounter - Ing furious gales nearly all the way, and making the second longest Pass- age in; her history, Many times the big ship was swept by enormous waves, and the severe cold caused the decks and rigging to be covered with ice. On Saturday morning the Parisian was boarded by a huge sea, which swept everythingbefore it, carrying away the centre of the bridge, the compass, telegraphs, and other fix- tures, Second Officer Windue and a look -out man were on the bridge, and had a Darrow escape from being car- ried into the ocean. Other damage of a minor nature was inflicted about the desk. FOLDING NG BED FILL ON HAND, And the Women, Who Lived Alone, Slowly Starved to !Death. Springfied. III., Jan. 2—Mrs Lure - tie Kent, a widow, met her death in a manner horrible in the extreme, ram fate was revealed when a friend, en- tering the house, found bar dead body, One hand was pinioned inextricably under a heaving folding bed. The body was badly deoompOsed, showing Diet death had mitered several days ago, When found the woman's broken hand was still clamed in the bell( as in a blacksmith's vice, The woman lived alone In Lbe house. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL, INTERNATIONAL LESSON, JAN, 22, "Christ 11(131 Stemmilus." John 11. 1.10 liuldut '.'ext, Jelin t(, l(1. ,PIl+AC"I'1CAL NOTES. Verse 1, There Weli a man, Godete and following hien 1)3r, 31. 111. Vincent, (Aintree the close uunnection between this verse end the last worn of the previous chapter: " Miley believed la Jesus, but Jesus did not commit him- self unto .hero, becaerie he knew all men, tend needed not teat any should teln.i1y of mean; for he knew what was Ln man." Nlcodetrrus is a convenient 80ecir000 of the race at mankind which Jesus knew so well. Of the Pharisees, A i.lir1y which mtdkgrtocld to fulfill. the law of 50,stas to the .allele, and loo often neglected its spirit, Nicodemus, '!'hero are slight descriptive touches of this man in the Talmud which mention his enormous wealth when Tithe be- gan like siege of Jeruuolem, and the alrjeol. poverty to which his family was afterward reduced. 11is later tinzerr shows a firrnness which is not at all inconsistent with the inquiring spirit manifested in this lesson. A ruler of the Jews. pie appears to have been a member of the great council, or Sanhedrin. See John 7, 50. As -such he was an authorized Mueller t>s the law, a muster in Israel, verse 10, acrd possessed of certain jud[- ctal power. 2. Carle to Jesus by night. Fearing to compromise Ys own dignity and possibly safety, Jewish superstition kept the men home at nignt. A guest, which Jesus was in Jerusalem, would be given the "upper room," which was nearly always impeached. by an out- side etriroase, so that a visit could be paid he hint be 000reey, 11 is pleasant to note that Nicodemus was one of those wbo out of weakness was made etroag. We Gad him afterward pleading a little more boldly in the council in our Lord's bebulf, John 7. 51, and (ho, Lke a conlii reed Disciple, assist- ing, with Joseph of Ariniathea, to give the body of Jesus ttn him/ruble and costly boreal, JuLn 19. 38. Rabbi. "!blaster." 11 would be of great inter- est if we could ascertain by what mean., Jesus came by this title. 11 was, as we have seen in r, recent les- son, a very new title, unknown before the days of our Lara, and ane, Matt. 23. 7„ of which Jesus did nut approve. We know. Niooclomus seems to in.1m- ate Lien other members of the ec.uncii share, his 00n,icti;.n, wbich was based en our Lord's miracles. 'Thou art a teacher Mame from God. ' Thou art comes from God as teacher," It is from God that thou hast came. 3. Answered and said. This phrase is often used in reply to an obj,Otion or criticism, or to something present in another's, mind, and nut simply in direct reply 10 another's address, Ver- ily, verily. Amen, amen. An leebraio phrase of emphasis. ;Except a man be born again. In the margin it is "born from above." Compare John 1. 13. Our Lord begins leis discourse by impart- ing to this in.luirer this Bret and fundamental truth, that if we would enter into the kingdom of God, we must be born again. For to be born agate is to be quin.l eued by God's Holy Sptrlt to new hopes, new desires, new alfeetian, and "to know the love of Cb:'ist, whion passeth knowledge." He oannet see. Until the nature of man is correspondent with the divine order spiritual things 0501801 be apprehend- ed. Nicodemus had supposed that the kingdom of God was a new imperial state; Christ would have him under- stand that it was a spiritual empire, wherein citizenship - was Co . o0me througb renewed human nature.' 4. How can a man be born when he is old? Or, "an aged many" far ad - valued in years, as probably Nicodemus wee. Second time. As Godet re- marks, "Nicodemus does not under- stand the difference between a second beginning and a different. beginning. He lodks at the. subject from the seen - lar side." 5. J;xcopt a man le born of water and of the SJ3pirit. Of the water in and of the Spirit. Of the water in holy iN.aptism, as the outward. sign ; of the Holy Spirit, as the eifeotual cause, Mark le. 16 ; Arty 2, 38; Tit. 3, 5. En- ter into. Become Ixrrttkor• of. 0. The flesh, Used in something like the sense in which we use h010011 na- ture—that which is born under the conditione of this life. Kind begets kind. That which is born of the Spirit. The. Holy Spirit of God, The beginning of life in the earthly econ- omy is of an earthly sort, but the life that begets amid heavenly conditions L9 i.nstinat with heaven. To enter the supreme kinclgom, one trust become partaker of the supremo nature, 7 Ye must be borne again. Even y,) l.roelites, and I:harisem, and mete- bets of the Sanhedrin. • 8. The wind hlowelh. (Compare Ec- cles, 11. 5.) "As in the natal world everyone iur s ,sensible of the power of the wind, its tinrhepked ereedoin, its diffusion overewhere, heoriag that sound, and 1Oeing rho etfeet of its gentler or ,tro}tgor force, so lo the spiritual world : we may well believe that the grace of the Holy Spirit works hnseen, breathing, often imperreplibly upon the tou3, and 10 ways weicli we cannot sensibly; feel or distinguish (1 Cor. 2,11;) but it is discerned by its rf- fects."—Churton. Thou henrrst the sound thereof, but const not. tell whence it comatsh, and whither it. gootite "The possibilttee •ihat this illustratioh would not be applicable to a modern scientist does not lessen its forma and ;beineter."—Gobin. So is every One that is born of the Spirit. As you sec the wind, so you have visible evidence of the power of the,Spirit's invisible, io- fltrene% 10. Art thou a master of .Tsrael, The }void( in the original may 111e011, " Art thou the famous mestere".(newest: not. Setter, as the Revised Vorsion, "understandest not." 11; I sny unto 1101o. "1" la "(1t5O;" ear loving, nest, intense. We 3 reek that we do know. " ;What we have ED !TORS, CLERCY;v r' lYtEAC 1ANS Nen and Women in all Walks of Life Tell of the Remarkable Cures Wrought by South AAnerican 1ierciuo Tonic, SIX DOSES 3 WILL CONVINCE THE MOST INC.OU.LQUEL EDITOR COLWELL, OF PARIS, ONT., REVIEW. I'tewepapee' edi'•ors are almost a8 eoeptieel as the average physician on the subject of new remedies for sick people. Nothing short of a Series of most remarkalilo and well authenti- cated cures will incline either an editor or a doctor+n seriously consider the merits honestly claimed for a medicine, Hundreds of testimonials of won- derful recoveries wrought with the Great South American Nervine Tomo were received from men and worsen all over the country before physicians began to prescribe this groat remedy in chronic cases of dyspepsia, in- digestion, nervous prostration, sick headache, and as a tonic for build- ing up systems sapped of vitality through protracted spells of rick- nr88. During his experience of nearly a quarter of a century as a newspaper publisher in Faris, Ont., Editor Ool- well, of Tho Paris Review, has pub- lished hundreds of oolong's of paid medicine advertisements, and, no doubt, printed many a grauafully- worded puff for his patrons as a matter of business, but in only a single instance, and that one warrant- ed by his own p5'•sonal experience, has he given a testimonial over bis own signature. No other remedy ever offered the public hart proved such a marvellous revelation to the most sceptical as the South American Nervine Tonio. It has never failed in ite purpose, and it has cured when doctors and other medicines were tried in vain. " I was prostrated with a particu- larly severe attack of ' La Grippe,' " says Mr. Oolwell, "and could find nu relief from the intense pains and diw tress of the malady. T suffered day and night. The doctors did not help me, and I tried a number of medi- cines, but without relief. About this time I was advised to try the South American Nervine Tonic, Its estate were instantaneous. The first dose I took relieved me. I improved rapidly and grew stronger every day. Your Nervine Tonic oured me in a single week." The South American Nerving Tonic rebuilds the life forces by its direct action on the nerves and the neve eentree, and it is this notable feature which distinguishes it front every other remedy in existence. The most eminent medical authorities now concedeth a t fully two-thirds of all the physical ailments of humanity arise from exhaustion of the nerve forces. The South American Nervine Tonia acting direct upon the nerve centres and, nerve tissues instantaneously supplies them with the true nourish- ment required, and that is why ire invigorating effects upon the whale system are always felt immediately, For all nervous diseases, for genera debility arising from enfeebled vital. ity, and for stomach troubles of every variety no other remedy can possibly take its °lace. Sold. by G. A. Deadman. seen. and heard with confidence we bell," To receive not our witness. The Jewish elides as a body had rejected Christ, bat oar Lord insists that the new birth imparts a new vision. He that is born of the water and, of the Spirit sees the kingdom off God. • 12. netrtlrly things. . . . heavenly things 2 By earthly things, or "things that are dune on earth," we must un- dersland the grace of the new birth. 10 ye, Jotws, believe not these things when they are declared to you, haw will be believe those higher mysteries. concerning my heavenly neture0 13. And no man hath ascended, " 141- oodemus had begun this conference by saying, ' Wersov that, thou not a. teacher come from God.' Our Lord here tells .him that ha; opo corse than; this, that 1. come trom Govt 1 to a to dwell was with ,hien as ' the San of mem' but was still in the -power of his Godhead united with his Father, ' ns, heaven,' As the Son of God,1 1 e, had perfect k , know- ledge a an h, rat }V ledge oi' eavenly thi(gs."—Chnrtun, 14. As Manes lifted up the serpent. Nume 111. 9. no brazen serpont was a type ll. Chrtse, in that .hose whet looked upon it were delivered from tenipo.rat death; so they who look with faith ap' Christ crucified are saved from eternal death. 10. God so loved the world. (Com- pare Rom, 3.29 and 8.32; 1 Jelin 4. 9.) Most of what our Lord' had said was in harmony evith the geueral teach- ings of tire pharisees; but Imre was an enlargement of view+ which a atrial: member of the seat would shrink from. GORDON MEMORIAL COLLEGE The Foundation Stone 1,41t1 by llseostil Cromer (11 the Name of Lir Queen. A despn.tch trout Cairo says :—The 13ritielt diplomatic agent in Egypt, Viscount Cromer, laid the foundation stone at Khartoum Ott Th ,sduy, of the Garden Memoriat College, In the mine', of Queen Victoria, and in the presence ot tate Sirdar, General Lord Kitchener of IChartottm, the British officers, and the aaltve Sharks. The British agent in a speenb out- lined the aims nf.the college, announc- ed that it would be. wholly nndenore 'inational, and that the instruction, st far as possible, would be conducted 11 the Arabic language. He added tha' ithe object of the .college was not 1) ,create a race of Anglicized Soudaeese but tce train their minds. The speech which was translated int( Arabic was well received by the nativs audience. The ceremony concluded with "God Save the Queen. GOLD FROM, THE KLONDIKE, Steamer Itomite Arrives s,1. Vancouver With a Melt Cargo. A despatch from Vancouver, B. C., says:—The, firstgold to Dome down y r n from the. Klondike this year, reached here on Wednesday, on the steamer Rosalie, which brought down ICiondik. ars who left .Dawson twenty days ago, The purser claimed to have 050,000 in his cabin, and said several passengers had gold with them. Very severe woathrr has lately been experienced in the passes, and Lake Bennett has at last commenced to freeze over, White Pass railway bas commenced 00 its last tunnel. The .road is now being built on Canadian territory. GERMAN CARNIVAL OF CRIME. 1191611 School i•rofessor ltisstng and Meller. 011 10 1rave. (teen Murdered. A despatch from Berlin, says—Tbree murders ocourred in this nay last week, and now the ray is agog with tpsrululan en a res, of my terious dis:appoaranne, Prof, Otto Harnaek, of the 'Technical High school at Darm- stadt, who was visiting Berlin relatives during the holiday season, has not been seen since the night. of December 80, When last seen be had juet left au evening party, and was crossing, the Thiergarl en. 88 he rnrritel.a large 311111 of money, be is believed to have been robbed and murdered,, A reward of 500 00i10115, $121has beim offered for the rarovery of his bode, Or for news of .tis ;,vhereabotits,