HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-12-30, Page 8XMAS GIVING! Selecting Cliffs for Xmas giving is much ender when there is a large assortment to obooe° frons. We n0ver before had scall a choice oleo. tion of holiday goods. A XMAS natoreliy fuilotva maklug a gond tholes of giros for your Mode. Take a look at our stoic, it is altogether likely we have something that will suit. It will not boat you anything to see and if there is nothing that you care fee no harm is done. We wish you all a Merry Xma$. G. A. Deadman, Druggist, Optician cc Bookseller. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY, 130071ERN ESTENBION NY. e. t9 is. Trains leave Brussels Station, Norbh and South, as follows: Goma Soma. GOING Ronan, esuoes8 7:16 a.m. I Mail Flo pan rased ....,..,. 9:se a.m. Esprees 10:16 p.m Plait Revs kon5, A ohiel'e amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll Arent it. W. F. Sum.= unloaded a par of American porn this week. '1'mc °toeing shipment of the season by Mr. Jones is being made this week. Messes. Cezeo & DA:use shipped a car of cattle from Brussels on Thursday of this week. Tummy evening a lamp was upset at P. MoQnarrie's and before the fire was got out the floor was burned a little. Bloomer nest will be municipal election day and also polling day for County Counoillore. Polls open from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. WE have quite a few bndding artists in the kodak o k true whose work is very commendable. 0.' views v ewe tag en byJae Jones and M. M. Brent are spcially. worthy of mention. TREES was a threatened fire at the home of Mre. Cooper, sr., Mill street, last week by a spark from the stovepipe est fire to the roof. A mil of water put a atop to the danger. A subscriber in remitting for TEM Pose from Kluged, Oot., says : We enjoy its weekly visite as alt our friends are around Jamestown and we say 'TWE P087 gives the news,' wishing you a Happy New Year, R. MAtNeoICE has his skating rink in fairly good shape and gave a free open. in; on Monday to the boys. The rink is 75 c 100 feet and le well protected on the sides and illuminated at night by an aro electric light. INSTEAD of charging $1,00 for a year's reading to pereo013 outside of Brussels the Free Library will issue a tlakeb good for the use of 25 books in a year for the small sum of 50 cents in advance. Get a copy of the new catalogue and beootne a member at once. Bsussaas school Board will be com- posed of the same members for 1899 as in 1898 viz., D. 0. Ross, Jas. Turnbull, Wm. Blashill, W. F. Vanetona, J. G. Skene and A. Coueley. They have dons good work but somebody sboold have been at the nomination meeting to ex. plain it to the ratepayers. WEDDING.—By referencia to the marriage notices It will he observed that Mies Fan- '*ayio0annell, step•daughter to Rev. Dr. Ferg080n, of Brussels, and well known here, wa`aqq united in marriage to Wm. Montgeofery, of Holly, abort 100 miles from De, .er, Colorado. The many cid friends ors be bride in tbie loaliby will be it unit tr_wiehlog het and her husband many yearenf happiness and prosperity, 01T32E10'0013n8E.—The third enter'ainment in commotion with this series eveu'wated T085day evening. it was not the most inviting night for people to torn out as a snail blizzard had been at work s good share or Vas day and the streets were badly drifted. In spite of these deterrents a large and most'ap- preoiated audience assembled and after a. full two hours' program went home well pleased indeed. The talent consisted of Mre. Seymour Humbly, one of Toronto's well known and favorite soprano soloists, and she very ably sustained her reputa- tion in the following immanently rendered solos ;—„Sing on" ; "A Spring revel" • and "A Dream of Paradiee." Her en • 00re "Haug up the baby's stocking," was 01061 appropriate to the season and was warmly applauded. H. Ruthven Mc- Donald, a London baritone, oanght the people from the start, although this was Itis first (appearance here. He has a grand, rich voioe of great tempos and articulates so well that every word may be easily heard as was also the ease with Mrs. Hambly, her. McDonald's opening solo wag ".Atone in the Desert" which was done un tip-top style. This wee fol- lowed by "Anglia McDonald" ; "Ship on Fire" ; "The golden Wedding • "Honor and Arms" and "The miner's dream of Home", all splendidly executed. For en- oores he generously reeponded with Lucky Jim" ; "come under my Plaidie" ; "Pumpkin colored little Noon"; Scotland yet" • and "Flow gently sweet Afton." There wasn't a poor solo on the program and in the three duets given by Mro. Humbly and Mr. McDonald a greet 130noe86 was spored. They sang 'Life's dream is o'er" ; "Whisper and I shall bear" • and "When recitation Mr. McDonald ie ufgnally humorous at home and did "Me and Jim", and "Tile genealogy of the Olen hloGregor" brown The National Anthem h ought the Ooneert to a alone. Mea, 'McDonald, of London, wee the pianist and proved her ability as it vary competent ac0om• papist. d.'bere will be two more enter- taioment yet fn the eo08se in the menthe of January sod February rupee. tively, when firsb.olass talent—the beet roanrabis— w" DONT turn to page 9 or yon will An additional looal and district uetvs. Renew your subs or1,tttipn fp Tn8 Pt We pt'omies you a big dollar's worth at190• Ara,. A1rIlon,, all street, v thnnghtfIlily and kiutlly had a snow pl ontouWVednesday.Morning and opal up good pat be on a number of streets, lAxe8,.—All outstanding taxes in co notion with Brunets most be paid on before Thursday of Mixt week as the 0 lector has to return ilia roll, Natio have been forward to those Dpn08rned, \4M. Deemer, re00iv05 a telegram on Thursday stating that hie neiee, Annie Dudley, of St. Clair Co„ Mioh., had (13011 Suite ettddstlly. It ie only a couple of menthe sine- 1a brother of deneaooll was killed in the bash. Mr. Dudley gore on 1'rhbly to attend the funeral. 111a only 60ot55t in Brunets for the Coulon will be for tate Reeveship for which George `Th0m80n and George Bather, both members of 1893 Oouuoil are in the field. The 0oanoillors are J. D. Warwick, V, 0.. S. Wilton, B. Cools• Me and J. T. Ross, All the outer nominees withdrew. QUITE A GOOSE.—Last week Juan Tait purchased a Hoose that dressed no lees than 20 pounds. It was raised by Mrs. Thos. Pepper, rah con., Grey, and was a whopper. In the fowl handled by Wm. Jewitt tide Winter he has Rad severst turkeys (hat scaled 27 pounds but a 20 pound goose ie a rarity. A (10IE1' weeding took plane in St, John's Church at 4 o'clock ort Wednesday afternoon when the incumbent, Rev, G. J. Abey, performed the ceremony between Miobael Emitter and alias Emily Louisa Attridge. The happy0ocp1018885 attend. ed by George 1(rauter, brother to the groom and Miss Olive Attridge, sister to the bride. The quartette reside in Grey. May their future be full of sunshine is the wish of Tim POST. SUNDAY afternoon James FIueton's team, 16th con., Grey, eau away in Brussels owing to the tongue of the sleigh coming down. Opposite the Band stand the sleigh was upset and the driver thrown bigh'inbo the air but marvellously esoap. ed unhurt. The team got on to the aide• wail( opposite Baeker ak Vanstone's store and then into the Central hotel yard where they were captured. Timm 00014EN.--Last .Friday evening Mrs. Wm, Blae13111, accompanied by her daagbter, 13309 Out 0n a Christmas shop. ping expedition and when near the store of Roas ,b Halliday, fell on the sidewalk acd broke her leg, year the thigh. She wise oonveyed to her home and Mr. Bias• hill who was attending the School Board, was sept for, and she is making as favor. stile progress as could be expected. Mrs, Blaehill'e many friends regret very sin• cerel the accident and a m ath' 1ze Y with Yn her in her nein laid aside sn a and hopee K be will soon be better. Ant H RIOSSELS Itov, R. Ptlpl will preach on the Biuo• vale oircuit next liuhbeth, Rev. S. J. AMP preeohed a Cheietnas for 130rm0n laeb Sabbath m0101tig On the topic "Tile Oheist of the manger," The cry oho11' 963e three Chi ietmee Retentions. ow 111 the evening the Prelim Berrien "On led .l'btrth Peach" wearendore(i• In addition to a Gee and appropriate program by the n• choir, 10 girle and bays gev0 a reOitation or bearing the same name as the service, of ea011 child holding a letter, which wh es the 02113 verge was resited completed t fleabane° "On Berth Pence. They al sang a pretty thorns, 1E118 )runst gave "Papa's letter" end Char. Moon "When (.hrietnhae mime" with good feat. The paster, Rev, S. J. Alli°, ma two brief yet most appropriate address and the evening wee a profitable one, Wednesday evening the annual Sued solsool entertainment was held iu 00 notion with St. JOlit1'5 ohltroh, After supper and en enjoyable sleigh ride t following interesting program wart pr stinted :—Chorus, "The happiest tim school ; reeitation, "I'll put it off" Add Bird ; recitation, "The For -get me•not" Sadie Lindeay ; solo, "Tie Christmas" Alice Rendall ; dialogue, "The Indian doter" six boyo ; recitation, "Gar1'5 eyes and mine" Freda Vanetona; read - log, "The encbanted sbir6" R, Taylor ; ehoroe, "Darkness and light" 5011001 ; Motion re0ltatien, Infant tease ; due "Sweetly the song o1 the Angels" A. en 13. Po tland ; recitation, "Lulu tagen! cure" Mary herr; recitation, "Christ le catling' Cameron Aldridge; sol "High and low" Nora Kendall ; recite tion, "Life's mavims" Thurea Meadows reoihabinn, "A little girl'a speech" V. 13lashill ; chorus, "The wondrous birth school ; dialogue, "Soolety for doing good" four young ladies ; recitation, "If" Lottie Blashill ; Trio, ,,,The three from over the Ben" three girls ; recitation, "The Collier's dying child" R. Stevens ; recitation "The Elf child" bila 1313811111' ; chorus, "The giving time" wheal. G. S. Rogers, superintendent, °coupled the chair. A collection was taken up amounting to $5.31, 1 531OnTe ort 7E0 CLEAVER,—Our town butohers made a fine display of Christ- mas mate and e sustained their record as being np-to•date in this as in other par. Molars. The displays were arrayed in most attractive form and attracted the attention of a large number of people. A. cumin's exhibit consisted of one heifer, fed by Robert McOallum, Grey, dressed 050 pounds ; a heifer fed by D. McCallum, Grey, dressed 000 pounds ; a heifer, fed by P. Caution, Morris, dressed 550 pounds ; 8 heifer, fed by Jas. Bassen, Morris, dressed 550 pounds ; 4 pigs, fed by the latter gentleman ; 2 pigs, fed by Joo. McFadden, Grey ; lambs, fed by Jno. Roddick, Grey. There was also poultry, saueage, lard, white and black puddings, haggis, hoad-olteese and smok- ed meats of ail kinds. This is the biggest and best display Mr. Currie ever made and it was a dandy and no mistake. WM. BLA88ILL made a large show made up of the follow- ing : —2 heifers, fed by John Barr, Mor• vis, dressed 500 each ; 2 heifers, fed by Mr. McNair, Grey, dressed 550 each ; 2 lambs, fed by Harry Jackson, Morris, dressed over 60 pounds eaoh ; 2 pigs, fed by Wm. Blashill • 9 pigs, from Frank Wright, of Jamestown ; also pork, liver and blood Benno, blood and oatmeal puddings, bologna, head -cheese, smoked meats, Sec., etc. Tho show window was illuminated on Saturday night with 36 tallow candles and the display looked quite gay. 5.3.3II2EL WILISER, ebop was well filled np with a lot of choice meats consisting of 2 heifers fed by S. Walker, dressed 500 and 600 pounde respectively ; 2 dandy Iambs fed by S. Walker ; 8 hogs fed by S. Walker ; and 1 by D. Walker. There was also a big display of rabbits, sausages,ponitry of all kinds, hams, etc. CHURCH WWI A watch night 50rvi09 will be held in 011 vlohn's church on Saturday night oonsimeneing at 11.30 oblook, R9v, John Roes, 13. A., will take as the 8nbj500 of his discharge next Sabbath motning "The resurrected Body," New Year's Day service in the Pietism, dist 0bur0h, morning and evening, by the pastor. Morning topic, "A Retro. epeot of the Old Year." Evening, "A New Way." The Christmas service last Sabbath evening in Melville °hutch was a most appropriate one. The pastor's address and the 50rvlee of Praise by the choir were profitable, St. John's church was tastily decorated last Sunday for the Obrietmaetide. The i00umbent's discourse in the morning was based on the text. "The Son of Mao Dame nob to be ministered unto but to minister," Matt. 20 and 28, In bbe ev8n- ing the text WAS, "Thou shall call bis name Immanuel, oho." The anthem "Behold I bring you good tidings" was well rendered, MELVILLE SAMATO S0nOOL,—The follow. ing are the officets in Melville Obeech S. S. for 1899 ;—Hon. Supt„ Rev. Jno. Ross ; Superintendent, G. F. Blair ; Asst. Superintendent, J. H, Cameron ; Secy, Trees., Lorne DunfordAsset.Treae„ Alex. Rose ; Organist, bliss Jessie MoLa00lliin ; Librariane, Miss Annie Rosa and G. A. Deadman ; the teaching staff consists of G. F, Blair, Mrs. Jno, Ross, Mies L. AloNaughton, Mrs. Win, Ross, Mt's.13. Strachan, Mre. R. K. Ross, Mise A• Mcl3nin, MISS Sinclair, T. A. Hawkins, A. M. MoiEay, J. II. Cameron, Miss Jo. Roes, Miss Jeu• eta Forbes, klieg M. Stewart, Miss Jen- nie Menzies, MCN. I. C. Rieberd8 and hiioa M. Ross. The snbsbitoting teach- ers are Peter Watson, R. Matheson, Mrs, N. M. Iteshard5an, 91x8. G. A. Deadman, Mrs, M.11, Monro and Mies li, hose, Alias 'Nettie Sample is visiting at rte OST Sea. Emeriti pe Sperling spelt (lbril•tmaa Seaforth, G, N. Loudon, lneneutor of the S deed Bank, wee in town Ih1,, week "3 teenier Ione ,•,1. n • pe•rtloll. hiioa 1101/0100 II wasp, of Lyn Mich., is home fora holiday visit arta t hern°e Of several (1101111)4, Will Leatherdale, Alias Cassie 5;Jlle en and Rinse Matral-artery, of Seaforth, ho were 3u town toe ate days. so Mr. mut 101150 Moore, of Alm, were on the guests of the Misses Moore, Williamey etroet, dnrfng the past 170016, of- hire. George 1ingarth and Aiiss Irene, do formerly of Brussels, were renewing old DM £rieneellips in town tibia weep. Gorge Kelly, a son of Jae, Kelly, Mill ny street, is renewingold friendships in 0. Bruseele, HIie hone is stat Portage, a \V. E. Armstrong, of London, hi visit. 1, ing in town. Mr. and Mre. Armstrong e• have gone to Buffalo far their holidays. 8', 11, W.Parrow ate his Obrietinasb,u'key i0 at his father's, Postmaster Farrow, true - eels. He was accompanied by Mr. Parish. Mrs, Laidlaw and children, of Hoary n , spent Christmas at Jae, BttrnhiU's, town. Mrs. Laidlaw is a daughter of Mr. Barn - hill's. Misses Ellen and lteb58013 Ilewitt, of Llespeler, are visiting under the family t, roof, They aro daughters of Wm, d Hewitt; Tprnberry street, es George Colvin, sr., woe 80y.'' cod 1 to mouth old ou 1Vulueeday of t•., ween. o, The old gentlemen lots eujnv:<1 fairly t• good health but is iudi posted 11 i, week, 6alnuel Bargees, a wen 1a, evil resi- dent of this looslity, bad n eh_bt 031'Olte of puraiysio the other day and although eomewhat improved is still iu n delicate state of health. I. Kingswood, wife and eon, of St. Thomas, were bore this week for the Christmastide. Mr. 1(ingelvaod is a successful gruo r in the above mentioned city. He fe tt rou•in-hew to des. Sharp, of Morrie. Mre. A, E. Treleaven, of Dungannon, was visiting iu Brunets last week. She is now organist of the Methodist church there, Her Sather, Rev. W. Norton, re- turned with Mrs, "Treleaven to spend the Christn,na holidays. S fr i,N ), •l TAT? OF CA Al. 4. .-A , In :ts:e:r.aa. z,x:'-p>:x-i, tan. HEAL'' OFF10E, - TORONTO 1 hie /CAI'I'1'AL PATI) f'1' (t)n, 1'IJlliml l)nllare) • 1215isltl'la Drs. 30, 1898 91,000.000 dun, • - 91300,0110 r tui el yenefe8 In all principal points in ()Werra, Queero, Manitoba, Untied E1,ilos (OSa1lyIan d. opla ,�pp w ��rYY p�ln.. pp //rr1te�, 0Rn'• V^/.'b L� 1/.6 et' F -S aOe'�,11�etge A General Banking Bueinnea Tranaa0tod, Partnere' Notch l)innmulled, Deane leen, d and {lolieotions made on all points, SAVINGS SANK DEPARTMENT, Intermit allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards, Sen0159, ATTENTION RlVEEN TO 'inti. (IoLr.ROr0ON OF F'A11M1Itu' Seen NOTES. Every facility afforded Oustomore living at a distance, M. 101. BR114NT, MANAcha, People We 'Talk About. M. M. Brent spent Ohristmns in Galt. Miss Lily Kendall, of Detrolt, is home on 0, visit, Geo. Watt is home from Toronto for a abort visit. Miss Annie Beattie is here from Clin- ton on a visit. Leon F. Jackson is away to Chatham 011 It holiday trip. Mre, J. G. Slone and May are holiday- ing at Stratford. S tfo Thos. Ellie is home from, Manitoba on a visit to hien are te. p Mie 'r g ' Miss Francis was vfaftln., to Toronto during the past week. Hilton Hunter, of Owen Sonnd, is holidaying in Breesele. Miss Paris, of Toronto,is the guest of Mies Jean MoLauohlin. Harry Howitt, of Clinton, ate hie Christmas dinner at home, Miss Myrtle Nott is here from Fergus for the Christmas vacation, J. Thompson, of Fordwioh, was visit. ing under the parental roof• Robt. Nott, of Urbana, Ohio, is renew. Mg old friendships in town. Mise Ethel Creighton is home from her millinery situation in Orillia. Jsok. McMartin, of Durham, was visit- ing in Brussels for a few days. W. A. and Mre. Roes, of Fergus, are visiting her parents and friends. Isaao Fitzpatrick, of Goderioh, spent Christmas under the parental roof. Thos. Carry and family spent Christ. time at Robt. Parker's near Atwood, Mise Russell, of Wingham, was visit- ing Mise Thurso, Gerry, Mill street. Mrs. Jno. Long and children were visiting on Christmas at Kincardine. Will. Stewart, of the Standard Bank, Bradford, was home over Christmas. Edward and Wm. Mole were visiting at Manchester during the holiday season. Obriety and John E. Grimoldby are holidaying with relatives at Owen Sound. , Miss Dora Smith is enjoying her vacs. tion with Brussels relatives and friends. Charlie Kendall is home from the Queen's city for the Christman holidays. Angus Smith and wife, of WJartoo, spent Christmas at D. Stewart's, Brus- sels. Fred. Gilpin is home from Owen Sound Collegiate for his Christmas holi- days, Thos. Rose, wife and children, of Oheeley, were visiting in Brussels this week. Robert McAlpine, of Toronto, was re• newing old friendships in Brussels this week, Will. Ainley is holidaying at home. He has heap attending the Loan High school. G. B. Merritt, of Toronto Junction, spent a few days at William Btashill'e this week. Wm. Jewitt and wife spent Christmas with Rev. George Jewitt and family at Elimviile, Mre, M. H. Moore and nb(Jdree and Miss Rills Hunter Cbristmaesed at Trowbridge. James Hart, of Owen Sound, ie visit- ing relatives and friends in Brussels and and vicinity, R. Mathsson, ate hie there of Christ- mas turkey and plum pudding at bis home, near Luolcuow, Ohms. Peaohey and wife, of Palmerston, were the guests of Mrs, George Rogore over Ohrietmas. A. G. end Mre. Deadman and Mise Douse, of Delaware, spent Christmas at G. A. Deadman'e. Robb, Rose, wife and children, oE Kin• sardine, are spending a holiday week with relatives and frieude, We are sorry to hear that John Jones, an old and highly respected resident of Brussels South, had a stroke of paralysis last week. fie ie considerably unproved now we are pleased to state and hope he will soon be all right. Robt. Ross, eon cif William Ross, Brus- sell, lett last Saturday for Seaforth from lvbinh point he accompanied Thoe. Bloomfield with a consignment of horses and cattle to the Old Country. They sailed from Portland. Mr. Roes intends remaining morose the Atlantic expecting to make his hoadquarters at Glaegow. We wish him amm os, Bsoentty the wife of Dr. Nelvtnn, of Lnoknow, daughter of Samuel Rivers, formerly of Brnesele, who was taking medicine, aooidently got hold of a wrong bottle, and Swallowed two draughts of a poisonous mixture, She discovered the mistake at onoe, and was pit under wadi• el cal treatment, but for several Saye her a life was in danger, P The Winnipeg Tribune of Deo. 1st gives an interesting report of the 27th annual celebration of St. Andrew's So oisty in that city. J, It. Grant, formerly of Brussels, occupied ono of the vice ohaire. Wo clip a snort paragraph : "The menu was excellent and was very rapidly served. The dinner began promptly at 0 o'olocic, atter grace had been said by Dean O'Meara, in the ab - ono of the obaplaio, bpd at 10.155 the haggle was brought in w1111 the usual hollers, Clansman GordonP receding and Collie Piper 0 ' p e following playing the Cook of the North. The audience rose and honored the "chieftain o' the peddlo' rano" by standing others. The "address to the haggis" was made by J. R. Grant, the bard, who prefaced the address with an apostrophe to Burne and a witty tom. 9aris011 to tela national dish of Scotland with that of other nations. The address itself was given in an exellent manner and the speaker was warmly applauded. The knife was thrust Into the beaded side of the bagged monster and the haggis watt "eaten to the noconpaniment of a medley of Snot3it11 airs, played by the orchestra. Mr. Grant just got word of the absence of Bard Johnstone the day before the banged, bet he handled the "address" so well that the uninitiated thought 1,s hod been preparing for a week." Business Locals, DRIED apples wanted. A. Strachan, FLATREUS wanted by R. Leatherdale, Brussels. Cons erriving this week: at Stewart's Mill, Brussels, dry American. Fon Sale, cheap, one Set aeoond hand single Ramose. I. O. RJaherds. A rim baby carriages will he sold about cost to save carrying over Winter. R. Leatherdale. SATMMMY, Dec. 81st, we offer you Bar• gains in felt Boots and Shoes. I. 0. Riahnrds, OYSTER Reason 15 here and W. A. Orioh is prepared to supply the pnblio with Booth's best brands from Baltimore. Bum° your robes to us to get them re. lined. We keep Ruing in stook and will do them cheap. I. C. Riahnrds, Ronald Fire Engine Works wish to purchase 100 to 200 cords of wood, four feet tong—bard or soft—green or dry, early delivery. Fon 60 days we offer a 10 x 20 picture, with a oboioe of frames from 80o. up, and smaller sizes proportionately °heap. Jno, Walker, Brussels. W. A. Onion is still doing baldness at the old stand lvbere may 138 found bread, cakes and pastry. Fruits le their sea. son. 13IO01107 kind of bargains in pianos and mum at R. Leatberdale's, Agent's profits given to customers, Cell and see before you buy. WAelein,--Choice turkey, nndr8wn, 10o. Butter 10 and 17 gents 1 also dried tipples, Raw furs—best fox 91.75, mink $1.75, eon 90 oent8. G.E. )sing, Wingham. WBso In Demote - don't fail to call at Jno. Walker's furniture w825600ms and Flee the elegant stook of furniture he Is bandliog this rail at right priaee, TaoEE second hand organs for Bale oheap—a Bell, a Doherty and a Donein• ion. All in good condition, Apply at Jno, Walker's furniture wareroomp. Ho 1 for Wingham with its 10 dry goods shops and 40 groceries, totter, 16 to 17o. Choice turkeys undrawn, 10o. Everybody gives 20 lbs. granulated sugar, G. E. Eine, Wingham. ANY amount of wood will be taken for easy gumming and tiling. Wood may be rough or smooth, chard or soft, any length OD in the log, to be (15liveeed before the Work leaves my glhop. T. MaGneaon, Saw rummer and (tier, Queen West, East, Brussels, How long should a man's lege be 1 They should be long enough to reach from his body to the ground. That is easy enough mounted for and so ie the feet that Walker i8 gelling pianos like hot cakes because be handlo0 the best— the Dominion, ()UTTERS AND £1Li rdne•—McSare, 11wan R Inn00 have 50Vera1 new sleighs on hand made by the well known maker, John WJlbee, gnaranteed to trash, and made of the best materiel. Also on hand second hand otters. Our Moak of cutlets is Soiling feat, afore than n oar load sold ow and we have another oar lot ordered, oma and gat your ohofee at your own rice, Ewan to Immo, llrtt55el8, Winnow shades in large variety and at • MOUSE AND LOT IN ETIJEL low prices at 1t. Leetherdale's, fur 16.ic illop. Council met on loath inst. in Jones' hot,•I, Loadbury. Members all present and 'Treasurer and Collector. School (awls 91,3110.05, salaries $230,00 and other expenditures amounting to $281.17 were paid by cheque on Treasurer. The Reeve and Treasurer's statement show a balauoe of $2,800.00. ()aunty tato paid and lees than $100 to collect on the roll. Only for the stormy weather the taxes would have been all paid. Itis expcitedthat two or three candidates will be in the field for Reeve and twenty for Conn - pillars. REIORais itloLi:ou.—In 13rueeele, on 011rietma0 Day, the wile of her, Norman Mo. Leod of a son. DIONSON•—In Wroxeter,. on Deo. 24th inst., the wife of 11r. F. V• Dickson of a eon. STE18s.—Ia Grey, on Deo. 18th, the wife of Mr. Louie Stelae, of a son. MATiR2=117, '�� ANunnsoN—McLEon —011 Deo. 21st, at the residence of the bride's uncle, by Rev. D. Rogers, )Jr, John Ander • eon, of N. W. T•, to Miss Alio h1a- Leod, of Tnrnberry. MONT03MEn7—M'OANNELL,—On the 19th December, 1898, at 1007 Downing ave, Denver, Col.,, by Rev. J. B. Me. Ottielt, Pb. D., Mies Frances Alex. ander Rebecca Modannell, step- daughter of Rev. John Ferguson, . D. D., late of'Denver, to Mr. Frederick William Montgomery, o f Holly v ()a). linnT — u lcn ATTRIA of—i zt St. John's It 0 urate Br Resale, on Wednesday, Deo. 286b, by Rev. G. S. Abey, in. oumbent, Mr• Mielme1 Kranter to Miss Emily L. Attridge, bout of Grey. `�RiTSe3ET_,� Za-, 21serawe0I, Fall Wheat Barley Peas .. Oats Butter , tnhe and rolls .., Bggs per daze1, .,, ...... Flour per barrel........, Potatoes (per bus.) tray per ton Hides trimmed Hides rough Salt par bbl., retail Sheep skins, each ., Lamb shine each Hogs, Live Dressed Bogs Wool Apples (per bug) 05 38 130 26 12 14 4 00 50 4 00 7 1 00 30 25 3, 90 6 00 10 50 GG 40 02 26 14 15 4 00 50 5 00 7h h 00 75 25 4 00 5 10 17 75 ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. (Under thio beading 0138.11 advts, will be fne0rt8d each week at 1 (out a word. Ne advt,less than 10 cents, howeyer, to bo paid for when order 10 given.) Fon young, Improved Berkshire sows for sale. Apply early to A. 10AYil1ANN, Oranbrooit 1'. 0. SERVANT wanted at once. Good wages paid to a competent eland. Apply to MRS, W. M. SINOLAIIt, Brussels, NOT/GE.— All accounts still remaining Unsettled in my boosts will be plaood auto Court for oolleation if not paid before Jany. 106b 1509. W . GnenAtt, M. D. Clinton, Dee. 15111, 1803. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN, - HUNTER, LICENSED AUC- s moans». Money to loan. Pawns to sell, ANYONE WANTING A SEW. LNG Machine, Organ or Plano eau be supplied by applying to m0 for X am not out of the business art some have tried to report. I will deal with yen as r 0505138(5 as any, '-0- T. 1190 ORb7,Brussels. FT OUSE AND LOT FOB SALE on min etreet,srunele, The house is a comfortable one, well fitted up, with cellar, hard and soft water, Ca. There is oleo a good stable, Fruit trees in garden 1 over on0•(uartor more of lance. For prize, terms, So. apply to P. FINN, Proprietor, or W.II, KERR, of Tun Poem, 18.11 MENDERS WANTED FOR 20 •n- cords of 22 -lush Stove Wood, Maple and Bomb, to be delivered at Melville oburoh, Brussolo, on or before March 11,6 next, Tender's to bo received up to 1,p, m. au January Ord. Auyother inforination may be obtained from 3. G. raceme Seeretery, Brueseia TWO THORO'-BRED DUB. spar bulls, 10 months old, for ease. Ono red, and the other red and white. No better pedigree in Canada, embracing the pand ',Royal SaOOr'."11 Easton y terms of payor en t. Apply all Lot 8, Oou, 0, Grey P. lten1En98ON, Proprietor, Brussels P.0, (�) REY BRAN013 AGBICULTUR. AL SOOIETY. The Annual Meeting et the Grey ,irnneh Agricultural Sudety will be held in the Town Hall, Brussels, on WED N10SDA7, JAN, nth, 1800, et 1 p. pa„ for the purpose of receiving t1,o annual statement' out r 010100x0' report, mid W11. election Presid tor the yalnit, REIM, Seoratery, V, 'l17AST HURON AGRICULTURAL 1 SOCIETY• TO Anneal Meeting of the lest Ilur0u Agricultural Society will be bell in the Town Hall, Brussels, 011 WEDNESDAY, ,JAN, 18th, 1903, at 1 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of revolving the Efteatore' and Aihd- 10m'0' reports' the eteeti011 of (Moore and Limit ora and the tr0n0a0Llol of other bunt. nose, JAN, 710RGI1809, I'reeillpnt3 11. sten WART, Secretary, sato, known 08 the 1i0m8wortll house, writ be sold 0110011 as nraprio(or ie Poing beats to his farm, Pos8oeelsn at come. For runtime pal'tioulare apply to tf. WM. POLLAI(D, Ethel. AOOMPLE'rE CONSERVATORY COHRS15 OF MUSIC. Mason's System of Touch and Technic, in. cludien Clavier practice 01 von by 01105 SARAH 140111010 M000'099, L. (t, N„ who bottle Araademio o.•r(10antee in Mesio from London Couaervatoey 1 pe1'il of ',V, (h!ven Barron, Principal, She lie also a competent 311p8 organist, Miss Moore visite- Walton Monday tint Tuesday of each 300elr for the purpose al' g 1"etruetlone on pinup and organ, For porbieulars a0ply 50Mr, Forgn- eou's residence, Walton, or poste/lice box 190, Sontorth, yp. REAL ESTATE. Gum) 100 ACRE FARM FOR sAno, Lot 10, Con. 0, (trey, 18 feet of it touches the ewer, Immediate pos0000ion. leer ;nine, term e, tea., a p 11sl��y to 10- 11109. Mt)01tE, Brussels, RINE FARill FOR SALE. -.-13E• ma Lot 20, N 1 (Ion, 0, Moaris tew5oI tp, containing 110 notes of flrst•class land, There is a hous0, barn, orchard and gaol ware, 110,leo, and fermis leen foaoetl. There are 01 antes in fall wheat; 10 Rome In hay aid 96 cores pasture. Pnassse(on could be givsu at nate. farmadjoins the village of Brits - sale. For further partieulare a0 to price, terms, the., write to JAMBS LIVINGSTON, M, P„ Baden, 22.19 i1ARDI FOR SALE• -150 ACRES as Consisting of the South d auci South d of the North 9 of Lot 80, Cou 2, East Wawa - nosh. This is an excellent stoop farm ,being well supplied with mood spring water. It is situated d et i h laub 8 miles from the thriving 711.g 3nAo of Blyth. th. l largo55831011115 nutter gran. Buildings eu gs and femme ora in at8.11• state of ronnir. l Easy torts information apply will be given, G. all info 1, Barrister, apply to it -6f G. F• BLAIR, Barrister, Brussels. GOOD FARMS FOB SALE•— farme or sale undersigned price& rho lots aro Nos. 10 and 11, Cou. 6 (Sunshine), the s(deroad between them. Good brick house lot 10,a1 Orchards 3305 sell Ouse and lnecessary barnaconven- iences. 1Ye11 watered and suitable for grain or gearing, 100 acres now in grass. Will be Bold either separate or together to suit pur- chaser. Torus of payment reasonable. Im- mediate OLPGCS, Brussels P. 01, or E. L. DIUI(IN SON, Barrtstar,Wiugbam, 101 BOAR FOR SERVICE,—TETE Lot 2, Oon.3 undersiwillgned a than' bred Improved Yorkshire Boar, bred by Mr. J, 31, Brothour, 13 urford, Oxford County. Pedigree may be Seen on application, terms 01,00 to be paid at time of service with privilege to return if ne00500ry, JNO.81I0A0HAN, 2b4 Proprietor, 8 Now ie the best time for Solas buying whin nave nen be taken in the eeleo• lion and the right thing bo made ante or, Wo pfh:lc a few lines at lvuidem-- PURSE S, Alwlty0 a very acceptable peewit. 1Vo have then from Gc to $2.00, BOOKS. A very nine line of books gettable for pre85010In bean tifhilly d00oratsd Gilt (lovers at 1150 each, Photo. Albums. Another herd about thI5 partial. lar line. We would like you to see them before buying °NNowhere and be oonvhioed that our prices are correct. Perfumes, 500)8 very Cb0100 packages from 2330. to 35.00, the finest we have yet 81)0wn, Photo. Frames. Any quantity of them in Celluloid at 201, 25o and 'Plc. Crokinole Boards. Selling better than ever. Another fine lot of them jest to hand at the pop• ular price, 75o. TOYS, DOLLS, PICTURE BOOKS, And GAMES o1 all Riede A Fexs Drii Sthre erL 5v ,•.�. t+ int r s • •_w f I y s :i f9 n , � Winter Tart opens hen: 3rd, 19993 A Large, Popular and Progressive In- stitution—Noce better In Canada. 7=s CirOuiars Free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. It's Going to be a . F6 Great Christmas T r ?ih Wo think so if you will only take a walls through our store and see Our Dazzling Display of Zoliday Goods. We have the finest line of Presents you ever saw. WE ARE CONFIDENT - that we oan!meet every want most satiefoatoi'ily, and at the lowest possible pride. We make a epeoialty of Watobes and Wedding'tinge. Ladies' Golcl and Gold Filled Watehee, $12 00 np Gents' " " " 11 00 np Boys' Watches, „ 5 00 Warranted good time keeper Ladies' Long Ohaine, ., 2 00 np Goin and Wedding Binge ; Gentle' Garnet Binge ; Opal and Diamond stings ; Br000hso and Stiolc Pins, the very Latest in enamel ; Braoslot7, Lockets, ()Mame, Purses, Side and Bash Pompadour Oombs, Bette, Brushes, Oornb', Mirrors, Pipes, Gold Spectacles ; Mantle, Alarm and Eight Day Cloaks. A beautiful display of Selsar Berry Dishes, Sugar and dream, Cake Basket, Baking Dishes, Dessert Betts, Pioklea, Butters, Biscuit Jars, Bon Bon Dishes, Berry Spoons, Cake Forks, Pie Knives, Sugar Shells, Teaspoons, Knives and Forks, oto. —all these flat goads Rogers Bros. 2847 A 1 geode. A beautiful display of Panay Goods and Chins—Cups and Sailors from 20o. up. P A Few Souvenir Goods Left. Filmy Collar and Out/ Boxes ; Shoving Boxes ; Photo, Holders ; Trinket Boxes • Manicure Seta, Trays, Work Baskets, Photo. Frames Violins and Violin Sundries, ' Spectacles Fitted Free of Barge. M0 �V/ Wo will bo happy to have you look through our stook and will not ask you to bily. Tho time will bo well spent. .� AB The close Price Jeweler. ismer of alrr,r'r'as`e Licenses,