HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-12-30, Page 7Duo. 30, 1`39B,
P O S x,
Birds of Ole Air Mingle Alnale With Their
Werk• -Church of Cod Should be n slaw
ilii Chafed -The Pinching Fronts orate
and sorrow --The Er'0 Earnest Appeal
to Amerce to smart Wayne bard.
A despatoh from Wishinglon says:
-Rev, Dr, Talmage preached from the
following text :-" The stork in the
heaven knoweth her appoint eel tImo ;
and the turtle and the crane and the
swallow obeerve Ihe I. hue, of Iheir com-
ing ;
oming; but Iny people know not the judg-
udoment of the :Lord," -Jeremiah viii, 7,
,When God would set Inst a beauti-
lful thought, he plants it in n tree.
When lie would putt; it afloat, he fash-
ions it, into a fish. When he would
have it glide in the air, he moulds it
into a bird. My text speaks of four
birds of beautiful instinct -the stork,
of such strong affection that It is al-
lowed familiarly to come, in Holland
and Germany, and build its nest over
the door -way; the sweet-dispositioned
turtle -dove, mingling in colour white,
and black, and brown, and ashen and
chestnut ; Lha crane, with voice tike
the clang of a trumpet ; the swallow,
swift as a dart shop out of Ihe how of
heaven, falling, mounting, skimming,
sailing -four birds alerted by the pro-
phet twenty-five centuries ago, yet fly-
ing on through the ages, with rous-
ing truth under glossy wing and in
the clutch of stout claw. I suppose it
may have been autumn -and the pro-
phet out-of-doors, thinking al the im-
pelnitence of the people of his day, bears
a great cry overhead,
Now, you know tt w [L is no easy Ihing
' `w one with ordinary delicacy of eye -
:ht to lnok into the deep blue of the
noon -day heaven ; but the prophet looks
up, and there are flocks of storks, and
turtle -doves and cranes, and swallows,
drawn out in long lines for Slight
southward. .As ie their habit, the
canes had arranged themselves into two
lie split-
s making an angle, a wedge split
ting the air .with evil(' velocity, the old
ovine, with commanding call bidding
then onward; while the towns and
the, cities, and the continents slide un-
der them. The prophet, almost blind-
ed front looking into the dazzling heav-
ens, stoops down and begins to think
how much superior the birds are in sag-
acity abuut their safety thtut men about
theirs; and he puts his hand upon
the pen, and begins to write: "The
stork in the heaven knoweth her ap-
pointed times; and the turtle and 'the
crane and the swallow observe the time
of their coming ; but my people know
not the judgment of the Lord."
If you were in the field to -day, In the
clump of trees at the corner of the
field, you would see a convention of
birds, moving and passing resolutions
on the subject of migration; some Pro-
posing to go to -morrow, some moving
that they go to -day; some moving that
they go to Brazil, some to Florida, some
to the tablelands of Mexico, but all
unanimous in the fact that they must
go soon, fur they have marching orders
from lee Lord, written on the first
white sheet of the frost, and in the
pictorial of the changing leaves. 'There
Is not a belted kingfisher, or 0 chaf-
finch, or a fire -crested wren, or n
plover, or a red -legged partridge, but
expects to spend the winter at the
South, for the apartments have alrandy
Leen ordered for them in South Amer-
ica; or inAfrica ; and after thousands
of miles of flight, they will stop in
the very tree where they spent net
January. Farewell, bright plumage I
lentil spring weather, away 1 Fly on,
great band of heavenly musicians I
Strew the continents with music, and
whether from Northern fields or Car-
olinian swamps, or Brazilian groves
men see your wings, or hear your voice,
may they bethink themselves of the
solemn worths of the text : " The stork
to Ihe heaven knoweth her appointed
limes; and the turtle and the crane
and the Swallow observe the time of
their coming ; but any people know not
the judgment of the Lord,"
1 propose, so far as Cal may help
nee, this morning, carrying out the
idea. of Ihe text, to show that the birds
of the air have more sagacity than men.
And .I begin hy particularizing and
saying that. they mingle music with
their work. The most emirates under•
taking of a bird's lite is this annual
travel from the Hudson to the Amazon
from the Thames to the Nile. Natur-
alists tell us that they arrive there
thin and weary, and plumage leuffied,
and yet they go singing all the
way, the ground, the lower line of the
music, themselves, the notes scattered
up and clown between. I suppose their
song gives elasticity to their wiings,
helps on with the journey, dwindling
a thousand miles into four hundred.
Would God that we were as wise as
they in mingling Christian song with
our every -day work; T. believe there is
such ft thing as taking the pitch of
Christian devoting in the morning, and
keeping it all the day. T think we
might take some of the dullest, heavi-
est, meat disagreeable work of our
life, and sat it to the tune of "Antioch"
lir "Mount .?legate" i ,
It is a good sign when you hear a
workman whistle. It is a better sign
when yot hear him hint a roundelay,
.11 is a still better sign when you
hear him sing the words of Isaac Watts
or Charles Wesley. A violin cordae
and strung,11 something
strike it, altices music, csnd 1 suppose
there Is scala a thing aft having our
hearts so attuned hy divine ,grace, that
even the rough collisions of life will
Make a. heavenly vibration. 1 do not
believe thnt the power of Christian
song has yet ,leen fully tried. I be-
lieve that the discards, and the sor-
rows, and the eine of the world are to
elle swept otit by heaieal-born helleiu-
jelts, Some nes askced. Haydn, the
eelelkratecl snueiclan, why he always
reimposed grade „heovful music, "Why,"
be said, "1 aren't do otherwise, When
1 think. of Grrd, my Rotel its so full of
joy that the notes leap and dance front
my pen," I wish we might all exult
eu"Iwdiotesly before the Lnrri With
God for our Father, and 1'llrivt for our
Saviour, ion
I tonl. +
.heaven fn • n n
f our home, and
ang(JM for future companions, and
eternity for a lifetime, we should
strike all the notes of joy. Going
through the wilderness of this world,
tat lie remember that we are on the
way fee the summery clime of heaven,
and front the migratory 1(10101(110515
flying through this filename! air learn
always to lszrl, singing.
"Children of the, heavenly King,
As Ye journey, sweetly sing;
Sing your Savinuee worthy praise,
Glorious in his works and ways.
"Ye are travelling home to God,
in the way your fathers trod;
They y are happy now, and we
Soon their happiness shall see,"
The Church of God never will he a
triumphant church until it boeomes a
singing church.
I go further, and remark that the
birds of the air are wiser tban eve, in
rho foot that, in their migration, they
fly very high. During the summer,
when they are in the fields, they often
cauls within treach of the gun; but
when they start. for the annual flight
southward, they lake their places mid -
heaven, and go straight as a mark.
The longest rifle that was ever
brought to shoulder can not reach
them. Would, to God 'that we were as
wise cee tho stork and crane in our
flight heavenward! We fly so low,
that we are within easy rang° of the
world, the flesh, and the devil. We
arc brought down by temptatinns, that
ought not to Mad within a mile of
reaching els. Oh for some of the faith
of George Muller of England., and Al-
fred Cookman, once of the Church mili-
tant, now of the Church triumphant 1
So poor is the type of piety in lbs
Church of God now, that leen actually
caricature the idea that there is any
auc1, thing as a higher life, Moles
never dict believe in eagles. But, my
brethren, because we have not reach-
ed these heights ourselves, shall we
deride the feet that there are tiny such
heights? A man was 011111 talking to
Brunel, the famous engineer, about
the length of the railroad from Lon-
don to -.[histol. The cuglneer said,
it Is not very great. \\'s shall have,
alter a well°, a steamer running from
England to New York." They laugh-
ed hien to :icon; but we have gone so
far now that we have ceased Lo laugh
at any thing as impossible for human
achievement. Then, 1 nsk, is any
thing impo.;sihls for the Lord. f
n a believe e that Grid exhausted n1]
his grace in Paal, and Latimer, and
Melted Payson. I believe there are
higher points of Christian attain-
ment to be reached in the fu-
ture ages of th,' Christian world. Yea
tell me Hutt Paul went up to the tiptop
of the Alps of (''hl'istime uttetinment,
Then 1' tell you tl1:11 the stork end
crane have found above the Alps plen-
ty of room for free !'lying. We go
out and we Demmer our temptations
out and we 1) n neer our temptations
by the grace of. Grad, and lie down. On
1110 mru'1'O
tv, Ihaee temptations wally
themselves and attack us, and by the
grace of God, Nye defeat them again;
but, staying all the time in the old one
campmelit, we have the same old bat-
tles to fight over. Why not whip out
our temptations, and then march, for-
ward making one raid through. the
enemy's country, stopping not until we
break ranks alter the last victory. Do
my brethren, let us have some novelty
of combat, at any rate, by changing,
by going on, by making advancement,
trading off our stale prayers about
sins we ought to have quit long ago,
going on 'toward a higher state of
Christian character, and routing out
sins that we leave never thought oe
yet. The fast is, if the Church of Goc!
-if we, as individuals, make rapid ad-
vancement (n lltr Christian life, these
stereotyped prayers we have been
making for ten or fifteen years would
be es inappropriate to us as the shoe:,,
nn.l the hats, and the wets we wore
ten or fifteen years ago. Oh for a
higher flight in the Christian life, the
stork and the crane in their migration
teaching us the lesson!
"Dear Lord, and Strati we ever live,
At this poo' dying rate -
Our love so faint, so cold to thee,
;And thine to us so great?"
Again, I remark ,bet the birds of
the air are wiser than we, because
111ey know when to start. If you
sh',utd go out now and shout, "stop,
p,t orks and °ranee, don't be in a hurry!"
they would stay, "No, we oan not stop;
last. night we heard the roe rine in the
woods bidding us away, and Ihe shrill
flute of the north wind has sounded
ill( retreat. \Ve, must, go. We must
go." So they gusher themselves Into
eompentee, and turning not aside -for
storm or mouetein top, or shock of
must{,.try, over land anti sen, straight.
es 00 arrow to the mark they go. And
if you some qui this morning with a
suck of corn rine Iln'ow it in the fields
and try to gel them to stop, they ere
so far up they would hardly see it.
They: are on their way soul h. You
could not stop them. 011, that we
avers as wise about: the hest time to
Mart tor (Ind and heaven! We say,
"Wait until it is a little lutea in the
season of mercy. Wail antic some of
these green leaves ot'hepe are all dried
up Bred hive been scat tared. Wait un-
til next. year," After a while we start
and it is too late, and we perish in the
way whin God's wrath is kindled but
a lir Ile. There are, you know, ex0ap-
ti0net Sued where birds have started
too late, and in the morning you have
found them dead on the snow. And
thele are those who have perished
heli -way between the world and
("hieist. They wetted until the last
sickness, when the mind was gone, or
,.hey were on the express train going
et forty miles an lame, and I.heiy came
to the bridge and Ihe "draw was up"
and they (vent down. How long to re-
pent and pray? Teel seconds! Two
anemias I To do the wot'k of a !COMMA
r 'n'ef et eeternity in
r fin e o ,
and h vastn
two seconds! T was reading of nn en-
lerhm[nmenl given in king's court,
and there were musininns there, with
elaborete pieces of Music After a
While Mozart come end began to play,
end, he had n. blank piece of paper bee
fore him, and Ihe kthg frlmiliarly
looked over ]lis shoulder end said,
"What are yoN. playing? I. see no
11151510 before you," And Mozart put
his troop 0001 hie bronv as meal as to
fray, "7 alit inepenv?song," 1t was
very twit for him, brit oh, soy friends,
we cannot extemporise. heaven. If we
de net got prepared in this world, wo
Will never take part in the o'ehestra1
harmonies of the seved, 11 we go
out of this world unpardoned we se -
mire for our souls a blasted resld,'nc.e;
Olt that we were ltd wi813 1151 he custne
and the stork, flying away, flying
away from the tenrpeet 1
Some elf ytiu h•tvo fell the pinching
frust of sin, Yeti feel it to -day. You
are not happy, 1: 10015 into your facia,
and I know you are not hu]Ipy. 'There:
lire voieee within your soul ,hitt will
not le( silenced, telling you that you
are *flue's, and hate without the par-
don of God you are undone for ever,
What ale you going to do my friends,
With the necenlatibttefl tl ansgiessians of
ibis lifetime? Wilt ,you stand and let the
avalanche tumble over you; Oh theft
you Would go away Into Ho, warm
heart of God's mercy, The Southern
grove, redolent. with magnolia and
cactus, never waited for Northern
flocks as Cod waited for you, Buying:
"1 have loved thee with an everlasting
love. Come unto ate, all ye (hat are
weary and heavy laden, and 1: will
give you rest."
Another frost of bidding you away -
it is the frost of sorrow. Where do
you live naive "Oh," you say, "1 have
moved." 'Why dist you • limed You
stay, "1 don't Want as larg5N a Louse
now as formerly." Why do you not
went. as 1e'ge a house? 5'uu say, "My
family is not • so large." Where hove
they gone lo? Hi entity! Your mind
goes back through the lust sickness
rind through thr most superunturel
effort to keep life, rind through those
pr..yeee that seemed unavaiIng, and
through that kiss which received no
response because the lips were life-
less, and I hear the bells tolling and
1 hear the hearts breaking -, while I
speak, 1 hear then, break. A heart!
!Alone, 111,110; 11100:'! '1hisworld,whic'h
in your girlhood and boyhood were
sunshine, is cold now, and obl weary
dove, you fly around this world as
though you would like to slay, when
the wind and the frost and the black-
ening clouds would bid you, away into
Ihe heart of nu all-carnlorling God.
Oh, 1 have noticed again and again
what a botch this World makes of it
when it tries to comfort, a soul in
trouble! It says, *Won't cry!" How
can wo help crying when the heart's
treasures are mew tered, and father is
one, and mauler is gone, and e
pan:ons are gone, and the child. is
'gone, and everything 'seems gone? It
is no comfort. to tell a man not to cry.
The world comes up and says, "011, it
is only the body of yotr loved one
you have put in the ground!" But
1h.re is n0 comfort in that. The body
Is precious. Shall we never.Pul our
hand in that hand again,, and shall we
never see that sweet face again? Awsy
with your heartlessness, oh world! Rut
came, Jesus, and tell us that when
the tears fail they fall into Cod's bot-
tle; that the dear bodies of our loved
ones :dull rise radiant in the resur-
rection; and 1111 the breakings down
here'shall be liftings up, there, end
"they shall never hunger no more, nei-
lber shall the sun light on them nor
any heat, for the Lamb which is in
the midst of the throne shall feud them
to living fountains of water, and God
shill wipe all tears from their eyes."
Yon may have noticed that when the
chaffinch or the stork or the crane
starts on its migration, it calls all
thole of this kind to come too. The tree-
tops are Lull of °hire and whistle and
carol and the lung roll -call. 'She bird
does not start off triune. It gathers
all of its kind. Oh, that you might
bo as wise in Ibis migration to ]leaven,
and that. you Wright gullet all ,voter
families and your friends with you! 1
would alit Hannah (night take Samuel
by the hand, and Abraham might
bake Isaac, and Hagar might Iakelsh-
mael, 1 ask you if those Who slit at
your hreakfant-(able this morning will
sit ivit h you in heaven 1 ask you whet
influences you urs trying to bring upon
them, whet example you are setting
them{ Are yo,: calling them to go
uilh 70111 Ay, ay, have you started
yo.u'self? 1 s.y it all in love. I
could not stand here in any other
spirit and say this. J. ask you what
the pro peels are that you Will be unite
ed families in heaven? 1 have heardof
whole families saved, unci so have you.
I suppose there is such a thing also
as a whole family lost. .Father lost,
010 her Just, sous and daughters lost,
the estate of wretchedness going flown
from generation to general ion, lbeIide
of blackness decpen:ng and stwittening
into wilder rapids and might.ierplung-
es of despair. Impenitent father, irn-
pentienl uto.herl if you reject Christ,
and your children come un Ie ycare of
diecrei.un, and through your influ-
ence rej.at h m and taro to t, it will
be your own fault. 0h, if there should
come. through I he darkness of the loat
world wo'de from their own lips, say-
ing, "leather, you never invited me to
Christ; mother, your example led me
may trout Jesus, and I lam lost; you
sol rue here; you ears not get me
out 1"
Street for hea7en yourself, and take
:emir children with you. Come thou and
all thy hoose into the ark. Tell your
little ones that there are realms of
balm and eweelness for all those
who fly in Ilse right, dime -
tion. heaven beckons from above;
hell gapes from beneath and
this is 1he only safe hour, Oh, make
Ilse best of it, SWi'CLer than eagle's
stroke put out for heaven. Like Ihe
crane or Ihe stork, stop not night nor
day unlit yeti findthe right: place for
slipping, geld.edl 1.0-d J3, in Christian
service, you wilI be seated in the sante
glorious ree.rviee When the heavens
have passed away With a great noise,
and the elements have melted with fer-
vent Hent., and the redeemed are gath-
ered around (h' throne of Jeans? Oh,
is it impossible that the seperalingline
goes 1 hrough any tinnily 'in my belnv'-
ed (look? Is the father on one side
aad the mother nn the other side of
tint line that divides the two eternities?
If you are safe take your friends
with you. Invite all your children to
go along. Together on earth, you
may be together in heaven t
D. is strange how out 01 the same
bell you may get such differni sounds
-glad and sad-iusl as the janitor
rings it fast or slov. So when Inde-
pen(kence-day comes be rings the bell
merrily, and every stroke seams to soy
" cldepelydcnce; Liberty;" and 'Nihon
the long prnoesston winds into the
oho r121 -yard that Very same hell tolls
for the dead. ao it is with the Gospel
hall, .I ley hold ibe rope to -day, and
offer you pardon, pearls and heaven,
Row gladly the hell rings nut 1 Free!
Epee! Tut there is another story to
be told. Those Who reject God a,nd
wander away from him, go into per -
Shooting Paine
In the joints, elbows, knees, wrists;
swellings, redness, tenderness to the
touch, -a. tormentto oaislenel is rheu-
matism. But 11 le caredpromptly and
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- -
pet urel sorrow and so I lay hold the
rope of the Nell ane, give it . aslow,
sad, solemn pull, and it rings out,
through the darkness of thr deslruyed
spi rd 1, 'Woe 1 Woo I
"To -flay the Saviour rails,
Ye wnndccers, come.
Oh, ye benighted souls,
,Why longer roam?
The Spirit calls to -day,
Yield to his power:
Oh, grieve him not away,
"Tis mercy's boor."
'IY11, orPRo (Vose 15 ra New SOI'lety .11181
Published In Switzerland.
Wherever there is war the Red Cross,
waving over a hospital, blazoned upon
an ambulance, or worn upon the sleeve,
proclaims that help Is at hand for ill
and wounded soldiers.
The originator of the Red Cross so-
' eiely, IDI, Henri Dunent, of Geneva, has
now proposed another international
movement, which, alas! is needed in
every country under the sun. .its ob-
jest is the protection and rescue of
women and girls from the snares which
scoundrels set for them, The Green
• Cross is its Insignia.
I Numberless are the means that might
be useful for the purpose, but not more
1 numerous than are the pitfalls can-
ningly prepared for victims. The moss:
obvious, and perhaps the most usual
way to help women, and girls who are
encountering dangers of which they
are unaware, is to place agents of the
Green Cross at the railway stations of
the great cities, and protect arriving
passengers at the moment when they
are most helpless.
The organization Is already at work
in Switzerland. Arrangements are be-
ing made to introduce it in all the
countries of Europe, and no doubt the
movement will have devoted and en-
ergetic promoters on this side of the
Atlantic. There is no more worthy ob-
ject of humane endeavor than this, of
world-wide importance, that remains
and needs to be done.
Does your baby give you much trou-
ble at night?
No. We've fooled it by baying an
electric light put up in front of our
A Query Answered.
Anxious questioners ask, "Ts there
no sure cure for corns?" We are glad to
be able to tell these sufferers that
Putnnin's Painless Corn Extraotorwill
relieve them in a day, and exirant
corns without pain. It never fails.
A man's ideas at women are form-
ed from experience rather than from
An aotor moires a hit when he strikes
the manager for an increase in sal-
Topics of the Day.
Every one is surprised at the literati y
and (Lf;rney with whish Nerviline -
nerve -pain Dura - relieves neuralgia
and rheumatism. Nerviline is a speci-
fic for all nerve pains and should be
kept on hand by every family.
I'd like to know, remarked the cyar
thoughtfully; I really would. I wish
there was some way Of finding out.
01 finding out what, your majesty.
'Whether terrines is any more in earn-
est when it talks wnr than 1 was when
I talked peace.
Take Lsxathe Brunn Q0lnlne Tablets, All Drug,
Elate refundtbe money Hit fails to Cure, 85o,
A woman saw the first snake, but
men have been seeing them ever
We offer One llanated Dollar Reward for
any °see of Catarrh that cannot 130 cured by
Retro Uaterrh Cure,
F. J, CI-TENEY & 00. Toledo, 0.
We the undersigned, have known F, J. Cheney
all business tt lannaodons
and financially able to carry out any oblige•
Mons inane by their firm.
WEST & Tauri W holasaln Druggists Toledo
0, ; WA7,D1..a, IIINgrrAN & MARTIN, Wholesale
DrugpgletCatarrh Care is token lel cruelly, oet-
InR dirootly upon the Mood and maoods ree.
�Sone of the art Wm. 'old by Testimonials sent free.
Hali ssFam ilyoPills ore theybaet Druggists.
The development of the science of
cl 1 ePhas all 1 e' (
al 114 i 111 n IPS HeI the ex-
pense of firing gltlnk, i1 Ong been cal-
culated thee any nalion which kept all
i (ft guns In action for t went y -foul' hours
would thereby be rerluoed to bankrupt-
cy. 'Phis ie not only on account of the
expense of individual shots, but he-
oause of the great rapidity with which
successive shale can be (beetle med.
Of Suffering From Gravel, Mr. J. N.
Babcock Beeovers,
Thanks to IMdd's Kidney PION 1Vhleh
Cured Elm Speedily nil 11 Thoroughly -
lir. Ilnlleark's Story 1n Ips Own lint
phone Words.
Sharbot Luke, Dee. 20.-A Dresden
deepatc+h, to the Canadian press, last
week, described how ex -reeve W. G.
Cragg, of that town, was cured of se-
vere Inflammatory Rheumatism by
Doer's Kidney Pills, after the beet doc-
tors had failed to benefit hila, and af-
ter many so -culled "remedies" had
proved utterly ueetless,
The story has been the subject of a
great deal of interested discussion
here, and It has been ascertained and
here, and it has been ascertained that
Dodd's Kidney Pills are to article in
universal use in this district.
"her. Cragg cannot tell me anything
about Dodd's Kidney Pills that I don't
know already," said Il well-known law-
yer, who was discussing the, matter
with a group of friends yesterday. "I
have known them to pure eases of
Rheumatism which six doctors bad
pronounced inourable."
"1 have experienced what Dodd's
Kidney Pills will do," said Mr, John
Nicholas Babcock, another well-known
resident. "1 suffered the most acute
tortures from Gravel and other Kid-
ney Diseases, for twenty long years. I
spent hundreds of dollars in doctors'
bills, and for various so-called cures,
but with no lasting benefit.
"I didn't believe Dodd's Kidney Pills
would cure me, but expected to get a
little temporary relief from their use.
I wits completely and thoroughly cur-
ed by them though. There is no Kid-
ney medicine on earth to compare with
Dodd's Kidney Pills."
Scores of people in this district testi-
fy gratefully In the, wonderful power
and vitllee of Dodd's KidnP
Pills. Ev-
erY1hisR of Kidney Disease, including
Bright's Disease, Diabetes Rheuma-
tism, Gout, Impure Blood, Heart Fail-
ure, Paralysis, Dropsy, Sciatica, Lum-
lingo, Gravel, Stone in th' Blasder,and
Women's Troubles, yield, positively
end speedily, to the power of this great
Life Saver.
A bird on a woman's hat is worth
a dozen in the bush -to the cunning
in the publication of agricultural ex-
periments discussed by the "Stratford -
on -Avon Herald," Friday, June 24th,
1808, we note particularly the remark;
"Thomas -Phosphate Powder, that fat-
ter day inlroduedion, dovetails con-
veniently with the nitrogenous collect-
ing principle, and fur top -dressing ro-
tation, clovers and grass lands com-
mands the situation." In a later edi-
tion of the same paper, " A Wandering
Commissioner," in the coursn of An ar-
ticle descriptive of his wanderings,
says: We were greatly interested in
this field, et Newbold, on account of
the experiment Mr. Patter had been
trying with Alberts' Thomas -Phosphate
Powder. The land is a parish gravel
soil of scanty herbage. Farnt-yard
manure bas failed to give sal isfaction
on le . Last summer be applied Thomas -
Phosphate Powder, and the result is
a mass of clover, described by him as
thick and soft es a feather bed. In
this particular instance, it was the yel-
low variety of color, 1 refoil, and not
the desired while, which the phosphate
bas become famous for getting. This
is interesting and we expect the ex-
planation is that such poor land favors
n lower order of. clover, Itemise it has
not a sufficiency of the plant food ne-
cessary to produce, the higher order of
vegetation to which the white belongs.,
But it is also interesting to note thitt
white plover always gains the ascend-
ancy if safficieob of the phosphate Is
available with the potash in the soil.
en looking over the field in question
we can readily see ample evidence of
the better clover already making head-
way. We speak with a go lid deal of
confidence on- this point, having no
Geed No many developments on simi-
lar lines."
Our standing army would be simply
rank were it not for the officers.
W. 1'. C. 951
Agents wantod to °novas for our po�alur BOh-
oriptuou Honk,, lentt.rudnted
010 Canada, write gulch, Empin 1.915, Qo„ Toronto,
0 DAMNS OASINGO-Nor importation. Coae6Eng11Bit
Sheep and American Hog Casings -reliable geode al
,IgM prima FAUX, RLAOAWELL a 00„ Toronto.
Write for eluvial tortes duringJanuary and
February. S. CORRIGAN, 116'lenge Se.
RTL1 WANT TYPEWRITER -A really practical
e and notamer° tor, Price delivered
OIbMPN, Agents fronted.
8 Adelaide HOWELL
E W., Torontto..X
eoveilA' 1 v
A Clear, Concise Statement about
There is no outer like it. In the truest sense it is unmatchable.
Lead packages -as, ,lo, so and 6o cents,
Stammerers ter e sd uptae
l I
have found
weloomo.. W.X Bate, terms
oifat,, 3020 consultation
legk eo ,Toro to
ppeooh impediments °,`„'„" nature
,sated, Ooueult o quilleed rootitioner, who w11101
�d elsewhere WriolmetooW..1. Ar, oOuM,,D Berlin,)Out.
IllERALS TESTED !„r,-,: a'or
Montreal, Que.
Sacrament SG Ko , Q
18 Bir Sa ,
Boolrbinding, Send Sour urn� Euzinen, have (Oslo nicolr
Printing, bound. B1r1Reods, en(en1001,Letaot
Acct. Books, iieods Oords,jnsiuoknnd collator
20ed0.�g101,5 pietist oouptor dsybool
ebxld}dBADegos ruled. O.li.IsunlTua,921tmg•at.BnmG(ou
Send or COMPANY t.
P 26.26 Adelaide St. W., 'Toronto.
Mille 91111 al
s ,. Plaice,
B10 Wotley,s1a,rs oved
to Wont Bldgs„Rich
mond St%W., Toronto.
IF you hove any APPLES, BUTTER, E000 or POULTa1
to ehlp, ship them to
The Dawson Commission Co., Limited,
W rico ss.t.a,.
lfm, NJlllar & Cu.
h1r.nufncuvare „f show
Criers, (15,,, Store, Bonk
lid Hotel Prxlnre.s, Jew•
.1450, Dn,ggirtn. 4(051 oil
kinds of Interior Fittingr.
Brl(teh Plate M taco,, ka 18(02) .411,0 81. Toronto,
Oommorolal Report,
For Banta Sad
Mercantile Bodeens,
THE OFFICE 8508151. TV MSO. CO., Limited,
��//%% :e
Beet Oommsrelal Bolton} in the Province • enter 0011'j
Melotias tree. w. J. ELLIOTT, srlacipol,
Superior a ri o r To all others.
0•r Germ -proof cloth
Four Dollars
Complete. To be had only from M.
ROBE 1T&, 81 Queen St. E., Toronto
Send stamp for sircular and sample
of cloth before buying elsewhere.
Only 10,011utmu le Canada for the tura o,
Ivery phase of speech detect. Established
n To onto, 1090 Our. guaranteed.
O Pembroke St., Toronto, Canada
Dominion Line Steamships.
Montreal and Quebec to Liverpool in summer. Large
and fast twin sorer steamships'Labrador' Van-
conver,' Dominion,' 'Scotsman; Yorkshire:
Superior accommodation tor First Cabin, Sec-
ond Cabin and Steerage passengers. Rates of
passage -First Cabin, S60.05; Second Cabin,
33; steerage 522.60 and upwards according to
steamer and berth. For all information apply
to Local Agents or DAVM TaRRANCS & Go„
Oen'1 Agents, 17 St. Sacrament St.. Montreal.
PamphletsMaterial o and Samples Fra oe
Materiel of our Steel Frame
Niagara Vapor Bath
sent to any address on
receipt of stamp.
Thermometer Attaohment and
Vaporizer Complete.
Agents Wanted for Beet Septa,
Rath 1n Amerlon,
The Niagara Vapor MUD.,
d Grand Opera Ploce,Toronto
i9ARIm1 A HOLE In Three Minutes.
Swiss Darner. ..
After a little pm,
Mac we pay Indies 810,
• week salary who
have learned to be-
come sufficiently pro-
oieut witn Tar,
00150 DARNER to aatl
as our agents and to
instruct °thereinthelr
1ar01ity, Wo require -
thousands of sample
darniogs for oar busi-
ness, and gBirta and;
women who have Two
d ime DARxxnan
cosily earn from $8 to
59 weakly in darting
anmple& for us. fine
Bwres DARN,It will
put a fresh heeler too
in a ',Cooking in two
minute.. It monde
table cloths, curtains
underwear and all
105,10, with equal
malady and mead, and
a ohlld oan operate It
r easily no a grow9
hereon. Tax tame
0AIddia, neatly box-
ed, ecocide with full
tale, ego„ tent to any
addrens on receipt of
don. 28 mein. Semple dorniers, live toots additional.
Mho Woo Darner 00„ 73 Adelaide 8t. W., Toronto.
Wholesale only, William OL, Toronto.
Long Dletanoe Telephone 1780.
' eotl
Pray {'� ?jANn
i” i1S1
,Begins at the 801100E or 11111140, alnehloth Ont.ddddd
Jun. IGLU. 1873, Instruut,lut, .0 (lteaaotry, Mln•I
Iberyylogy, Geology, Blowpipe 'mating, and other,,,
Bold 10,td, Proepeoting, Mlli1'o , oudt)eTelsp.
For further Information t t O
THE DIM.. Tuft. ft,
Sohool of Mining, Kin, Sten, Ont.
L. COFFEE & CO., £otoblf.n.a t.die
Resies 808+19 Beare ei 'Made Reggia,g,
IffsantalI thorn. Jolson L. OONDMIN
oIN OR EXPENSE to the MO iT II8•
BRAIN and BRE d.THby
CHILDREN, and also Rears ruses-sfully In.
tante whose Ailments and Debility have re.
sided all other treatments. Ib digests when
all other Food la rejected, eaves $0 time. its
cost in medicine.
109,000 ANNUAL CURES of doastip.
ulentF, Dyepeplla
, Ind
estion• COwe.sum tion.Diabetes.Bronchitis,Influenza,
Asthma, Catarrh,Phlegm, Dtarncea6
Nervous ebility, Sleeplessness, Despondence! l
Ir11.7 BARRY and Co. (Limited). 77 Ragen ,
35 street, London, W., also in Paris, 1; Rn
de Castiglione, and at all Grocers, Chemists,
and Stores everywhere, In tins 8s., 3.., ed., 9,'
Sib., 14s. Sent carriage tree Also Do
Els. ed, audits.
Loan and Savings Company.
Paid-up Capital 52,600,000
Reserve Fund 1,160,000
Plead Office -Toronto Rt„ Toronto.
Stench 00)1000 - Winnipeg, Man., Vancouver, 0.0,
IIHipoSl'rS are reoei,erl at Interest, paid or com•
pounded half yaerly.
l(InteTI1nol01snuq ac Currency or starling wills
in England.
attached, payable es areCanada or
,u England, o invent
and Trustees ore outhors
,zed by luta to i0veet in the Debentures of this
SIONBY AOt'AN('EI) an Real Estate secants alb
arates end on favorable w04501000 as to r0
Mortgagee and Afssulel ai Debentures purchased.
Managing Director:
Features Connected With This
Closet Which flake It Super-
ADAPTABILIFY-lt is ottani ed to
private residents ei, nubile buildings.
hotefe, school houses and summer
PORTABILITY -It can be placed in
attic or cellar, bath -roma or outside
kitchen, or iu any place where there is
a flue or ohinmeyy.
ISCONOiYLOAL-It requires no distil.
fectaot. The strong current , f air mim-
ing through it!! during RecnmulatIon,
carries off all odors.
FIRE -Is only necessary once in Iifteon
or twenty days, when used by a family of
from four to SIX members, to burn 16 out,
APPLICATION -For villages or towns,
where there is no sewerage, it ends the
career of thefl:thy, unhealthy, uncom-
fortable, outdoor affair, whinh more
than any other single agent, has boon.
responsible for disease and. death,
The Odorless Crematory and
General Heating Co.,
Hamilton, Ont,
AXES, Solid Steel, 5o Cents
Hammers V.1 25c each
Violins a''s°' nniii$S,,,,s uscb.
Lance -Tooth Saws,
One of the fastest and most perfect
sews outdo, every S per
saw guaranteed only.. root
Mouth Organs 'tnd50 ae
,ash. Our ego end ggocMouth
Organs are post•psld at the
166 and 168 King Ste East, Toronto.