HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-12-30, Page 5I
30, 189£5
On the 10th 05 Jai nary, 1850, we ens r up oar stook, but before that time
it must be red aced to the lowest possible point. All Whiter Goode will bo sold Re.
gtrdless of Cost, Aa we w 11 parry no goods over if good quality and low prloee will
sell them. Wo intuit have our etoeh clean and up to•dete for the new year. In the
C„Ilotviug liet you will ftud geode suitable for the present season and money savors: -
Winter Drese Goods, 138 rushes wide, worth 12o, for 5c ; Tweed Droaa Goode,
worth 20o, for 12ie ; Heavy Tweed Drees Goods, worth 25e, for the; Colored Cash.
more, worth 250, for leo ; Fancy Drose Goode, boucle effects, 50o, for 1360 ; Pansy
Dress Goode, shot effeote, 70o, for 1t0e ; Plain Covert Boitinge, new oolore, $1, for
78c ; Ladies' Wanting hate, all colors, worth 50o, for 25o ; Ladies' Sailors, worth
00c, for 258; Ribbons, Flowers, Wings, eta, at about half price ; Shorey's Rigby
waterproof frieze Chillers, tweed lined, high storm collar, slash pockets, worth $7.50,
for $0.00 ; Men's Prieto Dieters, tweed lined, worth $0.00 for $4 50 ; Flannelette, in
fanoy stripes, worth 5o, for 8!l0 ; Dark Grey Flannelette, worbh 7o, for 5o ; Fleu
neleLto, 1 yard wide, worth 12tre for So ; Faaoy Flannelette, in floral deeigus, suit•
able for ohildren's drones, worth 10o, for 8o ; Grey Ootton, yard wide, worth 4o, for
2}0 ; Oheok Giughame new patterns, worth 70, for 5o; Men's Suspenders, worth
16o, for 5o ; Women's heavy wool hose, worth 20o for 15o ; Heavy White Canton
Flannel, worth Bo for So 4 Ibe. best seleoted Raisins for 25o ; a lbs. choice Currants
foa n worth
Sockeye alma w
.Good a eS
..o Goo
1 25e ' 2 eau boat Maple Leaf Salmon for a Y
12eo, for 100 ; beat Corn Starch, worth 8o for Oe ; Blue Ribbon Tea, black and mixed,
260, 40o and 50o,
fa -Wishing our hundreds of Customers throughout the country a
Happy and Prosperous New Year,
��7 p (j1 B gar. wir
beet quality, from •$3.00 to
SI LIV If � Y Y ARL. Butter Dishes o$1 bo 54,00.
fickle Dialiee from $1,50 to 54.00.
IIangieg Lamps from 51,50 to $6.50.
The Finset Display ever seen in town -
Vase Lampe from $1.00 to $1.75. Ban-
quet Lamps, superb, from 52.50 to $0.00.
TEAKETTLES A.25 bo 5 bandsome-�line, Nickel, from
i��i 1j 1y 1 $1.25 to $2 00.
A 1 heavier than Rogers' A 1
goods, at $8.50 per dozen,
(� OL D 1 I[I DAT The White Sewing Maohine has won the
lYl liJ iJ .iJ Gold Medal for the Beat Family Sewing
Machine. Prioe 528.00.
.r,r7A�yFIING 10I40IIINE8. The Beet in the Market from
�/�/ 1� .LL $5.00 to $10.00.
P j�1 T SW1;17PL+'RS. Biseell'e Cyoo Bearing Carpet Sweepers -
j h JlJ i Grand Rapids, Japan, 52.75. Gnmd Rapids, Nickel, $3.50.
Fancy China
Having bought largely we are offering special
values in the above goods.
Raisins, Currants, Peels, Nuts, Oranges, Lemons
A. special line of $12 Dinner Sets for $9.
A beautiful line of Tea and Toilet Sets at reduced
The Olds Reliable Balzer✓ still leads with the
best goods Dept in a first-class Bakery.
Best Manitoba Flour for sate.4..,
Geo. Thomson.
There is no place on earth
where you can buy
BOOTS, mons
a1�1,6O � lad l31®a 111
as Cheap as when sold alongside of
Harness at harness profits. The publio are well
aware of that Saab which is manifeat by the way
our sales are increasing -last Saturday's sales
beat all previous records, By placing freak in.
duoemene, we hope to make this month's briefness
almost double any previous month. We keep the goods you want suitable for the
season, wbioh will be handed out to you at the loweet odea room. You will bear in
mind that we don't look to this department alone for our living, wbioh amounts for
the low priors that rule hero.
We offer you bargains in Felt Boots and Shoes.
' -A full stock of heavy and light (Harness, all our own inane,
out of the best of oak leather. We offer you bargains in Robes,
Blankets, Bells and `Whips. Seo our Trunks -very strong, fitted
with good lochs, spring clamps, heavy strap hinges -all going at
low prices. 'Remetnber the place.
I. a PIA RD.
`41ahrtti 11.11
W. Rea epont Ohristmas et home.
Salford is etill lestrid0 hie paeasus,
Wm. Ilanitwell and Mies Bella are
vialling at Pelneratou.
What le wrong with the chair at Bethel 7
It le not owning up very fast,
Teems Glass, of whom w0 spoke 1t0t
weep, 000110uee to grow weather,
lildgerton ltoe la bringing home meter -
to enlarge his hare next year.
• 111, Graham, of Landon, is vieithng ut
hie faLher•in.lawa, Joseph Stenzel,
TlIm. Line, of Snafer'th, helped to eat
the Christmas gongs with frionde hero,
Mien Annie McPherson is home from
town where she luta been eking a term
of dresemalting,
Elate!) Roe was laid up a few days
last week with a rmubined dose of tooth.
ache• and grippe,
Win. Levo le at prosect held up with
sore eyee bat we hope to res our young
friend around 00011.
The entertainment in the suleiol bowie
here was quite au0cee0ful. Those from
home who took part did excellently, but
the lrinci alaltraoti'rwas the prates.
arena] oomfo eiugere, McLeod and bloody.
$20 made.
As poetry is quite common around
here it will not shook the readers of the
Leadbury notes to oonolude with a little
verse that will apply to some o fees in the
neigbborb ood ;--
"I hold a truth what ere befall,
I feel it when Igsorrow most,
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all."
Nnoneeerous 1N Mclfmror.-John Mor -
neon was elected Reeve, Nominations
for Council :-Robert Adams, John S.
Brown, Joseph Burchfield, Alexander
Gardner, John G. Grieve, John Goven•
look, Charles Little, Joseph 0. Morrison,
James 0. Leughliu and James Ryan.
John S. Brown and Joseph 0, Morrison,
are the only oandidatee who were in the
Council before. Daniel Manley and
William McGavin would not allow them-
eelvee to he nominated.
We are glad to state their Ciro. Raddabz
is improving in health,
A social hop was held at J. Long's
Hotel on Monday evening.
W. II. Robinson is spending his holi-
days at his home near Winthrop.
A Large number from here attended the
nomination at Ethel last Monday.
Adam Foereter, of Detroit, and Ed-
win, of Ayton, spent Ohrietmae at home.
Donald McIntosh, of Hannah, North
Dakota, ie here on a visit to hie mother.
He looks tiptop.
Saturday evening of thie week will be
election of otficere io Court Woodbine,
No.100, 0. 0. F.
John and James Stewart, of Ohapleau,
were here attending the funeral or their
mother on Saturday last.
Alfred Mitchell, sen of J. J. Mitobell,
is ill with diptheria we are sorry to hear
but we hope he will Boon be better.
Thos. McRae, of Listowel High eohool,
and Wm. Cameron, of Stratford Col-
legiate, spent their vacation at home.
Mrs. R. 0. Ennis and ohildren and
Mrs. W. J. Hamilton and daughter, or
Neepawa, are here to spend the Winter
with friends.
Last Wednesday afber000u Michael
Kreuter and Mies Emily Attridge were
married in the English ohuroh, Brussels,
by Rev. Mr. Abey. Good luck to them.
The funeral of the late Mrs. John
Stewart, last Saturday afternoon, was
largely attended. The pall bearers were:
John Cameron, V. Steles, D. Campbell,
J. Outbill, H. Woods and J. McNair.
Miss Mary Ritchie and Mies Etta Mo.
Nair entertained their Sunday sohool
classes ab their homes ou Christmas eve.
Miss McNair was presented with a oellu•
lord work box and a handsome stand
mirror by her o;aee.
Last Wednesday was the annual school
meeting. D. McQuarrie was the retiring
trustee and John Bann was elected to as.
sist V. Gramm and Joseph Love in
managing eohool affairs, The lowest
Offer for supplying. wood was 51.45 per
Cord and was not accepted but will be
dealt with ata future date.
Thos. Smith le at present working in
Geo. Harris and wife are visiting at his
The Masons had a supper Xmas, Mon-
day night.
II. J. Snell, of Goderiob, is visiting
friends in town,
Jno. Wendt, our popular jeweller, spent
Xmae at his home.
0. Stewart spent Sunday with his
parents near Brussels.
Miss Edgar, of the 411 line of Howlett,
is visiting at J. E. Blaok's.
Brenton and Edward Hazelwood are
spending Xmae holidays at home.
Mies Lizzie Thompson ,pent Xmae
with her sister, Mre. A. II. Moffatt.
A load of young people from Fordwioh
attended the rink here on Xmas night.
A load of y0000 people attended the
entertainment held at Salem, Friday
M. Moffatt, formerly of Wroxeter,
spent Christmas with his brother, A,. H.
Byrou Simmons, who bas been attend.
ing College at London, ie home for his
0. W. Andrewe has disposed of his
very speedy driver for a good sum of
Mise Lizzie Davidson, of Wie5bem
vicinity, is visiting Mies Jean Davidson
at present.
B. Price and wife and Oliver and John
Hayden ate their Xmae dinner at John
A pleasure sleigh load of our young
sports enjoyed their drive to Fordwioh
last Sunday.
Jno, Martin,foonoerly our papular V.
B. was looking up old aoquaintanoes
the past few days.
W. G. Montgomery, who hes been at-
tending the Mediae' College at Toronto,
is home on hie holiday0.
141iee Oaseio Barrie, who has been mil-
liner in Baden for the past season,
returned home on Saturday night last.
Chas. Kennedy, son of Bev. 3, B. Kee.
nedy, our Methodist pastor, preached on
Bonday night last. The quartette also
sang two anthems.
Walter Davidson and wife, of Belmore,
Jno, Knox and wife, Christopher Moffatt
and wife, and 1O5 , end Mre, Davidson, of
Winjham, ate their Xmae dinner at Jno.
The boys had a hot game of liookey on Lest weep Jno, Hoffernau, a former
Alonday, night. resident, was roaewiugold acquaintances.
Who 'e the 'nun' uuw who bus had a 11 }Io is oiieriug hie blacksmith ,,bop, now
ii j S
rubber nook aiuuo Sunday night IasG 7 tenanted by G. W. Pollard, for sale.
Tho anniversary sel'vi008 of the I'ree-
byterian ohuroh will be held a weep from
next Sunday.
Miss Laura Brawn, who has boon
visiting in Toronto far the past 1 weeks,
returned home an Friday Net.
A sleigh load of W. C. liezlewo0d's
family and frionde spout Xmae Monday
eflnrn0on at his brotlier'e in Clifford,
The eame Town Commit es bet year
000 Blamed by acelemetion, viz. ---Reeve
---Thee. Ilernphill. Couuoillors,-Jno.
Bray Wm. Rutherford, H. B. NlaKelvie,
Gom,abt Wannina.-Pifby years ago last
Monday the matrimonial bow Isnot was
tied between Bernard AMU, a worthy
Jithelibe, and his good lady, near Peter.
bore'. Rev. Wm, Ames, a brother, per.
formed the ceremony, It was agreed
among the members of the family that
thie auspicious event should be duly
celebrated 00 last Monday there was a
family gathering hero for that purpose.
Among those in attendance were :-Rev.
Win, Ames, of Woodstock ; Wm. Ames
and wife, of Morrie ; Barry Ames and
W. 0. Ilazlewoed, Helmet Trueteee,- wife, of Grey ; 'T. R. Ames, of Winnipeg ;
J. David.on,'0. Rae and.R. Black, Jiro. Mrs, Maguire, of Petorboro'; D. Dunbar
Bray and Wm. Rutherford were spread. and wife, of Ethel ; D. C. Rose and wife,
ing themselves over their honorable pool- of Brussels ; A. MoAllieter and wife and
Joseph Amos and wife, of Grey ; Mies
Melissa Amos and a good grist of grand.
children. The afternoon was spent most
enjoyably in social abet ; present making;
;• t Ir o 1. a moat appropriate address by Rev. Mr.
Acnes ; a very suitable reading, "The
Golden Wedding," by Dire. D. C. Rose
and a reply by the host in which he
thankfully reviewed the past and gave
many pleasing reminiscences of the
pioneer days. For 52 years the family
was without a doctor although there were
12 children in the home circle, 11 of
whom are still living. The only two
absent from tie gathering on Monday
were John, of BayCity,Mich.,and Saml.,
of Manitoba, and the latter arrived hero
on Tuesday. A number of gold presents
and other equally useful gifts were made
and the day throughout was one of gen.
eral rejoicing, and[ a very happy com-
pany was it that surrounded the festive
board. Mr. Ames is 71 years of age and
Mrs. Ames is only a year behind him,
bot both have enjoyed remarkably good
Health, outside of Mr. Ames' illness last
Fall. The numerous relatives and many
warm hearted friends are a unit in wish-
ing Mr. and Mre. Ames a good many
happy years together yet. They enjoy
the highest esteem of the community.
Mr. Ames has for many years been a
faithful member of the Methodist church,
filling all the important positions of
honor and trust, and their home was al.
ways open to the preacher datinglback to
the long ago.Tan Poor had the
*mire of extending congratulations to
Mr. and 1MIrs. Ames and hopes they will
jog along in double harness until the 75th,
o r Diamond Anniversary, rolls around.
tion as Ouunaill0re. The boys all sm0li•
ed diem a lone life and a prosperous and
happy New Year,
Renew for Tina Pos'r.
8011001re.opon0 ou Tuesday.
Tle storm interfered with business a
13. S. Cole has a large gang of men In
blue bush saw•logging.
Mrs. George Hogarth is visiting rela•
tivee in Ethel and locality.
Mrs. Samuel Chambers was renewing
old friendebipe at Hespeler during the
past week.
A good time was enjoyed at the Meth.
odist Sabbath Sohool entertainment last
Friday evening.
Mise Lyda Hall, who has bean teaching
at Leamington, Essex Go., ie holidaying
Here with relatives and friends,
Thos. and Samuel Ames are here from
Winnipeg and Oreeford, Manitoba, on
a visit to their parents and other relatives.
We expected bo have had the Reeve at
Ethel for next year but Mr. Dilworth
thought be had nob the time to devote to
Isaac Lake and Adam Turnbull are
both in the field as Councillors in this
locality and stand a good show of being
elected next Monday.
There was a very large attendance of
the ratepayers of the township at the
nomination here last Monday, and all the
nominees received a good hearing.
Last Sabbath evening Rev. Mr. Ames,
of Woodstock, oecupiod the pulpit of the
Methodist church and preached a most
excellent discourse. The reverend gen.
tiemen is 78 years of age but is as lively
as a cricket yet. He is a brother to our
villager, Samuel Ames.
Last Saturday afternoon as Robert
Cochrane was coming to Ethel with a
load of hay the load upset and in the fall
Mr. Cochrane broke hie collar bone by
coming in contact with the rank, and will
be laid up for some time. He has been
working the Pollard farm.
Wednesday the annual meeting of this
school section was held. Christopher
Eokmier was choeen trustee as successor
to Robert Dilworth whose term had ex.
pired. The Board for the next year will
consist of Samuel Chambers, Wm Stein.
mon and 0. Eokmier. The eohool busi•
nese is well managed here. Postmaster
Spence makes a most efficient Secretary
and excellent work has been done by our
teachers. John Eokmier will supply 20
cords of 9toveivood, at $1.28 a cord, for
the school.
Orman Faomoey.-Tbe annual meeting
of the Ethel oheese factory will be held
on Wednesday afternoon of next week.
The annual report of the factory for the
year 1853 is as follows :-
Member, Lns. DIi2.it Lne. os Ano0( '1`
1tatlH2vl]D. CHanen,
May 15,841 1,850 9 08 Rl
',fay 80,950 5,321 500 4'1
June 329,818 20,100 1540 05
220,246 18 435
August 100.057 10 871 • 18403428 5878
Sept. ek Oct298,887 28,950 2042 40
Totals1010,587 00,551 5 7448 45
Cash on hand from 1897 $ 5 15
Gash received for cheese,18081 7448 45
Cash from dues _72_3
Total 3 7451 08
B Barr, making 00551 lbs of o¢oesa at
000 nor 100 lbs ... 8 811 01
Jacob lirauter, salary as Secretary... 25 GO
8, Cunningham, salary as Trees 25 00
Cheese Fair Aeenoiatton tiokeh...,1 50.
Telephoning and Telegraphing 2 05
P. S. Sooth, Insurance
19 70
J, Brown, for 1285 boxes at Oa each111 15
IL. Barr, for scale boards 8 40
B.Barr, milk, pass and invoioo hooks 3 50
Ineggeotors' Pees 5 00
A. Mousley, auditor 9 00
W.B. Iferr printing auditors' report 75
Trees, notifying Patrons of meeting 75
Hall i'eut 1 00
Paid to milk haulers 0000 83
Paid to patrons of factory 498 03
Cash ouhand atdate 025
Total' S 74011 03
Average lbs, milk to lb. cheese, 11,2277 ;
average price of cheese for season per 100
lbs., 58.22 ; average oo0t of making,
1.121o. The above was oertified to by A.
Cousley and Robb. Bern, auditors.
Nei Yearl
I wish to extend my hearty thanks
to the publio for past favors and eolioit a
share of patronage for the future.
Horse Shoeing.
If you want a good thee on a good
horse at a fair price pall on me and you
are bound to be satisfied.
General Blacksmithing
All kinds of Jobbing and Repairing
in my line promptly attended to.
No bungling or poor workmanship
done on my premises, but satisfaotion
Wishing all a Happy New Year.
tTnol U; Wispier
Horse Sheer and General Blacksmith,
Tao POST and Weekly Globe $1 50
" " Western Advertiser1 40
Weekly Mail -Empire, 1 45
Montreal Witness 1 65
Daily Nem 1 80
Weekly San 1 35
Montreal Star 1 80
Farming 155
We Wish All a Very
Happy and Merry Xmas
and at the same time extend a cordial invitation to visit our store fn
the hope that you may find something suitable in the way of Xmas presents for your
friends, parents or ohildren. We have a great many artiolee-too numerous to
mention' --that are probably jest what would suit you or what you were looking for.
For instance we have an endless variety of Fanoy Picture, Embroidered Lawn,
Linen and Silk Handkorehiefe, Ties, Mufflers, Kid Gloves, Slippers, wool Gauntlets,
Fur Ganntlete, Caps, Collate, Ruffs, Oapee, Oaperinee, Linen Tabling, '.Cable Nap -
kine, Towels, Chenille and Tapestry Table Covera, eto., eto,
Our Stook will be found right inoluding Dry Goode, Groceries, Boots and Shoes,
Rubbers and Overehoo0, Beadymade Clothing, Hats, cape, &n.
'january Standard Patterns now to hand. They are the best
and Cheapest Patterns in America.
Call and get a Fashion Sheet Free.
Alex. z utrachan.
P. S. -We will pay so. per 1b. for good Dried Apples.
V.-•-' �,.;":��wl _ /' t �.h�-tp a' slue S•- -'�-;J I��S
"In black andwhite."
No salesman's say so, but a gua-
rantee of quality, workmanship and
material straight from the makers, is
the "Slater Shoo" way, Their name
and price stamped on the Goodyear
welted sole with their self des-
cribing tag, telling about the
leather, is your protection.
$3.00, $q,.00 and $5.00.
Jno. Dowding, - Sole Local Agent
PUMP wpm.
I with to inform the people of Brueeele
and eorrounding district that I have pur-
chased the Pump Business of JAMES
BELL and will be found ready to attend
to all wants in either new work or repairs
at moderate prices,
No better Pump in the market.
Order left at my shop or reeidenoe or
at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly
looked after.
ga-Ordere token for the Digging of
Wells and Cisterns.
Gomer Green,
British Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
0x0 --
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Mills
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat
terns on band or made to order
at Short Notice.
Estimates Furnished for all
kinds of Buildings. Workman-
ship and Material Guaranteed.
Has got
What You Want,
Gall and see his stook of Winter Drees
Goode and Trimmings, Ladiee', Gents'
and Children's Underwear. Beet
value in town,
Headquartere for
Bought before the advance
in prices :-
Peaches, Tomatoes, Salmon
Pineapples, Corn, Sardines
Pears, Peas, Herrings
Plume, Beane, ]daddies
Cherries, Pompkine, Woken
Strawberries, Pickles, Turkey
Raepberriee, Mince -meat, (Duck
Blueberries, (Damned Beef, Mushrooms
Pigs Feet, Chip Beef
MoLaren'e Cheese
ta'New Fruits, New Peels, New Nuts.
-New Spines of all kinds.
'Teas and Coffee a specialty at
Cook's Cotton Root Compound,
Is successfully usedmonthly by over
10,000Ladies. Sale, effectual. Ladies ask
your druggist for Cook's Cotton Boot Com-
ma'. Take no other as all Mixtures, pills and
Imitations ate dangerous. Priee, No. 1, $1 per
box; No.13,10 degrees stronger,$8 per box. No.
1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 0-eenl
;tamps. The Cook Company Windsor Ont.
sable Dreggiete in Canaodpma¢ded'�y all
Noe. 1 and:2 eoidlin Brussels by'
Druggist, Bookseller di Optician,
The boiler is made of
steel, cast iron front, grates,
fire box linings and smoke pipe plate, all other parts$made
of the best cast steel protected against warping. Flues
arranged so that boiling can be done quicker and at much
less cost for fuel than the old style furnace.
Price only $16100 Cash.
Leave your order czt once with
We have on hand a few Cutters left of two car -loads
which we will sell at a reduction.
W e invite inspection and comparison of prices.
Have some good Second Hand- Cutters, new trimmed
and painted which look like new.
Heavy Sleighs which we will exchange for good hard
wood. Also Pleasure Sleighs with steel bobs, away down
in price.
Ewan & Inne