HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-12-30, Page 44
QTAlt a lritr ist'1 n"l r i4
FRIDAY , DEC. 80, 1898,
Deoeinber promotions of Bruasele Pub.
lie eohool. Names not in order of merit.
most I.
From class I to elms 1I.—Johnnie
Burke, Eardly Wilbee, Homer Barrett,
Johnnie Wilton, Karl Peebles, Frank
Gerry, Nellie Wett, Willie Moliay, Henry
Rogerson, Charlie MoMillan, Verne
From class II to senior part I.—Tom•
mie Armstrong, May Biel, Tommie
Burke, Eva Suider, Clara Simmons,
Willie Bell, Ethel Currie, Edith Calvi),
Cleve. Daubow, Harry Moore. Bernath-
ing in olaee — Lizzie Denman, Willie
Rogerson, Jobunie Cooper, Florence
Mainprioe, Vivian Kendall, Emma
From Bonier part I to junior part II.—
Cora Bell, Sam. Walker, Edwin Maleay,
Orme Gerry, Katie Deadman, Mayfrid
Allia, John Ament, Arthur Jackson,
Willie Strachan, SooltAmen'. Stanley
Campbell, Lana Strachan, Willie Mo.
Oraoken, Elmer Ewao, Karl Innes. Re.
maining fn class—Johnnie Wilbee.
From junior part II to senior part II.—
Letitia Marter, Frank Stretton, Pearl
Beaker, Attie McMillen, Vera Wilbe ,
Cline Scott, Eddie Oakley, Glen Arm-
strong, Fred. Campbell, Luoy McCracken,
Winnie Turnbull, Pred. McKay, Christie
Grimoldby, Minnie Miller, Florence Mo.
Kenzie. Remaining in olaas—Violet Mo•
Kenzie, 'Willie Richardson, Alonzo Jack-
From senior part II to junion part II.
—Frank Miller, Willie Burke, Nellie
Peebles, Vie. Blashill, W. MoQuarrie,
Vera Barrett, Willie Henderson, Fin.
Scott, Walter Scott, Earl Ament, Jno.
Wilton, Aline Thomson, Hardy Avery.
From junior 11 to senior II.—Mamie
McKay, Ferrite Jilin, Elsie Corrie, Willie
ItocheBertha Roes, Argo Rose, Lottie
Blaehill, Eva Cameron, Leslie Turnbull,
Roger Deadman, Walter Williamson,
Bessie Strachan.
No promotions made from senior II to
junior) III.
Fourth class in Principal's room di.
vided—those obtaining 60°;, now form
the Entrance class. Where pupils failed
to nuke the requisite mark on the exam.,
but have done well on the monthly
exams. and during the term's work they
have bad their totale increased to make
the pass. Total, 500. To pass 50°o in.
total and 30ee in each subject :—May
Skene, 374 ; Hazel Johnston, 362 ;
Florence Armstrong, 358 ; Pearl MoMil-
tan, 332 ; Ida Williams, 326 ; Luella
Roes, 309 ; Norman McGuire, 297 ; Joe
Good, 298 ; Mary Forbes, 282 ; Erna
Avery, 270 ; Bryan Scott, 276 ; Maggie
Scott, 255 ; Cleve Backer, 255 ; Leelie
Kerr, 250 ; Barbera McKelvey, 250 ;
Chas. Rioharda, 260 ; Willie Peebles,
212 ; Jessie Peebles, 202 ; Willie Hay -
croft, 195 ; Wat. Roche, 177 ; Ross
Beattie, 164; Dave Moore, 144; Jno.
Peebles, 80.
J. H. CAMERON, Principal.
Happy New Year.
Fox hunting is good.
A epeoiee of la grippe abroad.
Renew your subscription to THE POST.
A lot of canvassing is being done this
John Agen sold a Berkshire bog to P.
0. Mitchie visited at Tarnberry on
Mies M. Manning ie home from Platte.
ville on a Visit.
Municipal and Co. Counoil election
next Monday.
Tax Collector Mooney has bean bother-
ed with neuralgia.
Pathmastere should keep the roads
open. It pays to attend to it.
Geo. Jaokaon, 8th line, had a horse
badly kicked on Monday.
John Conery, of Winghem, spent Mon-
day visiting friends near Bambino.
Will. and Janet Mason, of the 3rd
oon., spent Sunday at Geo. Johneton'e.
Charlie Davie is holidaying with
relatives and friends at Lindsay and
John Jobneton and daughter Etta, are
spending a few days of this week at
Sam. Caldbiok, V. S., of Bangor, Mioh.,
spent his Ohrietmaa holidays under the
parental roof.
Mrs. D. Stewart,- of Rosenfeldt, Man.,
is at present visiting her sister, Mrs. 1.
Fraser, of the let eon,
Mr. and Mrs. Double and obildren, of
Lewiston, Mich., were visiting at On,
Councillor Mooney's.
James Cook, teacher, le home from
Cairo, Lambton 0o„ on a holiday visit.
He will return next week.
Robb. Shorlreed has been dangerously
ill during the past week but we hope he
will soon be all right again,
A well known young farmer dumped a
sleigh load of folks the other night in go-
ing to a neighbor's house to spend the
Morrie will have its first real contest
in municipal affairs next Monday, as far
as the Reevesbip is concerned, in many
Mrs. Martin and obildren, of Grand
Rapids, Mich„ are visiting at S. Oald,
hick's, 2nd eon. at present. This lady ie
a daughter of Mr. Caldbiok'a.
Every elector should go and vote on
Monday next, Jan. 2nd, no they will have
a good mak of men for Co, Councillors,
Reeve and Township Councillors,
Bailor beam will be got to the different
polling divisions on Friday of this weep.
There are 6 divieione in Morrie. The
eleotion here will be a hot one for all pur-
Miss C. A, Halliday, teaober in S. S.
No. 6, attended a wedding oa 8th line
East an Wednesday evening last. The
fever seems to be spreading an a good few
joined bands the same evening.
Chao. Fraser, of Collingwood Il:igh
eobool ; Joseph Smillie, of Toronto
Medical College ; Rob. Bmillie, of Toron-
to University, and Mise Aggie Smillie, of
Harrieton High 'reheat, are (spending
their Christmas holidays at theirreapeot-
ive homes.
The Go. Counoil nomination at 13rue-
sele on Monday of last week wee the
greatest event of the season. The at.
tendanoe was large and the (peakere on
the whole made a good canoed. There
are in the field Messrs. Bowman, Kerr
and Bryant
Aire. Cheae. Forrest and Kies Citriety 1
Rabb have returned from their 'shalt to
Rev, le. Paul, of Brussels, otrioiatse nt
Johnston's, Ebenezer and Blnevale on
Fnnday, Jan, let,
Owing to having an enlertniumene
every evening lent weep, the people will
be reedy for a rent.
Mr. Little, of MwItignn, is visiting bis
brother in Ode township. It le 40 years
Ninos he lett Ontario.
The 5, S, and League entertainment at
Browntown will be held on Wedneeday
evening, Jan, 4th, ab 7 o'olook,
Mr. and ilfre. Roeevere and lifr, and
Mrs. Bennett, of Saginaw, Mich„ are
visiting at Geo. H. Rattan's.
A most euooese(ul and enjoyable enter-
tainment wee held in Berrie'e school
house on Thereday evening of last weak.
Inapeet•,r Robb made a dret.alass elrair.
man and those taking part in the program
acquitted themselves admirably, Mr.
Henry, the teacher, deserves great oredit
for the energetin and able manner in
which he arranged the entertainment.
There will he about $10 to the good Hirer
expenses are paid and this will go to im•
provemente to interior of school.
The folluwius were the nominations in
conneotion with the township of Morris
Counoil last Monday :—
eeve—Wm. 'ablator, R. N, Duff, C. McCrae
Geo. Kirkby, Jaa. Sharp, Juo. Robb
Geo. Jaokaon, Jao. Shortreed, W. Taylor
Thos, Code, T. Laidlaw, Jae. Russell
i11. 1M. Cardiff, Jas. Russel, 0, McCrae
R. N. Duff, 9. Smillie, N. Thornton
Geo. Taylor, D. Maiklejobn, J. Graig
Arthur Shaw, W. Casaniore, E. Johnston
At the close of the nomination hour
Thee, Laidlaw vase elected chairman and
the reepaotive candidates were called
upon for speeches.
oloeing day of school in Buttou's school
house there was an enjoyable program.
Miss Belie Bitten, who has been the
teacher tor the past year, was eurprised
by beautiful and useful gifts from the
pupils. Edith Jackson read a suitable
address, est ressive of general regret over
the teacher's removal, t[o , and Maggie
Mu0al1 presented Miss Bidere with a
watch chain and a lady's Companion. A
suitable reply was made. Trustees Jack-
son and McArthur made speeches. Mica
Sillera will go to Dakota where here rela-
tives removed last Spring. Good wishes
acoompany Miss Siders to her new home.
Sbe will be succeeded in the eohool by
Mies Jennie Kirkby, who was at the
Ottawa Normal eohool last term.
SCHOOL REPORT.—The following ghee
the report of the pupils of S. S. No. 8,
for December and to determine position
in °lase for January. Total 400—.Sr. 4th.
—Lorne Knox, 288 ; Robb. Farrend, 252 ;
Gordon Ember y, 183. Jr. 4tb.—Eula
A g sr, 859 ; Alice Paul, 835 ; Vine Knox,
316 ; Ruby Forbes, 292 ; Chas. Gernies,
293 ; Pearl Embury, 202 ; Martha La -
maw, 150. Sr, 3rd.—Johnny Gneiss,
288 ; Yarifa Fraser, 210; Eva M. Bouch.
Sr. 2nd.—Emma Jermyn, 849 ; Lola
Agar, 3455 ; Annie Garnias, 313. Jr. 2nd.
—Hazel Embury, 355 ; Ohae. Agar, 240;
Pt. 2nd.—Total 200.—Willie Forbes, 155 ;
Harvie Knox, 145 ; Tommy Jermyn, 75 .
Wm. H. Jacklin. Tonuie Rutledge, Hal -
dab Rutledge, Lizzie Knox, Fred Agar,
Stanley Rutledge, Sara Agar. Jr. let.—
Norman Bauch, Neleon Agar, Hazel
Stermper. Low let.—R. 0. Turvey.
D. L. STnacu st, Teacher.
PRESENTATION.—AII the pupils of S. S.
No. 10 aeeembled at the eohool house to
bid farewell to their teacher, J. M.
Breckenridge, who baa been with them
for the past two years. In the afternoon
the teacher treated the obildren to candies
and ante and then preparatione were
made for a brief program prepared by
the obildren unknown to the teaober.
By this time a number of the ratepayers
and people bad assembled and J. Ball
was elected chairman for the 000aeion.
Just previous to the commencement of
the program 0. Forrest ascended the
platform and read the following address :
DEAR TRAOnER,--It is with heartfelt
regret that we, the pupils of S. S. No. 10,
regard the parting winch is anent to take
place. The associations which have ex-
isted between us have, me um part at
least, been both beneficial and pleasant,
and we feel that you have left nothing
undone which would in any way further
our interests. As a memento of the time
yon have spent with as we ask you to ao-
eept this friveltingcase and handkerchief
and collar box, and we pray that God's
presence may with you, wherever He,
in His Divine Providence, appoints you a
Owe. We wish you a Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year.
Signed on behalf of the eohool,
- Done SlatraoN,
0rr19. FORREST,
Mn.Breohenridge, completely overcome
by this unexpected proceeding, tbauked
the children for their past kindnesses and
all parted with saddened hearts and wet
eyes sorry that the separation mast be.
MATuIatoNIAL—On the evening of Wed.
needay, Deo. 21st, at the residence of the
bride's parents, 8th line Morrie, a large
company, over 100 gueete, assembled to
witnetathe marriage oeremony between
Mies Jennie, the estimable daughter of
Ohm. Ritchie, and William Maunders, a
well known young gentleman of this
township, The bride was beautifully at-
tired in cream Henrietta, trimmed with
satin and lane. She wee attended by
Mise M. Roberton, of Bruseela, who wore
mualio, trimmed with Valet -mean lace.
The groom was supported by bis brother,
A. R. Maunders, of Albert College, Belle-
ville. The wedding march wen efficient-
ly rendered by Mise Jean MoLauahlin, of
Bruasele. As the 11o11e was chiming the
party appeared and Rev. D. Forrest, of
Walton, spoke the magio words which
were abort but to the point. The bridal
party stood under a beautiful arch of
evergreen and holly. After the nere.
mony the gueete eat down to an elaborate
spread and when ample justice was done
to the rich repeat. Rev. Mr, Vernet
spoke in re very eloquent manner and
proposed a toast to the bride and groom
Which was responded to by A. Hislop, M.
P. P. The happy temple wan the re-
oipents of a large number of valuable and
useful preeente among which was a
beautiful hall rack which was given by
the Walton Presbyterian choir of which
the bride was a member. The evening
was pleasantly spent in social chat and
games of various) kind and shortly after
midnigbt the company separated with
best wishes foe lids, end dire. Maunders
he their new home which they repaired
to on the 7th Zine of Morrie, Tall POST
throws an editorial slipper after them,
Petrie Caatlou has pnrcheaed a Berk.
shire bog.
Bad route, and bad arida will peep
people in for a time unload things change.
O. 1111ahIe leaves for Ileepeler on fri-
day of this week where he tins a good
situation a ehorb distance from the town
and likes the place well.
Alex, Remelt is home from Manitoba
whore he spent Jho past season. He
nye the weather was very gold, ae IOW
ae 55 below zero. John Russell is ttleo
home from College in Torouto,
FARM BOLD,—afcArther Bros., 6th line,
have sold their 100•aore farm to Taylor
Brea., of East Wawanoalr, The price
paid was $3,850. The same farm was
reported to have been sold to Robb,
Miller, but was not eo, We understand
however,`that Mr. Miller has bought et
farm in Grey known as the Shine place,
Mr. Miller gets possession in March.
Selmer. MEETING. — Wednesday the
sonnet eohool meeting of B. 8, No. 4 was
held. The retiring creates wee Thos.
Bernard, who served 9 years and render.
ed good service. Ife declined ro•oleotion,
Walter Innes resigned owing to his re-
moval to Bruasele. Mr. Ionee has had 8
years aa trustee and has worked faith-
fully for the advancement of the section.
Jno. Robb and Jae- Speir were elected
by acclamation and with John Mooney
will constitute the Board for 1899.
Wood was let by public. %notion and
waded to Hugh Forsyth, jr., at 41.25
per cord. Tide eohool is in a fine state
of eflioiruoy and now draws the highest
grant in the township. The Mruataea
showed good judgment in re•engaging
Mr. Henry as teacher. He doss first•
class work.
Beim Burman.—On Friday night about
8 o'aloak the people of the Ist eon. were
alarmed by the brightness of the sky and
earth and on investigation it wee found
to be caused by the burning bane of
David Breckenridge, He had gone out
to do tip the evening chores, end while
engaged in feeding his cattle the lantern
exploded and all efforts to extinguish the
flames proved (utile. There was burned
000 buehele of oats, 90 bushels of wbeut,
40 bushels at peas, 20 bags of (hop, 5 tone
of bay, fanning mill, wagon, buggy, seed
drill, disc barrow, plows, harness, muffler,
ROM and 7 little pigs, 3 calves, 50 hem,
.9o, The ineuraooe is held by the Ilowiek
Mutual and is as follows:—$350 on barn
and $(300 on contents. The baro wan a
good one with atone stabling, and will
put Mr. Breckenridge about a good deal
by its desb,uotion.
The shooting metoh on the 3rd line of
Morris on Monday was a success.
P. Gibbons sports an A 1 cutter. We
understand hepurohaeed it in Wingbatn.
The mill -owner, W. Geddes, is hoping
for a good Beason in maple timber ea well
ae custom work for the farmers.
Obristmae day itself wee properly ob-
served by large congregations and appro.
priate sermons le all the churches.
Snow and blow I Blow and snow 1
Pitch holes and banks of snow but the
merry jingle of Christmas sleigh bells
Mr. and lits. Ramsay, of Guelph, and
Mr. and Mrs. Venders and their two
Bone, of Badaxe, Mich., are the gueete of
Robt. Scott.
Geo. Cunningham and II. Campbell
arrived home from Chatham Business
College laat Friday evening to spend their
Obriatmae vacation.
This bas been a gay Christmas Beason
for Belgravia. Good crops and high
prices gave money enough to admit of
bright presents and a jolly time all
round. The recent eleotion and the
bright prospects for a Liberal repreeenta•
five for the Dominion Hoose for West
Huron have helped along the Christmas
joy in some quarters.
Belgrave L. 0. L. No. 462, held their
annual meeting on Wednesday evening,
Deo. 21st; and elected the following offi-
cers for the eneuing year :—W. M., Rioh.
Leishman ; D. M., W. H. McCrea ;
Chap., Jno. Watson ; Rec. Seo., Alex.
Leishman ; Fin. Sea., Robb. MoOrea ;
Treas., Wm. Bryan ; D. of 0., Jaa. E.
Noble ; Lent., 0. Corbett ; Committee,
John Armstrong, R. Gallagher, 0. Bur•
nay, Robt. Mason, Oben. Dwane.
Our Christmas 'entertainments, under
the auepioea of the different Sunday
schools, have been good. The Presby-
resbyterian friends opened with a good pro•
grain and large turn out, the proceeds
footing up $34.00. The Church of Eng-
land friends were greeted with a crowded
house and presented an excellent pro.
gram and had financial satlefaotian to
the tone of $37,00. The Methodist
eohool presented a program which was
full, both in quantity and quality, to a
packed house and rolled up the financial
snowball to the size of 449.65.
The entertainment in S. S. No 8, East
Wawanoeb, Friday evening Dee. 100,
was a complete e0000ae. Although the
roads were very bad, which made it very
disagreeable driving after dark, yet long
before the time announced for beginning
the program the people began to gather
and soon all the available entree was on.
oupied. Rev. W. T. Hall, of Belgrave,
occupied the chair and diaobarged his
duties in a manner entirely eatiefactory
to all, The following was the program:—
Chairman's) address; sung, Raise the
Flag," by the school ; dialogue, "The
Frog Hollow Lyceum" ; violin solo, Jae.
Robertson ; a Kindergarten tong "Jack
Frost," by girls of the eohool ; mouth
organ selection, Charlie Johnston ; reel.
talion, "The Boggles' Dinner party,"
Mrs. Ireland, of Winghem ; dialogue,
"Brought to trial for Blowin" ; reeding,
"A. Gowk'e errand an' what gam' o't,"
Mee. J. E. Combas ; Kindergarten song,
"Way down in the Buttercup Meadow,"
by pupils of the school ; instrumental
by Miss l'orterlleld ; recitation, "What
the ttrain brought," Aim McGee ; dia.
'ague, "The Hoyden," by the school ;
Bolo, "The Workingman's child," by
Maitland .Henry ; recitation, Mee. Ire.
land ; Kindergarten song, "The pretty
moon," by the pupils ; violin Bolo, R.
Coulter ; dialogue, "The widow's mie-
take," by pupils ; mouth organ eeleetion
by Mr. Rintoul ; reaitablon, ""Phe Irish
philosopher," by J. Gibbons I recitation,
"The boy hero," Mies Josie Campbell ;
Kindergarten song, "The Farmer," by
the pupils ; National Anthem, The
opening and closing national longe by
the pupils of the school were well render.
ed, and showed aarefnl preparation,
While the dialogue entitled "Tbe Frog
Hollow Lyceum" captivated the aunt,
nett. But it would be unjeet to bestow
praise on one or two oaleatiane without
according it to all, for each saleotion
Was well received by the andionle, The
school room was prettily decorated with
evergreens banging in festoons from the
toiling and wall), Land intersporeed with Stor
bunches of 8owere, while melt one talc.
ing part wore a handsome hogttat of red,
white and blue flowers. '1'ha entertain•
menti wast eredit to the teacher, J. E.
Coomber and lila pnpiIa,
The Standard Bank
of Canada.
Money Orders
For amounts of Fifty Dollars and under
issued by this Bank, payable at par at
any chartered Bank in Canada, with the
exception of Beaming) in the Yukon Die-
Under $10 .
$10 to 20 ,
20 to 80
30 to 50 ,
'�Op Christrnas and New Year
Holidays, 1898-99
Will iesuo Return Tickets between
All stations to Canada' From all stations
in Canada to Detroit and Pert lin r m. 1' rein
all stations to Canada to, bet no' from, Buf-
falo, Black Hock, Suspension Bridge, and
Niagara Palls. N.Y. From Detroit and Hort
Huron, to stations in Oanada, but not East
of Hamilton and Canfield Jot, on lines to
beneral :•aline :
SINGLE Fume Mites FARE, going Deo.
2011,0511i and 3010, tickets rood. returning
from destination not later than Deo. 2701,
1808; also on Doc, Stat, Jan. let and 2nd,
tinkers good returning from destination not
later than Jab. 3rd,
61N0Lit FIRST Or,isa FARE AND 0NE-
TnrnD, going Dec. 01rd, 2411. and 80111 re-
turning from Deo. 081,11, 1803 ; also on Dao.
80th and Sig. and jou. let, good returning
from destination not later than Jau. 41h,
Teacher's and P01/Ila, on surrender of
standard certificate
emeLm FARE AND flan -T num, going Deo.
1015, to net, inclusive, good returning from
destination not later than Jan, 1811, 1800.
Conaiotei'efttl Travellers, On presentation
of certificate :
Between alt atueions in Canada, 61000E
Oxnneem FARE from Deo. 17111 to 2011, tn-
cluaiva, good to return from destination not
later than Jan. 4th, 1800.
All information from G.T.R. Agents.
J. N. KENDALL, Agent, Brussels.
GEO. HEYD, Ethel.
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 dui, 6 Per Cent,, Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
Qommeuoing on the let of January
next, postage will be itnpoeed upon news.
papers, payable by the publishers, This
will mean considerable of an outlay in
the year, end while the prion of Toe Pose
will not be raised on that amount, it ie
more than ever necessary that we insist
on advance payment. We cannot afford
to pay postage in advance and wait an
indefinite lime for the price t f the paper.
We are sure tinct most of our sub
(scribers are too eeneible and fair-minded
to expect ns to do BO. We expect, there•
fora, that before the oloea of the year
every subscribers; in arrears will pay up,
and also pay a year in advance. Sub
soribere in arrears should bear this notice
in mind and not give their minds rest
night or day until they pay all surefire on
their weekly visitor.
Most of our subscribers pay in ad-
vance, and the want to got them all on
the same footing, It ie as easy to pay
now ae six months lienee, and a great
deal more profitable to all parties con-
We shall still endeavor to publish the
newsiest paper in the Province, and ask
that our eubseribers help us to the ex-
tent of promptly paying up any arrears,
and also paying strictly in advance in
the future.
For the
Fine Assortment of
And all kinds of Jewellery.
Call and Examine Stock.
Special attention to Repairing.
White Star Linea
norm, MAIL STI:A31S11II'S,
Between New York and Liverpool,) via
Queenstown, every Wedneattay.
As the steamers of this line curry only a
etriotly limited number in the plasm and
SHOOED CABIN accommodations, intending
paseengere are reminded that an early nil-
plicattou for berths is neeeeoary at this San-
son, For plane, rates, etc., apply to ,
W. H. Kerr,
Agent, Brussels.
^ir._ J E sr Fv E L E/\■
Gem Rings sot with Opals, Garnets, Emeralds, Pearls, tire.
Engagement and Wedding Rings, the largest stock in town. We
buy them direct from the manufacturers and pay cash, and are sell-
ing them cheaper than the cheapest.
Ladies' Gold Filled Watches from $11 00 up
Ladies' Solid Gold Watches from 18 00 up
Gents' Gold Filled Watches from 11 00 up
Gents' Solid Silver Watches from 8 00 up
Gents' Silverine Watches from 5 00 up
All are guaranteed to bo good time keepers. Our stock is far
too large and must bo reduced. Large stock of Elgii'1 and Waltham
movements, highest grades, on hand. We pay cash for them and
buy at the very lowest price. We are here to do business and can-
not be undersold. A Iarge assortment to choose from.
Vest Chains, Long Chains, Brooches, Stick Pins, Cuff.
Links and Buttons, Chain 23racelets, &c .
l3y the most reliable makers.
Fancy and Odd Pieces of Japanese China.
Violins, Mouth Organs, Autoharps, So., &c.
411 OW' lines are up to date
and the prices Cheaper than ever.
Opposite American Hotel.
, ll1;c, SU, 1898
know a man to keep a good tiling to himself.
We haven't any regard for the man who does, When we
put our $5 00 Overcoats on sale we knew the snap would
get all over the country without spending the money to
advertise them. Some sizes running low.
$6, $7e $3 and. $10 Overcoats.
1 -le Who Imid ��
Asks T' Timidly
C:Virreligi ttm-�4i^a? q i V Gi a7E^ l e WA i A ip
Courts Denial, __.,
Therefore we are most positive in our statements.
We want to sell you a suit of clothes—not your neighbor
nor your second cousin nor anyb.ldy but just you, We ask
you to buy of us because we offer you a strictly one price
trade and the best Ready-to-wear Clothing in Brussels. If
we can't prove it to you don't buy. If you are thinking
of getting a
It will pry you to look through our selection which is
the largest in town.
Clothiers and Furnishers•
We Thank Our
Customers for Their
Patronage during the
Year now Drawing to a
close and Wish you all
a Merry Xmas and a
Happy New Year.
Wilton Turnbull
..,I-Iave you seen the...
with hem
Chancellor Steel flange all. Get prh ices son this range.
.Tin bval'e,
,American Water White
Coal Oil,
/q The. Lance Tooth and the Symonds are our Specialties
COALr r r
The best quality at close prices is'our Motto.
Wo also Handle Blacksmiths' Coal.
Wilton 8c Turnbull, Brussels.