The Brussels Post, 1898-12-23, Page 6TE 13 11'178811LS POST. DEC. 23, 1898 THF NEN IN 11 NEEL TEE VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. ftsst interesting Items About Our Own Country. (heat Britain, the United States, and All Parts of the Globe, Condensed and Assorted for Easy Reading. a•-•: CANADA. Only union labour will be employed int civic works in Ottawa next year. Work has commeneed on the newt hall at Kingetoo, Ont. It le to cost 360,000. The Deseronto Cur Worka are build- ing 50 box cars for the Intercolonial Railway. It is said at Winnipeg that the C. P. R. will erect a 1,000 ton smelter the Boundary Creek district, B.C. The Council of Peterhoro' has an - pointed a committee to Con' icier mitre - port apona scheme of monk -Spat insure ance. 13y a change in train service, the 0. P. R. hopes tomuke the trip from Montreal to Winnipeg in 48 hours, in- stead of the present time of 54 hours. The report that W. C. Afacdoneld, the millionaire tobacco manufactusei is to be knighted, has been seml-offi (hilly confirmed at MoGill TJniver atty. In a speech on Thursday. Mr. Chem berlain said he hoped in a few year to see a federation of the empire with colonial representatives in th British Parliament. mead -Bartlett the ooncession for the electric, lighting of Smyrna. General Lord Kitchener of Khar- toum, Sirdar of the Egyptian forces, started on his return to the Soudan on Monday. A crowd of friends bade Ono hundred artists, sixty men and him farewell at the railway station, forty women will unit a comfortable London Truth nounues that the (home in the new institution in Milan an Queen mother of the Netherlanda has which Verdi has had erupted far desti- written privately to Queen Vielorla tuts and disabled musioians. Infot.ming Her Majesty of the betroth- The Ensprees Eugenie alit remains in alof Queen Wilhelmine, to Prince Wil- Paris, and, attended by aline. Lebreton, Ham of WWII. Thetakes a walk every afternoon on the nyetioo Foroigs osnoe ems sos Wrests of the Tuilleries without at - (wind news that *Lints. Keating and treating any notioe. Gale and twelve native soldiers, who Prince, Waldemar, eldest son of Prince Ilenry of Prussia, Eruperor William's brother, was recently attack- ed by a serious throat trouble, and a successful operation 15•11S pi.rforine& wanted to take over the financial tie- The French cable repair ship Contre partment of the Soudan, Levi Kitchen.. Admiral Coubet, has been Ivor/flog on er replied: "I want a man thorough- the Grand Banks of Newfoundland for ly ap in all finance. problems, end mit the last two weeks in ehanging tho ;m- over 25 years old." Gen. Kitchener la sition ef the Freneh transatlantic still waiting for his financial prodigy. eabies, The firs( woman architect to be 10i-1 A negro soldier of the Gutted States Army has been arrested at Havana, witted to the Royal Institute of Bri- ' charged milli eboring two Spanish sol - Usti Architects is Silas Ethel Mary Charles. At the final examination the tilers, He will be dealt Nrich by the candidate is required to design a Spanish Courts the, same as any other prisoner, the Americans having retlls- building of an important, public ohur-: edto a it tigs of him. actor te show a complete knowledge of style, construction, Planning, fouls:- I Major aliirchund, or leashoda tante, dations, etc. This Miss Charles sue- ! celebrated hi ; thirty-sixth birthday cessfuRy accomplished. I last Monday. He began life as a The British Admiralty has recom Thatarre clerk in Fran". He has been both in the French army Load merines mended, upon the report of a special but has spent the greeter portion of coromission of engineers appointed his life in exploring San geographical to survey the pleat., that Famagusta. in the Isle of Cyprus be provided with fairPesee. a deeper and better fortified harbor. Santiago de Cuba experienced a sev- - The port oZ Famagusta will liFneefortb. ere earthquake shook Tuesday night The native press at Manila continues to advocate Independence and a reim- bursement to the United Staten ot the amount to be paid Spain for the Phil- ippines, were maesaored in October last, were killed while parleying with tribesmen of the Niger territory. When askecl what kind of a man he s be capable of aceommodattng the inigiotening destroying a , largest war ships- and bk•COMS the large quantity of crockery. Some of e strongest outposts of Great Britain in the Amerleans not understanding what the Levet. I had happened were considerably alarna- The Farnaers' Binder Twine Compare of Brantford has just paid the aston ishing dividend or 60 per cent. on It capital stock for theyear ending Oc tober 15th last. s The 471/a Battalion will oommene their annual drill at Fort Henry Kingston, on the 3rd of January when two of the companies will ante the fort, the other companies going ut, in their turn. The permanent infantry schools of London, Toronto, St. John's and Fred ericton will be ooneentrated at Ottawa under command of Lieut. -Col. Otter for a course of instruction. Mann, the Ottawa \\ aterworks De pertinent clerk, has been found guilty by judge Mo grove of embezzlement of civ.c funds and sentenced to r AV° years 'n the penitentiary et King- ston. The officers of the seventh Fusiliers at London have all decided Co resign as a protest against Gen. Hucton's ac- tion in discussing battalion reorganiza- tion with the citizens before consulting the officers. etu.ssell A. Alger, jr., son of General Alger, United States Secretary of War, was seriously injured in an accident while coasting near Grand Mere, Que. He is manager oe the Laurentide Pull) Company there. Johanna Landriau, wife of the late Joseph Lemieux, who was killed at Co- teau junction some weeks ago, has Is- sued a writ against the Canada At- lantic Railway Company for 55,005 damages for the death of her husband, y UNITED STATES. led. The shock lasted several seconds. - Two children were badly mangled by One or the hangmen of Australia s , a mad dog which rev amuek in Philo- I went on strike for increased Belau, - delphia. after having teamed that the chief 101 - The business portion of Weyanwega, I eentor of Paris ret.eivect an amulet in-; e Wis., has been burned. Twenty sub-: come of MOS a year, nearly three times , , stential buildings are in ruins. I the Australian man-huteh.e.r's income. t John McCullagh, former chief a' He was finally convinced that his duties r , police of New York, has taken charge I were less arduous than those of his, Parisian contemporary, and, he is now doing business at the old stand. f the 1' foras in . Frank Joy Gould, y000gest San of the late Jay Could, is now of age and City Marshal A. D. Bryant, of Mc- , - heir to $10,000,000 under his father's ' Kenzie, Tenn., 1{-416 shot in the back of will. 1 the head three times on Wednesday ' There is a project on foot to build and almost instantly killed, while seat - an ice palace at Niagara Falls N.Y. '011 in the telephone office. The mut- - using artificial tee, made in Hamilton, 1 derer W68 6 bay named Hughey Mc- Ont., for the purpose. I Call, who fled to his home, and vont- The repeal oS tica Grealer Naw k ' mitted suicide by inking morphine. charter, to restore Brooklyn, N. Y., The cause alleged for the murder was to its former status as an independent that McCall was arrested by Bryant I city, is being advocated. last Saturday fax drunkenness and city ' law violations. ' The Ottawa City Council has decid- ed to ask the Ontario Legislature to amend the Munioipal Act so as to pro- vide that a oity of 50,000 inhabitants or aver may be governed by a Board of Control. This was carried by 13 to 11 Mr. X. I. Kelso, Su.pernitendent of Children's Aid Society for Ontario, does not believe in a Curfew law, He de - Wares that the theory is all right, but in the forty towns in Ontario where in practice the law has been a failure it has been tried. The Toronto General Trusts com- pany and the Trusts Corporation of Ontario are to be merged into one. The concern will have a paid up capital of $1,000,000 andreserve contingency fund of $500,000. The business under the care of the two companies now is es- timated at 518,000,000. Emigration returns just published show that the number of emigrants from British ports to Canada for the month of November last was as fol- lows :—English, 501; Irish, 35; Scotch, 24; and foreign, 677. Total for the ele- ven months ended 30th November, Eng- lish, 14,861; Irish, 853; Scoteh, 1,087; and foreign, 9,465. The notorious "Mollie Matches," the cleverest bank burglar and pickpocket in America, was until a few days ago keeping a grocery in Montreal. He was arrested on a charge of non-support of his wife, but gave the polies the slip while the ease was pending and is not naw to be found. GREAT BRITAIN. William Black, the novelist is dead. Rudyard Kipling has accepted the viae-presidonoy of the Navy League. Reports of threatened famine In Russia are being received in London daily. The Prince of Wales gave his cheque for one hundred guineas to the Gordon memorial fund. The council of the British Agrioul- tura' Society has rescinded the rule against docking horses' tails. Lord Mountstephen hag been ap- pouated it. member of the counoil of the Gordon Memorial College* .71111S Cekebread, notorious for her reacted of over 300 convictions for drunkenness, is dead at London, Eng. Williani Thorpe fell into a tank of boiling liquid at Speaeer & Co.'s chemical works near London, Eng„ dying instantly. One million dollars has already been eubscribed of the five millions whieh British Methodists MO destrotts of rais- ing next year. Twelve shipbuilding firms have sent in tenders t,o the British Admiralty for the construction of four battleships to he built; in private yards. Lorda Hopetown, Paynmster-Gener- al since 1895, has been appointed Lord Chamberlain in succession to the late Earl of Lathom. The Queen has given 250 guineas 1,0 Lark Kitohetter'e fund for the watch- liehmentaf eaGordon Memorial Cols lege at Khartoum. The itind has now reached £00,000. It is iteported from Constantinople that an Imperial irade has been pro. Mulgated fossil:log to Sir Ellis Ash. - The United Stales battleship IVIassa- rhusetts is moored at Brooklyn with damaged hull, reused by runuing on a rook in Nev, York harbor. The United States Navy Department recommends Senator Kale's bill for a monument in Havana to the memory of the victims of the Mains disaster, Assistant Naval Constructor Hobson will go to Manila to superintend the raising of the sunken Spanish war vessels. He expects to leave about the 20th of this month. As the terms of enlistment of about .7,500 American sailors expire in the next three months, the authorities are at a loss to find the necessary men for their ships. The Amerman Seeretary of Agri- ' culture has reeeived information that foot and mouth disease, one of the most feared of animal maladies, is raging in the Province or Hainut, Belgium. A. terrific explosion causing the deaths of four soldiers occurred at Cas- tle Island in Boston Harbour on Tues- day afternoon. The men were engaged in unloading Government mines. The court at Pontiac, Mich., has de- cided that silver coin is good money to pay off a mortgage on any other debt. The holder of a mortgage had demanded gold. His suit fails. Col. R. 1511 O'Reilly, chief surgeon of the United States, and Lieut. Weston will start in a day or two from New York for KIngston, Jamaica, to make El thorough investigation of the Bri- tish method of oaring for troops in tropical climates, At the monthly meeting of the Brit- ish Army and Navy Veteran Assooia- tion, of Boston. Monday evening, Lor shipped' the balance to follow in the Is a course of a few weeks. These tur- 1 s keys have not been consigned. to deal- G e ers on the other side, but have been T - purchased outright by one firm, 5Iessrs. S. Brill and Co., a firm more I a conel udes, travelling salesmen fo Canadian rims may come and go a they please. After serving eleven years for srirne he never committed, George Ogt Wolseley and Lord Roberts of Land har were elected honorary members, most cordial letter being read fro Lord Wolseley. The Washington au( hoi htLe hav curbed the growing ambitions of In specter De Barry, of Buffalo, and, un tit the Anglo,-Amerioan oonfereno MR. MTJLOCK'S SCHEMES. of Money "'Letters One of the few Experiments. .4 despatch from Ottawa says :—Mr. Mulook has several schemes under con- sideration. It is proposed, for instance, to distribute mail matter in reties by means of the electric railways. The special " late fee" system will prob- ably be utilised after next session. By paying an additional amount a letter can be mailed later than the adver- tised. time of oloeing. By adding an extra stamp a letter can be mailed say a half hour later than the time the regular mail closed, At all railway stations a "lute box" will be provided for extra stamped letters, SO that five minutes before the train starts the box wilt be cleared. A. system of insurance for letters containing money valuables will also be adopted, This is a feature in other countriea. TURKEYS FOR GREAT BRITAIN. Sixty -Vire Carloads of Turkeys for (lir et tons Mnrket, A despatch from Montreal, says: — I Sixty-five carloads of live turkeys have been received in this city by ono firm during the last roux weeks They are all destined for the British market d and already half of them have been ME SUNDAY SCHOOL. INTERNATIONAL LESSON, DEC. 25. "A tbelaunas Amason." Hob. A. 1.11, Golden Teat, take 8. 11. PRACTICAL NOTES. Verse 1. The beginning of thls is singularly lofty. There is a certain rhythmics melody in the woods even when turned into English, The argument begins where both the eas tural :Lod the /supernatural begin, wi God. But aur attention is not fir directed to God's attributes—how, other apostles tell us, in him dwell a power and wisdom and love—but his toter/retie endeavors for the aisle lion of man. The first part of involved sentence which we now stud rid or its parenthesis, is G bath spoken. Who at sundry tim and in divers manners :make in film past. O7lie Revised Version is, "Hit lug of old time spoken by divers po tious and in divers manners." Pe haps "manifoldly and variously" ea ries th s thought; imperfeetly, of cours for there could not be a per 'feet revelation with such anomie agenales 15 t "prophets" to and the "fathers" to read.It was ll horde of children in intellect an spirituality, but with fully develops physical powers and ' desires, th ter, "While ha saith to the angels." The citation is from Pea. 104, 4,Sep- tuagint version, 8. Unto tho Son he saint. Quoted from Psn. 45, 0, 7. 0, The oil of gladness was the sym- bol of rpjoiaing, and especially of in- duetion into the holy offloos of priest- hood and royalty. WHIPPED KRUGER'S BOERS. 'Viso Bebe' Chief Milt' Muter or the Sit flatten. th The Cape Town eorrespondoat of Lon- a don Daily Mail sends a telegram Unit „o was filed in Tohannesburgh nn Men- u day last, but which was suppressed by to ' tine Government, on the ground that it WAS inimical to the, Transvaal. The he IL- deS11711011 USW 11S that the Transvaal • troops have committed wholesale but - y, od i• cheries of women and children and un- armeci natives in the campaign against es the rebel chief e I. The latter has completely out-man- vs- cowered the Boers, and has splendidly r." fortified. a bush-oovered mountain, r- w is ,vith a large army of r" natives. He has also recaptured M'pe- • fulierg. The boars have badly ed the whole campaign, and the troops at are in a state of semi -mutiny, Sumo t6 , of them are returning Isom% a! s disrags.rd he orders of d Gen. Joubert, and several of them will d! be court-martialled. Gen. Joubert, is at sick abed. Moses led from Egypt to Canaan. Th whole world was in its infancy, an God through Moses treated its infa tile souls mach as we treat the ohi drop En 0111! primary Masses. By series of object lessens and fragnle tary revelation/4 he sought graduall to develop their minds and spirits. Th whole MoceLic ritual was a series o symbols made up for the purpose of forcing the baby world to ask ques- THINGS ONE GIRL HAS EATEN. tions about. Goct and heaven. Every act Torrential rains are fallIng, and the 6 Boar comps are frightfully insanitary, d It is the opinion at headquarters that n- the form must be immediately reealled. It is hoped to begin the campaign 1- again after Christmas. al The Daily Min's story about the bad n- condition of affairs prevailing among ,„ the Boor troops is not as yet confirmed by despatches to other papers, The e Mail is consistently and ardently hos- f tile to the Transvaal, of Jewish life became an acted parable The killing of lambs, the tinkling of bells, the burning of incense, the em- broidery of garments, the muzzling of Oren, the fencing or roofs, and th thousand other daily incidents wer . ca —that is, they were use to teach deeper truths than thos which appeared on the surface. An those truths all had to do with th ooming One. Thus Israel became in true sense a priest nation for mankind But the truths which the priests an prophets had thus instituted wer sundry and (livers,' unconnected an incomplete. Unto the fathers by th prophets. The " fathers," are the He- brew ancestry. "By" should be, "in,' for the statement is made of the writ- ten word. The propheis" here seem to stand for all the inspired writing within reach of he Jews. So that thi first verse by its parenthesis assert that the Old Testament is fragmentar and imperfect compared with the ful revelation of God through Christ. 2. In these last days. At the en of these days. At the conclusion of the jewlsh Church and State. By his Son. Notice that the word his is ital- ic. in the Revised as well as in the Au- thorized Version, which means that it is inserted by the translators to make the sentence intelligible and that there is nothing corresponding to it in tthe Greek. Neither is there any a1' - aa the Revised Version, margio, I suggests, " a Son." It is better thread exactly as it is written. He is "Son of Gd" in an emphatic and exclusive sense, and while • there are oth- er true sonships, he holds his sonship in common with none. Whom he teeth appointed heir oe things. "If children, then heirs." .13y whom also he made the worlds+ The Greek word is "all ages." (Compare John 1. 5 Col. 1. 113.). $,Who being the brightness of his glory and the ,express image of his person. Or, "Who, being the ray of brightness from his glory (so in the Nicene creed,Light of light) and the i 'stamp orimpression of his os - 5000." The Revised Version has, Who being the effulgence of his glory rid the impress of his ai- tames" (margin). No man hath seen ocl at any time, but the cnly begotten on is kis representation among men. here is a beautiful old Hebrew says ng concerning wisdom, which reeent. tles (his, "For wisdom is the bright.' ass of the everlasting light, the un - potted mirror of the power of God, and he image of his goodness." Witt n he ad by himself purged our eins, That: s, he did not make purification of sine y sacrifices and types, but' by the so'.'.' ender of himself for the sins of the orld. Set down on. the. right hand air rot haes. IVIajesty on high. An oriental premier sits on the right side of the 4. Being made so much better than the twls. "Having become so much bel ter,"n modern MIgl ish t verse ' seems to meant Our Lord's effective efforte to 111000 'between God end man xiilled him and dislang,uislied hun hove angel,/ and 'all other creatures ulte as far as did any essential sup- rtoril:y of his nature. Twelve Novota, Shoemaker's Wax, Starch nail Itonstul corrce. A despatch from Lynn, Ma,ss., says-: —A remarkable CS SO of abnormal 111.1)0- Olate has come to the attention of phy- e sioians of this city. The *utterer is a d girl about 16 years old. She is now in • great pain, and it is not expected that her life can be saved. a During the time she has been afflict- . ed she has eaten books, newspapers, d shoemaker's wax, starch, and other things , and Monday she devoured a O pound of roasted coffee. The first symptoms of the development of the . ailment came while she was reading. s First she began tearing corners off the s pages of a book, and finally she ate s entire pages from a book after she had s read them, so that by the time site fin- ished the story little but the covers was left. in five weeks she read d twelve novels, and ate every one of them. She was employed in a shoe factory, and it was not uncommon for her to get possession of a quantity of wax and eat it with apparent relish. Her consumption of laundry starch was only limited by the .su.pply. The climax oams an IVIonday, when she dis- posed of about a pound of coffee. After this she became so ill that physioians were called in. The young woman is not insane. Up to Monday afternoon, when she had a tleliroua turn, she was in full possession of her senses and knew the danger which threatened her if she continu- ed her practices. „concerned in investments, it is un- ;50 s derstood, than in the 'turkey trade. All 1' these turkeys were purchased in the 11 Province or Ontario, and it is estimat- i 6 ed th t ahotat 550,000 was paid , them. There are yet SOMS half dozen v • carloads to arrive, and these, with the w a large quantity now in cold storage, e will be shipped as quickly as possible. was released from Sing Sing prison o Wednesday on the Governor's pardon He was convicted in 1885 oe stabbing man during a quarrel. One of th men on whose testimony Ogle was eon vice ed reeently confessed that th guilty one was himself. Chicago now has a big monleipa fight on. It is au attempt to Pas through Council a fifty years' fren chise lo the Street Railway Company 1 area 1 COMPETES WITH NATURE. S Extracts of Meat to be Manufactured ilk Belgium. A despatch from Antwerp, says:—.1) ; Brussels chemist has discovered a syn thetic process of imitating all existing meat extracts, producing by ohemica Mayor Harrison deelares he will veto the measure, but his veto will likely be voted down. h.nti-franehise meet inge are being held nightly, and al the papers are up in arras againet this 'handling job." Secretary Alger has received a let ter from General Woods as to condi tions at Santiego. The General say that matters of every kind are adjust ing themselves to the new conditions and that people are returning to theti homers and to work , that business is reviving:that churches and schools are opening and everybody looks to bettor end happier days. GENERAL. Foreign Awe have been barred from Russian naturalisation. Germany, as well as France, has taken stops to proteot her missionaries in China. French journalists and pbhoisIe are reported to be convinced that war with Britain is inevitable. The Empress of China WO ordered the oapture of Nang -Viz -Wei* tha Can» tones° reformer. A London Daily News despatch says: It is reported in Odessa hat the Turlo, ish cavalry will be increased by 25,000 troopers, on the advice of Emperor means an article fax superior to th - natural, and -at a much less cost. Ex- - periments have shown the substitute s he remarkably nutritious, and analys- - is shows; its chemical constituents to b , identical in all essentials with the na • tura! product. A. company itt forming, capitalized at 5200,000, to undertake the manufacture of chemically combined food products. WORTHY OF CONSIDERATION. PrepOSed Annexation of the British 11%M " Indies to Canada. A. despatch frorn Ottawa, says:—The sl Department of Trade and Comments in has been advised. that T14. Edgar Tripp, h. commercial egent for Canada in the West Indies, brought up at the last ha Meeting of the Trinidad Chamber of he Commerce the subject of the inoorpora- w lion of the British West Indies with ti the Dominion, The miestion was ful- 1' ly diseussee, and the ooncluslon un- an enirnously reached that it was worthy A. of the serious emisideratlon of thc GeV. te ernment• .TFrtto whirs s ot that angels said: he. The writer is now appealing Lo tlie sil- ence or revelatisn. It runs (mantel: to same of our rarathods of explanation and interprets' Lion to note litet his quotations had in the first fleas voter- enee to David and his seed. But. it was assumed by Habride thinkers that such passageshad a fuller applibation and a larger nettompliehment in the Christ. Thou et my Son. (Pse. 2,7.) I will he to him a Lathe" (See 2 Som. 7. 14, here it is said of the seed of David.) 0. And age in .Li ere I ly, "But again." 1.1,,,n he hi ixigeth in I hs first begotten, When he shall have brought the first gotten." Apparently the sense is ith reference to the time when he tall have brought the first begirotets. to the world, In the sense or the in- a,bited earth, not of the universe. He ith. The oltattott is either direetly ns Mgt , 42. 48, whore the Septe annt the words, "Re.10100 with him, Yo evens, and let all the angels of God orship or, by a slight. rulaptit- on, from the Septuagint. rendering Of na• '07. 7, 'Worship him, all ye gold oC •w'here the ulfhorised Version, niter the Menemet, xt, reads, "All yo gods." rt. And of the angels he snith. Bet - GREAT WATER MAIN BURST. Broolayis Inundated Over a Radius of Twenty Blocks. A despatoh from New York says :— For several hours on Sunday en area of 20 blocks in the 28th Wird in Brooklyn was inundated by raging wa- ters, which waehe4 out foundations of houses, tore down trolley and tele- graph poles, imprisoned people in their houses, and nearly drossmod some who were caught by the flood. The dam- age will roaoh hundreds of thousands of dollara—polioe think $500,000. The great water main at Febart street and Central avenue burst at five o'clock in the morning. This main is four feet in diameter, and when the pressure be- oome too great the water shot up eight feet in the Ws. The flood, which oon- tinued for three hours, WAS so gild- deniy tbat several persons were ()aught and three were resound by life -lines; Every house in twenty blooks was flooded and a number of them so bad- ly damaged that: they will fall if they are not pulled down. Hundreds of others were damaged so badly it will be a costly matter to repair 1.hem. Ten families were homeless because the po- lice would not let them enter their shaky hoeses, 80,000 CARLISTS READY. 1110.1, 'Watt n Algital, llowerer, From the Pretender. A despatch from Bayonne, says:— Flying columns or Spanish troop a aro now operating in the Basque provinces, In Navarre, Catalonia., Aragon and Valencia, watching the Carlist rising. The Carlists here state that until Don Carlos gives the signal there will be no movement anywhere, but when. given 80,000 armed man will bastantan. eously appear in the field. A ()artist, paper edited by French and Spanish is about to be published here, Reports are circulated here from Ms -. did that the Pope nits directed the Nuncio there, Mgr. Nava, to forbid the priests of Spain from. showing any sympathy, with Ceram, and, the Nun- eio has instruoted the bishops to watch the priests vigilantly. EDITORS, CLERGYMEN, PHYSICIANS tri120- 161.9r9E3P3"12w.. gen and Woman In all Walks of Life Toll of the ilemarkablo Cures Wrought by South American Nervine Tonic, SIX DOSES WILL CHYME THE MOST INOADULOK COLWELL, OF PARIS, ONT„ IlL'VIEW. Newspaper editors are almost as seeptioal as the average physician on the subject of new remedies for sick people. Nothing short of a series of most remarkable and well authenti- cated cures will incline either an editor or a doctor to seriously consider the merits honestly olaimed for medicine. Hundreds of testimonials of won- derful recoveries wrought with the Great Son th Amerioan Nervine Tonic were received from men andrwomen all over the country before physicians began to presoribe this great remedy in chronic oases of dyspepsia, in- digestion, nervous prostration, sick headache, and as a tonio for build- ing up systems sapped of vitality through protracted spells of sick - 0:M0, During his experience of nearly a quarter of a century as a newspaper publisher in Paris, Ont., Editor Col- well, of ;The Paris Review, has pub- lished hundreds of columns of paid medicine ad vertisemente, and, no doubt, printed many a gracefully. worded puff for his patrons as a, matter of business, but in only a single instance, and that one warrant- ed by his own personal experience, hall he given a testimonial over his own signature. No other remedy ever offered the public has proved suoh a marvellous revelation to the moat sceptical as the South American Nervine Tonic. It has never failed in Its purpose, and it has cured when doctors and other medicines awe tried in vain. "1 was prostrated with a portion. larly severe attaok of ' La Grippe,' " says Mr. Colwell, " and oould find no relief from the intense pains and dia. tress of the malady. I suffered day and night. The doctors did not help me, and I tried a number of medi. eines, but without relief. About this time I was advised to try the South American Nervine Tonio. Its effects were instantaneoue, The first dose I took relieved me. I improved rapidly and grew stronger every day. Yen: Nervine Tonic oured me in a single week." The South American Nervine Tonic rebuilds the life forces by ita direct action on the nerves and the nerve centres, and it is this notable feature which distinguishes it froin every other remedy in existence. The most eminent medical authorities now concede tha t fully two-thirds of all the physical ailments of humanity arias from exhaustion of the nerve forces. The South American Nervine Tonie acting direct upon the nerve centres and nerve tissues instantaneously supplies them with the true nourish - mane required, and that is why ite invigorating effects upon the tvhold system are always felt immediately. For all nervous dieeases, for genera debility arising from enfeebled vital. ity, and for stomach troubles of every variety no other remedy can poieibly take WI ohm. Sold by G. A. Deadman, M'KENNA SAVED HEROINE. A 'Wild Irishman Creates a Scene In an Armagh Theatre. . A; despatch from Belfast, says: — An exciting scene occurred during the performance In the theatre at Ar- magh on Thursday evening. A cattle dealer named McKenna, whose feelings had become overwrought by the inoi- dente of the play, suddenly seized -a chaii, leaped upon the stage, drove of the villain and his oonfederates, and rescued the heroine from the gailin- 1100. 1 The audience became panic-stricken, and several women fainted, The curtain was rung down, and the pollee finally subdued and. arrest- ed McKenna, who was completely ex- hausted by tho violenoe of his frenzy, BRITISH MILITARY ACTIVITY. Urgent Contracts Placed for 510,010,908 Mend Cartridge Cit 'et. A despatch from London, says:— The War Department has just placed contract:3 among a number of Birming- ham manufacturers for the supply of 10,000,000 metal cartridge CAWS. Tho Kings -Norton Metal Company alone hes underteken to supply 2,500,010, The contracts are all marked urgent. This large order can hardly be regarded as tending to alleviate apprehensions eon - corning the possibility of an early out- break of war. In fact, the only infer- ence to be gathered therefrom is that the situation with regard. to France, :Russia and the Transvaal continues ex- tremely critical. WPILE HUNTING ANDREE. A leretten Slotentiet tones Me tire 113 the • nutmeat& A. despatch from Tacoma, Wash,, says:—Aceording to a letter received on Tuesday at Vaneouver, B. C., from Alaska, Dr. Terwagne, a French Wen- tist, who intended hunting for Andrea With a balloon in Northern Alaska, and several oe his party, are lost. Ter- wegne Left here several months ago, and went to Skaguty. His balloon did not arrive, and he started with sev- eral of the party for Dawson, which he reached, and after a short stay there, staked or bought claims on Do- Mi/11011 oreek. Over a month ago he started to come out. two of his party accompanying him. Sines that time there has not: been the slightest: trace of them. They only had a small sup- ply of provisions, and no hope is held out for them, as they were tenderfeet of a most aggravated type, and would starve where hardy miners would live. Terwague is a noted aeronaut. REMOVED A MAN'S STOIYI ACM. Extraordinary Operation P111.1.01.111011. a Montreal Bend .A, despatch from Montreal, says:— Dr. Armstrong, ono oi the surgeons at the Montreal General hospital on Wed- nesday performed the extraordinary operation of removing tho stomach from a man who was suffering from cancer of the stomach, The operation was on entire success, and the man is expected to recover, While suelt operations have been performed before, it is the first one of the kind in Can- ada. • EMPEROR'S END NEAR. Surrounded by Spites and lute lorlends Banished, Mews has been received iet London, from Pekin indioating that the Ent- peror's end is near* Every wart of. Heiml far whom he has shown a liking has been removed from his side, the places being taken by rirealures f tho Dowager Empress. At times he &owe a disposition to assert himself, but his physical strength is not equal tai any great effort, and ha almost im- mediately relapses 11110 111.11p1OSS11 al awl absolute docility,. •