HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-12-23, Page 3DEO, 23, 1808 BUSINESS CARDS. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PER aunt. L', 2. BOOTT, Brussels, WIL MoORACKEN, TseurerofMarriage Liaonoe, OMee at Uig Grocery, i'urnborry etroet, Bromsols, �N. BARRETT, • Tonsorial Artist. Shop -host door south of Ai M. McKay & 0o'o hardwaru Blore, Ladies'andohildrons hair milling a specialty MiSS JEAN M'LAOCHLIN, -TEAM= OF - PIANO - AND - ORGAN, arvssmxi, ON'T. ROBERT OUNNINGHAM INs011NOn, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. T. FLETCHER 2 issuer of Marriage Licenses, OPTION A 3'zwaLnx Sronu, r3No Witness Rognired. T. FLETCHER, Brussels ALEX HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division Cour 00, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public band Loan and In irnnle Agent. Funds invested and to loan. Oollootions made 011ie° in Graham's B lock, B ruseele AUCTIONEERS, • S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION• • nun, will sell for better prides, to better mon in ase time and less °bargee than any other Auotioueer in hast Huron or he won't charge .anything. Dates and orders can 'always be arraugod at this ofnoe or by personal application. CAPT. J. STRETTON, Who has had 25 years exparienoe an an Auctioneer, but who had to quit owing to 111 bealth, bas again taken out license and is prepared to couduot Woe at roaeouablo terms. Satiefaotion guaranteed. Datoe may be arranged at Tun POST Publishing House. JAB. STR11TT0N, 1-tf Auctioneer, VETERINARY. • D. WARWICK, el • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, in prepared to treat all dimmer] of domoettoated animals In 00D1 - potent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dnntietry. 00115 promptly at- tended to. Ofnoe and Infirmary -Four doors north of bridge 'i urnborry at„ Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. TZT M. SINCLAIR, BARRISTER 1 V • Solicitor, 0onveyaneer,No tory Pnb- lie, &o, Oeme-vaustone's Block, 1 door north of Central Rote Solicitor for the Standard Bank, GF. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, &o. (late of Garrow & Prondfoot's Oince, Goderiob.) Office over Gillies & Smith's Bauk,Brussels. Money to Loan, 47 �1� G. CARONOnm, 1 • (FormerlyMEof eron, Holt & Cameron,) Barrister and Solicitor, Godarioh, Ont. Oilloe-lfamilton St., Opposite Col borne Rotel, MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, M.D., 0, M., Trinity University, Follow Trin- ity Medical college, Member Oollego of Phy- nioiane mud Surgeons, Out. 1',ioontlate of the Royal College orPhysioiaos and Licentiate of Midwifery,Edinburgh. ,S'Telephauo No.14. Residnce, Mill St., Browne. E. T. SNIDER, M.D., 0, M„ successor to Dr, A, Mo1olvoy, Licentiate of Royal Collage of Physicians and Surgeons, Kingston ; Member of the Col- lege of Pnysiaiane and Surgeons of Ontario. Maumee of women and children a specialty. Eight years' experience, r."odloe and roe- idenao that formerly occupied by Dr. Mo- lielvey,Turnberry etreot,Bruosel0. 25- ✓. M. ARMSTRONG, „M.B., M.D.. M.C.P.S.O. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, A000U0HEUR, ETC. 6000101 attention given to diseases of the Throat and Lunge, and diseases of Women and Children. . 'RESIDENCE-WALTON, ONT. DR. F. I.B. KALBFLEISCH, PHYSICIAN, MIGNON' AND 50501300505, SUCCESSOR TO DR. W. GRAHAM. BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO. let Class Honor Graduate of the Universi- ties of Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (Kingston) and ofTriuity Modioal Ooliege • Fellow of Trinity Medias' College and member of the 0o11e a of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontar- io. Post Graduate course 111 Detroit and Ohicego,1890. Special attention paid to, dis- eases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, and dis- easesof Women, J 0oveuttatlou iu Eng- lish and German, Telophono at residence. IMPROVED YORKSHIRE BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will !keep for servfoo on Lot Se Oon.0 Morrie, the theta! -bred Im- pprovetl Yorkshire Boar, "Oak Lodge Long- fellow," No. 2480, brad b J.10. Bretbons, Bur- ford, to whioh a limited number of sows will be taken, Terms, 51.00, to be paid at time Of service with privtlogo of returning if neo- 00sary. A number of choice young sows for salo!for breeding purpo000 which will be sold at prises to suit the times. 21- 11013T. NICHOL, Proprietor. Dcfurr. sitar. Toon Ph08p1hcdine, The dredt English 1tentedy, Sold and 001050mended by al: druggists in Canada, Only reli able gmgedicine discovered. Ste forme of Sexual Wealcnecs ss,a all guaranteed of abu5q Sr excess, Mental Worry, 1lxeo0sivo use of TO. ba000, Opium or Stimulants, Mailed an reoeipl M price, one oaelcage Si, six, 35. One wilt please. will cltro, -Pamphlets free to any address. The 'Woodli,, Company, Windsor, ()hit Sold in BD kuggiot,11001u 81152 & Optician, 11 11 S S BLS +• Q H FINANCIAL STATEMENT re Statement Required by 0, S., 55, Vict. Chap. 42, Sec, 263, Sub- Sec. 3, for the Year 1898. Jan. Feb, Mar, Apr, May June July Aug. Deo. Jan. Feb. Apr. May June 3'uly Aug. Aug. Sept.. • Sept. RECEIPTS. 11Balauce 012 hand 0 789 80 24,111r Bowman, oaslr refunded for gravelling on Morris Boundary 5 40 27 Sam McGeorge, bel. of taxes on Roll 1807 519 58 20 Win Spence, Engin's expenses Ditches and Water's Ad, 1894 20 00 1 J Trader, bal. of taxes 1807, ino'd uncol'd clog tax 000 81 20 W Spence, Eng's oxpen's Ditohos ds Water. courses Act 1850 6 00 12 W Spence, Eng's oxpen'0 Ditohos & Water. courses AM] 1894 3 00 12 W Spence, rent for Tp Hail 6 00 11 Rachel Spence, note for 4 mos, at 13%400 00 17 J 11 Miller, bal for lio'oyear end'g Apr. 30th 1 28 18 UR Miller, license ool'd from May let to lath 50 00 25 Rachel Spence, for note for 6 mos. at 6^,;, , . 600 00 7 W Holmes Co Treas Gov't Soh' Grant 437 00 44 (37 500 00 8 9 10 18 16 14 14 17 18 M Harvey, clungren'l for Silver Corners dram, 1898 99 81 15 R Dilworth, for sale of old timber 1 00 15 W Brown, for overd'n for oon't ouElma bay 12 50 15 Wm Spence, rent for Tp. Hall 0 00 15 ‘,Bug's exp'° D. W. Act,,., 800 12 W H Brouse, exp'o for deliv'g Debent's ab Toronto 10 00 3 Kreuter, Collector, °ash and orders 5475 10 P Bishop, " " 't3872 71 Total 01421- 4 14 W Holmes, coil's for Grey to Apr. 30th.... Rachel Spence, for nota for 6 mos. at 0% .. P McLaren, Treas. of Tnrub'y for share of emitted on Boundary Treas. Wallace Tp., for tile, Wallace share W H Kerr, J. P. for fine Wm Spence, rent for Tp Hall Rachel Spence, for note for 3 mos. at 6%.. 0° 12 60 4 82 1 00 2 50 500 00 800 00 EXPENDITURE. ROADS AND BRIDGES. 10 T Savage, gravel'g on S R 3, con. 4 6 10'3' Bishop, spreading gravel at S R 8, con. 5 14'3' Mitchell, rep'g approach to bridge, con. 12 20:Treas. of McKillop, gravel and tile, on bdy. Grey share 20 D Shine, gravelling at lots 80 and 81, con. 18 20 3' Greig, logging on Elmo, boundary 20 0 Kleinsohroth, rep'g culvertElma bdy 24 W Blake, rep'g culvert on S 11 1, con. 14 24 J Menzies, shovelling gravel, lot 35, con. 13 5 D Shine, gravelling at S 116, con. 13 511 Laing, repairing Oranbrook bridge 5 J Mieklejohn, repairing road scraper 9 H Alcook, repairing culvert, S R 1, con 14 0 D Eveliegh, bal. of oon't gravel'g lot 26, con. 10 26 T Bowes, rep'g wash out, Elmo, bdy 2637 Mitchell, repairing S R 5, non. 1 20 J A Lamont, log'g and cub'g brush, 8 R 3, con. 6 2813 Everel, gravelling, Wallace b'dy 9 4)J Parish, rep'g culvert, Howick b'dy 4 A Robertson, rep'g bridge, lot 14, con. 3 25 J Brown, rep'g bridge, lob 19, con.10 25 Geo. Whitfield, culvert at 1ob25, oon. 12 25 D McKay, gravelling, lot 26, con. 14 25 A Reymann, gravelling at lot 14, oon. 12 25 J Kellner, shovelling gravel for road 25 S S Cole, lumber for oulverts and bridges 25 White & Jaoklin, lumber for bridges, &o 261,7 & N Gerry, 3 iron road scrapers 26 $ McKinnon, pickaxe and handle 25 M Porterfield, part payment gravelling at lot 15, con. 7 25 J McIntosh, underbrueb'g at lot 15, con, 14 25 J Houston, grading on S R 2, con. 10 25 0 Harris, culvert, 5 R 2, con. 16 2511 Laing, repairing bridge, con. 2 26 Geo Sperling, inopoot'g gravelling, lob 25, con. 14 25 JnoVodden, grading at lot20, con. 4 25 Geo Elliott, inepeot'g gravel'g, Grey b'dy 25E Mitchell, gravelling on Wallace b'dy , 25 Q Makin, bridge at S 115, con. 2 25 i gravelling S R 5, con 2 25 0 Rose, gravelling at lot 23, con. 6 5 Wm Donbow, gravelling ou Morris b'dy 9 Wm Riley, inspeo'g gravel'g, Morris b'dy , 16 Arch Robertson, rep'g onlv't, lot 14, con. 4 9011 Jaoklin, gravel'g on Turnberry b'dy 18 Jas, Menzies, inepeot'g gravelg Elmab'dy 13 H Ward, gravelling, Elmo, b'dy, Grey share 13 Win McKay, grading on Elma boundary 18 N McNair, culvert, lot 20, con. 14 18 R Cochrane, gravelling, lot 20, con, 4 18 Wm Cook, rep'g culvert, 5 R 2, con. 4 19 Jno Ansley, inspecting Botz' Bridge 18 W 0 Stevenson, clearing logs off road, lot 85, oon. 7 18 R Porterfield, gravelling, lot 16, con. 7 .. , , 18 R Lang, gravelling, lob 25, con. 8 13 3 Vodden, grading, lot 20, oon. 4 13 " clearing timber, lob 40, con. 1 ,.., 18 H Spoken, gravelling, lob 30, oon. 10 13 0 Cleaver, gravelling, lot 80, con. 10 18 Won Riley, culvert, lob 5, con. 8 13 Jno Biernes, culvert, lot 24, oon. 0 18 Was Laird, covering culvert, lot 25, con. 8 18 Jno Dilling, cutting brush, lot 15, con. 10 18 Wm Kreuter, making road to gravel pit 18 T Davidson, flll'g in wash out, Botz' bridge 15 Wm Hoy, grading ou S R 1, oon, 4 17 A McKenzie, grubbing on McKillop b'dy 17 M Kreuter, gravelling, lot 17, oon, 12 17 Ed Collie, planking bridge at forks, con, 8 17 Jno Moginnon, gravelling, lot 5, con. 9 1713 Ewan, rag bolts for culverts 17 Win Riley, part payment on culvert cons. 7 17 $ S Oole, lumber for bridges 17 Wm Bray, rag bolts for culverts 17 0 Qnerrengossor, timber for culverts 17 Ira Taylor, rop'g culvert, lot 85, con. 12, , 17 Jno Osborne, gravelling, lot 26, con. 14 .. , 17 D MoKay, grading at lob 24, oon. 14 17 Jas Wilson, clearing timber off road, lot 40, con, 3, 17 1 Kleinsohroth, clotting hill, lot 40, 000. 1,,0 17 Jos Savage, grubbing, lot 40, con. 1 17 Robt M°Oatchoon, grading, lots 40 and 41, con. 1 17 Inc, Askin, rep'g oulvort, lot 10, oon 14 A Duke, rep'g road, Blum b'dy, Grey there Lobb Laing, now bridge, lot 60, con 1 Robb Laing, rop'g abutments Ethel bridge oulvort, lot 20, con. 5 A MoKenzie, grubbing on McKillop b'dy Robt Bell, grading on S 111, con, 4 Wm Whito, rop'g bridge, S R 2, con, 4 .. D Taylor, gravelling, lot 15, con. 14 G Calder, gravelling, lot 4, con. 12 .. H Al000k, repairing culvert Bon Dark, rep'g culvert, lob 5, oon 11 J Ness, rop'g 2 00lverts, lots 9, con, 0 . R i>fokerell, gravel'g Elma b'dy, Grey share 5 M Sniith, plank and atone for bridge, Elmo, boundary 11 17 15 17 17 17 17 17 (7PDots, stone embankment, Boltz' bridge .. 17 17 17 Nov. 5 24 20 2 50 8 25 5 65 24 00 1 75 1 00 5 00 5 80 G GO 17 85 1 50 2 00 14 00 3 00 8 00 4 00 6 80 65 1 00 5 00 1 00 80 00 22 84 4 00 80 08 25 65 21 50 90 10 00 4 40 11 66 2 00 81 07 8 00 14 96 10 12 00 63 00 7 98 18 48 100 00 4 00 1 00 25 20 78. 8 72 4 40 3 00 15 20 1 50 4 00 2 00 7 66 9 62 1 30 24 00 80 21 15 64 11 70 4 00 1 00 0 50 10 00 2 00 8 00 5 68 89 60 8 00 18 05 1 45 20 00 42 57 8 G0 1 60 11 00 28 90 87 50 1700 22 50 24 80 8 60 3 00 24 75 89 50 20 00 5 02 4 00 14 75 81 47 18 50 28 12 10 26 1 00 4 00 9 58 1 70 Nov. 5:Jun Hanna, clearing timber, Elmo, Way., .. &ltobt Laing, culvert, lot 30, con. 9 6 W Pollard, 2 loads gravel, l,bhel bridge,,, 5 S Kleinsohroth, grading, lot 40, con. 1 5 H Aloock, raie'g and put'g stone round onl't 5 Rabb Blair, repairing oulvort 5'0 Davidson, drawing stone, Botz' bridge 5 J Stevenson, culvert, S 11 1, con. 15 5 A MoKenzie, grub'g and log'glttoKillop b'dy 5 ltobt (lathers, gravel'g on Elmo, b'dy Grey share 511 Mooutahoon, grading, lot 40, con. 1 5 11 Armstrong, grav'g lot 40, non. 1 5 A MoDonald, inspeoting gravelling 5 J' Kendall, culvert, lot 84, 001. 10 7 J Kerr, gravelling, lot 29, eon. 7 7 " rep'g road, Elmo, b'dy 7 Wm Riley, bal, on contract 7 J Molntoeh, widening S 112, 11 11 Jaoklin, gravelling S 11 2, cop. 2 19 A Robertson, rep'g bridge 5 R 2, con, 8 30 W G Taylor, underbruehing,Elms b'dy 30 J Mitchell, rep'g abutment, Botz' bridge 8011 Piokoroll, rep'g culvert Elmo, b'dy con. 11 80 J Osborne, gravelling S R 6, con. 18 30 M McEwen, culvert, con. 1 Deo. 1011 Vodden, rep'g culvert, lot 20, con. 3 10 J Parish, work on Howick b'dy lob 15 10 Wm MoNeolaud, rep'g oul'vt lot 82, con. 6 10 J Jaoksou, planking bridge, lot 7.4, con. 8 10 A Robertson, grav'g at bridge, Id 14, con. 4 15 D Byers, gravelling, Elma b'dy 15 G Gibson, rep'g oulvort, lob 36, Howiok b'dy 15 W White, rop'g bridge, lot 7, con. 2, 1511 Bell, rep'g culvert, lot 6, con. 4 15 Sam McCurdy, olean'g culvert lot 82, con. 9 15 J Vodclon, cutting hill S R 4, con. 7 15 M Smith, gravelling, Elmo, b'dy 15 W Riley, undorbrus'g lot 6, con. 7 - 15 H Speiran, olear'g out culvert lot 30 con. 10 15 G Olark, culv't and tile, lot 15, con. 18 15 McDonald & Oo., timber, oulv'te on S R 1, con. 17 15 T Williamson, rep'g onlv't, S R 5, con. 14 16 J Travis, cov'g oulv'b on S R 5, con. 11 16 D MoTaggart, rep'g oulv't, 5 R 4, con, 16„ 4 32 20 01) 1 00 20 05 5 51 15 08 r,0 1 50 2 50 12 25 1 50 40 00 14 50 9 90 16 60 2 00 18 25 2 00 28 00 6 00 2 50 21 50 75 5 00 8 00 2 00 1 60 75 4 62 1 00 3 20 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 6 75 8 40 1 45 1 60 6 99 8 20 60 76 50 Total 1597 69 EXPENDED ON DRAINS AND DITCHES. Jan. 20'S G Hazel, tile for drain at lot 30 con 1.... 0 2011 Thomson, tile and drain lot 52 con 1.... 201John Ridley, cleaning ditch at lot 29 con 8 Feb. DIM Pickerel, ditch on Elma b'dy 5•J no Grant, ditch, &o, S 11 6 con 7 Mar. 12111 Livingston, assisting J A Bell surveying Gov't drain 121R Livingston, a copy of By•law No 113 12IWm Spence, drainage By law No 118 Apr. 11:Thos Pascoe, Treas of Logan, for By-law 25,M Harrison, assisting surveying extension to Gov't drain No 2 May 2G;Ohas Bonnet, ditch at lobs 66 & 66 con 1 201 " " culvert on Elmo b'dy 20Jos Savage, ditching at lot 62 con 1 20&Q McBlain, tile for ditch on Wallace b'dy 27IJno Rogers, Eng's expense D & W Act '94 May 30,'Ira Taylor, ditch at lot 81 con 12 30 J G Heyd, tile for drain on Wallace b'dy 001 Jno Dougherty, ditch et lot 31 con 12 D McKay, cleaning Gov't dram No 1 at lot 25 28 con 15 25 Jno McLeod, ditch at lot 94 con 7 25 Jae Laird, cleaning ditch at lot 25 con 8 25 Jno Coates, ditch at lot 29 con 8 25 Quintin MoBlain, ditch at lot 80 con 8 25 Chas Pollard, underdrain on Morris b'dy July 28 Sao A McIntosh, tile drain lot 10 con 16 Aug. 18 D B McNeil " ,t 24 con 14 18 D Brown, cleaning award drain Elmo, b'dy 13 Win Taylor, ditch lot 10 con 16 18 Jno Savage, ditch lot 15 con 3 18 J M Govenlook, tile for drain con 15 & 18 18 T Stevenson, clean'g 2 culverts lot 27 con 10 Sept. 17 Jos Savage, ditohing lot 40 con 1 17 Wm Pollard, cleaning culvert lot 20 con 7 17 Jae Elliott, tile for ditch lot 6 Goa 8 17 Henry Young, a ward ditch lot 84 con 6 . 17 Sim Smillie, ditch and repairing culvert lot 7 oon 18 17 Enoch Clark, digging ditch lot 18 con 18 23 Chas Rose, ditching lot 23 con 6 Nov. 5 J Logan, olear'g out ward drain S R4 con 11 5 W Meehan, olear'gout ward drain Elma b'dy 6 Jae Maker, clearing out ward ditoh con 6 Elms b'dy 5 X' Tanner, tile drain lot 27 0011 6 5 H Alcock, digging drain lot 5 con 17 510 Alcook, ward ditch on S R 1 con 14 ... , 6 Thos Johnston, dram lot 7 con 17 6 S M Govenlook, tile for drains 5 J Wilson, ditching lot 40 con 1 5 W Shorts, award ditch lot 85 con 5 7 W McNeeland, olear'g ditch lot 88 con 0,. 7 J Reymann, olear'g ditch S R 8 con 12.... 11 Win Hudson, ditch, etc, lot 30 con e 26 A Duke, ditching lot 85 oon 4 30 5 Kloiusohroth, digging ditch Id 25 con 9 80 $ Kloinsdhrotb, clearing ditch lot 18 con 9 80 J Logan, pt pay'b clearing out Silver Oor dr 80 T St Amour, ditch on S 118, con 12 Deo. 10 A Alexander, box drain lot 67 con 1 10 D Piohardson, clearing ditch lot 4 con 2 1511 Ransom, bile drain at lob 25 oon 6 •15112 Smith, clearing ditch at lot 88 oon 5 15 3' A Bell,. survey plans and specification for Gov't drain No 2 220 00 15 3' Rogore, Engineering fees under the D & W Act 1894 1511 Coutts, clearing ditch on S R 6 con 11 15 W Dunoanson, clltoh at lob 11 con 14 1511 Alcook, award Glitch and tile con 17 153? Blake, part pay't clitoh on 5 R 1 oon 13 15 J Logan pt pay't clear'g out Sit Oor drain 15 H Ward, Total 9 - 1150 00 EXPENDED ON GRAVEL. Jan. 20 Alex Fraser, gravel 20 drank Miller, Feb. 5 George Speiran, 5 John Elliott 6 Herz Armstrong, 6 John Barr, Mar. 12 Aclaln Menzies, Apr. 26 Geo McDonald, June 25 Robt Close, 25 3' W Rose, 25 " 25 James Ferguson, 25 Michael Mullin, 26 Thomas Strachan 25'11obb Coutts, 27 Samuel Dunn, July 0 Goo Speiran, Aug, 18'Jamos Greig, 18,11 asooll 1.>orteriiold 18111artwoll Speiran, 1.8 J01111 Hanna, 1.8'Wm Pollard, 18:John Mitchell, 13 Thomas Moods, Henry Bateman, 18,3 W Rossi 60 2 00 2 00 8 00 4 00 22 00 75 5 00 204 25 4 60 0 50 1 50 4 40 1 45 51 00 5 00 9 68 4 00 10 50 3 70 2 50 6 60 2 00 2 50 8 00 1 66 11 75 4 00 45 40 5 50 8 25 07 28 3. 00 8 22 4 80 9 00 29 05 80 42 1 25 2 50 9 60 4 25 3 22 '14 49 1 70 8 65 23 05 12 26 4 20 1 50 12 60 6 00 15 60 4 55 80 00 15 00 8 00 2 00 1 88 6 00 84 00 9 50 1 50 8 00 2 00 20 00 40 00 8 82 96 18 70 6 40 4 00 3 60 10 40 4 44 5 04 10 14 9 00 8 80 11 20 12 40 59 10 19 80 6 45 86 40 8 00 10 08 18 06 13 76 5 04 1600 It 10 said that fully 200 (amiss will inove'to the Northwest from Minnesota and Wieooasin next Spring, and locate near Edmontoo. I" THE QUICK WAY' To --^-"!Y Rent a HOlioo, Sell It douse, Secure a Soryant, Or, in foot, Buy, Soil or Secure Anything, is '1'o use the POST WANT ADS. Ila Hnc ardCe.l" The Standard Bank of Canada. Money Orders For amounts of Fifty Dollars and under issued by this Bank, payable at par at any chartered Bank in Canada, with the exception of Brenobee in the Yukon Dis- trict, RATES Under $10 i10to20 20 to 80 SOto50 . $0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 M. M. BRENT, AGENT, BRUSSELS. Spectacles -OP ALL MINDS - Fitted to Correct all Failures of Eyesight, and your Eyes tested FREE by latest Optical methods at Division Court Office, BRUSSELS. MOM Will 7,10Ste a well man of YOU! 010051P110017000 TUE 9000E R080LTa IN FOUR 110110, P10000 auras all Nervous Dleaaso,. Pleeplose noes, Falling Memory, Nightly l;miselone, Sperm. toehos5, Im5010007, 010., =VI nsVI by pout a new • glues rigor and aloe 10 ehrunkon erguna, old qulokly but enrolsy reet0roo LOST 059x0000 I0 old or p000g. Uee P10005 955 you win grow stro0g 5009,5000050(0, 1400*. f by men 5, phis wrapper and oon vest 000100.trom otservadoo. Emil; 00.00181 In vest punka). 0,100, 80 a peokneo ell alto 001000011,1 elthar orllnnrr VONT, sr.., Ad40901 alI 105[000 to J. t for O n8, m0nagi tf tW0000rom0, 051,, 55901 for the no- McLEOD'S System. 111c .avatar --AND 0T505 - TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita- tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint,Nenr• algia, Lone of Memory, Bronohitie, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Janndioe, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. 'Vitae' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De. bility. LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. Y. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by Jae, Fox, Druggist, Brussels. A. CONLEY Real Estate 86 Loan AGENT, BRUSSELS; Money to Loan on Farm Secur- ity at the Lowest Rate of Interest. Money Loaned on Notes and good Notes Discounted. Sale Notes a Specialty. Fire i2 Life Insurance Written, Special Attention given to Conveyancing. A. COUSLEY, Office Over Deadman's Drug Store, BRUSSELS, Call and see our 2tock of Bi ankets, Sheetings, Flannels, Tweeds, Yarns, Eto., Wool, Hides, Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. Carding, Spinning, Weaving, Knitting, etc, Promptly attended to at the BRUSSELS WOOLLEN MILL. NEW IIIOIIOF Silop The undersigned has open- ed up a Butcher Shop in. the MU °Loo , ERVssELsl where he will keep constant- ly on hand a supply of the Best Meats Procurable, sold at reasonable prices. A share of public patronage solicited. a?. v% LI IL. Meat delivered to all parts of the town. ta-CASH PAID POR HIDES. Important to B to ti �I R M E molimmutormamml S I It will pay you to place your order with us for ]sy early this season. As proprietors of the largest Nurseries in the Dominion (over 700 acres), we are able to speak advisedly. 0 YOU WILL REGRET IT IF YOU DELAY YOUR ORDER. Give a hearing to our Agent when he calls. Pears are bringing large prices in the English market. Do you grow any 9 If not, allow our representative to tell you why we can furnish superior pear trees, and then give him a trial order. We can utilize the services -of a few good men to sell our goods. Demand for our Stock is heavier than ever. Supplies furnished free and our agents paid weekly. STONE a WELLINGTON, 19-2m NURSERYMEN, TORONTO. High Grade o e a FUR IMRE ...AT LOW PRICES... • We are Carrying a tremendous stook of furniture. Such a variety to noloob from you can't find elsewhere in the county. Whatever you want, your wants eau be suited here. • -The bargains we are offering in ..CHAI R& is the talk of the countryside. Our stock rune from the ordinary kitchen chair to the most luxurious parlor chair, finished in the newest styles and with most fashionable materials. -In Rockers we have a very taking line with Cobbler leather seats, oak or. birch, Mahogany finish, and in Arm and Easy Chairs we show a fine line. -Our Furniture is High Grade but our prices fit the pocket of the public every time. A specialty made of Upholstering. Your old Furniture made as good o,8 new. ?INTIM and nun: FRAM�NQ, -A. large and well selected range of Pictures always kept in stock. Also a large quantity of Moulding for ,/ Frames. If you require anything in this lino call in and make your selection. UNDERTAKING. -A large stock of Coffins, Cas- kets, and other goods pertaining to this line always kept. Personal attention paid to Embalming, and prices lower than any place in the County. -Pianos and Organs, the beet in the market, sold at rock bottom The Strength prim. of our position se the leaders in the fin, niture business lies in the fact that the BIG VAT/CMSIN maximum quality and the minimum WINDOW SHADES. Brice always go together. LEATHE'.iA LE'i