HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-12-23, Page 22 THE BRUSSELS PAST, : � y� l :0T- ! W00JIGd co a fur -lined abs Ulster, with a �,�,/ W:.� , WogJlNn comforter about lila nook, no NMI ,women, not. dNaparately in love, and therefore recklessly imprudent, would ��iY?]® I venture to sit down upon Cha glass in �1C� Cut Diamond ��,yy�py D � 1lM Cha early weeks of April pr 1ha latter' OR, -yam I days Of Marolt, Yet It is upon a 11'0 - man in such a poeltion that lite Gar, THE ROUT OF THE E1�E11 y Cain of the next scene In my !fills drama rises. A woman well wrapped Up In furs It is true, but it wonuan Who ,�p�,, Is1Cs upon the grnsa, upon the, sloping �" 'Pose I side of tt green-lihouLdered hill, and 'o looks out toward the Pal• wast Ivith CITAPTER 'VII, -Continued, `ul'ossoming about you, My love shall' longing eyes. _4.3 I have said, ibis wor For a moment he wits silent, then be trouble you no more than they do,! man, who so recklessly braves (.he ter - ' spoke again, only yoq will knoly 1t. is there-litlways; rota�r of, an Lng•11s11 Spring day, must, And - olher things - .lit lailBd I there., I.ou tell me I nm young' and wifrtiouC a doubt, e. desperately and You?" and as he asked it, Ilia heart my lie only beginning -well, it has be- i fearfully in love, The wind avhtstes beat oddly and strangely. gun -begun and ended in my love for .merrily and Jelly about her, her little Yes, they have tailed me," she re- I you as far its love is concerned; that dol; huddles up closely against. hot - 01 led, ver slowly. is now a part: of myself, T cannot alter skirts, striving to shelter himself in Y y their folds r DOW and then h shudders ore an am I •i 'Vill t she h myself C coil not, our "You g Ys y mean -you ou b e 1 have loved - a Y fid an draws d 1 a w s� her fur cloak closer about Env n a a o ul o u got so zuucb love in your life you have been-?" Y g y I have been disillusioned;" she broke � th..tt you can afford to throw away I fid watches.bilstil ,hhefaits o 1J 4tisnroad in somewhat abruptly, and aPCer a I mine as utterly valueless? out a wide Pint Before ai t , p short moment of silence she added,! No; God knows that I have not" ie hazy with with a certain hat;sh coldness, "! have she answered, deeply moved. "God the faint sunshine, find fading away done with love forever." ( knows that I am lonely enough; but -into the Palo blue greyness of the sky. "But you have not done with friend- I how can I suffer you to sacrillee your-' Immediat:ely below, between herself shin, at least?" he answered. "You self to me?" I and the plains beneath, is the wooded :till believe in that, do you not? you "It will be no sacrifice. If you are; hollow whare I idden House lay buried. could still understand that a Mau lonely, as you say, then I shall be able! What is it that Rosa do Brefour sits might devote his entire life, his whole ,o cheer your loneliness and Co bring Isa Patiently on the grass, in aha east existence, to your service, his ,bola 6e,- coin,, human interest into your life; Wind, waiting to see? Ing to further your smallest whim, that will be enough happiness for me. only a thin, white line of smoke, far, and yet ask for nothing Ju return from I ask for nothing better. You will let far away, that presently will come you -for nothing, before God, I se, id mo coma down and sae you, will you nearer find nearer, bringing to ber lbs+ but for y nut?" one thing that ever brings brightness your friendship. Can you 6e,- How was she to refuse hem She into her lonely life. Far, far n1va bieve this o acrCes the distance, she sees it at lama" Far a moment or two she was silent, had fought se, well, struggled n brave- -a thin White o siea --•t ] speck -a more puff of but now she could 1 Y, a eo ri hold out no long.. SumethI !+ Something indeed too h i *i g s c ok n in by swa 's -do n u n w on the dark, er. A •3sik fir 1 her throat that stifled her utterance, garrison that holds a traitor P s p o Something that she was Unwitting for within its walls always gives in at ilia landscape. A sigh of rellef'esefiped end, and in Rose's heart theta was a I hex him r know of. ;glen had often offer- e secret traitor. Ile is near me," she murmured be- ad her love before, but Haver such lova Right and avrong1 Right andIlow her breath, rising quickly to ber as this was -to her very heart. she fejt ,wrong I That was what kept. on ring- feet, and then added, with a little im- it. And, yet, perhips, because she felt' alienee and axi it so much, her next words, whan she' g in her heart remorselessly 1LIta the P gar, "Ah, what a fool could speak safely, sanded even in beat of a timepiece backwards and for- I rim to care so muoh." her own ears to be shallow and mean-Ivrrrls. Right and wrong I Right and The dog uttered a back of delight. ingless.. wrong I A few little shivering lambs upon My deal- boy, the a of chivalry Well, she had fought for Lha right, the hill -side papered away downwards Y g y ,s. but the right seemed so hard, and the in star(leal fear, and Ruse bout her Pretty well over I ie? You !" I wrong w•as so cloaked and disguised hand before the cutting wind, and bur - You laugh at ma? You reject my Lhqt at last it hardly seemed to be riod away downwards too. bur - friendship jp?" I moron at all. 'liras it worth while to She cared too much -far too much - No. God knows 1 neither laugh ata keep up the fight for what was but a and she knew it. How much that you;' she replied, quickly, and with a shadow at the worst P" Baring amounted to, only those can deep earnestness, xiol do 1 refuse tot She was so tired, so sad, so lonely, divine who have lived and suffered accept WhnL must .,, jn any case, of I , much, to whom o and Ipfinit.e value to me " as she had told him; he asked for so joy brightness ' 'I onl ask to see .ilittle, and he, asked it in such a fashion have become dead things, whose exist - Y you, to be uoo,Ithat she could not deny it to him, for enc* has been emerged into one dark, you, to speak to you now and rrely he would not be denied. Geoffrey, tae- Weary level of endurance and mono- not often, but now and then. Surely Ing this first great love of his life and ton Y, and to whom suddenly, fw by the It is not much to ask?" he said very grasping it boldly with both hands, torah of a magician's hand, life and humbly, almost whispering the words, wits no longer an adoring boy, younger love and hope have sprung up again as he bent towards bar. than herself, he was a man, with all upon the barren soil, and things deem - the ten to mo, Geoffrey," he pressed man's purpose and decision. For when ed for ever to be dead have burst up Cha hand that rested on Ills arm as' once love has been spoken of between a pica more Juts breathing vitality. she used his name; but she let that P hat was what Geoffrey Dana's week! Pass. "I have something that T must man and a woman, it is the man who Y y u to 0 o becomes fir magreA• and Cha w• man visit to her bad become -the main- F . kv roll not interru )t me. Goo • -s I whose glary I1 is toil) mhle �iggrsalf be• springy of her whole ext ease; the knows That, for illy 01vn salon, your, fore him. Rose de P,refour, Ivho knew vVy pivot upon which her life avis friendship and your presence would be life and its pitfalls better than be did- centrad. precious things to me, but there are, 1 other Things, You are young, you � Rose knew this --she knew that a wo- Still, as she walked downwards, bar have your way to make in the world. t man who allows and half consents to eyes remained fixed as by e. magnet Your career is before you. It will not a man's love is no longer able to die- upon that stroak of white; winding, t help you to be much with me -it will; tate terms, to him, can no longer keep twisting, now to one aide, now to the binder. you. Believe me, I know fart back the floodgates which she has half other, dleappearing now and then be -- better than you do. I have lived my opened to him. She knew it, and yet hind a belt of treg ,burying itself for I she blinded herself to it -burning bar a brief momont into a gutting, but life, n life of storms and troubles. It will not a for you h mix yourself up I eyes eak -beating book stifling o vdthly speel ous consciencen hat- argu- the Nt e wing lleyynearer eloly and nearer across I in my affairs. You have friends, rale- mencs the thron of self-conviations Presently she reached the fence tions, duties, a fife that is opening he which came in to condemn her. 'lout Ivhich encircled the plantations about k fore you, and with which I can , it erlis' teas her sin. She was wilful) Weak, her house. She did not enter the ate, 1 have anything to do. Believe me, it is' Y but skirted the bait of trees until she t wisest and best for us both that Ives trusting vaguely, hoping feebly that should never willingly meet again." 1 somehow in the end strength might re- game out on the rough, chalky road be -q "Why are you so gruel to me?" he, turn to her, yet knowing all the while lots the house. Here, beneath a great I broke in impetuously. "What has m that what she hoped for would be a bare beech -tree, just bronzing over y, miracle, and that miracles -were not with tiny arrow -like shoots, she rested B life and my career to do With the 1 friends T may make? Surely I have, likely co be wrought in her favor, so leaning her back against Ilia smooth, P asked for little enough - for little that she might be enabled to regain whitened trunk, and wrapping ber k enough -only to be called your friendl' the position which her own weakness cloak closely about her. From here s You cannot be so cruel as to deny me flinging flinging to the winds, she could no longer see the advancing that small boon." So along the frozen leo these two, train, only the long chalk road that; t "Geoffrey," she sold once more, "do whose destinies were now irrevocably sloped steeply downwards, and up I not let us blind ourselves. What you, eaehgothsi� glidee ind and along to influnee ,bleb the brougham wbieh she had say to me is very beautiful, and you sent to meet him at the little wayside mean every word of it; but -do not be whil,C aver, they draw nearer and near- station, short of Coddisham, at which angry -it. is not true 1 Perhaps I am or to the qay crowd of skater's with he always alighted, would presently re- Ir angry it ! to say It to you, but if T their ion ter and their swinging lan- turn• There was the same look of ti •ani unwomanly, I It at least, if I terns. glad expectancy to her eyes, and the b UID you believe to be Friendship Then Geoffrey pressed the hand upon little white terrier sat up against Ler wauld end in -in love -and at the his arm, dress, with pricked ears, and body Is bottom of your heart you know it is Tell me Rose -I may come?" quivering with sympatheCia sagar•- o o No it. "You may come, Geoffrey," she an- ness. It was eha.racteristio of the o s . w it -will not da for you to lova me, it Ivonlcl bring you a great deal, steered softly. change that had taken place in Ler that T more sorrow than i should care to bel Soon? Very soon? When?" be she carried no well-worn volume in t the cause of. I am six years older than I BE fid eagerly. her hands. She Ives, perhaps, con- 1 Fairly soon," she said, smJlin acious of this Wonderful fact herself, b trot are. I (L a Protestant and you are g• the son of a Protestant clergyman. d "Neat week?" For half instinctively her baud felt in fl am tied band and toot b claims which "Yes, nest week, if you like.." the large packet of her cloak for some st Y She withdieiv hes one of her dearly -loved com anions of a I sin unable either to rid myself of hand, but haP Y or even to explain to you. And in any; caught it once more and pressed, it ether days. And alio smiled a little 20 case it is an utter impossibility that I' Lard, sadly when slit found that the pocket t' "God bless you, deor " he murmured, Ives empty. t could ever respond n your affection, "HOW ruglit he Ives," she murmured, se, or bring you anything but misery in Did God bless bar? Alas, Low often return for Your love. Now do you do such blessings invoked upon the with it Smile, "when he said that books b Understand me? Have I spoken plain- head we love fall short and never reach eanaot fill one's life I" But she sigh- si ly enough?" their destination. God sent no hies- act a. little, too, for lhesc+ old friends of a Her voice had been calm and quiet sing here. Rather, did angels weep her. bad, fit least, been safe; but, as m enough up to the very last. But nota, ttnd devils laugh at another self decep: for this new ihig that bad come into ft just at that last question, it wavered lion of frail, erring humanity I bar Itfe, it Ions fraught: with terrible e s little and trembled, She had spoken --- danger, alt Irhich t}ter, we., noverthe- It, ver lain! too Plainly p T less, an .lament of almosL irresistible w Y p y- p y parka s. Was CHAPTER �TIT.I' fascination. t ever woman so brave, and so fearless, Winter wits Over, and sprig was It w•as now L WO month, ago sdaee, up- f' G r, as she had said, "so wise?" nigh at hand. The sup was rising in un the frozen matter nreadowa below g But bar words had not the effect the trees, little sivullon brown buds up- J:lartifard. 1'Tall, Buse, had given to her which sho intended them to have. IF on the branches proclaimed the advent young JC9el• the rel, had . given they hid not been spoken he would of a new life, gzeen shoots of crocus that, he had Graved front Iter to come r perhaps hive deluded himself a little and snowdrops shot up on all sides damn uilrl visit her in hez• bomr. Ever as more -have remained wilfully blind a Prom the brown bosom of i1ty earth, the since Lhal day be. had none Iveekly to ao little longer. But now her honest days waxed longer and lighter, the sun see her. Be arrived by the evening fo words ]lad brushed all the shams and stood up higher in the pule b1Ue bee- train, got Out at a wayuida station t the cobwebs away. She, had told him vane, a. fine white dust whirled abut short of Codd!sham, ivas met by 14Ia- h that he loved het', and he knew that fit will, and a keen old English east duple de. Brefem-18 brougham, unit wits she had told him Ivliat was the truth. wind ))low UnreAsingly and cuttingly drjvan up to J1id.dcn House. der courage only intensified his de- through the very bones and marrow of Hera he dined with Ivinflaane, find Y h in the love i i t o rah ch could no - the t bon shivering i g g inhabitants of the, Brit- Br ale )t i t ' In i brills c stn 1 h the • over t the Br remain hidden. ash 1'slea stabIng, which Martino and Madamo Well, yes, than," he anstvored her Tho Spring of the Posi.s. Where knit had couverted into a very ownrortable Ilii altar a pause, in a low voice of eoncen- it gone, did it over exist did they bedroom for his reception, Generally Crated pasalgn. "I suppose you are dream of it only? Ory like, Other and he went Upstairs to Monsieur's .room, tali right. I should Jove you -1 do love sadder things in our land, has It and a few minutes' conversation took hit you. I see what it means now; a eh•inged Its very ossence and boing place. between them, in broken English man does not teal friendship, but love, Whi-re are the "v0rnnl showers,", the on the one Able. find bad French upon Pr for such a woman as you are, Pet,- ';green fields that sleep in the sun 1 the other, chiefly oho sooin Lha tcely no I Y g Uses it is as well to knew it and to I the snuthorn hraaaas, Cho Iuxui•innra ref Cher, i11;<msiaur, ,•hit saamrd scarcely pa own it, once for all; but after to -night,; Spring's flowers, the Voices of Spring to understaod who he. tuns, than tits- Civ sines you tell me my love is so ut- in the air? Have all thoso things Pass- missed Jilin unceremoniously, for he was terly bopelees, I will never speak of it! ed and gone from ns for ever, or have- not Fond of strangers, and he only Col- nVAn to ,you, never trouble you with they n"vor h•id any axistrnee save in erated "Monsieur Geoffrey, as he call^ na It. 'I ahalj serve you Gail devote my -I the fantastJeal imaginationa of those eel III-, becannse lie was not required to sol self to ,you just the same, 1'rtu will I whOSO (.Ione it was to sing about them? do anything towards rntaxtaining him. to know that it is lave, but; you sh+ill Dev- Icor otherwise comes Spring In ibsre This,mall concession toles eonvenances at, bear nip. speak of it.: again, I Hwear 1 latt.ex clays LO Us, Chills and shiver- nvcr, Geoffrey gladly marls his way in it: to yu 1 You cannot prevent my go- inga, bruncbii is find congestions, thorn down again to Roan's library, where. the br Ing an loving yeti " I are ttfay's messoognrs now, flurrying long auxy aveninggx over the fire light. ash But. this is sheer inallnoss,l" aba away rel (hose who can fly t'o warms' flea all too swiftly for ihetn both, A, !ti rriarl, "Would you spoil your tvholclriJmalBs, g.rnnning8 and matninga on- ,,".r,","",.",,,,,'.",",,,,,, rule, ha renlrrbued. till an afternoon mut life for I.he sake of. it woman Who can v-m.,Iing from Iho,io whose business, of, trade aha I,ex(: dc,y, and then tvent, back cal ne,Ver be 11nyIBing to yon?" iwhose poverty £orae;) them Lo remain; tG t.Ow•n with a Laelt under8tanding his I would spoil n dozen lives, if 11 Ob, sham sweets of sSpring t all, false that he would, come baOlt again the fep, pu Ztad thorn ler, a'I 51 n fir fn et)ttncl, for your, fL)vver:l of POnry, that blossom only to lowing week. Darigerottrs as thaw Crit. sikel" he nn.iwored pasaicnat,ly. ,,List-' he blighted! Oh, till unreal rubbish quem interviews worn of necessity be mei en now to me, Ruse---rnY 1111801--Whn ns written About green swards and recltn- twcen an enthus(astlo young niim,very we never to be niine-I do not: ;,sit you Ings thereon I Who were. those shop- zatueh In love, and. a beautiful woman th why you have said so, I will nrsver herds and shepheraeesrs of whirb din• who knew that he was so, there was en cluostion you. What you say is law tai, I'ne!:s have written so unreosinl';lye--• nevertu•toas between the Own apt , r#]a me for eves•-�-shall eves be .o, 1 lull! who ton,bul their naw -horn 3nmi5s in sin or a sh t r p be your slave, Your. sorvult an the • ' !.hot g avow of Inv making. CBgE, Y rel„ it 1, pin oC GnCing nnrt.crin9.s, deck- fray ka pC bravely to 11[a promise, and trn longi as.i may ssa ymI and epg,tk tr,r rr,! with prole rihbnns, anti madn love nK,so was too well aware iUat lllil Gon. you. ,'You (';Nine, 4,lop illy 101hig you to enuh other upon Pri)nrosq bodge Unitance of their Cateraourse de an snore )ban mi ran prevent the rianded Y y 1. Hull hank.,, with a sublime, disregard of upon his aclr-control, 1.n ailoty him the ore (rein shining uron You, Or (:bit birds rhouitinilsm and Iumbego, In Ch, smttllrst nPening for b) Id tt. T sir ha (rain twinging Anti the flowors from year of our Lord, I8R0, no nlon not On• ennvrrr,:tion was snrr,alJmn8gn. halts ins anti of art, and sometimes of all of the hundrod and one little things (hat go to make up the daily lives of most of us, Rose talked .ked a L o Utlu her suit und- Ings, ber difficulties to housekeeping, the devotion of her French servants, with a quaint yet affootiouate farm liaa•Ity; a little about her duty find tie- votion to the old malt upstalrB-lout never about hot, part, that wits a sealed book to him, On the other hand, Geof- frey was easily beguiled into laying bale tie wbole historyof his existence to her, Rnao heard all about the auto- crabs UnOJO whom he served, and the aunt whoso fate he sincerely pitied, find who was always affectionate to hint ; also about his own hitherto un- spoken hopes of being eventually tak- en into Partnership, and becoming a rich mit i n n oo s. n e nonce. Rose 3o a hoard tea all )a 1 about the q 1Vllss 'al]!da ho H ys- w pretty and pleasant they were, how wall they skated, what a beautiful voice Angel had, and how liar sympa- thetic nature lead somehow reminded hien of herself. She was never tired aP hearing about them. "You Ivi11 marry one of them some any," she said to him once, with a son- fbient little nod. To be Continued, I ►vii®t9N#**###+ About the House. 14 TEE F,L01i1..QBS' BALL, There is an olden story, 'a'is tt legend so I'M told, (IOW Lha flolvors gave a banquet In the Ivied days of old; HOW Cho posies gate a party niece That hound UP ivlCh a ball, How they held it In a valley Down in "b'lower Kingdom Hall:' An orchestra, of Blue Bells Sat upon a grassy knoll ' And peaked for forth albs n music That quite Captured every soul: The Holly hooked n pistil just to buy, s suit of clothes, And d&ncod ivlCh all 1.he flowerets But the modest, blushing Rose. The Morning Glory shining Seemed reflecting nli Cho glow, Of dawn, and tools a partner; It wets young bijas MIStIBtoo. Miss Maggje Nolia from Che south _ .Danced with Forget -mo -not; PACED BY A LION. Sweet. William took Miss Pink in tot And danced a slow gavotte. AWheelnunt►lanes the tlrealtst baertot Thus everything event swimmingly 1Pts 1,lf<• for Almitt'Pive Artlas, MOngut Perfumed belles and beaus I rode on my bicycle from Blantyre AT ovoxy blossom reveled save :Cha modest, blushing Rose. on Monday afternoon, Aug. 22, and Miss Fuchsia salt around and told reach For 1 ed bTr. S rood' a f i Stroad's, Blre o vel emulation, . Bunce's la!ion That h she had actually agent's before the sun went down c ally refused find after wafting for a few minutes To dance wJLh A, Carnation. started again, just after sunset, says Tho Coxcomb, quite u dandy there, a writer in the British Central African Began to pine and mope, Gazette. By this time I got to the Nu.i Until he had been introduced nrazi crossing,Whore m r young took Heliotrope, y private road Sir Cactus took Mien Lily out, crosses the Blantyre-Zombra main Anti he swung her so about, road -beyond Mx. Blorkei's plantation, She asked Sweet Pea to Cauliflower it had got quite dark, except for a lit., .A.nd put Sir Cactus out, Cie light the new moon was giving. Miss Pansy took her Poppy The main road has only just recently And she waltzed him down the line been made, and is quite soft and lum•. Till they ran against the old Sunflower With Bliss Honeysucklo '(Tine. py, besides being very steep for at :Che others nt the party that I half its length. The rest of it Went whirling through the mazy, is fairly level, but none of it is in m Were the 14fisses Rhode Dendron, condition for cycling yet, owAept the Daffodil and little Daisy portion which extends from my first Miss Petunia, Miss Verbena, Violet, plantation to my house, which was And sweet Miss Dahlia, made some time ago, and is now• nice Came fashionably lata, arrayed In very rich regalia. and hard. Bliss Be;l-,-%.n-d-% onia, sweat. bliss Buttercup, When I left the main road Ides- Bliss Iillac, and Miss Clover; mounted and started pushing my bloy.+ Young D ndetion came in late cls up the b!11, but before I had gone When 'all the feast was over. ar I heard a heavy body pushing its Tho only flower that sent regrets ray tliroti •k the bush on my left. I And really couldn't come, thought it Inas some big Who lived in the Four Hundred, was B game, possi-f The vain Chrysanthemum, bly an Blend or buffalo, but as I felt a One floweret at the table certain amount of uneasiness I went to Grew quite ill, we must regret. he other side of the road and pushad And every posy wondered, too, away as quickly as I could, ,then r Juat what Miss Mignonette. had gone a short distance up the slope Young Tulip chose Miss Orchid Ierom the first, and slid not part looked around and almost had a Elft With her until Miss Mary Gold when I saw a full-grown lion stand- fell With a Bleeding Heart. ing'acrosB the road, broadside on, With But all I Miss Rose sat pensively is head turned toward me, and as I Till every young bud passed her, to he started in ptnauit. 1 at- When just to fill the last quadrille, empted to mount MY machine, but The little China Aster, wing to the slope and my excitement --' failed twice, The third time I suc- HOLIDAY GAMES. Be to getting away, and I did pedals It is quite u.s necessary to have a or all I Was worth, but the machine prearranged order and a leader ap- opt wabbling across the road, and I' pointed for the .games and simple aw that the lion had lessened the dis.+ amusements before the evening pr- mce between as by about half, though rives, as for musical find literary pro- waa still fifty yards from the tops grammes. otherwise much time is of the slope, He kept up a low growl)- lost in useless and confusing discus -j cog all the time, and I could hear sion, unci there is a lack of harmony Em more and more custinctly every and smoothness. An older sister or a Ula as lie still lessened the distance maiden aunt or a spinster friend is be us. I think I could easily usually called to this office. A taw havo outstripped him if it had beef] vol, but the machine kept up a rattle, clever woman with peculiar grace in ver the inequalities In the road, and this direction have, in smaller towns, ace or twice I was almost thrown off. added considerably to limited incomes did not days to look back; indeed, here was no need, as Cho growl plain. by undertaking for a fair sun) to di y toldt me Chat he was almost on me, rent and manage the gamesand amuse - at at last I reached the crest, and menta, the home dances, the mesio, ew down the opposite slope. I then and the story -telling during holiday Ott remembered that there was times or when, for any reason, the u open culvert across the road some 0 yards ahead, but there was no tnothor or hOaLosa wished to be assisted ince to dismount, so I rode into it, and or relieved. At the various sanita- ha shock flung me high out of the riums Liters is usually an eutsrtain- Ing but T fell book stn It without men( committee, a fete of the stronger be knocked off. Fortunately the g do of the drain next the hill waa high patients &nit the caretakers managing an the opposite side low, so that the the different evenings, soasto raliove aohtue was not struck in the culvert, them of monotony and tedium, fid though the front fork was twist - d and the front wheol grated against The book game carried out In a it was not quits jammed, and I variety of ways I$ full of fun and, gives its able to rLde on. When I reached ggnstdBiabls L�lay fol' or.igivality. Each bio smooth part of the road near my Al plantation, I was able to get up a Person chno.ses for himself the name of ood rate of speed, but I no longer a book he is I o represent in oharade or beard the growl in the rear. costume, or by a drawing. With the Next morning I went back along the gntiro absence of ability to fire, the sad, and I found the Ilea had come far as the culvert and had there result: is sulneUmOs startling. 1171th MO to a stand. The chase, therw a bit of charcoal, 'Paradiea Lost,' let ra, lasted along the whole road from us any, is suggested, done in outline on he main line through the forest to my a large square of white paper tacked case, a distance of about two mile's. against the wall. Over a fiva-barred meadow -gate the would-be al:tistdrawB —�"^- - something with a strange kinship of appearance to the i' field "scarecrow" NO PRISON S NEEDED. and Ltto diminutive run t e fl urea below o Ow ora "-" Been fleeing from this Angel of Jus- ' %fable Shite or public :Morals lit fecland Lias, Two at, three Inferior creatures : In Iceland there are no Prisons, and soon after hol)ble f hrough the room ' n hihabitants are so honest lit their 'taking for alma, nodding ttnd shaking i bits that such milterinJ defenses to their Loads and crutchas Ivhen rogue. I A d , ed, e. goo deal of puzzling and guess- as locks, Dolts ttnd bars are Ing bringer forth Les Bliserable,42 A t required. Yet its history for the sliest of Paper was passed about on st 1,000 years records no more than whish In a circle around a blank arre- ar Lhetts, t.ro was Written the little word "A- do." Could not: one make out of this ' pf tteso two eases one (vas that of a "Much Ado About, Nothing?" "Over the tive who Was dietaotnil after' stealing Ton -Cups' atdinits a capital Working ural sheep; but as fie hati done se, OUL, as (loos also tUc'Doscent of Man'-. i supply his family, who were suffer- commdown a step-laddor, "The Lady .. Quality'gives room for some fine g for Icn.rwt of food, when he had airs and hand-toasings In old -fashion- 1 oken his arm, provisions were fern, ad bonnet. and shawl, "tinder the Ilea I fid to thorn, rind work was found for Robs" is an oasy title to suggest, and t m when lie wits able to do it, and it good part in the panda of a .romping, anwhile. he was placed under medl., .lively maiden would as "'1`lie Circus11 care, but the stigma attached to Gftrl. Ili some cases the guests grain- f crime' was conaideved stiffiaient vitgd, to a library party, and 1111 the I ni.shrnent. titles are arrangerl suggestively in i rho other theft Was rondo by a Ger drawings or still-life ,,undies talism. the 2 n, who stole 17 sheep. But as he room, and it is the part of the corn- l s in comfortable eirclnnustancos, and pany to guess as many as they Can,& 1 a robbery Ivan malicious, the sant•. prize going for the largest number of r se, passed upon him was that be, correct gueasas. I Dula at once sell all his properLyy. The poLaLO-race is an old game, but: 1 • mat, -; r se, lively nit ,t.irring it Is worth re- I Balling, Elaoe two rows of white )o. NPS 1VYIbICROU3, tatoes, stncoCh and, round and not loo 6 What Is a phenomenon, pat A Phan- Iarge, at: Intervals on each side ofthe 1 enou t Wall, a woman wbo buys a ronin, leaving n broad. middle space ba. L L its tht first milliner shop she comas twoon. liidoa axe chosen by the oppos- a . Ing 00nte501l , all(t a, leaner for each, t DEC. 23, 1898 to whom a large spoon Is given, The OUR GREAT MINERAL WEALTH. + Idea is that each one is In turn to go swiftly fl to the ' t hot d o a line an y f ih na d , t ni fid' ' , n.. Jt N L r •Lbtl r acne• bluetl .x, ct- 4 x 4 e • u c t atop up a Potain with a bond and a dip and carry It without batting it fall V&tire of tour• P'rndurttanx, to thnfoot of the line. If in the oxclto- Mr. A. B. Willmott has recently pub - 10 Mont the potato falls, it must be put llshod a book on the "Mineral Wealth basic in Plano and the contestant ruled of Callada.' Ile says this -"Nearly out. ,Each contestant must take whole line from head to foot. FinalCho ly the conal of Europe in size, we aur. when the Issue is between only a few (Pass any one nation of that continent and then narrows down perhaps to in the veriol.y of OUrrainaral deposits, two, the excitement Is great. To the and ma.y yet equal the richest of them victor goes the spoil, usually a hex of the total value of our Ioduclian. sweets with some trifle attached, so p' that part may be shared by all as the Great Britain ]ins bad large deposits former is handed about. of coal, and her production is the great - Vol, a house -party an impromptu est in the world. Jler Output must fallahostess dress ball s announces dinner sil of n' supper however, shortly begin to lesson, that u Ue11 w'1t while 1 be rung or the gang ours will increase. :Russia sounded at a certain hour, say algllt stands second as a petroleum prudueer, o'clock, and again at half -post eight, (and will no doubt surpitsx us for genre. and In this limited time each guest is t axpeoted to arrange find appear in a It 6, possible, however, that fields will. character costume, out of the things at be discovered in the North-west galta hand. Many are the straits and djffa- the equal of bora The copper output eulties of providing unusunl adorn- of ,Spain at present exceeds ours, but. Monts, Soarfa, draperies, golf -capes, )mackintoshes, nurses' aprons andcaps, the deposits here are quite as exten- lace mantles, eta„ are seised upon and sive as theirs. Similarly with other adapted for sailors, policemen, Mexi- minerals, different European nations can bandits, Rob Boy, Priscilla and surpass us in product! on, but it is pxob- Sohn Alden, Lady Babble, and tliefirst inspiration that comes. A dance fol- able that ,our deposits are Che more Jows-a Boger de Coverley - in which extensive, except in the ease of coal, all have a show, The bells chime of- petroleum and tin, ten and the moon rides high before tits "Already in asbestos we have sur - fun rind merriment ceases and the good -nights fire said, as one after an- Passed not only Europe, but the world, other mounts the long stairs. Italy -our only competitor --;s far be- - --^ hind. With nickel we occupy the same INE XPFi SIV D CANDIES.f Proud position. Our gold product, Santa Claus deals out candy very Clough it )nay never equal Haat of Ams - sparingly to some children. Ho • unite, or the United States, may easily either thinks It hurtful or his finances exceed that of all Europe eamblnedl' got low before he makes the rounds. VALUE OF OUR PRODUCTIONS. The following recipes can meat with"While we have been slow in begin. his approval Ja either case. hang the development of our mines, Candied Hickory -nuts. -Pick out one li fail, start has now been made, and quart of hickory -nut meats, and be Iva may hope for more rapid advance. nit, nI, In the near xuture. The total careful not to let tiny pieces of shucks Value of the mineral product for 18+90 fall in. Beat the whites of two Ives about $28,500,000. Coal Is the eggs, find add one half cupful of fine u most important, yielding annually granulated sugar; pour this frosting "'bout $8,000,000. Gold Ls second, witb over the nuts, mix carefully,a Product approaching $3,000,000 in and value, w'hiollives us tenth place spread on a platter; scatter over dry among the nations, Nickel, copper and sugar, anti stir them unm til the meats potrolOuoaoh exceed $1,000,00 Oin do not stick together, then set in a value, and the silver output now cool place to dry, amounts to over $2,0000,000. In coal we ltlaple-sugar Tatfy. 7 of maplo mo- rank eleventh, in petroleum fourth, lasses .boil until it will stiffen when fid bx silver tenth. Bricks and build - dropped into cold water; then take Ing stones aro the only other products from the stove and as the dish orkB{- pissing the million line in value, In ton years the total production has tie where it will cool as rapidly aspos- doubled. Within the last two years Bible. Do not stir the syrup until it the gold Unit silver Output of British has become quite it thick wax, and Columbia has increased enormously, then with a paddle or stout spoon stir OUR GREAT DIFFICULTY. until whito and hard. An addition of "Estimated at $380,000 in 1808, it hiokory-nut meat to the wax before grew to about $2,200,000 In ISM, and stirring greatly improves it for some reached $3,800,000 in 1896, Canada If; people, The success In nice taffy Iles particularly backward in developing in preventing it becoming grainy, To her iron industries. Few countries accomplish this do not stir the molass- have larger deposits of ore, and much es any until it is sufficiently boiled of it is convoniont to coal and flax. and then cooled. If an inch in depth The smallness of the market 18 the around the top of the pan is buttered great difficulty. Moreover, Nova Scotia, ilia syrup will not bail over. the chief producer, is some distance Cream Candies. -Beat together the fr°m Ontario, the chief Oansfimer. white of one egg and two tablespoon- The Canadian asbestos mines, the most important aoureo of asbestos ibis of sweet cream; then add confeo- known, yields 85 per cent. of the tioners' sugar until the batter is thick world's product, the only competing enough to work with the hand. Rub country being Italy, where the Indus - sugar aver the palms of the hands, try, is declining." then roll out little bails of the sandy the size of marbles, flatten, and press AN EYE FOR AN EYE. it half Walnut, biOkarY-nut or almond meat into the top; place on buttered — Paper to dry. One must work rapidly, What Would Implicit tt• the Ola Ptalr n as the paste dries out quickly, and Pow were. Revived. cannot then ➢re made into such nice There is a strong movement in Eilg- sh.ape as -when moist. land to ))ring back the oat Its a Pon lBh- ~ ment for Peculiarly )nea.n anti brutal HOVSEIIOLD HINTS, 1 Y To Remove Auld Stains from Cloth. crines. Dagonet says; "We shied -Use liquid ammonia on a small piece neivar deal effectually with L' oudon's of flannel; rub the stain gently, ruffianism while we fill our popular To Drive Away Moo. - Powdered cheap JotonnLs With phins for fea(her- ,ampbor placed in the haunts of mice bad accommodations and happy even - will drive them away, as they dislike Logs in our jails. The old Mosaic ideut the amoli. Of an eye for an nye and a tooth for a Lotion for Whitening the Neck and teOL11 is the best for dealing ivith these s.rmaeondr le a. -Halt canes borax, 4 owleos gly- n e " And he sketches '71( urine, 8 pints orange -flower water,'for Tat, a judicial Drama of To -mor. Uix thoroughly. lo"," To Seal ,Letters Safely, -A letter The judge -"James Jones, you have '.Listened with the white of an Ogg can been foumd guilty of jumping on an lot be opened by the steam of boiling old man's chest and destroying the voter like ordinary gum. The heat of sight of his left eye,. Tbo sentence of :lie steam only adas to its firmness. the ronil is that you he imprisoned for A Good Tonto for the Hair, - Five six months, acid at the and of flint ;rains sulphate of quinine, 1 drachm period you have your chest jumped incLure of cantharides, 1-2 ounce bay on and the sight of your left eye Ile. um, 2 drachms glycerine, Nater to 8 strayed," ainces. Mix thoroughly, and sbaka 7'ha Prisoner, shrieking- Meat ! he bottle before using, y After using an umbrella on it wet mercy P Iny never leave it open to dry, nait The Judge -"You shall have. ,fust as acuses Cho silk to crack; but stand Lifet much mercy its you showed that old tMbroll& with the handle downward in . tin bath to draln, and when Dearly man' and no more, Nextl" try open for it few minutes. The Evidence -"Phis Gose, my lord, is 'WhBn decanters are stained with that of a man who filing his wife out tort wine they should be cleansed with of a w^tlncjoty. She fell on it spiked , wineglassful of warm water, to rallin vhieh ]ilia been ,added a large Car- gt and he daft lice there all poouful of oxalic acid; shake the hot- '116Lt' to well, then rinse in clean lukewarm •Che 'Tory-"Gulity , vate2•. 'I'hc Judge -"Ah I '.I.'he sentence on To Remove. Alildow on the Vine and " Ithis Mau Js that he b e t aken t o the Iliei Plants.-IanalY Powdered l - ,same house' flung out, of the aimn bur sprinkled nvof the leaves and wi)1dielv 0 n the saino spikedrailingand rood of the vine effect:ux!]Y destroys; that he be left [here all night:' The Prisoner who is dLaf and thinks iildew, and that WILhnut• fire in the!it it Js the arc�intu sentence -"I Olin •reenhouso. The same means has do Chet little Int oniny 'earl." ured the hap mildew. :1'he Jucl sw-lie j Iter_ ,,,e if at 0 is for it." 'I'o aha jal.tel-„Sao that he is HEAVY HORSES, flung Gut ail bile spikes so that he t,,,,,” acllnes d0Wll en hie head. Good morn- ,nc lit 9ew'vork ill 'ct; ltlugc alI•ev a'I'Nn find ing' Next 1" t I A Clydesdale exhibition rceetrtty in •BRAINS OF GOLD. few York Js without a (IoUbl. the .aavleat horse ili lho world, ateweighs It is Cho DIOtivice alono that given 00 polinds, This inonster Is 20191 character to the aotiona of mon--Rrny. ands high, and, although only liyears • Ore. I . Id, maLtoures 32 inches round the arm, I 'Phare is a, vast differenco in one's re, i inilips round the $title or lines joint, specs for 1bit milli who has made hlm- i inches girth, 3,1:1-2 inches round tile' self alert the, matt who has Only matte ip and It feet d inches in length. it his money,--�1Iulook. ,its of perfect proparli.ons, will, It head ( Pc know holy Co grow old IN Cho mas. I I ,nrh&s In ]en t, A British dray lCaryfir k of wisdom and one of Cho most orso ling been known to stand 18 bands difficult ebaptars in the gratis art of !.gh and weigh nearly 18 OWL,; while living.-Aimall ao at Wombwell's Mollyerio horsea Next to knowing Ivhen to aelze an as (little shown lit Oxford, lnensuring I hands 3 Inches in height. Tile opportunity the Most, imporhoil: thing hanies Bank Distillery at; Clio Cart In life is to ]snow when tnforngo nn orso Paraao of I80�i oshIbited a hnntJn advantago.-Draraeli, )mit Pair of b Cys, each of whlelt stoatl i hands high itiui weighed nearly a, A CLUBI�OF ONE, m. Tho Ivaigltt of tie avorage horse, Blow do You keep so young, 'Mrs. ,OGrd,4tigg Co an a.ullim9CT, is from 680 Li hC:hcad? ntnd8 to 1,540 puudts, Nell, I never warvy about my ago,