The Brussels Post, 1898-12-16, Page 7o, 16, 1998. THP BRUSSELS POST. 0111, FAMILY ,REV, R. TALNIAGE IREAosEs ON TILE FLIGHT OF TIME. Y-- ,.terenNtoa n ralailtri,i ai Gogpol-- Tries to creme Christian Society -Frew Kew Take the Comforts of Deft/pen Into Their { Seems 11 BTN 1 CNN Dr Fit Y t u iteng•Ftweil Christian. 1 spitLch from Washington I se's >reac+hed from t.be follow- thanked God, and took , xxviii„ 15. Paul had ore at Puteoli, and was xo55 the country to Rome, haps, a great many trials xit les. The (.'hthine ns at r' that Paul has landed at nd is on the way, so they m escort him to the city. When them, his heart relived, or, as 1 says, "Ile thanked God and xurago." :l'h'Lt is descriptive of wn feelings this morning. You not be aware that this is the an - reeve, of my settlement as the pas - of this church. .l!ifly-two times e shuttle has flown, in each flight saving a week, with a golden border sr Sabbath. Three hundred and sixty- four Limes the clock has struck twelve for the noon and twelve for the night. In that time how many marriage ger- bottle Imo been twisted, how many graves dug, how many sorrows suffer- ed, how many foreunes wan, bow many souls lost, how many immortals saved) In the first piece, 1 remark, 1: have been trying to win your confidence and love, not by sycophancy or by the consultation of your prejudices, but by preaching a straightforward Gospel, regardless as to where it hit. A min- ister living amidst people who do not believe in him can not be useful. When a congregation wish that their pastor would be called to some other position, he really has a call Lo go. When they have an idea that he is influenced by selfish trod worldly motives, his use- fulness is done, and be 03 really has a call t0 go as he had a call to come. There are churches being depleted and blasted by a ministry not adapted to them. A minister has no more right to kill a church than a church has a right to kill a minister. 1 know a man who professes to be a minister of Chan, who is in his third settlement. Time two previous churches that be ser- ved have come to extinction as the re- sult of that ministry, and these is not much prospect that the third will long survive; while on the other hand, there are ministers of Christ who have for thirty and forty years stood in the same places, and the Lie of affection and confidence between pastor and peo- ple has all the time strengthened. A good many years ago, a lad, fif- reen years of age, heard, do England, John navel preach from the text ; "If any nun love not our J.ord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema M.ulan- ntha." The lad grew- up, came to Ibis country, and lived to be one hundred years of age, not having found Christ. eine day lir stood in the field, and the memory of t hat sermon of John l'lavel crossed his mind, and the thought of how that mini3fer of Christ, at the close of the service, said: "IIow can 1 pronounce the benediction, whin there may 13e some here who love not the Lord Jesus Ch'dse, and are Ana- thema 14laranatha," 'Jho remembran..e' of that minister brought the old men to Christ at one hundred years of age, and eighty-five years after be had heard that Gospel sermon, Oh 1 it is a grand Lining to preach earnestly, faithfully, and euccessfully, this glor- ious Gospel. Now, let nee be frank, and say i.o you, ley dear people, that I have tried to win your oon- fidenoe ina your deep sympathy in my Christian work. If you have seen awe lir me many • shortcoini n s be re of g the feet thatI bave I nd a deeper reale- maim of them. than you possibly could have had, and I em hero to say that you bave given me more than I de- serve, and that your kindness through 1b1 last four years has made eey•minis- try in this place an undistut'bed sat- isfacloin. I remark again, I have tried, in my ministry during the past year and the past years, to create amidst this peo- ple, Christian sociality. There are chueebes that are arctic SODS, iceberg grinding against iceberg. The attend- ants upon them conte as men Dome into the ferry -boat, Bitting clown beaide each other—no nod or recognition, no band -grasping of fellowship, no throb of brotherly and sisterly affection. They coma) in, they sit down, they go out. From Salurduy to Monday morn- ing they are ferried over by ChrU,tian ordinances, and that is all here is of it. Now, my dear brother, if you are cold and hard and selfish, then the higher. the wall you build around your soul, time better, You would (lo well to be exclusive; but If there is in you any thing kind, any thing lovely, any thing noble, auy thing useful, let ii. shine oul:. Suppose a vessel were driven on the rocks, and wbilo fifty people were struggling in the surf, ono man gets safely to Lbe beach, and runs up to the fisherman's 11ut and sits down and Welnia himself, regardless of those who aro still struggling in the water—what a 0ru:e1 thing that would be I How murk better, like the sur- vivors of the Atlantic shipwreck, toil- ' log with both bands until the right liana gave out and then with their Leath seizing Lhe clothing of the suf- fering Mies and Pulling them ashore] And what do you suppose (loci thinks of us if, having escaped from the floods of sin and darkness and death, we are eult.m',ing an unchristian scIfishnese; while Ibsen are hundreds and 1013- 33330138 all around about us still strug- gling in the wave? I soy, let us have a kindly sympathy and helpfulness to- ward those who are all around us, hive cry church wits intended by God to be a large family circle — oe fath- ers end maniere, and brothers anvil eh(ere Whnl kind of a (amity circle Wmm uId that be where the brothers dirt not. recognize each other, and the p810111s were Char- acleriaed by IOW diiy, and. Ileariloss- s of God,have Sons and d ness4 on n aug}1lox you no higher appreciation of the larg- er ClrisLiurbrotherhood in wbi elt you aro gathered in churches? Who Is that that used to sit before you in the inb- ernaoie? Do not know. 1Vho is that that used to sit at your right hand and at your Jeft handl Do not know. You ought to bave known. It la a sin not to bo acquainted with those who sit by us in Lbo house of God year after year, Dotnot stand upon an th e for- of 's T L o name ml'C f t n b i la O moiety. . m 1 s Y Lhe L ' declure to youprivilege G tis l h Y in giving the right hand of fellowship to every one who comes to Lhe same church. We have tried to culture this Christian sociality in the sociable ; much liar already been accomplished, and when our new church shall be built, we will ;rut our bend more (lemotly to the work. The church sociable ought to be the most cheerful of ail places. Let there he in it a Lime to laugh. Do not with long faces overshadow the young people. a ou go to church and to the prayer -meeting to warship; then worship, and have nothing but worship. You go to the amiable; then have noth- ing but: sociality, Yet there are church reunions so entirely fennel that the liveliest thing in all the evening is the long -metre doxology. I3e cheerful, be kind, be sympathetic with all witb whom you are associated. If fish go In shoals, and sheep go in nooks, and if flowers go in tribes, and if stars swing in galaxies, then let all those who worship in the same church move together in loving and shining bands. "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity I" Again, I bane dried! In this church to preach an everyday religion, The vase majority of my congregation are in business life. It would have been absurd for me to talk about abstract trials when I saw by the paper that gold was going down, and men were losing their fortunes. We must bring a Gospel comfort just suited to the condition of the people to whom we Preach. Here is a physician who comes into a sick -room where there is a case of diphtheria. Does he apply to it me - Moines for cholera or yellow fever, or marasmus? Oh, no it is n specific for diphtheria. And if we want to make the Gospel successful in the hearts of men in the way of comfort, we must bring that particular phasme of it which is thoroughly adapted to the case. It is a simple fact that there are but few men who take Lhe comforts of religion into their business. You get sick, or a member of your family dies; you say, " Send for the minis- ter 1"But suppose you are in a busi- ness corner; suppose the sheriff is af- Ler you; suppose your best friend be- trays you; suppose tbere are three or four men in the front office with duns for debts that you cannot meet; sup- pose that you can no more sleep at night than if you were on the top of a mast in a Mediterranean hurricane; suppose with flushed cheek you walk the floor nights, your bead aching as though it would split open—why, then, do you not send for religious consola- tion 1 No, you do not ! You send for some poor, miserable skinflint, and ask hien if he will lend you a thousand dol- lars at two pee cent, a month, and be will not do it I You go to a friend you helped in time of trouble, and want to gel his name on your note, and he will not give it, and in utter despair, and wild with trouble, you say, "II it were not for my wife and children, I would jump off the dock." 1 remember a man wino, in 1857, helped a dozen people through the financial straits. He loan- ed a thousand dollars here, and five thousand there, and Len thousand there, and took his friends to the bank, and allowed them to' go on MS credit, and helped them through. Five years after his trial came. Where were those old friends/ Gone; or, if they Dame In- to his store, it was only to say, " God bless you l" forgetful of the fact that one ounce of pure financial help at Lhatt time would have been worth fifty tons of "God bless yous." Instead of going at sue.h a time Lo worldly re- sources, why did' you not go to God 1 Why did you not luck the door of your privets otfioe, and get down on your knees, and say, " Oh, Lord! thou seesi: my business trouble. There is that note in the bank, I have no moony to meet it. There is my rent it has become due; what shall I do are it 7 There a e myunsaleable goods at the warehouse. a Lord J e sus m t of this trouble." God help a out; would have done it as certainly as he sits upon the throne and offers help to mien who want it. You did not go for it, and you did not get it. If you bad made your religion do that, it would have been worth something. Your religion, instead of being a robe to wrap around you and keep you warm be the chill blusLs of trials, had been merely a string, of beads around ydur nock, very 130011/01 to look at, and that is alt. I have seen a man in a business strait go through, sustain- ed by the grace of God. By disaster, ie one night his fortune all went. When I saw bin before, he was wortb hundreds of thousands of dollars; now he was not worth a teething. Yet he was counting up his heavenly trees- ures. If God had knocked out the bottom of ` his earthly fortune, that bottom was found to be the top of the chest in whioh are the jewels of heav- en! And if his riches took wings and flow away, in their flight they met the rayons of God Doming down to hungry Elijah! That man to -day, on a eatery of twelve hundred dollars as a clerk its the same store over which he had presided with great dignity, is happier than Henry Var. me an the day when Anne Boleyn came to the e lights rl r 1 How 1 I t a 11111 of hay em I B my 1 How cheerful he is I Flow fms el- alInghe Is while O he is selling the halegoodsl You go away, seeing, "11331 is tole of the moat agreeitble 0101 T. ever met In my life." That very Friday evening you go into the pray- er-ineeting where the. "time Christian merchant worships, and you find Mini getting up and recommending the re- ligion of Jesus Christ with a funeral eount'laanee and, a doleful phraseology, enough to make an undertaker burst into tea1 s, Howfewpeople thererre are who talk cheerfully about the religion of Jesus I In other words, that man of wllorn I spoke bad more exhilaration when lie was selling a bill of goods than in reeogimendtng the religion which makes ail heaven ring with the anthems of the free. Now, ought that sty to be? blow many are driven from the doors of the churches by the shnple reason that they do not want =eh a repulsive religion. They are afraid to shake hands with a Christian man, lest they obeli be religiously as- saulted. I remember very well how 11 was when I was a boy. I laid one hour and a half under the raspberry - bushes in the garden to escape from the minister and the elder who acme to my father's house on a family visit:; and m yfather came out an the back steps, and cried, "De Witt, where are you?" De Will made no answer Ought our religion to repel or marmot/ Fly little child, four years old, said to her mother: " ,NIa, ma, I saw in a hook a pieture of a man and a picture or God, and the man looked awfully frightened because he saw a picture of God. Now," she says, "III bad been there and God had Cama in, I would not have been frightened; I would have gone just right up and put my arms around his neck and% kissed him." Weil, I thought that Wali' pretty good lheolo-y, In other words, religion ought. to invite our caresses, instead of driving the world howling away, as though it were iomethi.ng disagree- able, repulsive, and to be hated. ►Again, I have, in there years in which I have ministered to you, tried to preach a Go-pel of comfort to .the bereaved. This is the most delicate work to which the preacher is ever called. IC you do not know how to treat a wenn•.1, you had better not touch it. How many people come to the wounds of the soul witha spiritual q nthewounds cyand i they of 0110 irritate (3 poi- son may require no great skill to take a sloop across the North River; but it does to engineer a steamship across the Atlantic; and, there may be no great skill required to heal a little sorrow of Lhe soul, but to take one through the storms end tossing seas of tribulation and trial does require some t: et, and ingenuity, and especisl grape. paisee—than Napoleon 515. at the time GE his coronation—than any man who trusts in the wealth or honor 05 thie. world for h.is.ohlee satisfaction. I ex- pect the day will cone when 1 Sao set the consolations of that Gospel an your oounti.ng room desk; under its light the bank protests, and the letters of noisy creditors, rending like the full title. -deed to the throne- and menet- Polities df heaven. That is what I call an every -day religion. ST, VITUS BINGE, A TROUBLE THAT CAUSES ITS VIC- TIMS MUCH INCONVENIENCE Winfred Schofield, 01'imnspereau, Y.S., Tell now 1ic Obtained ,8 Spacdy tutu e'er. 'umlaut Cure. From the Accdien, Wolfville, N. S. tarr Hew Tele Disagreeable Megan Be Entirely Ouereeme. A French statistician has calculated that the human eye travels over 2,000 yat'ds in reading an ordinary sized hovel, The average human being is i supposed to get through 2,500 miles oe reading in a lifetime, May Catarrh in the hand, with its ring. ing noises in lbs oars, buzzing, map - Ping sounds,ds SOVe,r0 ht 111Che N cl d ie - mg reen le discharges from the n0s0and throat is permaentl cured by Mood's rifles and en- S'rrsapurilla, which pts itches the blood, soothes and rebuilds the dolic:m.ta tissues, giving them a ten- dency to health inatend of disease, and cures the affliction, In a natural way, sirnply by removing its cause and re- pairing the injury it has done. If you have catarrh take Hood's Sarsaparilla before Lhe disense develops into some- thing more serious. Remember Hood's Sarsaparilla, _Ea Canada's greatest • Medicine. Primo U. Hood's Pills euro Indigestion. 26 cents. At thepresentrate of combustion it is thought the sun will last from 7,- 000,000 to 15,000,000 years before burn- ing itself out. The many eases brought to his no- tice of residence in this vicinity being cured from physioal disorders through the agency of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, have created in the mind of the Ace- dien representative a sincere belief in the healing powers of this remedy. Yet withal he was a little incredulous the other day when ltold of a young man who hadbeen cured of a very serious and deplorable disease by the use Monty sono two bores of tbose little miracle workers. It seemed im- possible that such a remarkable heal- ing could be wrought even by Dr, Williams' Pink Pills in such short order. Accordingly he was possessed of astrong desire to investigate. Mr. Winfred Schofield, of Gaspereau, was the address given us by our informant, and werenot long in hunting him up. "We found Mr. Schofield to be a bright young man of about twenty years of ago and of more than ordinary intelli- gence. His air of candor and straight- forwardness dispelled any doubts we may have had. In a very few words be stated to us his case. "Two years ago," he said, "I was teleen with an at- Hicktbk Of St. Vitus Deuce. Sometimes when at work I found that n3 Y fingers would all at once straighten out and I would be compelled to drop anything I wins holding. One day 1 was using an axe when seized with one of these attacks. The axe slipped. from my hands and in falling struck my foot and gave it a nasty cut. After that you can depend- upon it I len axes alone, and it was not long before I had to give up using any kind of tool. My complaint rapidly grew worse andI was soon unfitted for any sort of work. Everything possible was tried by me in order to get relief, but I got no better. At last ono day a neighbor of mine, Mr. Fred Fielding, who had been cured by the uss of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, advised nee to give there a trial, offer- ing to iviy for [:bene himself if they did not hem me.. As it turned out he was safe enough in making 11ie offer. I follower[ his advice, but had seemly been= to nae theme when I began to feel very much 13e51:er. AfLee using two boxes 1 was perfectly cured and have never bean troubled with the complaint since. I am confident that to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills alone I 0100 may cure. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills create new bloc3, build up the nerves, and thus drive disease from the system. In hundreds of cases they have cured after all other medicines have failed, thus establishing the aleim that they aro a marvel among the triumphs of mo:lern medical science. The genuine Prole Pills aro sold only in boxes, bear- ing the full trade mark, "Dr. Wile linins' Pink Pills for Pale People." `Eroteet yourself from imposition by refusing any pill that doesnot beam' the registered trade hark around the box. It in doubt send Minot to Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont., and they will be mailed to you pt paid at 50e a box, or Six boxes for DECAY OF 'VELE TEETH, A GIRL'S TRIBUTE, SHE TELLS HOW DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS GAVE HER HEALTH - Thousands of Girls Need the Sante Remedy, Wife? They nro Suffering from. Similar Diseases—Dodd's 5(141134'9 Pills Will Care Them. Toronto, Dec. 5.—There are thou- sands of girls in this city who are pass- ing the best years of their lives in sickness and misery, when they should be enjoying the blessings of health, strength and vigor. The observer who will watch the orowds of girls and young women streaming homeward every evening, af- ter their hard day's work, cannot but be struck by the many faces—young faces—that should be rosy with the glow of health, with sparkling eyes, and well-rounded cheeks, but which are pale and careworn, with dark circles round eyes that have lost their bright- ness. A glance is enough to show that these tired and worn-out girls are suffering. And such a spectacle is doubly sad, be- cause there is no need for it. Dodd's Kidney Pills would bring the bright- ness back to the eyes, the bloom to the cheek, the firmness to the step, the vigor to the entire body. No other medicine on earth can pro- duce such astonishingly beneficial re- sults, in these oases, as Dodd's .Kidney Pills can and will. Miss Mary :Hinsdale, 78 Esther street, has proved the truth of this statement She says: "I have been a sufferer from Female Weakness, Nervous and Liver Trouble, and doctored without deriv- ing any benefit. I began using Dodd's Kidney Pills and my recovery dated from that time. They have cured me thoroughly." A trial will speedily convince any suf- ferer that Dodd's kidney Pills will pos- itively restore her to health. A.gain, 1. have tried in these years in which 1 have been your pastor, to dispel the conventionalities of the C!hu,rctll. There is a tendency among Christian people to walk in religious things of eroleslastieal stilts, instead of coming down upon te plain, common - name level, flow few penpl0 taik re- ligion:, they whine about it. Whitt charm is there for a wide-awake, warm-hearted, enthusiastic span atniclat the cold formalities of the Church of God? Ile sees through them; he sees they are a sham. Friday morning, you go Wu a merchant''" More nod kitty A Clear, Concise Statement about LUDELL There is no other like it. In the truest sense, it is unmatchable. Lead packages -2s, 40, 5o and bo cents. Is there anything Blowhard and doean' t knowY Well, if there is, old fellow, he doesn't know it. Statistics have besO colleated Which show that so-called "hard water" is gondfor the teeth. Inhahitauts of regions where the water is of this ehar- meer. have Wier teeth then have the dwellers in regions Where " soft" wa- der ie drunk. HOW'S THIS? We after One hundred Dollars Reward for ens oa,e of-Oaterrb that cannot be oured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J, CIIENEY & CO.. Toledo, 0. We thenl estig acd, have known F. J. Cheney for the teat fifteen years and believe him psrfootly hem able in all bnninern transaeti'.ne and financially able to carry out any obllga' Ilona mann be their firm. WIs'r 0 TRuex. Wholesale Druggist• Toledo. 0.; WALDINa, Klemm 51 matrix, Wholesale 1/rupee's. Toledo. 0. Nail's Oatnrrh Core is taken informally, Ing directly upon the blood end 080cous sur- faces n1 the system. Teattmonlals sent tree. P1ariaeSasDruggists• Ma1etetyy bottle. rthe IV. P. ill. 040 Nawthin', sor. McLubberty, sternly— Well, stop it at wance I There's a load off my mind, said the Halt= lady, as she deposited the seven bushels of coil that she had picked up along the railroad tracks. CEYLON TEL. EARNWATCHW14WIJM'W13MMWW .W t .Y.pf,I Sara ibis valuable Watch, Chain and Charm by selling tw my Topa* Scall Equo, at 16 cents each. Send your address and w. forwerdthe Pins and our Premium List postpaid. No money required. These Pins will almost sell themselves, for the Topa: has all the brilliance of the best diamonds, and has never before been offered at anything lila this price. The Watch Is neat in appearance, thoroughly well made, and fully guaranteed. Unsold Pins may be returned Mention this paper when writing. TBS 0E2 PIN CO, Freehold Building, Toronto, Ont. ivAUOAGE CASINOS—Now Iamportotloss fiaeetReSileh Sheep Sad American Rot Canoga -reliable goods a{ glen paws.PAnLC, 81iA0KWELL A 00., Toronto. Bookbinding, Send your maf,'uziaes, hove them meets Printing's bound BM Benda, etatemontx, Lets., Loot. Books, 1Ion11s Oarda,initock asU tmorrier. Send 20o awl receive poet -pd counter daybook 6tt14i,190 Doges ruled. O.R, Lsu Igomm,92Kiug•st Ramltton One S•oent stamp Win get yen a Free Anlmnthe be 6pg para -lou (omit rnughaoSS of skin, ohapped hands pr face. The Retell/ Tee Medicine Co, Toronto. of Say pature 7taQapoech Impediments eanaeeeat'I treated Commit a qualified practitiuncr, tb Tre[a fp, beets a Dalntul stammerer, and haw eurod m Y ldetaawbara Vyrlta to w. 3. Aroett, M,D., aerlin, Cit. Wm, Millar&Co. Mond sal nrers of Show Oases. Office, "torr, Bank and 1I01311 ,0We%, Jew- elers', mud all � . t.' .a •fere', Dnlgtie y kinds of Interior `<•`.tt'ingk. British Plate Mirrors, &a, Pito 23 Airco St , Toronto. IFIERALS TESTED Write prices. MILTON HER DDY, B. A. So. • 16 St. Sacrament 8t., Montreal, Que. mwt% Int! 011111T TYPEWRITER -A really practical l machine and not mere toy. Price delivered 01,23. ARonto wanted. The HOWELL B00% COMPANY, 26.28 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, Seam m e re rs Alter t0 snore off Stam �a o.e,rugggto ao6 toll I havetouod IreoAcm for you. Write for terms or call for free consultation. All welcom0.11.11. Bate, Specialist, 302 College-et.,Toronto. The Probabilities. Are, that your temper %till improve, and you will enjoy walking and skat- ing in real earnest once that sore corn is removed. Pul.nem's Painless Corn Exl.raetor never fails, gives no pain and will relieve you in twenty-four hours. Give Putn•mmn's Corn Extractor a trial and be happy. MoIubberty, hearing a ausp101011a noise in the kitchen—Moiksy, phwat are yez doin' out dhere8 Little Mika MOSS & P'UOSPIIATE. "The Border Counties, Adver- tiser, also has Ietters from farmers who attest tc Alberts' Therms -Phos- phate powder having eliminated mos s the general reason being given that the clover which cones seems to lift the mass out of the ground They recommend es well to harrow such lands when putting on the phosphate, to allow it to 'get down into the earth. Another correspondent un- der the nom -de -plume of York- shire" attests to the arming of clover and general improvement from his permute) knowledge. ;For Mother — I am surprised at Charles squandering so much money on a phonograph. The Wife—T am not. He always slid like to hoar himself talk. Cure Yourself of Rlmeulnatiene The application of Norviline—nerve- pain rurc—which possesses such mar- vellous power over all nerve pain, has proved a remarkable success in rheu- matism and neuralgla. Nerviline ants on the nerves, soothes them, drives pain out and so gives 10liof. Try it and be convinced. Snappish Individual, sneeringly — I suppose you consider yourself a gentles man. Welter—No, sir. I don't consid- er I am anywhere near a gentleman, TO CURB A COLD IN DNB DAY. Take Laxative Strome Quinine Tablets, Ail Drug, glide retuhd Ain manor if It fella to Owe. 1150. TAFIIMERERSR Only institution In Canada for the core of very plume of speech defect. Rstabliebad in Toronto,'3Q 0nreW am snteod. CHURCH'S Pembroke Pembroke 10 onto, Canada are THE TRIUMPH•' ADJUSTABLE STOVE PIPES. Eoeyy pat upnand token down. Cam e.mall ani * A kyW rDdealersyfor them. hhnndaohlred by. C. B. BARCLAY, lee Adelaide St. W .: 1•oronto. ED The Hold Bros, Mfg. Co., 0(x131.1(0; TABLES and BOWLING ALLE0S, Phone 1333, gond ler0atologua. 267 Sing St West, T0310NT0, STRATFORD, MIT. Bast Commercial School W. in J. 3'melon,,Iuoo 1 enter how aataiogns tree Dominion Line Steaonshi ee Montreal sad Quebec. o Liverpool la Sommer, L,lar e (louver' ''' Domiaton 600htemn_Iliabr Yorkshir, .' !Superior accommodation for First Cabin, Soo- tond Cabin and Steerage pae5angera. Rates of s e -First Cabin, 460.03; Second Cabin, 135; Steerage 422.50 and. upwards according to Steamer and berth. For all igforraatlon upply ID gen? Agentgs.37 Agents, Or DAVID St , Monttrreal.' DARN A HOLE in Three Minutes. IT CAN DA51LY )311 DONIS wrrle TIIE 2ff'a•Ao® aa,o. SHORT COUII8E 111 romp0+AND �" MINING 2io21ns at the SCHOOL of 1016110, Illngeton, Ont,q nn. 10Um 1009, I-.totruntion in Chemistry, Mmn- rdllgl Geology, Blowpipe Testing, and ratite': to d testa, Pr,•speoLing, ,Milling, and Develop. anent, For further information apply to iTHE DIRECTOR,Sohoel of Milling. Kingston, Ont. FREE BOOKLET. GU1011 TO HEALTH. Pamphlets and Samples of Material of our Steel Fraino ,Swiss Darner... Niagara Vapor Bath Rent to any address an receipt of stamp. Thermometer Attachment and -. Vaporizer Complete. Agents Wanted for ]mast Selling Bath to America. Ina Niagara vuor Ball Go., 6 Grand Opera Plaoo,Toronto CANADA PERMANENT Loan and Savings Company. Ideonron5rteD 1555. Paid•up Capital 823600,000 Reoervo Fund 3,16o,000 Hasid OfBCo-Toront9ont., Toronto. Crumb CruOffices - Winnipeg, a IldBrI a1T8 aro reoelred st interest, paid or tom. pounded halt yearly. (intense 0Vl1Ra laoaed in Currency or Sterling witty I intoned ooupoan attoehod, pnynble In Ommdn or 8 Bugland. o invent i and T ebe0. ars other' meed by law to invent 10 the Debentures of 11Oq (temppary, (sytourrr Aaes MAA fon Real onditi secants at.. uurrent mice 55,300 favorable conditions vee 40 re. ' yyapomant. LNortgagee Sad 6tuniaHERpBElRTrM enols sed, J. fVBRBeRT MASON Director. Attar a little pray tion we pay Indies 5101 a week salary who have learned to be. come sufficiently pro - Solent wit, Toa', Swum DARRRR to Rot us our agents and to instructotherein their locality. We require thousands of sample' daratnge for our buMt nese, and girls Sod, women who have Tit e• awle9 DAnxaR can easily earn from 03 to 61 weekly in donning samples for up. Tun Swire DAnwaa will pat a fresh heel or toe in n Hooking in two minutce. It mends table olothe, curtains. underwear and all fabrics with equal Meaty and speed, and a child ase operate it at • oaeily as a stains) mime. Tr, emus DARNLR neatly box- ed, complete with felt Inetmotlone,tesUmoo- tale, eta, sunt to may address on receipt of rrloe, 25 dents. Sample derniogs, five cents additional. iho 834305 Darner ea, 73 Adelaide 8t. W., Toronto.. Odorless Closet. The best and most sensible iaven* tion of the age. Endorsed and recom- mended by MEDICAL men all over the country. PRICE SO REASON- ABLE that no home should be with- out one. Write for circular to TIDE ODORLESS GREMItTURY [Md BTIRG l . G NERAL RE , E Hamilton, Ont. FREE. Wo give this fine watch, and also a chain and charm for selling two d oxen Levan Cousin Styr. Tons, nth) etc, each. Send your address and we forward the Boctone, postpaid, and our Premium Lisa No money re- quired. Sell the But. tons among your friends, return the money, end we sand the watch, prepaid: A genuine American watch, guaranteed n good timepiece. Mention this paper when writing. LIST BUTTTON 100.. Re Adelaide St, B. Toronto, Ont. IF'shin UTTER, ECUS orPODLT8) to The Dawson Commission Co,, Limited, eyComosawaa. Superior To.31 others. Gernt-proof cloth Four Doiial'o Complete. To be had only from At ROBERTS, 81 Queen St. E., Toronto. Send stamp for olrauler and sample of cloth before buying elsewhere. FILE Rleport For Banks and Mercantile Beninese, THE TORONTO AND NEWMARICE4', Ont. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. EP ;-Fi° S ' S GRATEFUL—COMFORTING. coo I� BREAKFAST—SUPPER. ;3 0.131., ILtnli'L:'1I3 eat .ee e^.s,rr::. E&LTR RESTORED WITHOUT efleMi * CINE 033 EXPENSE to the 11108T3)13. OR EKED 9SOb1ACB, LUNGS, NERVE.„ LIVER, BLOOD, BLADDER,BRAIN and BRE ATH by DIY BARRY'S REVALENTA ARABIC FOOD_,which 8AV158INVALIDS nn CHILDREand also Rraro emcee (dully Ip,. fonts whose Ailments and Debility have ver stated all other treatments, IL digestswhets all other Food la rejeoted, eaves 60 timer um cost in medicine. 5n, YEARS' INVARIABLE SUCCESS, 66JJ,, 100,000 ANNUAL CURES of Conattp. Won, Flatulency Dyopepdia, Indigestion, Con. eumption. Diabetes Brom:hlt'Se, Influenza, Coughs, Asthma, Catarrh, Phlegm, Diarrheas; Nervone Debility, Sleeplessness, Despondence l TkU BARRY and Co. (Limited), 77 Regents e 14 Rue otreet, e, and W., elite00 Peri de Stores and ateverywhere, all Grtine es , ., 3d , *' 5and 11. S 14a.s aSentwcarriageti free,_ Also 3eAloo "IAS BARRY'S REVALENTA BISCUITS, in tins,, Se. 6d. and 6s. Suke!A 4 .• 1 ' Fr ti7C�. ..tl��L1n,Ft'1f'r �V1�!Yi �V iihg Co. INCORPORATED UNDER TOE ONTARIO MINING COMPANIES' INCORPORATION ACT. OFFICERS ARtlD DIRECTORS ROBERT BOWIE, Broelaville, D1restor S. H. McCAMMON, M.D., Kingston, Director .TORN KIRSCHNER, Boise, Idaho, Director S. Ni. HAY, 11.D,, Toronto, Director W. W. DG DEN, P/1.0.„Toronto, President S. F. KILGORE, Toronto, Vico-Pres. & Man. J. 1NeAPAM, Toronto, Sec'y and Treasurer 0. TI LARTY, 111.1)„ St. Thomas, Director Capital Stook $2,501:1,0009 Mirada into Shares of $1 each. Stock Non -Assessable. No Personal Liability. This Company has secured by purchase 6So acres of gold -stocked lands on the Snake River of Idaho, containing about Fifty Mullan cubic yards of gravel which pans from assays made an average value of over $1.50 per yard in gold, and the cost of saving the gold is only 3 cents per yard by using the Improved Dredge manufactured by the tt Risdon Iron Co.," of San Francisco. Five hundred thousand ($5oo,000) of the preferred shares, par value Sr each are offered at 25 cents per share. Those shares will receive a dividend of five per cent. on the par value before the common stock will. receive any dividend. We predict that this stock will be worth par in six months, The Company is negotiating for another Placer property which pans as high as $o per yard, and a free -milling quartz property that assays from $30 to $300 per ton. This is the best stock ever offered in Canada, as the gold is in sight and only requires the proper machinery to separate it from the gravel.' J. 11eADA.M, Secretary, Dead Office--' COTIfeal} enation Building, Toronto.