The Brussels Post, 1898-12-16, Page 3DEO, 10, 1898 BUSINESS CARDS. ] /FONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PER l Dolt IS SOUK Brussels. a a � az r; �]�% Md1.A �' Nr V 1' • IaetnorofAtartiageLiooueee. Omoo at his 0roam, TuruberrY Street, HPWISe1S, N. BARRETT, • Tonsorial Artlet• Shop -Next door eolith of A, M, Melfny& Core nardwaro store.. bathos' autl ohndren0 hair gutting a eppalulty MISS JEAN M'LAUCHLIN, -TEACHER OF -- PIANO - AND - ORGAN, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INsunANaE, FiRE AND MARINE. GUELPH, T. FLETCHER; lssfie, of Marriage Licenses, OFFICE AT JEWELEY ST011E. r8rNo Witness Required. T. FLETCHER, Brnesele ALEX. HUNTER Clerk of the Fonrtb Divlelon Oonr Co, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public Land Loan and Iueurance Agent. Funds Invested and to loan, Colleetione made O Nae in Graham's B lock, B teasels AUCTIONEERS. Til S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - 1 • EER, will Bell for better prlooe, to bettor men: 111 esu time and lose chargee than any other Avotioneer in East Huron or he won't charge anything. Dates and ordore can 'always be arranged at this office or by personal application. CVAPT. J. STRETTON, Who has had 00 years experience as all Auctioneer, but who had to quit owing to ill health, hae again taken out hoonee and is prepared to oonduot sales at reasonable tering, Satlefaotion guaranteed. Dates may be arranged at Tan PoaT Publishing House, JAS. STRETTON, 1.11 Auctioneer. VETERINARY. 1- D. WARWICK, tl • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. le prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated animals in a cora- patent manner, Particular attention ypaid tended to �OGBoe and Infirmary -Four ]doors north of bridge 'l'urnberry et., BrOB8OIO. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. M. SINCLAIR, BARRISTER V V • Solioltor,0onveyancer,NoteryPnb- tic, &o. OAice-Vauetone'e Block, 1 door north of Central Hote Solicitor for the Standard Bank. G• F, BLAIR, BARRISTER, Solicitor, &o. (late of GRITaw & Proudfoot'e solea, eoderioh.) Office 0700 Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels. Money to Loan. 47 MG. CAMERON, • (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Cameron,) Barrister and Solicitor, Goderlob, Out. 0¢100 -Hamilton 60,, Opposite Col borne Hotel, MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, or. D., 0. M., Trinity University, Fellow TrW- lty Medical College, Member College of Phy- eicia0a and Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal College of Phyeiulane and Licentiate of Midwifery, Edinburgh. aSRTelepbone 010.14. Residence, Mill St., Bruegele, E. T. SNIDER, 0. M., successor to Dr. A. McKelvey, Licentiate of Royal College of P31yqei01ane and Surgeons Kingston; Member of the Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, Diseases of women and children a specialty. Eight years' experience, ra'oin00 and res- idence that formerly occupied byDr. Mc- Keivey, Turnberry street,13russole, 25- J. M. ARMSTRONG, M.B., M.D.. M.C.P.S.O. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUCHEUR, ETO. Special attention given to diseases of the Throat and,Luugu. and diseases of Women and Children. 1iESIDENCE-WALT01r', ONT. DR. F. H. KALBFLEISCH, PHYSICIAN, 8CE0E0N AND A00000010011, SUCCESSOR TO DR. W. GRAHAM, BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO. let Class Honor Graduate of the Universi- ties of Trinity (Toronto), Queens (Kingston), and of Trinity Medical College I Fellow of Trinity Medical College and member of the 0)11e o of Pltyafolano and 00000 ne of Ontar- io. Yost Graduate Course in Detroit and Chicago,1800. Special attention paid to.dis- eaees of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, and dis- easesof Women. I•a'0onsultation in Eng- lish. and Gorman. Telephoneatresidence, IMPROVED YORKSHIRE ' BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will keep tot aervlce on Lot 20, Con. 0, Morris, the thoro'-btod Im- proved Yorkshire ]hoar, "Oak Lodge Long- fellow," No. 2480,brad b J.E.Brathone,Bhtr- fm'd, to which a limited number of sows will be taken. Tering, 81.00, to be paid at time of ser7iee with privilege of returning if nec- essary. A number of choice young sows for Wolfer breeding purposes which will be sold at prices . to suit 000BTeNi01iOL, Proprietor. nefm•e. A,ffer, Woodrs Thoapho I.no, The Great Patilit11 Remedy. Sold and recommended by at druggists in Canada. Only -011 able medioine discovered SO llaclt 400 fluaraoit00d to euro al forme 01 Bernal Weakness, all offeote of 11b084 or exceed Mental Worry, Excessive nee of To, Sacco, Opium or Btlmtrlante. Ma11ed on reeeip) >f price, ono package Si, six, S0. OneWittplease, IX tolll cure. Pamphlets free to any address. Who Wood Company, Windsor, Out Sold in it remota by 0,A, DEADMAN, D rngglat, Bookseller & Optician. TH EQ UICK WAY TO - hent a honer, Sell it douse, Secure n Servant, Or, In iaet, Buy, 8011 Or Seem% Anything, le To use the POST WANT ADS.0nYn arefrd,n0 a ' 131.s•t1,. J, H. OUallew sold a Dominion grand piano to J. G. Emigh. The taxes of 17. Livingston, to the amount of 9100, were remitted. R. R. Douglas hes purchased the grocery business of T. Watson & Go, Scott & McKenzie, barristers, Clinton, will open a branch law office in Blyth. Gouts. Powell was paid 912 for hie ser. vices as chairman of the street cam• mittee. Christmas tree entertainment, ander the auspices of Trinity ohuroh Sunday school, in Industry hall, Blyth, on Wed- nesday,December 2let. Nominations for Div. No. 7, Huron County Counell,00mprising Blyth, Wing - ham, East and West Wawanoeh, will be held at Belgrave on Monday, Doo. 1.9 h, at1p,m, The Liberal Coneervativee, of Blyth, met in annual meeting on Monday even- ing of last weak and elected the following officers • --Pres., A. McNally ; Seo., Frank Metcalf ; Treas., T. 0. McElroy. Herbert Ashbury, who has been con. neoted with T. W, Scott's grocery for some time pact, left on Monday morning of last week for Thorold where he has ac- cepted the position of book-keeper in the large flouring mills belonging to his uuole. Luoknow. We are glad to see George Lawrence around again after'eome two weekeil feeds with uloerated throat. J. G. Anderson, of the Luoknow evapor- ator worke, sold to W. G. Binder & Co., of Toronto, 1000 fatty pound boxes of evaporated apples, for shipment direst to Germany. J. P. Whitney, leader of the Conserva- tive party in the Ontario) Legislatute, spent several hours in Luoknow on Tun - day of last week, while on his way to Dungannon, to address a meeting of the electors tbercein behalf of Major Beak. At a meeting of the Luoknow Hockey Club, the following officers were elected : -Hon. Pres., J. D. Nichol ; Iron. Vice Pres., 3. Murchison ; Pres., Will. Irwin ; Vioe Pres., W. Davison ; Seo. and Treas., W. Mitchel ; Capt„ Wallace Corrigan ; Managing Com., A. Breot•hweight, Wm. Corrigan ; Subscription Oom„ W. Corri- gan, F. Kerr and W. Mitohell. Doubtless all of our readers are familiar with the story of the heroin Scnttish piper,Findlater, who when suffering from gunshot wounds and unable to stand, never ceased playing on his pipes, but cheered the regiment of brave Highland. ere on to victory. But perhaps no one is aware that we have in our midst a relit• five of this famous Soot, and one who bears his name, in the person of Mise A. I. Findlater, from Luoknow, the ohm m- ing young lady who hae recently opened a millinery department in the new rooms of the Purdy block. Mies Findlater may well be proud of her relationship to the dauntless piper. -Gagetown, Mich., Times. Late to W e1. The Bank of Hamilton have under con- sideration the opening of a branch in Palmerston. Roy Hacking represented the Listowel Hpckey 01ub at the annual meeting of the Ontario Hockey Association in Tor- onto. An effort will be made by the manage. moist of the North Perth Farmer's Inati• tute to get Bev. E. W. Panton to deliver a leotare on Forestry at some of their meetings. Mr. Gunther has let the contract • for building the vault add putting in the etone front for the Imperial Bank, which will shortly open an 11genoy in his build. ing. Neuert Bros. have the oonteaot for the mason work and Bamford Bros. for the oarpentering, eto. Publlo Bobool Inspector Irwin has been notified by the Department of Education that the sum of 9220 is payable to the ,County Treasurer for distribution amonget the eohoole of the county on account of the Public SohoolLeaving and Continuation Work. -Milverton, 960, Public School Leaving -S. 5. 5. 2, Mornington, 910 ; 5. 8. 8, Mornington, 910 B. 5. 0, alma, 92 ; S. S. 7, Elmo, 910 ; 8, 5. 2, Wallsoe, 95 ; U. S. S. 6, Waliaoe, 910 ; B. S. 2, EIma,95 ; 5. 8. 0, Mornington, 96 ; 5. 8. 10 ; Mornington, 96 ; 5. S. 1. Elmo, 95 ; U. S. S. 5, Logan and Elmo, 95 ; B. S. 5, Fullarton, 910 ; 8, S. 0 Blanebaed, 910, B. 8. 8, Dian - shard, 95 ; S. S. 7, Blanchard, 95 ; U. S. S. 8, Blanchard and Ueborne, 915 ; 5. 8. 0, Downie, 916 ; U. 5. B. 4, Fellation, 4,D DownS. ie, 5. S.8North tEllliiie°,910, S. 8. The patieooe of a Listowel audience was very eatiefaotorily demonstrated on Tues. day evening of last week, when MoDon- ald'e Mimic hall was filled with people to hear the Sherlock Quartette, but who failed to appear until two hourslpaet the appointed time had gone by. Through a mistake the {Quartette missed the con- nection at Guelph, and had to take the mixed train for Palmerston, whith was over three hours late. From Palmerston they were driven a0roe0, reaching here a few minutes:after ten o'clock. The aud- ience having been made acquainted with the position of affairs, with commendable patience awaited the Quartette's Doming, the interval,1e)ng filled in by looal talent, Misses .Hay and 1311rtbe; 3Mr, Stuart, ?Aimee McDonald and 0limie,1 Mrs. 13arthe and Mr. Gunther very kindly con. T 11 2 131JSat!;L POST i 1 the program. /tumorous n1 participants U 1i r' tin L the eu1 AEalmnenb of theg stldienuo Soarooly anyone had left the nd entertaining ocal seleobions were ball when the Sherlock Quartette arrived, rendered by 13. W. 5 ietnann, Geo. Currie and although being placed at a dieadvan- t a a by their nfno.m)Ie ray in the storm, they cuick1 oaui htthe a hl ro• ofativo ear of the bowie, and nope regret- ted having waited for the mueloal treat given them by the members of the Quer. tette. l5, ot-r•ie. A travelliug phonograph men struck town. It is rumored we aro to have two skat- ing rinks Ghia Winter, St, Stephen'e church S. S, purpose holding a grand entertainment in the town hall, Gorrie, o11 the evening of Deo. ember 20th. Division court watt held in Gerrie on Monday of last week, Hie Honor, Judge Doyle, presiding, The legal profession was repreeaoted by Meseta; lvforphy, of Listowel, Diakineon, of Wingham, and Irwin, of Gorrie. L. 0. L. -At the last regular meeting of L. 0 L. No, 767, held on Monday even- ing of last week, the following ollioere were elected for the ensuing year :- , W. AL, Thos. Nash ; D. M„ E. L. Morrell ; Chap., Jae. Leech ; 11, S., Jae. 19113010 ; P. S., Jae. Perkins ; Treas„ A. Roes ; D. of C., 3. A. Strong ; Leet„ 11. Harding ; Committee -G. Welker, A, B. Far - nay, P. Zimmerman, R. Stinson and W. J. Greer. Onor.-On Wednesday night, Nov. 80th, thegrim reaper again visited our village and (tarried off one of Howiok'e oldest and highly respected pioneer0,in the person of Philip MaTotoeh. The remains were laid to rest in the Gorrie oemetery on Saturday afternoon. The funeral being a very large one. Deceased was born at Long Goren, near Glasgow, Scotland, on August 20th 1821, and name to Canada with his parents in the year 1882. They settled in the: township of Dalhoneie, Lanark oounty where he took unto him- self a wife. He moved to Howiok with his family in the fall of 1858, and settled on lots 10 and 11, on the 7111 concession, which he cleared and cultivated until a few years ago, when he retired and mov ed to Gorrie. He leavee a widow and a grown up family of three sous and two daughters to mourn his demise, who have the sympathy of all iu their bereavement. C;lin ton. The Presbytery of Huron will meet in Clinton on January 17th. The Salvation Army here oolleoted the magnificent sum of over 970, the outoome from self-denial week. There has been 87births in town during the year, 15 1-5 per 1,000. The death rate has been 11 2 5 per 1,000 ; and 11 marriages. While two boys named Ronde and Oar. rick were handling a gen it in some man- ner went off, the powder burning Rands' leg, and part of the charge of shot lodg. ing therein, The Clinton Orchestea was ro•organiz• ed, and weekly praotioes are held on Thursday night. The instruments con• eie/ of three violins, two olarionete, ballad horn, flute, cornet, trombone, base and piano. A Mayor and six Connoillore will be the number of municipal officers next year ; and alt ratepaydre have one vote for the cis men they think bast qualified to represent them, in addition to the vote for Mayor. The Quarterly of0oial and Trustee Boards and their wives were royally .en- tertained by Rev. and Mre. Mil)yard. There were over fifty in the assemblage, and all enjoyed themselves immensely. The officers appointed to take charge of the Hookey olub'e affairs are :-Pres., J. P. Doherty ; Viee•Pres„ J. A. hillier ; Seo.-Treae„ S. Jackson ; Oapt., Wm, Manse ; Man. Com., P. W. Brook, G. M. Russell and J. Forrester. We are pleased to note that Robt. Coates, recently of the Toronto World staff, hoe bean engaged as Private Beare• tatty to J. S. Willison, editor of the Globe. Bob was sere to obtain some- thing of prominence, and he ie receiving the oongratnlatione of hie friends. He is spending a week at his home here. The officers of the Home Oirole for the ensuing year were elected, which are :- R. Irwin, leader ; Mrs. D. Fell, vice. leader ; W. L. Longh, recording wore - Lary ; X. Wiltae, financial sanatory ; Fl. E. Hodgins, treaeurer ; Mrs. R. Irwin, obaplain ; D. Lindsay, sentinel ; D. Fell., warden ; Wm. Everett, mnrshall ; A. V. Pattison, T. Jaokeou, Ir., and R. Holmes, trustees ; W. R. Lough and R. Holmes, auditors. .A,.t'Woott. The Presbyterian 8. S. entertainment will be held on the 28rd inst. Mies M. Campbell, of Guelph, i0 the guest of her deter, Mrs. Jno. Coghlin. James Danbrook, 8th oou., is getting rnaterial on the ground preparatory to building a brick house next Spring. Jos. Moloy hae had hie new pruning, reoently vacated by J. A. Mitchell,, com- pletely overhauled. painted, and other- wise made convenient and attractive. Mrs. .Pentland, of Dungannon, will preach annual Sabbath school sermons to the Methodist church on Sabbath, Deo. 18th. Entertainment on Friday, Deo. 28rd. The Canadian Order of Foresters have fixed on Thureday eve, Deo. 29th, ae the date of their anneal supper, and already preparations are being made for the big event. I. 0. F. BANquso,-About one hundred and fifty members of the looal court of Independent Foresters with their wiveo mud sweethearts attended the animal banquet held under the auspices of Court Atwood on Friday overBallantyne'ebtore. That it was a brillant suoceee goes with- out saying. An energetic committee, as- sisted by the ladies, spent oonsiderable time and effort in perfooting the details of the task entreated to them. The sups per was all that a oapaoioue stomach and well ordered digestion could wish for -it wag grand. 'There were oysters -"line, big, sleepy-eyed fellows -roast turkey and goon°, pies and cakes In great variety, salads, oandiee and flute, eta„ prepared in the most appetizing style and served by a bevy of smiling waiters. It was good to be there, and a lot of u0 were there, Everybody wore a geaoioue smile befitting the 000asien and affected en - pram toy and generous withal. The literary and inusioal dessert after supper watt very fine and heartily enjoyed by all. The ohnirman, Dr, Kidd, in a few pleasing remarks iiitrodnaei the several (a capital song), the al lathe I.ioberteon and Miss lisle StFathors ; Enstr me t Ie by Alias Kalbliaisoli, Aliso Struthersruthers andd Mo0ourt, the latter on the violin ; a reading by D. G. Anderson, the whole interspersed with brief, (Tidied address• es by Ohae, H. Morryf)eld, High Auditor, Robe, Smith, and 11, Y. hoar, high Junior Beadle, The remainder of the night was spent in padre, euchre, danc- ing and other games and amusements, - The Bee. 9r>ttAot•tlt. T, E.Ilayes andlt, McLean, of Tooker - smith, are now closing their first term as County Oounoilloro for this dietriot, and we understand that they that eeoking re•eleotion. W. E. A. Beet, who has been a faith• fol employee, ae general 113000 for the Temperanoe and General Life Insurance Go, for the past seven years, bas resigned his position with that oompeny and hae accepted the Inspectorship of the Hotne Life Ineuranoe Go., of Toronto, at an in. creased salary. A meeting of the Board of Trade was held in the Council Ohamber for organiz• ation purposes, The emaciation will be known ae "The Seaforth Board of Trade," and the membership fee was placed at 60o. The following oflioero wore climbed D. D. Wilson, President ; A. Young, Vice -Precedent ; W. D. McLean, Secretary ; W. K. Pearce, Treasurer ; Council -F. Holmeetead, F. O. G. Minty, W. 0. Reid, M. Y. McLean, James Scott, James Watson, jamas Killoran, J. H. Reid, Loyal Orange Lodge, No. 1460, No Surrender, held its regular meeting on December 2nd, when the following offs. Dere were elected :- Thos. Handley, W. M. ; Wm. Hunter, D. M. ; John Pinkney, Chaplain ; Thos. Reeves, Reo.•Soo. ; S. Hannah, Fin -See.; Wm. Smith, Trona. ; Henry T. Switzer, Dir. of Car. ; George Browh, Lecturer ; Fred. Reeves, n John Brintnetl, J. Bronner, Committee men. Geo. Boyd, J. Sonders, At the regular meeting of Britannia lodge, A. P. te A. M. the following offi- oers were elected for the current year :- R. E. Jaokeon, W. M. ; Wm. lament, I. P. M. ; J. Dodds, 8. W. ; L. Jackson, J. W. ; 8. W. Hedging, Chaplain ; J. 0. Bose, Secretory L. G. VaoEgmond, Treasurer R. J. Macdonald, R. D. 0. Neil, 3. D. ; Dr. Cooper, B. S. ; W. Patterson, J. S. ; R, S. Hays, Master of Oer. ; Jas. Soott, Organist ; Geo. Pattereon, Tyler •, Bros. Dallantyne and Dr. F. J. Burrows, Auditors. Dace tet-. Wm. Bawdeo, who has just completed s suaoeesful ooarae at the Kingston Com - morale,' College, hes returned home. The Fat Stook Show, under the etre- piths of the South Huron Agricultural Society, will be held at Exeter on Friday, Deo. 16th. Jones & Hall, produce merohant, -hip- ped a oar of poultry to Calgary, Alberta, one to Vancouver, B. 0., and one to the Old Country. Russel Southoott, sou of Wm. Sotth• oott, who reoently underwent a Burgles! operation in London, returned home ou Monday mach improved. The Presbyterians have engaged' Mise Ethel Webb, the versatile entertainer, and Graham Hodson, tenor eoliet, to ap• pear here on January 18th. E. Bissett has moved his butoher bus]. noes into the building recently vaoated by D. Dyer, who has moved into the premises vacated by Mrs. Orooker. Flora, daughter of George Anderson, met with a painful aocident. She was being °hexed by a little dog when she aa- oidently Blipped and fell, and in the fall broke the tendon of her left leg. She will be oonfioed to the house for some time. The Exeter Grist Mill which hoe been conducted by Stewart Broe. & Williams for the past seven months has again °bonged hands, Joseph Oobblediok hay- ing purchased a three•quar0er interest in the business and the Stewart Bros. re• tiring. Toe new firm will be known and styled as Oobblediok & Williams. At the regular meeting of Defiance Fire Company No. 2, the following offi- cers were elected ; - Capt., Samuel Sweet ; let Lieut., S. Handford ; 2nd Lieut., Wm. Creech ; Seo.-Treas., D. Spicer ; let Branohmae, Eli Snell ; 2nd, John Randle ; 8rd, Samuel Popplestone ; 41b, W. Johns ; Foreman of L. Hose, J. Taylor ; Assistant, Geo. Anderson. Samuel Grotto and Henry Wilson, of Grand Bend, while on their wsy home from here on a recent night, were relieved of seders, dollars worth of armories while their team was left standing in front of the Temperance House, Exeter North, A warrant was issued and De- teotive Neetoott euooeeded in tooating the geode in an old pig•houae at the rear of the hotel. Papers have been served on the indi• vidual members of the Exeter Council by A. Q. Bobier, requesting them to bring action in the name of the Municipality of the village of Exeter, against said Coun- cil to tanner front each of them the sum of 9494 87, together with interest there. on, being the amount levied and collect. ed during the year 1897 for a sinking fund to apply on the Town hall deben• tore debt, which amount has been divert- ed for ourront or other expenditure by the vote of the Council. In refusal of such request Mr. Dobler threatens to enter an action, The prize carriage team bought by Lord Minto from Robt. Beitb, M, P„ of Blow. manville, for 91,000, was raised by Hon. Thomas Ballantyne and Joseph Walsh, of Stratford. They stand 15.2, and are a very showy span of maree, e0uud ae a bell and keen drivers. Mr. Beitb bought the animals in Stratford last Spring, but didn't pay a thousand for them. The Mitchell Advocate hae received from au unknown friend a Dopy of the Toronto Weekly Message, of date April 80th, 1868, and publlebed and edited by the hate renowned William Lyon Mao- kenzie, The paper is filled with repeats of the Legislative Aesombly that was then sitting. , The editorials ateextlp me. ly personal and bitter. There is an ac- count of a seduction trial between parties living in Fullerton, tried at Stratford. Judge Hagerty presided, a nd the eonnee l were the late judge Liners and a A1r, Siewert, Thos. Mayne Daly was the member for Perth, The Standard Bank of Canada. Money Orders For amounts of Fifty Dollars and under iseued by /hie Bank, payable at par at any chartered Bank in Canada, with Lite exception of Branches in the Yukop Die- tri0t, RATES Under $10 , 110to20 20 to SO . SO to 50 $0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 M. M. BRENT, AGENT, BRUSSELS. IDER MILL Brussels Cider Mill and A.pple Butter Factory, Mill street, has been overhauled and is now ready for oper- ation. Fetch on your Apples. Terms Reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Geo. Edwards, Prop. Spectacles -OP ALL KINDS - Fitted to Correct all Failures of Eyesight, and your Eyes tested FREE by latest Optical methods at Division Court Office, BRUSSELS. riCOSI V i [ll make a wen man of'YOU i 0100er 00000008 TCC 000P6 00000053110000 60000. PIOt330I aures all Nervous Disowns,Simplon.neon Failing Memory, Nightly Emlestoae, Sporran. I0rrh00a. Impoton 5y, oto., canned by pa.t • 0000. quickly butenrol) i else L0O MLimo�ln old or young. Use 0051 and you win grow strong and nappy xat,(ala. Sent by men 111 p1000 wrapper andoverly sealed, from observation. Easily carried In Vest pootet. Pr100,, 07.. aryryrookyyaygag0a.s,.la ed 'otter. Send nil lettere to J "T. or Dragggle� Wooaero00,. ONT., Agent for Go, Do. mtwon of Caned,-. McLEOD'S System Renovator -AND 01n0E- TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE. For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleepleaenee0, Palpita- tion of the Heart, Liver Oomplaiot, Neur- algia, Loss of Memory, Bronohitie, Con- sumption, Gail Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregnlaritiee and General De- bility. LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manotaotarer. Bold by Jas, Fox, Druggist, Brussels. A. COUSLEY Real Estate 86 Loan AGENT, BRUSSELS. Money to Loan on Farm Secur- ity at the Lowest Rate of Interest. Money Loaned on Notes and good Notes Discounted. Sale Notes a Specialty. Fire f@ Life insurance Written. Special Attention given to Conveyancing, A. COUSLEY, 9 001ce over DDeeadtnan'e rug Store, OWE oeSt car Call and see our stook of 'Blankets, Sheetings, Flannels, Tweeds, Yarns, Etc., Wool, Hides, Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. Carding, Spinning, Weaving, Knitting, etc , Promptly attended to at the BRUSSELS WOOLLEN MILL. t 'CAsu PAID FOR HIDES. (i NEW �(�Ver sVou I The undersigned has open- ed up a Butcher Shop in the SIAL! BUM, =MA where he will keep constant- ly on hand a supply of the Best Meats Procurable, sold at reasonable prices. A share of public patl:onage solicited. 3. 1111 2 .LICE n. Meat delivered to all parts of the town. Important to ..FARMERS It will pay you to place your order with us for k7F1:17X1V EITJSJIMS, IaDG'I G1 HTO., early this season. As proprietors of the largest Nurseries in the Dominion (over 700 acres), we are able to speak advisedly. II-a'YOU WILL REGRET IT IF YOU DELAY YOUR ORDER. Give a hearing to our Agent when he calls. Pears are bringing large prices in the English market. Do you grow any ? If not, allow our representative to tell you why we can furnish superior pear trees, and then give him a trial order. We can utilize the services of a few good men to sell our goods. Demand for our Stock is heavier than ever. Supplies furnished free and our agents paid weekly. STONE ck WELLINGTON, 19-2m NURSERYMEN, TORONTO. High Grade e . . FURNITURE ...AT LOW PRICES,.. • 0 —The bargains we are offering in ..CHAIRS.. is the talk of the countryside. Our stock runs from the ordinary kitchen chair to the most luxurious parlor chair, finished in the newest styles and with most fashionable materials. -In Rockers we have a very taking line with. Cobbler leather seats, oak or birch, Mahogany finish, and in Arm and Easy Chairs we show a fine line. --Our Furniture is High Grade but our prices fit the pocket of the public every time. N• A. specialty made of Upholstering.. I Your old Furniture made as good as new. MUTES and EMU FRAMING, —A large and well selected range of Pictures always kept in stock. Also a We are Carrying a tremendous stook of furniture. Such a variety to eeleot from you can't find elsewhere in the county. Whatever you want, your smuts eau be suited here, large quantity of Mgplding for Frames. If you require anything in this line call in and make your selection. UNDERTAKING. —A large stock of Coffins, Gas- kets, and other goods pertaining to this line always kept. Personal attention paid to Embalming, and prices lower than any place in the County. —Pianos and Organs, the best r in the market, sold at rock bottom wile Strength prices. of our position as the leaders 10 the fur• niters hneihese lies in the fact that the BIG VALUES IN Inakimum quality andthe minimum W IDTDOW SHADES, price alwaye go together. R" LEA T H E/\ A L EM r