The Brussels Post, 1898-12-16, Page 1Vol. 27, No, 28
ear 2
The year about to end marks the most euoaeseful
one in the history of our bueineee. We do not speak boaetingly
of it but merely put the fact forward Be a proof that the good
sense of the people ie sure to find out and appreoiate the liminess
or business man, who seeks by fair dealing and a thorough know-
ledge of bis business to merit the trade and oonildeaoe of rea.
sonable men.
The reasonable increase in our sales of Alen's and Ladies'
Fur Garmeuts is to tie an evidence of the fact that reliability
:moots every time. In previous seasons we have sold Fur Coate
that by reason of their quality satisfied every Customer, and 00
the leaven of satisfaction has spread, until, as we have stated
previously, it bee resulted in a large increase in the sale of Good
Fur Coats.
Reliability counts in Fur Coate, as in every other line. We
know it from experience. Reliability le the full name of the
goods we beroio quote prices of. Many of these line are new
Christmas Goods.
Boxed Puff Ties, one Tie in each box ; a most handsome re•
membranae for Christmas. Prides 60 and 75 ciente. Bow Ties,
in a multitude of Shapes, Colors and Deeigne. Prioee 25o. 35o.
and 50o.
Black Silk Mufflers at 61.00 and 111.25. Colored Silks, at
90c,, $1.00 and 61.25. Fine Mitts and Gloves, at 50o., 750., 85o.,
61.00, $1.26, 61.50, 61,75 and $2.00.
Linen and Lawn Handk,rohiefe, Hemetitohed and Plain
Border, at 10o., 15o., 20a., 25o., 35o., and 50o. Silk Handker.
chiefs at 850.,.50x., 72o., and $1.00.
Boys' Ail Wool, Long Stockings at 25 and 36 dente. Sil-
wolk'e Flannel. ab 35c., 45o., and 50a, a yard. Boys' Fleeced
Lined Underwear at 40a., 45o., and 60o. Mans' All Wool
Gurneeye, at 500. ; Men's Fleeced Lined Gurneeye at 50 and
75 cents.
Mena' Seita, Our Own Make, at $8 00, 610.00 end $12.00.
Mane' Overcoats, Our Own Make, at $7.00, 69.00 and $11.00.
Boye' Lined Pante, Our Own Mako, at 50c. and 75e. Boys' Pea
Jackets, Our Own Make, at 63.00, $3.50 to 65.00.
Greiff & Mactloualil,
O16th,iers, r3ea£orth,
On the Wrong Side of the Street in the Strong Block
It's Going to be a
Great Christmas
J.FW HiL,L, Hl -& Z ST0.. H0
rf L (TX ` XT ` '
We think so if you will only take a
walk through our store and see our
Dazzling display of i oliday Goods.
We have the finest line of
Presents you ever saw.
that we Can meet every want most eatiefaotorily, and at the lowest
possible prioe. We make a specialty of Watches and Wedding Rings.
Ladies' Gold and Gold Filled Watobee, 612 00 rip
Gents' " " " 11 00 up
Boys' Watches, .. ,. 5 00 Warranted good timekeeper
Ladies' Long Obaine,„ 2 00 up
Gem and Wedding Rings ; Gents' Garnet Rings ; Opal and Diamond Rings ;
Brooches and Stick Pins, the very latest in enamel ; Bracelets, Lockets, Charms,
Purses, Side and Built Pompadour Combe, Belts, Brushes, Comb,, Mirrors, Pipes,
Gold Speotaoles ; Mantle, Alarm and Eight Day Cloaks.
A beautiful dieplay of Selsey Berry Diehes, Sugar and Cream, Cake Basket,
Baking Dishes, Dessert Setts, Pickles, Butters, Bisonit Jars, Bon Bon Dishes, Berry
Spoons, Cake Forks, Pie Kaivee, Sugar Shells, Teaspoons, Knives and Forks, eta.
-all these flat goods Rogers Bros. 1847 A 1 goods.
A beautiful display of Fancy Goods and China -Cups and Saucers from 20o. up.
A Few Souvenir Goods Left.
Panoy dollar and duff Boxes ; Shaving Boxes ; Photo. Holdere ; Trinket Boxee ;
Manicure Sete, Trays, Work Baekete, Photo. Frame Violins and Violin Sundries.
ectacles Fitted Free of Charge.
We will be happy to have you look through our stock and will
not ask you to buy. The time will be well spent.
T. Fletcher_
The Close Price Jeweler.
issuer of ,Ilfarr°iale L cemses.
W. H. KERR, Prop.
New Advertisements,
Loot --Arra, Kirk,
Loual-G, E. Ring.
Local -I. 0. Rioharda.
Xmas -G. A. Deadman,
Xmae Buying -Jas, Fox,
Xmas Holidays -G. T. R.
New goodo-MoKay ,g Oo.
Gloves -•Smith ,E McLaren.
Merry Xmas -A. Straoban.
For Christmas -T. leletoher,
Sewing k'lachines-'P, Moore.
For the Holidays -Jae, Joon.
Did you ever -Ross ft Halliday.
Clearing sale-MoKinnon dr do.
Biota and Shoes --1, 0. ltioharde.
Did you ever thinly -H. L. Jttolteon.
Cutters and Sleighs -Ewan 8c Innes.
Iloliday preeente-J. Forgotten it 00,
Suoaeeeful year -.Greig Sr Macdonald.
f , Cs±ricf Reim
W al ton.
It takes Walton people to run a good
Sabbath School Convention.
The roads have been badly drifted, but
are fairly well opened up now.
Rev. Mr, Givens, of Syracuse, is visit-
ing at Wm. Smith's in Walton.
On Friday evening, 30th inst., the
Methodist Sabbath school anniversary
entertainment will be held. In addition
to a good program there will be e
Ohrietmae boat laden with presents for
the children,
Anniversary tea meeting in Duff's
church on friday evening of next week.
Addresses are expeoted from Rev. Mr.
Whaley, Rev, Mr. Tiffin, G. F. Blair, W,
Ef. Kerr and others. Mueio by Misses
Moore, of Ssaforth, and a Brussels
Quartette. Rev. Mr. Whaley will preach
on the following Sabbath.
Thos. Wagborn, V. S., a well known
and highly esteemed resident of Walton,
accepted Biblical advice -that it was not
good for man to be alone and consequent.
ly won the heart and hand of a most
estimable young Indy of Kirlrton, in the
person of Miss Amanda, daughter of
Nioholae Shier, an old and worthy reei•
dent of that looality. Many good wishes
will be extended to Doo. Waghorn and
hie bride for future happiness and pros.
perity. THE Poem throws an editorial
slipper after them.
1Y110 r1•11S4.
THE Posx gives the news,
Eleotion talk is getting all the go.
E. Canteen went to Wingbam on Mon•
E. Littlofair had a good auction Bale on
Friday last,
E. Littlelair moved to his house in
Blyth this week.
Additional Morrie township news may
be found on page 5 of this issue.
Geo. Taylor will try for a Councillor
for 1899. We like to see the young men
Come to the front.
Ohriatmas Trees, entertainments,
socials and weddings are getting very
common. The latter ie quite catching.
The roads are in a bad state. Nothing
else for it but to keep on top of them
every day with a plough going behind the
Our Reeve, Mr. Bowman, is in the
field for 0o. Councillor, and will no doubt
have some opposition. That means the
life of trade.
One of our young farmers took an
neural= Sunday afternoon on horse.
back, and on arriving at hie destination,
the animal completely covered with snow,
he was greeted with "Thunder, Jack 1
Ie it you ?
JLJ1 'uij'11 ?Jll' ,,Q
Winter Term opens Jhnl $1'& 1699,
A Large, Popular and Progrosslve In.
stiUtlion-None better in Canada.
ia'Ctrenlars Free.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
For the
{Erb• ...,�a
Fine Assortment of
And all kinds of Jewellery.
Call and Examine Stock.
Special attention to Repairing.
The fire on Townley evening of Iaeb
week, at Wm. Oekley'e wee plain to be
seen from the West Bide of the township.
Everybody should attend the Domino,.
tion on the 19th, at Brussels, for County
Council, and again on the 'loth, at the
Township Hall, Morrie.
A. T. Colo has purchased a fine thoro'•
bred Short -horn bull from Mr, Corley, of
East Wewanooh, for whioh he paid a
handsome figure. We wish Mr. Cole
noose in his enterprise.
The ran for the lieeveohip is going to
be between Wm, iebister and Geo.
Kirkby, Thie leaves an opening for
some Councillors, and the names of Geo,
Taylor, Wm. Jackson, W. Wray, with
the pree00b Councillors, Messrs. Coad
and Cardiff, are mentioned. Nomine.
tion day will tell the story.
Tax Collector Mooney bee been a busy
man for some weeps back and had
gathered in $0,200 up to Wedneeday
night of this week. He was expecting to
increase thatamotlet by$1,000 on Thurs-
day as he was to be at the Town Hall
that day. Mr. Mooney eayv he never got
more money on hie made than tbie
SunnEN DEATH. -On Wednesday, Mrs.
P rauk Ball; 3rd line, died quite suddenly,
aged 40 years and 21 days. The funeral
will take place from her late reeidenoe,
North half lot 21,8rd line, an Saturday
forenoon, at 10 o'clock. The interment
will be made et Bluovale Cemetery.
Mrs. Bell's demise was a ead eurpriee to
the community and the family is deep ly
sympathized with.
CranD& o°It.
A wedding on the tapir.
Shooting matoh at Jaoob Long's on
Thursday of thie week.
Tom Poem gives the news. Send it to
your absent relative or friend.
Mrs. Blair is nn the eiok list but we
wish her a speedy convalescence.
A. MoNair was in Toronto for a few
days this week on a business trip.
Last Sabbath the congregations at our
churches were somewhat reduced by the
bad state ofthe roads.
Mrs. John Stewart is not enjoying very
robust health at the preeent. We hope
she will soon be better.
Ritchie Bros. and Tom Brown, who
went Weetward last Spring, arrived
Home last week and will likely spend the
Winter here.
The anneal Bible Society meeting will
be held in Cranbrook in the near future.
Rev. Jno. Rose, B. A., of Brueeele ; Rev,
D. B. McRae, of this plane, and W. H.
Kerr, of THE Poer, will addrees the meet•
Mrs, Robb. Brown and Mies Maggie
arrived home last week after a lengthy
visit with relatives and friends in the
Western States. They bad a most en-
joyable visit. We welcome them back to
raMre. henry Buttery, 12th oou., has
been on the sick list.
Statutory Council meeting on There -
day of this week at Ethel.
David Holmes' new house will be Com•
plated about the end of the month.
Trueman Smith was away this week at
Goderioh as a juror etthe County Court.
Wm. Gorealits, who has been employed
in Fullerton township for the past Sum-
mer is home and will spend the Winter
A wedding ie on the program East of
Cranbrook between Christmas and Nerve
Years. The new house will have a house.
Richard Bielby, 12th con., arrived
hnme from Manitoba after a sojourn of 4
months, His trip agreed with himsplen.
Owing to the snow strom and badly
drifted condition of the roads the pupils
of S. S. No. 8 had several holidays dur•
ing the past week.
The name of Wm. Brown, who has sat
for a number of years at the Council
Board, le mentioned as a poeeible eandi•
date for the Rseveehip. Be'e a good
Mise Rosanna Ball, who has spent
several years near the Paoifra Coast in
the Southern States, arrived home for a
visit with relatives and old friends. We
welcome her beck.
Owing to the change in the law there
will be uo Deputy Reeves in Grey after
this. The electors will be naked to elect
a Reeve and four Oonuoillors instead of
deeignating any member Deputy Reeve.
What appeare to be very much like a
peat bed has been discovered upon the
farm of B. Lang, gbh con. A sample will
be sent to the Company pushing the
buaineee at Toronto for their inspection.
Wedding invitations are out for the
wedding of Miss Mary, daughter of Jno.
Sheehan, and Alex. D. MoOceh, of Kin-
cardine. The ceremony takes place on
Wednesday evening of next week at the
family reeidenoe.
Duncan Elder, of Fifeehire, Scotland,
was visiting at his uncle's, J. M. Mala•
toeh, 12th con. Mr. Elder oame from Soot -
land last May and 'intends going to Alle-
gheny, Pennsylvania, where he has
another uncle, after New Yeare.
Jno. MoTaggart, 16th Con., retuned a
short time ago from a month's visit with
rolativee in Elgin County. Mr. Mao.
thinks the natural gas a great institution
as on some lines every house nearly uses
the gas for lighting and heating purposes.
1t is found at a depth of about 70 to 80
feet. Each farmer bas hie own gas well.
A debating eooiety has been organized
in S. 5. No. 3. The officers are Peter
McArthur, President ; Robert Strachan,
Vice Preeident ; E.D. Molntoeh, Secre-
tary -Treasurer. Meetings will be held
on the 1st and Brd Tuesday evenings of
each month. The firab debate will be held
on the 20th inst., when the subject under
disouesion will bo "Resolved that there is
mote pleasure in pnreait than in pontiff •
Bion." The captains aro R. Strachan
and P. McArthur and will bo assisted by
Mex. Yuiil and E. D. McIntosh and N.
M. Richardson and D. MoDonald, reepeo•
tively. Everybody should join the So.
oiety ae it only costa 10 Cents and there
is a pile of fun as well ae a large share of
information to be gleenad before the
Winter is past, Attend.
The pathmastsrs sbonld look after the
proper opening up of the roads oa their
roopeotive beats.
The revival eerviaes at Bethel Ouch,
Monorieff, have been filmed down in the
meantime awing to the reoentstorme and
bad roads,
Luthur Ball ie expected home for
Cbriotmae holidays. He hoe been filling
an engagement at Purtage•Ia•Prairie,
Mrs, Wm. Irwin, of Delmore, who was
vfaiting her sister, Mrs. David Livingston,
16th BOIL, returned to her home on Wed•
ueeday of thie week,
Don't forgot the auotion sale of 'rh .a•
Johnston, lot 7, sen. 17, on Tuesday
afternoon of next week, 20th inet., at 1
o'alonk. The list includes farm stook,
implements, ito.
The aideroadein.many places in the
township are filled from fence to fenoe
and traffic on them Completely suspend.
ed. It was a great storm, in fact a record
breaker for this eeaeon of the year.
The annual socia! and Christmas tree
in oouoeetion with the Sunday sohnol at
S. S. No. 1 Grey, will be held on Friday
evening, 23rd inst. As anal a good pro.
gram ie being arranged and a fine time ie
Last Monday morning the residents of
the 15th and 16th eons. turned out to
open up the road after the storm and by
the time they got to the Western gravel
road they had 17 men, 7 teams and a
snow plow at work. They made a good
job of it and set a pattern worthy of
emulation to other lines.
Last Friday evening quite a number
gathered at the residence of John Bate-
man, 6th line, to celebrate the eighteenth
anniversary of their wedding. Alter all
bad partaken of a bountiful repast the
evening was spent in mueio and sooial
chat. The time of separation being at
hand the Company dispersed well pleas•
ed with there evening's amusement.
Wishing Mr. and Mrs. Bateman many
wedding days to dome.
SCHOOL REPORT.- Following is the re-
port of the 11. S. S. No. 4, Eima and
Grey, for the month of November, names
in order of merit :-Entrance oleos. -
Willie Peter, Nellie Gaynor, Dora Shan.
non, Charles Laidlaw. Jr. 4th, -Ed.
Collis. Br. Brd.-Harry Shannon, Scott
Peebles. Jeeeie Smith, Laura Thomson,
Myrtle Wilson, Walter Hamilton, Thos.
Gaynor. Jr. 'Walter
Hunter, Jen.
nae Bewtlnhoimer, Roy Thomas, John
Netberoott, Willie Donaldson. tad class.
-Alvan Shannon, Walter Peebles, Adella
Nethercott, 011ie Lovell. Sr, Pt. 2nd. -
Fred. Stevenson, Andrew Laidlaw, Ram
Bell Annett, Lloyd Nethercott, David
Whiting. Sr.r. 2nd. -Jessie Don
Whi ,. J . P n
sou, Idit Kerr, Peroy Annett and Ella
Hamilton, equal, Jno. Wilson. M. Pt.
2nd. -J. Thomson, May Eats, Bert.
Wilson, Willie Hanna, Leo Gaynor.
Souoox-Rmroo,.-The following is the
report of S. S. No. 9, Grey, for the month
of November. The names are arranged
in order of merit :-Sr. 4th-Lawrenoe
Motanuelit, Bessie Oliver, James Mann,
Verne MoNaught, Russell MoNaught,
John McKay. Jr. 4th -Ella MoNaught,
Lorenzo Bray, Hattie Fraser, Burwell
Robertson. Sr. 3rd -Norma Sperling,
Willie Harrison, Ethel MoNaught. Jr.
Brd-Olive Oliver, Willie Mann, Frank
Harrison, Nellie Harbottle. Sr. 2nd -
Wilbur Bray, Harry McNaught, Norman
MoNaught, George Mena, Henry McKay,
Willie Mann, Wesley McKay, Willie
Hanley. Jr. 2nd - Robbie MoKay,
Maggie Mann, Katie Harbottle, Part
2nd - Winnie MoNaught, Myrtle
Sperling, Alfred Machan. Sr. Part let
-Fergus MoNaught, Willie Hislop. Jr.
Part let -Alex. Mann.
Come and bear the phonograph.
Quite a number are having a shake
with grippe.
Township Council here on Thursday
of this week.
Miss Mary A. Dilworth bas returned
home after spending two weeks visiting
friends in Morrie and Bruseela.
We wonder what attraction there is
for the young gentleman who goes out to
Atwood and has such a good time ?
You should keep better Mauro, Geordie.
The annual dhristmae Tree and enter-
tainment of the Methodist ohuroh Sab-
bath School will be held in the Town
Hall, Ethel, on Deo. 28rd. A good pro-
gram is in preparation consisting of mueio,
vocal and instrumental, recitation, dia-
logues, dto. The phonograph will also be
on hand. A cordial welcome to rill.
Two young ladies from Atwood started
out on Friday night of last week to visit
their uncle Frank, East of Ethel, but the
roads being blooked, they had quite a
diffioulty in getting through, and had to
call on a farmer at midnight to eesiet
thein to their journey's end. Take it
driver next time girls.
Samuel Hall died Wedneeday morning
of last week, of pneumonia, aged 66 years.
Mr. Hall was born in Gilberdyke, York.
shire, Eng., and Dame to this Country
about 45 yawns ago. Re went to Belle.
villa in 1853, but removed again to Quabeo
and Mont reel but did not finally Battle there
until 1878. He 0000 engaged in the con-
etruotion of the G. T. R., and for over
thirty years was a faithful and efficient
engineer. Deceased was a brother to
William Hall, of Ethel, and was a most
highly esteemed gentleman.
The revival services will be continued
this week, Much good is being done.
The Masonic fraternity will bold an
"At Home" in their comfortable hall on
Thursday evening, 22nd inn.
Memo. Gibson it Wade have imported
another oar load of potatoes of the Fay.
orite variety from Rimouski County,
The eide.roade of Milo township were
badly drifted up by the storm of last
week. They were almost impassable, but
willing bands opened the road on Mon.
The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
was administered in the Preebytertan
ahurolton Sunday. Prepaeatory services
were held on Friday by the pastor, Rev,
A. B, Dobson,
Muoloipal politics are very quiet, not
boiling like they did other retire. The
present outlook is that our present Oaun-
ell will be re•eleoted by acclamation.
J. J, Oriap, our popular station agent,
ie enjoying a short vacation. He la ea-
oompanied by his wife and family, W.
Leaser, of Harrieton, is relieving him.
B. S. Cook has returned home from
Goderioh from the late session of the
County Council. We hope that this will
not be hie last trip to the County town
as County Oommi-eioner for this divis-
The following officers have been elected
by Jubilee Oounoil, No. 229, R. T. of T.,
for the ensuing term :-P. C., Wm. Wat-
ters ; C. 0., T. McLaughlin . V. C., Mies
A. Edwards ; Chap., 1'. Davidson ; Rea.
Seo., E. Riehm ; Fin. Seo., Alex. Smith ;
Treas., Miss E. Donaghy ; Herald, Geo,
A. Wilson ; Guard, Mise L. Brown ;
Sent., John M. Thompson ; Trustee, L.
G. Hooey.
Hon. J. T. Garrow Eleoted In
West Huron.
The following are the retorne of the
vote polled in the West Huron eleotion
for the Local Legislative on Thursday of
last week
DECK. miaow.
No. 1 72 62
No. 2 58 64
No. 8 56 68
No.4 48 66
No.6 40 54
No, 6 56 65
No.7 32 63
356 422
Majority for Garrow 66.
A No.1 94 33
No.2 70 24
No.3 68 45
232 102
Majority for Beak 180.
No. 1 79 49
No. 2 103 04
No.3 05 59
No.4 62 84
No. 5 28 98
No. 6 23 82
No.7 33 83
893 464
Majority for Garrow 71.
No. 1 71 60
No.2 63 43
No.3 65 29
No.4 42 75
No. 5, maj 26 63
267 270
Majority:for Garrow 8.
No. 1...,,
No. 2
58 61
78 72
No. 8 41 70
No. 4 31. 49
196 252
Majority for Garrow 54.
No.1 69 84
No.2 68 80
No.8 98 65
No.4 40 47
265 226
Majority for Beok 39.
No. 1 59 48
No.2 60 47
No.8 79 48
No.4 93 76
281. 209
Majority for Beak 72.
No.5 88 32
No. 6 82 61
No.7 26 57
96 150.
Majority for Garrow 64.
No. 1 46 65
No.2 60 47
96 112
Majority for Garrow 16.
No. 1 85 88
No.2 28 86
No.3 84 57
No, 4 44 42
No.5 82 89
No. G 81 31.
No, 7 28 28
No. 8.......,41 84
278 295
Najority for Garrow 22.
Total vote for Garrow 2502
" " Beok
Majority for Garrow 45
Henry Leconte, while felling trees
near Ridgetown. WAS etrnok on the head
by a limb from a small maple tree and
There is a hot disenseion between Galt
and Berlin newspapers ae to whioh town
will get the new armory. Both Berlin
and Galt have offered Bites.
The County of Grey is agitating for a
House of Refuge, and tate Owen Sound
San, in advocating the project, shows
from etatietioe gathered from the various
municipalities, that in 1896 $8,866.19 was
expended for the maintenance of
There ie a rumor that the G. T,
R. le about to construct a branch line
from Belle .River, through Essex, t0
Kingsville. On the etrength of the rumor
several pieces of property have reoently
ed betide in teem . Jon Curr
Chung x h y,
manager of the Cameron estate, which
has large holdings in that neighborhood,
admitted that he had consented to give
the land for the station at Essex,
CHURCH C11f►ii 9.
Ooneeoration service in conneabion
with the Epworth League next Sabbath
Next Sabbath eveningMelville J6ndeav-.
or will have a0 their topic "How Eu enjoy
The new F,pwnrth League paper "The
Canadian Epworth Era," will be out
this week.
The eubjeot at the Young People's
Chapter of St. John's Church on Thurs.
day evening "Why I am a Ohurahinao."
Rev. Dr. Murray, of Kincardine, has
been nominated by the Presbytery of
Maitland as Moderator of the next Gen-
eral Assembly.
Special invitation is given to children
to attend the morning service in the
Methodist ohuroh neat Sunday. The
pastor will preach to young people.
Rev. Dr. Hannon, of Stratford, receiv-
ed a unanimoue invitation to the pastor.
ate of the Park street Methodist church,
Cbatbam, which be has accepted, subject
to the action of the stationing committee.
On Christmas evening instead of the
regular preeohing service a Obriebmas
Praise program "Peaoe on Earth" will be
preeented by the ohoir, assisted by the
pastor and members of the Sabbath
Rev. A. H. Benton, the evangelist, who
for the past few weeks has been laboring
in London vicinity, leaves ebortly for
Patterson, New Jersey. After a ehort
stay there be will return to London,
when he will conduct a aeries of meet.
Last Sunday morning Rev. Mr. Abey'o
text was sainted from let dor. 4 and 2,
"However it is required in Stewards that
a man be found faithful," At the even-
ing eervioe the text was "Tell ae when
shall these things be ; and what shall
be the sign of Thy coming, and of the
end of the world," Matt. 24 and 3. On
Christmas the morning service will oom-
menoe at 10.30 o'clock.
Rev. S. J. Allan's text last Sabbath
morning was "For we walk by
faith, not by eight," 2 dor. 6.7. In the
evening the text was "A friend loveth at
all times and a brother ie born for ad-
versity," Prov. 17.17. Christ's friend-
ship was (1) Proven in adversity ; (2)
The friendship of a brother ; (8) The
only friendship that meets our need ; (4)
The time for making His acquaintance.
sobeoription list to the fund of 1,000,000
guineas, whioh the Wesleyan Methodists
are deairone of raising next year, will not
be formally open until January, a fifth
part of the total has already been guar-
uarante d. Central meetings have been
held in 6 of the 34 administrative
dietrists into whioh Wesleyan England ie
divided. Three London divisions guar-
anteed £70,000 ; Birmingham guaran-
teed £50,000 ; Leeds, £30,000 ; and
Manohester, £40,000. 28 districts have
not yet been beard from.
In Melville church last Sabbath Rev.
Jno. Roes, B. A., Continued the series of
discourses on "l lath." The morning
Snbjeot was "Burial of the Dead," Gen.
23rd ohapter. We should bury our dead
in a spirit of (1) Humble submission ;
(2) Tender affection ; 3) Abiding remem-
ranoe ; (4) Cheerful Ohristian hopeful -
nese. At the evening service The
Funeral of Jesus" John 19, from 31 verse.
was the topic. The main divisions where
(1) The Time of the funeral ; (2) The
people at the fnneral ; (3) The place of
bar's'. Subject next Sabbath morning,
will be "Does death end all?"
Clauad3au Newai.
The Contract has been awarded to M.
Connolly for the St. John harbor im-
provement. The price is $820,000,
The Avondale Oheeee and Butter Co.
have sold their output for the month of
September and October to Meesrs. Ballen-
tyne et Sons of Stratford for Oto. a lb.
This is considered a very fair figure.
The make for the two months amounted
to about 800 hoses, which were brought
to town on Friday in some thirty-two
loads. The output for the season is in
the neighborhood of 100 tons, eo that Mr.
Waddell and his assistants have bad a
buoy time of it this year.
In November of last year John Grant,
of Oregon, died, and was estimated to be
worth $50,000, whioh in the natural
course of events wanld go to hie five sur-
viving brothers and sisters in Tilbury
Best. James Grant, a brother, left Til.
bury East for Oregon Boma months ago,
and returned there on Wednesday night
with the embalmed remains of deceased,
whioh were disinterred and will be buried
near hie old home, Deceased was a big
sheep rancher, and although the heirs
have as yet been unable to locate his title
to the land, the sheep have been Bold for
the benefit of the estate. The matter is
in the hands of the lawyers, eo that the
olaimanbe will likely be fortunate if the
estate realizes one-half of what it was
originally thought to be worth.
Six bye•eleations were held Wedneeday,
five being to fill vaoanaies in the Domin-
ion Rouse and one for the Ontario Leg.
ielatere. Of the Federal hye•eleobione,
two were held in Ontario, two in Qnebeo
and one in Prince Edward Island. In
Ontario, West Lambton returned Dr,
Johnston by the very large majority of
969, and incidentally Celebrated the 47th
anniversary 0f the advent of the late Edon.
George Brown auto politioal life. North
Simooe remains independent, returning
Leighton MaUarthy, a nephew of the late
D'Alton McCarthy, who iopresented that
riding for so many years. Probably the
greatest surprise of the day was the re..
turn for the first time ainoe Oonfedera.
tion of a Liberal in Begot, Qaabec. Mr.
Maroile is the suooeasful Candidate. In
1866 Mr. Dupont, Ooneorvative, w88
elected by aaolamation. The Liberal
majority in Montmagny, the other Qes.
bee consbituenoy, heehaw inoreased from
242 in 1806 to over 500. Mr. Martineau
is the member -Mot. Dani Prince a
wealthy and popular Conservative Candi•
datesuneeded in Blighty reduoing the
Liberal majority, In East Nortbumber•
land for the Ontario Legielature Mr.
Douglas was not only re-elected but situp-
ly overwhelmed Dr. Willoughby by a
majority of over 600,