HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-12-2, Page 8i
In Ileeke or ley Holiday
linea suitable
! y giving and an
extra One line for the children,
• o
to Fancy Deeds We eannot begin to tell
yon of what we hove In
Oellnloid, Plush and Leather for
either Ladies or Ceutlemen,
In Mins Ws havea wide range and
eo Oheap. Also a nine line
of Bableefor Taaobere and Scholars,
O *
In Games We head lite list—Orokfnole,
three kinds t0 eboo6a from ;
Sheba—the opposite of Orokinole ;
Ohookers, Authors, Lost Asir, Par•
oheeai and a number of other games,
We are Headquarters for Santa Claus.
G. A. Deadman,
Druggist, Optioian & Bookseller.
'trains leave Bruosela Station, North
and South, ae follows:
0aurees '7:10 a,m. Mail 0.10 p.m
Wised 9;95 a.m, Express 10:10 p.m
,oici.[ Xt.e.tm kerns.
A ohiel'e amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Poor 3 should be read.
Denser' hogs are being marketed.
Tun sleighing livened up business.
Bnusenre grain market takes to eeoond
Dlextu o Horse Fair on Thursday of
this week.
A Beneath freight train watt up this line
on Monday.
W. H. MOORACNEN rroeived a oar of
potatoes this week.
FOURTH Division Court on Tueeday of
next week, 6th inst.
BetssmLs business places are putting
on their holiday clothes.
One 82,000 were paid out on Tuesday
of last week at Brussels for poultry,
Two tramps were accommodated with
lodgings in the loak•np on Tuesday night.
Tartan oars of baled bay have been
shipped this week by Messrs. Beaker &
WEDDING invitations printed neatly and
oheaply et Tan Posr Publishing Rouse.
Call and see the samples.
Me. JONES is chipping three oars of
dressed poultry this week. They have
had a busy time dreeeing and handling
FETON THEM EACs.—Tbe parties who
borrowed oarpenter'e tools belonging to
Hugh Williams are asked to return the
some and save further trouble.
will make a large shipment of live hogs
from Brussels ou Tuesday of next week.
There will be 500 hogs in the lot.
Per your taxes and save 5% on the
dollar. This ries will assuredly take
piece -on and after the 14th fait,, and
every taxpayer has been notified to that
effect. Only about $1,500 Lave been
paid yet.
Ma. gown says that in the finding of
the Court in reference to Howe ve. Ronald
neither side is in any better position than
before and Mr. Ronald cannot get at the
property without commencing an action
in which the same question would arise.
BOORe WANTED IN.—Will all who have
booke belonging to Brceeela Free Library
kindly return them at onoe as it is neoee.
sary that they should all be in and check -
el over by the oommittee. There ere
only 15 or 20 books out now so those hav-
ing them will kindly see to their immed-
iate return.
Eon Huron Farmers' Institute Dirac -
tore met in the Town Hall, Brussels, on
Tuesday afternoon. Those present were
President Strnohan, Vice President
Fraser, Secretary Rood and Directors
Moegrove, Bretbaner, Elliott, Smillie,
Gardiner, Gibson, Mordie, Blair and
Kerr. After the minutes were read the
program for afternoon and evening meet-
ings were arranged for Wroxeter, Brus-
sels, Loodoaboro', Bluevalo, Furdwiob and
AT the Canadian Order of Foreetere'
Court, Brussels, Tuesday evening, two
oaodidatee were initiated. Following
that Dame a debate on the relative merits
of raising the rate or an inoreaee of Fra-
ternity in perpetuating the Order. The
affirmative was captained by I. C. Rich-
ards, supported by Jae. Blashill and Jno.
Shuttle. For the negative Wm. Miller
lead, supported by Geo, Kerr and Jas.
Bowman. Jno. Hewitt presided during
the debate, On a vote of the Court
Fraternity won by a good majority.
Reeve Bowmen and Geo. Rogers were
appointed to take charge of the nexb
DEM REeurTEn,—Tuesday afternoon
about 2 o'oloak Mrs. (Rev.) Allis was
dusting off the top of a high glass cup-
board and had removed a number of
bottles for that purpose, packing them in
a box on the table, Etta, the little 2 year
old daughter, with the help of a chair,
climbed up on the table and got hold of
one bottle oontaining a small quantity
of carbolic acid. Child -like the at once
pat it to ben month and drank the con.
tents. The mother's attention Was called
by the little one gasping and a physician
was enmmohed, meanwhile household
remedies being used. For eeveral hours
Otto little girl lay in a state of coma but
on Tuesday night revived ooneidorably
bat was bothered by chills end fever.
Her month and throat were severely
burned from which she suffered a great
deal of pain until Thursday morning
aliont 9 o'niook When she died. For the
last half day she bad a number of con.
vuleiono. The remains will be taken on
the afternoon train Friday to London for
interment. A short oorvtoo will be bald
at the Parsonage at 1,15 before leaving
I3rnseele. The family ie deeply sym-
pathfsed in the sad death of their bright
little girl,
Bow local antidiotriel uewo au page 3 of
title fseue,
'ran Toronto papers failed to show up
on Friday afternoon's train.
A u€ burglars PANG n t glare la doing the noun -
try. Beep an eye ppen for them,
Mao' oubooribere peep rolling in to Tun
Pon. We give the news anti the pnbile
know it.
J. J. Grams has exchanged hie noble
little horse "Tommy" to Doe. Moore for
a rather gayer driver.
Doet forget your sleigh belle when
drivinga cutter of sleigh. The law makes
their tree imperative to avoid aooidents,
EAST Huron Lioeos° Cammiseiouoro
met et the Central Hotel, Brueoe's, on
'1'nesdsy of this week, and made the
transfer of Bhtevolo hotel license from
Oto. Putltind to 0lr. MoGuire, of Lteto.
Tug Pon returns thanks to H. Dennis,
of Chatlntm, formerly a wellknowd Brus•
eelite for a handsome 1899 calendar con•
Mining a good picture of Mr. Dennis'
harness and trunk emporium in Chatham.
IFIr. Dennis bite a fine business.
IN remitting his subscription to Tae
Pon for 1899,Nelson Currie, of Brandon,
Man., formerly of Brussels, writeo^,—Tau
Pear is as good as a letter from home
every week_ We are having good weather
hers yet, a little snow today, Nov. 21st.
Tines were good bete during the past
Summer. W. 11. Cloakey will leave here
shortly for home. Myself and family are
IIowu vs. RONALD.—This was an 'action
tried at the Assizes held in Goderiolt on
Monday, Nov. Stet, before Kis Lordship,
Chief Justine Meredith, and was broogbt
by Geo. Howe as next friend of his
infant children, Emma Jane and
Georgina, to beve it declared that the
lands known ee the Howe woollen mill
were the lands of the children, who had
formed a partnership under the name of
Howe & Co., and not those of George
Howe, and to have the defendant's execu-
tion, now in the Sheriff's hande, net aside
as a cloud on the title. After hearing the
evidenoe,the loaned Budge held that it
had not been established that the proper-
ty belonged to the infants, but that it
was clear that the property had been
purchased by Geo. Howe from the cor-
poration, and that be was not the owner
thereof. He therefore dismissed the
anion, but without oo0te, leaving the
defendant to his rights under his exacta
Won, E. L, Diokineon for plaintiff.
Garrow and Sinolair for defendant.
1899 Vmr,Aon Couscrr,.—Municipal af-
fairs are quiet, seeing that in the course
of a month election day will be here.
After 7 years of honor Reeve Kerr in-
tends dropping oat of office, and it ie
hinted that Councillor Thomson will be
willing to promote. Councillor Backer
is also an old member of the Board who
baa bad aspirations for the ohair of the
Chief Magistrate. More than ordinary
care should be exeroiaed in the choice of
next year's Council in Brussels in view
of oontemplated work for 1899. For a
number of years the business of the
municipality has been most agreeably
and oarefully managed, and we expect
will be continued by the wise selection of
gentlemen to wormy seats at the Board.
It is a most unthankful office, and a
man who does his duty will not please
everybody, nor need he expect to, never.
tireless the necessity of prudent, oleau
and economical management still re.
mains. Often the selection 'of the 5 men
ie left to the last minute before amain. -
tion, but a wiser method is to secure the
consent of the beet persona in the tor•
poration for the respective °Moes, and
thereby make sure of your representa-
tives for the forthcoming term.
RIVERSIDE Man.—Under the capable
management of Mieo Gerrie M. Davis,
Grand Organizer, a ladies' department of
the Maooebee Order, known es the River.
side Hive, was instituted in Brussels
last week. The following officers were
chosen for the current term :—Mrs. G.
A. Deadman, Past Lady Commander;
Mre. W. F. Vanotoue, Lady Command-
er ; Mrs. A, MoGuire, Lieutenant Com -
mender ; Yrs. Neil McLauehlin, Record
Keeper ; Miee Dolly Baeker, Finance
Keeper ; Mies Jean MoLanohlin, Mistress
at Arms ; !Fire. 0. Zilliaz, Sergeant ;
Mrs. S. Carter, Sentinel ; airs. Robt.
Denbow, Picltet. The meetings will be
held on the let and 3rd Friday evenings
of each month, in the Odd Fellows'
Hall, it ie expected. In addition to the
fraternal aide of the Hive there is a bene-
ficiary certiftoate for from 8900 to $2,000,
according to the decision of the member.
As to the "goat," the lateneoe of the
hour at Lodge meetings, &o., Tun POST ie
not able to oxprees an opinion, but refer
the seekers after light to the able staff
of oifloers mentioned above. Rivereide
Hive will bold its first regular meeting
on Friday evening of this week.
TRAP alaoouxuo.—Jas. T, Rose and
Frank Stratton were instrumental in ar.
ranging 0 very successful trap ebooting
pigeon contest, both live pigeons and blue
rooks, near the Salt Works on Tuesday
afternoon. For the first match of the
season the snore was good and indioatee
that Bruooeliteo ars quite, competent to
retain the laurels of the peat. In the
live bird conned there was a 80 yard rise
and a 60 yard boundary. Each nom•
petitor was to have e, thane at 8 birds
but before the completion of the roonda
the stook of birds was used np. The
score wee ae follows :—
W, M, Sinclair 11 1 1 1 1 1-7
M, M. Brent 1 1 2 3 1 1 1-7
R, Roche 1 1 2 I1 0 0 1-5
Jae. Irwin 2 2 1 2 0 0-5
10, Watt 2 3 3 0 1 1 1-5
Jno. Hewitt................ 0 1 1 1 1 0 1-5
Kenzie Soott 0 1 1 2 0 1 1-5
J. T, Rose 1 1 0 1 1 0 0--4
D, 0. hose 0 0 1 1 0 1 0-8
W. M. Bioolairtopped the class by killing
7 birds with 7 single shots. Where the
figure 2 appears in the eooro it indioates
the use of the double barrel for the bird.
112. M, Brent, manager of the Btandaid
Bank, ie quite an acquisition to the Gun
Club as big record will prove, Kenzie
Boott was the meet youthful of the com•
petitors but was ae steady ae a veteran
and will prove big ability to cope with
the beat with it little practice. In the
blue rook competition each person had 16
etanoes and 1, T. Roes headed the list
with 19, the nest four scored 12, the next
three 11 end thelaet 9 birds. The record
WAS :—
00,00 9000S.
J, T,10000,,,111509111111111.48
R, Roche 01 11 0 1 1 1 1 11 11 10—I2
MM. M, ewi t 01 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0-12
John Hewitt 11 11 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1-12
Ross —101110111111110-32
Jae.. Itttn .„ 101111101011011-11
R. Watt 1 31 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1-11
'RY. M, o Scott
0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1-11
lfonxio Scott 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 311 1•— 0
It is expected that other matches will be
engaged in and probably Weide otubs
Meowed ice a contest,
Same venturesome lade were ekating on
the 41 aftland on Thaukogiving day.
BRIMMING Woman F, S. Saari wee
settling the Plebiscite aaoa nate for Haat
Muton Inst week.
Quite a few Brnsselites attended the
box WOW at 10..1. Moaartliutas, Croy, no
lin ,
Bit sears Onaosc FACTnnv,--Tho pat-
rons of thle factory wbo Have not tailed
yet for their cheese are naked to kindly
do no the first of next week.
VMS BMW= Senn.— The town of
Golden in British Columbia hue purchas.
ed a Ronald are eugiue. They made no
mistake iu seaming a Ronald steam
tighter as they are the beet on the mer-
Tun LAND of WnteA'r,—Rabb, Burns, of
Neepawe, Man., writes ids father, Robert
Borns, of Brnesels, that be had 4,850
buehele of wheat this year and 1,000
baahels of dale. He sold 1,800 buehele of
wheat and is holding 8,000 for a rise in
market. It le 15 or 16 years einoe Mr.
Barna went to Manitoba. He has 480
acres of land now and is doing well. Hie
wife was a Miss ticNabb, of Morrie town-
Brunt Sucrtrr.—The anntnt) nleeling
of Brussels Branch of the Upper Oanada
Bible Society was held in Fit. John's
ohuroh on Wednesday evening. There
was a fair attendance, but nothing to
what "there should have beeu for a
anion of the three oongregations in town,
Rev. Mr. Abey announced the opening
hymn and after it was sung Rev. Jno,
Rosa, B. A. offered prayer. Ret'. 11,
Paul read the 19th Psalm, and President
Stradhan followed with a neat, concise
opening speech. The annual report,
showing that 8112 was raised last year,
wan read, and on motion of Rev. R. Paul
and Alex. Stewart was accepted and
adopted. Rev. S. C. Edmunds, B. D„
the agent of the Society, 000npied about
40 minutes in explaining tato good work
being done by the Upper Oanada and
Quebec Branches and the British
and Foreign Agencies ; their financial
position ; some of the difficulties ; and
the ueoeeeity for increased liberality to
the arose. The past year's staff of of -
flee bearers waa re•eleoted, on motion of
Rev. Jao. Rose, and will oonsiet of the
following :—
Pres„ Thos. Straoban ;
Vice -Pres., the resident ministers
Seo.-Treas., W. H. Kerr ;
Asst, Seo„ A. 50. McNay ;
Depositor, G. A. Deadman ;
Directors, A. Stewart, W. 1'. Vanatone,
and T. Fletober,
A vote of thanks was passed to last year's
oollectore, after wltioh the meeting was
brought to a close by Bev. Mr. Abey pro•
pouncing the Benediction. At a meeting
of the Directors it wee agreed to bold
meetings at Sunshine, Ethel and Oran.
brook as in former years. Arrangements
as to data will be made with local
AT TRE KLONntAE.—On the evening of
Thanksgiving day a large andienoe as-
sembled in the sobool room of the Metho-
dist ohuroh to enjoy the somewhat
unique entertainment designated as a
Klondike Social. Each person wse
presented with a small pick and shovel,
emblematic of the gold region. Lunch
was served at small tables in one of the
class rooms, the ourtttined passageway
to it being named the Ohileoot Pass.
Steaming ooffee, sandwiches and cake,
with a bevy of pretty waiting maids,
attired in white with floral head•dreseee,
proved quite conclusively that we were
right in the midst of civilization. Short.
ly after 8 o'oloak Rev. S. 1, Allis, pastor,
took the chair and introduced the follow•
fug program :— Instrumental dnett,
violin and organ, H. L. Jackeon and
Mise Lizzie Sample ; male quartette,
"Sowing and Reaping," Jas. Joon, W.
H. Kerr, T. A. Hawkins and N. B.
Gerry ; reading, "A Brimner'e mistake,"
Mies Minnie MoNanghton ; solo, "Tired,"
Mies Lyda Creeks ; humorous reading,
"Money," T. A. Hawkins ; solo, Mies
Mellen Ames, of Ethel ; debate, "Lie.
solved that the Wheat fiels of Manitoba
are better for the Dominion than the
Gold fields of the Klondike." B. Gerry
and Co. Councillor Mooney upheld the
affirmative end Postmaster Farrow and
W. H. Kerr the gold. No deoision was
given ; solo, "Gold mutt he tried by
fire," Alex. Ross ; solo, "He's Bleeping
in the Klondike to -night," with guitar
accompaniment, Fred, Gilpin ; vote of
thanks to all assisting ; solo, "Good bye
till we meet again,' Jae. Jones ; Dox-
ology. The school room was prettily
deoarated with orange and red, and
portraits and gold (?) nuggets on the
platform. Financial proceeds 825.00,
which the Ladies' Aid treasury will take
charge of.
CIOUReit enDIN .
Advent, Collects and hymn No. 392
for Thursday evening's service of St.
John's Young People,
"Waiting Harvest" will be the entrant
under consideration at the Epworth
League next Sabbath evening.
A Christmas song eervioe entitled "Oa
Earth Peace," ie iu course of preparation
by the Methodist church choir aeeioted
by members of the Sabbath lichee!.
Last Sabbath morning Rev. S. J. AIIiu
preached from the text, "Give and it
shall be given unto you, &a.," and in the
evening, "Train np a child in the way it
should go, &o,"
Rev. A. B. Simpson, the evangelist,
who recently induced a New York audi-
ence t0 give 8113,000 towards missionary
work in one day, and wbo is now in To.
ronto, was raised in Chatham township.
A eister still resides at Chatham.
Rev, G. J Abey oo1upied the pulpit in
St. Johne Church lest Sunday. His
morning text was "Knowing the time,
know that it is hints time to wake out of
sleep," Rom. 18:11. In the evening the
subject was the parable of the Ten Vir-
gins, both discourses being on the Advent
'there is a movement on foot to pre-
sent Father Cbiniquy with a suitable
teotlmonial on his approaching ninetieth
birtbday. Though only ten years below
the century, the reformed Catholic priest
remains almost ae vigorous ae ever, look.
Mg none of his powers. A alveolar letter
is being sent to Presbyterians all over
Snr1' DENTAL FACTo,—Daring the year
1897 the Salvation Army found 1,241
lost panne, reformed 1,866 ez.oriminale,
rescued 3,808 fallen women, enured
permanent employment ler 2,784 mon,
reoeived 16,782 unemployed into its
workshops, supplied night shelter for
1,568,288 men and Women, provided
menta for 8,154,280 men and woman,
daily oared for 2,600 poor and holpleee.
"Syetmmlio and proportionate Civ,
Ing" will be the topic' at Melville En-
deavor next Sabbath ovening,
"Things to Come" will be the aubjcot
of a oerieo of mothIng aermmla ht Alel-
viile chervil, next S'tbbatll'a discourse
being on 'Tenth."
]lev, 1i, J. Treleaven, paetnr of the
Colborne street Methodist ohureh,
Brantford, has accepted en invitation to
remain a fourth year.
Legit Sabbath morning Rev, Jao, Rose
discoursed upon the Guiding of the
Spirit, St. John 16;18, and in the evening
he vontinnod the sorieo on "Mount Her.
On the morning of Tbouliagiving day
Bev. Jao. ROne, 13, A„ preaohed a very
appropriate discourse in Melville church,
Ills text was Bt. Luke, 17.11,—Tho
Meaning of the 10 lepers. The one who
returned to thank the Saviour is worthy
of example in that bio thanksgiving was
((1) Individual ; (2) prompt ; (3) humble ;
(4) hearty ; (5) aooeptable ; (6) gainful.
here was a good congregation present.
Next Sabbath Rev. Geo. Webber, of
Toronto, will preach Missionary anti.
versary sermons in the Methodist ahead)
here at 10,80 a. m„ and 7 p. no, In eon•
neotioo with the Sabbath School in the
afternoon Missionary Day will be observ-
ed too. Recitations by Mieo Maggie
Blelby and Mioe Norah Mauudere,
oborua bya3 or 10 little girls, and a short
address by Rev. Mr. 'Webber aro on the
Business Coed's,
DnoED apples wanted. A. Strachan.
OAR load of ohoioo potatoes at lvfo.
TEATIMES wanted by It, Detainable,
Coax arriving this week at Stewart's
Mill, lirukeols, dry American.
WINDow shades in large variety and at
lots prices at R. Leatherdalo's.
One, best American, yellow, for eale
at Rose' mill. Close prices for oasb.
JUST received a oar of oatmeal to ex.
change for Date. Beaker & Vanatone.
ALw,rs toke the G. T. R. when you
OEM. S.S.S.—Scenery, Safety and Speed.
A maw baby carriages will be sold abent
coat to save carrying over Winter.
It Leatherdnlo.
WANTEn, — Choice butter 17 nuts,
dried apples and poultry, G, E. King,
WATCH out for Inc advt, next week.
We will have something to please you.
Jno. Walker, Brussels,
Orsrti Season is bore and W. A. Orioh
is prepared to supply the public with
Booth's best brancls from Baltimore.
W. A. ORION is still doing business at
the old stand where may be found bread,
oakes and pastry. Fruits in their sea.
BEMEtmt= oar bargain day—Saturday,
Deo. 3rd. It will pay you to see the
shoes we will offer on that day,
I. C. Richards.
Pon GO days we offer a 16 a 20 picture,
with a choice of frames from 30o. up, and
smaller sizes proportionately cheap. Jno,
Walker, Brussels,
BIwannn kind of bargains in pianos
and organs at B. Leatbordale's, Agent's
profits given to anstomers. Call and see
before you bay.
Wn will pay four cents per pound for
any quantity of good quartered dried
applea. Very dark thin or °hippy stook
not saleable. A. Btrnohan.
Wauu in Brossele don't fail to ea at
Jno. Walker's furuitn,e warerooms and
see the elegant Stook of furniture he ie
handling this Fall at right prices.
Tram eeoond hand organa for sale
obeap—a Bell, a Doherty and a Domin-
ion. All in good condition. Apply at
Jno. Walker's furniture warerooms,
now until Christmas Miss Roes will give
a Big reduction to all pnrohaoors of Milli-
nery. A call will ocnvicoe the ladies
of the bargains to be snared. Store in
the Stratton block, Brussels.
T. MoGRtnos bee a qunutity of saws
for sale or will exchange for saws that are
out of order. It is olaimed thesesawe will
out more timber with leas filing than
any other saws in the market. T. McGre-
gor, saw gummer and filer, Queen St.
East, Brunie, Ontario,
got your choice of two oar loads of tatters
as they are going out fast. . Five have
been disposed of within the last week, of
which two are going to Manitoba. Any
kind you want at rook bottom prices,
Ewa& & INNEm,
ANT amount of wood will be taken for
saw gumming and filing. Wood may be
rough or smootb, hard or soft, any length
or in the log, to be delivered before the
worlt !saves my ebop. T. MOGRnceon,
saw gummer and filer, Queen street, East,
How long should a man's legs be ?
They Should be long enough to reach
from his body to the ground. That is
easy enough accounted for and so is the
fact that Walker ie selling pianos like
hot cakes because he handles the best—
the Dominion.
A Ptrreamase Drsoovlenz,—"Soak and
Swab" is an infallible, painless and non-
poisonous remedy for the owe of Cancer,
Cartilaginoce Ulcers, Sore Throat and a
variety of shin dieeasoo, It cures oaneer
in any part of the body where the liquid
can reach it. Send for circular giving
instructions bow to apply the liquid.
Bold ab 60o, per pint and 80e. per half
pint bottle, MoLEOD's Lanomeonr, Godo.
rich, MrSold by Jae. Fox, Druggist,
Brussels, 6.tf
}3:1$'C)- *.18310 2 S6_P eu 05 0'w;
Fall Wheat
Butter, tubs and robe ...
Eggs per dozen 14
Flour per barrel.....,4 00
Potatoes (pet bug.) 50
Hay per ton. 5 00
Hides trimmed 7
Hides rough 5
Balt per bbl,, retail 1 00
Shoop skins, eaoh 80
Lamb skins each ...... , 25
Hogg, Live 4 25
Dressed Hoge 6 00
Wool 16
Appleo (per bag) 50
4 60
5 00
4 25
5 50
8IoDAoN.--At the parsonage, Ridgeway,
on Oat. llth, the wife of Rev. 1. H,
Monain of a daaghter.
Bnnagss,-1n Damsels, on Nov, 20th, the
wile of Mr. Sanwa Borgne, of a
Dix. 2, 1898
ST.I ND '. RD Ia.f1 NI OF aY4 JY',,4 Da'1,
Tw'r 9.naacammaaa0D 7.E'72.
CAPITAL Peal) Ill' MillionDonnas) •
ItliB101t0'i: J. [TNI) • . - (,,00000,,696
Agencies la all principal points In Ontario, Qno-bec,Manitoba, IlttitedStates nOl;nylao0,
tri i)°1 t°aft"dGa 1s igoitedreff.,
A General Banking Bueineee Transacted, Farnsere' Notes Disoouuted.
Drafts loontd and Ooilootions made on all pointe.
Interest allowed on deposits of 81.00 and upwards..
Every facility afforded Customors livit,g ata distance,
M. 10, BRENT, McNAelin.
Fant—I tiara,—At the R. 0. chore'',
Blyth, on Nov. 22nd, by Rev, Father
MuEwen, Mr. M. Farr, of Saltford,
to Mies Annie Kelly, of Blyth.
RICTAIr.AN10.--In Grey, on Nov. 25th,
Thos. MoFarlane, aged 78 years.
AnraN.—In Brussels, on Deo, 1st, Eno
Rene, youngest daughter of Rev. S.
J. Allis, aged 2 years and 3 ,nonthe,
[Under this heading small acivts, 31.121 bo
inserted each week at 1 omit it word. No
advt. 1000 than 10 cents, however, to bo paid
for when order is given)
Two Oowe, giving milk, for sale.
20. T. MO ORE, Brussels,
HANn•BLErlti6, Dolls, Carriages, Boys'
Wheelbarrows, Ohtldreu's ()arts at
THE POST Bookstore,
kJ rets of the underoigned, a sow, about 3
years old. The owner is requested to prove
Property, pay expenses end take her away..
31• NEIL McLAUGHLIN,Bruoaelo,
une of the undersigned, Brussels, on or
about August let, 2 sheep and 1 lamb. Owner
may have the same by proving property and
Paving expenses, JAMBS SHAW,
20.40 Brussels P.O.
for sale, known as the Hemsworth
Louse, will be 0010, cheap as 000pri0101 is
going back to his farm. Possession at Duce,
For further particulars apply to
WM. 1POLLARD, Ethel.
oouid find a oomfortable home with
opportunity of going to school, with the uu•
dersigned. , Would also supply her clothing.
GB0108E 10000NALD,
21-2 Lot 17, Con. 1, Grey.
Jamestown P. 0,
WALssR have been placed in the
Standard Bank, Brussels, for collection,
Those interested are kindly asked to call
thorn Inside of the next 10 days arid settle
the same. JAMES WALKER,
The Council ;of the Oorporattou of the
County of Huron will meet in the Council
Chamber in MO 'town of Onderich on 013161i -
DAY, the 0th Day of DECEMBER, next, at 8
o'clook 0.01. W. LANE,
Dated Nov. 21, '98. O1ork.
TroNDNO, Money to loan, Farms
to veil.
�f 0Ar.11, Lot 10, Con, 0, Croy, 13 feet o1
it touches Oho river. Immediate possession,
For price, terms, &e., ep ply to
19- .01i0S, 1001111, Brussels..
on 131111 street, Binnacle. The house
Is a comfortable one, well fitted np, with
collar, hard and soft water, &o. There is
also a good stable. Fruit trees In garden :
over nne.quartor acre of land, For pries,
terms, &o,, ripply to F, FINN, Proprietor,
or W. E. KERB, of T9E POo'r, 18.01
M. 11,1\1001019, V. S•, hat removed his office
mid roeidonoe to the property recently eur-
obond by hint, opposite 1), ]9wall's roeidonoo,
Nortb•west corner of town Park, Thanks
are returned for pa00 patronage and a con.
autumn.) of favors asked: 13.4
M. H. M00R10, V. S.
The hlaheat market pride, in cash for
poultry live or doad. The farmer meal not
be fed the evening before nor the morning
of delivery, and the dressed poultry must
not be drawn, No live fowl' taken except
when bargained for previously.
S. G. 30141:8,
Walker's Butcher Shop,
17.11 Brussels,
Mas ou'e System of Touoll and Teohnio, in-
cluding Clavier emetic°, given by M109
SARAH 0,01719E 1‘1000110, L. 0. M., who
holds Areaclemie comities tea in Music from
London Conservatory; pupil of W. Coven
Barron, PrinoitMb She Its 01a0 a competent
pipe organist, Miss Moore visits Walton
Monday and Tuesday of each week for the
Purpose of giviue iustruetions on piano and
organ. For partioulare apply at Mr. Fergu-
00P'S residence, Walton, or posterleo box
188, SooIoi'eh• 20•
County Council Election.
Public notioe is hereby given that a meet.
Ing of Otte Electors of County Council Divis-
ion No. 0, Composed of the muutcinalitioe of
Grey, Morris and Brussels, will be held fn
the TOWN HALL, BRUSSELS, on Monday,
the I9110 Clay e1' december, 15118, at the
hour of 1 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of
nominating candidates to reproeout them in
the County Connell of the County of Huron,
for the years 1890 mud 1000 and that in. Case
a poll he demanded and allowed in the man-
ner by law prescribed suou poll will bo open-
ed en the 2nd day of January, 1809, in eaoh
of the polling sub -divisions at the 'time and
pleat) fixed by by-law in the mnu1o)palitioo
iu the said County Division,
Dated atl3ruesols this 1st day of Decem-
ber, 1898. F. B. 0000T,
Nominating Oflloer.
This Week
'ox's Drug Store,
C rohiuole,
AS popular ao ever and we are
offorinti the beet board in the mar-
ket at 75n., and they are going fast,
'Black nook,
A talo of the Selkirlts, by Rnipb
Oonnor, so very popular 01 present
Bagster Bibles,
Comprehensive teacher ; largo,
Wear type ; Oonoordanoe and
Maps ; very fne edition—$1,00,
nRnaYontn offers his fine 200 nem
farm being Lots 27 anr138, Si Con. 8, Morrie,
On 1110 premises arc 2 oomfortable houses
and 0 barns, two orchards, wells, &o. 105
cleared, balance bush. Farm is only 2 miles
from Walton village and 99 from Brussels,
Possession could be given 0,12 months after
sale, For further particulars as ho price,
terms, &o., apply on the premises or If by
letter to Walton r.0,
g� 10.40 Proprietor.
fl)AoHaleO fSoAo—th - k0aCRES
South 1
of the North i of Lot 80, Oon .2, Bash Wawa -
nosh. This is an euoellont stook term, befog
well impelled with good spring water'., Itis
situated about 9 mites from the thriving Vil-
lage of Blyth. A large part of It Is under
grass. Buildings and fences are in a fair
state of repair. Easy terms of payment will
bo „given, For all information apply to
1140 G•F,13 LAIR, Barrister, llrnesols.
001001) FARMS FOR SALE.—
The undersigned offer two 100 aore
farms for vale ntl'essouable prices. Tile lots
are Noe. 10 aud 11, Con. 0 (Sunshine), the
vtderoad between them. Good brick house
and barn on lot 11, and honed and 2 barns on
lot 10, Orchards and all neoeesary conven-
iences. Well watered and suitable for grain
or grazing. 100 notes now in gra00. Will be
sold either separate or together to suit pur-
ohaser or of
Terms tpaymentreasonable.Im-
mediate 304 0230 0 For further is P. particulars
apply to JOI SO , Barrister,
Brussels P. 0., or
E, L. DIOXIN SON, Barrister, \vinghnm, lit
cad Mantles.
Special Bargains
for the next Month
to clear out this Season's stock,
Call and get prices and seo goods.
It will pay you.
Mrs, E. Rogers,
'eta ate,
ND anyone who has to buy Clothes for them knows what that means, The yery
best Clothes made last none too long --nothing but cast iron could resist the wear
the average Canadian youngster subjects his Clothes to,
The Better the Clothes are wade
The Cheaper they are :in the End.
Here are a few of the Leading Lines
We Want you to c0lne it and see :
—Boys' 2 piece Suits ,in best Canadian Tweeds,
good quality, weights and colors, well lined and
trimmed, sizes 22 to 28, at prices ranging
from $1.75 to
—Boys' 3 piece Suits, 4 button, sacque cut, sin glo
breasted, finished first-class ; just the thing for
School ; sizes 28 to 38, price
—Big Boys' Suits—a line to satisfy in single or
double breasted at right prices.
Your Patronage is what we want
and we intend to court it with the best values that are to be had. Court-
eous and honest treatment you are assured if you come to this store.
oval. 5e7'