The Brussels Post, 1898-12-2, Page 7T H E 33 R V S S E L S POST. t, t „ MINISTER ntf M��l� , feel s !he work rh f Ir 1y1INISTER OF TILE ogpEL. lt+lltl7`+tn(n ministry, atilt Yare glad of ltl.4 •L, Y you have heard serinn08 on the !turd•. ahil''. of the ntinisr1y, on the pt Mations of thr Jnini'lry, on the 80!'1''((08 of the minas ry. 1 twee thought, in this lay parting address, 1 would talk to yeti le little while about the joys of the ('1r(:+(:u1 ministry, hoping. that. Le. Le • 1 pet I hrough 1 !nay Induce some s ub + len ll•' 1• u nun l alk n 1 n Ih hese young i Y g guu l of the Luri. Almighty. 111 the first puttee, there Is the joy of haerosling !cork. The mini.;lea' of Christ in this clay must toil thorough- ly and conlinuou ly if be would be ablo to instruct, the people, be must butte something decided to say, nand be tilde to say it in such a way that the people will understand. There are in this day so many pamphlets, so many hooks, 80 many newspapers, so many levitating platforms, that the great mast? of pegpite (11'e uecustnmed to die - rose gnesli`1ns of liternaure, and mor- als, and religion; and 1 care not how fine the vuiee may be, how elaborate the rhetoric., or how high-sounding the phrase, unless the minister of Christ has swooshing to say, all the people know it, and (r1:IESV ]KNOW 1'1' RIGHT AWAY. Hence he must be busy not only with the books inliia library; but with that book of every -day Christian exper- ience and of worldly observation. 11e mu..sb not only know what were the sceptieisme of Hume, and Gibbon, and Voltaire, but be acquainted with the modern is fidelities that swarm in the street and drawing -room. Besides that, his heart and band must ever be open for Caristimn sympathy and help. There are 1118 bereaved Lo be comforted. :thele are the dead to be buried. Tbere are the fallen to be lifted up with great ermouragemant. There are young men coming to town who need Chris- tian 01)7151001. Plenty of work for voice, for Hand, for pen. Besides that, there are a tbousand charities of the world and of the Church to which he must Ln the name. of Christ, put forth his hands. REV. DR. TALMAGE. PREACHES ON HIS ADVANTAGES. NOr,• less 'l .., Ctai ui 9::err Monson d et '013)'))) Dave dime ea 0%0 run` 'M'Imultfal• Ova. -Soma' or (hr Int la ur the ('hrismu AtlasI tiry r. Talmage r k IlGfIrN n i rl et Pf I Ripo S;Iagl4Pnt Sennett Olt 1 Idr g or 0 Bllntlt(r a 0,015'. p}, (148p10Leh front Washington hays: —flee. Dr, Tnhn:1m' preached (ram the dear- ly :• following text-" My brethren i ly bolused end longed for, my joy and erawn."—Philipians iv. 1. That is what Paul said. expressing hie love for bis eonfidenee in the peo- ple to whom he ministered. Rut the words are just eppreprinle lernighl. for me to 11130, in this my parting ticldreee now, as l 1110 suints Litho to he absent from you: "i\ly brethren dearly be- loved end longed for, lay joy and My grown." The great cry in all denominatione of Clirisl.iuns LO -day is fur more minis- ters. There are many brilliant young men, having earnest hoarts, now en- tering upon life; but for the most part they float past the ministry into the counting -room, the law -office, and the medical chair. So much has been written and said about the hardships of the ministry, that our young teen are nfraid to run the gauntlet of so much neglect, abuse end starvation. [ havo tai say that the majority of the books written on this subject are ex- aggerations of the sorrOws of the min- ister's lite, and for the most part give only one side of that life. I have to tell you that :I believe the office of the minister of Chriet has fewer trials, larger spiritual emoluments and re- wards, brighter 1ndneements, higher development, grander joys, than any other occupation in all the earth. Admitting, so plainly that no man shall misinterpret what I say, that there are now many ministers under- going persecutions, and hardships, and outrages that amount to positive mar- tyrdom, 1 contend that these are the exceptions; and that, gathering an au- dience of a thousand ministers of Christ, NINE ISUNDRIED of them have many advantages,—good books, refined associations, sons and Now, I say that a man entering the ministry with the right spirit will find perpetual exhilaration and joy in the work. To stand before a company of 'immoral men and lvomen im rortun- ing them to such belief and behavieur as shall lead them to high happiness on earth and open for them the gran - dears of eternity; to enter the har- vest -field where the grain is ripe, and the sheaves are owning toward the gar- ner—that is Ole for the body, that is inspiration for the mind, that is rap- ture for the soul; and if there is in all the world an occupation or profes51on that yields such mighty satisfaotion, I have never beard of it. Some have ex- pressed it as a matter of surprise that our life -insurance men bave stated that ministers of the Gospel, as a class, 1,0'8 Ph': may b' lifted. Multi - tides of time, to whom he 11)8 brought t h c•utalfoa. 1 of lbt' Gospel in hour's of tubulel,inq route to him in his hours of disaster: !belt' s1reaming eyes together flow i'or human guilt and too.'1 ,1 woe; Their ardent. prayers'3o:,ptIl 0 rise Like rnlnsling fhtm5s in onto Moe. '"I'utether oft' they vele the place \\'h:'rc Cod revel 1. 11is smiling face; rearm) above, 'i 1 ]inti AI length they til 1 } A heaven of joy, brc.Jue of love." I have fell:, my blelilren and 11811.rs in Christ, eonstru.insd in title moment of parting for no tib.,8708 of eouus weeks, toCa1lY you, deep, high, pro- tracted O- theted joy of the Chrlstiun ministry. I do now believe there le any (1001e- gn Lion on earth that has neon more :ynlpathelle with the work of a pastor than you have been will: me, Ana I h•tve f.'lt that before I po away ft on you now imuit offer my thanks, first to Go 1, tend next to you, I0or 1 ono •ay, In the aerie of the apostle in the text, "'Hy b minim dearly beloved, my joy end (s. ova." b'o+' these three yena`s I bave receiv- ed kindness al: the hands of this peo- ple. 1 have dwelt among you with Imperfect lone, not so well known to you ns to myself. And in looking o•ce there three years, 1 have but one fault to find, and that 18. that YOU HAVP) 13EIIN TOO IK1ND. With my temperament, I know that I mu t In that time have said a good 10 0y tiling.+ that f ought never to have raid. and must have done a gond many things that 1 ought never to hare dont. And ,.o now, in this easing hour, I ask (Ms` foraivellesS of God and the forgiveness of Lhirt people for all the Fho'l.c'ominxs of my ministry. I know, any friends, you will not be- grudge me this vacation. It has been a very buy y'ar to me—Gori only known hour busy. I have tried as well (LB 1 could to look after the spirituel welfare of hundreds of families. While I have seen angry (Hermes:ons in the newspapers about how many hours a man ought to work, some saying he ought to work eight, and some say- ing eight hours were too m10011, I have 1 his year s:orked fifteen hours per day as a regular thing, and. etill stand before you in 1,811 et bealh, al - through this vacation comes very ac- ceptable. You will be glad that I have this opportunity to rest. I want, to -night, to build on this platform a mO11uTneTlt Ln the goodness of God and to your faithfulness tome as a pastor. I; would like to say over daughters well fed, well clad, well edu- live longer then any other glass o Gated o partuntties Lnnumerable— people. 11 Ls no surprise to me. The p joy of their work is the reason of their while all around there is the evidence longevity. that their services are being 1 remark again: there is the joy of appreciated. Gather a thousand elevated associations for a minister. If a man be tolerably acceptable in his merchants together, and I will work the refinements of society open show you that nine hundred of before bum. Ile is invited into the them have had harder knocks, greater conclave of poets and artists; he is frequently surrounded by kindly influences; so - Privations, have come more eqy oi.ety breathes upon' him its most to the study of severe economy, have ELEVATING ADVANTAGES. !larder work to pay their rent, and Men in other occupations must depend many have been subject to annoyances on their wealth and achievementsvemant s to which a minister of Christ never ex- obtain such position. By reason of periences. the respect of men for the Christian We are to remember the fact that a tu(nister, all those spheres open before him. In addition to that, and more vast majority of men in worldly oc- than that, his constant asso0iates are ' • i the princes of Gad and the heirs of u ations do not succeed ; ].hat 1t s an e c p authentic statistic, that out of a bun- heaven. dyad merchants all fail except two; 1 Then comes the joy of seeing souls converted. "Go Loto all the world and that there are tens of thousands of preach my Gospel," said ('hrist; and means of brit - t is to 110 great bring - the the be :,leeks living on insufficient salaries that it . is a rare thing when a numbest- ing the WOrld back to God. To go from the house of God soma Sabbath is earns 111000 than a plain livelihood. 11(141( feel. that the 58130011 has fallen a We are to take, i soy, these things into dead, and to be told the next day by ' ' consideration, and remember that if :some man, "That 481mOn was the re - the ministry sometimes has its hard-' demotion of my soul." It has been the history of altos• all the sermons ships, commerce and .mechanism have about which I have heard that that their hardships. • !particular administration of the Gos- We are to remember that the minis-' pet bus been blessed to some one's sal- ter of the Gospel, so far as worldly vation. I went home one Sabbath al - support is concerned, has the advan- most resolved never to preach again; tags over the doctor, the lawyer, and the Gospel seemed to have no affect; almost every other profession at the but before one week had passed I found inert; for although a man in these that five souls, through the instrumen- professions may after a while come to talily of that poor sermon, had press - 11 know that his first ed into the kingdom of God. It is a joy arL1Ut(UU', ten years are a hard struggle, and a like that of the angels of God over a livelihood is not won; wbil0 the min- repentant sinner to see men turning Wive(' little or no benefit from their islet• of the Gospel steps right out of their backs on the world to follow treatment. Change of air was finally the theological school into a settle- Christ, and to hear then. saying, i'eo0mme'nl'l o end removed 801111 anent, where from the first day be is: "Where thou goest 1 go; thy people hens^ht eh o for the halloo war notice supported. Show me one minister of shall be my people, thy God my God; s g Christ who has fared hard, and I will i where thou chest will I die, and there able at Lust, but he scion released into show you len merchants and mechanics' will I. be buried." Oh I this is the the Maccondi io11 (10d de Lars sosought ht Y help # g vho leve lien fretted and exasperated,`joy of the heavens. district in turn. Sleeplessness took possession of him and soon he was wasted away to a mere skeleton. Then the doctors declared they could do nothing more for ]lime and advised him to go to California, Doting all TOLD BY THE EDITOR DURING h .HOLIDAY RAMBLE 1113 VISITS THE OLD HOMESTEAD. About !' 1r'm k w ItMg3,�. 11�1tj'rh�� is Why it Is Cured by llooc#'u Sarsaparilla A Coolstitutionai Disease Requires a Constitutional Remedy. H;u I, of the bend is the t ul.,trt91 in a C and. I8 n of colds an L .1 Bold or sur1H-s' o really a ,1ingorou.s ailment as 11: cloy load di reel ly to ('onsumptlon. 11 cors. slide of in(lum*ual ion of the nlueous membrane in I he nasal passaltls. r❑ur There is a di agreeable discharge f 1 he nose and this often reaches the 03010'1111, eau tag nausea. ('ata'rrh is cured by Ikeda Sarsaparilla, which, by purifying I.be blood, Fool hen and re- builds the delicate 1i,.ues. 'Thousands of cures by this medicine after all so- enDed ealsrrh cures brad failed, attest its wonderful power over this disease. 11 you have any symptoms of catarrh, take Howl's Sarsaparilla and you any confidently expert a permanent cure. Ate Found Mangos That Astonished !line One or Which 1)05mrve8 the 'Widen Publication for the Benefit 1t 31': Prove To Others. From the Leader and Recorder, To- ronto Junction. The editor of the Leader and Recor- der, during a reeenl holiday trip through the counties of York, Peel, Dufferin and Grey, Spent a few days at the old parental homestead where he was born and spent many happy s the s ad is n T Le years. The e old lama township of Euphrasiu, Grey county, about one and a half miles south of the village of Heathcote, and about len miles from the town of Meaford. It is occupied by the writer's youngest bother, GeorgeJ.Fawcett. The lat- ter re- membering r ter was the picture of health, n that whon he cents from Detroit, where he had been living for several years, and took possession of the homestead, he. was in such feeble health that his life was despaired of, the writer suggested that the bracing Mimato of the northern regions must be the best medicine in the world for a shattered constitution, The reply Y made contained statements so remark- able that we consider it a pleasure as well as a duty to give them as wide publicity as possible through the col- umns of L12 Leader and Recorder. A se- vere attack of malaria, contracted tvhilst in Detroit, brought the writer's brother to death's door, from which he recovered only to find himself the vie- tim of a complication of troubles which unfitted him for work, He was attended by some of the most emin- ent physicians in Detroit, but he re 7 Sa.iraa.- grIn ^'.V par ilia Is Canada's ()rattles: Mo Wine. 51 t six for 53. Prepared by 0. I. Il oa & Cu Lowell, Mnss, HOOd'S Piig ''tire Llver tile: 8557 to tnko,aasy' o aporata. 25o, li nd tossed about, and moved from a ,"Pressed with the news, the saints be- large o-largo house into a smaller one, and ' low dogged, and dunned, and obus-1 In songs their Longues employ; ed, and set upon, and trampled under Beyond the skies the tidings go, fool until all courage is gene out of i And heaven is filled with joy." mf tl-bearing. f ac o 'Um joyu . bin the � Therd is118 rend , you,- Vase lveary mond But you say, see how old tltinistors' It floes not take a very long ministry papers from time to tame, and laughed are neglected, and their fatniiies after before you look over an audience and al hnt be COrrued Che "lnirncles" them. I adroit it. Shame on the see that there is nota single family at aught by Dr. Williams' P1017 Pi11s, Christian Church that (t is so. But that has escaped sickness, losses aHe had no faith in such 'medias, and remember, also, that there are thou- property, or bereavements of the house- it was only when the physicians told sands of old have merchants, who, -with their bold. O I U we were obliged to stand hint That they could ego 110 more for families, come down to abjeetest in the pulpits without this buten of him that, like the drowning man who do8 poverty. and that: every day hero are heaven; what should we Icatches a a straw, ho thought he mechanics moving out of their plain TO SEETHE WOUNDS HEALING; t would try a boo of etre pills, To bis houses because they to see some one kneeling down beside! great astonishment hie sleeplessness CANNOT PAY ']'•HEIR, RENT. the coffin of a loved one, and !tear her had 05nisha(1 before he had been using What company of men is it sends a saying, "The Lord gave, and the Lord i the pills a week, and he slept like music-tea018r to Luropo because he taketh itway; blessed be the 00100 of' un infant. Gradually his strength has bronehitisI What cornpany' of the Lord --1 feel as if I could trust returned and his appetite improved, well-to-do men meet: 'together and pass Vim; and see Christ come to the prow and soon he felt like at new man. A few resolutions of sympathy when a car- of the vessel mud silence the months lifter taking the first close he pester is sick 3 1 admit that in the Iluroolydon; and see a soul rise up was 115 well as ever. Por more than r e have ou0 enno nnoos but strongthoned and lomfo'ted; to look two years past he has not takon any ministry w y vett yt o -day , and y . m el in a ah-llov them i in e one-half of mad 11 whatever, ' to audience, od t the state time, ore• t rt a ihitundoso I wish the habiliments of, mourning,and yet will not find a sturdier soma, are no more. I think they are le Y 'feel that there is power in that Gospel neon of mankind in Grey I lin Ciao, less, than in eller and speciotts, -t:o enema every grief and (1 01.10 every X. Fawcett. "What do 111)1(110 of Pink For n articular anti spuaifio purpose h P to -night, 1 want to say to young men •vault(] oe the soul — alt to tell the Pills?"ht# queried wit ➢ it smile; sv y who fear me, that if You enter the holy broken-hearted re0ple of the coegrega- I think Ibern is nothing lilm them office u'iih the 'right spirit, loving God (ion tlmt. God pities, that God feels, 011 earth for building up the system; and desiring usefulness, You will find that God I.0 Yea, that Gotl sympathizes but foe' 1)1'. \\'illi3111s' Pink Pills I clo wayChristian work o : e ministry is 'y a - Le y n suet �faotion often n joy, and istryi 191P expo'ianne of years has proven this f t1 'n' l 1 dual is Iho ,toy of the Christian 1711(1- not think I would be mese to -day," that monument, as was said over 0515 that wad (raised in the wilderness, " 11Ilzeph: The Lord watch i.otween thee and ole when we are absent one from another 1" To the Garl of the mountains, and the God of the valleys, and Ih81God of the Ocean, and the God of the .great town, I commend you. and your Lnmi- lies. Let us all make longue with him. The time will soon came when I hall pre'lclx my last sermon, and you will have 1.1d your last npportunily of salvathm. "It is appointed unto men once to die, and after that the judgment." And now, brethern, I commend you to Cid, and to (he word of his grace, n whirl is able to Duild y u up, and (0 give you an inheritaooe among all them that are sanctified. "In this dark world of sin ands pain \Ve only meet to part again; But when we reach the heavenly shore, We there shall meet to part no more; The hope that we s1.111 see that day Should abase our pre -ant griefs away." AN ACCIDENT. They nay the ju y has aegnilled (het hp alri +Irl Who Inllydered his employer. Yes H • moat have been haloes/0. 1I+. allot Il in yon k110w. m 'Whet does Mutt proves 'lWrhy, the feel (hitt he bit him shows it leas accidental, DELICIOUS RED TAPE. Wonderful Circumlocution Ira Gelling Down A 101.11. At Gleiwite, in Upper Silesia, a youngster's kite got caught on the el- ectric wile of a fire alarm. A police- man noticed the accident, and in or- deir to get the kite removed made a written report, which, after, having been perused by the " Polizeikommis- sae,' was forwarded in succession to the "Polizei-Inspeklor," the magis- trate and the " Feuerloscbgeratkom- mission." The last-named authority en- gaged an engineer to remove the of- fending kite, and recommended the ma- gistrate to reward the zealous police- pfennigs. ' m of 25 ma with a premium g 0 hPP The engineer handed in a written re- port to the effect that the kite had .A. HAMILTON O SEI SLl'R —TCKARA S WON HOW MR. as fi HIS FREEDOM, Drti;hfa 1)1801•X,' field non 011 a Deadly `t TIt1 ' u J,uau t t 'toI lel Noll Itla elrlp 11111011 Ile Med llod(le kidney Pills --'1 hey Cured Mut. 118nillLou, Nov. 21.--'1'110 .1ntb;tio,ls City is never 11e.hind her rival, •rnront0, in any eliterpri11', e0nlmeroi•t1 orr,tJur- wise, 11(8(1 re(•ently, would aeetu to hove made fair progress towards out 81 rip- ping her neighbor in tine 11 8115(3, viz ; the number of cures of 1 dney Diserls08 ,:ffeeted here by 17udd's Kidney Pills. thirdly a day passes without record- ing a cure by matins of this fnrnaus and wonderful medicine. Intereat just 1101V is ventured in the ease of Mr. 3oseplt Rickards, of lei ('l 110208ld Street. Hundreds of Hamil- Ionians know that Mr. Rlekar(1s suf- fered for more than six year's, with that terrible complaint, height's e1Ls0. Hundreds know also, that. be engaged the best medical 8a5i151105 he could secure, but without receiving either cure or relief, Mr. Rickards is now lode and hearty, healthy rind bappy, and his deliverance is due entirely to Dodll's Kidney Pills. 'Writing of his ease, he says: "I used many rentodies thlt were advertised to cure Bright's Disease, but none of. then! gave me e05n temporary relief. 1can- not describe the severity of my suf- ferings. They ware terrible. "I was advised to try Dodd's:Kidney Pills, and I ant thankful that I tool[ then advice. I used only four boxes, but they drove every vestige of Bright's Disease from my system and made a man of me." A statement like this cannot he light- ly passes! by. It carries a message. of hope, • and freedom from disease, of health and happiness, to every sufferer in Canada. Bodine Kidney Pills should he in every home in the land. Kidney Disease cannot exist where Dodd's Kidney Pills are used. ROYAL THIEVES. A (Princess. a Countess, a Duebees and the daughter of a reigning Prince were among the 4,3'01 thieves, profes- • ion•t1 and unpt ofeesign 1, arrested in Paris during the last 12 months. been removed. The municipal treasury 1 paid the poi ieemun the. sum of 25 plea - gigs s rind received in rotten a duly g signed acknowledgment. The master of the school which the unlucky kite flyer attended, folu•leen days had been, spent in tracing flim, received instruc- tions against tions to severely warn his pupils g flying their kites against. electric wires, and after complying with the instructions reported accordingly. But the "Feuerlosohgeratkommis- n eller ai0tt determined that the m should not rest there. They sent a de- putation to the local sahool board to ask that all sahool inspectors in the! disrtict should be instructed to see that all the children in the local schools' received a similar warning. The head- masters oe the schools were according- ly supplied with written instructions as to the way in which the necessary warning should he conveyed. Circulars were distributed among the juvenile population. The head school inspeator W115 informed of the steps that had been taken. He informed the school - board and the sehn01 board the bur- germeister. Fin'tlly the written doc- uments relating to the etre', wore col- lected, and, after being furuiOhedwilh a formidable register number, were laid to rest in nu official pigeonhole. Four months passed froin the loss of the kite to the final subsidence of docu- ments and reports concerning it. Tender Corns. is removed C 8 of all )atilt T P 01 Soft corns, 0111 ,.0 without pain oe sora spots by Put- nam's Painless Corn liixtuudor. Thou- sands idttity Shit it is certain, pain- less, mud prompt. Do not be imposed upon by substitutes offered for the genuine "Putrinm'8" Extractor. Sure, sef0, harmless. A LONDON EEL MARKET. Felt/ Londoners know !bat au.eelnlar- kel: of a quaint and interesting kited is held every Sunday morning near the south side of Jllnok(riars Bridge, herr- ing, of course the times when the slip- pery fishes are not obtainable. It is sand 10 be nearly three hundred years old. The peculiarity of the gathering is that here only you buy eels by the S• - 1 ' t, 1x n n # bywe li i sledR heedful fu] n 'r. and nl- is the )rl e ponce n fistful1 , I hough the fishes etre generally small it is much eheapel• than purchasing by weight. z� TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Lezatlre Bruno gninino Tablets. All Drug. ;isle rotund the moues it It /ails to 0,,,e. zee. YOUNG SWIMMERS. • The Sandwich Islanders are so fond of the sea that they actually teach their children to swinllong before they are able to walk. The tiniest mites play ames in water well out of their depth. , A FEEDING EXPERIMENT. A correspohdeni of the ' North 13ritiah Agriculturist" calls attention to the fart that on t:be Cockle Park i m- f the Northum- berland or hu Experimental ntal Farm n 1 p iTerland County Council, and plot of land stocked with gray -faced sheep, each having 3-4 pounds of cotton seed rake per clay, gave in two months an increase of 52 pounds of mutton, n ther plot, dressed with whilst a o gave an i1100(8se of 67 pounds of gavemutton in two months' withf 67 out cake. ounds f FRIGHTEN WOLVES. It: is believed in Norway that wolves are frightened away by telegraphed lines. On one occasion a village voted construction of t o bel in the mane a line pa sing near them for this reason alone. NOSUBSTITUTE CAN TAK13 THE P1.ACr1 OP 1113 `t(, insist on gelling it --once trisd always used. Lead packages- 25, 4o, 50 and 60 cents, 1lLFn�8)a �: TEA, Vld4(410 2 11 ■ 1�s17■ ltAILirl liWOWedddiViNANO'ItINtMW1tMJt�lluMdlh'INUWihfdi111WVJ(MWA tit'shrinem'm'rrrrMUKI s'dlrtlnrJl(,11Ur r. >a T v 7(j' '1: Earn this valuable Watch, Chain and Charm by ailing twenty Torras C i - ''' Scarf Pine, at 15 emits each, Send your add ass and we forward the ✓