HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-12-2, Page 5Dt•:c, 2, 1898
B 1 el rS t:1 .Gni Li /S POST
To place Vila store in the position it now ououpies. The extensive additions and
internal Improvements make it ono of the hugest and beet appointed stores in the
(Imlay of Huron ho•day, and, with the additional room, we carry n larger end more
laded stook of goods than we could do ab any other time. Our new Millinery and
Montle show room ie largo, airy and well lighted, and ander the able management
of MISS TODD our sales in tide department are rapidly inoroasing, We find it
pays to have a liret•olase np.to date milliner, No Ilat or Bonnet in allowed to leave
this department except it es trimmed in the latest style and beonming to the wearer.
fair Mantle department is now the centre of attraction ; yon will admire the ninny
new and etylieh conceits to be found in lbs Mantles we are showing. koro aro two
specials reooivod this week, bought below the regular prices :-
-Ladies' Jaoketa, nobby in style, made of good Beaver cloth, double breast-
ed, velvet oollar, now shade blue, myrtle and black 8 5 00
Ladies' Jaoketa, purl cloth, double breasted, trimmed with braid, velvet
collar, very nobby, in blaol: and oolore 0 50
Our trade in Ladies' Fare eclipses any former season. We buy direct from the
manufaoterere for spot cash and get the inside track every time.
Ladies' Aatrachan Jaoketa in Prue glossy curl, lined with qnilted ratio, in
long, medium and short lengths at $25,00, 28.00, 32.00, 85 00 and
—Bleck Mountain Bear Capes, oppossum Dollar, good lining, very etylieh.,
—Ladies' Fur Lined 01108 in fine heavy cloth, lined with squirrel, trimmed
with blank Oppoeeum, very special -
--We have opened up something new this week for wrappers in Fine Ana
Malian ilanuele', in pretty floral designs, ab
1 'Don't spend one dollar in Clothing till you see env now stook
of Sharey's Ready-to-wear Clothing,
40 00
8 00
17 '16
SAWS,—A Cross Cut Saw complete for $2 50.
AXES.—Year choice from 50o. to 81.00 ; Blood's from OOe. to 85o, ; Wellandvale
Mfg. Co'e baud made inlaid steel, Damascus temper, $1 00.
SEWING MACHIIVES.-The Wbite Sewing Machine was awarded high•
net houore, the Gold Medal, at the Omaha Expoeition, We are agents.
SILVER SPOONS,—A 1 Si ver Tea Spoons 83.50 per doz„ heavier than
Bogen' A.3. goods at 85.00 per doz. Ladies don't mise this hergain.
A 6 oz. bottle of Sewing Machine Oil for 10c.
RAZORS.—Flom 70o. to $1.75. Our Razor the "Perfection" is all that its
name implies. Prove this by trying one.
CUTLERY,—See our Knives and Forks at 01 25 per doz. Be sure you see our
White Handled Tea $wife, hand forged blade, at $3.50 per doz,
COW CHAINS.—Twoheavy Chains for 35c.
LAMP GOODS,—See our $1 Lampe. flanging Lampe from $1.75 to 80.60.
Silver White American Oil, 20c. per gallon,
SILVERWARE,—Watch for our Christmas Goods.
t^� Toed tol(eu in trade. Cash for hides, sheepskins and furs.
There is a certain principle in the. affairs of business which
Must be lived up to in order to 'attain
any degree of success
It sbows itself plainly in every Garment in our establish.
ment. It's not a matter of egotism on our part but simply a
calm and deliberate statement of fact. Many years of careful
study of the wants, customs and necessities of men and boys
has whetted our knowledge to the keenest edge ' and placed ns
on the vantage ground which we now occupy in the Clothing
trade, Every garment that lies on our tables bear's evidence
of it.
ur Tailor -rade wits 8;4 Overcoats
Aro the nobbiest that can be turned out and aro always
reliable. You'll know them by the cut.
You should see our Reversible Teamster's or Hunter's Coat.
Leather on one side and Corduroy on the other. You can wear
it either way.
In this line we are showing some special values in Men's
and Boys'. Any desirable kind from the high grade to the low
can be ,got hero.
Our Fur Coats aro great value. We never sold as many
at this time of the year as we have this season. It's quality
and price that snakes them go.
Our stock is very large and prices fight. Wo can supply
you with Pur or Cloth Caps, Gloves, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties
and Suspenders. It will pay you to take a look through our
stock before you purchase any of the above lines.
Olothiers and Ftarnishers..dl ,
;?l a(ritt
1tIIo5 6Jtop.
A. ()ardna lute get all hie epplee in
Cron) theeo parte,
It. Ferguson was around haying live
liege for shipment,
A. Forbes nae been again engaged
to Wel) in 63. S. No. 0, Mnlfillop, at an
inoreased salary,
John Knees has it, grinder which ie
run by the engine whin]; he nem for
grinding apples in the older mill.
The denth of Mrs. Thome Young is
3111017 regretted, She n'a`1 aenmp eativo.
ly loans weinan, being may 30 years of
After an abeenue of 31 years, A. ItIo.
Guam)), of Miuoe8oha, is at peasant pay-
ing a visit to his brother, le, MoCallooh,
of MoKillop.
We regret to learn that Mise Teeeie
Glare, who wont to Manitoba ['let Bering,
ie seriously 111, with bub alight hopes of.
recovery. Lung trouble is tee cause.
Rev, Mogan Wood de' leered hie pope,
lar lecture, "Where am I At ?" to Ile.
Donald's hall o0 Monday 0venin,
Union T.hanks.tivingeetvioes were hold
on Thanksgiving day at 11 a. in, in the
Congregational oburoh. Ren. W. Cuopor
oouduoted the services. Colleotion was
in aid of the poor.
Mies Vivian Clayton, B, A., who has
been teaobing in the Industrial school
near Winnipeg for the past yen' or two,
returned home last week, and will re.
main with her mother, lire. W. R. Clay-
tou, over the holidays.
Thos. Haines, the accountant of the
Bank of Hamilton, at Berlin, has receive
ed notice of his transfer to Listowel, and
will take the position of aoe:untant is the
Bank of Hamilton here, which has been
temporarily filled by Mr.0loKeand. The
lattergautiemen will be transferred to
another agency.
John Scott asked the Council for $800
for cattle alleged to have been poisoned
by water from the river polluted by town
sewage. Moved by Messrs. Campbell and
Robinson that this Counoil do not eon -
Sider the town iu any way liable for the
loos Jphn Scott is geld to have sustained,
and the Mayor be instructed to defend
snit if the Dasa ie entered in court.
Shortly before midnight 00 T'ueeday of
last week burglars attempted to enter the
residence of John Watson, proprietor of
the Listowel brewery, by way of a win-
dow. The family, however, had not re-
tired, and hearing the noise, Mr. Watson
procured bis revolver and went to in-
vestigate, when the burglars suddenly de.
camped. The night prowlers also made
an mistimes -fill attempt to enter the resi•
dance of John Baker, on the same street.
The Publio Library has been taken
over by the town and the names of H. 13.
Morphy, W. AI. Brune and J, W. Meyers
added as the appointees by the Oounoil,
who, with the Mayor and three others to
be appointed by the Palk' school Board,
constitute the Board of Management of
the Free Library. A committee con-
sisting of Messrs. Campbell, Watson,
Woods, Anderson and Fleming, was
named to have the Town Hall fitted up
for Library purposes as emu as possible.
The Winter meeting of the North
Perth Farmers' Institute will be held at
the Town Hall, Lietowol, Feb. 46h next.
The meetinge of this division will be
held at Listowel, Feb. 4th ; Milverton,
Feb. 8th ; Monkton, Feb. 7th ; Rostock,
Feb. 8th ; Bornholm, Feb. 91h ; Staffs,
Feb. 10th ; Rneeeldale, Feb. 1163 ;
Woodham, Feb. 13th ; Sbbringville, Feb.
14th and Shakespeare, Feb. 16th. Major
James Sheppard, of Qaseneton, and Joe.
le. Gould, of Uxbridge, will be the dole.
gates for this division.
i. ettembrOols.
The following is taken from the Strat-
ford Beacon of Nov, 23rd and the Rev.
Cameron referred to was a former Cran•
brook boy :—The Presbyterian church at
Hampstead was re -opened Sunday. The
congregation have now a very neat, mom•
for6able and commodious enroll edifice.
The outside presents a very good appear-
ance after being veneered, and the audi-
ence room i0 neat, cosy and very mom•
Portable. The ceiling is 'molted and
boarded and varnished, and looks beaubi•
fol. Thesides are replestered. Itis
furnished with new eeatiug throughout.
The platform is re -carpeted and furnish•.
ed with a very neat pulpit and three ole -
gent, upholstered chair. The morning
was a little threatening, but gradually
brightened until the day became lovely,
and by the titne for beginning the morn•
lug service the capacity of the ohuroh
was pretty well taxed, and had it not
been for the unpropitious state of the
roads many more would have assembled
with the congregation to celebrate their
mharml1 opening. After the preliminary
exeroisee, coodncted by Rev. Mr. Camer-
on, the esteemed pastor of the oburoh,
Rev. Mr. Grant, of 8t. Marys, announced
his text from St. Matt, 17 4, 'It is good
for us to be here," delivering an excellent
and eonl.etirring sermon on the privileges
and opportunities the oburoh enjoys in
the means of grace, and also their
a000nntability and reeponeibiliby to the
world at largo. It would bo simply im.
possible to do justice to it by any oom•
meat that might be made on f6. By
many it world be considered a favor if 16
were given to the local peace for the bene•
fit of the public. In the evening the
church was again orowded to the door,
when Mr. Grunt preached to an appreoi-
ativo audience, ,basing hie remarks on
Mark I.7, The 'sermon being of an
evangelietio nature, wag lietened to
attentively throughout. It is hoped he
may be able atno distant day to Como
and ('anew old aoquaiutanoes and de-
liver two such powerful sermons. The
oommit6ee of .management thought it
wise, under the unfavorable state of the
roads, to dispense with the old•time tea -
meeting, and substitute it by a lecture,
and, having such an able and eloquent
100311000 as Mr, Grant with them, they
thought it best to embrace the oppor.
tuni6y end have him doliver his most
elaborate lecture on the Poet Cowper,
The oburoh was comfortably filled on
Monday night, and the pastor, 161r,
Cameron, ably filled the chair, and after
delivering the ohairman'e address, intro.
duped the lecturer, who delivered au ex•
radiant addreee on Cowper, interspersed
with some very amusing aneodotes, heist-
ing the
old•iugthe audience spellbound throughout
the whole evening. The choir rendered
several beautiful) eeleotions daring the
evening, 103r. and We. Cameron sang a
duet, which brought down the house.
All were highly delighted with the cven-
ing'e enteetafnmont, Groat prattle is oar.
teinly doe to the olioir, who so ably fie•
quilted tbeoiselvee throughout all the
servioea, altl,nagh they had a greet many
diendvantagee to contend with in their
preparntioa praotioor, Airs. Cameron
presided at the argon on Sunday and Alias
Janot Stewart at the Monday evening
eervioe8, both of whom nnquitted them.
(selves inostoreditably. A uulque feature
of 6118 aervi080 teas the 101006uotion of
the mom. It le hoped 16 has come to
IC sets tor,
J. W. Broderiok lite opened np a
grocery smolt in hie oil stand, Old.
follows Wools.
Samuel Bradt hoe moved into Tae.
Wilson's house, Exeter North. Mr. Hey -
woo thas tnovedinto the hotel vacated
by Mr. Bradt.
The premises owned by Mee. Sande
and recently vacated by Mee. Orooker is
being remodelled and a new front is be-
ing put therein.
The next annual meeting of ibe Weet
Huron Toaohere' Aseooiatiou will be held
at Exeter on the amend Friday and
Saturday of March, 1899.
M. Haskins is oompelled to carry hie
arra in a sling these days owing to a pain•
fill felon on the index finger of the right
hand and will likely lose the finger.
A Blanchard oorreepondent says:—
There is a renewed talk of a telegraph or
telephone service 'between St. Marys and
Beater. Why not eleotrio oar line that
would carry farmers' produoe to shipping
pointe ?
Tin Advocate says ; — Rev, W. N.
Duthie, of Lucknow, was in town on
Tuesday of lash week interviewing a num-
ber of the members of the Trivitt Me.
norial church with it view to eeouring
title parish.
11. S. Ballantyne, 8th con., lost a vale -
able miloh oow by choking on a mangold,
The I. 0. F. have changed the date of
the Foresters' supper to Friday evening,
December god.
The Maitland cheese factory bas oloeed
down for the season, having had a very
good season. The make will be about 25
Wm. T. Hoar, a graduate of the Bee,
hneaooepted a situation on the Dufferio
Poet, Orangeville, and Samuel A. Size,
of the Oollingwood Enterprise, has taken
a situation on the Bee staff.
Prof. Loohhee,d, of the Ontario Agri-
cultural College staff, and son of Wm.
Loohheed, Elmo., was elected an officer
of the Eotomologioal Society of Ontario
last week, at the annual meeting in Mon.
The many friends of Walter T. Thomp-
son will be pleased to learn that be has
returned to our village greatly improved
in health by his six months vaoation.
He resumed charge of the barber shop on
Wednesday of last week.
The Methodist Bandag eohool will hold
their annual Christmas entertainment on
Friday Deo. 23rd, 1808. A sermon to
S. S. ohildren will be preached on the
previous Sunday, Deo. 18th, by all out.
side minister.
J. W. Scott, banker. of Lietowel, pur,
chased for cash the Pearson farm, 200
acres. lot 1, cons. 1 and 2, Elms. The
same day he sold to Melville Condy and
Elijah Rae, Grey township, 100 armee, lot
1, eon. 2, Elma, for the sum of $2,500.
H. Cresswell, who spent the summer in
Pueblo, returned to town last week.
On the evening of Deoember 6th, Rose
D'Erina, the celebrated Canadian singer,
will hold an eutertainmeut in Oarduo'e
Hall, S'eaforth.
On Sunday evening just as the services
in the various ohurohes were about half
over the.eleotrio lights went out, and
wore off for about a quarter of an hour.
The services in the churches were eon•
Mimed es soon as lamps could be procur-
Charles E. Meson, of Brumfield, ar-
rived home with three very fine Clydes-
dale stallions which he had purchased in
Scotland. Be succeeded in lending them
in fine oondition. He had a long and
stormy passage, but they carne off the
oars here without as muoh es a scratch oh•
eervable on any of them. They are all
five years old.
A small house on wheels omoupied a
portion of the street opposite Dick's hotel
on Tuesday, of loot week. It was used
by wood choppers as sleeping quarters.
Some wag placed a large bill on the side
of the building announoing a free peep
show at one o'olook. Quite au aadienoe
awaited the ringing up of the curtain, but
as time advauced pest the opening hour
they stole silently away—sold.
Ou Thursday, Nov. 17111, Margaret
Johneton, wife of Murdoch Campbell, of
this town, passed over to the silent ma•
jo'ity. Although nob entirely uucxpeot-
ed, Mrs. Campbell's death was a partic.
ularly sad oue, About two years ago she
had an attack of la grippe, but, apart from
a slight Dough, was in good health until
about four weeks previous to her death,
On that day she was out doing some shop.
ping, and had remelted the residence of
George Sills, on the way home, when site
wag taken with a hemorrhage and had to
be carried home. From that time she
gradually grew weaker un6it death roller,.
ed her of her suffering's. 16100, Campbell
WAS aged (12 years and 7 menthe, She
was horn in the county of Armagh,
Ireland, and, with her parents, emigrated
to this oonntry in 1804, settling in Morrie
bownship,in time county. In 1808 she
wag married to her now bereft husband,
the oeremony having been performed in
Olinton by Rev. Dr, McDonald, of this
town, who was then pastor of the Proeby.
toren; church in Clinton, Besides her
husband, she leaves a family of six sons
and one daughter to mourn the loss of a
true helpmate and loving mother, The
remains wore laid to rest in the Maitland.
hank am -notary on Saturday.
Fred. G. Simpson is engaged es organ
island choir direotor of North street
ellI3endereon Bioyole Co, expect to
send their travellers out in a ehort time,
as their 1890 sample wheel') are nearly
F. Jordan is to 000upy the Medical
Hall, vacated by J. E. Devitt, and pur-
poses putting in a oomplete new stook of
S. E. Mak, who was in the dreg buei.
nese in Paris for the past twelve years,
will open a drug store in the Horton
Mise Bowler, theinsane woman from
Ashfield who had been confined in gaol
hero for some weeks, left for the London
Asylum in charge of the matron ,of that
Alex. J. Denomy, school teacher at
Drysdale, has taken a life partner in the
person of MIss Mary E. Brisson, The
groom is a graduate of Goderioh Col-
legiate Institute.
Contractor Cosner promisee to relay
next Spring the portions of the grand-
lithio sidewalk which are nob satisfac-
tory. He was paid 80 per. cent. of the
°entreat price of the work.
The late 113. C. Cameron, of Goderioh,
Lieutenant Governor of the 'Northwest
Territories, in his will donated 81,000 for
a Gaelic scholarship at Queen's. It will
be palled the M. 0. Cameron scholarship.
The fire brigade was called out the
other day on account of a blaze at the
bfoyole faotory. The fire was in the roof
of the moulding shop, but it was extin-
guished before the firemen reached the
While Jap Nioholeon was handling
glass a pane broke and the pieces flew in
all direction, several of them lodging in
hie right eye. The accident was an ex•
oeediogly painful one, but the dootor ex-
trroted the pieces.
On Wednesday morning of last week as
John Hillier was driving Lee and Shep-
bard's wagon past Sooth street he loot his
balance, and trying to recover his position
he fell to the road striking on his arm.
Hillier held on to the lines, and in conse-
quence one of the bind wheels passed
over biro. The result is a bad break on
the left arm above the elbow.
The P. M. fined the manager' of the
Goderioh Elevator one driller and coats
for elevating from the steamer Rosedale
on Sunday morning. There was no trial,
the manager admitting that the men
worked after midnight till the boat was
unloaded, oontending that the completion
of the job was a work of necessity under
the circumstances.
Arrangements are being made for a
series of Sunday afternoon illuetrated
lectures in the Grand Opera House,
Hamilton, and Rev. T. Albert Moore will
be the lecturer.
Jas. Mooreland, of Bruo, field, has in
his possession a portion of the meteor
whioh fell recently near Collingwood.
Ho describes the meteor as being 94 feet
in diameter, with a thickness of 27 feet,
17 of which are buried beneath the soil,
so great was 'he force with which it
struck the earth.
The Standard Bank
of Canada.
Money Orders
For amounts of Fifty Doilsre and under
issued by this Bank, payable at par at
any chartered Bank in Canada, with the
exception of Branches in the Yukon Dia -
Under $10 .
$10 to 20 .
80 to 50 .
. . $0.08
, 0,14
Owing to the death of Mr. Pigot, of the firm of Pigbt & Bryan,
Crockery, China & Glassware Merchants, of London, Ont., the firm
18 going out of business and are selling their stock at a considerable
reduction below wholesale price.
Our purchases consisting of
Dinner 'Tare, Toilet Sets,
Fancy China and Glassware,
and aro prepared to give our customers the benefit. Come in and
examine these goods.
Jr A L L i T Y Y
Mineralized Leather
ro r
"Kidd tick " Akid tanned so
that water "creeps" off ft, perspir-
ation evaporates through• it, and
friction wears it slowly. Can be
boiled in hot water without injurry.
Made solely for the $4. and $5.
grades of the Goodyear Welted.
Slater Shoe
Jno. Downing, - Sole Local Agent
I wieh to inform the people of Brussels
and eurronnding dietriot that I have pur-
chased the Pump Business of JAMBS
BELL and will be found ready to attend
to all wants in either new work or repairs
at moderate prices.
No better Pump in the market.
Order left at my shop or residence or
at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly
looked after.
06r0rdere taken for the Digging of
Wells and Cisterns.
Gomer Green,
British Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Nulls
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat
terns on hand or made to order
at Short Notice.
Estimates Furnished for ell
kinds of Buildings. Workman-
ship and Material Guaranteed.
Despise not
My Adlet.
No mac is the only wise men in the
world and no store is the only perfect
I do not expect to secure your auetom
by chance bet by Fair Dealing.
I have a fall stook of
Winter Dress Goods
and Trimmings, Wrapperobtcc, Flannel.
Wes, Flannels, Cottons and Cottonadee.
Underwear for Ladies, Gents and
I have a full line of Choice, Fresh
Groceries. Special values in Teas and
Coffees and Canned Goods of all kinds.
All goods sold at very close prioes.
J. G. Skene.
Agent for Parker's Dye Works.
Cook's Cotton Root Compound
Is successfully need monthly by over
10,000Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladles ask
your druggist for Cooks Cotton Root Cow -
roped. Take no other, as all Mixtures, p1110 and
!mltalione are dangerous, Priee, No, 1, 51 per
box; No. 9,10 degrees stronger, 50 per box. No.
l or 2, mailed en receipt of price and two 8•eenl
(tamps, The Cook Oompamy,Wlndeor, Ont.
j', T•Noe. 1 and 2 sold and recommended by all
;eeponeible Druggists in Canada.
dna, llandl9 soldlin Brussels by'
Druggist, Bookseller & Optician.
The boiler is made of
steel, cast iron front, grates,
fire box linings and smoke pipe plate, all other parts made
of the'best cast steel protected 'against warping. ;Flues
arranged so that boiling can be done quicker and at muoh
less cost for fuel than the old style furnace.
Price only $16.00 Gash.
Leave your order at once with
We have the finest stock ever shown in Brussels. The prices range
from $25 to $45. Any style you want. A visit to
our show rooms tvi11 delight you.
In Sleighs we have both light and heavy and can suit any•
body's wants.
Some fine Buggies and Carts in stock, both new and second
All kinds of Repairing done promptly, and in workmanlike
manner. In this line we do re -painting, re -trimming of
Cutters or Buggies ; supply Foods, Lap Hugs, &c.
Everything you want in the line of Vehicles at lowest prices.