HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-12-2, Page 2,.. ..... 1-111--. _ m 2 TEf.H BRUSSELS PC?8T.', JL4 2, xR91 �" In his uuel0, that the decision would n( A p Oliip of lftlrrar<l, and the diplimatio or, TOLD BY THE CIRCUS MAN, ��" f .r kfw fix,ally rest. :HO _r $ j 1IJ y jt rar rvhic}J bad aUaued duRnl to rl$uiR _ if W111 WON, K' 1 Daytwo daughters aro both, Ithunk I by irnftty, vghnt "' tin last an iha �t'unt ltut+ticne(t tr7eer{ l'teealty 7fhe tireae. laud, iR v»ry good health, both ora tali {e f{elri. An in airy ttx'k lar,"attannic iamond ut Diamond-- P and conpely-lacking, ttey have brawn LONAON HONOURS THE HEROES OF Ivh{rh canehixIrnly demanat7'ntcrd the est of An.ltlrulta trued, i �.t @wd l...i' lin 11 and ni(,P- Oant111HX1UJ19. Aa to ('TREAT BRITAIN, EUperlax• gOflartll!s]jlp UI \\�H11B.ley. Ae-. " I oiever told you l.)1a exact heitrilt: . OR, thaiS rhLLT"UtPT", Angel, the oldest, eo,•dinglj', In 18110, when lr°rlppnleu"burst Of ills g1'eflt gl:Wit^-whai'a ilia nHe Q" WUXI" IS IJOING ON IN 'i H13 I'�OIti,�° T ret{x{ng twenty-two, whiist ilei sister Ihil- ».- into Spain, the naltunfil tntllnsiasm de- auid the old circus man. You would GORNI,RS OP TfIR (ILOBE. ROUTTIM OP ( who Is Ough squall is a n gents, and t'1•atYY N41 TO to 1PrMQReld. Ilircv 1Lm1110- ' xuaan'l'olu,xs rrt euuvi to Snatesxtyll should (.bat Sir Arthur Wellesley ' tie, although equally tractable, Is, nev- should ]]s given sola command of Ica not but{eve it it I did; us I've sntd b('- r,,, orLheless, rutb,•r more impetuous in Conuannd0rs oil Ur)lish Warm- The rear. There is no need Lo recall the for It. would only mare yoy diObolbova disp)s{t{on and imPulaive in mention" )(Attest lteelpienls or tuecoveled `t'rolilly. Qui and New ivoMd tlYasl9 0l lntaresi ilei a ,�series of brilliant ethvictories which, what I do tell You Whoat hllr, and 1010d kt�-pkb:4z:o�:0-A-q::�.S:kcok:o:I ." al •inlay Antral is a fool, I sup- T11a London Dully Telegraph sops: from U1fa pear marked ilio course of y Roce Iir)otly-utlarxalbig Iloppanbr2e ° J pate,,' muLtura(1 old Dans, the Psnluqular War. In Nnvombar, what's l.lio use? Slut you vu,,z ;faro] Recant auto, Nat at all -not at all," replied Sir Herbert liitrhener, to be known LIIA1171VAt IV. as a third partner I Phlllibut has four I Holliday, considerably nettled by fir, , henceforth as Lord Kbartoara, will be ]8l@, 1\zellhis, descended into lrrance some sort, of an idea Wheat [I. if front All aurulea in IIJw cliaoaae of W nks- "VIII up your glass, Halliday. You ...ins", added the gT00.t can rRetllta (renlarlll "AdgeI Is by no moan da-�prosented with the Sword of Honor o¢ pursuing his, conquering course 140 f.bnBe tltil7gg that. I've t01[l you and field have tdtflVed ftelt' illltal e{sl1UH, not tively, with a suddenly falling voice, i laulouss, from which, filter some de- faom what I'm cin and agora isnot t every of day' you know and then 14(+ was vary Oil+,fit, tapping; flelent in talent.and character; all I i the 4th of next month, This is ons of Operate fighting, Soult was driven. going to tali you nary by order, but at f hr+stringty exprassod h against his finger Ix>wl lent, his ng meant to imply was that she is JOBS' With this engagement, the Peninsular about his death and burial becauso wixh of their bishop. In the old bin. bili up your Masa, and B easily carried away by bar feelings. the many recognitions which the Sir- B Wait n While, at xuihoad station in mond-abaped finger-na{L I campaign may be said to have end d, in the course of time he died, then we Cr+u talk over this niattsr than Dulri..." dor will receive fax his memorable con- New South Walc h "It seams tome, Mr. Dane," hero said and in 1814, after an absence of five "\\'e tyore antler canvas then, show- s, has just won u fight comfortably.,'the julnor' partner, with a covert "1VLnt iia the name of fortune, my duct of the campaign wbihh restore" years, the rent commander, now the to retain its name, which the railroad A iuw•,swung shaded lamp threw a p good fellow," here broke in old Dans B Ing three t{]ops a day, and moving aur- ,su.bdued radiative over a small round Blanca at the fixed and dreamy face, lau &hin "induced you to to .Egypt, under es of.h a Ni eoe, aon- Duke of r Wellington, !tion in Eng- company Wished to change. 6 g, give such land, whore hLs reaaptioR was unpr.- "e{ves, and we were toIerahie busy, table in ilia dining room of one of the 't.hnt there is ane element which you SagarY names to our girls?' 'Angel,' � trot of the sources of t.ho Nile. What Portugal's port wino crap is lite g kava Jefc ant of consideration, I may f y g B cedentedly brilliant. Three years be- and we really hadn't time to give sue winlargest canter in Cromwell a Out The Dulcis,' who over heard of so much a century ha the life of Egypt is that Smallest on record owing to the !teat he mistold chin&aken, his of wine glass and tars ha t fore the Iron Duke with it ad to pre- attention as we ought to the burying and droit wine decanters, of antique Out glace, snraphln swaol.neas in one family i If now closing I It is just 100 years sent the Iran Duke wit b a sword, and got of Inst auntmer. The qua!, filled tip his wino glass with tyle '4� s<anflJladthe t+bwtbdnuta fid winter g, p.ufsb as -e Miss Angel. were a little fiend, and s{.pee the Corporation bestowed upon the ceremony took lace on Jul 9, of. what had been, after the great Ity of the wine, hpwev»r, promisee to dish port., making a distinct L Miss Dulcle as bard as the nether mill- P t p y be fine, dirt so --"and in any case,' bo continll. Admiral Nelson -not then raised to the 1814, 'under the mast impressive air- giraffe, our very ,raciest attraction. #rolls, There was a anfin finger -bowls; silver, stone, you could scarcely blame Frovi-+ ourastances, and with the almost pas- The digging of "•grave for him `vould London has taken up the experiment , and of colored Venetian finger -bowls; ed, with a certain timidity -real or dente, after provoking the notice of Peeragq-•,a Snvord of Honor for his ser - whilst 1L few rare bot-bouse flowers, feli;ned•-"l' of course, .have not any lit° p „ sionate danourrenee of the nation, have been iii$edigging the foundation of municipal, street railroads. T140 right to open the subject." g° so reverse & fasbion. vices at the mouths eP the gams great From his earliest years the Duke of several concha iB a row and wbuidh¢ye South London tramways haus been oratids and euobar{s lilies in a silvar "A fancy Of mp pour dear wife's, D2r, bowl, {n the contre of the snow^ cloth, 'iii++'uk up, Halliday. Speak up 1" I Aane, that was all." And Mr. Balli- river' Cambridge ccs stood high in the es- bough b t.trl Count Council for S4 - "\\'ell, sir" -sometimes, from !orae of Generally foam of the Cit of which bo was made taken lots of time, and the mare cast of Y Y 64j - a was of an exceeding flnennss, I day sighed, as a widower may be sup y .highly distinguished mils- Y 250,000. completed the Perfcot deouration$ oP long .hrxhlt, Dir. Halliday called his, a Freeman in 1814. On the occasion the land would be considerable, thiel chit still -"if i ay c remind Posed to sigh, even atter Eifty years of tarp men are presented with swords as of bis return from the Crimea His r A liqueur and algar cabinet in the the small table. A chair, half push- B liberty, Si ell, as, usual, the old man's horse You -there {s Mr. Geoffrey.' donating the arm of the Service to Moya! Highness was presented, in 1857, Otago of a coffin with ""kali, bongs, ad away at one side, denoted the re- "\Nell, my friend, I must see these g p sense canto to the rescue. In looking cent departure of a lady the ser- "Geoffrey i' My nephew, you young )tidies myself. Why do you Willett they belong, and great naval with a award as a testimony to his dice, bourglass, Scythia, snakes, frogs, mean S" soldierly qualities, around for forage whop we struck Ilia spittle, and other things," is offered for vanes, too, had retired, with velvet ::Yes, Mr. Dane." r keop them °coped up in the country 4 commanders receive, like them, tba WILLIAM OF I{ARS, town ba had discovered the bed of an sale in Landon. footsteps, softly closing its double „Pooh I What do I know about my Have Item up h town, and bring them I Freedom of the CLty and the additional abcuroned oana),tbat they'd stn ed us- Prof. Van Eamarpb, the Niel aur doors behind item, and the two rrien, to sea me. dbut is it, Barnes!" for General Williams, whose name to s° qq geon Ger- friends and partnere, were alone, off raerlvm two cas sat e �e because my brotl in h the soft -tooted butler had opined the ,gilt of a cox enclosing it, this casket well remembered in connection with Ing when the raulroad was built, This who is uncle b mnrrin y $e eb the Gane Matthew Dune, the mastHr of lite Y • door. tieing made of British Heart of Oak the terrible siege or, a parson, and an Improvident Man, g p Kars, received a old canal ran through the edge of a man Empress, has ,loot celebrated the house, and toad of the firm of and as all parsons are, asked me to give "It's M1. Geoffrey, sir, who is up- Ivich gold fittings.. Sometimes, how word with the approval pt the whole man's farm there, and the land was no fiftieth anniversary of receiving his prosperous mercantile firm ut Dane him abart.h. I guys him a stool and n stairs in the drawing -room with Mrs. swords have been given to men country. At first it was deoitled to doctor's degree. and Txichet, ant with his back to the B Dane." use to anybody. aalarp. I knmv netting about tum - w.ha haus wen heir renown upon tie Biv. him the Freedom in a gold box, y tidy. It didn't pay to Leghorn, has lost its Mayor, Com - fire -plana. A strong, vigorous old I tvlint ora his to aci "All, we are just coming up. Flaw but as his bero.a courage under privn- Plought it because it wasn't worth the maiJrintur» Costello, who has abscond - Somewhat with a i booked vase, and many I How can I tell what he isrMadenof?? long has Mr. Geoffrey been beret" sea. lion and suffering became known the time and trouble it w*cold take to get ed with re 00 seams and wrinkles in his well -marked kit spoke with a Certain angry impati- A quarter of an tour, sit. Mrs. Tho Corporation were never stinted Court of Common Connell resolved to 0 lire from the oily trea- soraewhat high -coloured features, but Dans %Lto me lip let you know." horsea and ploughs up and down the without a white, hair in his almost eltce, as though the subject bad been to their admiration of the man who present the sword in recognition of Bury and 28,p00 tiro bcr(niging lip lite lrason,d out in his own mind before, "And at the auspicious hour, this quality as well as of his valour. bank," and It wasn't any good fox' any- Chamber of Commerce. coal -black, straight -falling looks. Dint- The auspicious Swain arrives," Iron Trafalgar. They gave him the IL• will be remembered that to Septem- thin If i might make so bolt! as to say,thing; and the old !Ran bought a 4,tr'ip German university students have 1n - and Dune was u mon born t, rule quoted the old mon gaily, with n sly Freedom aE the City in a gold box in iter, 1855, the RussLnns were defeated at that land along there, a few aores and to command. Ready of wit, clear DIr, Dana, Dir. Geoffrey net only bears smile as he rose from the table, butased in number from about 10,000 of brain, i,ntiriu in energy, he. bad, Y°t'r Hama, but he is it highly promis- 1797. There was more tcau a more at Fars, Colonel Williamsi\ illiamreporting gl {t, enou h Lor. a cemeter lot for i:hn B BY' ing yauu man, one that either Joseph Halliday knew the man tea that aPLes a stubborn combat of sav- i g y twenty-five .Years ago to 82,241 last by his sale exertions, for many years g you well to be led away by this apparent sense of fitness in his recognition of an tours they left on the held over Blunt„+for next to willing. So you see piloted the great louse safely through or I would be glad, indeed, to own as "nullity. Mr, Duna never cammitLetlt lite £avotir. In its following year be t.hal•e we were, with the land bought Year. The increase is out of proper. a Son.” B B 6,000 dead. NoLwithstandin this tion to lite all the storms and dangers of haft sea- !himself, and he. was as uncertain as forwnrdod to them tie sword of Blan• bloody repulse, they still along to the and the grave dug at very small ex- population. Dor. Dana laughed short! ever as to the ultimate. success of the blockade with extreme obstinacy, and pease and praotleacly in a minute. JA blue silk undershirt worn by King aon", depression of trade, and Failing tittle offence. You, mgoodShortly, with a g commercial impulse. Where others y friends matrimonial Se. ems which he tad 1 quot, the only French Admiral who 4VLi laid the giant down in the sea Charles I. at the time at hie execution' had sunk, submerged in the remorse Oh. Yes, I daresayI You have dough -1 h slu•vived th sdisnstxous Battle of Ali - leas to invest liars on all sides, tion of the canal Iva bad bought and + B ,cars, I believe 4" dared to suggest to tint, and upon I in the hope of compellingthe garrison stained with several blood s lass scream, Matthew Dane had kept which hung so man ambitious dreams oukir Ila with a letter, in these .hauled earn from too rest of the piece pole, is to Car - up tis head -preserving, unbroken, the "Two daughters, Mr. Dane, lovely and hopes. TbaY Y' to surrender. 1Ve11 Might the Cor- to cover bim-the old man was wise be Sold at auction in London soon. ground had been terms: partition Sympathize with Colonel, .aP- eredit and the prestige of the splan- girls• well brought up, well-educated, broken -that was all. Vanguard, Mouth of the Nile, August terwards Major-General Sir W. F. enough at course t° hay land enough The certificate attached atates tint (lid business which, nearly half a cen- well-rcianered young women, with Meanwhi!e, upstairs, Geoffery sat by Williams. 'Our troops suffered fear- to provide for Lhat. �Vten the mound lit° shirt was obtained by Dr. Hobbs, wham nn one need be ashamed to be his lune a sufa, patiently holding a 8th' 1708• fully after the engagement from their tvaa rounded up in proper shape and due the physician who attended the kin tray ago, r. had inherited from his proportions it made quite a ridge; it B grandfather. As to "Triacet," he had a°Rnbted." And Mr. Halliday "air skein of while tvpot on his outstretch- MY Lord -having the honor of being meagre diet of bread and water, and thus a flet °°untry around there, and °n the scaffold, and passed by th°mar- had no personality since those remote Ile his chin into his collar with a lit- ed h-inds, while ,ilio slowly unravelled a Freemu,n of the City oL London, I Dr• Sandwich wrote to lite following ruga s of f daughter into Ito oasas- agbs when the French branch, at tic nanse{ons pride. and wound up its nlan • tangles. Long mono: "the • You could see this ridge for quite u B P Lyons, had bind hands with the Lon- MaLthew Dan ave him a swift and dish >� take the liberty of sending to your 3 are no longer stout and piece. Stun of the family which is about to ,11 B h ofjment, and bid knaves holy hardy men who fought for seven hours p me It. data firm, thereby consolidating and sudden glance, sharp as a needle, out moot of. Private suffering and humii- lordship the sword of the commanding against overwbelming odds, and drove "Of course the old man pat up a strengthening it to an extraordinary of those keen, hawk -like eyes. Nothing intie-n, had broken down this poor lady, French Admiral, Monsieur Blanquet, back a magnificent Russian army. The hendstouo, and it was mush its big- Bright rad spectacles accompanied by degree. Triebet, save in the person ever escaped .him, no abatis of signif{- until she ims now but the faint sha- who Survived, after the Battle of the noway -opened hospitals ora filling gest headstone I ever sure, and quite internal doses of calomel from a new of one clerk, representing an almost tante, however remote, was lost upon dow of the radiant girl who had gone dao cliffarenG from any I ever srwr It was German unheeded junior branch of the old .his ever -react comprehension. He forth fifteen .First, off the Nile, and request that y with men whose only disease is built of brick. The old man hired all edfro against seasickness. ti It family, hanow no existence. As in was master of the minds of men. PY, if somewhat penurious home,ato the City of London will honor me by exhaustion from want of nutriment. the men that could work on it, and is deduced #tura Lpstein's invcatiga- so in 1'he grass is torn up in all the open they.,put in a foundation and bull the tions on the influence of colour on the was the head and ons, Monnespring Dane Halliday -that oIS that's yorielur ide , Joe- should uni a her !into with the elderl mil- the acceptance of it, as a remembrance apices and the roots eaten by the s°1- limdst•oiie In h -tit) a day. It was .game blood vessels in the brain Seasickness whale a bears. He was, in fact, a Harr one of B that Britannia still rules the waves; titers and people." But no privation Y your girls, and that I overcrowded bouse. thing like the girls Wall of a brickhouse is due to lack of blood In the brain, which that she may far ever is the could subdue the spirit of our men, demi--god, not only to the firm, but, should tike the young couple into Then rte had Leen full of hope and y and In honoring Major-Genaral \Yip- for general dimensions, only it was while Ted sends nlaod to I.ha brain unfortunately, to himself too. It partnexahip?" life end energy, determinedfulof o make fervent wish of your• lordship's most hams the City stowed what it nought very much thicker and tombstone-iikc with a rush. By looking at one point seemed to him that he bad but to "I glvo you my word, sir -no such i her humband'happy, and to be a good obedient servant, of and their high courage and pat- to shape, and at a 1)IIIS distance in for some time through il7e red lusaes speak, and his word became law; only I thought -nothing s„ presympluous-or wife Lr, him; .soon, very soon, she learnt HORATIO NELSON, riotism. that level country the ridge with the fb» potent is aural gxh Ibell g to command, and servile obedience was : if, iucleed, a transient idea did LSS Hunt she had no influence over his 11Le, great tsLone at one end of it looked Iika y Instantly rendered unto him. He was p' Right honorable Lord Mayor of Lon- INDIAN MUTINY, what it was, the rave of a mighty St. Helena bas been the scene of a through -'•the trembling junior part- and no power to please him, save in the B B master of all that cttm» Wto contact nor hastened do cry, with confusion. only fns, iop7 in whirh she was unable don 'Upon Baran Clyde, better known as giant. curious "Pooh Brth" pexformnnrni. It with him, for the heads of other great I Dir•, Duna laughed. "My good fel- to gratify his ambition and Ids, wishes. The weapon, which, along with the S{r Colin Campbell, was conferred a And so five left b{a1 secure in mem- possesses a Bishop Lind also u Gav- sun{lar honor, in 1$58, "far his dlstin- oryns ws tbJughtwrth the inscription ernm, wfie is lilcaw{tae chief � houses, at home and abroad, with Iorv, don't apologize. it's a very na- "Any washorivoman cfla have cab- Iatter, is preserved in the Guilcl.hall, wished service in India, particularly or had put on with ilia inscription grant , Che Justice. wham be did business, and wbo, when turns idea. Human nature, my dear les," she would say to herself in the B p Y rho Bishop Mal -thew Dane recommended Such and galliday, is tie same, all uta world bitterness of her soul. "'L'hera is Lard- was made during the .Empire, and bare for his decisive operfttluns at Look- storm came up heft),. the morter had p disregarded an injunction Suchi a course: of action, were at Onre I over. •CLucun pour sail' us our deur ly a poor womom in the streets who thawnrds: "LaLibarta, La Loi elle-" now." "'The Bayard of the Indian Ont and blew the hoadst'.ane down, and of flee court and was fined ESU P.ar convinced of is infallibility, simply be neighbors sn.y, 1\ by should you not would Rat ba mere Army." Six James Outram, received, ibare; l: lay simply a most Loring pile of Precious to him R°i" was not quite to the taste of contempt of court. Be appealed to [be cause -for hs advised it, of Joseph Halliday: have dreamt 1 in tfio gams year, the ]?resclaan of the brit'k• Bat the mound remained,:La it Colonial Secretor ry h long years tis managing clerk- After all, it's as good lasl mint iWbat'B whhicJ,l i urnJunhu incapable, fnx�nfnilE I Ito time, and had been entirely off City and a Sword of !liner, "!n test,- st.tli does, I saw {t there only a pane y. who ordered the whom by hie own good pleasure, and � Phillibu.l, to me y Or to you, Sor the Ing in that, I ca as e,laid, to him." 1 ed, .having been burred over with a many of the signal services rendered agolrwhen I[ erred through that noun- Governor to remit the fine. Tho Bishop fox his owu advantage, lie hurl trans matter of that. Y Natcing bt all, of For in her fa d7ion, she had Loved him hammer, by him in Suppressing themutiny and IrY• llut with nothing to mark it,exa,nt is still in contempt, and the Governor ferred, wllh one stroke of bis pan, into `course. Whereas your daughter- ranee, meekly amd submissively, in aa- NELSON'S FRIEND. rebellion in the East Indies, and in ad- knowledge of it, gradually faded, and h'ts been compelled as Governor toover- Ilia partner, without {n any wily at- wbich is ft to be, klalliduy''-Well, cordance with her marriage vows; but miration of his high personal and even tradition h•td grown indistinct, ride his own action as chief Justice. tering his polit:on as his inferior of -I she is your ditught.Hr-and m fie. hmv nrnv blit all delusion was at an end, Nelson's intimate friend, rut° was public character, exemplified thr•ou *h nnrb the gre%L mound had come finally firer -mister tun, at his clerks fad his I - y P 6 An ingenious plan for the economic fic-er tis, to Ilia dependents, is clerks of ever -well, he is MY nephew -and blood is and Ill -it she realized to the full of her with him at tits death, Captain Hard n long period of =W Lary service in the 1-0 gab known simply as the giant's hill. p Y, regeneration of J.reland is proposed by ! Y • thicker than venter -and all The rest t)wtt position with him, the love had hast, as a crave, skilful, and patrio- kind and degree, and hist, but not of I twaddle, Hallidayy, my good fel- perised, and only 1.17e misery and the was not forgotten by the Corporation, tie soldier." Afjr. F. E. Iluines in the Spectator. It local, he was master of his wife. And low." And Dir. Dans s]appHd cis hand disappointment ranulined to Lar, rvho, on January 80, 1800, bestowed up- MAGDALA. WRECKED AND STARVING. is to Make Galway a transatlantic yet, curbiusly enough, it was In the ( upon his knee, and laughed heartily- She was frightened of him too; on Lim the sword for tis gallant be- To Lord Nu — part, and to connect it with Kings. person of Dirs. Dana that oppea{tion ever pr cis offer !Lis seven Sull"co Lxve far Tw•enli,411retr tray- LOw,i b a dee water curial aero 11 laugh ill which sat{re unri amuse- es tris i,b broken en and angry ilat can- tory, on board the flagship, the Via civic reward of valour upas offered for Y P ops had mat the proud and ate n dog- Cent, grspci nature and devilry, were es brd Banken !tar spirit, whilst can- for spirit in the most obstinate and ug- eWminglY intermingled. slant lrnitin aver ILS unalterable y' °n October 2i, 180b, tis rescue of• a numlaer of .Luropeaus on'r'auco �lsn and :lea 7vaca• the island 120 miles long. The fish gruvnted form. g But Hardy is remembered better in held prisoners by Icing Theodore, The Captain George C. Benner, of the of the west coast and tips produce of Mr. Halliday sipped at his Portwith undermined her benith and ruvned her I capture aE Mti. dnla waS distinguished Mr, Dane, had married a wife, nut fin I y P p �wrecked "ubaoner, Jannis F. Willey, ordinary men marry, and from ordi- fine of resignuLlon, and looked in- nerves. A poor wFak creature, feeble i connection with the death of Ills Chief' by a very spix•ited tLttaek upon the y, the interior would be taken up along nary motives. Ile, had nal, rattail {ndove, tensely uncomfortable• He never in mind, yet clinging with a p{teeu6 than for his own undoubted valour, It fortress, the leading men of the 83rd from Jacksonville to Martinique, and the oanal or from some central point with the lad :s ordinary mortals are qulie knew whether lite grant loan afrettiotl to those who were kind to,was Scalia a rack and Writing the defence his crew of six men who were landed and conveyed to Liverpool. Fast trains y ' y het', that was what Mrs. Matthew .Dan 'tuna ala'ay", as Southey says, Lord B y wont to do; nee,fo h.sh tib Sought her was fit Jfte tar, , earliest• es at one of the gates. thus allowing at Quarantine, New York, on Sunda lC7'a$B Ireland nncl We proposed tun• for her iortuat(, for tI1H was portion-! ' S"our nephew, Dir. 17ane----" be be- tests naw, after fifteen years of married I Nelson's desire That the British fleet the troops to enter. The Rine, find y' 1 P loss and he was wealthy; nor ugu,n gttn, tentatively, after a, short silence,, life. She was fond of Geoffrey, for he Should be distinguished by humanity ing all was lost, committed suicide. by the ateamor Saratoga cu#fer.d Rel under the Irish Sea would serve duan r w. S always gentle and tender tai bar, {n this victor + had ba chosen his fir y; from any ;nuts!, wl,ieh his supariar cracked cob- y he expected at TraLal- LATEST RECIPIENTS. greatly from hunger before rescued, express passengers, TTtiliring the pros - worldly Inducement:, of high birth, or r and sipped his Port conLempla Yel, '"he hod reason to believe that her gar. He set an example ,himself, giv- But time would fail to tell of all Their vessel ran into a hurricane on ent grand cans), he thinks big canal influential family, for She could net tiv�+.ly I husbIall regarded her friendship with ill orders to cease tiring upon the these who subdued kings and wrought; September 80. It was not Ion before would cost £8,000,0011, boast at any ru•{stoerat{a connections, ( Ali I Never mind my nephew, my him with suspicion and displeasure. h'rerich sbill Redoubtable, believing as. natio at righteousness. g Besides, Lhe she was a wreak. Her mass went The steamship ilii ,vaukee run on the either mushroom or ancient. He had +lent friend, ILL us leave him alone. I When she heard the sound of the gen-; Oho did net return big fire, that she later -mrs—all but one—of the hon- rocks Rear the mouth of the Tyne i . simply Selected her out at a large ; t:lomc'We voices on the stnirease, alre , overboard and her deck load was drift- y n inn do r,x I chaste with Lim, of °huts,,. tad struck. It tins upon this stip the arable trophies aro say, sowing the In , September last while on a voyage family, because she was young and I ears ,n,pke him, or I can break him;' Puyhnd heraa'mpllnir fui•lhaz',itvayfrom I mall -Tuffs aLandidg who martullY cotton. Lord \Yolsbley, who, In 1874, B rn all directions. When the storm Yagefrom healthy, with a clear, wholesome skin, he nddad, with a little (.buckle, as him' wounded him. As Nelson fell he said, as Sl.r Garnet Wolsale eemraanded subsided it was found tliat the voasel South Shields to Now Orleans, The a& and a robust anti hearty appetite. though the. Prospect of thus destroy_ f)(rn't be talking to me, Geoff," she i "They have done for me at last, Har- the expedition to the Gold Coast, ob- was complete! water -lo ter part of the vessel Was afloat in said nervous! he. will think we young p ! y gged and there "Fiera," had said Matthew Dane t° Log his !,ratter's son had utl.ract;ons Y+ dY." "I .hope oaf,' replied lite oun twined the prised diatination for was no apparent chance of rescue,, deep water, and it seemed an easy job b nlaaiE, "ie the fitting mother of my for hint, C•eat hien entendu, n',, t -tae L'nve been plotting soraetl7ing•" I captain, "Yes, my backbone Is ribpt; "bringing about results conducive to to .haul ler al f, the person who is most ap- Pas, as p:inner Trichet would say-" NIY deur nurol:, surely that must 1 through," continued the Admiral, and peace, cammeree, and civilization an rile water casks had been washed i a f, but It was found that ']'lie ,n i 6 ba fonvy. I D away and there was nothing prapiuLte tngiva an heir to tlm house Y,lncat "Triuhcrt" often figured he "overact his Taos and breast with i..he Continent of Africa." Six. years g to ant. her bottom had been pierced Forward oP '!)ane and : vlehe. "' S° he mar- as a aomewlxaL familiar jest Ili DIr. (111, you don'( know him as I do. ,.his handkerchief, so that the crew' later Lord Roberts, at that time Ma- The pangs of hon er soon struck theta, of the )'ridge, and that for alba th Dune's {fit{mate conversation, and n° mast. be master everywhere, even would net see who was being carried P g 6 B rind her, and Mrs. after h roll into ill- eve: people's thoughts." Vo C., was Sir Frederick S. Roberts,' They took its pans out of their clout eight thirty feet the rook penetrated lin- and waa childless. fter car marriage., wits t% a, gyod temper. the autocrat g pend. 1 away. "o tL can do nothing for me,' an C., was marls a Freeman °i the City in eighC feel islto tt. bald. I1; coin Im- Tb:r dr:rrvtn loom door o g and Made, of theau.'.l'ha s f he Said 140 the afugson, and insisted an presented with n sword in recog- Y �- ase' B ''or the first two years of their mar- am'. T1n111day, whoa he heard it, took Geoffrey w•,s sitting close to it on a ; that othars of whom there was hope ni.t an of his gallant services in AE- cured a tine by ravelling a piece nE possible to float the vessel what% the rind life he surrounded her with at- boort of grace, and laughed the esu it tow ah,,Ir behind n Lull Jnpanose serean should be attended to, His last words Lon, Or, where base Welland nobly sn{t cloth, and after forward part was Slowly ] that sheltered The entrance to the µ,era, 'Thank God; I Lave done C I s two days' fishing y h cried off EooLionate solicitude; for the third and IlLtle, "Jill, hal" which he cousidcxed room, u1s uta dear open.cl ha heuril " Y uliheld the prsstig'e and raputntton of they managed to hoalc a small fish, with dynamite. The bulkhead forward fourt:b the solicitude remained, whilst due to the time-honored joke, I duty. I:he British Arm The lata Admiral of the coal bunker" Was strengthened, the affection paled; for till- fifth unit Mr. II(illiday say -"We might Sends Y' This lite Captain ordered out u of after a mono m B "What I want Io lie,tr about to ,your Faulkner, perhaps, to Prance." Faulk- I WELLINGTON. Lord Alcester, Who bimburded the P p into r, wicvk the aft two- sixth, nn angry r.prcxiohfulneas against (]alighlers, Halliday' rontinuad Dir. net, being the name of ono .of ilio head I Upon this roll the Duke of Walling- forts of Alexandria, was the last real- equal parts unit each man received Lill thirds of the Mil,woukee containing giant of a Sword of Honor from the H ual shave. 7'he fish was devoured duty nnfv hal .4 and obligations a ons un- Dano. "\Y.hal. cart of girls ors they'6" clerks, ton early oacupiea a, plane. In 1812 he q the engines, was floated and towed into redaemad, tars au lie, I, and than, "My ,tear friend. they are dear, good Then M,r. Drina ftr]"IVered quickly: I received rI Sword of Honor, and the tic Corporation, who are never Slow t0 re- aL once. For eleven days, the Cup- Part. A naw care part wilt be after that., be let ter alone, reran niz- [ i uo�nxze the Wlsdam, Duty, Honor,' thin deciat'es iho were without foo(! Bft n •i but on. B girls, I ordure you," re ilicd his ; nn• ' Ao, no. i don't know enough about tion of 010 Corporation was only eh'- Y v t a has been sunken b a law Ing' that she was a failure, and that ior, aa]'billtly—alil3UBi'. lilt tleLlbil)IY. !!lilt, we don't want a ratiolit:ion of the I prosAve of the national enthusiasm. It , which annnat0 the men who serve oto• of any kind or n drop aP water to y she had ruine,t bis nmbitinns. Hs al- DIr, thine. waved Ilia hand {mpat.b- .Ile llr.faur scandal -tragedy business; Ives in 1.808, upon being created Lieut.! cltaoian. drink. ons° involving fha rights of Ito beer most entad ht'r for her eheart(;v, and at enl1 "l'hoh I Ihal's nut what I nteatl. no more untried olerks wham money Is General, that )A 011 ngton was given ",the agony that rya suffered,,' Its drinkor and the decay a boar drink- odathatyshott:wereorn f hill t7end, l ao that! be A a mat ter of course, they are good. � wnaorned for ma, Ilalliday. At 1 Genf- , the command of the army to be de- contlnuecl. "non" can oval, know un- snB. Aman anitired the Au u 3 All Young woman aro Peninsular. THE EMPIRE OF BAROTSE, gat ner g goad, L)II thnY fray; how d'ye do 2 Helping your aunt ' snatched to the 1. eninsular. Witt )as,r he Las ltuel a similar experieucn. beer hall in Munich,and asked fox a might try his luck auto more. are t:ried'" added the old Cynic,, with with her wool work, eh 8" j soma 1.3,00(1 man i.0 all, Ln prapaxad to � l`a" eleven Lours.I sat ar a peri lint-. •• o y�Coact was the anuli, blears -silo ngil, a sour. "That- is not what:I want tore Y attach the 31 ranch, itude:r Junot, who only ttemajoilng Savage ltealrn 8°nthot rain with m rubber coats read out P ny," ono -quarter litre, glass of i� n s taraf him sev seventyyears, know. Are they atevor? Are they I P,11q,e readair y Illi name or Do Brefour Tad with him 15:000 troops. Sir John me t:unafor. oR m,Y Jill) Lying to collect; water beer; the waitress bought him ahalf- 4 Y b( ILnt.i[u12 Are the hea]Ih in teed Moore had likewise landed in Porto, al enpuglt to satisf the awful thirst litre glass, which he refused, whin Ile stat at fig table In Cromwell Road, and bloar it mind 6y What.yare thai hnd struck upon his eara w'it:h a strings. with a view to effenf:in a 'ant on I There now rar u{n.g only ono people Y nncl goosed round its tawny-aolnurerl (.bnrnnl:ers, and what aro the dts i _ inJansity, Swiftly there flashed before! d ;find onelittlavnllayaeuf.lx oftJre E art that seemed to com;ume ole, My lip$ was I ld that: the pr° ristar would not 47 part to him partner, A very dif- t ions between them V" t no hes mental vision, Loo long, low room, i �� it the Du.lce, then Sir Arthur --s1-1 t r h q tvbro cracked and parched, and the sell a smaller u•, illi tvitrxn-eu,tnined and book -lined, the lay, Who before he could give bat ° whose sovereignty has nol: been blood was runningfrom the hrauksand +1 `n y. Tho man was ferent man to .himself was Joseph "You cak a gr"' snarly questions' tie to Junot, was sit erseded In the claimed b Sarno Ruroponn power. it trickling_ down y ebin, I thought Ia lurvyer; he brought shit and had Halliday, his. partner, A good ten but. I will eflcleavour to Outisfy thnm.' Stadol! lnrnir, the it{oltaring firelight, eommnnd. by Sir lIniry Bnrrard. Y 'hot m atm" ought' lire Proprietor years younger (ban tis superior, hb y n the Lady Hnrniltcmv of his I is tie Valley of Barol se, fifty at, sixty Y unit iegs would be Para. ( i p et or fined 10 marks. 'rhe nese was, nsverthatrse, niu(Jl older i.n rar- And DIt,. Tial]!du crossed one leg °vox dreams, who had grunted frim thief. one This General was aing171rirly mild and 13'imid train keeping theca in uno lost- was o r led, The 1 iRLams,w, o ha more than six wvone g y miles wide, nortt of MOW, in South t !Ps, error of the Hill. I the other, and folded his hands to- cautious, a�nclit might have b.on; t:Ion so long, and psi I Waited for ilio brtdnha is, n sana.l appearanne-his hair tint] rlhis- gc,t.hnr upon his kne.. Mx, .Dano Jon]c- foreseen that uta man who was known, Afrion, .fiend the only reason why ilia rain to fill the rets Ill z gave tostldaxty that till hers were absolutely bald while, his fury- ell u.t. Il{nl keenly and sharply, "goy go -beautiful a 'Rose Da nnee h 1 I I1 India us on im tdauS "Cornet of Marot vii inhabit t "A , 1 ll c in my lap. , i.his decision W:la niven no person ill head enatn{nt (;I) baldness, ,Lisf+'aiurea BY what strange nbanao had Lar, „ p° se, who iia it, have era• !tar the rain 1 ]sur[ collected I:ut fha ]r{:star It wit, perhaps, not an easy Icing to nnma, hold tarred wil,hin the innermost Dragoons" would not long oat under served. their {ndepanslenab is Ihnt .Eu - two tablespoonfuls, Th 1; r y of tits establishment had defer nva and nnerol An ]lalsilunl do-..il to define the physical and hint. 13u.rra,rd declined to attack B All am a rvn.a livid- dreanlad of. asking for less thad nhalf rlaferen(,+ of xnttnnet nlu,rar,tHrise,l his r7;eni.c,1 parularitifss of his children. raaLs9ss of his soul, wpm° to bo men ,Ju is till Irl land and Portugal both alnico it,and 1 day nif:nr du y, whenever It'lRre of Hofbrau. Tho c c I tuned again to him, and upon ilia lips nn tl S John Dlaara ariveci gran.t., therefore t 1 sprinkle rcoutd some, we used the rub.' )VAS Hurl nevoriho- 'RtorCoilr•st, with Dfr. hate. n. meekness lh'h: ilomoph Ilalli.day,held in his hand pp his x al ¢ 1 of !y u. ainst the wish of )VAlosbay, At he nor. t of "civilization" is bar cont to cat." gave judgment -that, landlords ara r n e ,and why were words h what water Iva Would, ! brcrind to deliver 1400(14 in ns small of n, that a. is Ye n(+rt w1w+l'ne of the. Out to (.his situation. ifn Was bu not such dirk impart as scandal and tra- , Vim ora the French, as Wellesley had„ at a Standstill.. unit the little we caught b tvuad, t]znt was ye.i, not wh+,lly frac a $rcat man, like h1S Senior, but Ira piodJ.ctatl, lel) upon the .isngtish, tint: Means kat iia fr, Y tbnt.'qu.iuliltes nS is av7ifainuble, charging from a cort.nin uxnovut of tannin, and ! gedy Bated with it. in the Sarno breatbB It mny notbaso easy toconquer ilio P cn perishing•' quanfily. 1 was a very Ohrewd one ha knew ex- i The next mohexit he was smiling at. were gallantly ropulvnd, unit would Marofoe when i:he lime carnes for the For twanty-tlurca dnYa the yr taeI ' sbrawdness in the nxprexs{err uC pal+' met IV why Dir. 1Jarxa wanted to !loon, himself fir his tn11y. It was, tai coarse,' certaln]y ,hays been out: off. rinm Lis Y dri£Ied 1![ulasa, tar men r i " 1pl�ctt;ve..� mhndnrl by the pe»ttouaa of J till u3'out. his girls, unit their nai.ures, btzt amara °ainatdsnrse of Similarity'bon tad il: net basil fax 1.115 bositatng are a tall, wall -set, up race, veryblaak weaker Wait mar B owing I AN ED1 •l - th k gr eclmg e, ebrowli, e disheartened its tha PI ROWS BRDAT> HAST. „+.• Y ,rust as plffitily as though hr. hall heard of namo-It couid be nothing more. tactics Of Bur•rard. The Canyon- Ili Skin, In manners they aro courteous days wore, all. TWO small sharkrl "IMI rill Yottr glass Muni" Ofdd old him say: "Which of the two Is the And Yet iho coincident, was a cin u- tion of Cintra, follownd by which file fnd in hearing dignified. .Ever full- on board L were The Garman all -w it takes fox, his )Dun(,, in Ilia frill strong ace,enty, "and, must "Ai table for my pu'rpbse-which bar ono, r g French agreed to evacnrcto Portugal, I,Jaod,•d Alvio,so lsb Y t fid eagerly devoured,; bietkfnal; n small whits ]oaf., the top Let late, hear our own vi"wv. We are ran I ausiemt mould and Yi irthriglll. n.nhief, and ilio,. menr re supply gone, the of which is covered over with salt, and 1 Y i that i 1 a f govern, en To 136 Continued. ;forret: a•nt1, his troops and bngtcage, ba- anti taken his plact, in the nristocraoY roan were reduced to eating saawend, ftvir old man. !ram rh i i),•sS, you rxrs lit .hc vJnt cpE her loacim{ng my ^r mg conveyed. {n l.ngilah transports 1:n of tie emp,rc, the bare Taal that he ill Alnl titan tLI. Last lit tvbteh 31CCoi'dingly gees by the n,tuza of aoclesa. '41'haf. r oak of You.{5, w'lino nephews wife, I can still rule hath the, nearomb Frenab part.. ili flj�--Wl§t It itlar018" ftp Urns the respect of tho Berl °n a reef a vessel WAS wnsh- stilt bun, After this he cin=lnm°a a is In, beeome of Dane anti Triahet? Are hon anil, her I" There wouldn't ha half enough room and.. disappointment, Sir Arllltlr' Well- sub: erv{enl tribes, bn.l as lin r aal7a0n.r and it 'S"pnnish fishillg' arrrall milevial kind or bun, known as win In allow this splendid Inheritance, pt) )lie set to work to answnr him 1 at (lie top if all the people succeeded esloy resigned his oommanl Wild re- it, filfao! a. `en of l err' i grows to took Off tlla ]rr1.IE p8Y'Ishall a "Jur,il (' •v,, It amnln na ldvirfeles to • p)]ep:.i'. f+ling+ichor for wdlni, of sur diplomatically and cautiously,far, af- in suing there. who think the ought i.mnad to ]sarftlnnd. The nalinn aa.v irn*, tai , i 1, iI ollt;(' ll u'Ll)y'crew. Tho (,,()Olt was mad than and the for whichanother ]rind f broad lit r u !cent B $ y l n 1J( native the drgnitl of othir'S Ivsre nearly (laud horn starve- required, baked until the outn]cle Is crseion 9 Or stroll we takr,• in 1'tilltbwfl tax a11, it w'aa npUil fieaPirey, and net to Indignant at the iucomipetent g, :,cr;'I self-rerpeat, I tion, I quite black, if