HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-12-2, Page 1$1 in Advance
T®m /900.
Vol. 27, No, 21
New Advertisements,
fipeoiale••• las. Fox.
Irioal -I. U, ltiohnrda,
lleaorde—I. C. lliuharde.
titrayed--Weil McLaughlin,
For Xmas—G, A. Deadman.
A000unte Dna—Jas. Walker,
Girl wanted—Goo. McDonald.
Groceries, &o.—Geo. Tbom'eon,
Everybody—Greig & Macdonald,
Oonnty Oounoil Election -1:'. S. Scott.
Millinery and Mantles—Mrs. E. Rogers.
;>:strict a,tebo,
Sleighing hes livened up business gen.
Township Council here on Thursday
16th inet,
The Methodist Sabbath School is pre.
paring for their annual Christmas enter-
Wakefield Love intends going to Barrie
whore be has relatives. We wish him
improved health and SUCCORS.
On the eveuing of Thanksgiving Day,
Rev. Mr. Yelland preaohed u. sermon
suitable to the day from the text "Offer
unto God Thanksgiving."
Itis hinted that Deputy -Reeve Dil-
worth may be a candidate for the Reeve.
ship next year if peeve Strachan 'Mould
retire, Mr, Dilworth hoe been an el.
dent member of the Beard.
Oro eilerttotc.
Jno. Bothwell 1155 returned to Winni-
pBMies Mary Ritchie is visiting in Sea.
A new wind shed has beau built by
Chea, Switzer.
A, 0. Damee arrived home on Thurs-
day ot this week.
Charlie Bothwell leaver' Ude weak for
Niagara Falls where be expeate to make
his home.
Mrs. McLachlin, who reeidee with her
daughter, Mre.. R. K. McDonald, is quite
poorly but we hope she will Boon be ton•
Rev. Juo. Rose and wife, G. F. Blair
and wife and Jae. Fox and wife, of Brus•
sole, were vieitore at the manse last
Monday evening.
An old landmark has been removed in
Oranbrook by the outthig down of the
row of big willows in front of A. Mo.
Donald's property.
We are eorry to hear of the serious
illness of Jno. Wood, 16th eon. He had
a severe hemorrhage last Wednesday that
weakened him considerably.
Acknowledges that there are no two people
exactly alike in physique and face, this being the
case it is just as hard to find two people whose
views and tastes are the same.
Tastes differ in all things and in none more
than habits and styles of dress. To attempt a men-
tion of the variety of Men's Clothing we handle
would require too much time and space. Suffice it
is to say that our claim of a Complete Clothing
Store for Men and Boys is verified in the quantity
and variety of our stook.
You will see this the moment you enter our
door. Variety andquality reign supreme here.
Values in Fur Coats in Coon Skin, Wombat,
Australian Coon, and Bulgarian Lamb. We can
refer you to a hundred men who are wearing our
Fur Coats. We guarantee every coat.
We will simply mention a few lines worthy of
your notice :—Our own make Men's Suits, $8.00,
$10.00 and $12.00. Our own make Men's Over-
coats, $6.50, $8.00, $10.00 and $12.00. Our own
make Boys' Pea -Jackets, at $2.00 and $5.50. Our
own make Boys' Pants, lined throughout, at 65c.
and 75e.
Underclothing at $1.00 a suit, wool. Under-
clothing, fleece lined, at $1.00 a suit.
All lines of Gloves, Mitts, Sox, Ties, Dollars,
Cuffs, Shirts, Hats, Gaps, Mufflers, Handkerchiefs,
kept in stock.
In our Ordered Clothing Department we are
running a special line of England Worsted at $16.-
50 a suit and a Scotch Tweed at $13.50 made to
order. Our special in Made-to-order Overcoats is a
heavy Beaver at $12.00.
—Try ns for Men's wear.
Clothiers, Seaforth,
On the wrong side of the Street in the Strong Block.
Groceries Glassware
Crockery Fancy China
Having bought largely we are offering special
values in the above goods.
Raisins,Currants) Peels, Nuts, Oranges, an esI
A special line of $12 Dinner Sets for $9.
A beautiful line of Tea and Toilet Sets at reduced
The Old .Reliable Bakery still leads with the
best goods kept pt in' afirst-class Bakery.
Flour for sale.
Rest Manitoba.,-
i^eo. Thomson.
Mre, Oameron, Rt., has been ill with la
grippe but is improving nicely now we
are ghnd to hear.
There was a big crowd at Carnoohan
Brea.' auction Salo on Wednesday after-
noon. Good prima were realized,
Charles Dames hoe loosed a farm Haar
Poole, Perth On., and will move to it Lhis
Winter, Mr. Dames will eatery with him
the good wishes of hie old friends here.
The Book 100 ante farm adjoining this
village, bite been sold to George Sperling,
10th cow, for the sum of $0,060, Mr,
Sperling will take posseesinn in the near
future. He hits rented his other farms
tar roxetcss'.
Thos. Sage has retnrned from Peter.
Jas. Thompson end his belle Sundayed
here feat week.
Miss Laura Brawn has gone to Toren•
to on an extended visit.
Mr, Snell is at present visiting with
his daughter, Mrs. T. F. Miller.
Oliver Stewart spent a few days under
the parental roof near Brnesele.
Mrs. Voeburg ie at present very low.
The dootor has not much hope of re-
The boyo have been malting things in-
teresting on the pond, but it le rather
risky yet.
Jno. Douglas has moved from Queen
street to Jos. Thompaon's vacant house
on Main ateeet.
Misses Elsie Allen and Edith Gibson
spent Thanksgiving vaoation under the
parental roofs.
Mies Keil, of Fordwiob vicinity, has
been visiting Miss J.nnie Vogt for the
past few days.
Who is ib that is wishing ao much
with sidewalk and wishes for good sleigh.
ing next Sunday 7
Mies Jean Davidson, who has been
engaged as milliner at Bayfield this pest
season, has returned home,
Rev, and Miss Anderson, who have been
holidaying at St, Helen's the past week,
returned hone on Saturday.
Miseee Gortie Davidson and Jessie
McLaughlin, of Fordwiob, spent a few
hours in town on Sunday. •
Barry Brawn, who hes been holidaying
in Toronto through the past week, re-
turned home on Monday night.
Miaeee Perkins and Miseee James, of
Gerrie, attended the English church
aervice in Wroxeter on Sunday lest.
Mies Addis Prowley, of Teeswater,
who has been visiting Mise Katie Bobim•
son, for the pact week, returned home on
The saw mill is going to boom this
Winter. Gibson Bros. have seourad the
contract for a large number of maple
Robb. Crawford, drug clerk, of Gerrie,
is rushing the wheeling season. He says
wheeling is good between Gerrie and
Wroxeter. Not at all crowded.
WEDDING BOLLS.—On Thanksgiving
day Geo. Spotters our popular school
Principal was united in the holy bonds
of matrimony with Miss Glenn, of Liebo-
wel, in the preeenae of near relatives and
friend'. The young oonple are highly
esteemed by a large clrcle of friend', and
commence married life with the best
wishes of an, Tag Pon inolnded.
The death of the late Annie Russ,
beloved wife of T. B. Sanders, which
000nrred on Thankegiviug night, wee a
ahoak to the whole community. The
deceased had been a resident of our town
for many years, and was highly esteem•
ed by alt. The funeral took pleas on
Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock and was
largely attended. All acquaintances
sympathize with the mourner' in their
deep bereavement,
The Methodist Sabbath school is pre.
paring for their annual Christmas enter.
Cheese maker Green has been men.
gaged for next season by the Directors of
Walton cheese factory.
Don't forget the union Sabbath sohool
Convention at Walton on Thursday after.
noon and evening of next week.
Duff's church anniversary tea will be
on Friday, Deo. 23rd, when a good pro-
gram of addreaees and mueio will follow
the neural sapper.
The Upper Canada Bible Society will
hold their annual meeting in Duff's
Church on Friday evening, Deo. 2nd.
Rev. S. 0. Edmunds, B. D., will address
the meeting.
The trustees of S. S. No. 12, Grey and
McKillop have seourad the cervices of
Miss Ella Lamont, of ELhel, at it salary
of 5190. Tbero wave eight applications
and bbe salaries asked ranged from $190
to 5294. Miss Lamont holds a 2nd alas'
At the Seaforth Collegiate Literary So.
oiety election, Wednesday of last week,
Frank Neal, of Walton, was chosen
President ; Miss Maggie McDonald, also
of our village, Vice Preoident, and Ira.
Gerry, of Brunets', Treaenrer. The blue
colors were victorious after an exciting
contest, We congratulate our young
friends on their victory.
MIeeroNAns.—Monday evening of this
week the Woman'e Auxiliary of St,
George's church here held an entertain•
ment in the Orange Hall at wbioh their
gifts to missions in Algome were on ex-
hibition, Rev. Mr. Chown being the mis-
eionery in that field. The following en•
w ll5rendered,Rahn Soaet
musical literacy program
p y �ing
the ohair : — Instrumental, Welton
Orohestra ; roeitatioo, Mioe Maynso ;
song, Miae Annie Sage ; radiation, Mrs.
White ; violin selection, Me. Becker ;
Yowling, Jas. Bolger ; dialogue, "Jimmy
Grime the drover," Mrs. White and Miss
Mayne ; instrumental, Walton ()robes,
tea ; recitation, Mise Oora White ; violin
selection, Mr. Booker ; reading, Mrs.
Lovett ; solo, Mise'Tillie Sege ; reading,
Clayton White; violin seleation, Mr,
Becker ; violin meat, W. Sholdiee 1 ed.
dews on miseiohe by Rev, Mr. Abey ; in.
sheumontal, Walton Oraheatre ; "God
save the Queen," Befeeshmcnte were
served before the prooeediugs were
brought to a alma. The receipts amount.
ad to nearly $10,00. The shipment be
the needy whites cad Indians ooneiebed of
clothing, fruit, toys, magical instrumento,
boake, ale,, two well filled barrela in all.
The receipt of the geode will no doubt
bring eenehtns to not a few on the mis•
cion field.
Co,vistuyroz,—At the Sabbath 'wheel
Convention to bo held here on Thursday
afternoon and evening of next week, 8th
insb„ the following will be the program :
—Afternoon session—°Acme Department
of S. S. work," Mee A. Gardiner
"Benefits of International lessons," G.
Grigg ; "Oo-operation of Parente, Super•
intendant and Teachers," Jas. Bolger ;
"How best to interest scholars in lesson,"
H. E. Burkholder ; Conference—How
ahoutd the S. S. be supported financially?
—Sabbath Reboot discipline—Flow to se-
cure efficient teachers. One hour will be
devoted to the Conference from 4 no 6
o'clock, At the evening session Rev. A.
0. Tiffin will speak on "How to retain
and increase spirituality in the S.. S. ? "
Mise Dick is down for a paper on "Mis-
sionary Department in oonneotion with
the S. S." Short addresses are also ex•
peoted from Barrister Blair and W. H.
Kerr, of Tam POST, Brussels. The offi-
oers are H. E. Burkholder, President ;
W. G. Neal, Secretary ; and Geo, Grigg,
Treasurer. Sessions of Convention open
at 1 and 7 p. m. A union cholr will sup-
ply a musical program.
ltil o rya ee
Good sleighing now.
Farmers are busy drawing out grain.
Some turnips not lifted yet in Morrie,
Ed. Oantlon is cutting wood with W.
Miae Maud Paul spent Thanksgiving
day in Bluevale.
Joseph Smyth is engaged with Walker
Brea, cutting wood.
Statutory meeting of the Township
Connell on the 16th inst,
R, Gibson is engaged for the Winter
with John Clegg, 6th line,
Matrimonial alliance between the 5th
and 7th fe on the program.
Druggist McCall, of Chatham, washer°
this week on a abort visit.
Don't forget the enbertai nmunt in
Barrie's sohool on Deo. 22nd,
Mise Martha Boemen is spending a
week with friends in Toronto.
Geo. Lowry, wife and son are spending
a week at Robt. South's, 8rd line,
A wedding in the sees future. Morris
supplies the bride and Walton the groom.
Albert and Mise Nellie Kelly spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Healy, 7th
Miss Aline Wydenbamer spent Thanks.
giving day ander the parental roof at
Jae. Tbuell pat in 60 aores of Fall
wheat this Autumn. Where is Mr.
Donnan now ?
Mrs. Pugh, Roy end Edna, of Brus•
eels, spent Thankegiviug day with friends
on the 8th line.
Wm. McCall and wife and Alex. Mo.
Call and wife were visiting at Chatham
during the past week,
The League of Sunsbine Methodist
°Unroll held an entertainment on Thurs-
day evening of last week.
Mise Maggie Humphries, of Walton, is
the greet of Miesee Annie and Lottie
Caution, of the 6th line.
Rev. R. Paul preaohed at Sunshine
last Sabbath afternoon. Rev. Mr. Oaten
was away at Kincardine.
Misses Rebecca and Hannah Forsyth
and Mise Maggie MoOntobeon were visit.
ing at Harrieton last week.
A public meeting in the interests of
Hon. J. T, Garrow will be held at Bel.
grave on Friday evening of this week.
If "the darn horse generally wine" in
going to the 3rd line we feel very sorry
for the party who drives the gray pony.
Look out for another wedding on the
8rd line. We won't mention any names
as the groom is a very modest young
The West side of this township is
warming up a little over the Weet Huron
election owing to being so close to East
Mr, Oourtias, el llolmeaville, occupied
the pulpit of Jackson's church last Bab.
bath afternoon a preached and reach d an interest.
ing discourse.
The Sunshine Methodist Sabbath
school will hold their Christmas enter-
tainment on Tuesday, 20th inst., when a
good program will be presented.
A young gentleman of the 6111 line
went to see his beat girl early Sunday
morning, It was an early start and
rather frosty, but they say the early bird
°atohea the worm.
Robert Maunders, who hem been
threatened with a eerions attack of ap-
peudioitie, at Belleville, is expected home
with the anticipation that the rest will
beneflb his health.
Old Mr, Ireland, father of James Ire.
land, 8rd line, will be 88 years of age if he
lives to use his next birthday. He is
e oomparativeiy hearty old gentlemen
considering his age.
Morris Counoil should see that the 911u
line gets a good coating of gravel next
year. Sections of the road require it
vary badly, as in the Spring and Fall it
is next to impassible.
R. Miller has purchased the MoArter
100•aore farm, 6111 line, for $8,800, in -
eluding two stacks of hay and a binder.
MOArter boys are talking of going to
Manitoba in the Spring.
Edward Littlefeir, 6th line, hoe sold
his farm to Mr, Oraig, of $ulietb, for
54,500. The farm contains about 91
sores, and at the price farms are selling
at now, Mr, Littlefair has sold hie at a
good figure. He intends retiring and
will go to Blyth to live.
Marniuomnn.—A very pretty wedding
took piece at the reeidonoe of Henry
Bone on Wednesday evening, Nov. 28rd,
when Itis deu0hter, Meg Carrie, wag
wedded to William Sellers, of Morris
township, The oeremony wag perform.
ed by Rev. D. Rogers, of Bluevale, in the
presence of about 50 guests, The bride
was attired in a beautiful tweed time
trimmed with white silk. After the care.
molly the guests eat clown to ce bounti.
fully spread table after whish games and
eoolai that were indulged in until a late
hour, The bride t'eoeived many valuable
and withal gifts anti she and her husband
anter into their new home on the shine
line with the beet wallas of the vicinity,
Frank Kelly is home from the West.
A shooting metah was held at Wm.
Oaraisa, on Tneeday.
Bible Booiety, meeting at Belgrave on
Thursday evening of this week,
It 1e said we witi have an election in
Morrie this year. Some one will be left,
Thos. lifaundere spent the Thanks•
giving bolidays with relatives in Berlin.
Mra. W. Bray, of Dongacihon, is visit.
Mg her father, W. Farrow, and other
remade on the Ord line.
Alias Maggie Oeldbeok is home from
Manitoba. Her many old frlende are
pleased to see her again.
The name of Geo. or Wm. Jackson, 8 h
line, and Mr, Taylor, near Belgrave, are
mentioned Ma probable candidates for the
Council far next year.
E1nooTcNe MATan.—Taesday afternoon
of next week, Oda inst., a big shooting
match wilt be held on the farm of Wm.
Jaoltlin, lot 12, con. 8. Separate targets
for short guns and rifles end email rifles.
A large supply of turkeys, geese and
duke. Shooting will commeuee et 1
The Clinton Nowa Record says:—Mr,
A, Mooney has announced his intention
of retiring from the oonnty council at the
end of the present year. Mr. Mooney has
been an active and useful member of the
county council for a good many years and
his triends bed hopes that he would have
filled the warden's chair before retiring.
A HORSE 11,10E.—On the mornibg of
Thanksgiving Day a company of sports
assembled on the 4th line to witness a
mile dash between "Lady Thornton,'
owned by Frank McCracken, jr., and
"Frederick the Great," the roan pony of
James Sbarp, jr., 5th line. The starter
was Harry Duncan and Frank Lambie,
of Brussels, judge. "Lady Thornton"
MS to beat "Prince Frederick" a length
but the latter won by 2 Lengths instead,
There was quite a lot of fun and lively
time was made by both steeds. They
were ridden by their respective owners.
Bscreo AnNtsniT.—Jerry Curtis held Ono
of his popular ten cent entertainments on
Thanksgiving evening in S. S. No. 6.
The crowd began to gather early and by
7.30 standing room was at a premium.
The chair was taken by Wm. Bryan, one
of the trustees, while Mise Marjorie
Straoban presided at the organ in her
used pleasing style. The mein part of
the program wag taken by the Liobowel
minstrels, Geo. M, Rogues and Percy
Stapleton (the negro play actors) assisted
by Henry George, on the boner, and
Messrs. Milburn and MoCotcheon
vocally. It is a pleasure to say that this
company of amateurs fairly brought
down the hopes by their clever acting,
oomio songs, dancing, etc., and should
they ever again grace old 8. S. No. 6 with
their presence they will be sure of a
hearty raneption. Reeve Bowman gave a
few selections on the violin while D.
Straoban and Misses Mary and Annie
Strachan rendered a very taking trio.
The balance of the program was taken
up by the school children with dialogues,
singing, eto., assisted by the Misses
Bozell and Bartliff in the ohora'es. The
children were all admitted free but at the
some time $12.00 was tuken in at the
door. This will be applied towards
decorating the inside of the sohool with
pio1uree, etc. Take it all in all it WAS
one of the moatauooeesful entertainments
ever held in the school and Mr. Cartie
deserves praise for the way everything
was planned and carried out.
Miss E da Mano is visiting relatives at
David Clark, 1611 Doti., has returned
from Manitoba.
Miae Minnie Battery has returned to
her borne on the 12th con.
Robb. Garnien, of Morris, was visiting
frieade in Grey last Sunday.
Misses Nellie and Maggie Brown, of
Logan, Sundayed on the 15th.
Mise Maggie Patterson is bank home
after spending the Summer on the 12th.
Geo, and Mrs. Rogers, of Fullerton,
were the guests of R. Robertson last
Mrs. O. Love, 14th con., who has been
ill with inflammation, is, we are glad to
hear, roaovering.
Next meeting of Grey Township Conn.
oil will be held on Thursday, 16111 inst.,
to prepare Financial statement and at.
tend to other business,
Mrs. Marsden Smith and the Misses
Gusaie and Martha, ate their Tbankegiv-
ing dinner at Loftus Stark's, Seaforth.
Mre. Stark is a daughter of Para. Smith's.
Will. MoTaggart and sister and Mies
Amelia Whitfield, 14th con., apeut
Thanksgiving at Hespeler, ab Joel and
Levi Panabaksr'e, formerly of Grey.
They also visited at Preston.
Mra. Harry Atwood and baby, and
Wm. Bateman were visiting Joettaa
Bateman and wife, of Stratford, during
the past week. Mrs. Bateman was
away at Toronto visiting her daughter.
The regular monthly meeting of the
"Kiug'a Workers" Sewing Society was
held at the home of the President, Mrs.
P. Ritabie, on Thursday, Nov. 24th. d
box of olobhing was peaked and sent to
Toronto to be distributed among the poor
of that oily. The members of the So.
piety desire to thank all who contributed
in aiding the work.
There is a rumour that Reeve Straoban
heteuda retiring from the Reeveahip of
Grey, after a long and faithful tenure of
aloe, If he does your oorrespondent
would like to see ex•Depnty Reeve Turn.
bull planed in the Reeve's oheir. Ha has
bad several pare of experience both in
the township and Co, Councils and would
make a flret•olase Ibeeve. Gray will
make a good oboiae if they sleet Mr.
Our farming friends will be glad to
hear that pmt boles can be bored so ostler
now it hard ground. The "Oat of Sight"
poet hole auger wan put to a good Leet on
Henry Speiran'a farm one day Maio week.
Mr, Stamen said that it was a di93cult
matter for a man to dig 28 holes in a day
with the spade, an 1110 plaoe. We believe
that Mr. Richmond bored him 84 holes,
8} feet deep, in about 11 houreo, with the
above anger. Mr. Speiran hoe purslasod
ORO ot the augers end he seems to speak
very highly of tho work that wan done on
hie plane,
Si in Advance
TO /900,
W. H. KERR, Prop,
Miae Martha Laing, formerly of Grey,
bat now visiting with her sister, lvfre, 13,
0, Ogden, of Pittsburg, Pa., is going to
visit with relatives of Mrs, Ogden, in the
S'a'e Of West Virginia and Pastern
Miss Lizzie E. Strachan has been en.
gaged aea teacher in the Elmwood public
school for next year. Miss Btreohan
holds a 2nd oleos oertifieste and is a good
teaohsr. Elmwood is in Bruce county.
We wish her animas.
Wm. Lake has leased his 100 acre farm
to John Brown for a term of 5 yearn and
will retire trona farming next Spring.
Mn. Lake is an old end worthy resident
(laving lived here for 88 years. We
will be Berry to see Mr. Lake and family
remove from this locality. Justice Lake
will likely go to Manitoba in the Spring,
On Wednesday of this week Mrs. Joe,
Coombes presented her husband with a
valuable gold watch and chain. The
ease ie beautifully °arved and the move-
ment is a Crescent Street, 17 ruby jewels
in gold settings, oompenaation balance
adjusted to heat, cold and position, patent
regulator, hardened bregnet hair spring
with double suck dial, manofaatored by
the Waltham Watch Co. and sold by T.
Fletcher, jeweler.
A story is told of the late Mrs. Wood.
burn that when she and her son, Peter
Biehap, were mowing geese long years
ago on the homestead, on the 5th con., a
pheasant was eightsd. 11r. Bishop hal a
gun but the look would not work so the
,good lady secured an iron harrow tooth
and while her son took aim she bit the
sap and down came the bird. It took a
good sportsman to capture game under
the above conditions but the story is trne
nevertheless, as may be aseertuined by
enquiry from Mr. Bishop.
OnaANlzsn.—On Thursday evening of
last week a meeting of the young people
of Roe's obnroh was held for the purpose
of re -organizing the Epworth League for
the coming term, Rev. Mr. Hunter in the
chair. The following officars were elect•
ed :.—President, Mise Bella Miller ; 1st
Vice -President, Mise Emmeline Ma.
Quarris ; 2nd Vice, Mies Susie Baynard ;
3rd Vice, Mies Charlotte Mannte ; 4th
Vice, Mies Annie MoQuarrie ; Recording-
Seoretary, Alex. Roe ; Treasurer, John
Bryan ; organist, dies Rebecca Snaith.Revds, Messrs. Yelland end Hunter are
Honorary Presidents. The League meets
on Thursday evening of each week.
Box SoorsL —A big crowd, a jolly
time and a good program would be a re•
port in brief of the Box Social held at E.
J. MoArthur's last Monday evening.
Reeve Straoban took the ohair and a
musical and literary program was ren•
dared, in which Rev. Jno. Roca, B. A.,
gave an address ; J. Curtis a reading ;
D. Straoban and Miss May, a duet ;
Miseee Taylor and Straoban and Messrs.
Strachan and Mermuehlin, a quartette ;
Bolos by Miss Laura Smith, Jae. Thom
son, Mise Forbes and others ; instru-
mental magna by Alex. Lamont, W. J.
McCracken, Miss Lizzie Sample, The
proceeds amounted to nearly $16.00,
which will be applied on Sabbath School
supplies. Err. and Mrs. McArthur and
family were most attentive to their many
guests. There are a few young gents
that were nearly captured by the bevy of
Brussels girls present. They may re-
cover with the exeroiee of pare.
following note to the editor of Tam Pose
from Reeve Strachan explains itself :—
Nov. 11th my name is mentioned as be-
ing a candidate for the office of County
Coanoillar in this division. To avoid any
misnnderetanding in regard to this mat-
ter, I beg to state that I am not a candi-
date at the next election for any menial:
goal office, Werra friende have urged me
strongly when I intimated that I am not
a candidate for Reeve of this Townebip
that I ebould allow myself to be nominat-
ed for County Oonnoillor, bnt, while
tendering my earnest and sincere thanks
to my friends for their intended kindness,
I have resolved to retire from municipal
politics. Yours trnly,
Reeve Township of Grey.
Townebip of Grey, Nov. 22nd, '98.
Reeve Sereahau IMO had a long and use.
tel reign in Grey township in the position
of Reeve and at the Oaanty Council at-
tained to the highest booms by hie eleo•
tion to the Warden's their ohair. Mr.
Strachan is getting up in veers but is a
vigorous man yet and has in this
year demonstrated his ability to attend
to a large share of work.
day a moat worthy resident in the person
of Tbos. MoFarlane, of the 2nd oou. of
Grey, passed away to the Great Beyond,
aged 78 years. His decease wee not an
unexpected event as be had been poorly
for abonb a year with dropsy but was
able to get abonb until 2 months ago.
Mr. MoFarlane was born in Scotland and
oame to Canada 56 or 57 yeare sinoe. On
the 4th con, of taborne townahip, in title
County, be took up land and continued to
reside there until 19 years ago when he
purchased 160 sores from Danoan Mc-
Donald upon which he lived up to the
time of his decease. Mrs. McFarlane
was Miss Mary Lowe, of Grey township,
and died 1878. Three sons, Alexander,
of Tuscola County, Michigan ; George,
on the homestead, and Peter, a miller in
Wroxeter • and three daughters, Mrs. T.
Carling, of Clinton ; Mrs. D. Riobardson,
415 con„ Grey and Mrs. M. Fraser, 2nd
con„ Grey, survive, The subbed of this
notice bad been a very hearty and healthy
peraou as will be nnderetood by the state-
ment that last April was the first time he
bad a physician waiting on him in his
long life. He was a Presbyterian fn
religion ; a Liberal in polities and very
highly esteemed by his neighbors and
friende. The funeral took place on i41on•
day afternoon. Rev. Mr. Ballantyne, of
Molesworth, oondnoted the 'envio0 and
the interment was mads in the Boundary
cemetery. Aire, John Stewart, of flen-
eall, is a sister to Mr. MoFarlane,
W. Duncan, hardware nierohant, rat
Wanstead, Wag awakened ley a masked
burglar and forced to opsin his gate for
the visitor, who tools all the money it
contained attd Mr. Dunoan's gold watch
and diaappearod.
Miee Tucker spent Sunday ab bee home
in Wingham.
The boys and girls were enjoying them.
gel yes on Monday evening skating on the
Mrs, Wynees left on Thanksgiving
Day to visit Mende in Forges for a shore
A large number from bare attended the
Confirmation sarvioea in Genie on Sun•
day haat.
Mies Howes, of Harriston, has la en
engaged to teach the junior department
of one school for the ensuing year for
No servioe was held in any of the
churches here on Thanksgiving day.
The stores were open and bueinees was
carried on ae usual,
Mies E. Little, the efficient teaober of
the junior department of our school,
visited under the parental roof in Wal-
lace, on Thanksgiving day.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Stanway,
an old resident of this place, took plane
on Monday at 2,30, p. m., Rev. A. B.
Feeney conducting the service.
Mise Downey was holidaying at Bur-
Fred. Rogerson, of Constant's, Sunday -
ed in Brussels.
Bert, Johnston ate his Thanksgiving
dinner in Seaforth.
Eph. Downing hag resumed work on
the stuff of the Goderioh Star.
Mies Nina Tamin, of Blyth, is visiting
Mrs. James Burgess, her sister.
Will. Stewed spent a few days at Oak-
ville. It begins to look serious.
David Moore, jr., and Lorne Pringle
spent Thanksgiving day in Wingham.
Mies Armstrong, milliner, was visiting
in Wiugbam on Thursday of.last week.
Daniel TAMS, of Bluevale, spent
Thanksgiving day with friends in town.
Barrister Blair, Mrs. Blair and 'Wilfrid
were visiting in Goderioh during the past
Mrs. Geo. E. Dane, of Hamilton, is
the guest of Mrs. Jae. Fox, Sense's, this
Mrs. 13. Gerry spent Monday in See,
forth with her daughter, Mrs. W. H,
T. Fletcher and Mra. Fletcher spent
Thanksgiving day with relatives is
Mre, John Hayoroft left on Monday
for an extended visit with her daughter,
Mrs. D. Ferguson.
Mrs. W. Neal and daughter, of Walton,
were the guests of Mrs. B. Strachan on
Thanksgiving Day.
James Walker, of Wingham, was in
town for a few days this week closing up
Boma business matters.
R. 11o00E may go to Minnesota to par.
chase a rape horse for an Austrian sports•
man if the animal is for sale.
Wm. Blasbill is on the lay up owing to
a swelling in one of Mie limbs. It is to
be hoped it is only temporary.
?diesels Oora and Zetta Ferguson, of
Teeswater, were visiting relatives and,
friends in Brussels and locality.
Ira Gerry was eleoted Treaenrer of the
Seaforth Collegiate Institute Literary
Society. He was one on the blue ticket.
Mies Maggie MoLanahlin, who wag
home to Wingham to attend the funeral
of bar father, has returned to New York.
Mies Maggio MoNaughton and Mies
Jean Ritchie spent the Thanksgiving
holidays in Toronto and enjoyed a good
Ino. FRiton, blacksmith, who spent
part of the Summer in Manitoba, arrived
bank this week. He enjoyed his trip very
George Cardiff is bothered for bbe pest
week with a carbuncle on the back of his
nook that ia by no means an agreeable
Hilton Hunter, of the Palmerston Re-
porter staff, was home for a brief holiday.
He is the youngest son of Division Court
Clerk Hunter.
Mrs. Wm. Blasbill and Blies Ida were
holidaying at Glencoe dicing the past
week. Mrs. Stevenson, Mrs. Blasbill's
sister, resides there.
Mrs. Robb. Parker and daughter, Aire.
Wm. Vipond, of Elena, spent Thanks-
gtvieg Day at Thos. Corry's. Mrs. Par-
ker is Aire. Curry's mother.
Airs. Joseph Pugh and son Paul, of
Binevale, were visiting at Victoria Cot-
tage on Thankagiving Day. Mrs. Pugh ie
a daughter of Rev. Mr. Paul's.
A. I. McCall, druggist, of Onetime,
was in Brussels for a short time this
Week. Mr. McCall is well satisfied with
Chatham and his rapidly growing brei.
Peter Hogg arrived back to town on
Monday from Morden, Mao., where he
had been for the past 2 months purahaa.
ing flax seed. Mr. Hogg Bays he had a
fleet rate time and gained 18 pounds dur-
ing his stay in the West.
Colin McArthur and Will. Mosier are
home from their trip to the Old Country.
They went by Montreal and Dame bank
by New York. They spent a good ebare
of their time in seeing the sights of
London. The ooean voyage was none
of the smoothest.
Art. Wake, who has been employed as
painter in the Chatham Carriage Works,
ie visiting in town for a short time. He
will return to Methane. W. J. Wake
bea dropped the painting business for
the Winter on a0000nt of it not agreeing
with hie health and will employ himaeif
at the tonsorial art, in Owen Senna.
MR. &la0ALLuat s:o LuAVE.—The Strat-
ford Herald of Tuesday says :—A change
is announced to have taken plane at the
G. T. R. yards here, whereby Dungan
MoCallum, who has been yardmaster for
upwards of a year, has been transferred
to Kincardine, where he will lake the
plans of Conductor Halfpenny oh the run
between that town and Palmerston. 1t
was at the request of Mt. McCallum theta
that change was made, as through ill•
health he has been unable to perform his
duties as yardmaster. The change will
probably come into effect 00 Thursday,
and, as a result of it, thorn will be certain
other oliangee in the management of
affairs ut the dation which have not as
yet been definitely announced,